:but:Hey Guys...Hazy is projecting her dreams into the forum again...
Real Funny, Grievs! Lol
:but:Hey Guys...Hazy is projecting her dreams into the forum again...
Head too square. Fucks up her JawAin't that the truth...
A random photo of Emma before Asuka ruins her face at TLC which I know is off topic
I've witnessed how REAL IT STILL IS TO THEM, DAMNIT! maaaanu tiiiimes. It's hilarious.That's quite an assumption. I don't think it's anything to do with 'affordability'. Trust me, people have cash (not the majority, but neither is that the case in ANY country). The India you see on media is quite different to the one in reality.
The thing is, we get Live Smackdown and Raw + PPVs(delayed by like 12 hours which works for the timezone too) the network offers, via a cable channel that WWE has a deal with. So unless you're a super hardcore fan, no you're not getting the network. Because you just simply don't need to.
Social Media numbers are high because outside of China, India has the biggest population and since China has an iron curtain up as far as social media is concerned India's presence is much bigger.
That said, I do agree with your original point that it's a failed experiment, and the reason is simple. Wrestling fans in India (are generally) marks for the top guy. So have John Cena win the title off of Jinder, they'll love it. They're happy there's an Indian champion but at the same time, it's not a 'top' guy or a face. They take that shit seriously.
Like you wouldn't believe.
.......Someone brought up an interesting point... When was there a feud in WWE that sucked this much?
I thought the worst feud of last year was Owens/Jericho vs Rollins/Reigns, this is worse than that... Much worse than Titus vs Darren Young like Meltzer said it was (though I have a bit of rose tinted glasses)... 2015 had the Dolphin Lana bullshit that most people would easily call worse but that had Rusev... you could argue the Reigns feud, and I'd think it's damn close if you count the Hashtag Divas Revolution as a feud... Do we have to go back to Brie vs Nikki Bella to find this level of suck in a feud? This is scraping the bottom of the barrel here
Only thing I can think of is..
Vince is desperate. Fans are prob getting bored and instead of coming up with something awsome, He came up with the most lamest match. COME ON VINCE, THINK ALREADY!! He should put up something on the internet where the fans can come up with whatever Wrestling Matches they would want to see happen. IMO
I bet you wouldn't mind finding out...by getting to be the one holding the paint brush right Hazy?Side note... I wonder how long it must take to put on that "Balor Demon" Paint.
:emoji_wink: lolI bet you wouldn't mind finding out...by getting to be the one holding the paint brush right Hazy?