WWU-World Wrestling United

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The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main Event. Matches were short but real nice, and the main event was the most interesting of them, altough I expected a tad more from HBK and Austin.

WM: Vader vs Jeff Hardy. Basic squash, lol that you selected Jeff to be jobbed.

BP: The Rock was on fire throught the entire show. Now I understand why you have him in your sig. This is his show, and you handle his character perfectly, as his promos were awesome. HBK and Austin were good in the opening one as well.

WP: None, maybe Kennedy was a little off in his.

AC: Instead of WWU, this should be just called The Rock Show. The Rock alone made for this show, altough action and other feuds were interesting as well. I think Kane competing and then inmediately coming out to attack Savage was a little weird. Nice work nonetheless with the show, keep up the good work.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Rock promo: Was good throughout, The Rock was my favourite though during this promo. Nice finish with Flair stealing a few catch phrases lol.

Angle vs Kane: Meh, this could be really good, but you had a commercial interruption, and the match moved on too quickly imo.

Savage vs Punk: Kane interference is interesting, but once again this match is too short imo.

Rock promo: Very in character. He’s told too people it doesn’t matter so far tonight lol. Anyway, good promo.

Kennedy vs Kingston: Another shortish match interrupted by an ad break. Alright finish to the match.

Kennedy promo: Once again, greatly in character. Your promos are definitely your specialty.

AJ vs Rey: I just can’t see the ending happening sorry. It was alright action leading up to this.

RVD promo: Big match announcement that was expected lol. Once again, in character well.

LAX vs The Wild Samoans: Sudden finish with the upset is interesting. Still the match was short, and I can’t really seeing Hernandez just quickly getting Afa up for the Border Toss.

HBK promo: Short but effective. Got across what needed to be said.

Jeff Hardy vs Vader: I know Vader was great, but I am disappointed you had Jeff squashed.

HBK vs Steve Austin: Thought it would be a bit longer seen as how it was your main event. The finishing sequence was great though, and this makes for an interesting rematch.

AC: Meh, I find commercial breaks annoying, as it skips some of the action. Your promos are awesome, especially with Rocky. Matches are short, but they have good finishes. I could see this BTB going a fair way.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: The Main event was very good. I liked how the match ended.
WM: Vader vs. Jeff Hardy- I'm suprided that Hardy had to job.
BP: The Rock promos- you can just channel him perfectly.
WP: The RVD promo seemed a little off.
AC: I found it funny that HNK called SCSA a rookie, Austin's been wrestling nearly as long as HBK has... This was my first show reading and it was very good, the show was the perfect length... I'll be sure to check out the next show...
Plug: I welcome you to check out my BTB POI Wrestling.

Moonlight Drive


Friday Night Thunder
Episode 1
September 13, 2008




Joey: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first edition of Friday Night Thunder! I’m here with my broadcast partner, John Bradshaw Layfield1

JBL: Shh Joe, we’re about to be graced with the presence of none other than the GM of this show, Shane McMahon!

Shane O’Mac struts down to the ring with a briefcase in hand to great heat

Shane: Now people, I’m going to make this short, but ever so sweet, because frankly I don’t like getting this close to animals. Thunder is without a champion, something that will be immediately fixed at Bad Blood. We are going to have two 6 Man Battle Royals, which each man will have to qualify for, with the respective winners going onto Bad Blood to face off for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Shane opens the briefcase and displays the classic Big Gold Belt. He lays it on the announcers table at ringside

Shane: Let’s get going shall we?

‘The Game’ hit’s the speakers as Triple H comes down to the ring

Battle Royal #1 Qualifying Match
Triple H VS Cody Rhodes

Triple H starts off with a headlock takedown, before slapping the head of Rhodes. Triple H laughs until Rhodes charges and tackles him down, before delivering repeated punches to the skull. Rhodes jumps up to huge cheers, before playing for the crowd, which allows the veteran Triple H to nail a big neck breaker

JBL: A rookie mistake! Never turn your back on the Cerebral Assassin!

Triple H covers for a 2 count before putting young Cody in an Indian Deathlock. Rhodes reaches for the ropes but is pulled into the centre. He manages to launch some elbows ot the knee of Triple H, making him release the hold. Cody and Trips spring up and run, but Cody ducks a clothesline, only to be hit with a knee. Triple H does his signature taunt as he waits for Rhodes to get up

JBL: Pedigree time! Cody, this is what it takes to roll with the big boys!

Triple H hooks Rhodes in, but gets back dropped!! Cody snaps back up and climbs to the top rope. He flies off for a cross body, but Triple H dodges. Rhodes gets up and is hit with a Pedigree

Triple H wins by pinfall
Advancing to Battle Royal #1: Triple H

Triple h leaves as Cody gets up in the ring. Ted DiBiase Jr. comes out on the ramp to huge boos.

Ted: See folks, I shouldn’t be here right now. But I thought I’d brighten up your dull, poor lives with an early appearance from me, you people must be so excited. Let me say, Cody Rhodes does not represent us new crop of superstars, in fact, he is the bottom of the barrel. Whilst the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase Jr., is simply priceless. Cody, you can sit back and watch, because in a few moments, I’ll show you how you’re supposed to win a match!

--|Commercial Break|--

We come back to see Ted in the ring getting ready for his match as we hear Jay Lethal’s music.

Battle Royal #1 Qualifying Match
Ted DiBiase Jr. VS Jay Lethal

DiBiase says ‘I’ll show you Cody’ laughingly as he slides under the bottom rope. He grabs a steel chair from under the ring as Lethal is still making his way to the ring. Ted slams it into Jay’s unsuspecting gut, before whacking it across his head. Lethal is pulled up by the skull and dropped face-first onto the steel steps, before being DDTed on the ramp way.

Joey: This is sick!

JBL: No Joey you little woman, this is PRICELESS!

Ted tosses a bloody and battered Jay Lethal into the ring. He mocks him a bit before pulling him up, Jay hitting a big elbow to the gut! Lethal has him in position for the Lethal Combination-but Ted reverses into the Million Dollar Dream! Lethal can’t get out and taps.

Ted DiBiase Jr. wins by submission
Advancing to Battle Royal #1: Ted DiBiase Jr.

JBL: See Cody Rhodes? THAT is how you win a match

Joey: No John, that’s how you rob the fans of great competition

JBL: And as usual, DiBiase ends up with all the cash

--|Bad Blood advertisement|--

The Pacific Champion, Edge, walks down to the ring to huge heat

Edge: Haha, you know what? You people can boo me all you want, but I don’t care. Christian came up short at Retribution, and the Ultimate Opportunist cashed in on another opportunity!


Edge: I am the Rated R Superstar, and I do what it takes to win, and keep this gold around my beautiful waist. I am a former WWE Champion, and it’s about time people recognised it’s time for me to step up to the Mai-

Christian’s music hits and he struts onto the ramp to a big pop

Christian: Edge, you rant on about being the Ultimate Opportunist, the Rated R Superstar, but all of this is just a cover for your own self-doubt. You cheated on Sunday because deep down, you know Edge, you know you can’t beat your own brother 1, 2, 3!

Edge: Shut up! Shut up! Christian, you’ve always lived in my shadow and that is how it’s going to stay! I am the Pacific Champion, the Rated R Superstar-

Christian: We’ve all heard your monikers Edge. We’ve heard you recite them over and over again! And me and all of these fans are sick of it!


Christian: You think you can beat me fairly? Well why don’t you beat your title where your mouth is, and give me a re-match!

Edge: No! No Way!


Christian: I get it brother. You’re scared of having your baby brother beating you in the middle of the ring!

Edge: No I’m not! Alright you’ve got your match!


Edge: But I choose where and I choose when!

Christian: You’re on!

Big pop as Edge and Christian stare down as we go to commercial

--|Commercial Break|--

Battle Royal #1 Qualifying Match
Cruiserweight Coalition (Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero w/Dean Malenko) VS Cruiserweight Champion, X-Pac & Matt Hardy

JBL: The Cruiserweight Coalition got a big tag win at Retribution, and the future Cruiserweight Champion could become world champion at Bad Blood if he wins this match!

Joey: That’s if he can get through the current champion and Matt Hardy!

Match-up begins with Matt Hardy locking up with Chavo Guerrero. Chavo knees Matt to the gut and throws him to the ropes, only to have Hardy dodge a dropkick and nail him with a big clothesline. Matt drags Guerrero to the corner and tags in X-Pac, who begins to stomp on him. The referee forces X-Pac away and as he checks on Chavo, Malenko runs in the ring and delivers a forearm to the back of X-Pac’s head before quickly sliding back out

JBL: What great teamwork!

Joey: But that was an illegal move!

JBL: Styles, I’m pretty sure you’ve never had any friends, so you wouldn’t know, but friends look out for each other, which is exactly what Dean did for Chavo.

Joey: John I’ve had pl-

JBL: Styles your mommy and your pet rat do not count as friends

Chavo pulls X-Pac over to the corner and tags in Eddie, the two stomping on him in the bottom turnbuckle. The referee is instructing the two to back off when Dean comes and starts choking X-Pac. Eddie walks back over and climbs to the top rope. X-Pac is getting to his feet when he shakes the ropes and makes Eddie straddle them. He then leaps up and delivers the X-Factor from the top rope! 1, 2, 3!

Cruiserweight Champion, X-Pac & Matt Hardy win by pinfall
Advancing to Battle Royal #1: X-Pac & Matt Hardy

X-Pac and Matt celebrate when suddenly Dean Malenko comes up behind and delivers belt shots to both. Matt falls out of the ring leaving X-Pac alone with the Cruiserweight Coalition. They proceed to deliver a 3-on-1 assault, finished off with a Frog Splash by Eddie. They celebrate in the ring over the champion’s battered body.

JBL: X-Pac may have won this battle, but the Cruiserweight Coalition is going to win the war at Bad Blood!


We go backstage and see Londrick talking to a big pop. Suddenly, The Dudleys walk in

London: And what do you fat boys want?

Bubba Ray: Look, I’m gonna make this short and sweet. Me and D-Von have got a point to prove, and next week you’re gonna be our tackling dummies

Kendrick: That’s if you 300 pound tubs of lard can catch us

Bubba is held back by D-Von as the two leave, Londrick smiling

--|Commercial Break|--

Battle Royal #1 Qualifying Match
Bret Hart VS Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho comes to the ring visibly battered and bruised from his ladder match on Sunday. Hart comes out visibly pissed off

JBL: I don’t think the Hitman is too happy after losing his shot at the WWU Championship on Sunday

Jericho tries to lock-up with Hart, who just delivers a stiff right hand. Hart now relentlessly stomps on Chris, until he is forced away. Jericho is still in a lot of pain from the ladder match, clutching at his back. Bret pulls Chris by the hair and slams his back of the head onto the mat. Bret drops his knee onto Chris’s back multiple times, before giving him a second rope elbow to the spine

Joey: Hart is being vicious tonight, that loss has done things to his head

JBL: Good things Joey, Bret Hart is bigger and badder than ever!

Hart now puts Jericho in the Sharpshooter, but Chris gets to the ropes screaming in pain. But Hart doesn’t release the hold! The referee counts to 5 and Hart still has the hold locked in, causing a disqualification

Chris Jericho wins by DQ
Advancing to Battle Royal #1: Chris Jericho

Hart release an ailing Jericho and storms out of the ring

JBL: Bret Hart’s new attitude could be what secures him the top seed here on Thunder!

--Retribution video package--

MVP saunters down to the ring to big heat

MVP: You people can save your boos for somebody else, they will not affect me, because simply, I am BETTER than all of YOU! Now I am out here to state one simple fact; I am the highest paid athlete in the WWU, and Shane McMahon can’t even put me on the card? Next week, Montel Vontavious Porter is going to get inside that ring and prove why he is BETTER THAN YOU!

Porter walks out of the ring as we go to commercial

--|Commercial Break|--

Brock Lesnar & Diesel & Samoa Joe VS John Cena & Big Show & Razor Ramon

Joey: This match-up is definitely show-casing some of Thunder’s best talent, 2 returning superstars, 3 WWU veterans and 1 exciting newcomer!
The match begins with Diesel and Razor Ramon. Diesel hit’s a big clothesline right off the bat, but Razor dodges a leg drop. When they get up Razor tries to lift up Diesel for the Razor’s Edge-but Diesel back drops him! Diesel walks over and tags in Samoa Joe. Ramon is up though and sends Joe back into the corner, only to run straight into an STJoe!

JBL: What a devastating move by the Samoan Submission Machine!

Joey: He isn’t a former tag team champion for nothing!

Joe lifts Razor up and throws him to the ropes, before hitting a big belly-to-belly suplex. Samoa Joe tags in Lesnar, who pulls Razor up for an F5. Razor wriggles off though and tags in Big Show to a big pop (no pun intended J). Show goes wild with right hands and big boots, until Brock manages to hit him with a big clothesline, forcing Show into the corner. Lesnar tags Joe in while Show tags in Cena.

Joey: John Cena making his first in-ring appearance here in the WWU!

Cena hit’s a big flying shoulder block on Joe, followed by another, then a spinning power bomb. Here it is-Five Knuckle Shuffle!! John pulls up Joe for the FU, but Joe gets out and puts Cena in the Coquina Clutch! Cena struggles in the hold until Big Show comes through with a big boot to the skull of Joe. Diesel comes through and takes Show out of the ring with a clothesline, followed by Razor dropkicking Diesel out. Lesnar comes through and takes himself and Razor through the ropes. Cena is on his knees as Joe waits for him, but he gets caught in the STFU!! Joe taps out!

John Cena & Razor Ramon & Big Show win by pinfall

JBL: John Cena has made a great debut, but I don’t think Samoa Joe is going to forget this!

Joe is irate in the ring as Cena celebrates with the crowd

--|Commercial Break|--

Mr. Perfect is in the ring as we come back from commercial

Perfect: People, people, I suggest you stand up and pull out your cameras, because perfection has arrived here in the WWU!


Perfect: Now, you people are probably going to get sick of this, but I don’t really care, since I am perfect! And I’m going to prove this right now, with the first instalment of Mr. Perfect’s Perfect Challenge! Is there anyone backstage who thinks they can stand up to perfection?

Christian’s music hits and he comes down to the ring to a big pop

JBL: What a fool, Christian cannot measure up to Mr. Perfect!

Mr. Perfect’s Perfect Challenge
Mr. Perfect VS Christian

Perfect takes Christian down to the mat, and puts him in an armbar. Christian rolls through and dropkicks Mr. Perfect straight in the jaw. Perfect falls onto the turnbuckle and Christian goes for a running spear in the corner, but Perfect moves and Christian goes shoulder first into the ringpost. Mr. Perfect pulls him out and hit’s a big snap suplex. Christian gets up quickly and runs into a neck breaker. Mr. Perfect is about to go for the Perfect-Plex, but Christian counters into a DDT. Perfect lays under the bottom rope and the referee goes to check on him, when Edge comes down to ringside! He pulls Christian’s head onto the top rope and Christian tumbles to the mat. Mr. Perfect gets up, playing possum, and nails a Perfect-Plex for the 3 count

Mr. Perfect wins by pinfall

Perfect laughs as he leaves, and Edge sits in the corner. He charges and this a big spear on Christian. He grabs a mic

Edge: You want a match brother? You got it, at Saturday Nights Main event, if you can make it till then!

Edge lays his championship belt under Christian’s skull before grabbing a steel chair-and delivering a vicious Con-Chair-to!

JBL: Christian will get his match, but if Edge gets his way, his baby brother won’t make it to Saturday Nights Main Event!

--|Commercial Break|--

Main Event
Battle Royal #1 Qualifying Match
Randy Orton VS Mr. Money in the Bank, Shelton Benjamin

Joey: Who will join Ted DiBiase Jr., Triple H, X-Pac, Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho in the first Battle Royal?

JBL: It’s a no-brainer, Benjamin’s legend is going to be killed before it even begins!

Shelton hit’s a big dragon whip on Orton. Shelton waits for Randy to get up, but he has his big sidekick dodged, before being hit with an inverted backbreaker. Randy begins his signatue stomp around Benjamin, before he has a big knee drop avoided. He gets up and is met by a jumping forearm by Shelton. Benjamin tries to throw Randy to the turnbuckle, but he gets countered and tossed into them himself. But Shelton jump onto the top turnbuckle in one leap!

Joey: What athleticism by Mr. Money in the Bank!

Shelton is perched on the top rope, when Randy comes up behind him and hit’s a huge neck breaker off the top rope!! One, Two-No! Benjamin got the rope! Orton is really angry and waits for Shelton to get up before attempting an RKO-only to have Benjamin drop him flat on his back! Benjamin gets ready for the springboard-but Randy gets him with the RKO in mid-air!! 1, 2, 3!

Randy Orton wins by pinfall
Advancing to Battle Royal #1: Randy Orton

We hear the infamous gongs and the lights go out!! We can see the lights flashing on and off, and Orton is petrified in the ring. Once again it goes dark and when it flashes back, Orton is in the ring with Undertakers hand around his throat!

Joey: The Deadman is here!

Undertaker lifts him up-and drills him with a choke slam!! Undertaker goes down onto one knee and taunts before motioning to the World Heavyweight Championship at ringside

JBL: The Deadman is here indeed Joey, and I think we all know why!


Dynamite & Thunder present
Saturday Nights Main Event
September 21, 2008

Main Event
WWU Championship
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels IV

United States Championship Tournament
Kurt Angle VS Mr. Kennedy

United States Championship Tournament
CM Punk/John Morrison VS Vader/Mick foley

Pacific Championship
Edge (c) VS Christian


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: The 6 man tag- it was the most action packed
WM: Ted vs. Lethal- squash
BP: Edge/Christian- It was all in character
WP: N/A- they were all good
AC: As far as I know I don't think that we can have dead people in BTB's here so from now on you probably shouldn't use Mr. Perfect. I liked this show, it was an eazy read.
SMME Predictions: Rock, Angle, Punk/Morrison, and Edge all win.
Plug: Check out POI Episode 19 this weekend.

Moonlight Drive

The day is Sunday, September 16, 2008. The WWU suffers a major financial loss, and is forced to shut down. But Shane decides to hold one last show, in front of 90,000 fans in Madison Square Garden, free for everyone on PPV, the WWU proudly presents

WWU Farewell Show
A 5 Hour Spectacular!!

Main Event
WWU Championship
60 Minute Ironman Match
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Last Man Standing
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Kurt Angle

MITB On the Line
6-Man Ladder match
Shelton Benjamin (c) VS Chris Jericho VS Rey Mysterio VS AJ Styles VS Eddie Guerrero VS CM Punk

Interpromotional Match
Mr. Perfect VS Ric Flair

Interpromotional Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Bret Hart

Hell in a Cell
Undertaker VS Randy Orton

Edge VS John Cena

World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Turmoil
LAX VS The Wild Samoans (c) VS The Road Warriors VS The Hardy Boyz VS Londrick

Randy Savage VS Mr. Kennedy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

15 Man Mini Royal Rumble
Kane, Mick Foley, Goldberg, Vader, Kofi Kingston, Brock Lesnar, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, MVP, Big Show, Dean Malenko, Jay Lethal, Mystery superstar


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
WWU Farewell Show
A 5 Hour Spectacular!!

Main Event
WWU Championship
60 Minute Ironman Match
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Last Man Standing
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Kurt Angle

MITB On the Line
6-Man Ladder match
Shelton Benjamin (c) VS Chris Jericho VS Rey Mysterio VS AJ Styles VS Eddie Guerrero VS CM Punk

Interpromotional Match
Mr. Perfect VS Ric Flair

Interpromotional Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Bret Hart

Hell in a Cell
Undertaker VS Randy Orton

Edge VS John Cena

World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Turmoil
LAX VS The Wild Samoans (c) VS The Road Warriors VS The Hardy Boyz VS Londrick

Randy Savage VS Mr. Kennedy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

15 Man Mini Royal Rumble
Kane, Mick Foley, Goldberg, Vader, Kofi Kingston, Brock Lesnar, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, MVP, Big Show, Dean Malenko, Jay Lethal, Mystery superstar

CT Styles

5 hours?!:shock: Geez, that's too long, anyway I'll see what you can do.

WWU Farewell Show
A 5 Hour Spectacular!!

Main Event
WWU Championship
60 Minute Ironman Match
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Last Man Standing
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Kurt Angle

MITB On the Line
6-Man Ladder match
Shelton Benjamin (c) VS Chris Jericho VS Rey Mysterio VS AJ Styles VS Eddie Guerrero VS CM Punk

Interpromotional Match
Mr. Perfect VS Ric Flair

Interpromotional Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Bret Hart

Hell in a Cell
Undertaker VS Randy Orton

Edge VS John Cena

World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Turmoil
LAX VS The Wild Samoans (c) VS The Road Warriors VS The Hardy Boyz VS Londrick

Randy Savage
VS Mr. Kennedy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

15 Man Mini Royal Rumble
Kane, Mick Foley, Goldberg, Vader, Kofi Kingston, Brock Lesnar, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, MVP, Big Show, Dean Malenko, Jay Lethal, Mystery superstar

I just have one question. If it's a final show, why do you have the MITB on the line as well as a Royal Rumble?

Moonlight Drive

Meh, it's just a mini royal rumble. Just a battle royal really, I was trying to fit everyone on the card. And yeah, 5 hours is long, but I wanted to go out with a bang :)
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
cant wait to check out the Supershow and anyway here are my predictions:

15 Man Mini Royal Rumble
Kane, Mick Foley, Goldberg, Vader, Kofi Kingston, Brock Lesnar, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, MVP, Big Show, Dean Malenko, Jay Lethal, Mystery superstar

Samoa Joe vs Christian

Randy Savage vs Mr Kennedy

World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Turmoil
LAX VS The Wild Samoans (c) VS The Road Warriors VS The Hardy Boyz VS Londrick

Edge vs John Cena

Hell In A Cell
Undertaker vs Randy Orton

Interpromotional Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Bret Hart

Interpromotional Match
Mr. Perfect VS Ric Flair

MITB On the Line
6-Man Ladder match
Shelton Benjamin (c) VS Chris Jericho VS Rey Mysterio VS AJ Styles VS Eddie Guerrero VS CM Punk

Intercontinental Championship
Last Man Standing
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Kurt Angle

Main Event
WWU Championship
60 Minute Ironman Match
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Main Event
WWU Championship
60 Minute Ironman Match
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Last Man Standing
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Kurt Angle

MITB On the Line
6-Man Ladder match
Shelton Benjamin (c) VS Chris Jericho VS Rey Mysterio VS AJ Styles VS Eddie Guerrero VS CM Punk

Interpromotional Match
Mr. Perfect VS Ric Flair

Interpromotional Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Bret Hart

Hell in a Cell
Undertaker VS Randy Orton

Edge VS John Cena

World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Turmoil
LAX VS The Wild Samoans (c) VS The Road Warriors VS The Hardy Boyz VS Londrick

Randy Savage VS Mr. Kennedy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

15 Man Mini Royal Rumble
Kane, Mick Foley, Goldberg, Vader, Kofi Kingston, Brock Lesnar, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, MVP, Big Show, Dean Malenko, Jay Lethal, Mystery superstar

Moonlight Drive

Thanks to everyone who left predictions but I've decided to scrap the farewell show. I'll be taking about a month-long break then coming back to this


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
I was looking forward to it aswell.

Moonlight Drive

WWU Power 10
September 9-16, 2008

(-) 1. The Rock-
Well who can deny the champion his throne? Rocky claimed the WWU Championship at Retribution, but will he prevail against his arch nemesis, Shawn Michaels, at Saturday Nights Main event?

(-) 2. Shawn Michaels-The former WWU Champion doesn’t slip far from the top with a strong showing on Monday night against Stone Cold

(-) 3. Randy Orton-Orton defeated the Undertaker at Retribution, and followed it up with a victory on Thunder over Mr. Money in the Bank, securing himself a spot in the first Battle Royal. Could this young man be the first World Heavyweight Champion?

(-) 4. Rob Van Dam-The Intercontinental Champion successfully defended his Intercontinental Championship against Chris Jericho, but will he have the same luck next Monday against Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles?

(-) 5. Kurt Angle-Angle took down the Big Red Machine at Retribution, then managed to get a victory over him on Dynamite

(-) 6. Stone Cold Steve Austin-Made an impressive return against Umaga, losing effort against HBK the following night

(-) 7. John Cena-Cena made an impressive debut also, making the former tag team champion Samoa Joe tap out on Thunder

(-) 8. Big Show-Show was on the end of two big wins this week, first over Brock Lesnar and then in a 6 Man tag

(-) 9. Cruiserweight Coalition-These 3 men toppled AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio & floored the Cruiserweight Champion on Thunder. Will this be X-Pac’s fate at Bad Blood?

(-) 10. Chris Jericho-He put up an incredible effort at Retribution, and beat the Hitman by DQ on Friday night. Can he win the Battle Royal #1 next week?

--Lack of colours due to me being on a different computer with some mouse issues. Sorry about that--



Monday Night Dynamite
Episode 34
September 17, 2008




JR: Hello folks and welcome once again to Monday Night Dynamite! We have a blockbuster of a show here tonight, and our Main event is sure to be a slobber-knocker!

King: That’s right JR, tonights show will blow you away, just 5 days before Saturday Nights Main Event!

The Rock walks down to the ring to a mass of boos, he just laughs it off as he enters the ring

The Rock: Finally….The Rock has come back…to once again whoop the candy ass of Shawn Michaels. Now, I know all you people in the stands like this guy, you grab your beer and your extra large t-shirts with his name across them, jump up and down like little girls and chant (puts on a high voice and bounces around like a blueberry) HBK! HBK!

A HBK chant starts

The Rock: My point exactly! You act as if Shawn Michaels is all high and mighty, as if he is the saviour for your dull lives! You cheer him, then go back to your trailers and beat off to his poster until you fall asleep with dreams of one day getting a life time supply of toasted cheese and chocolate sandwiches! But I, The Rock, don’t fall for that Sexy Boy crap, I am sorry, but I much prefer to eat out then have a piece of The People’s Stroodle like you people do, if you know what I mean

Big heat

The Rock: But I’ve had enough of discussing you people’s stupid fantasies, the reason I’m here is to reveal my partner for tonights Main Event…

We hear Mr. Kennedy’s music as he comes down to the ring to massive boos. Kennedy grabs a mic

Kennedy: Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, it is I, Mr. Kennedy, who will be beating the hell out the Heartbreak Kid later tonight!

Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes to the ring

HBK: You two can talk all you want to these fans, without getting to an actual point. The simple fact of the matter is, you two aren’t going to be walking out of the arena on both your feet after you meet my partner-

The Rock and Mr. Kennedy stand waiting for the revelation of HBK’s partner. Suddenly, Kurt Angle slides in behind both to a big pop! He hit’s The Rock in the back with a chair before taking Kennedy down and putting him in the ankle lock. Kennedy taps before Michaels comes to the ring, Angle and Michaels standing over both men

JR: Kurt Angle!

King: I hate to admit it, but Shawn actually has a chance of beating The Rock and Mr. Kennedy tonight

--|Commercial Break|--

United States Championship Tournament
CM Punk VS John Morrison

JR: I really like this young guy CM Punk, he put up a great showing against the legendary Randy Savage last week

King: But don’t forget about John Morrison, that guy is good. I remember when I had abs like that

JR: Sadly that seems to slip my memory Jerry

Punk tries to run at Morrison early but gets a knee to the gut. Morrison mounts Punk and starts to deliver some forearms. He tries a break-dancing leg drop but CM avoids it, before hitting a heel kick to John for a 2 count. Punk bounces back up and sends Morrison into the turnbuckle. He goes for his trademark knee, but Morrison avoids it and then snaps a neck breaker as Punk wanders away from the turnbuckle. He only gets a 2 count though, as Punk grabs the bottom rope. Morrison goes for the Moonlight Drive, but Punk counters into a suplex. CM goes onto the apron and hits his signature diving clothesline, then hit’s the GTS for the win!

CM Punk wins by pinfall
Advancing to the Semi-Finals: CM Punk

JR: Wow! So we know CM Punk is in, now who will he have to face? Vader or Mick Foley?

King: We’ll find out later tonight JR!


We are backstage with Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold: Now I’m sure all these great fans in this arena think Dynamite is the A-show. If I’m right, gimme a Hell Yeah!

Fans chant ‘Hell Yeah’

Stone Cold: But there’s a couple of superstars down on the Thunder roster that seem to think differently. So right now, I’m calling you out Thunder! At Saturday Nights Main event, you people bring one of your best to take on the Rattlesnake! And we’ll all find out who’s the A show, and that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!

--|Commercial Break|--

Homicide w/Hernandez VS World Tag Team Champion, Umaga w/Afa

JR: LAX got a win over The Wild Samoans last week, will they continue their winning ways?

Homicide comes to the ring with Hernandez by his side as Umaga does the same. Umaga immediately tees off on Homicide, visibly angry about last weeks shock loss to LAX. Homicide retaliates with some rights of his own, which wobbles the champion. Homicide comes off the ropes-and is hit with a big thrust kick to the ribs! As Homicide leans on the ropes, Umaga charges at him only to get back dropped down onto Afa! The ref gets to 6 as Umaga gets up, before Homicide comes flying from across the ring and dives onto both the tag team champions!

JR: The champions are on the back foot here, Homicide could get the victory here!

Homicide throws Umaga back in the ring, trying to hoist him up for the Gringo Killer. Umaga counters though, tossing Homicide over his head. Afa is on the outside and angry, smashing stuff at ringside. He hits Hernandez across the head with a television monitor, before climbing into the ring. He proceeds to attack Homicide, prompting a DQ

Homicide wins by disqualification

JR: Well Homicide just got another victory of The Wild Samoans!

King: I think he’s going to get more than he bargained for!

The Wild Samoans continue to attack Homicide, before placing him in the corner for the Samoan Wrecking Ball. Umaga goes for it, but Hernandez comes into the ring and hits him with a steel chair! He turns around and gets the chair thrust kicked into his skull, causing him to collapse. Afa climbs to the top rope and gives Hernandez the People’s Headbutt, as Umaga gets up groggily and gives Homicide a Samoan Spike!

JR: That was just disguting!

Ric Flair walks out onto the ramp to a big pop

Flair: I don’t know if you two savages can understand me, but I’ll tell you anyway. That is the second time LAX have gotten a victory of you two. Now, at Saturday Nights Main event, LAX will take on The Wild Samoans, and if the LAX win, they’ll get a tag team championship match the next night on Dynamite!!

JR: What a huge match-up!

--|Commercial Break|--

We come back to see Coach with Rob Van Dam

Coach: RVD, how do you feel about having to defend your championship against Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles tonight?

RVD: Laidback of course Coach. I’ve beaten guys who eat meals the size of Rey Mysterio for a snack, men three times both of their size and 9 times their weight. I’ve had this belt for 9 months, and this guys are no chance at beating me, because when you’re RVD, everything’s cool.

Coach: Alright champ, good luck

RVD: I don’t need luck. You should be giving that luck to Styles and Mysterio, they’re gonna need all of it to not be carried out tonight on a stretcher

JR: Triple Threat action just a little later on tonight!


Kofi Kingston VS Randy Savage

King: Last week Randy Savage was destroyed by Kane, can he bounce back tonight? Or will Kane make an impact once again on the Macho Man?

Kingston and Savage circle each other in the ring. Kingston goes for a dropkick but Savage dodges. Kofi spins back around and is backed into the corner with heavy elbow strikes. Randy goes to the other side of the ring and charges for a clothesline, but Kingston dodges and hit’s a big dropkick on Savage. Kofi tries to toss Randy into the ropes, but gets countered and thrown himself but does his signature neck rebound manoeuvre!

JR: What an amazing move by Kofi!

Kofi delivers a big neck breaker to Savage before going for his Boom, Boom leg drop. Randy rolls out of the way though and hits Kingston with a big scoop slam, before Savage goes to the top rope. Big elbow drop! 1, 2, 3!

Randy Savage wins by pinfall

JR: The veteran secures the pinfall once again! OH YEAHH!

Kane suddenly begins to come down to the ring

JR: What the hell does he want?

King: Probably to finish what he started!

Savage this time awaits Kane in the ring. Kane steps onto the apron, and Randy begins to unload with hard fists and elbows. Kane pushes Savage away, but Randy comes right back and pulls the head of Kane down, springing the big red machine down to the floor. Kane gets up and is met with a chair shot from Savage! Randy stands over Kane and walks down the ramp to big cheers. After he leaves we see Kane sitting up

--|Commercial Break|--


Intercontinental Championship
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Rey Mysterio VS AJ Styles

JR: I’m sure the champions words fired up both his opponents, King, was this foolish on RVD’s part?

King: It was all part of Van Dam’s strategy JR, just wait and see!

AJ and Rey both immediately attack RVD, backing him into the corner. They both hit the champion with boots and fists, before AJ dumps Mysterio over the top rope and gives Van Dam a big hurracanrana! Styles goes for a Stylin’ DDT, but Rob moves and gives him a big heel kick. Van Dam goes for Rolling Thunder, but AJ moves. They both slowly get up to their feet-when Rey suddenly springboards on the top rope delivering a West Coast Pop to both Styles and Van Dam!!

JR: The Masked Marvel once again show his high-flying prowess, taking down AJ Styles and the Intercontinental Champion, Rob Van Dam!

Rey puts an arm over both men but only gets a 2 count out of both men. Rey gets up to his feet at about the same time as RVD, who he takes through the ropes with a big cross body. Rey and Rob battle on the outside, knocking each other to their feet. They get up and suddenly AJ leaps off the top and gives both a Shooting Styles press!! All 3 men lay on the floor, until AJ gets up. He grabs Rey by the head and throws him into the ring, covering for a 2 count. AJ now attempts to give Mysterio a Styles Clash, but Rey counters and back drops him, before going to the top rope. But RVD is up now, and shakes the ropes. Mysterio falls, but then AJ hits Van Dam with the Pele kick! He falls back to the floor

JR: What a fast-paced match-up, it’s like watching a flea circus King!

Styles hooks Mysterio in and tries to give him a super-plex, but Rey wriggles off the side and dropkicks AJ in the butt, knocking him onto the second rope!!

King: He’s dialing up!

JR: Wine me, dine me, 619 me!

Rey gives AJ a big 619 and then is about to springboard, but Rob comes along and pulls him off the apron. He scrambles into the ring and covers Styles for the 3 count

Rob Van Dam wins by pinfall
Still Intercontinental Champion: Rob Van Dam

JR: What!! RVD stole the belt from Rey!

King: I told you it was ALL part of the champions strategy, I don’t think anyone will ever get the belt off this young man!


Backstage, we see Randy Savage in his locker room, he has his bag and is looking to leave the arena. Suddenly, Kane comes up behind him and knocks Savage to the floor. Kane begins to stomp on Randy before dragging him by the hair and tossing him face first into a metal door. Randy is out cold and Kane begins to choke him until Savage bleeds profusely, only letting go when at least 10 trainers come and force Kane to leave

King: Nobody messes with the Big Red Machine Jim, NOBODY!

--|Commercial Break|--

United States Championship Tournament
Opening Round
Vader VS Mick Foley

JR: This is the final opening round match-up, will the ferocious Vader or the Hardcore Legend, Mick Foley be advancing onto the Semi-Finals at Saturday Nights Main Event to face CM Punk?

King: Nothing can stop Vader, not even Foley

Foley tries to get a start on early, striking Vader with rights and lefts until he’s backed into the corner. Mick keeps going, until he’s shoved off. He runs towards Vader only to get hit with a big clothesline. Vader now dominates, working over Mick’s back. He delivers a Vaderbomb for the 3 count

Vader wins by pinfall
Advancing to the Semi-Finals: Vader

King: And that’s exactly what’s going to happen to CM Punk this Saturday night!

JR: Stay right here folks, our Main event is up right after these short commercial breaks!

--|Commercial Break|--

Main Event
WWU Champion, The Rock & Mr. Kennedy VS Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle

King: This match-up will without a doubt have a huge effect leading into Saturday Nights Main Event in just 5 days!

JR: Indeed it will partner, The Rock will be defending his WWU Championship against the original champion, the man who he stole it from, Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle will take on Mr. Kennedy in the Semi-Finals of the United States Championship Tournament!

King: All the emotion and anger in this match-up could definitely boil over!

The Rock starts off the match with Angle, but the fans begin a raucous ’HBK’ chant. Angle tags in Shawn, but Rocky slides back into his corner and tags in Mr. Kennedy to a big batch of boos. HBK yells at Rocky who is standing outside on the floor, and Kennedy takes advantage coming up behind the former champion and delivering a big neck breaker. Kennedy starts to stomp on Michaels, who manages to fight his way up to the second rope. Kennedy springs across from the opposite side of the ring and hit’s a big running boot to the temple of HBK. Rocky now wants in, reaching out for the tag

JR: So now The Rock wants to get in the ring with Shawn Michaels, after he’s been battered and bruised by Kennedy!

Rocky is tagged in and he pulls Michaels up by the hair, before throwing him into the turnbuckle. He delivers tonnes of right hands before taunting the crowd and throwing HBK across to the other turnbuckle, but Shawn counters! He throws Rocky into it chest first before hitting a big back drop as he stumbled away. Shawn and Rock both crawl and get the tag to Angle and Kennedy respectively. The crowd goes wild as Kurt unloads on Kennedy with fists and clotheslines, followed by 2 German suplexes. He goes for the third, but Kennedy reverses and gives Kurt a German suplex of his own. Kennedy sets Angle up for the Mic Check, but Kurt reverses and delivers the Angle Slam!! Kurt gets up and drops the straps

JR: HBK said earlier tonight The Rock and Kennedy wouldn’t be leaving tonight on both their feet!

But before Kurt can lock in the hold, The Rock comes zooming in and clotheslines the hell out of him. HBK enters the ring and knocks The Rock to the mat though with Sweet Chin Music! The referee now pushes Shawn out of the ring, and Kennedy hits Kurt with a low blow!! Mr. Kennedy hit’s the Mic Check on Angle for the 3 count

WWU Champion, The Rock & Mr. Kennedy win by pinfall

JR: Well that’s typical Kennedy for you

King: It definitely is JR, typical Kennedy-WINNING!

Shawn now storms the ring and begins to attack Kennedy hitting some big Sweet Chin Music. The Rock runs into the ring and goes for a big clothesline, but HBK ducks and gives him Sweet Chin Music too before going and grabbing the WWU Championship belt and raising it high in the air

JR: Could this be the scene at Saturday Nights Main Event? Shawn Michaels, the first 2-time WWU Champion?


WWU Dynamite & Thunder present
Saturday Nights Main Event
September 22, 2008

Main event
WWU Championship
The Rock (c) VS Shawn Michaels

United States Championship Tournament
Kurt Angle VS Mr. Kennedy

United States Championship Tournament
CM Punk VS Vader

Interpromotional Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin VS TBA Thunder superstar

If LAX win, they get a World Tag Team Championship match on Monday Night Dynamite
World Tag Team Champions, Lax VS World Tag Team Champions, The Wild Samoans


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: The main event- I didn't expect Kennedy to pick up the win.
WM: Vader vs. Foley- squash
BP: Your Rock promos are amazing.
WP: There really wern't any bad promos
AC: I thought that this series was ended?... The ending of the IC title match was great... Another good show.
Plug: Dont forget to check out POI Episode 20 this sunday.