WWF power trip

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Jun 8, 2008
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This story begins the night after perhaps the greatest Wrestlemania of all time Wrestlemania 17 where Stone Cold Steve Austin beat The Rock to win his fifth WWF Championship while in the process shocking the world by joining forces with his biggest nemesis MR McMahon.

The Undertaker went 9 and 0 at Wrestlemania by beating HHH in an epic match up and Shane McMahon beat his father Vince McMahon in a street fight with the help of his mother Linda who gained some revenge on her husband after months of betrayal and cruelty.




KANE beat RAVEN & THE BIG SHOW to win Hardcore Title

EDDIE GUERRERO beat TEST to win the European Title

“Chris Beniot injures his neck in this match and will be out of action for one yearâ€￾

CHYNA beat IVORY to win Women’s Championship




“The Iron Sheik wins the gimmick battle royalâ€￾



STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN beats THE ROCK to win the WWF Championship












THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I hope you can do well with this. I'll check it out.


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Aug 12, 2007
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Good luck with this. I don't think I've seen any of your writing before.


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Jun 8, 2008
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Less then 24 hours after perhaps the greatest Wrestlemania in World Wrestling Federation history Monday Night Raw rolls into Fort Worth Texas with many questions waiting to be answered.
Last night Stone Cold Steve Austin shocked the world when he seemingly sold his soul to the devil that is MR McMahon in order to beat The Rock and win his fifth WWF Championship, has “The Texas Rattlesnakeâ€￾ really sold out? What explanations will Austin give for his actions last night and what retaliation will there be from the former Champion The Rock who is sure to be livid after being screwed out of the Title?


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Jun 8, 2008
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(April 2nd 2001)

(Live from Fort Worth, Texas)

(Your hosts Jim Ross and Paul Heyman)

Raw is War opens up with WWF Owner MR McMahon standing in the middle of the ring

(JR) Ladies and gentleman welcome to Monday Night Raw and as you can see we are about to be addressed here by MR McMahon.

(MCMAHON) You can still feel the shock, you can still feel the disbelief all around Texas and all around the world because everybody is thinking to themselves did last night really happen, did we really witness MR McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin join forces, did we really see the beginning of an unholy alliance and the answer is simple, you damn right you did.
You see despite the history between me and Stone Cold deep down I have always said we are very a like, we are both bad to the bones, we are both successful at what we do and we will both do anything it takes to get what we want and that is what you saw last night, Stone Cold Steve Austin didn’t do anything wrong he simply wanted that WWF Championship so bad that he was going to do everything in his power to get it, what I offered Stone Cold was a guarantee, a guarantee that he would walk out of Houston, Texas with what he craved and Austin sensibly took up my offer, you see on opposing sides myself and Stone Cold have dominated this industry for the last half a decade but can you imagine what we can do now we are a unit, what you have is the most powerful man in all of sports entertainment MR McMahon working alongside the toughest S.O.B in all of the WWF Stone Cold Steve Austin and together we will be unstoppable.
So without further ado let me introduce to you a man who some say has many questions to answer, I am proud to call him my new World Wrestling Federation Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The glass breaks and outcomes Stone Cold Steve Austin to a mixed reception by his home crowd

(HEYMAN) The mixed reception by this crowd here tonight tells you all you need to know JR, these fans don’t know how to react to Stone Cold Steve Austin after what went down last night at Wrestlemania 17.

(JR) As a close friend of Stone Cold Steve Austin myself I can’t even tell you what was going through Austin’s mind last night when he seemingly sold his soul to the devil in order to reclaim that WWF Championship from The Rock, I like many thousands of fans in the Astrodome last night could not believe my eyes when I saw Stone Cold and MR McMahon shake hands and even share a beer, quite frankly it is a sight I never thought I would see in my life time.

(HEYMAN) You sound disappointed in your friend Stone Cold Steve Austin JR but what I want to know is why, all Austin did last night was do what was best for him, Stone Cold Steve Austin wanted to walk out of Wrestlemania 17 the new WWF Champion and he was going to do it at any cost even if that meant aligning himself with his bitter enemy Vince McMahon.

(JR) Stone Cold Steve Austin has some questions to answer that’s all im willing to say at this moment in time.

Stone Cold Steve Austin shakes hands with Vince McMahon as the crowd throws drinks cartons and signs into the ring.

(MCMAHON) May I suggest you stop throwing missiles into this ring before I have you all removed from my arena, why don’t you show some respect for your new WWF Champion.

Austin grabs the microphone as the crowd start up a huge why Austin why chant

(AUSTIN) It’s funny that you chant that chant here tonight because the last 24 hours that is all I have heard from my family, from my friends and from my fellow superstars, why Stone Cold why?
My answer to that question will be the same as I have given all day long and that is that I don’t owe you or anybody else any explanation about what I did last night because it is none of your damn business.
Going into Wrestlemania 17 I was in the middle of the single greatest come back in this company’s history, I had to come back from a broken neck, one year sitting on the shelf and still I managed to win The Royal Rumble and guarantee myself a WWF Championship shot at Wrestlemania, I have said for weeks that losing to The Rock last night was not an option, I needed to beat him, I needed to be the WWF Champion again and I needed it more then anything else I have needed in my life, I made The Rock a guarantee I would walk out the Champ and that is exactly what I did.
But I couldn’t have done it so successfully on my own and there is one man I need to thank here tonight from the bottom of my heart and that is you Vince.

The crowd boos

(JR) Stone Cold Steve Austin wants to thank MR McMahon, I feel sick just watching this.

(MCMAHON) Steve there is no need to thank me not in words anyway, the only way I want you to pay me back Steve is to help me create a legacy of dominance in this industry of the likes that have never been seen before, I know that together Steve with my brains and your brawn we can rule the world for years to come.

(AUSTIN) Vince that sounds great to me man and let me make another guarantee right here tonight, I guarantee that now I have won back the WWF Championship I am not going to relinquish it for a very, very long time, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the man again and whether you like it or not there is not one damn thing you can do about it.

(MCMAHON) And that’s the bottom line cause

Vince McMahon is cut off by Mick Foley’s music hitting and out he comes on the ramp to a standing ovation

(FOLEY) Sorry to interrupt your little loving boys and let me state for the record that listening to both of you tonight has almost made me throw up in my mouth a little, im not kidding I mean I think I speak for everyone here tonight when I say I never thought I would see the day that Stone Cold Steve Austin got into a WWF ring and kissed Vince McMahon’s ass, I hope that WWF Championship is worth it Steve?

(MCMAHON) Foley why the hell are you out here, who the hell do you think you are interrupting me and Stone Cold?

(FOLEY) Calm down Vince you see I am out here for a reason and that reason is your wife Linda McMahon, you see after last night understandably Linda is a little tired so she has taken the night off but the good news is she has sent me here to deliver a message to you and your new best buddy Stone Cold Steve Austin.
You see by the authority of C.E.O Linda McMahon right here tonight in that very ring Stone Cold Steve Austin will make the first defense of his WWF Championship inside a 15 foot high unforgiving Steel Cage and inside that steel cage with Steve Austin challenging him for the WWF Championship will be none other then The Rock.

The crowd explodes

(JR) Austin and The Rock inside a steel cage tonight for the WWF Championship, that sounds like a hell of an idea to me.

(MCMAHON) You can’t do this Foley, this isn’t fair.

(FOLEY) I think you will find Vince as you know that I can do this and I just have, right here tonight Stone Cold Steve Austin versus The Rock in a Steel Cage match for the WWF Championship and boys HAVE A NICE DAY!

Austin goes crazy and has to be calmed down by MR McMahon

(HEYMAN) What the hell has that idiot Mick Foley done, this isn’t fair, this isn’t right, what the hell does Linda McMahon think she is playing at.

(JR) Linda McMahon has sent Mick Foley here tonight to do what is fair and that is give The Rock his rematch for the WWF Championship, what a main event that is going to be later on here tonight.


As the show comes back to air Eddie Guerrero’s music hits and outcomes the new European Champion

(JR) Latino Heat who last night successfully captured that European Title from Test and tonight just 24 hours later Test has invoked his rematch clause.

(HEYMAN) What a night it was last night for “Latino Heat†Eddie Guerrero winning that European Championship at Wrestlemania 17 but could his title reign be about to be short lived here?

Test’s music hits and out he comes

(JR) An amazing physical specimen is this young Canadian Test, Test was in no mood to wait for his title rematch so we are going to see him and Guerrero go at it again tonight with the title on the line.



The match begins with Test dominating Eddie Guerrero with his pure physical power, Test hits Latino Heat with a hard running suplex and goes for the first pin fall of the match 1, 2 but Guerrero kicks out just in the nick of time.
Test continues to have all the momentum as he sits Eddie on the top turnbuckle and delivers a huge superplex on him from the top, Test hurt himself on that impact but he rolls across to make the cover 1, 2 but again Eddie just kicks out, Test getting frustrated goes up top and tries to hit Guerrero with an axe handle off the top but Eddie counters with a drop kick to the face that turns Test’s lights out, Eddie may have swung this match in his favor and now he goes up top, Eddie from the top hits The Frog Splash on Test, he makes the cover 1, 2, 3 and Eddie Guerrero retains his European Title and beats Test for the second time in 24 hours.

The Winner in 7 minutes and 42 seconds and still WWF European Champion “Latino Heat†Eddie Guerrero

(HEYMAN) What a huge win for Eddie Guerrero in a match where for long periods it looked like he was going to be beaten by Test and lose that European Title he won less then 24 hours ago, somehow, someway Guerrero pulled it off.

(JR) The heart of “Latino Heat†coming through in this intense title match up and talking of title match ups what about later tonight when Stone Cold Steve Austin has to defend his WWF Championship inside the solid steel cage hanging above us against the man he won the title from controversially just 24 hours ago “The People’s Champion†The Rock.

(HEYMAN) Stone Cold Steve Austin and MR McMahon were livid when Mick Foley made that announcement and I don’t blame them one bit, you saw how much Austin and The Rock took out of each other last night, the last thing they should be doing tonight is getting inside a steel cage and kicking each others asses again.

(JR) I know one man who would disagree with you and that is The Rock, I know for a fact that “The People’s Champ†was incensed at how things went down last night at Wrestlemania 17 and “The Brahma Bull†is going to be out for revenge tonight.

Backstage we see new Women’s Champion Chyna getting ready when Trish Stratus walks by, Chyna calls Trish over.

(CHYNA) Trish I just wanted to say that I respect what you did last night, doing what you did to Vince and helping Linda like that took a lot of guts and you should be very proud of yourself.

(TRISH) Thank you Chyna but right now im a little scared that I am going to be made to pay for my actions, whether it was brave or not I crossed the boss.

(CHYNA) Don’t worry about Vince and his cronies; if he wants to mess with you then he will have to get through me.

(TRISH) Thank you Chyna

Chyna gives Trish a hug


As Raw is War comes back to air “Right To Censor†Stevie Richards, Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather and Ivory are already in the ring

(JR) Im sorry to announce ladies and gentleman that the most boring people in WWF history are currently in the ring

(HEYMAN) For once me and you are not going to disagree JR.

(RICHARDS) Last night probably made all of you WWF fans happy because last night was a very bad night for “Right To Censorâ€, we lost our six man tag match to The A.P,A and Tazz and Ivory lost her Women’s Championship to Chyna, but despite that disappointment we want to let everybody know that this minor set back will not deter us from our mission, our mission to clear out of the filth from within the WWF, our mission to make this great sport of professional pure and clean, no more scantily clad divas, no more beer swilling thugs like The A.P.A and tonight we start by taking out a midget who calls himself a “Human Suplex Machine†a man who thrived on being hardcore, tonight we censor the man you all know as Tazz.

Tazz’s music hits and out he comes to a huge cheer

(JR) What an ovation here tonight for Tazz and I would dearly love him to make this another bad night for “Right To Censorâ€.

(HEYMAN) America is a free country JR, we like drinking beer, we like scantily clad women and if “Right to Censor don’t like those things perhaps they should censor themselves from us and immigrate to another country.

Stevie, Val, Bull, Ivory W/ THE GOODFATHER VS TAZZ

Tazz starts this match on fire dominating The Goodfather and tossing him all over the ring with his great range of suplexes, Tazz hits a Northern Lights Suplex into the bridge 1, 2 but The Goodfather just kicks out, Tazz is on a roll here tonight and he scoops Goodfather up and drops him right onto the back of his head with a back suplex, Tazz now locking in the deadly Tazzmission submission choke hold and The Goodfather is in big trouble, Tazz won’t let go but income “Right to Censor†and they start to 5 on 1 assault Tazz as the referee rings the bell and disqualifies The Goodfather, “Right to Censor†trying to send Tazz a message here, trying to censor “The Human Suplex Machine†but down run The A.P.A Faarooq and Bradshaw and The A.P.A clear “Right to Censor†out of the ring, “Right to Censor†have been thwarted here tonight by Faarooq and Bradshaw and you can see how livid they are.

(JR) The A.P.A coming to the rescue of Tazz tonight who was just about to be annihilated in a five on one attack by “Right to Censorâ€.

(HEYMAN) This “Right to Censor†are a movement with a cause and they hunt in packs they hope the numbers advantage will play in there favor but tonight they didn’t account for The A.P.A coming down here to ruin there plans.

The A.P, A help Tazz up as “Right to Censor†hold back there crazed leader Stevie Richards as they make there way up the ramp

Backstage WWE Diva and backstage interviewer Terri Runnels is with “Olympic Gold Medalist†Kurt Angle

(TERRI) Kurt Angle last night was a successful Wrestlemania 17 for you but what I want right now is your thoughts on this shocking alliance between MR McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin, since you have been here in the WWE you have been very close to MR McMahon you are though of as one of his men, why do you think McMahon has aligned himself with a man who for years has been his deadliest rival and tormenter “The Texas Rattlesnake†himself Stone Cold Steve Austin?

(ANGLE) Terri I don’t know, I haven’t a clue why somebody like Vince McMahon wants to align himself with a piece of trailer park trash like Stone Cold Steve Austin, to tell you the truth I am pretty pissed off about it because as MR McMahon’s friend I refuse, I refuse to conduct business with a snake like Steve Austin, so Terri I don’t know what Vince is thinking but I do think he has made a huge mistake trusting someone like Stone Cold and when I see him I will tell him that to his face.

(JR) Kurt Angle seemingly less then impressed there about the newly formed alliance between Stone Cold Steve Austin and as Kurt put it his friend MR McMahon.

(HEYMAN) Do you think Kurt is a little bit intimidated JR that someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin now has the ear of MR McMahon, maybe Kurt thinks Stone Cold has gone above him in the pecking order in the eyes of the WWF Chairman?

Backstage we see “The Big Red Machine†Kane making his way to the ring with the Hardcore Title over his shoulder

(JR) Up next “The Big Red Machine†Kane is action and it’s no doubt going to get hardcore.


As Raw comes back to air the pyro explodes and outcomes The Hardcore Champion, “The Big Red Machine†Kane to a huge ovation

(JR) Through hell fire and brimstone “The Big Red Machine†Kane is ready to get hardcore again on Monday Night Raw, last night was a successful Wrestlemania for Kane as he defended his Hardcore Championship against Kane and The Big Show and you have to say these hardcore style of matches really suit Kane’s persona down to the ground, Kane seems to thrive on dishing out pain in these hardcore matches.

(HEYMAN) One of the most dominant and destructive performers in WWF history is Kane and to put this guy in a ring with weapons and make it legal is almost criminal JR.

Raven’s music hits and out he comes pushing a shopping trolley filled with weapons to use in this hardcore match.

(JR) It looks like Raven has come prepared and he may need every single one of those weapons in that trolley if he is to beat Kane here tonight and leave Texas the new Hardcore Champion.

(HEYMAN) Raven is all about hardcore and I know about that more then anyone JR, Raven can take just as much pain as he dishes out but has he bitten off more then he can chew in “The Big Red Machine†here tonight?



Raven rolls into the ring and tries to surprise Kane with a shot from behind before the bell has rung, Raven tries to take advantage of his early blow by opening up on Kane with hard right hand shots to the face but they are having no effect at all on “The Big Red Machineâ€, Raven hitting with all he has but he finally realizes he is not doing any damage to Kane and Kane with a huge uppercut puts Raven down like a sack of spuds, Raven is dazed by that huge shot and rolls out of the ring to recover while looking in that trolley of his for a weapon to use on Kane, Raven picks up a trash can lid and climbs on the ring apron, Kane goes to meet him and Raven meets him head on with a trash can lid shot to the head, a huge shot by Raven but still Kane is not hurt and Kane grabs Raven by the throat and hurls him over the top rope and into the ring, Kane drags Raven up and sends him off the ropes and Kane with a big boot to the face lays Raven out, Kane now scooping the lifeless body of Raven up and lifting him above his head like a baby, Kane takes Raven near the ropes and then throws him over the top rope to the outside right on top of his shopping trolley filled with weapons.

The crowd starts a holy shit chant as Raven writhes in pain

Kane goes to the outside and picks up a trash can off the floor, Kane picks Raven up stands him up against the ring apron and puts the trash can over Raven’s head, Kane takes a step back and then drives hi big boot into the trashcan with Raven’s head inside it, Kane covers Raven on the outside 1, 2, 3

The winner in 6 minutes 10 seconds and still WWF Hardcore Champion Kane

(JR) Destruction in its purist form is “The Big Red Machine†Kane, he retains his Hardcore Title here tonight and Raven might need some medical attention after a hell of an ass kicking by Kane.

(HEYMAN) I have never seen Raven dominated and destroyed like Kane just did to him, I suggest here tonight that Kane might be our Hardcore Champion for a very long time to come, who the hell can beat him?

Backstage Terri is with the WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian

(TERRI) Edge and Christian congratulations on last night becoming the new World Tag Team Champions for an amazing seven times, how does it feel?

(EDGE) Terri it feels awesome because last night at Wrestlemania 17 we proved what we have been telling people all along, that we are the greatest tag team ever in WWF history, last night we won our amazing 7th Tag Team Championships, we became the first tag team in history to win the titles at two successive Wrestlemania’s and doing it last year and this year in the most brutal match in this company’s history Tables, ladders and chair’s. Last night on the grandest stage of all we proved we are better then The Dudley Boyz, better then The Hardy Boyz and better then any tag team the WWF has today or had in the past.

(CHRISTIAN) Quite frankly Terri our awesomeness cannot be surpassed, you see me and Edge are the trend setters, we are the bench mark and we are the MVP’S of tag team wrestling, to win not one but two successive TLC matches at a Wrestlemania is so cool I think me and Edge may have to create a new word for it.

(EDGE) Yeah that must be awesomundo or something.

(TERRI) Well awesomundo or not tonight in a six man tag team inter gender match you face The Hardy Boyz again what are your thoughts on that?

(EDGE) Terri it will be exactly the same result as last night at Wrestlemania, your winners the new WWF World Tag Team Champions, the awesomeness that is Edge and Christian.

The camera cuts to the corridors of the arena and we see The Undertaker seemingly on his way to the ring for action

(JR) And there is “The American Bad Ass†who last night beat “The Game†HHH to go 9 and 0 at Wrestlemania, up next The Undertaker in action on Monday Night Raw.


As Raw comes back to air Limp Biscuits “Rolling†starts playing and outcomes The Undertaker on his Harley Davidson to a thunderous roar

(JR) He is Texas born, he is Texas bread, he is “The American Bad Assâ€, he is the one and the only Undertaker, Last night at Wrestlemania 17 in his home state of Texas The Undertaker extended his amazing Wrestlemania unbeaten streak to an incredible 9 and 0 when he beat “The Game†HHH in a epic match that nearly blew the roof off of the Houston, Astrodome, 24 hours later “Deadman Inc†is open for business again and he looks as focused and ready as ever.

(HEYMAN) Has there ever been a bigger influence on this company then that man The Undertaker, his legacy of being 9 and 0 at Wrestlemania is legendary, he is a monster that just keeps getting better and stronger and more focused with every single year that goes by, they say Wrestlemania marks the end of the wrestling year and the start of a new one, well who would bet against this next year being the year of The Undertaker?
Rikishi’s music hits and out he comes to a chorus off boo’s

(JR) What you are looking at ladies and gentleman is a bad, bad man, Rikishi in these past few months has demonstrated that he has no soul, he has no heart and he has no remorse for the damage he inflicts on other human beings.

(HEYMAN) You are completely right JR and that is what makes this such a bad match for The Undertaker, you have to remember that less then 24 hours ago The Undertaker was taken to the limit by HHH in an all out war at Wrestlemania, does The Undertaker have enough left in the tank tonight to beat a behemoth like Rikishi?

(JR) Any normal man you might bet against but The Undertaker is no normal man and I think he will be ready for Rikishi tonight even after that war at Wrestlemania with “The Gameâ€.


The bell rings and The Undertaker and Rikishi square up as the crowd break into a loud Undertaker chant, Rikishi with a hard right hand tries to knock “The Deadman†back on his feet but The Undertaker strikes back with a massive right hand of his own that makes Rikishi wobbly, Undertaker grabbing Rikishi by the arm and he sends Rikishi off the ropes, Taker goes for a clothesline but Rikishi ducks it, Rikishi off the ropes again and this time Rikishi with a huge flying shoulder barge takes The Undertaker down, Rikishi off the ropes again and Rikishi now with a big leg drop right across the head of “The Deadman†Rikishi with the early cover 1, 2 but The Undertaker gets his shoulder up.
Rikishi drags The Undertaker up by his hair and Rikishi hits a hard knife edge chop right across the chest of his opponent, Rikishi grabbing Undertaker by his arm and Rikishi with a hard Irish whip sends “The Deadman†sturdom first and hard into the corner of the ring, The Undertaker winded by that impact and Rikishi with a huge clothesline that turns The Undertaker inside out puts Undertaker down, Rikishi with the pin fall attempt again 1, 2 but The Undertaker gets his foot on the ropes to break the count and Rikishi is frustrated there that he didn’t put The Undertaker away.

(HEYMAN) Have you ever seen anyone dominate The Undertaker physically like we are watching Rikishi do right now, I don’t know how long The Undertaker can hold on here.

(JR) The Undertaker just 24 hours off one of the greatest battles of his career has to dig deep into his reserves here to stay in this match with the devastating Rikishi.

Rikishi starts to lay into The Undertaker with hard kicks to the back and kidney area and once again Rikishi drags “The American Bad Ass†up by his hair, Rikishi lining up a big right hand shot but The Undertaker blocks it, Rikishi tries again but again The Undertaker blocks and now here comes The Undertaker with a flurry of right and left hand shots to the head and body of Rikishi, The Undertaker perhaps the best pure striker in the game teeing off on his opponent here and now The Undertaker with a huge uppercut sends Rikishi falling back against the ropes, Taker grabs Rikishi by the arm and sends him off the ropes, Rikishi coming off the ropes at pace and The Undertaker with a huge boot to the face puts Rikishi down, The Undertaker with the cover 1, 2 but Rikishi just kicks out as the referee’s hand was coming down for the three count.
The Undertaker with new momentum in this match up tries to drag the behemoth Rikishi to his feet but Rikishi grabs a hold of The Undertaker’s pants and drags The Undertaker right into a head on collision with the referee, both the referee and The Undertaker are down now with head injuries and up gets Rikishi looking to take advantage, Rikishi dragging Taker up and he is going to go for a suplex, Rikishi has The Undertaker at his mercy but out of nowhere The Undertaker counters with a double arm DDT driving Rikishi head first into the canvas, The Undertaker crawls across to make the cover but the referee is still down, The Undertaker has Rikishi beat here but there is no official to make the count.
The Undertaker tries to revive the ref but from behind HHH is in the ring, “The Game†HHH has come from the crowd and HHH has a sledgehammer in hand, The Undertaker turns around with no idea HHH is waiting and HHH drives his sledge hammer right into the ribs of “The American Bad Assâ€, HHH rolls out of the ring and starts to leave up the ramp, The Undertaker may have had his ribs crushed by that sledgehammer shot and the referee has not even seen it, Rikishi coming round after that DDT slowly crawls across to cover The Undertaker, the referee groggily stumbles to his feet and he see’s the cover, he slowly begins to count 1, 2, 3 and Rikishi has beaten The Undertaker with a huge help from “The Game†HHH and his sledgehammer

The winner of the match in 12 minutes and 2 seconds Rikishi

(HEYMAN) I can’t believe what we have just seen JR, HHH picked his moment in this match to get in the ring and take The Undertaker out with that devastating sledgehammer, HHH just drove that hammer right into the ribs of Undertaker and who knows what damage that may have done.

(JR) “The Cerebral Assassin†HHH taking revenge for his defeat last night in the only cowardly way he knows how, The Undertaker didn’t have a chance to react, he just didn’t see that sledgehammer shot coming and not only has it cost him the match it may have cost him a few months out injured.

The Undertaker lays in the ring bleeding from the mouth as we go to commercial

(HEYMAN) The Undertaker clearly has internal injuries as you see him coughing up blood in the ring right now, there is no doubt that HHH has sent out a huge message to The Undertaker tonight and it’s a message The Undertaker certainly won’t forget in a hurry.


As Raw comes back to air we see video footage from during the break with WWF officials helping a wounded Undertaker to the back

(JR) Ladies and gentleman as you can see The Undertaker injured tonight after that vile sledgehammer shot to the ribs by HHH during The Undertaker’s match with Rikishi and we understand that The Undertaker will be taken to a local medical facility by ambulance to get himself checked out.

(HEYMAN) The Undertaker must have broken ribs JR, you could almost here the ribs cracking as HHH just buried that sledgehammer into “The American Bad Asses†chest and the end result was that The Undertaker couldn’t even walk out of this arena without the help of 6 WWF officials holding him up.

(JR) HHH has certainly done some lasting damage to The Undertaker tonight and I suggest right now we haven’t heard the last of this feud between “The Game†and “The Deadmanâ€.
But talking of lasting damage that is what The Rock will be hoping to dish out to Stone Cold Steve Austin later tonight when they meet in that steel cage hanging above our heads with the richest prize in sports entertainment the WWF Championship on the line, it was 24 hours ago when The Rock in my view was screwed out of the WWF Title by Stone Cold and MR McMahon lets here from The Rock now who is standing by backstage with Terri Runnels.

The Rock appears on the screen as the crowd breaks into a huge Rocky chant

(TERRI) Rock last night at Wrestlemania 17 we saw one of the most controversial endings to a WWF Championship match in Wrestlemania history when Stone Cold Steve Austin and MR McMahon some say screwed you out of the WWF Championship, but tonight you get a chance to take back what many fans believe is rightfully yours inside a steel cage against your deadliest rival “The Texas Rattlesnake†Stone Cold Steve Austin, what are your thoughts?

(THE ROCK) Terri The Rock could have turned up here tonight and started crying and moaning about how I was screwed out of the WWF Championship tonight but The Rock isn’t going to do that, The Rock is a bigger man then that, instead what The Rock is going to do is walk down to that ring, bring down that steel cage lock Stone Cold Steve Austin in it, give him the single biggest ass whopping of his life and take back my WWF Championship.
You see last night Stone Cold Steve Austin made one huge mistake and it wasn’t selling his soul to MR McMahon, it wasn’t selling all of his fans down the river and it wasn’t even pissing The Rock off, Austin made a mistake when he had me laying in that ring and he was smashing me time after time all over my body with that steel chair, the imprint of The Rock’s body was all over that steel chair that’s how many times I got hit with it but that’s when Stone Cold Steve Austin made the biggest mistake of his career, the biggest mistake of his life because when he had the chance he didn’t finish me off, now The Rock stands here tonight pissed off, The Rock stands here tonight an angry man and Terri you wouldn’t like The Rock when he is angry and neither Terri will Stone Cold Steve Austin, because tonight when that steel cage comes down and only me and Austin are inside I am going to lay the Smackdown on his bald, yellow candy ass more then I have ever laid the Smackdown on anybody in my life.
So Stone Cold Steve Austin bring all you got, bring your bald head, bring your steel chair and even bring you new boyfriend MR McMahon because tonight you can’t stop, can’t stop The Rock.
Tonight “The People’s Champ walks to the Peoples ring without his WWF Championship but The Rock Guaran-damn-tees when I walk out of Fort Worth Texas tonight I will be not only “The Peoples Champion†but once again the WWF Champion IF YA SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING.

(JR) The Rock is ready; The Rock is ready for Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight and will that mean the WWF Championship reign of Stone Cold will last less then 24 hours inside that steel cage later on here tonight.

(HEYMAN) At the end of the day The Rock can talk all the trash he wants but the fact is Stone Cold Steve Austin beat him last night to win the WWF Championship and I think Austin will beat him again inside the steel cage tonight.

William Regal’s music hits and out he comes to a chorus of boo’s

(JR) Last night at Wrestlemania 17 William Regal could not do enough to wrestle the Intercontinental Title away from Y2J Chris Jericho and tonight William Regal will be looking to avenge that loss and gain some sort of revenge on “The Ayatollah of Rock and Roller†Chris Jericho.

(HEYMAN) The Title is not on the line here tonight JR but for William Regal this is about more then Championship gold, this is about personal pride and proving to himself and the WWF fans that he is better then Chris Jericho.

(JR) William Regal grew up in the streets of Blackpool, England and as a 15 year old boy was fighting men for money, like him or not Regal is as tough as old boots and he nearly left Wrestlemania 17 last night the new Intercontinental Champion.

Chris Jericho’s music hits and out comes Y2J to a thunderous ovation

(JR) He is the current and reigning Intercontinental Champion, he is “The Ayatollah of Rock and roller†and he is perhaps the most charismatic superstar in all of the WWF, Chris Jericho is cocky, Chris Jericho is confident and he gets away with it because in the ring where it all matters he gets the job done night after night.

(HEYMAN) There is no doubt that Chris Jericho is one of the premiere stars in today’s industry and that is why he is the Intercontinental Champion, once again on the biggest stage of all last night when Y2J was asked to perform he stepped up to the plate and got the win he needed.



The bell rings and William Regal flies into Jericho with a hard left hand shot to the back of the head before Y2J was even ready, Regal gaining the unfair early advantage in this match up and now the southpaw William Regal starts to just open up on the head of Chris Jericho with piston like left hand shots, Regal grabbing Y2J by the arm and sending him off the ropes and Regal burying his knee into the mid section of Jericho who was coming off the ropes at pace puts Jericho down, Regal with the pin fall 1, 2 but Jericho kicks out at the count of two.
William regal now locking in the sleeper hold on Chris Jericho and this is great strategy by the veteran William regal who is trying to wear the Intercontinental Champion down here, Regal with that sleeper hold synched in tight but Jericho is trying to fight it, Jericho trying to get back to a vertical base and he does and Jericho using his body weight drives Regal into the corner of the ring back first forcing Regal to break the sleeper hold, Jericho gasping for air trying to get his wits about him but back comes Regal with a clothesline and Jericho counters it with a double legged take down, what a counter there by Y2J and now Jericho locks in “The Walls Of Jericho†on William Regal, William Regal is in big trouble here but somehow Regal manages to scramble near enough to the ropes to grab hold of them and make Chris Jericho break the hold.

(HEYMAN) What a close escape for William Regal right there JR, if he hadn’t have reached the ropes when he did he would have had no choice but to tap out.

Chris Jericho shaking off the cob webs drags William Regal up to his feet and Y2J with a huge European uppercut puts Regal on dream street, Jericho assuming control now in this match up and here comes the Intercontinental Champion with a big suplex to William Regal driving Regal spine first into the canvas, Jericho with the cover 1, 2 but Regal kicks out, Chris Jericho so close to victory there but Jericho is gaining momentum in this match and here comes Jericho spring boarding off the middle rope and hitting “The Lion Sault†on Regal, Jericho hooks the legs and it must be over 1, 2 but Regal kicks out again and Y2J can’t believe it.
Jericho growing frustrated here as he drags Regal up again but look at Regal counter with a small package on Chris Jericho, the ref begins the count 1, 2 but Jericho just manages to kick out, how close was William Regal there to stealing this match?
William Regal with a kick to the gut of Y2J and now Regal setting up for a DDT but Jericho counters again and this time Y2J locks in “The Walls Of Jericho†on William Regal for the second time in this match, Regal screaming in pain tries to drag himself near the ropes but Jericho pulls him back into the centre of the ring and Regal has nowhere to go, Jericho applying the pressure here and William Regal has to tap out and submit, for the second time in 24 hours the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho has beaten William Regal.

The winner by submission in 10 minutes 45 seconds Chris Jericho

(HEYMAN) What a great match and what another huge win for Chris Jericho over William Regal for the second time in 24 hours.

(JR) The Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho is on a hell of a roll right now and it has continued here tonight at the expense of William Regal who could do nothing expect tap out to that devastating “Walls of Jericho†submission hold.

Jericho celebrates up the ramp as William Regal looks on in anger

The camera pans backstage where we see The Rock getting ready for his steel cage match with Stone Cold Steve Austin later tonight when Stone Cold’s wife Debra walks past him, The Rock grabs Debra by the arm and drags her back.

(DEBRA) What do you want Rock?

(THE ROCK) Calm down Debra all I want to do is ask you a quick question, you see The Rock appreciates the last few weeks when you have been my Manager and I would like to think in that time that we formed some sort of bond, that we connected on some level am I right.

(DEBRA) I enjoyed being your Manager Rock but that is over now, our deal ended after Wrestlemania 17.

(THE ROCK) The Rock’s fine with that and as I said all The Rock wants right now is to ask you a big question that has been burning a hole in me all day long.

(DEBRA) Ok what’s your question?

(THE ROCK) Let The Rock see, how can I put this without offending you?

(DEBRA) Just ask me Rocky I don’t have all night.

(THE ROCK) Debra I really need to know in all honesty, what is it like to have a husband who is a bitch, what is it like to have a husband who was so scared of being beat by The Rock last night that he sold his soul to the devil himself Vince McMahon to take the WWF Championship from me, you see your husband Debra he isn’t even an man, your husband Debra is a yellow, gutless piece of trailer park trash and I want you to go to Steve’s dressing room right now and tell him that, you can also tell him to shine that WWF Championship belt up real nice before he comes out for our match tonight because when the match is over im taking my WWF Championship back.

Debra slaps The Rock hard across the face

(THE ROCK) You slap just like Austin does Debra, like a damn girl, now run along and give him that message.

Debra storms off upset

(HEYMAN) How dare The Rock talk to the wife of Stone Cold Steve Austin in that manner, who the hell does The Rock, think he is?

(JR) Maybe Debra is so upset because The Rock just told her some home truths about her husband; as much as it hurts me to say it perhaps The Rock is right.


As Raw comes back to air we see WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin pacing up and down in his locker room trying to be calmed by MR McMahon

(AUSTIN) Did you see that Vince, did you see The Rock just running his mouth about me in front of my own damn wife, you don’t do that to Stone Cold Steve Austin, I am the WWF Champion and I deserve some damn respect.

(MCMAHON) You do deserve respect Steve but you need to calm the hell down and keep focused on your match or you might not leave here tonight with that WWF Championship.

(AUSTIN) That ain’t going to happen Vince, tonight inside that steel cage I am going to take The Rock out, I am going to make an example of that piece of trash and beat some damn respect into him.

(MCMAHON) I like that idea Austin; I like that idea a lot.

Austin and McMahon look at each other with evil intent in there eyes

As the camera pans back to the arena The Hardy Boyz music hits and outcomes Matt, Jeff and Lita to a great ovation

(JR) It was a disappointing night for The Hardy Boyz at Wrestlemania 17 less then 24 hours ago when “Team Extreme†lost the WWF Tag Team Championships to Edge & Christian in the amazing Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, Matt and Jeff must have been affected by such a huge loss but tonight they have a chance to at least get some revenge on the new Tag Team Champions in this inter gender six person tag match we have coming up right now.

(HEYMAN) Last night at Wrestlemania 17 I was privileged to sit next to you JR and call the amazing TLC II match, all three teams The Hardy’s, The Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian put all there body’s on the line, they took every risk in the book to try and leave Wrestlemania the WWF Tag Team Champions and unfortunately for the Champions going in The Hardy Boyz they just couldn’t defend those titles successfully in that match.

Edge & Christian’s music hits and out they come with there partner tonight former WWF Women’s Champion Jacqueline

(JR) Love them or hate them and most do the latter you have to respect Edge & Christian for last night becoming seven time World Tag Team Champions, to also do that for the second Wrestlemania in a row both in TLC matches makes the achievement all the more amazing.

(HEYMAN) You are right JR, I mean the Table’s, Ladders and Chairs match is so hard to predict, it is so difficult to win and for Edge & Christian to win two in a row both at Wrestlemania makes Edge & Christian in my view not only the kings of TLC but the greatest tag team in WWF history.

(JR) That is a huge statement right there Paul and I have a feeling The Hardy Boyz might disagree with your reading of that situation.



The bell rings and it is Matt Hardy and Christian to get this match up under way, Matt and Christian lock up in the centre of the ring and Matt uses his weight advantage to back Christian up into the corner of the ring, Matt Hardy trying to dominate Christian here but Christian with a rake to the eyes halts the attack of Matt and Christian with a drop kick to the knees of Matt Hardy puts Matt down, Christian now going to work on Matt’s knees with hard stumps and Christian goes for an early cover putting his feet on the ropes for leverage the ref counts 1, 2 but then the ref see’s Christians legs on the ropes and breaks the count, Christian frustrated that he got caught there and he now tags in the other half of the Tag Team Champions Edge, incomes Edge and he grabs Matt hardy up by his long hair, Edge swinging Matt off the ropes and Edge with a hard clothesline puts Matt down, Edge with the cover 1, 2 but incomes Matt’s brother Jeff to break up the count, the referee now removing the illegal Jeff Hardy back out of the ring and an angry Edge tries to get to Jeff Hardy, Edge here taunting Jeff who is now back on the ring apron but as Edge turns his focus back to the legal man Matt Hardy he walks right into a big clothesline from Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy now crawling across the ring to his corner, Matt Hardy needs to make a tag here and he does by tagging in his brother Jeff.
Here comes Jeff Hardy dragging Edge up by his long blonde hair, Jeff Hardy with a big right hand to Edge and now he sends the Tag Team Champion off the ropes and Hardy with a big back drop sends Edge crashing spine first into the mat, Jeff Hardy with the cover 1, 2 but Edge kicks out to keep his team in this inter gender six person tag match.
Edge is down here and Jeff now tags in the most extreme diva in all the WWF the beautiful dare devil Lita, Lita now going up top and Lita is going to go for a moon Sault on Edge but Christian comes into the ring drags Edge back to his corner and Jacqueline tags in, here comes Jacqueline and Jacqueline grabs Lita by the hair and slams her from the top turnbuckle back first into the canvas.
On the outside Edge and Christian are retrieving there Tag Team Title belts and look to be leaving but into the ring come Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boyz off the ropes and Matt and Jeff both hit suicide bombs over the top rope to the outside taking out both Edge and Christian in the process, what carnage, what a move by the risk taking “Team Extreme†The Hardy Boyz.
In the ring Jacqueline drags Lita up but Lita out of nowhere counters with a Twist Of Fate, Lita now going up top again and this time she won’t be stopped, Lita is going to fly and she hits the flying back Moon Sault from the top on Jacqueline, Lita with the cover 1, 2, 3 and “Team Extreme†win this six person tag team match.

The winners of the match in 9 minutes 22 seconds “Team Extremeâ€

Matt and Jeff get in the ring to raise Lita’s hand in victory as the crowd gives the trio a standing ovation

(JR) A little bit of revenge handed out tonight here by The Hardy Boyz to Edge & Christian but you know The Hardy’s won’t be satisfied until they reclaim those Tag Team Championships Edge & Christian won last night.

(HEYMAN) An amazing win for “Team Extreme†here tonight and you have to give kudos to them for putting in a performance like that less then 24 hours after the grueling TLC match.

The camera pans backstage where we see Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle seemingly making his way to the ring

(JR) Kurt Angle had an extremely good Wrestlemania last night and can he continue his roll when up next we see him in one on one action on Monday Night Raw.


As Raw comes back to air Kurt Angle’s music hits and out he comes to a mixed reception

(JR) Last night at Wrestlemania 17 that man Kurt Angle had himself a hell of a match with Chris Beniot and as a result Chris Beniot suffered a neck injury that is set to sideline him for at least a year, what the match did though was continue the great roll the former WWF Champion Kurt Angle is on and he will want to continue that winning form into tonight.

(HEYMAN) Kurt Angle is just a legit bad ass JR, he is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in WWF history, he has won King Of The Ring and he has won every single individual Title we have in the WWF all in his first pro year including winning the WWF Championship from The Rock in October last year.

(JR) Kurt Angle has certainly achieved a huge amount in a very little period of time and he has no problem in letting people know about it.

Steve Blackman’s music hits and outcomes “The Lethal Weaponâ€

(HEYMAN) Now this is going to be an interesting match, “The Lethal Weaponâ€, the martial arts expert Steve Blackman one on one with the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle.

(JR) What we have here are two very technically gifted performers and it’s going to be a battle of styles here in this match.


The match starts as Kurt Angle tries to belittle Steve Blackman by playfully slapping him around the head, Kurt Angle in a good mood here tonight but his mood is soon changed when Steve Blackman unleashes one of his hard martial arts kicks right to the side of Kurt Angle’s knee and Angle’s knee buckles under that impact and Kurt has to roll out of the ring to take cover.
Kurt Angle limping on the outside trying to get the feeling back in his knee but here comes Blackman to the outside himself in pursuit of Kurt Angle, Blackman grabs Angle by the head and he bounces Angle’s head right off the steel steps, Blackman now lining up another kick and he takes a run up but Kurt Angle counters with a release German Suplex on the outside sending Blackman back first into the hard ringside flooring, Kurt Angle drags Blackman up and rolls him back into the ring, Angle crawls across the make the cover 1, 2 but “The Lethal Weapon†gets his shoulder up, Angle dragging Blackman up again and Angle sends Blackman off the ropes, Angle setting up for the back drop but he telegraphs it and Blackman counters with a huge kick right into the face of Kurt Angle, Blackman with the cover and he may have knocked Angle out with that kick 1, 2 and Angle just gets his shoulder up at the last millisecond, Blackman sits there is disbelief, he can’t believe Angle has kicked out from that hard kick to the head, Steve Blackman now up to his feet and Blackman starts to climb up to the top turnbuckle, this is not usual Steve Blackman strategy, Blackman is not a high flyer and as he tries to balance himself Kurt Angle suddenly nips up and Angle hits “The Olympic Slam†on Blackman all the way from the top turnbuckle down to the canvas, Angle with the cover 1, 2, 3 and Kurt Angle picks up another win.

The winner of the match in 7 minutes 18 seconds Kurt Angle

(HEYMAN) Steve Blackman made a huge mistake going up top JR and you can’t make any mistakes when your opponent is a guy like Kurt Angle, Blackman went against his style, he took a risk in order to try and win and Kurt Angle made him pay the ultimate price.

(JR) Kurt Angle’s impressive few weeks continues here tonight on Raw and that “Olympic Slam†from the top turnbuckle was really a move to remember.

Kurt Angle celebrates up the ramp

Backstage we see HHH sitting on a chair with the sledgehammer he took The Undertaker out with earlier tonight still in his hands, suddenly from behind appears MR McMahon, HHH turns to face him.

(MCMAHON) I saw what you did to The Undertaker earlier tonight and I have to say I liked it, it was so typical of you, so aggressive, so ruthless, you are family HHH and earlier tonight when you buried that sledge hammer into The Undertaker’s ribs I have to say you reminded me of myself.

(HHH) That’s real nice Vince but what I want to know is what the hell is going on with you and Steve Austin, one minute you hate each others guts, you have been deadly rivals for years and now his your new best friend, let me make one thing clear Vince, you and Austin might be on the same page these days but I am not, I have a long and recent history with Austin myself and unlike you Vince I am not willing to forgive and forget and what I need to know is what will happen when me and Austin clash, what will happen when I want the WWF Championship back, will you be on my side, will you be on your Families side, or will you be on Austin’s side?

(MCMAHON) Hunter you know how much I admire you, you are family now and what you saw last night at Wrestlemania between me and Austin was business, it’s good business Hunter and I hope you can understand that, now what I would love tonight is when Stone Cold Steve Austin goes out there next to meet The Rock for The WWF Championship in a steel cage match, is if you were to have Stone Cold Steve Austin’s back, not for Austin but for me?

(HHH) As you like to say Vince, there is no chance in hell that I will have Austin’s back tonight, if anything Austin should watch his back.

HHH storms off sledge hammer in hand as Vince looks concerned

(JR) “The Game†HHH seemingly not on the same page as Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight

(HEYMAN) What was Vince expecting, everybody knows that HHH and Stone Cold hate each others guts; it looks like Austin’s going to be on his own tonight JR.

(JR) Up next when we come back perhaps the biggest main event in Raw history, Stone Cold Steve Austin defends the WWF Championship against The Rock inside a 15 foot high steel cage.


As Raw comes back to air the steel cage starts to be lowered from the ceiling of the arena as the crowd cheer

(JR) The unforgiving structure that is the steel cage but who will it be unforgiving to tonight The Rock or the new WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Suddenly on the Titantron appears Mick Foley

(FOLEY) Sorry to drop in like this again but I have one more message to give tonight from WWF C.E.O Linda McMahon and this one is for my old friend sitting out there at the commentary position Paul Heyman.
You see Paul what I need you to do is stand up and start walking up the ramp because you are not going to be commentating on this WWF Championship match, infact as far as far as the WWF goes you are not ever going to be needed for commentary again,

A bemused Paul Heyman throws his cap off and angrily makes his way backstage as the fans chant him a goodbye song

(FOLEY) Now I don’t want you to worry JR because we are not going to leave you out there alone to call this big match, I want to introduce to you now somebody I think you know pretty damn well, so here he is the returning color commentator of Monday Night Raw I give you Jerry “The King†Lawler.

Outcomes “The King†to a huge ovation

(JR) The King is back, I can’t believe my eyes here, Jerry “The King†Lawler is back on Monday Night Raw.

The King shakes JR’s hand and puts on his head set

(JR) King welcome back to the announce table buddy and it is a privilege to have you back out here to call this huge WWF Championship match up next.

(KING) Thank you JR and I must thank C.E.O Linda McMahon for bringing me back but you are right, what a time to come back just before a huge WWF Championship steel cage match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.

Ring announcer Howard finkel gets into the steel cage

(FINKLE)The following match is a steel cage match and it is for the World Wrestling Federation Championship.

The Rock’s music hits and out he comes to a huge roar

(KING) “The People’s Champion†receiving a huge ovation by his people in Texas tonight but can The Rock do what he said he was going to do earlier JR and win back the WWF Championship 24 hours after losing it at Wrestlemania 17?

(JR) The Rock is hurt by the way things went down last night at Wrestlemania 17, The Rock feels he was screwed out of the WWF Championship by Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon and tonight I think The Rock will go to any lengths to get his revenge.

The Rock climbs the cage to pose for the fans but is cut off by the glass breaking of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music and outcomes the new WWF Champion with MR McMahon.

(JR) Seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin and MR McMahon together is still hard to comprehend, there are still questions to be answered as to why Austin did what he did last night when he sold his soul to the devil incarnate Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

(KING) You need to take the blinkers off JR and realize like all these fans need to realize what happened last night, Stone Cold Steve Austin did sell his soul, he did sell his fans down the river in order to win the WWF Championship and I don’t blame him one bit, Stone Cold did what was best for Stone Cold.

(JR) No matter what I or the fans believe Stone Cold Steve Austin could have one of the shortest WWF Title reigns in this company’s history if The Rock has his way tonight.

(KING) I can’t disagree with you there JR, what we have tonight is the two biggest stars in this industry today locking horns for the second time in 24 hours and what makes tonight even bigger is that they are locked inside a solid, unforgiving steel cage.




Stone Cold Steve Austin climbs into the cage and the door is locked behind him as The Rock stares a hole in the five time WWF Champion, Austin and The Rock go face to face as the crowd break into a Rocky chant and The Rock and Stone Cold begin to trash talk, Austin then gives Rock the middle finger salute and The Rock explodes opening up on “The Texas Rattlesnake†with a flurry of hard right hands, The Rock going to town on Austin in the corner and The Rock spits on his hand and then delivers another huge right hand shot to Austin in the corner that nearly takes Stone Cold out of his boots, The Rock fired up here tonight grabs Austin by the arm and he Irish Whips Austin hard from one corner of the ring to the other and Austin just bounces sturdom first off that turnbuckle padding, what impact there and that may have broken ribs of the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The Rock wants back his WWF Championship tonight and he is totally controlling the early going here in this steel cage WWF Championship match, The Rock off the ropes and The Rock with a huge knee drop right into the ribs of Steve Austin, The Rock with the cover 1, 2 but Austin kicks out much to the relief of MR McMahon who is watching on anxiously outside of the cage.
The Rock and Stone Cold picking up where they left off just 24 hours ago at Wrestlemania 17 and here comes The Rock again with another hard right hand to Austin, The Rock is just teeing off on “The Rattlesnake†and these fans like what they are seeing, Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight is perhaps paying for his sins committed last night when he screwed The Rock out of the WWF Championship,
The Rock is out for revenge tonight and he sets Austin up for a pile driver, The Rock is going to try and break Austin’s neck, The Rock has Austin where he wants him but Austin counters with a backdrop sending “The People’s Champion†spine first into the canvas, an escape just in the nick of time there by Stone Cold Steve Austin and here comes Austin off the ropes with a big time clothesline to The Rock, Austin nearly took The Rock’s head off there with a big Texas sized clothesline and Austin makes the cover 1, 2 but The Rock kicks out, perhaps running on pure adrenaline The Rock would not stay down.
Vince McMahon on the outside trying to shout instructions to Steve Austin and Austin seems to be listening to his new partner in crime, Stone Cold Steve Austin drags The Rock up and Austin now runs The Rock head first right into the Steel cage, Austin now bouncing The Rock’s head time after time off that steel mesh and The Rock has been busted open here, The Rock’s head must have just bounced off that unforgiving steel at least eight times there, Stone Cold Steve Austin is ruthless, Stone Cold Steve Austin has no remorse and just as last night he proved he would do anything to win the WWF Championship, tonight it seems he is willing to go to any lengths to keep it, Stone Cold Steve Austin with a big right hand shot to The Rock who is dazed and barley able to stand up here, Stone Cold Steve Austin having his way with the bloody and battered “People’s Champion†but somehow The Rock begins to fight back with right hand shots of his own, where is this coming from, how is The Rock still standing, The Rock with a big right hand shot that rocks the WWF Champion and now The Rock sends Austin off the ropes, The Rock goes for a backdrop but Austin reads it and Austin counters with a huge swinging neck breaker that may put The Rock down for the last time in this match, The Rock’s head and neck just bounced off the canvas there with huge impact and Austin rolls across to make the pin 1, 2 but The Rock kicks out again, Austin can’t believe it, McMahon can’t believe it, what the hell will it take to keep “The Great One†down tonight?
Stone Cold Steve Austin is getting frustrated, Stone Cold is looking to MR McMahon on the outside for answers saying what the hell do I have to do to beat this man, Stone Cold Steve Austin turning his attention back to The Rock trying to once again do enough to put The Rock away, Austin dragging The Rock up and out of nowhere The Rock hits “The Rock Bottom†on Austin, “The Great One†just Rock Bottomed the WWF Champion out of his boots but has The Rock got the energy to crawl across, make the pin and reclaim his WWF Championship, The Rock is stirring and with every ounce of energy left in his body he starts to crawl his way over to Stone Cold, The Rock makes it and he puts his arm over Austin’s body to make the cover 1, 2 but Austin kicks out, somehow, someway Stone Cold Steve Austin just kicked out of The Rock Bottom, this crowd are stunned, MR McMahon on the outside is nearly having a heart attack but this amazing WWF Championship match continues.
The Rock drags himself up to one knee and now The Rock still bleeding from the head drags up the limp body of Stone Cold Steve Austin up to his feet, The Rock grabbing Austin by the arm and sending “The Rattlesnake†off the ropes, The Rock attempts the clothesline but Austin ducks it, Austin off the ropes again and now The Rock and Austin both take each other out with a double clothesline, Rock and Austin both had the same idea there and now both men are down, both men are out on there feet and the WWF Championship still hangs in the balance here.

Suddenly on the ramp appears HHH with his sledge hammer in hand and he starts to make his way to the ring

(KING) It’s “The Game†JR, HHH is on his way to ringside with that sledgehammer in his hand but who the hell is he coming for?

(JR) You heard HHH earlier tonight, he said to MR McMahon that there was no chance in hell he would have Austin’s back tonight, so does that mean “The Game†is out here right now to take out Stone Cold Steve Austin, to take out the man who has took his spot as Vince McMahon’s number one guy?

Vince McMahon confronts HHH on the ramp and tries to send him away but “The Game†shoves Vince on his backside

(KING) HHH just put his hands on his own father in law MR McMahon JR.

HHH walks up to the steel cage door and he uses his sledge hammer to bust the padlock, HHH opens the cage door and steps inside to a huge roar from the crowd.

Stone Cold and The Rock both start to stumble to there feet and HHH starts to line up Stone Cold Steve Austin, HHH is going to take Austin’s head off here with that sledgehammer but suddenly HHH turns in the other direction and nails The Rock in the head with the sledgehammer, HHH has just knocked The Rock out and now “The Game†smiles at Austin, I can’t believe this Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH are on the same page, this whole thing was a set up.

HHH drags The Rock up and Pedigree’s him hard face first into the mat, Stone Cold Steve Austin tells HHH to drag The Rock back up and HHH does it, HHH holding the lifeless body of The Rock up straight and now Austin hits The Rock with “The Stone Cold Stunner†Austin covers the bloody “People’s Champion†and the referee has to count 1, 2, 3 and Stone Cold Steve Austin with the help of all people “The Game†HHH is still the WWF Champion.

Vince McMahon’s climbs into the steel cage with a case of beers and he hands them out to Austin and HHH, Vince, HHH and Austin then open there beers and toast standing over the limp body of there victim The Rock.

The steel cage is raised as MR McMahon raises the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH to the crowds displeasure.

(KING) Did you ever think you would see this day JR, a day when HHH, Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin are all on the same page, a day when they would all share a beer in the middle of a WWF ring on Monday Night Raw?

(JR) I don’t know what to think anymore King, what we are looking at is an unholy alliance, what we are looking at is three of the baddest sons of bitches in WWF history all on the same page and like it or not who the hell can stop this trio of destruction?

(KING) The answer is nobody JR, there is nobody out there that can stop HHH, MR McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin doing exactly what they want to do and that is a scary reality the whole World Wrestling Federation has to get used to.

(JR) We are witnessing the dawning of a new era and it’s an era that makes me sick to the pit of my stomach, the bottom line tonight is that with a little help from his new friends Stone Cold Steve Austin still rules the WWF.

The show goes off air with Austin, McMahon and HHH trash talking the unconscious Rock and soaking him with beer


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Jun 8, 2008
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Monday night on Raw is war we saw the amazing new alliance take shape with “The Game†HHH helping Stone Cold Steve Austin beat and destroy The Rock in there steel cage match to help “The Rattlesnake†retain the WWF Championship, some WWF fans still don’t believe that former enemies HHH and Stone Cold can work together and this Thursday night on Smackdown they will get a chance to find out if there suspicions are right when HHH and World Wrestling Federation Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin team up to take on The Hardy Boyz, will the unholy alliance between two former deadly rivals continue, or will old hatred boil over and prevent MR McMahon’s dream team from fulfilling his evil intentions?

This past Monday on Raw we saw “The Game†HHH take out The Undertaker with a vile sledgehammer attack, after being taken to a local medical facility it was confirmed that The Undertaker suffered two broken ribs in the assault but despite doctors advice “The American Bad Ass†has vowed to be at Smackdown this Thursday night, what will the consequences of that be for his attacker HHH?

Every WWF fan still wants to know why Stone Cold Steve Austin sold his soul to the devil at Wrestlemania 17 in order to win the WWF Championship, this Thursday night one of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s closest friends “Good Old†JR will try and get some answers to the questions when he interviews “The Texas Rattlesnake†live in the ring one on one.

Also this week on Smackdown Dean Malenko will defend his WWF Light Heavyweight Championship against Essa Rios and Edge & Christian defend there WWF Tag Team Championships for the first time since winning then four nights ago at Wrestlemania 17 against The Dudley Boyz in a Tables match.
See all this and more when Smackdown resides live from Oklahoma this Thursday night.

Thank you to anyone who has had a look at what i have written so far, i will keep trying to get the shows written but i am very busy with work right now, hopefully will have Smackdown up by tomorrow.


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Jun 8, 2008
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(April 5th 2001)

(Live from Oklahoma)

(Your hosts Michael Cole & Jerry “The Kingâ€￾ Lawler)

The show begins with a video package showing last Monday night’s action on Raw when HHH helped Stone Cold Steve Austin beat The Rock to retain his WWF Championship.

As the camera pans into the sold out arena The Undertaker’s music hits and the crowd erupts, down the ramp drives “The American Bad Assâ€￾ on his motor bike with his ribs clearly taped up.

(COLE) What an ovation for “The Deadmanâ€￾ here on Smackdown but should The Undertaker really be here tonight, we can clearly see those ribs of The Undertaker heavily taped up and that is a result of a sledgehammer attack to the ribs this past Monday on Raw courtesy of “The Gameâ€￾ HHH.

(KING) After seeing replay’s off HHH driving that sledgehammer into the ribs of The Undertaker this past Monday Night I have no idea how “The American Bad Assâ€￾ is even standing tonight let alone riding his motor bike to the ring.

(COLE) Doctors advised The Undertaker to stay away tonight, they advised him to rest up those two broken ribs but Undertaker would hear nothing of it, The Undertaker is here tonight and if what I have been informed is true “The Deadmanâ€￾ is not in a good mood.
The crowd breaks into a huge Undertaker chant

(UNDERTAKER) This past Monday Night on Raw HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin done a very good job of dominating the show, I mean single handily HHH took me out with a sledgehammer attack from the blind side breaking two of my ribs and then Stone Cold Steve Austin took out The Rock in a similar brutal fashion but that wasn’t all, at the end of the show HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin revealed to the world that they are now on the same page and according to some people the most dominant alliance in World Wrestling Federation history has now been unleashed, now those people may be right, maybe the alliance of HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin is a scary thought but let me remind them and everyone else out there watching in the back who’s yard this is, this is my yard, this has been my yard for over a decade of destruction and I ain’t ready to be run out of town just yet so that leaves me with a dilemma, you see the doctors told me with my two broken ribs I shouldn’t show up tonight but here I am and I didn’t turn up here tonight to talk, I didn’t turn up here tonight to come out here and make idol threats I came here tonight to fight, I came here tonight to defend my territory, to defend my yard and that is exactly what I am going to do, so HHH and Austin if you want me come and get me, if you want I will take both of you on myself, come on out boys I have two soup bones here with your names on them.

(COLE) The Undertaker laying down the challenge here to both HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin

(KING) That may not be a wise move by “The Deadmanâ€￾ Michael.

HHH’S music hits but it’s not “The Gameâ€￾ who comes out it’s his wife Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

(STEPHANIE) Sorry to disappoint you Undertaker but you should know that my husband HHH doesn’t just come out every time you call, but what I do know Undertaker is that you should have taken your doctors advice and stayed home tonight, but you are here and you said you came to fight so that is exactly what I am going to give you, but you won’t be facing my husband HHH and you won’t even be facing Stone Cold Steve Austin because they already have a tag team match booked tonight against The Hardy Boyz, right here later tonight in that very ring Undertaker you will be going one on one with Kurt Angle.

Stephanie turns and leaves as The Undertaker’s expression shows anger

(KING) The Undertaker is going to get his wish, he will fight here tonight but it won’t be against HHH and it won’t be against the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, it will be against “Olympic Gold Medalistâ€￾ Kurt Angleâ€￾.

(COLE) The Undertaker broken ribs and all will have to fight with everything he has left tonight as two former WWF Champions clash when “The American Bad Assâ€￾ goes toe to toe with Kurt Angle.

As Smackdown comes back to air we see WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, “The Gameâ€￾ HHH and MR McMahon sitting on the couch in there dressing room with Kurt Angle sitting on his own in the corner looking annoyed.

(AUSTIN) Vince can I ask you a question?
Why the hell is Kurt Angle sitting in the corner of this room looking at me like he wants to punch my damn head off, I mean who the hell invited him in here anyways?

Angle gets up to confront Austin but Vince jumps in and interrupts

(MCMAHON) I invited him here Austin and I did that because Kurt is part of our team, he is a valuable member of our team.

(ANGLE) You here that Austin I was invited by Vince McMahon because he needs somebody he can trust around here.

(AUSTIN) What are you trying to imply that Vince can’t trust me, that Stone Cold Steve Austin is not a trust worthy guy?

(ANGLE) You said it Steve, I mean Vince lets face it why the hell should we trust this guy, for years he made your life a living hell, he even calls himself a damn “Rattlesnakeâ€￾ and now we are supposed to believe we can trust this man?

(HHH) Kurt has got a point Steve I mean I have had history with you, Kurt has had history with you and Vince you have certainly had history with Austin in the past so why should we trust you Steve, why should we believe you won’t at some point in the near future when it suits you screw us over as well?

(AUSTIN) Hunter you know what I am capable of and I know what you are capable of so you should trust when I tell you that you can trust Stone Cold Steve Austin, but I can’t say the same for you Kurt Angle, I mean we are all sitting in here discussing strategy and you are sitting there on your own in the corner throwing a tantrum, not even wanting to be part of this team, so let me ask you Kurt one more time are you with us or against us, because if you are not on the same page I will stump a mud hole in your ass right now.

Austin and Angle square up as Vince tries to break them apart

(HHH) Everybody shut the hell up, now we all know we are not best friends but what we are together is the most dominant force this industry has ever seen, now we don’t need to like each other, we don’t need to go out and have dinner with each other we just need to kick ass now can we all do that.

(MCMAHON) Hunter is right now can we please just all work together in harmony?

(AUSTIN) That’s fine by me Vince; I ain’t the one with a damn problem.

(MCMAHON) And you Kurt, can you just go out there tonight and take The Undertaker out, just go out there and do us all a big favor?

(ANGLE) I’ll do it Vince; I’ll do it because you can trust a man like Kurt Angle, but im doing it for you Vince not Austin.

Angle storms out as Vince looks at both Austin and HHH

(AUSTIN) What a damn jackass.

(HHH) Perhaps for the first time in history Austin I agree with what you just said.

As the camera pans to the arena X-factor’s music hits and outcome Albert, X-Pac and Justin Credible.

(COLE) What we are about to see is a three on one handicap match with X-Factor against “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane for the Hardcore Title, the rules of this match as I have been told is that the first man from X-Factor to pin Kane would then become the new Hardcore Champion should that situation arise.

(KING) That’s correct Michael, I mean even at a three on one disadvantage you can’t count out the monster that is Kane.

Kane’s pyro explodes, his music hits and outcomes “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ to a huge ovation

(COLE) What an Oklahoma ovation for the Hardcore Champion “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane, Kane has certainly had the odds stacked against him tonight having to defend his Title in a three on one handicap match but Kane has never met a human being he didn’t want to inflict damage on tonight he gets three for the price of one.

(KING) You are right Michael; I mean Kane may be the only WWF superstar who will relish a three on one match.



The bell rings and look at X-Factor start to surround Kane, Albert, X-Pac and Justin Credible trying to make the numbers game work in there favor and why Albert distracts Kane from the front X-Pac chop locks Kane’s knees from behind sending “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ crashing to the mat, X-Factor now with a three on one mugging just kicking the hell out of the fallen Hardcore Champion and this is what Kane didn’t want, if X-Factor can keep Kane grounded and break him down they take away all Kane’s threat, X-Pac rolling to the outside and he brings a steel chair into the ring, remember that not only is this a handicap match it is hardcore rules and anything goes, Albert and Justin Credible holding Kane up on his knees and X-Pac just drives that steel chair right into the head of Kane, X-Pac with the cover and we could have a knew Hardcore Champion 1, 2 but X-Pac’s own team mates Albert and Justin Credible pull him off and break the count, they want to know why it’s X-Pac who gets to make the cover and take the Hardcore Championship.

(KING) There is desertion in the X-factor ranks Michael and you don’t want that when Kane is your opponent, X-Factor need to stop arguing amongst them selves and get on with pinning “The Big Red Machineâ€￾.

X-Pac and Albert exchanging words and why they are arguing Justin Credible tries to take advantage and he pins Kane, 1, 2 but X-Pac and Albert see what Credible is doing and drag him off to break the count again, Credible is furious and now X-Factor is totally falling apart here, they look ready to fight each other right now but behind them “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane sits up, X-Factor are so embroiled in there own arguments that they don’t know Kane is up and when they turn around Kane takes all three of them out with a huge flying shoulder barge off the ropes, Kane Drags up X-Pac lifts him above his head and throws him over the top rope to the outside, up gets Albert but Kane picks up the steel chair and smashes Albert right in the head with it sending him falling through the ropes, now Kane drags up Justin Credible like he is a baby and Kane delivers a huge devastating Choke Slam, Kane with the cover 1, 2, 3 and Kane wins this three on one handicap match to retain his Hardcore Title.

The winner of the match in 6 minutes 28 seconds and still Hardcore Champion Kane.

(KING) X-factor was the creators of there own downfall tonight and Kane took full advantage; Kane lives to fight another day as The Hardcore Champion.

(COLE) “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane being worked hard in order to retain his coveted Hardcore Championship but every time somebody asks the questions Kane keeps coming up with the answers King,

(KING) Who out there in the WWF is hardcore enough to beat Kane, im not sure there is many that fit the bill.

Backstage we see “Good Old JRâ€￾ Jim Ross being made up ahead of his big interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin later tonight

(COLE) What a huge night tonight is for Jim Ross in his home state of Oklahoma when he will interview a man he calls or at least used to call his best friend the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, I know JR as many of us has been puzzled by “The Texas Rattlesnakesâ€￾ actions over the past five days and tonight JR will try and get some answers to the questions when he interviews Stone Cold one on one in this very ring.

(KING) I know tonight will be very uncomfortable for JR Michael, JR has his family in the arena here tonight and I know JR is not looking forward to asking his long time friend Stone Cold Steve Austin some very difficult questions.

(COLE) It will be very interesting to see what Stone Cold reveals about what he has done in the past five days to one of his closest friends in the world Jim Ross.


As Smackdown comes back to air we see The Undertaker is his locker room taping up his fists, suddenly a hand grabs the shoulder of “The Deadmanâ€￾ and Taker turns his head to see who it is, it’s his brother Kane

(UNDERTAKER) Brother you know beating X-factor three on one like that was damn impressive, congratulations on defending your Hardcore Title.

(KANE) Thanks but tonight you have more things to worry about then congratulating me, tonight you have to go out there with broken ribs and face “Olympic Gold Medalistâ€￾ Kurt Angle and you know that HHH and Stone Cold will be waiting in the wings ready to pick your bones, so what I want to tell you is that tonight you can relax because I have your back.

Kane slaps The Undertaker on the back and walks out as Undertaker nods his head

(KING) The Undertaker has some back up tonight Cole and it’s in the form of his little brother “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane.

As the camera pans back into the arena “Right To Censorsâ€￾ music hits and outcomes Stevie Richards, Bull Buchanan, Val Venis, The Goodfather and Ivory to a chorus of boo’s

(COLE) Talk about a buzz killer, here come the people who want to stop us all having a good time this Thursday night, its “Right to Censorâ€￾.

(KING) These guys go against everything the WWF is about, we are all about expression and having fun and those are the exact things these idiots “Right to Censorâ€￾ want to take away.

Stevie Richards grabs a microphone and asks the crowd to be quite

The crowd starts up a loud asshole chant at Stevie Richards

(RICHARDS) I wouldn’t expect anything less then a reaction like that from a mindless place like Oklahoma, maybe “Right to Censorâ€￾ should make its next mission to stop the WWF coming back to this hell hole ever again.
Now tonight my team of Val Venis and Bull Buchanan are going to take on a team that truly does disgrace the WWF and in our view needs to be censored, tonight we face Kai En Tie, a team that doesn’t even speak our own language, I mean why the hell do we give two Japanese midgets valuable TV time when we can’t even understand what they are saying, but never fear because tonight we will deal with the Kai En Tai problem, we are going to if you will censor them from ever appearing on WWF TV again, so Taka and Funaki or what ever your stupid names are, get out here and prepare to be censored.

Kai En Tie’s music hits and outcomes Taka Mitchinoku and Funaki to a good reception

(COLE) “Right to Censorâ€￾ says they are going to Censor Kai En Tie tonight but from the response of this WWF crowd they seem to enjoy having the team of Taka Mitchinoku and Funaki out here.

Funaki grabs a mic and starts talking in Japanese to “Right to Censorâ€￾

(RICHARDS) We can’t understand anything you are saying you idiots, this is pathetic, is this what the World Wrestling Federation has come to?

Suddenly on the Titantron appears The A.P.A

(BRADSHAW) Hi there boys, I can see you are having a little problem understanding Kai En Tie there so I thought we would drop in and give you a little translation, you see what Kai En Tie were trying to tell you is that earlier tonight that parted with some money, money they gave to us The A.P.A, what that money guarantees Kai En Tie is our protection for the whole of this night, so if you idiots have any funny ideas and try to influence the result of this match, rest assured me and Faarooq will have no problem at all coming down there and earning our money, have a good match boys, we will be watching.

(KING) I can’t believe it Michael, Kai En Tie have hired The A.P.A to protect them for the night and that changes completely the dimensions of this match.

(COLE) You are right King if “Right to Censorâ€￾ had any plans to use unnecessary forced to censor Kai En Tie tonight they might now be having second thoughts on doing so.


It’s going to be Taka Mitchinoku and Bull Buchanan to start this match off and look at Buchanan using his huge size advantage to just scoop Taka off his feet and drive him hard back first into the corner of the ring, the huge Bull Buchanan now driving those huge shoulders into the gut and ribs of Taka Mitchinoku and Buchanan has started this match so dominant, almost possessed with this moral crusade “Right to Censorâ€￾ are on right now.
Bull Buchanan grabs Taka by the arm, he sends Taka flying off the ropes and Buchanan with a huge clothesline nearly turns the light weight Taka Mitchinoku inside out, Buchanan with the cover as Stevie Richards applauds on the outside 1, 2 but incomes Funaki to break the pin fall and save his partner, Bull Buchanan not happy with that and Buchanan with a big boot to the face knocks Funaki off the ring apron and crashing to the floor at ringside, Bull Buchanan now tagging in Val Venis the porn star turned saint and now Venis and Buchanan double teaming Taka and sending him off the ropes, Venis and Buchanan go for the double team clothesline but Taka ducks it, Taka off the ropes himself and Taka with a huge flying cross body takes both Venis and Buchanan down, Taka now going up to the top turnbuckle, and Taka Mitchinoku is going to go airborne in order to win this match, Taka balancing on the top lining up Val Venis and Taka hits the shooting star from the top, Taka hooks the legs of Val Venis 1, 2 but incomes “Right to Censorâ€￾ to break the count and start attacking Taka Mitchinoku.

Stevie, Val, Bull, Goodfather and Ivory all take it in turns to kick and pummel Taka Mitchinoku

The A.P.A’s music hits and down run Bradshaw & Faarooq

(KING) Here comes the Acolyte Protection Agency and tonight Kai En Tie are fully paid up members of it.

Bradshaw and Faarooq get in the ring and start to clear house throwing every member of “Right to Censorâ€￾ over the top rope and out of the ring, Ivory is the only one left standing but Bradshaw picks her up and throws her over the top rope right on top of “Right to Censorâ€￾ who all fall to the floor

The A.P.A opens up the beers and shares some cold ones with Kai En Tie as “Right to Censorâ€￾ retreat angrily up the ramp

(COLE) The A.P.A and Kai En Tie making a toast to getting one over on “Right to Censorâ€￾ and that is something to celebrate King.

(KING) I bet right now Kai En Tie think every single penny they paid to The A.P.A earlier tonight was worth it and more because Taka and Funaki would have been in a lot of trouble if Faarooq and Bradshaw had not showed up.

The winners of the match by disqualification in 4 minutes 42 seconds Kai En Tie

Backstage we see Trish Stratus getting herself a cup of coffee from the vending machine when William Regal walks up behind her

(TRISH) Can I help you William?

(REGAL) Let me make one thing clear I desire nothing from a trollop like you and I never will, you know what you did to MR McMahon at Wrestlemania 17 turning on him after all he did for you was nothing short of a disgrace and I want to let you know as a personal friend of MR McMahon my self that you my dear should learn to watch your back.

Suddenly behind William Regal appears the Women’s Champion Chyna

(CHYNA) Wow William I didn’t realize you had taken up intimidating defenseless women, well let me tell you something Regal, why don’t you try and pick on a women your own size, I say me and you have a match tonight and I can show you what intimidation is all about.

(REGAL) You want to face me in a match, you want me to go out to that ring and fight a WWF Diva, there is no way in hell I am going to degrade myself to stepping in the ring with a women, are you mad or something.

(CHYNA) What’s the matter Regal, are you scared I might beat you?

(REGAL) Scared of you, let me tell you right now that William Regal is not and will never be scared of a women and tonight I will prove it, your on right here tonight in that very ring William Regal versus Chyna.

(CHYNA) I’ll see you out there then.

Regal storms off as Chyna gives Trish a confident smile

(KING) Oh my god, right here tonight on Smackdown we are going to see Women’s Champion Chyna take on William Regal in a match, this is going to be incredible.


As Smackdown comes back to air Essa Rio’s music hits and out he comes

(COLE) The former WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Essa Rio’s making his way to the ring and tonight he has a chance to regain that Championship when he takes on the current champion Dean Malenko.

(KING) Essa Rio’s is one of the WWF’S best high flyers and tonight what a chance he has to prove it against the man who took that Light Heavyweight Championship off of him Dean Malenko.

Dean Malenko’s music hits and outcomes the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion with Perry Saturn

(COLE) They call him “The Man with a Thousand Holdsâ€￾ and that is because Dean Malenko is one of the greatest technical wrestlers around in the industry today, Malenko is a veteran, Malenko knows every trick in the book and he used all of that experience to make him the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, tonight though he has to prove he is the best light heavyweight all over again.

(KING) Dean Malenko certainly has the psychological advantage going into this match knowing he beat Essa Rio’s for that title just a few months ago, but on the flip side Essa Rio’s is going to be so fired up to prove he can beat Malenko tonight and that means Malenko has to bring his A-Game, he can’t underestimate the unpredictable Essa Rio’s.



The bell rings and both men lock up in the centre of the ring, Dean Malenko putting Essa Rio’s into a side head lock and Malenko synching it in tight puts Essa Rios down to one knee, “The Man with One Thousand Holdsâ€￾ Dean Malenko trying to ground the high flyer Essa Rios here but Essa Rio’s begins to try and break out of the hold with elbows to the gut and ribs of the Light Heavyweight Champion Dean Malenko, Malenko under pressure has to break the side head lock but Malenko counters back with a huge knife edge chop to the chest of Essa Rios, Malenko now sending Essa Rio’s off the ropes, Malenko going for the backdrop but Essa Rio’s rolls over dives over Malenko’s back and counters into a sun set flip 1, 2 but Dean Malenko just kicks out to save this match and save his title.
Essa Rios now dragging Malenko up and Essa Rios hits a huge face buster on Malenko smashing the Champion face first into the canvas and now Essa Rios is going to go up top, the risk taker Essa Rios willing to risk it all here on Smackdown tonight to regain the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship, Essa Rios from the top goes for a flying moon Sault but Malenko gets his knees up and drives them right into the ribs of the on coming Essa Rios, Dean Malenko scurries across to make the cover 1, 2, 3 and Dean Malenko has won and retained his Title but how close was Essa Rios there to giving us a new WWF Light Heavyweight Champion tonight?

The winner in 5 minutes and 30 seconds and still WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Dean Malenko

(KING) Essa Rios brought everything Michael, he brought his fast paced attack, he brought his aerial assault but in the end it just wasn’t enough to defeat the experienced veteran Dean Malenko.

Backstage Jonathan Coachman is with the WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian

(COACH) Boys tonight here on Smackdown you make the first defense of your World Tag Team Titles since winning them for a 7th time at Wrestlemania 17 and you defend them against The Dudley Boyz in there specialty match, a tables match, what are your thoughts?

(CHRISTIAN) Our thoughts Jonathan Coachman are that we have been screwed here tonight, I mean it has been less then a week since we won a brutal TLC match at Wrestlemania to win these Tag Team Titles and now we are expected to defend them and not only that in a Tables match.

(EDGE) Christian is right Coach I mean it is a disgrace that we have to defend our Titles here tonight but it is more of a disgrace that we have to defend them against The Dudley Boyz in there specialty match, I mean who the hell are The Dudley Boyz to be given a Championship match on there terms, we shouldn’t have to face The Dudley’s tonight in any Championship match let alone a Tables match.

Suddenly behind Edge & Christian appears “The Dudley Boyzâ€￾

(BUBBA) Somebody get me and D-Von some tissues because we are just about to start crying right now at this sob story we are hearing from Edge & Christian, I mean you boys are so convincing you almost had me feeling sorry for you but I ain’t that nice a guy, you see tonight what you need to do Edge & Christian is stop crying, stop pissing, stop moaning and stop making excuses because the match isn’t going to be stopped, the stipulation isn’t going to be changed and the fact is tonight you are going to lose your Tag Team Titles to The Dudley Boyz, so if you will excuse us me and my brother have some tactics to discuss, infact we are so confident you can even listen in.

Bubba walks up to D-Von and pushes him in the chest

(BUBBA) D-Von get the tables.

(D-VON) Oh my brother testify.

The Dudley Boyz walk off as Edge & Christian look at each other in fear insecurely holding there Tag Team Title belts tight to there body


As Smackdown comes back to air we see a video package highlighting the path of deceit and destruction Stone Cold Steve Austin has took since four nights ago at Wrestlemania 17 when he joined alliances with MR McMahon

As the camera pans back to the arena JR’s home town anthem hits and outcomes “Good Old JRâ€￾ Jim Ross to a standing ovation from his home town crowd

(KING) What a great ovation for JR tonight by his own people but right now I think the last thing on JR’s mind is how big an ovation he is getting, what JR is about to do is get in that ring and confront one of his closest friends in the world the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin about “The Texas Rattlesnakesâ€￾ actions since Wrestlemania 17 this past Sunday.

(COLE) There is no doubt that this subject is close to JR’s own heart and I know he as well as these WWF fans want answers from Stone Cold Steve Austin as to why we have seen this huge change in the WWF Champions personality since Sunday Night at Wrestlemania 17.

JR is handed a microphone as a huge JR chant starts up

(JR) Ladies and gentleman at Wrestlemania 17 just four night ago inside the Houston Astrodome stadium we all couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw “The Texas Rattlesnakeâ€￾ Stone Cold Steve Austin join forces with his former sworn enemy Vince McMahon in order to get his hands on the WWF Championship, since then many Stone Cold fans have all been asking the question why, well as one of Stone Cold’s closest friends I to have been asking myself that question and tonight on behalf of myself and on behalf of you I am going to try and get an answer to that question.
So without delay please introduce my guest at this moment, he is the World Wrestling Federation Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Glass breaks and outcomes WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin with his wife Debra

(COLE) In recent days that man has been called many things, “The Ruthless Rattlesnakeâ€￾, a turn coat, MR McMahon’s new corporate pet but we still don’t know why Austin did what he did, perhaps we are going to get that question answered right now.

(KING) I can tell you, JR and the world why Austin did what he did right now and the reason is sitting over his shoulder Michael, Stone Cold Steve Austin sold his soul because he wanted that WWF Championship, Stone Cold wanted to beat The Rock at Wrestlemania so bad he was willing to win at all costs.

Stone Cold Steve Austin stands in the ring and receives a mixed reception from the crowd

(JR) Steve it has been a quite incredible week for you and all of us in the World Wrestling Federation and it has been a week that has left us with more questions then answers, Steve you went into Wrestlemania 17 on the crest of a wave, you had made an amazing recovery and comeback from career threatening neck surgery and you had the chance in your home state of Texas to crown it all off by regaining the WWF Championship by beating The Rock, now you did beat The Rock Steve and you did leave Wrestlemania 17 the new WWF Champion but I hope I am not offending you when I say the way you did it was less then desirable.

(AUSTIN) Less then desirable Jim, who the hell are you to tell me what is desirable or not, who the hell are you Jim to judge any decision I take in this ring?

(JR) Steve I am one of your closest friends, I was the man sitting next to your hospital bed when you woke up from your neck surgery, I watched how hard you had to fight to get back in a WWF ring and when you did what you did at Wrestlemania Steve, when you sold out to win the WWF Championship you threw all that hard work away, you ruined it all and what I want to know tonight is why?

(AUSTIN) Jim I don’t understand, at Wrestlemania I said I was going to walk out the new WWF Champion and I did, in doing so I completed the single greatest comeback in the history of this business and you want to stand here tonight and criticize me, you want to stand here tonight calling yourself my friend and say I ruined it all, who did I ruin it for Jim, did I ruin it for these fans, the same fans who cheered The Rock all the way to Wrestlemania, did I ruin it for you Jim, the same guy who calls himself one of my closest friends in the world and then comes out here turning on me because he doesn’t agree with how I got the job done, tell me why the hell I should give a rats ass what you or anybody else here thinks?

(JR) If you don’t think you owe these fans an explanation Steve then you are wrong and if you don’t think you owe me an explanation either then you are wrong about that as well, it was these fans who helped you back to the top Steve, it was these fans that never forgot you when you were away for a year injured, it was these fans support that helped you win a Royal Rumble and earn your spot in the main event at Wrestlemania, as for me Steve I was the man who stood by you in your darkest hour, I was the man who when you were feeling like throwing in the towel picked you up and made you believe you could be the WWF Champion once again and what thanks do we get Steve, what we get is you selling your soul to the devil himself MR McMahon, selling your fans down the river and destroying all the respect you had built up in this industry just so you could guarantee winning the WWF Championship, in my eyes Steve man to man, friend to friend, that makes you nothing more then a coward who doesn’t deserve to be standing before us right now the WWF Champion.

(AUSTIN) I get it Jim, I owe it all to you and these fans, my whole career, my whole life, but you know what makes me sick to my stomach, it’s that you “Good Oldâ€￾ JR have the audacity to call yourself my friend, you see it’s fine for you to be my friend when im doing what you deem as acceptable, but the first time I cross the line, the first time that in your eyes I do something the Almighty Jim Ross doesn’t agree with you turn on me like a damn rat, let me tell you some facts “Good Oldâ€￾ Jim Ross, you would be nothing without me, you would be nothing without being able to sit there week in week out screaming “Stone Coldâ€￾, “Stone Coldâ€￾, “Stone Coldâ€￾, so if now you want to turn your back on me Jim, if now you don’t want to be my friend anymore that’s fine with old Stone Cold because you and these fans need me a lot more then I need you.

(JR) Steve I don’t know what has happened to you, is this the real Stone Cold, is this all you have left Steve, is all you are good for now is to be MR McMahon’s corporate bitch?

Austin squares up face to face with JR but Debra tries to get in between them and pull them apart

(AUSTIN) Is that what you think I am JR a corporate Bitch, is that what all you people here tonight think I am a corporate bitch?

The crowd cheers

(JR) I think you can hear Steve what all these fans think but what you still haven’t done tonight is do what I asked you out here for, you have been aggressive, you have tried intimidated me but you still haven’t answered the question why?

The crowd chants WHY at Austin

(AUSTIN) You want an answer JR, you want the definitive answer of why?
Well let me give you the answer right now

Austin gives JR a Stunner leaving JR cold out in the middle of the ring

(COLE) Oh my god Austin just gave one of his closest friends in the world a Stone Cold Stunner?

Austin stands over JR’s limp body with an evil smirk on his face as his wife Debra screams at him to leave JR alone, finally she convinces Austin to leave the ring which he does to a chorus of Austin sucks chants

(COLE) Stone Cold Steve Austin has lost the plot; I cannot believe what Austin just did giving a Stunner to one of the men who have stuck by him through thick and thin “Good Oldâ€￾ JR.

(KING) Stone Cold Steve Austin doesn’t deserve a friend like JR; in my view right here tonight Stone Cold just lost the tiny bit of respect he had left from these WWF fans.

The King leaves the announce table gets in the ring and begins to help JR up to his feet

(COLE) Jerry “The Kingâ€￾ Lawler helping his friend Jim Ross and you have to believe JR is hurting not only physically right now but emotionally after being treated so heinously by a man he called his friend “The Ruthless Rattlesnakeâ€￾ Stone Cold Steve Austin.


As Smackdown comes back to air we go straight to the backstage area when where we see “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane laid out on the floor unconscious, he is spotted by Test who raises the alarm

WWF Medical staff rushes to Kane’s aid as well as his brother The Undertaker

(UNDERTAKER) What the hell has happened here, did anybody see who did it?

(TEST) He was like this when I found him man.

Undertaker angrily grabs Test by the throat and slams him against the wall but is dragged away by WWF officials who reassure him Test had nothing to do with it, as The Undertaker turns around he comes face to face with Vince McMahon.

(MCMAHON) Undertaker I would just like to say how disappointed I am at what has just happened to Kane and I can assure you I will be doing my up most to find the perpetrator.

(UNDERTAKER) Was it you Vince or was it one of your boys, because this sure as hell has the McMahon bloody handprint all over it and make no mistake Vince if it was one of your boys I will hold you personally responsible.

(MCMAHON) How dare you threaten me, how dare you talk that way to Vincent Kennedy McMahon, what I suggest you do right now is stop worrying about your deranged brother and start worrying about yourself because your match with Kurt Angle is up next, good luck.

(COLE) Who the hell took out Kane, The Undertaker certainly believes it was one of MR McMahon’s master plans.

(KING) On this occasion I believe The Undertaker could be right, think about it earlier tonight Kane told Undertaker he would have his brothers back tonight, well after that attack The Undertaker has nobody watching his back at all and that only favors one group of people, MR McMahon and his Alliance.

Kurt Angle’s music hits and out he comes to a chorus of “You Suckâ€￾ chants

(COLE) And here comes a man who will be very pleased with Kane being taken out backstage and that is Kurt Angle, hell Kurt might even be the man who attacked “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ during the commercial break.

(KING) Kurt Angle has all the odds stacked in his favor going into this match with The Undertaker tonight, not only has Undertaker’s back up Kane been taken out of the equation but don’t forget that The Undertaker comes into this match with two broken ribs after that sledge hammer attack by HHH this past Monday on Raw.

(COLE) Kurt Angle has been sent out here tonight with clear instruction by MR McMahon, HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin infact it was the only thing all three men could agree on and that was for Kurt Angle to take The Undertaker out tonight.

The Undertaker’s music hits and out he comes minus his bike walking gingerly with his ribs heavily taped up

(KING) A picture says a thousand words Michael and that picture of The Undertaker tells me there is no way “The Deadmanâ€￾ is at 100% here tonight.

(COLE) How could he be, not only must Undertaker be worried about those busted ribs holding out but he must also still be concerned with the welfare of his brother Kane who is being taken care of by WWF Medical Staff backstage.

(KING) The sensible thing for Undertaker to do tonight would have been to take medical advice and stay home, but The Undertaker saw red mist, The Undertaker came here tonight with revenge on his mind and he may pay for that rash decision.

(COLE) The Undertaker is so full of heart, so full of guts there was nothing that would have stopped The Undertaker showing up here tonight.


The bell rings and here we go as The Undertaker and Kurt Angle lock up in the middle of the ring, The Undertaker driving Kurt Angle back first into the corner of the ring and here goes “The American Bad Assâ€￾ opening up on Angle in the corner with those hard right hand shots, The Undertaker taking out all his frustration on Kurt Angle here tonight but look at Angle counter with a knee to those broken ribs of The Undertaker and that puts “The Deadmanâ€￾ down to the canvas, Kurt Angle now with a hard solid kick to those already injured ribs and you can hear The Undertaker screaming in agony.
Kurt Angle can sense “The Undertaker’sâ€￾ weakness, he is like a shark smelling blood and you just knew Angle was going to target those ribs in order to beat and perhaps take out “The Deadmanâ€￾ tonight?

(KING) The Undertaker has come out here tonight with a huge bull’s eye on those ribs and you can’t blame Kurt Angle for taking advantage because The Undertaker has made a career out of doing the exact same thing, targeting a weak spot and breaking it down.

Kurt Angle drags up The Undertaker sends him off the ropes and as Undertaker comes off those ropes Angle buries his knee right into the ribs of Taker and that turns “The American Bad Assâ€￾ inside out, Kurt Angle showing off to the crowd here as “The Undertakerâ€￾ writhes in pain and now Angle makes the cover 1, 2 but somehow the wounded Undertaker manages to get his shoulder off the canvas and stay in the match, Kurt Angle almost shocked there that The Undertaker manages to kick out with those broken ribs and he begins to drag Undertaker to his feet by his hair, Kurt Angle talking trash to The Undertaker as he lines up a big right hand but The Undertaker blocks it and fights back with a huge haymaker of his own that sends Angle falling back against the ropes, Undertaker grabbing Angle by the arm and sending him off the ropes and The Undertaker with a huge boot to the face of Angle puts “The Olympic Gold Medalistâ€￾ down, Undertaker going to ground himself trying to work through his rib injury but can he crawl across and cover Kurt Angle who is cold out, Taker making the cover 1, 2 but Kurt Angle kicks out, was that Undertaker’s last chance, did The Undertaker need to beat Angle right there to have any chance of winning this match?

(KING) The Undertaker is certainly running on empty here, those broken ribs are making it hard for him to breath and if he wants to beat Angle here tonight he needs to take him out as soon as possible.

The Undertaker protecting those ribs drags himself up on the ropes but Angle is getting to his feet as well, The Undertaker with a big right hand to Angle and he goes for another one by Angle ducks it and Kurt Angle counters with an “Olympic Slamâ€￾ to The Undertaker, that might be it, it must be over as Angle scurries across to make the pin 1, 2 but The Undertaker gets his foot on the rope and Kurt Angle can’t believe it, it was pure instinct by The Undertaker there that stopped Kurt Angle from winning this match.
Kurt Angle is livid, Kurt Angle is fired up and he pulls down his straps and signals to the crowd he is ready to lock in the devastating ankle lock, Kurt Angle stalking “The Deadmanâ€￾ here and here he goes but The Undertaker counters with a drop toe hold sending Angle face first into the top turnbuckle pad, Kurt Angle is on dream street here and The Undertaker somehow still standing sets Kurt Angle up for a “Last Rideâ€￾, Kurt Angle is in big trouble here but from behind here comes HHH and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and they take Undertaker out with a double team chop lock to the legs from behind, HHH and Austin now picking off “The American Bad Assâ€￾ and this is nothing more then a two on one mugging.

(KING) Once again we are seeing the numbers game by this HHH/Austin alliance, it took The Rock out last Monday and it’s taking out The Undertaker tonight.

“The Gameâ€￾ HHH kicks The Undertaker hard in his ribs and then delivers a devastating Pedigree driving Taker face first into the mat, but “The Allianceâ€￾ isn’t finished HHH drags The Undertaker up throws him to “The Rattlesnakeâ€￾ and Stone Cold hits a big time stunner to the help less “American Bad Assâ€￾.
The Undertaker lies cold out in the ring but still it is not enough for “The Alliance as they tell Kurt Angle to lock in the ankle lock on The Undertaker for good measure, Angle locks it in and you can see the anger on his face as he tries to snap The Undertaker’s ankle in two, finally HHH and Austin manage to drag Angle off and then Stone Cold adds final insult by hitting Undertaker full on in the head with his WWF Championship belt.

(COLE) This is sick, this is a sick and twisted attack by this vile and nasty Alliance and I don’t like it one bit, this trio of destruction that is HHH, Kurt Angle and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin just stooped to a new low.

(KING) What we are looking at is something very scary, three of the most powerful superstars in WWF history all on the same page, all out to cause maximum destruction to anybody who stands in there way.

The show goes to break as we see The Undertaker being tended to in the ring as he lays in a heap bloody and battered.


As Smackdown comes back to air we go live backstage where Jonathan Coachman is standing by with Team Extreme Matt and Jeff hardy with Lita

(COACH) Matt and Jeff you both just saw what we just saw, “The Allianceâ€￾ that is HHH, Kurt Angle and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin taking out “The American Bad Assâ€￾ The Undertaker giving him a beat down perhaps like we have never seen Undertaker beaten before, the problem for you guys is that later tonight you take on HHH and Stone Cold in our main event, what are your thoughts?

(JEFF) I think like everyone else who witnessed what just happened to The Undertaker we are sickened and disgusted but if you think for one second that The Hardy Boyz are intimidated by this new Alliance then you are very wrong, we have made a career out of taking risks, we have made a career out of beating the odds and tonight we will go out there again believing we can beat two of the biggest stars in this companies history HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

(MATT) My brother is right Coach “Team Extremeâ€￾ doesn’t fear anybody or anything and tonight in our main event against “The Allianceâ€￾ maybe we can get a little retribution for The Undertaker.

(COACH) “Team Extremeâ€￾ all I can say is good luck.

As the camera pans back to the arena The Dudley Boyz music hits and out they comes to a big cheer

(COLE) Bubba and D-Von Dudley are ready for battle here tonight and they are also ready King to win the WWF World tag Team Championships?

(KING) The Dudley Boyz will never get a better chance to win back the Tag Team Titles then they will tonight, this is a Tables match, this is The Dudley Boyz specialty match and that has to make the contenders slight favorites tonight over the Champions.

Edge & Christians Music hits and outcomes the World Tag Team Champions

(COLE) Edge and Christian are not happy bunny’s tonight and maybe you can understand why, they don’t feel they should have to defend there Titles tonight just four nights after winning them for a 7th time at Wrestlemania 17 in TLC and they certainly don’t think they should have to defend them tonight in a Tables match against the team that created the Tables match The Dudley Boyz.

(KING) In my view Edge & Christian have every right to be upset but these fans don’t seem to feel to sorry for the Champions and neither will The Dudley Boyz, Edge & Christian need to forget the injustice now and just make sure they leave here tonight with there Titles still intact.



The bell rings and this World Tag Team Championship match is going to be started by Christian and Bubba Ray Dudley, Christian taking Bubba into a side head lock early on and Christian won’t let go squeezing on the head of Bubba Ray Dudley, Christian trying to crush Bubba’s head like a grape here but Bubba backs Christian back up into the corner forcing Christian to break the hold, Christian grabbing Bubba by the arm and sending him off the ropes but Bubba with a huge flying shoulder barge puts Christian down, Bubba telling D-Von to throw a table into the ring and D-Von obliges, remember the only way to win this match and take the Titles is to put one of your opposing team members through a table, Bubba sets up the table in the middle of the ring and tries to put Christian on it but Christian counters with a kick to the gut and smashes Bubba head first off the table, Christian now scooping Bubba up and he is going to try and suplex Bubba through the table but incomes D-Von to take down Christian by the legs and remove the immediate danger, Christian not happy with D-Von’s intervention there and Christian knocks D-Von off the ring apron with a huge forearm shot, Christian turning his attention back to Bubba but Bubba counters with a huge suplex driving Christian spine first into the mat, Bubba drags Christian up and lays him on the table and now Bubba is going up to the top turnbuckle, Bubba Ray is going to try and smash Christian through the table by diving off the top rope but before he can take off Edge on the ring apron swipes Bubba’s ankle and sends him crown jewels first into the top turnbuckle, Bubba Ray Dudley is down and may be down for sometime and now Christian rolls across the ring to tag in his partner and fellow Tag Champ Edge, Edge dragging Bubba up and Edge sets up for the Impaler DDT but Bubba counters with a low blow and now Bubba tags in his brother D-Von, here comes D-Von Dudley dragging Edge up sending him off the ropes and D-Von with a huge back drop sends Edge crashing spine first into the canvas, D-Von drags Edge up and lays him out on the table and now it’s D-Von Dudley who is going to go up top, incomes Christian to try and get D-Von down but he is intercepted by Bubba who clotheslines Christian and himself over the top rope and out of the ring, D-Von Dudley has a clear flight path now and if he crashes Edge through that table we will have new Tag Team Champions, here comes D-Von Dudley with the flying head butt off the top but Edge gets up off the table at the last second and D-Von crashes and burns right through the table himself, the referee rings the bell and this match is over, Edge moved right at the last second and Edge dodging that bullet just saved his team the World Tag Team Titles.

Bubba looks on in shock wondering what went wrong as Edge & Christian grab there belts and high tail it up the ramp

(The Winners of the match in 9 minutes and 22 seconds and still “World Wrestling Federationâ€￾ Tag Team Champions Edge & Christianâ€￾)

(KING) We just saw this World Tag Team Title match decided on a split second where Edge avoided D-Von Dudley’s flying head butt off the top rope, there is no doubt that Edge & Christian just grabbed victory from the jaws of defeat.

(COLE) What a week for Edge & Christian winning a TLC match and a Table match in the space of four days, but what a disappointment tonight for The Dudley Boyz who came within inches of winning those Tag Team Titles tonight.


As the show comes back to air we see footage from earlier tonight with The Undertaker being taken out by “The Allianceâ€￾ HHH, Kurt Angle and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin.

(COLE) Ladies and gentleman the casualty list created by “The Alliance just keeps growing, we saw The Rock taken out this past Monday on Raw, tonight we have seen Jim Ross taken out, Kane taken out and as we just saw The Undertaker taken out and the list may still grow tonight because our main event see’s “The Gameâ€￾ HHH and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin go face to face with The Hardy Boyz.

William Regal’s music hits and outcomes Regal to a hostile reception

(KING) What a night this could be for William Regal, he is for the first time in his career about to go one on one with a women and not just any women the Women’s Champion Chyna.

(COLE) William Regal for some reason tried to disrespect Trish Stratus earlier tonight on behalf of MR McMahon and quite rightly Chyna stood up for her new friend, now Regal finds himself in a situation where this could be a very embarrassing night.

Chyna’s music hits and outcomes the Women’s Champion with Trish Stratus to a huge ovation

(KING) What an ovation for Chyna and Trish here tonight and Chyna doesn’t look nervous at all about having to face a man here tonight.

(COLE) Let’s not forget that “The Ninth Wonder Of The Worldâ€￾ Chyna is no stranger to facing male competition, she has beaten male wrestlers before she was the first women to participate in a Royal Rumble and she is also a former Intercontinental Champion.

(KING) Chyna is certainly a Diva all on her own and I would not want to swap places with William Regal right now.



The bell rings and look at Regal from the blindside take Chyna down with a double leg take down before the Women’s Champion was even ready, Regal now pulling at the hair of Chyna rubbing her face into the mat and this is how disrespectful and cowardly William Regal is, William Regal drags Chyna up sends her off the ropes and Regal with a big shoulder charge puts Chyna down, William Regal gloating to the crowd and now he makes an arrogant one footed pin fall 1, 2 but Chyna kicks out to William Regal’s huge displeasure, Chyna kicking out seems to have further angered Regal and now he tries to drag Chyna up but Chyna counters grabbing Regal by the crown jewels, Chyna has a firm grip on Regal and she won’t let go, Regal begging for mercy but Chyna scoops Regal up and drives him back first into the mat with a big suplex, Chyna with the cover 1, 2 but Regal gets his shoulder up, Chyna now dragging Regal up but Regal counters with a cowardly rake to the eyes of Chyna, Regal now driving Chyna into the corner and now Regal smashing his shoulder time after time into the gut and abdomen area of the Women’s Champion Chyna, Trish Stratus on the ring apron hurling abuse at Regal and Regal grabs her by the hair, William Regal crossing the line here as he tries to drag Trish hair first into the ring but from behind Chyna rolls Regal up into a small package and hold the tights 1, 2 ,3 and Chyna has done it, Chyna has beaten William Regal

(The Winner of the match by pin fall in 4 minutes 39 seconds Chyna)

(KING) This has to be the most embarrassing night in William Regal’s career, in his entire life, William Regal has just been beaten by a women.

(COLE) But not by any women King, he has been beaten by “The Ninth Wonder Of The Worldâ€￾ the Women’s Champion Chyna.

(KING) William Regal has egg on his face tonight and he may have some questions to answer for MR McMahon whose honor he was supposed to be defending.

Chyna and Trish celebrate up the ramp as William Regal sits nearly crying in the ring

Backstage we see “The Hardy Boyzâ€￾ making there way to ringside

(COLE) And there we see “The Hardy Boyzâ€￾ all set to go face to face with this deadly, hanus Alliance up next in our huge tag team main event.

The camera then cuts to WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley backstage making there way to the ring

(KING) But there is “The Allianceâ€￾ that in the last four days has left destruction wherever they have been, two of the baddest most ruthless men in the industry “The Gameâ€￾ and “The Rattlesnakeâ€￾ have evil intent on there minds again tonight and that may be bad news for The Hardy’s.

(COLE) When we come back The Hardy Boyz take on HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin in our huge tag team main event.


As Smackdown comes back to air HHH’S music hits and out he comes with his wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley

(COLE) He calls himself “The Cerebral Assassinâ€￾, he and his wife Stephanie McMahon – Helmsley form one of the most powerful combinations in World Wrestling Federation history and now he is seemingly aligned with Stone Cold Steve Austin his power here in the WWF seems to have grown even more in the last four days.

(KING) I don’t think HHH suddenly likes Stone Cold Steve Austin and I certainly don’t believe Austin likes HHH but what Stone Cold and HHH now have is a mutual bond that is power, that is success and they realize that together they are 100 times more powerful then they are as enemies.

(COLE) What MR McMahon has done is somehow put together two of the biggest rivals and superstars in this company’s history and as we have seen the results have been chillingly scary.

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music hits and outcomes the WWF Champion with his wife Debra at his side

(COLE) In the past three days we have seen Stone Cold Steve Austin take out The Rock, take out The Undertaker and even take out his best friend Jim Ross earlier tonight, the personality change in “The Texas Rattlesnakeâ€￾ since this past Sunday at Wrestlemania 17 has been scary and it seems to have been orchestrated by the evil mind of MR McMahon.

(KING) You can’t just blame MR McMahon Michael, Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his own decisions, it was Stone Cold’s choice to join this Alliance with MR McMahon, it was Stone Cold’s choice to turn his back on his fans and it was Stone Cold’s choice tonight to turn on his best friend JR, Stone Cold Steve Austin in my view is obsessed, he is obsessed with that WWF Championship and this week he has shown the world he is willing to do anything to win and retain that Championship belt.

The Hardy Boyz music hits and outcomes Jeff and Matt with Lita

(COLE) What a task for “Team Extremeâ€￾ tonight to go face to face with this evil and destructive Alliance.

(KING) You heard The Hardy Boyz earlier tonight they said they don’t fear this match, they don’t fear HHH and Stone Cold but will they be made to regret that statement by the “Rabid Red Neckâ€￾ and “The Gameâ€￾.

(COLE) The Hardy Boyz are one of the most successful tag teams in WWF history, they are the ultimate dare devils, the ultimate risk takers but is tonight to big a risk for The Hardy’s to take considering “The Alliancesâ€￾ casualty list over the past week.

(KING) Matt and Jeff will have no fear because they don’t know what fear is but come the end of this match The Hardy Boyz might just finally understand what fear is.

Stephanie & Debra W/ STONE COLD & HHH VS THE HARDY BOYZ /W Lita

The bell rings and it will be “The Gameâ€￾ HHH and Jeff Hardy to start off this tag team main event, HHH and Jeff locking up in the centre of the ring and just look at HHH use his overbearing power advantage to push Jeff Hardy backside first onto the canvas, Jeff Hardy picking himself up and he goes back for more locking up with “The Gameâ€￾ again but again HHH wins the power battle and shoves Jeff Hardy off his feet, here comes HHH now going after Jeff Hardy but Jeff counters with a drop toe hold that sends HHH face first into the top turnbuckle pad, HHH may be knocked out by that impact and Jeff Hardy rolls him up into a small package 1, 2 but HHH just kicks out, how close was Jeff Hardy there to scoring a huge win over “The Gameâ€￾?

(KING) HHH has to watch that quickness of mind and body by Jeff Hardy, HHH went rushing in to an attack and he almost paid the price with defeat.

Jeff Hardy dragging HHH to his feet and Hardy with a big round house right makes “The Gameâ€￾ wobbly on his feet, Jeff Hardy now trying to come off the ropes but Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley on the outside hooks his leg and trips Jeff up, Jeff Hardy is livid that Stephanie stopped his momentum there and he grabs her by the hair, Jeff Hardy is going to drag Stephanie by her hair into the ring but from behind HHH is up and he takes Jeff out with a huge blow to the back of the head, Stephanie being saved by her husband HHH there and now HHH sends Jeff off the ropes and delivers a huge face buster to the dare devil Jeff Hardy.
HHH now dragging Jeff by his rainbow colored hair to his corner of the ring and now HHH tags in the WWF Champion, “The Ruthless Rattlesnakeâ€￾ Stone Cold Steve Austin, Austin straight away laying in to Jeff Hardy and Austin with a vile kick to Jeff’s kidney area sends Jeff Hardy rolling across the ring in agony, we are looking at a new Stone Cold Steve Austin, a ruthless almost possessed Stone Cold Steve Austin and he is taking out all that aggression here tonight on Jeff Hardy, Austin dragging Jeff up by the hair, he sends him off the ropes and Austin with a big forearm to the face as Hardy came off the ropes puts Jeff down, Austin with the cover 1, 2 but incomes Jeff’s brother Matt to break up the count, Matt may have just saved his brother from defeat there and Stone Cold is not happy about it, Stone Cold now telling Matt that for doing that he is going to punish his brother Jeff even more, Austin drags Jeff up and Austin off the ropes goes for a big clothesline but Jeff ducks it, Austin off the other side of the rings ropes and this time Jeff Hardy puts the WWF Champion down with a double footed standing drop kick, what a move by Jeff there to put Stone Cold down but can he crawl to his corner and make the tag he desperately needs to his brother Matt Hardy, Jeff inching his way nearer but Austin is up and Austin grabs a hold of Jeff’s legs pulling him back into the centre of the ring, the opportunity of a tag may just have passed for Jeff but out of nowhere Jeff Hardy shakes Austin off with a reverse mule kick and now Jeff dives across to tag in his brother Matt.
Here comes Matt Hardy opening up on Stone Cold with hard right hand shots, Matt Hardy here opening a can of whoop ass of his own as he throws Austin off the ropes and takes him down with a huge side walk slam, Matt Hardy covers the WWF Champion 1, 2 but HHH pulls the referee out of the ring by his legs before he can count the three and HHH nails the referee right in the head knocking him out.

(KING) I guess HHH just took the law into his own hands Michael?

The match is ended with Stone Cold & HHH being disqualified

Matt Hardy dives through the ropes taking out HHH on the outside but from behind Stephanie has a steel chair and she drives it right into the back of Matt Hardy, it hurts but Matt is not down and he retaliates by grabbing Stephanie by the hair and throwing her in the ring where Lita is waiting, Lita is about to give Stephanie a “Twist Of Fateâ€￾ when Stone Cold suddenly comes out of nowhere to take Lita out with a huge clothesline, Matt runs in to protect Lita but Austin runs him down with a clothesline as well, here comes Jeff Hardy and Austin hits him with a Stunner.

(COLE) Stone Cold Steve Austin has just taken out “Team Extremeâ€￾ and he even laid his hands on Lita, what kind of man clotheslines a damn women.

Stephanie throws steel chairs into the ring for Stone Cold and HHH to use, Austin and “The Gameâ€￾ look at each other in a menacing way almost daring one another to strike first, HHH decides he will go first and he starts to pound Jeff Hardy across the back time after time with that steel chair, “The Gameâ€￾ is totally annihilating Jeff Hardy here and now it is Austin’s turn.
Stone Cold winding that steel chair up for maximum impact and now he starts to smash Matt Hardy in the back with it as well, “The Ruthless Rattlesnakeâ€￾ is just going to town on Matt Hardy with that chair, this is a sick assault.

Seeing what is happening a groggy and crying Lita throws herself on top of Matt Hardy’s fallen body to stop Austin’s attack, Austin stops and he and HHH laugh at Lita, Stone Cold then does the unthinkable and smashes Lita with the steel chair as well leaving her slumped unconscious across Matt Hardy.

(COLE) I can’t believe what we are seeing, it is not bad enough that HHH and Stone Cold have taken Matt and Jeff out with Steel chairs here but we have just seen that coward Stone Cold Steve Austin hit Lita right across the back with that vile steel chair as well, I don’t think I have ever seen anything this hanus in my life.

Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH stand frothing a the mouth over the carnage they have created as Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley claps, meanwhile Stone Cold’s wife Debra is making her way up the ramp crying perhaps in shock at what she has just seen her husband commit.

(KING) Has there ever been a duo as twisted, as psychotic as “The Gameâ€￾ HHH and “The Ruthless Rattlesnakeâ€￾ Stone Cold Steve Austin?

(COLE) King you can see Stone Cold’s wife Debra just sobbing as she makes her way up the ramp and she like us probably can’t believe what she has just seen her husband do not only to Matt and Jeff but to a damn women in Lita.

(KING) What ever the rights and wrongs of what we have seen this week, we have witnessed the birth of perhaps the most powerful Alliance ever to take shape in World Wrestling Federation history, who in the hell can stop HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin from dominating this company?

As Stone Cold and HHH embrace in the ring to celebrate that evil deed the camera cuts to backstage where a smiling MR McMahon pleased with what he has just seen is now ready to leave the arena and enters the parking lot where his limozene awaits, as McMahon approaches his ride he see’s the driver standing there shouting to McMahon that his limozene has been vandalized, McMahon clearly angry storms over to see what has happened and is shocked when he see’s sprayed on the side of his limo the logo of ECW.

(The show closes with MR McMahon standing in the parking lot with a stunned look on his face.)