WWF In Your House 9 “International Incident”

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF In Your House 9 “International Incident”
July 21st, 1996
Vancouver, British Columbia​

Free For All: Savio Vega vs. Justin “Hawk” Bradshaw (w/Uncle Zebekiah)
Both men slug it out straight away, and it’s not every good. Savio gets the better until Bradshaw grabs his pants and throws him into the top turnbuckle stunning him for a bit. He starts to beat on him but Savio puts the boot up leading to him getting the better on Bradshaw in and around the ring. At one point Bradshaw misses with a punch and hits the ring post allowing Savio to stomp on it twice before completely no working it, Bradshaw did a good job of selling it like it’s broken though. He kept grabbing it or squeezing the air to get feeling back into it. Savio starts using these spinning leg lariats which were cool but the match would end randomly when Savio tries a crossbody but Bradshaw catches, but from the outside Zeb tries him up and puts Bradshaw’s feet on the ropes for the win. Post-Match: Bradshaw and Uncle Zeb beat down Savio, first with Bradshaw giving him the clothesline from hell before Zeb brands him with the branding iron. Match was solid for a free for all, ending just too flat. *1/2

Goldust and Marlena come down to the ring as we get this AMAZING! DARK Undertaker video package. Goldust is at the announce table and cuts some weird promo before saying that the Undertaker will never forget the name “Goldust”

We get a video package detailing the main event tonight. At the King of the Ring; Shawn Michaels defeated the British Bulldog and retained the WWF, which lead to Camp Cornette coming out attacking him until Ahmed Johnson and the Ultimate Warrior came to his rescue and the match was set. Then the Ultimate Warrior disappeared so WWF President Gorilla Monsoon suspended him indefinitely for no-showing a series of WWF events. So Shawn and Ahmed brought back Sycho Sid to replace him.

Jose Lothario and Jim Cornette are in the ring for a face-to-face debate with Jim Ross being the guy in the middle. Jim says the reason why he brought him out here tonight was to ask him who he thinks he is? Coming into the WWF like this, as few weeks ago he punched him in the mouth. So He brought him out here tonight to let him know that Camp Cornette is going to win tonight. LOL @ Jim cutting him off all the time, Jim then threatens him if he ever puts his hands on him one more time he’s gonna knock him out. He then asks Jose to say sorry but Jose doesn’t Jose then says he will knock him out again if he gets involved. Jim then gets in his face and that leads to shoving match, Jim then tries to swing the racket but that misses and Jose punches him. This leads to both Vader and Shawn Michaels coming out before refs and officials separate it.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, He asks Austin that Mero was close to beating him at King Of The Ring. Austin then says he should slap him for thinking that, he then says he’s gonna run over everyone in the WWF until someone can stop him (Kelly Shows the KOTR Footage with Mero busting Austin’s mouth) Austin says it was intentional and that that won’t happen tonight.

Backstage: Jim Cornette rants from the locker room with Camp Cornette and says that if his team loses he is going to personally give everyone their PPV money back. LOL @ this going over the time limit as Vince tries everything to politely cut him off until he eventually does.

The Bodydonnas vs. The Smoking Gunns (w/Sunny)
The Gunns are the tag team champions but Sunny refused to put the titles on the line. Bodydonnas say they no longer require the services of manager Cloudy, all the need are the fans. Bodydannas get the jump early on and clean house, leading to the Gunns having a breather on the floor. Bart and Zip start and it’s terrible, both guys don’t do anything for me matter of fact the only reason I’m really watching this is potential Sunny shots and she’s not even my favorite. Bodydonnas get the better early, quick tags and all until Bart hits a short clothesline before tagging Billy in. The Gunn’s take control and its terrible Billy works slowly and it’s mostly taunting and pandering to the crowd. The match goes back and forth for a bit and it’s terrible, then randomly Sunny “FAKES FAINTING” and Skip comes over to check on her, but when he gets back up she slaps him and the Gunns double clothesline him before working over him in the ring now. Granted that whole sequence was terrible, but it was a good way of getting the Gunn’s their heat back. This last for several minutes with the Gunn’s trying the WGTT double team leapfrog but Billy can’t get over so it looks awful :lmao I can’t these guys suck so much. The isolation doesn’t get better it just drags and drags, Skips bumping it good but not good enough to makes these two fucks look good. Finally Skip has a nice little flurry before finally tagging in Zip who is terrible two, he does clean house until Bill trips Zip up allowing Bart to attack him the match ends when Sunny is talking shit to Skip when Billy comes in to join, but as Bart has Zip up for the sideliner Skip leaps off the top with a dropkick for the win. Terrible ending, terrible heat, dead crowd all of it was a mess outside Sunny. *1/4 - *1/2


Backstage: Mr. Perfect is with Camp Cornette, Vader is throwing shit around as we get footage of the Jose/Jim segment from earlier tonight. As we watch the footage Jim claims Jose pulled out a switch blade and tried to cut him :lmao :lmao :lmao He then says Shawn tried to jump him too, but thankfully Vader saved him. Jim says if they lose he will refund the money for the PPV. Bulldog says his wife Diana will stay in the back cause he doesn’t want here to get hurt, Owen says he’s gonna take all of their team out with his cast. Jim then says you think Sid is crazy well he’s never seen Vader.

Mankind vs. Henry O. Godwinn (w/Hillbilly Jim)
Jake Roberts was supposed to be Mankind’s original opponent but he was MIA, but Vince covers it up that Jake is “Injured” with a rib injury so we get this shit instead. Mankind attacks him from behind and goes on the attack early, but Henry fights back with punches and a powerslam before clotheslining him to the floor. He takes a little breather, before getting back in the ring and getting the better of Henry again. They go back and forth for a bit, with neither man really gaining the advantage for long or even more than 2 moves until Mankind hits the running bulldog and an elbow drop. He works over Henry for a bit before ripping up the pads on the floor, he hits the twisting neck breaker on the concrete but takes too much time to follow up so Henry makes a comeback. But Mankind throws him to the floor, but when he gets on the apron Henry throws him off the apron onto the concrete floor JESUS! He tries the Slop Drop but Mankind counters by holding onto the ropes. Mankind follows up with the Mandible Claw for the win. Mankind bumped for Henry like he was son mid-card guy he wanted to get over, I think if he would have taken out the apron bump the match still would have been what it was. He really didn’t need to take that bump in a match that Henry was the replacement for. *3/4


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. “Wildman” Marc Mero (w/Sable)
Austin has a Stone Cold logo on the back of his pants WHAT? :lmao I’m so glad that didn’t stick, both guys come out like a house on fire, very quick with both men bumping hard and fast before Mero applies pressure on the arm to slow this down. Both men now have a really good exchange of counter mat wrestling, it’s shockingly good. Well this was pre-neck injury Austin so I’m not that surprised but for Mero this was good, too bad he ruined it with strikes. Mero does that same roll-up pin that busted Austin’s mouth at the KOTR for two and Austin pretends like his mouth is hurt again, but he LIED! That allows Austin to jump him and beat him down before sending him to the floor. Austin slingshots him into the post and now begins to work over him in and out of the ring, it’s damn good. His mean streak and aggression is IMO the best if all time, when he turns it on and beats the shit out of wrestlers I think no one is better. This last for several minutes as he continues to work the head and neck area, until Marlena comes down to mess with Sable….CAUSE ALL WOMEN ARE BITCHES! Some bum passes a note to Jerry Lawler at the announce table. Mero hits a somersault plancha off the apron and then a moonsault off the apron to Austin. And he’s all fired up, he rolls Austin back in before sling shooting himself onto Austin for two. 10 corner punches spot but Mero but he tries to climb onto Austin’s shoulders so Austin shoves him onto the top rope, Austin goes for the Stunner but, Mero grabs the top rope to counter; Mero hits a slingshot legdrop for another two count. Austin clips the knee before dropping Mero with the Stunner for the win. This was solid, Austin really carried this bum to the best Mero has looked in years. **3/4


Goldust (w/Marlena) vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
Goldust’s stalling would make Larry Zbyszko proud. LOL @ Goldust using the ref as a shield but Taker gives him no fucks are given look, and just stands there so Goldust goes face to face with him and does his taunt so Taker uppercuts the shit out of him :lmao more stalling which leads to him pretending to walk out or get counted out. He tries a cheap tactic on Taker but it backfires with Taker chokeslamming him ass first onto the steel steps before retreating back into the ring. He’s finally had enough and bounces Goldust’s head off the steps before picking them up but Marlena covers Goldust and Taker puts the steps down BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He rolls Goldust back into the ring and continues to dominate him but Goldust tries his best to expose the top buckle twice. The beatdown last a good 5-7 minutes and it doesn’t really accomplish anything, it reminds me of the feud with Cena in 2003 where Taker beats the shit out of the kid and one big moves allows the heel to takeover with Taker bumping huge for the rest of the match. Anyway after getting the crap kicked out of him Goldust finally exposes that turnbuckle and Goldust whips him into it and begins working over the kidneys and back. He throws the steps into the back of Taker the same move that Taker wasn’t man enough to do earlier. Once he rolls Taker back in he continues to work the back, slowing down the match to pace that suits him keeping the pressure on Taker at all times. Well, it doesn’t last long as Taker has a comeback and no sells the back. He would hit the tombstone and slowly puts his hands onto Goldust’s chest but out of nowhere Mankind rips the ring and comes out from under it giving Taker the Mandible Claw dragging him down. Mankind comes out first as we get smoke effects and flicking lights before the Gongs happen, Undertaker rips through the other side of the ring behind Mankind and they brawl all of the way into locker room. We follow the brawl into the bowels of the arena and into the boiler room. AHHHHHH! Disappointing as fuck, Goldust is pretty much just a filler and the matches just never clicked. *1/2

In the boiler room Goldust quotes movies; As Mankind has Goldust’s wig and call it mommy. Mankind tells “mommy” that destruction can be beautiful.

Backstage: Doc Hendrix interviews Shawn, Sid and Ahmed; Shawn says you should never bring knife to a gun fight. Ahmed says he’s done talking and Sid says they are the masters.

Vader, British Bulldog & Owen Hart (w/Jim Cornette) vs. Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson & Sycho Sid (w/Jose Lothario)
During Shawn’s entrance he’s so over that the fans rush the rails and it falls down :lmao Vader and Ahmed start off… wait Vader calls out Shawn so he receives a tag :mark: Vader bullying the shit out of him was great, Shawn comes back using his quickness to stay not only out of the reach of Vader but he uses the stick and move hit him from every angle to get the better of him, but he goes one high risk too many and connects jaw first into the rails. This allows Vader to beat the shit out of him in the corner but he flips out of a back suplex and tags Sid in. He cleans house on Camp Cornette clotheslineing all 3 men out giving the face team time to taunt. Man Shawn and Sid’s man crush is on another level here, Ahmed and Owen get in now with Ahmed hitting some of the most sloppiest and awful looking German’s ever, thankfully he misses a flying elbow as Bulldog tags but he gets caught in the pearl river plunge but Vader breaks it up. Vader toys with Ahmed a bit which pisses him off he comes back with strikes of his own but a single Vader punch puts a stop to that :lmao he follows up with a huge squash, and corner strikes. He goes for the splash again but Ahmed catches him in mid-air and slams him down for two. Owen gets the jump on Ahmed for a bit, but that doesn’t last long as Sid gets tagged in he makes a terrible mistake of whipping Owen into Camp Cornette’s corner allowing Bulldog to tag in. He hits a fuckin delayed Suplex on Sid and that allows Camp Cornette to work over Sid for a bit, well not really as Sid fights off Bulldog and tags Shawn in who again uses his quickness to stick and mover but he goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Shawn pretty much no sells and we gets a great little exchange with Shawn outsmarting the heel team until Owen tags in. That was pretty great, tons of counters and roll-ups until Owen clotheslines the shit out of Shawn and now, now Camp Cornette goes to work which makes sense. Shawn is the smaller guy and they can beat on him. The isolation was so good that a fan jumps the rail to try and help, only thing that would have made it better is if Vader would have punched that fan in the face. At one point Vader squashes the shit out of Shawn, but then Sid comes in all thug like and kills Vader with a clothesline. THAT WAS AWWESOME! Shawn can’t make the tag to Camp Cornette continue the isolation. FINALLY Shawn tags in Sid who runs over Vader and one-handed chokeslams him; Owen and Bulldog run in and also receive chokeslams as well. Ahmed gets a tag in and he and Sid team up to clothesline Vader. Sid and HBK team up for a Rocket Launcher to Vader but the Bulldog breaks up the following pinfall attempt. The match finally breaks down with Vader attempting to hit Shawn with Cornette’s racket but it backfires and Vader eats the racket… for a two count. Shawn tunes up the band but Cornette grabs his ankle; So Jose runs over to nail Cornette, meanwhile Vader avalanches Michaels and drops the Vader Bomb on him for win. Post-Match: Ahmed and Sid attacks Camp Cornette, Sid powerbombs both Bulldog and Owen before attempting to give a Powerbomb to Vader, but Owen and Bulldog pull him out. Somehow, Shawn isn't totally dead after being killed for 10 minutes, and does an amazing dive onto Vader. Camp Cornette bails, and Shawn gets back in with the teammates and celebrates losing? Or surviving. THIS WAS FUCKIN’ GREAT, the crowd and action was hot throughout. This without a bout saved this show and you can pretty much call this a one match show. I loved that Camp Cornette couldn’t keep the big men down, and couldn’t control the pace until they finally got Shawn. This for me is one of Shawn’s greatest performances, his bumping, selling everything was on point. Great way to set up Sid/Shawn too. ****



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Strong for a B Card at the time.

Just for character and angles the Goldust-Taker feud was enjoyable and the matches better than you would expect.

I don't think Cornette did overran on that interview I think it was part of the segment. To offer the fans their money back if his team loses was a great way to attract heat too.

The main event was really good, and the booking just about perfect.