I don't know if I like the way the NWO were signed like this. It all just felt a little too easy for them to potentially get contracts from Vince just because 'Taker and Flair asked. Also found it somewhat strange that they debuted at No Way Out in a middle of the card match. I know it involved 'Taker and Kane, who're big names, but I just could imagine the fans being so into it, and then being dead for basically everything that came after.
Angle/Flair stuff continuing is nice. One of the feuds that has been solidly building prior to No Way Out and continues here.
Definitely keeping an eye on The Rock. Promo has me pumped for what he might do at 'Mania.
Booker T/Regal for the IC Title sounds good to me.
Dudleyz/Hardyz in a tables match? Cool.
I think I might have mentioned how much I love the MDC name and the Pac/Lynn team in general. Getting a win over names like RVD and Jericho is huge for them. And based off the way things went in the match, and the segment earlier, I'm more than okay with Jericho vs. RVD at some point as well.
Austin/Triple H as a feud works, but the segment didn't quite land for me. Some of Austin's stuff just didn't have any of the Austin mannerisms or sound like you'd expect Austin to. Plenty of time though, and I do enjoy that you're playing off their time as the 2MPT.
Solid No Way Out fallout episode.
Angle/Flair stuff continuing is nice. One of the feuds that has been solidly building prior to No Way Out and continues here.
Definitely keeping an eye on The Rock. Promo has me pumped for what he might do at 'Mania.
Booker T/Regal for the IC Title sounds good to me.
Dudleyz/Hardyz in a tables match? Cool.
I think I might have mentioned how much I love the MDC name and the Pac/Lynn team in general. Getting a win over names like RVD and Jericho is huge for them. And based off the way things went in the match, and the segment earlier, I'm more than okay with Jericho vs. RVD at some point as well.
Austin/Triple H as a feud works, but the segment didn't quite land for me. Some of Austin's stuff just didn't have any of the Austin mannerisms or sound like you'd expect Austin to. Plenty of time though, and I do enjoy that you're playing off their time as the 2MPT.
Solid No Way Out fallout episode.