WWF 2000 Raw, Smackdown & PPV review thread

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF RAW IS WAR 02/07/2000
Reunion Arena in Dallas, TX

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Val Venis (12/12/1999)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Test (1/17/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)

Things kick off with X-Pac coming out with Tori as JR mentions Kane has reportedly been re-institutionalized following Tori’s betrayl. X-Pac climbs in the ring but before he does anything the Radicals hop the barricade and head in themselves. X-Pac bails out and grabs a chair when Perry Saturn grabs a mic and assures him they’re not looking for trouble then talks on how they showed up a week ago looking to make noise and get a contract to wrestle in the WWF. Dean Malenko takes the mic and says they had their chance on Smackdown but weren’t good enough and blew it. Eddie Guerrero takes the mic and thanks the WWF fans for their support and the privelage of perfroming for them. Incidentally Eddie’s arm is in a sling after dislocating his elbow in his match last Thursday on Smackdown. Chris Benoit then takes the mic and brings Cactus Jack out to thank him for making their WWF moment possible. Cactus comes out and exchanges hugs when The Helmselys come out to the stage with Stephanie getting on the mic expressing her disdain for this moment before asking Cactus what’s it going to take to make him go away. Stephanie reminds Cactus he failed to beat Triple H at the Royal Rumble then brought in his friends who also failed before asking if he’s now going to bring in the Dallas Cowboys, or the 82nd Airborne, or the Russian army. Triple H takes the mic and tells Cactus he makes him sick and that his patience with this whole situation is wearing thin, especially since he’s still getting in his face after he and his friends couldn’t get it done against him. Triple H decides to finish their feud by offering Cactus one last shot at his WWF Championship at No Way Out, even letting Cactus decide the type of match he wants, provided it doesn’t involve sharp, metallic objects. Cactus quickly takes the match but tells Triple H that his terms leave him with only one choice: Hell in a Cell! Triple H agrees to the match but on one condition: Cactus must put his career on the line, meaning if Cactus loses he must retire from wrestling and that goes for all of Mick Foley’s personas. Cactus says he’s been 3-time WWF Champion, 8-time Tag Team Champion, and the first Hardcore Champion, but one thing has eluded him in his long career: he’s never main-evented Wrestlemania. Cactus agrees but adds when he wins the title, he goes on to Wrestlemania with no title defenses before then. Triple H accepts that addition as he walks down the ramp saying Cactus has about 20 days left in his career. Triple H then climbs in the ring and addresses the Radicals, saying they have a decision to make. Triple H tells them to either leave or show their appreciation … to the man that gave them their contracts. Cactus then turns … right into a right hand from Benoit! The Radicals have turned heel on Cactus and the crowd is rabid! The Radicals and Triple H beat Cactus down with X-Pac adding in a Bronco Buster, and Malenko and Saturn both suplex Cactus while Benoit climbs to the top rope and hits the diving headbutt. Triple H tells Cactus it’s the beginning of the end before nailing him with the mic and hitting a Pedigree. The whole gang then raises their arms and Cactus is left laying in the ring as we go to commercial.


Back from break we get a replay of the Radicals turning against Cactus Jack and beating him down. We then find the whole lot of them backstage celebrating, with Triple H saying this is only the start. Triple H says tonight he and X-Pac will team with them against Cactus and any four partners he can get but if Cactus can’t find anyone, he’s on his own.

WWF World Tag Team Titles: The New Age Outlaws © vs. Edge & Christian
The Outlaws come out first and do their spiel once again ignoring they’re supposed to be heels. Just as the match begins the Dudley Boyz stroll out and join the announcers for commentary yet would spend the entire match getting into JR’s face about the way he’s been talking about them. Billy Gunn locks up with Christian to start and forces him into a corner then pounds on him. Billy whips Christian and goes for a crossbody but Christian ducks it then trips Billy with a drop toehold. Christian then hits a pair of armdrags followed by a hip toss and Billy throws a tantrum at being shown up. We then get a shot of Bubba Ray continuing to talk down at JR then cut back just as Christian is hitting his springboard plancha over the ropes on Road Dogg on the floor. Edge rolls Billy back in the ring and Christian goes for a whip but Billy reverses him into a corner and hits a press slam. Road Dogg tags in and taunts Edge but turns right into a dropkick. Edge tags in and both men whip Road Dogg into a corner and Christian drops to the mat just like the Hardys while Edge launches off him into a crossbody on Road Dogg. Edge hits a spinning heel kick for a two count then goes for a whip but Road Dogg reverses it and Billy pulls Edge out to the floor. Edge manages to deck Billy but Road Dogg nails him with a baseball slide and Billy rams him into the steps. Billy throws Edge back in and Road Dogg kicks him in the back then stomps him down in a corner and draws Christian in to distract the referee for a douoble-team. Billy takes over and hits a jackhammer for a two count then whips Edge into a corner and splashes him. The Outlaws go for a double suplex but Edge flips out of it and hits a double neckbreaker on both men. Edge crawls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Christian. Christian takes it to both Outlaws and slams Billy to the mat then throws Road Dogg down as well and whips Billy into a backdrop. Christian clotheslines him over the ropes to the floor when Road Dogg hits the juke ‘n jive punches but Christian ducks the big right and hits a Slop Drop. Billy breaks up the pin so Edge spears him. Christian goes for his own spear on Road Dogg but misses and runs his shoulder into the ringpost. Road Dogg hammers Christian and distracts the referee while Bubba goes out and snaps Christian on the rope. Road Dogg follows up with the pump handle slam and that gets the three to retain. Good match though the Dudley’s interacting with JR does detract from it a little. Bubba climbs on the announce table to give JR the business while D’Von tells him they’ve just testified. Edge then goes out to the floor looking to get a piece of Bubba but D’Von helps his half-brother escape. **1/2

Backstage Mark Henry is talking with Mae Young, asking her to stay in the back during his match. Henry also tells Mae to take care of their bun in the oven before he leaves. Ugh, don’t remind me.

Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry
Angle comes out with a mic says tonight he’s not going to offer his services to be the fan’s hero. Angle says the only thing he has in common with Henry is they were Olympians, only he won a gold medal in his career yet all Henry’s done is get an elderly woman pregnant. Angle also feels such an act of sin may be acceptable here in Dallas but it’s not acceptable to him. Both men lockup to start and Angle manages to take Henry down by the legs and goes into a front facelock but Henry gets to his feet and throws Angle to the mat. Henry scoops Angle onto his shoulder and hits a running powerslam for a two count then slams Angle to the mat and legdrops him for another two. Angle tries to take Henry down again but can’t get him up and Henry powerbombs him for a near fall. Henry clotheslines Angle then charges at him but tumbles to the floor after Angle pulls down the top rope. Angle goes out and backdrops Henry onto the floor then looks over to see Mae Young coming down the ramp. Angle climbs back in the ring when Mae goes in and wails on him from behind, causing a DQ. DUD After the match Mae continues to attack Angle when he turns and plants Mae with his reverse fireman’s carry slam. Angle then walks off and Henry rushes in to tend to his friend as Barbara Bush and the EMTs come out. :lmao


The Rock is shown arriving at the building as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of Angle slamming Mae Young to the mat with the reverse fireman’s carry. We also get footage of Mae getting stretchered out of the arena to the back with Mark Henry walking beside her. We then cut to the back to find Mark Henry and the Fabulous Moolah trying to revive Mae on the stretcher but Mae acts delirious :lmao

Elsewhere Crash and Hardcore Holly are walking with Crash having doubts on facing the Acolytes tonight. Hardcore feels a good hardcore win will put them back on top of the tag team ranks but Crash isn’t convinced. Crash suggests the Acolytes aren’t the only ones who can offer protection and Hardcore suggests he’s an idiot.

The Acolytes vs. Crash & Hardcore Holly
The Hollys rush the ring but the Acolytes take control, with Bradshaw whipping Crash into a boot. Faarooq clotheslines Hardcore over the ropes while Bradshaw and Crash go at it nearby on the floor. Bradshaw rams Crash into the barricade and tosses him over it with Hardcore and Faarooq right behind and the two teams fight their way through the crowd to the back and end up at the consessions stand. Bradshaw throws Crash over the counter while Faarooq hits Hardcore with a popcorn machine. We then see Bradshaw taking a quick drink of beer while Faarooq drinks right from the tap. Hardcore cracks a bottle on Faarooq’s head tees off on him while Bradshaw rams Crash into a cash register drops a rack of cotton candy on his back. Hardcore hits Faarooq with a plastic trashcan but Bradshaw rams him into a counter in turn. Bradshaw rolls Hardcore onto the counter then goes up and sets him up for a piledriver onto it. Suddenly Viscera appears with a 2×4 … but slips on a puddle of beer and falls down to the floor. As a result Bradshaw has to pretend not to notice and delay a piledriver he should have done by now. Nonetheless Viscera manages to get back to his feet and breaks the 2×4 on Bradshaw’s back. Bradshaw falls off the counter and crashes through a table and Hardcore covers him for the pin. *

WWF Intercontinential Title: Chris Jericho © vs. Viscera
Jericho comes out first to the stage and gets on the mic to do his usual intro before saying he’s a little intimidated wrestling the love child of Mr. T and Fat Albert then tells “Viscera the Hutt†that he pities the fool who messes with him as he heads in the ring. JR mentions Chyna is not here tonight since she’s off filming an episode of 3rd Rock From the Sun. Both men exchange punches to start but Viscera whips Jericho hard into the ropes and headbutts him. Viscera whips Jericho into a backdrop then whips him into a corner and charges but eats an elbow. Jericho hops to the middle rope and connects with a missle dropkick then tees off on Viscera. Jericho comes off the rope but runs right into a spinning heel kick and rolls out to the floor. Viscera goes out after Jericho and rams him into the ringsteps before rolling him back in the ring. Jericho attacks Viscera as he climbs onto the apron and knocks him back off with sprrpingboard heelkick. Jericho goes for a baseball slide but Viscera sidesteps him then slams Jericho onto the floor. Viscera whips Jericho into a barricade then rolls him back in but misses an elbowdrop. Jericho comes off the ropes but runs right into a Samoan Drop that only gets a two count somehow. Viscera whips Jericho into a corner and charges but Jericho sidesteps him and hits the bulldog. Jericho connetcs with the Lionsault but the Hollys come in and pound on Jericho causing a DQ. *

Backstage we find Michael Cole about the speak to the Radicals as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of the Radicals turning on Cactus Jack and hooking up with Triple H earlier. Michael Cole then interviews them about what they did, saying the fans thought they were sincere. Dean Malenko insists they were sincere about appreciating the chance to perform in front of the WWF fans. Cole mentions the turn and Eddie Guerrero claims Cactus was foolish to think they’d put friendship before business. Chris Benoit says they had to ally themselves with the people who have all the stroke and that’s the Helmsleys. Benoit adds anyone in their position would have done the same thing since it’s all about the almighty dollar. Malenko adds they got themsleves into this situation and sometimes desparate people do desparate things. Perry Saturn says if Cactus can’t find any friends, he might be more desparate then them.

Elsewhere Kevin Kelly is standing outside The Rock’s door waiting to be humiliated by him later on.

Elsewhere Luna is ranting to Gangrel about the chair shot she took form Jacqueline on Smackdown. Gangrel tries to calm her down by saying she can win the Women’s title if she sticks to the gameplan but Luna says gameplayers don’t win and she wants revenge then continues to rant as we go to commercial.

WWF Women’s Title: Jacqueline © vs. Luna Vachon (w/Gangrel)
Since this is Jackie’s hometown I think we can safely guess who’s getting the win here. Luna takes Jackie down to start and the two ladies roll out to the floor and go at it there. The referee tries to separate the ladies but ends up sandwiched and taken down with them. Luna throws Jackie in the ring and whips her but Jackie throws her down to the mat and rolls her up for a two count. Luna hits a jawbreaker followed by a fireman’s carry then climbs up the ropes but misses a big splash and Jackie hits a bridge suplex for the three. DUD

Kevin Kelly is still waiting to interview The Rock as we go to commercial.

Kevin Kelly interviews The Rock backstage but as usual Rock cuts him off before doing his “Finally THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO ....…†bit. Rock gets into a discussion with Kevin about pie then models his latest shirt by draping it over Kevin’s head. Rock talks about facing The Big Show at No Way Out, promising to defeat him and move on to Wrestlemania while saying he also doesn’t care who he faces for the title, whether it be Triple H or Cactus Jack. Rock then says tonight’s main event will not be 5-on-1 but will be 5-on-2, with himself as Cactus’ partner. Rock makes fun of Triple H’s partners before telling them what to do with their contracts and ending with the usual.

Elsewhere backstage we find D’Lo Brown admiring the Godfather’s women as they head out to the ring.

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Godfather & D’Lo Brown (w/the ladies)
Godfather tries to do his intro but gets interupted by the Dudleys’ entrance as they charge in the ring. Bubba Ray tosses D’Lo over the ropes as D’Von whips Godfather but Godfather reverses it and hits a boot. Godfather whips D’Von into a backdrop and follows up with a clothesline then tags D’Lo in. Godfather whips D’Von into a scoop slam followed by a splash from D’Lo then adds in a legdrop. D’Lo whips D’Von but D’von comes back with a forearm. D’Von slams D’Lo to the mat then hops to the middle rope but misses a legdrop. Godfather tags in and slams D’Von then pops Bubba off the apron. Godfather whips D’Von into a corner and hits the Ho Train as his ladies hop on the apron to cheer him on. Godfather sets D’Von up for a Death Valley Driver but Bubba breaks it up with a chopblock to the knee. Godfather tags in D’Lo while holding his knee and rolling out to the floor where his women tend to him. D’Lo whips D’Von into a clothesline and Bubba comes in but D’Lo slams him and hits the shaky legdrop. D’Lo goes for a whip, D’Von reverses but D’Lo ducks a right hand and hits the Sky High powerbomb. D’Lo climbs to the top and connects with the Lo Down on D’Von then covers but Bubba pulls him off before the three. D’Lo goes for a whip but Bubba reverses it and the Dudleys hit the 3D to end this one. Okay for 3 minutes *

We then get a look at the Stone Cold funny car which Jerry Toliver drove to win at Pamona yesterday. See, this only takes a few seconds unlike those long “This Week in WCW Motorsports†segments no one cares about.

Back from break Michael Cole is about to interview Cactus Jack on the main event. After showing the Radicals turning on him yet again Cole asks Cactus about tonight and No Way Out. Cactus says he wasn’t supposed to be a WWF superstar, that he was told that he was too small, too ugly, etc., but in the 15 years since then he’s been proving people wrong so don’t count him out in 20 days. Cactus says he was fully prepared to go it alone against Triple H’s team and didn’t ask for The Rock’s help but Rock is volunteering his services and he’s not stupid to turn his assistance down. Cactus says he will get through tonight before he wins at No Way Out to go on to Wrestlemania.

Triple H, X-Pac, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Stephanie, Tori & Eddie Guerrero) vs. The Rock, Cactus Jack & ?
After the DX’ers come out first, the Radicals get some generic rock music for their entrance and do their posing in the ring while Stephanie again joins the announcers for commentary. Rock and Cactus rush the ring by themselves when Rikishi and Too Cool come out to join their team. The two sides spill out and fight all over the arena with Rock suplexing Triple H on the ramp and the crowd noise is deafening! Cactus clotheslines Benoit over the barricade while Rikishi hits a belly-to-belly suplex on X-Pac. Eventually it’s Grandmaster Sexay and X-Pac going at it in the ring with everyone else heading out to the apron. Sexay goes for a whip, X-Pac reverses but Sexay slides under him and hits a neckbreaker. Sexay hops to the middle rope but misses a kneedrop and Saturn tags in but runs into a powerslam. Sexay tags in Scotty 2 Hotty and both men whip Saturn into a double elbow followed by a double elbowdrop. Scotty whips Saturn into a corner then comes off the ropes with the bulldog and hits the Worm. Scotty goes for a whip but Saturn reverses and Malenko nails him from the apron so Scotty decks him. Scotty turns into a belly-to-belly suplex from Saturn then Malenko tags in and whips Scotty into a heel kick. Malenko whips Scotty into a corner and hits a clothesline then goes for a suplex but Scotty floats over and hits an reverse suplex. Rikishi tags in when Malenko whips him into a corner and hits a clothesline but it has no effect and Rikishi comes out with his own clothesline. Rikishi whips Malenko but lowers the head and Malenko attempts a Sunset Flip but can’t get Rikishi over. Rikishi signals for the splash but Malenko backs away and Benoit tags in but runs into a Samoan Drop. Rikishi whips Benoit who ducks a clothesline and attempts a German suplex but can’t get Rikishi up. Benoit clubs Rikish in the back of the head and this time does manage to hit the German Suplex! Benoit goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses him into a corner and hits a belly-to-belly suplex followed by the running butt splash in the corner. Cactus tags in and beats Benoit down then pops Triple H off the apron and goes out after him. Cactus thows Triple H on the announce table and Saturn and X-Pac pull Cactus off and roll him back in the ring when Triple H tags in and stomps Cactus down in a corner. Cactus comes back with a right hand so X-Pac tags in and goes for a whip but Cactus reverses and hits a neckbreaker before tagging in The Rock. Who lays the Smackdown on X-Pac when Malenko and Benoit come in but they each eat spinebusters. Rock hits the Rock Bottom on X-Pac but Triple H breaks up the pin and sets Rock up for a Pedigree when Rikishi comes in and superkicks Triple H. Saturn also comes in with his own superkick on Rock. X-Pac sets Rock up for a Bronco Buster but Rock cuts him off with a clothesline. Sexay tags in and climbs to the top rope then connects with the Tennessee Jam on X-Pac and busts a move. However Benoit trips Sexay from the floor and X-Pac follows up with a spinkick. Triple H tags in and whips Sexay into a high knee then tags in Saturn who hits a clothesline. Saturn tags in Benoit and whips Sexay into a double elbow then both men mock Too Cool. Benoit hits a suplex for a two count then tags in Triple H who draws in Rock to distract Earl Hebner as Sexay suffers a 5-on-1 beatdown. Triple H hits a suplex before Saturn tags in and hits a legdrop then chops Sexay in a corner. Saturn tags Malenko in and whips Sexay into a double dropkick. Benoit tags in and he and Malenko whip Sexay into a backdrop but Sexay counters with a double DDT. Sexay crawls over and makes the hot tag to Cactus and Cactus beats Benoit down in a corner. Cactus readies for the running knee but Hebner stops him saying he didn’t see the tag. That doesn’t stop all 10 men from pouring in and fighting around the arena again. During the fracas Triple H nails Sexay witht he Pedigree while Benoit climbs to the top rope and connects with the diving headbutt on Sexay and a three count later it’s over. Awesome main event with wall-to-wall action and the crowd was into it all the way. I just wish it was a bit longer. ****1/2


Overall: There were a few good angles built toward No Way Out including Cactus Jack’s last shot at his dream, and the Radicals heel turn was pulled off nicely. Some may think it’s a little too soon to turn them but it ended up working out better in the long run. I also love the main event too bad we’ll never see that 10-man tag on DVD for obvious reasons, so try your hardest to track it down anyway you can. Plus the AWESOME return of KANE. 7/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF SMACKDOWN 02/10/2000
Austin, Texas

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Val Venis (12/12/1999)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Test (1/17/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)

Smackdown comes on the air with a recap of The Radicals’ turn, the 10-man tag and Kane’s return on Raw. After the intro Michael Cole welcomes us to the show along with Jerry “The King” Lawler.

WWF European Title: Val Venis © vs. Kurt Angle
Angle first gets on the mic and says he’s still a role model despite suplexing an 82-year old pregnant woman on Raw who he thought was Mark Henry. Angle decides to treat the fans by becoming European Champion and says the Texas fans may not know where Europe is because of the educational system in Austin but promises once he wins the belt he promises to entertain and educate the fans as well. Val makes his way out and does his grind when Angle jumps him and beats him down in a corner. Val comes out with a clothesline and hits a hiptoss followed by a series of forearms. Angle clotheslines Val over the ropes then leaps off the apron but Val belts him in the chest and drops Angle onto the barricade. Val throws Angle back in the ring but Angle snaps his neck on the rope. Angle elbows Val in the head then drops him on the top rope. Angle whips Val and hits a neckbreaker for two then yells at the crowd for jeering him. Angle goes for a whip but Val reverses it and hits an elbow followed by an elbowdrop and a kneedrop for a two count. Val whips Angle into a corner and clotheslines him then hits the Fisherman’s Suplex but only gets a two count. Val slams Angle to the mat and climbs to the top rope looking for the Moneyshot but Angle bumps the ropes causing Val to straddle the turnbuckle. Val crumbles to the mat and Angle follows up with the Olympic Slam and gets the 1..2..3 to win his first championship in the WWF. *1/2

We then cut to the Helmselys watching the match on a monitor backstage along with DX and the Radicals. Triple H addresses his army while Stephanie seems a little too distracted with Angle on the monitor. Stephanie says tonight is about “divide & conquer” against everyone who made Monday difficult for them. Triple H first tells Perry Saturn that he has Grandmaster Sexay tonight while Dean Malenko gets Scotty 2 Hotty. Triple H then pits Chris Benoit against Rikishi with Benoit saying he’ll make Rikishi sorry he ever left sumo. Triple H then gives the New Age Outlaws the honor of facing The Rock and Cactus Jack, non-title of course. Triple H says that leaves Kane and assigns X-Pac against him with X-Pac expressing outrage at facing him again. Triple H tells X-Pac he’s just ribbing and it’ll really be Kane against the two of them in a handicap match. The entire group pledges to get the job done against their respective opponents as we go to commercial.

Perry Saturn vs. Grandmaster Sexay
Saturn beats on Sexay to start then whips him into a clothesline and hammers him with shoulderblocks. Saturn whips Sexay into a corner and charges at him but eats a boot and Sexay hops to the middle rope and hits a dropkick. Sexay goes for a whip and Saturn reverses but Sexay slides under him and hits an enzuigiri. Saturn rolls out to the apron but Sexay leaps over the ropes and Sunset Flips Saturn right onto the floor. Sexay busts a move on the floor before rolling Saturn back in the ring but Saturn trips him into the ropes and hits an Exploder suplex. Saturn whips Sexay but wrenches the arm twice before applying an armbar and Sexay grabs the ropes. Saturn hits a Northern Lights suplex for a two count then slaps on a keylock and Sexay fights out of the hold but Saturn hits an armbar slam for a near fall. Saturn then applies a cross armbreaker and Sexay fights out of that and whips Saturn but Saturn springs off the middle rope into a flying forearm. Saturn slams Sexay then climbs to the top rope and hits the flying elbwdrop but that only gets a two count. Saturn goes for a snap suplex but Sexay crotches Saturn on the top rope then rams him into a turnbuckle. Sexay whips Saturn into a corner and busts a move then hits a powerslam for a two count. Sexay goes for another whip but Saturn reverses him into a corner. Sexay springs off the ropes for a crossbody but Saturn ducks it and the referee gets wiped out instead. Sexay hits a neckbreaker on Saturn then climbs to the top rope and connects with the Tennessee Leg Jam, or the Hip Hop Drop as it’s now known. Sexay covers Saturn as White revives to count but only gets two. Saturn slaps on the Rings of Saturn and Sexay gets his foot on the bottom rope but the referee doesn’t see it and Sexay ends up tapping out. *** I'm shocked this got 7 minutes but it was damn worth it.

Edge & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz
E&C are out for revenge after the Dudleys ruined thier tag title shot on Raw. Bubba Ray and D’Von make their way out as they show them almost putting B.B. through the table as well. All four men go at it to start and Edge rake’s Bubba’s face and E&C both hit a double dropkick on D’Von. E&C hit a double dropkick on Bubba followed by a double shoulderblock and Bubba rolls out to the floor. D’Von comes in and pounds on Edge then goes for a whip but Edge reverses and E&C hit a double flapjack. Christian takes over and hits a Russian legsweep for a two count then hits the count-along punches but Bubba gets Christian’s attention allowing D’Von to slip out of the corner and hit a neckbreaker. D’Von rams Christian into Bubba’s boot then tags him in and Bubba whips Christian into a backdrop. Bubba draws Edge in to distract the referee then sets Christian up while D’Von climbs to the top rope and hits the headbutt to the groin for a two count. D’Von tags in and whips Christian into the jumping elbow then whips Christian again but lowers the head and Christian gets a Sunset Flip for a near fall. Bubba goes out to the floor and grabs a chair but the referee prevents him from bringing it in the ring. So Bubba throws the chair down then tags in and slams Christian to the mat before hitting a pair of elbowdrops for a two count. Christian tries to fight back but Bubba pops him and applies a headvice. Bubba whips Christian into a corner but eats a boot and Christian hits a tornado DDT. Both men start crawling to their corners and Bubba tags in D’Von while Christian makes the hot tag to Edge. Edge takes it to both Dudleys and whips D’Von into a backdrop. Bubba goes for a Samoan Drop but his leg buckles before he can hit it and Bubba rolls out to the floor clutching his knee. D’Von clotheslines Edge down when Christian climbs to the top rope and leaps off for a Sunset Flip. D’Von fights it when Edge climbs to the top and hits a missle dropkick than knocks D’Von over for the pin. **1/2 After the match E&C depart the ring and Bubba is still holding his knee on the floor as the referee calls for help. Barbara Bush and the EMTs come out and help Bubba onto a stretcher as D’Von asks if his knee hurts. Bubba says it does not hust as he suddenly grabs B.B. by the hair, revealing he faked the knee injury. Bubba tells B.B. he’s been waiting three days for this as D’Von slides a table in the ring and sets it up. Bubba throws B.B. in the ring and hops onto the middle rope then superbombs her through the table! Bubba is in his trance again as Edge and Christian come back in the ring far too late to make the save. E&C throw D’von through the ropes and Christian works Bubba over when D’Von lays them out with a chair. A number of officials finally get the Dudleys out of the ring leaving Edge, Christian and B.B. laying.

Back from break we get a replay of Bubba Ray Dudley faking an injury to put B.B. through the table. We also get footage of B.B. being wheeled out of the arena by the other EMT’s during the break. And as a sidenote that would be the last we’d ever see of Barbara Bush as she would disappear from the company a few days after this.

Dean Malenko vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
Malenko drives Scotty into a corner to start but Scotty slips out and gets in the first shots then goes for a whip. Malenko reverses Scotty into a corner but Scotty lands on his feet on the ropes and fakes Malenko out then climbs to the top rope. Scotty misses a moonsault but lands on his feet then trips Malenko and hits a dropkick. Malenko rolls out to the apron but Scotty tees off on him then slides under Malenko to the floor and trips him into the apron. Scotty rams Malenko into the steps before both men roll back in the ring and Malenko takes control as Eddie Guerrero makes his way to ringside. Malenko lays the boots to Scotty and kneedrops his knee then hits a vertical suplex for a two count. Scotty fights back and whips Malenko and Malenko tries to fake him out but Scotty doesn't go for it. Scotty whips Malenko looking for a dropkick but Malenko does fake Scotty out this time and rolls him up. However Scotty rolls through it and fires away on Malenko but Malenko comes back by jabbing the eye. Malenko drapes Scotty’s leg over the middle rope and hammers his knee then wraps it around the rope. Malenko hits a kneebreaker then applies a spinning toehold and Scotty tries to keep his shoulders up. Malenko kneedrops Scotty’s knee repeatedly the goes into a half-crab while standing on Scotty’s neck. Malenko whips Scott into a corner and Scotty tries to fight out of a suplex but Malenko still hits it. Scotty fights back and whips Malenko into a backdrop but Malenko jabs his eye to regain the advantage. Malenko goes for a whip but Scotty reverses him into a corner then comes off the ropes with the bulldog and follows up with the Worm. Scotty climbs to the top rope but Eddie shoves him off to the floor. Malenko quickly slaps on the Texas Cloverleaf and Scotty is forced to tap out. Another good match that makes it 2-0 in favor of the DX/Radicals alliance. Eddie runs in and starts stomping away at Scotty with Malenko joining in. Grandamster Sexay then runs in and DDT’s Malenko while Eddie clears out to the floor. ***

The Rock and Cactus Jack as ahown heading to the ring together as we go to commercial.

The Rock & Cactus Jack vs. The New Age Outlaws
The Outlaws come out first and do their usual thing on the mic once again ignoring that they’re heels. Cactus comes out next but first decides to get on the mic and talks about his biggest match being in 17 days. Cactus reminds us of the Hell in a Cell at No Way Out and claims Triple H feels he will force him to retire but says two things will indeed happen at the pay-per-view and his career ending is not one of them. Cactus promises Triple H will be going down while he will be going on … to Wrestlemania, that is. Cactus then promises a beating for the Outlaws tonight as the Rock comes out but doesn’t get any mic time. Rock and Cactus both rush the ring and go right to work on the Outlaws, pairing off in the corners. Rock and Cactus then go to whip the Outlaws into each other and Billy Gunn leapfrogs over Roag Dogg but both Outlaws still eat clotheslines. Rock and Billy then head out while Road Dogg and Cactus go at it. Cactus goes for a whip, Road Dogg reverses him into a corner and charges at him but eats an elbow. Cactus then beats Road Dogg down in a corner and Billy comes in but runs right into a right hand. Cactus rams Billy into Rock’s boot then tags Rock in and Rock hammers Billy and hits the Smackdown. Rock whips Billy but lowers the head, Billy lepfrogs over him but Rock still connects with an elbow. Rock goes for a whip but Billy reverses him into a corner then comes off the ropes with a bulldog. Road Dogg tags in, Rock fights back and goes for a whip but Road Dogg stops it with a kick to the chest. Road Dogg comes off the ropes but runs right into a Samoan Drop for a two count and Rock works him over. Rock goes for a whip, Road Dogg reverses and Billy kicks Rock from behind but Rock pops him off the apron. Rock turns right into a boot from Road Dogg who draws Cactus in to distract the referee for a double-team. Road Dogg kicks Rock in the face and pounds on him in a corner then whips him into the oppostie corner. Rock comes out with a clothesline when Road Dogg ducks it and follows up with the juke ‘n jive punches but Rock blocks the big right and gets in his shots then hits a DDT. Rock covers Road Dogg when Billy tries to make the save with an elbowdrop but Rock avoids it and Billy nails his partner instead. Rock tosees Billy through the ropes then plants Road Dogg with the Rock Bottom and covers him. Earl Hebner starts the count when Billy pulls him out of the ring but Cactus goes over and tries to get in a shot. Hebner separates the two of them but Billy grabs his tag title belt then goes in the ring and waffles Rock with it. Billy heads back out and Road Dogg covers Rock as Hebner is back in to count … but only gets a two count! Billy tags in and chokes Rock on the mat then Road Dogg tags back in for a quick shot before tagging back out. Billy beats on Rock in a corner and goes for a whip but Rock reverses it and both men clothesline each other. Both men then crawl to their corners and Billy tags in Road Dogg while Rock makes the hot tag to Cactus. Cactus takes it to both Outlaws then takes Road Dogg down by the legs and rams him into the mat repeatedly. Cactus bites Road Dogg’s face when Billy breaks it up and everyone spills out to the floor. Rock drops Billy onto the barricade while Cactus rams Road Dogg into the steps before throwing him back in. Cactus then pulls a pipe out from under the ring then goes in and whacks Road Dogg in the head with it. Cactus covers Road Dogg as Hebner comes back in to count but pulls Road Dogg up off the mat at two. Cactus then drills Road Dogg with a piledriver to send a message and this time covers him for the three. I hate to sound like a broken record but just another damn goof 7 minute match. ***

Gangrel & Luna Vachon vs. Prince Albert & Jacqueline
This was set up after Gangrel attacked Jackie after her win over Luna on Raw. Jackie nails Luna from behind to start and takes her down then allows Albert to take over. Albert sets Luna on the top rope but Gangrel nails him from behind with a forearm before he can do anything. Gangrel whips Albert into his own corner and Jackie tags herself in before Gangrel whips Albert again. Gangrel lowers the head and Albert hits a kneelift and Jackie leaps on Gangrel’s back and fires away on him. Luna nails Jackie form behind and scoops her up when Jackie counters into a rollup but only gets two. Luna comes back and drills Jackie with a DDT that gets the three for whatever reason. After the match Albert comes in and lays out Gangrel with the chokebomb then grabs his piercing kit as Gangrel escapes. Meanwhile Luna goes to whip Jackie but Jackie reverses it and drops Luna face-first into the mat. Only notable because this was Luna’s final WWF appearance before being fired for whatever reason. DUD

Chris Benoit and Rikishi are both shown heading to the ring for the next match as we go to commercial.

Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi Phatu
Rikishi gets in the first shots but Benoit fights back and chops him then goes for a whip. Rikishi reverses it and Benoit fakes him out but still ends up running into a Samoan Drop. Benoit rolls out to the floor but Rikishi goes out and whips him into the ringstpes and chops him. Rikishi throws Benoit back in the ring but Benoit lands some chops and whips him into a drop toehold. Benoit dropkicks Rikishi in the head and follows up with an elbowdrop but Rikishi powers out of the cover. Benoit goes for a faceplant but Rikishi turns it into a neckbreaker then hits the running butt spalsh in a corner. Rikishi goes for the sitdown piledriver, Benoit slips out and goes for a German suplex but can’t get Rikishi up. Rikishi elbows out of the waistlock and Benoit tries to slap on the Crossface but can’t get it properly locked in. Rikishi grabs the bottom rope but Benoit whips him into a corner and somehow hits a Northern Light suplex! That only gets a two count thought and Benoit whips Rikishi and gets a sleeperhold but Rikishi shoves him off. Rikishi slaps on his own sleeperhold but Benoit counters with a back suplex then climbs to the top rope. Benoit goes for the diving headbutt but misses and Rikishi hits a superkick followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Rikishi sets Benoit up for a Banzai Drop but Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn run in and attack him for a DQ. Solid match until the DQ finish, which i guess they wanna match Rikishi look strong. **1/2 After the match Malenko and Saturn double-team Rikishi in a corner while Eddie Guerrero pulls Benoit out to safety. Too Cool then runs in to make the save for their pal and Scotty 2 Hotty whips Malenko into a dropkick. Grandmaster Sexay whips Saturn into a belly-to-belly suplex from Rikishi and they proceed with the dance.

A Wrestlemania countdown shows we’re just 8 weeks away from the big event.

Back form break Steve Blackman is working out in the lockerroom when he hears the song “Personality” playing and tries to find the source. Blackman pulls back a shower curtain to find Al Snow and a boombox and Snow tells Blackman he’s trying subliminal thinking, that if he thinks he has a personality he might someday get one. Blackman doesn’t want to hear it and takes the boombox out of Snow’s hand before hitting the STOP button on it. Funaki walks up calling the two of them “Head Cheese” and Snow feels everyone’s recognizing Blackman for it. Blackman shakes his head and walks off in disgust while Snow continues to insist it’s working.

Al Snow (w/Head) & Steve Blackman vs. The Hardy Boyz
The crowd starts chanting “Head Cheese” right away and Snow encourages it much to Blackman’s annoyance. Snow takes Jeff down to start and fires away on him then whips him into a corner and clotheslines him. Snow whips Jeff into the other corner but Jeff runs up the turnbuckles and hits the corkscrew moonsault. Matt tags in and the Hardys whip Snow into a double elbow followed by their combo move for a two count. Snow rakes Matt’s face and slams him to the mat then whips him but Matt counters with a kick to the chest. Matt whips Snow into a corner and drops to the mat while Jeff launches off him with the flying heelkick. Blackman comes in but misses a spinkick and Jeff takes him down and both Hardys hit their combo legdrop. Snow tosses Matt over the ropes while Jeff goes for a whip but Blackman reverses into a double gutbuster. Matt comes back in but Snow holds him up while Blackman hits a clothesline not unlike the Hart Attack. Snow chokes Matt on the mat then goes to tag Blackman but instead tosses Matt through the ropes. Snow stomps away on Jeff while Blackman drops Matt facefirst onto the steps before tossing him back in. Snow covers Matt but Jeff breaks up the pin so Snow tags Blackman in and Blackman lays the boots to Matt. Blackman whips Matt but misses the pump kick and Matt manages to roll him into a cricifix for a two count. Both men come off the ropes on but Blackman is able to hit a flying shouldertackle. Blackman slams Matt then climbs to the middle rope but gets bothered by the “Head Cheese” chant and misses a diving headbutt. Blackman goes for a powerbomb but Matt counters into a Russian legsweep then crawls over and tags in Jeff. Jeff comes in with a dropkick and hits a legsweep on Snow before hitting an inveeted enzuigiri on Blackman. Jeff clotheslines Snow over the ropes then lauches himself over and connects with a plancha. In the ring Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Blackman while Jeff climbs to the top rope looking for the Swanton. However the Dudleys suddely run out to the ring brandishing chairs and Bubba whacks Jeff off the top rope. Funny momnet as Lawler asks if the referee is deaf and blind for not seeing the interference. Nonetheless Blackman sets Jeff up while Snow climbs to the top rope and hits the Veg-o-matic for the pin. **

Back from break Crash and Hardcore Holly are walking while talking about facing Chris Jericho tonight. Hardcore feels there’s something fishy about Jericho wanting a handicap match with one arm tied behind his back. Crash said Jericho didn't want to do it at first but he later came back and piratically begged him for the match. Crash adds the match is no disqualification as well and Hardcore decides to see how tough Jericho really is.

Non-Title No-DQ Handicap Match: Chris Jericho vs. Crash & Hardcore Holly
Jericho comes out with his hand tied behind his back while getting on the mic with his free hand says his Jericahollice are wondering why he would agree to such a disadvantage to this match. Jericho says he’s such a legendary champion that Hardcore and “Elory” will still get a beating regardless. The Hollys come out as Cole mentions Hardcore appearing in Operation Sandman tomorrow on UPN. Incidentally Chyna is still out taping 3rd Rock from the Sun and will even be on Leno tomorrow. Jericho hammers Crash down in a corner to start but Hardcore nails him from behind to get the advantage. Hardcore whips Jericho but Jericho comes back with a chop when the Acolytes suddenly charge in the ring. Bradshaw and Faarooq proced to beat down the Hollys while Jericho just sits in a corner watching the carnage. Faarooq plants Crash with a spinebuster then both Acolytes whip Hardcore and hit a double spinebuster. Faarooq works Hardcore over while Bradshaw whips Crash into a corner and sets him up for a powerbomb. Crash flips out of it but Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hades and Faarooq follows up with the Dominator. The Acolytes leave the Hollys laying in the ring and Jericho easily covers Crash for the three count. DUD

Backstage X-Pac is conversing with Triple H expressing his concerns about facing Kane in the handicap match. Triple H points out Kane couldn’t beat either of them one-on-one so they should have no problems with 2-on-1. Triple H and X-Pac then head out to the ring with their respective ladies in tow as we go to commercial.

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Triple H & X-Pac (w/Stephanie McMahon & Tori)
I don’t believe they ever explained why Paul Bearer is back with Kane considering their history, but oh well. Triple H attacks Kane as he climbs in but Kane shrugs off his blows and clotheslines him down. X-Pac takes his turn with a forearm but it has no effect so X-Pac bails out to the floor and flees into the crowd. Kane goes out and chases X-Pac down in the crowd then throws him over the barricade back to ringside. Kane heads back over the barricade but Triple H catches him with a flying clothesine to get the advantage and the DX’ers double-team Kane on the floor. Triple H rams him into the steps while X-Pac works him over and Triple H beats Kane down before throwing him back in the ring. Triple H tags back in and goes for a whip and Kane reverses it but lowers the head and Triple H hits a facebuster. X-Pac follows up with a heelkick but Kane sits up and X-Pac wails away on him but Kane absorbs it and hits a series of uppercuts. Kane whips X-Pac into a corner and grabs him for a chokebomb but Triple H kicks Kane below the belt. X-Pac comes off the ropes with a boot then hits a pair of running legdrops but Kane powers out of the cover. Triple H tags in and exchanges punches, Kane gets the advantage and whips him but lowers the head again and Triple H hits a DDT but that only gets a two count. X-Pac tags in and kicks Kane down in a corner then goes for the Bronco Buster when Kane catches him by the throat but Triple H comes in to break it up. The DX’ers follow up with a double suplex and X-Pac covers Kane but Kane again powers out of the cover. Triple H tags in and hammers away on Kane but his blows have no effect and Kane throws Triple H into a corner and pummels him, capping off with an uppercut. X-Pac comes in but Kane tosses him into Triple H then clotheslines X-Pac and whips Triple H into a boot before hitting a boot on X-Pac. Kane climbs to the top rope and hits the flying clothesline on Triple H and X-Pac comes off the top but Kane catches him into a chokeslam. Kane chokeslams Triple H as well and looks to finish this but Stephanie slides a chair in and Triple H whacks Kane in the back with it for a DQ. However Kane no-sells the chair shot and pops Triple H then grabs the chair and whacks him with it. Fun match that the crowd was way into even with the finish. **1/4

After the match Stephanie tries to get Triple H out of the ring while Kane turns toward X-Pac and readies the chair but Tori comes in and takes it away from him. Kane turns and grabs Tori by the throat when several referees come in to break it up but Kane takes them out while Paul Bearer keeps Tori from escaping. Bearer then shoves Tori into Kane’s waiting hand and entourages a chokeslam as crowd gets excited for this. X-Pac begs Kane not to do it and while Tori makes a sad face and Kane … lets go of Tori to a chorus of boos. Instead Kane decides to scoop Tori up and ends up drilling her with a Tombstone to a massive pop!! I’m serous, the crowd was into this all the way. Kane sets off his pyro while X-Pac is devistated his woman got destroyed as Smackdown goes off air.

Overall: Very good episode this week to follow up the great Raw. The matches were mostly on the good side, the angles were progressed nicely, we got to see Kurt Angle snag his first title, and the crowd was really into everything for the most part, especially the Rock/Cactus vs. Outlwas tag and Kane finally gettting even with Tori. And the Radicalz all have awesome TV matches, plus we were even spared the Mark Henry/Mae Young saga to boot. 8/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF RAW IS WAR 02/14/2000
San Jose Arena in San Jose, CA

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Test (1/17/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Things kick off with Chris Benoit leading the other three Radicalz to the ring for our opening segment with Triple H and D-Generation X soon joining them. Stephanie McMahon is on the mic first and starts us off by showing Kane Tombstoning Tori last Thursday on the TitanTron as we see Tori wearing a neckbrace as a result. Stephanie feels Kane would have let Tori go had the fans not pressed him into piledriving a defenseless woman so she holds the fans responsible for the suffering Tori endured and promises to give them more suffering tonight. Triple H takes over the mic and claims he and his partners may have been going too easy on their adversaries lately and that people may think kindness is a weakness. Triple H says starting tonight there will be no more weaknesses then proceeds to book tonight’s card starting with Grandmaster Sexay vs. Road Dogg and Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Billy Gunn. Triple H next turns to Perry Saturn and Dean Malneko and has them teaming in a handicap match against Rikishi. Triple H then claims The Rock probably won’t make it to No Way Out after he takes on Chris Benoit one-on-one. Finally Triple H addresses Kane saying he needs to be taught how to respect women and treat them as equals and that he can’t attack Tori just because he couldn’t satisfy her while X-Pac is more than able to. Triple H says Kane wants one more shot at X-Pac and suggests a no-holds-barred match with him at No Way Out and X-Pac is not happy with that, until Triple H says Kane must first defeat himself and a partner of his choosing tonight. Suddenly Too Cool, Rikishi, Kane and The Rock all file out then rush the ring and a massive brawl breaks out. Eventually The Rock and friends clear the DX/Radicalz army from the ring and send them retreating up the ramp.

Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy) vs. Edge (w/Christian) vs. D’Von Dudley (w/Bubba Raw Dudley)
The winner of this triple-threat match will get his team a Tag Team Title shot at No Way Out. Jeff and Edge team up against D’Von to start then whip him into a double flapjack. Jeff wails on D’Von when Edge shoves him aside to get in his own shots but both men soon go back to double-teaming D’Von. Both men whip D’Von into a corner and Edge drops down while Jeff launches off him for the Poetry in Motion. Edge stomps D’Von down then trips Jeff with a drop toehold causing him to headbutt D’Von below the belt. Both men whip D’Von into the other corner and Jeff drops down allowing Edge to go for a flying crossbody but this time D’Von dodges it causing Edge to crash into the turnbuckles. D’Von hits a clothesline on Jeff and clotheslines Edge over the ropes then slams Jeff to the mat and hits an elbowdrop for a two count. D’Von hits a vertical suplex for another two count then goes for a suplex as Edge climbs to the top rope. Jeff floats over D’Von and shoves him into a missle dropkick from Edge but that knocks Jeff down as well. Bubba hops onto the apron but Matt pulls him back off and he and Christian hit a double suplex onto the floor. Edge gets D’Von with an O’Connor roll but Jeff tosses Edge over the ropes and hits D’Von with a neckbreaker. Jeff climbs to the top rope and connects with the Senton Bomb but Edge makes it back in to save it. Jeff and Edge exchange shoves before catching D’Von with a right hand and Jeff throws Edge back to the mat. Jeff goes for a whip, D’Von reverses him into a corner but Jeff runs up the ropes and backflips over him. Jeff charges at D’Von who sidesteps him and Edge goes to spear D’Von but misses him while nailing Jeff. Edge just shrugs at this but D’Von hits the Curtian Call from behind and gets the pin. ** So as a result it’ll be the Dudleys challenging the New Age Outlaws for the belts at the pay-per-view.

We then find Mark Henry and Mae Young checking into nearby hotel and trying to get a room for the two of them. Henry asks for the honeymoon suite and the clerk tries to keep a straight face as Henry signs in and takes the key.

Road Dogg vs. Grandmaster Sexay
As usual Road Dogg ignores his heel status by coming out to the ring and doing his usual spiel on the mic. Road Dogg attacks Sexay during his dancing and mocks him before whipping him but Sexay slides under him and hits a move not unlike the Stroke. Road Dogg rolls out to the floor when Sexay hits a baseball slide then rams Road Dogg into the ringsteps before throwing him back in the ring. Sexay whips Road Dogg and Road Dogg comes back with a forearm then busts his own move but Sexay is back up and connects with a superkick for a two count. Sexay goes for a whip, Road Dogg reverses him into a corner but eats a kick. Sexay hops to the middle rope and hits a bulldog then goes for a running bulldog but Road Dogg shoves Sexay off into the turnbuckles. Road Dogg whips Sexay and hits a boot to the head for two then applies a chinlock. Sexay tries to fight out of it when Road Dogg stops that and goes for a suplex but Sexay blocks it and straddles Road Dogg onto the top rope. Sexay hits several clotheslines and goes for a whip, Road Dogg reverses it but lowers the head and Sexay manages to hit a DDT. Sexay whips Road Dogg into a corner and hits a powerslam then climbs to the top rope and goes for the Tennessee Leg Jam but misses it and Road Dogg quickly follows that up with the pump handle slam to put this one away. *

Back at the hotel we find Mark Henry and Mae Young getting off an elevator and heading for their room. Henry carries Mae across the threshold into the room then hangs a ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign on the doorknob.

The Godfather, D’Lo Brown and their entourage of ladies are shown heading to the ring as we go to commercial.

Al Snow (w/Head) & Steve Blackman vs. The Godfather & D’Lo Brown (w/the ladies)
After the Godfather’s posse climbs in the ring Godfather gets on the mic and does the usual spiel. We then cut backstage and find Al Snow trying to hypnotize Steve Blackman into having a personality. Blackman just deadpans through it and stuffs the watch in Snow’s mouth as they head out to the ring. Once Snow and Blackman come out Godfather suggests they party instead but Blackman just blows him off. So Godfather calls him “Head Cheese†promping the crowd to chant the same as Blackman yells at Snow for this. Snow and Godfather lockup to start and Godfather appliers a headlock, Snow shoves him into the ropes but Godfather comes back with a shoulderblock. Godfather goes for a hiptoss and Snow blocks it so Godfather knocks him down. Godfather goes for an elbowdrop but misses and Snow gets in some shots. Godfather applies a headlock, Snow shoves him into the ropes and Blackman nails Godfather from behind allowing Snow to deck him with a right hand. Snow then says something to Blackman about the women but Blackman tells him to pay attention to the match. Meanwhile D’Lo tags in and spins Snow around for some shots then whips him and connects with a heel kick. Snow rakes D’Lo’s face and slams him to the mat then tags Blackman in but D’Lo trips him with a drop toehold. D’Lo whips Blackman but misses a clothesline and Blackman works him over with kicks then hits a dropkick. Blackman comes off the ropes with a shouldertackle but looks out and finds Snow distracted by the women. D’Lo suddenly rolls Blackman up from behind and gets the three, handing this duo its first loss as a team. DUD

Back at the hotel Mark Henry and Mae Young are enjoying an intimate moment with Henry reciting some poetry. Mae then heads out to slip into something more comfortable while Henry waits with excitement.

We then find The Rock backstage pacing around in deep thought as we go to commercial.

The Wrestlemania 2000 countdown says we’re just 7 weeks away from the big event.

Back from break Kurt Angle makes his way out to the ring while getting on the mic for more promo time. Angle starts by saying things have changed in Europe for the better ever since he won the European Title last Thursday; the economy has improved, suicide rates are down and tourism has shot up 16.4%. Angle then says in America the stock market has plumetted and towns like San Jose continue to fall into depression ever since Chris Jericho won the Intercontinential Title because he represents the U.S. Angle thus feels its his job and duty as an American hero to save America the very same way he saved Europe so he challenges Chris Jericho to an IC Title match at No Way Out feeling he’d be a better champion than him. Angle calls Jericho out to accept but Jericho doesn’t come out so Angle says Jericho is probably in Hollywood with Chyna who he claims disgraced herself on The Tonight Show. After show a clip of Chyna’s appearance Angle says he was on the show once after the Olympics and had decency. Angle starts to talk about living by his three ‘I’s’ when Jericho finally appears on the stage to interupt him with a mic. Jericho addresses Angle’s claim of America falling into a decline by saying America fell asleep while Angle was talking. Jericho isn’t sure he wants to give Angle a title shot but decides he does want to give him a beating tonight then charges in the ring and goes at it with Angle. Angle whips him but Jericho hits a clothesline and continues to pound on Angle. A swarm of referees come in the ring and try to pull the two apart and Angle rolls out to the floor when Chyna makes her way down to ringside and DDT’s Angle into the floor. Chyna then goes in the ring and raises Jericho’s arm as Angle is helped from the ring.

We then cut back to the hotel and find Mark Henry under the covers waiting for his *ugh* Valentine to come out. Mae eventually comes out a bunch of stuff happen.

The Rock vs. Chris Benoit (w/Eddie Guerrero)
Both men exchange shots to start and Rock gets the advantage with a kneelift and caps off with an elbow. Rock lays the boots to Benoit when Benoit starts to fight back and hammers away on Rock in a corner. Rock regains the advantage and goes for a whip, Benoit reverses it but lowers the head and Rock kicks the face but Benoit comes back with a clothesline. Benoit hits a snap suplex followed by a backbreaker for a two count then goes for a whip but Rock reverses it and hits a swinging neckbreaker that gets a two count. Rock chokes Benoit on the middle rope and goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and Eddie grabs Rock’s ankle from the floor. Rock takes a swing at Eddie when Benoit hits an elbow for a near fall and stomps Rock out to the apron. Earl Hebner pulls Benoit back but Eddie gets in several cheap shots. Benoit goes out after Rock on the floor but Rock comes back and rams Benoit into the barricade. Benoit throws Rock shoulder-first into the ringpost then pops Rock onto the announce table and whacks him with a chair while Eddie distacts Hebner off-camera. Benoit then throws Rock back in the ring and covers him but only gets two. Rock again starts to fight back but Benoit stops that and takes Rock down with a legsweep then goes into a cross armbreaker as Rock blocks it. Benoit eventually releases the hold and chops Rock then goes for a whip but Rock reverses and hits a clothesline. However Rock misses with a right hand enabling Benoit to hit a back suplex but that only gets a two count. Rock drills Benoit with a DDT and covers him but Eddie hops on the apron to distact Hebner from making the count. Rock goes over and pops Eddie off the ropes then turns back when Benoit slaps on the Crippler Crossface! Rock tries to hold on as he inches his way toward the ropes and manages to grab the bottom rope for the break. Benoit chops Rock in a corner but Rock reverses positions and hammers Benoit then hits the Smackdown. Rock whips Benoit into a Samoan Drop for a two count then whips him again and plants him with a spinebuster. Rock clotheslines Benoit over the ropes then goes out and throws Benoit back in. Suddenly The Big Show makes his way down the ramp and blindsides Rock while Eddie distracts Hebner again. Show throws Rock back in the ring and Benoit hits a bridge suplex that gets the 1..2..3!! Benoit pins the Rock!! *** Good match for their first meeting and Rock actually put Benoit over even if it wasn’t totally clean. As Benoit and Eddie celebrate Rock goes out atfer Show on the ramp and hammers away on him on the stage. However Benoit and Eddie come to Show’s aid and Show stomps Rock down before throwing him in the ring. Benoit then climbs to the top rope and connects with the diving headbutt and the trio leave Rock laying.

Back from break we get a replay of The Big Show helping Chris Benoit score the win over The Rock. Backstage Michael Cole interviews Show on how he feels about his actions with Show calling it a work of art. Show says that’s a small taste of with Rock can expect at No Way Out and adds he’s going to Wrestlemania.

Billy Gunn (w/Road Dogg) vs. Scotty 2 Hotty (w/Grandmaster Sexay)
Road Dogg does a modified version of the speil on the mic before letting Billy finish with the two words. Both men lockup to start and Billy forces Scotty into a corner then beats him down and slams him to the mat. Billy slams Scotty a second time then hops to the middle rope and leaps off but Scotty belts him in the chest. Scotty gets in his shots and whips Billy into a dropkick then goes for another whip but Billy holds onto the ropes. Scotty eventually whips Billy into a corner then comes off the ropes with the bulldog and hits the Worm. Scotty goes for another whip but Billy counters with a knee to the chest and follows up with the Jackhammer. Billy whips Scotty into a corner and goes for a splash but Sexay hops on the apron and nails Billy with a right hand enabling Scotty to roll him up for the three. 1/2*

Backstage Kevin Kelly stands outside The Rock’s door and says we’ll soon hear from him as we go to commercial.

WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Essa Rios (w/Lita) © vs. Crash Holly (w/Hardcore Holly)
So for the first time in 15 months this title is being defended on Raw after being dragged out of mothballs the previous night on Heat when the former Papi Chulo beat Gillberg in a cameo. Hardcore joins the commentary saying Crash has decided to go away from super heavyweight competition. Crash starts off by locking knuckes with Rios then runs up the ropes and flips back in but misses a clothesline. Rios gets his own knucklelock then runs up the ropes and springboards back in the ring hitting an armdrag. Rios goes for a monkey flip when Crash sets him on the top rope but Rios comes back with a tornado DDT. Rios chops Crash and goes for a whip and they trade reversals until Crash trips Rios into the middle rope. Crash whips Rios into a corner and goes for a splash but Rios sidesteps it and Crash straddles the turnbuckles. Rios hits a neckbreaker off the ropes for a two count then whips Crash and connects with a spinning heel kick. Rios whips Crash again and Crash bails out to the floor but Rios leaps off the apron and hits a huricanrana. Rios rolls back in the ring when Lita climbs onto the steps and connects with her own huricanrana on Crash. Crash rolls back in himself when Rios hits a vertical suplex then climbs to the top and connects with a moonsault for the pin. After the match Lita then climbs to the top rope and hits her own moonsault on Crash and Rios counts a three for her while Hardcore expresses his disgust at a super-heavyweight being beaten by a lightweight and a woman. *1/2

Backstage Kevin Kelly is still waiting to grab an interview with the Rock as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of Crash suffering moonsaults from both Essa Rios and Lita. We then find the Holly cousins still in the ring as Hardcore gets on the mic to give Crash the business. Hardcore accidentally calls Crash “Elroy†as he berates him for embarassing himself and the Holly family, pointing out that Crash not only lost to a light-heavyweight wrestler but let a woman beat him as well. Hardcore mentions Crash’s problems with women then orders him to leave the ring and see how it’s really done.

Hardcore Holly vs. Tazz
Hardcore attacks Tazz as he climbs in the ring and goes for a whip when Tazz reverses him into a corner and charges but eats a boot. Hardcore whips Tazz into a corner and hits a powerslam for a two count. Both men exchange punches and Hardcore gets the advantage and whips Tazz but lowers the head and Tazz kicks the face. Hardcore comes back with an Atomic Drop and follows up with a clothesline for a near fall. Tazz again fights back but Hardcore rakes the face then chokes him in the middle rope as Crash looks on. Hardcore distracts the referee while Crash chokes Tazz on the ropes then whips Tazz and hits the dropkick. Hardcore celebrates when Tazz comes up and hits a Northern Light Tazplex that gets a two count. Tazz hits a clothesline then trips Hardcore with a drop toehold and follows up with some crossface shots. Tazz goes for a whip, Hardcore reverses it and leapfrogs over him but Tazz slaps on the Tazzmission. Before Hardcore can tap out Crash runs in and nails Tazz to break up the hold getting his cousin DQ’ed. *

Backstage Kevin Kelly looks to finally get an interview Rock as he comes out of his dressing room. Instead Rock just shoves Kevin aside and walks off without even embarassing Kevin this time around.

Rikishi Phatu vs. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko
Saturn and Malenko attack Rikishi from behind to start and sandwich him with a pair of clotheslines. Saturn and Malenko then hit a double Atomic Drop but end up hurting their knees instead and Rikishi clotheslines both of them. Rikishi whips Malenko and hits a Diamond Cutter-like move and follows that up with a Samoan Drop on Saturn. Saturn and Malenko end up in a corner but Rikishi backs up into them and debuts the Stinkface as he rubs his rear into Saturn’s face. Saturn slips out of the corner but Malekno is unable to escape and also gets Rikishi’s rear in his face as well. However Saturn comes back with a clothesline and Malenko follows up with a heel kick that takes Rikishi down. Both men make a wish then hit a double dropkick The duo then go for a double suplex but can’t seem to get Rikishi up and Rikishi manages to suplex both of them at once. Rikishi hits them with right hands and whips Malenko into a corner then goes for the running butt splash when Saturn pulls Malenko out of the way and hits a chop in the corner. Both men whip then Rikishi into the opposite corner and Saturn whips Malenko into Rikishi for a clothesline but Rikishi no-sells it and clotheslines Malenko then blocks a superkick from Saturn and hits his own. Rikishi drills Malenko with the sitdown piledriver then looks for the Banzai Drop when Saturn tries to stop him. Rikishi sets Saturn up for the piledriver and Sautrn slips out of it but Rikishi hits a belly-to-belly suplex then drags both men into position and starts climbing up the ropes looking for the Banzai Drop. Suddenly Eddie Guerrero runs out to the ring with a pipe and whacks Rikishi’s ankle and there’s your DQ. *1/2

The Helmsleys are shown walking to the ring for the main event as we go to commercial.

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) & ?
After Kane comes out first the Helmsleys make thier entrance and they’re followed by .. X-Pac and Tori? Triple H leads his group down the ramp as JR assumes X-Pac must surely be Triple H’s partner, until Triple H points to the back and brings out his real partner for the match … The Big Show. Kane pulls Triple H in the ring during his posing and tries to keep Show and X-Pac form entering the ring then grabs Triple H by the throat but Show breaks it up and takes over while Triple H heads to the corner. So it’s a no-DQ handicap match yet they’re going to tag in and out. Show stomps Kane in a corner and headbutts him then hammers him with right hands but Kane shrugs them off and starts to fight back. Kane goes for a whip, Show reverses it but lowers the head and Kane uppercuts him. Kane goes for another whip but Show reverses it again and this time hits a chokebomb for a two count. Show hits another headbutt then tags Triple H in and Triple H stomps Kane down and hammers away on him. Triple H goes for a whip, Kane reverses it but lowers the head allowing Triple H to hit the facebuster. Triple H follows up with the high knee and elbowdrops Kane for a two count then rams him into Show’s boot. Show tags in for a double-team and hits a Russian legsweep then goes for the kneedrop but Kane sits up. Show whips Kane hard into a corner then tags Triple H back in but Kane comes back with uppercuts. Kane whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits a DDT for a two count. Show tags back in and elbows Kane in the back of the head then chops him in a corner and caps off with another headbutt. Triple H tags in and exchanges shots with Kane who gets the advantage with uppercuts. Kane whips Triple H and again lowers the head and Triple H kicks the face but this time Kane comes back with a clothesline. Kane whips Triple H into a boot when Show nails him from behind. Show whips Kane but misses a clothesline and Kane hits his clothesline but Triple H low blows Kane in return. Show works Kane over and hits a sidewalk slam while X-Pac passes a chair to Triple H who sets it down on the mat then sets Kane up for a Pedigree onto the chair. Suddenly The Rock charges in to come to Kane’s aid but runs right into a chokeslam from Show. Triple H goes back to the Pedigree but Kane counters it with a backdrop and grabs him for his own chokeslam. Before Kane can hit it Show breaks it up and X-Pac comes in to help Show double-team Kane in a corner. Now Cactus Jack appears and knocks Tori out of the way as he heads in the ring to even up the odds. Cactus goes right after Triple H and knocks him through the ropes while Show works Rock over in a corner. Show then turns back to Kane and whips him into a boot while Cactus and Triple H fight it out on the floor. Show goes to powerbomb Kane when Rock whacks him in the back with the chair and Kane chokeslams him for the three, getting the win and his match with X-Pac at No Way Out. Solid main event but we all knew Kane was going to win. ** After the match the action continues as Kane goes after X-Pac on the floor and throws him into the ringpost. Meanwhile Rock goes for the People’s Elbow on the fallen Show but Triple H trips him as he hits the ropes. Everyone soon ends up in the ring but Cactus brings a wrench in the ring and clears out all the heels. Kane, Cactus and Rock all stare down their respective pay-per-view opponents as Raw goes off the air.

Overall: Not as good of a show as the past 2/3 weeks The first hour had two long promo segments, three subpar matches and all those horrible Mark Henry/Mae Young vignettes. The second half led off with Chris Benoit beating The Rock in the only worthwhile match on this card but then the show coasted until the hot finish in the main event, though it did have more in-ring action. 6/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF SMACKDOWN 02/17/2000
Selland Arena in Fresno, CA

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Test (1/17/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Smackdown comes on the air with the latest from DX’s reign of terror on Raw. We then cut to the back and find a bus arriving at the building with ‘DX EXPRESS’ written above the windshield. Once the bus stops, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and the rest of DX file out and into the building.

Out in the arena we find the Helmsleys leading their comrades out to the ring for our opening promo segment. Billy Gunn gets on the mic first and addresses the Outlaws’ tag title defense against the Dudley Boyz at No Way Out by telling the Dudleys it’ll take more than putting chicks through tables to beat them. Road Dogg takes the mic and says he and Billy were putting people through tables long before the Dudleys came up from the ‘minor leagues’ then makes fun of Bubba Ray’s studdering before saying they have a snowball’s chance of winning their titles. X-Pac takes the mic and blames Triple H for having to face Kane in a no-holds-barred match at the pay-per-view but says regardless of what type of match it is Kane won’t get retribution for his stealing Tori away from him. Triple H then gets to take his turn on the mic and addresses his upcoming Hell in a Cell match with Cactus Jack by mentioning the street fight with Cactus at the Royal Rumble, calling it one of the greatest fights ever. Triple H then says Cactus’ nightmare will start at No Way Out but won’t stop after everything is said and done. Triple H claims Cactus will climb out of bed every day too beaten to walk and too crippled to play with his children plus his brains will be so scrambled he won’t even remember where he lives. Triple H mentions Cactus’s dream to main event Wrestlemania before saying his dream is a WWF without Cactus Jack. Triple H warns Cactus to savor the last few days of his career before he ends it once and for all at No Way Out. Triple H then turns to X-Pac and apologizes for their plans going awry on Raw then offers to make it up to him by taking care of Kane tonight. X-Pac ins’t impressed and suggests the WWF Championship be put on the line and Triple H is hesitant but wants to show what kind of guy he is and agrees to it. X-Pac seems satisfied then decides to return the favor by facing Cactus Jack tonight and pinning him in the middle of the ring just for him. Now Triple H says he isn’t impressed and shows Cactus knocking over Tori on his way to the ring on the Oval Tron before suggesting X-Pac should get the job done by facing Cactus in a hardcore match and X-Pac agrees with that. Triple H then turns to the Outlaws and suggests they could impress them tonight by defending their tag titles tonight. Triple H even suggests their opponents for the match staring with The Rock which doesn't make the Outlaws happy. However their mood changes once Triple H announces The Big Show as Rock’s partner and they take the match, feeling Rock and Show will take each other out first. Triple H finishes by saying Kane will feel like he’s been hit by a bus once he’s finished with him.

Backstage we find Mark Henry conversing with Mae Young about liking her coffee black as The Hollys look on. Crash calls this disgusting while Hardcore yells at Henry for his relationship with Young and Henry fires back. Hardcore calls Mae “trailer-park trash†and Henry gets in Hardcore’s face when the Hollys beat him down while Crash also knocks Mae off to the side and the Hollys leave Henry and Mae laying as we go to commercial.

WWF World Heavyweight Title: Triple H © (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. Kane (w/Paul Bearer)
Kane misses a right hand to start and Triple H works him over in a corner and goes for a whip but Kane reverses Triple into a corner. Kane charges and eats an elbow but comes back with a clothesline. Kane pummels Triple H and throws him through the ropes then goes out and decks him on the floor. Triple H catches Kane with a shot but Kane rams Triple H into the announce table and chokes him before throwing him back in the ring. Kane and whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits a DDT but Kane sits right up. Kane shrugs off Triple H’s shots then whips him and hits a sidewalk slam. Kane climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying clothesline and looks to have the title won. Unfortunatley X-Pac and the Outlaws suddenly charge in and Kane is able to fight them off at first but X-Pac hits a low blow followed by the X-Factor and the thee DX’ers start triple-teaming Kane. X-Pac then goes out and works over Paul Bearer, beating him up to the back with the rest of DX behind him. Kane sits up again and chases after the DX crew to the back so I guess that’s the match. The DX’ers take Bearer out to the DX Express in the garage when the Outlaws open the baggage compartment and X-Pac stuffs Bearer inside. Kane comes out trying to make the save but X-Pac low blows him again and Kane gets overwhelmed and stuffed in the compartment with Bearer. The DX’ers tell the bus to drive off and once the bus departs the DX’ers exchange high-fives as we go to commercial. * Very short match for a title bout plus it went to a sport-entertainment finish pretty quickly.

Back from break we get a replay of Kane and Paul Bearer being taken away in the DX Express.

WWF European Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Chyna
Angle challenged Chyna to this match afer she DDT’ed him into the floor on Raw. Angle first gets on the mic and claims millions of children cried after Chyna’s cowardly attack on Monday and that parents have called him saying their children had nightmares about Chyna attacking them as well. Angle assures his fans in Europe he’s okay and looks to represent the U.S. as Intercontinential Champion once he beats Chris Jericho. Angle locks up with Chyna to start and goes into a Fireman’s carry followed by a pair of armdrags then dances around as Chyna looks on. Angle takes Chyna down with a waistlock and applies a facelock when Chyna reverses it into a hammerlock but Angle manages to get his foot on the rope for the break. Angle charges at Chyna but gets backdropped over the ropes and Chyna goes out after him on the floor. Chyna sends Angle into the ringpost then drops him onto the barricade and whips him into the steps. Chyna celebrates when Angle grabs his European belt and clocks Chyna with it getting himself DQ’ed. 1/4* Angle throws Chyna back in the ring and readies the belt for another shot when Chris Jericho runs out and unloads on Angle. Jericho goes for a whip but Angle counters into the Olympic Slam and celebrates when Chyna cuts it short with a low blow sending him rolling out to the floor.

Backstage we find the Acolytes have set up an ‘APA’ office with a door that doesn’t have an adjoining wall. Mark Henry and Mae Young knock on the door and and once invited they enter through it without walking around. Henry asks Bradshaw and Faarooq to look after Mae since she’s with child while takes care of business in the ring and Bradshaw asks for cash payment so Henry produces the money to ensure their services. Henry heads out while Mae takes a seat at the table to watch their poker game as we go to commercial.

Back from break we see the DX Express making its return to the building from who knows where. No word of where Kane and Paul Bearer were dropped off.

Backstage the Acolytes are engaged in their poker game when Mae Young asks to join them. Bradshaw tells her they play for money so Mae pulls out some bills and quickly gets dealt in.

Tazz vs. Gangrel
Cole announces that Mark Henry has challenged the Holly cousins to a handicap match later. Gangrel comes off the ropes to start but runs into a backdrop. Tazz whips him but lowers the head and Gangrel kicks the face and hits a clothesline then wails on Tazz. Tazz comes back with a hard shot and Gangrel sets up for a DDT but Tazz counters that with a Northern Lights Tazplex for a two count. Tazz clotheslines Gangrel and trips him with a drop toehold then hits some crossface shots and a T-bone Tazplex for two. Gangrel goes for a whip but Tazz ducks a clothesline and slaps on the Tazzmission for the tapout. DUD

7:40 - 11:00

Hardcore Rules Match: Cactus Jack vs. X-Pac
Tori comes out still wearing the neckbrace but X-Pac sends her to the back. Cactus goes right to work on X-Pac and beats him down in a corner before hitting a running knee. Cactus slams X-Pac against the mat repeatedly then clotheslines both X-Pac and himself over the ropes. X-Pac starts fighting back and throws Cactus into the ringsteps then whacks him in the back with a chair. Cactus is right back up and throws X-Pac across the announce table and hammers away at him. Cactus grabs the chair and jabs X-Pac with it before clocking him in the head and covering him for a two count. Cactus tosses X-Pac back in the ring but X-Pac comes back a spinkick. X-Pac kicks Cactus down in a corner then goes for the Brnoco Buster but Cactus dodges it and X-Pac ends up straddling the turnbuckles. Cactus goes out and crotches X-Pac into the ringpost then pulls him out to the floor and rams him into the steps. Cactus climbs to the apron looking for the elbowdrop but X-Pac starts walking away from the ring to the back and you can pretty much guess what’s coming. Cactus chases after X-Pac in the back when X-Pac manages to toss a table at him followed by a chair to the face. X-Pac then takes off through the doors to the parking lot where DX is no doubt waiting to strike. Cactus follows after X-Pac through the doors and sure enough Triple H and the rest of DX ambush him. Cactus tries to fight back but the 4-on-1 odds are too much even for him and Triple H brings him to the DX Express. The two fight in the bus but Triple H shoves Cactus back out and the rest of DX get in their shots before stuffing Cactus into the baggage compartment just like they did to Kane and Paul Bearer earlier. DX gets in some parting shots and Triple H sends the DX Express on its way. **

Back from break we get a replay of Cactus Jack getting a ride on the DX Express.

Too Cool vs. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko
Cole announces Too Cool & Rikishi will face Malenko, Saturn and Chris Benoit in a six-man tag at No Way Out. Lawler mentions that Eddie Guerrero has also challenged Rikishi to face him tonight despite both men’s injuries, especially after Eddie attack Rikishi’s ankle on Raw. Anyway Saturn locks up with Scotty 2 Hotty to start and gets the advantage with kneelifts then whips him into an elbow. Saturn presses Scotty up but Scotty counters with the headsicssors then gets in his shots. Scotty goes for a whip, Saturn reverses it but Scotty hits the headscissors again and Malenko comes in but gets dropkicked back out. Saturn nails Scotty from behind and goes for a suplex when Scotty fights out of it but Saturn clotheslines him. Malenko tags in and blocks a hiptoss then goes for a suplex but Scotty floats over and hits an inverted suplex. Grandmaster Sexay tags in and comes off the ropes with a hip toss. Sexay slams Malenko to the mat then hops to the second rope and dropkicks Malenko from behind but Saturn breaks up the pin. Sexay clotheslines Saturn on the apron but Malenko connects with a forearm then whips Sexay into a heel kick. Saturn tags in and hits an exploder suplex then tags Malenko back in and Malenko goes for a whip on Sexay but Sexay reverses him into a corner. Saturn goes for a whip but Sexay reverses him right into his partner and they both fall down with Malenko accidentally headbutting Saturn below the belt. Sexay DDT’s Malenko then tags Scotty in and Scotty goes for a whip, Malenko reverses it but lowers the head and Scotty goes for a Sunset Flip. Malenko rolls out of it and goes into the Texas Cloverleaf but Scotty counters that with a roll up for a near fall. The Too Cool guys whip Saturn into a double elbow then turn and connect with a double dropkick on Malenko. Scotty hits Saturn with an Atomic Drop and Sexay superkicks him while Scotty whips Malenko into a corner. Scotty comes off the ropes with the bulldog and follows that up with the Worm. Sexay dropkicks Saturn and both men then clothesline Saturn over the ropes. Eddie Guerrero suddenly runs in and clocks Scotty with a lead pipe behind the referee’s back and Malenko covers him for the academic pin. **1/2 After the match Sexay tries to get payback but Eddie takes him out with the pipe as well and the Radicals work them over. Rikishi then hobbles down the ramp and Saturn and Malenko go out to meet him but Rikishi fights them off. Rikishi heads in the ring and plants Malenko with a Samoan Drop then grabs Saturn for a belly-to-belly suplex but Eddie prevents it by nailing Rikishi in the ankle with the pipe then continues to work it over while Malenko slides a chair in the ring. Saturn wedges Rikishi’s ankle into the chair a’la Brian Pillman while Malenko brings the ringsteps in the ring and he and Saturn drop the steps right onto the chair. The Radicals then take Too Cool’s sungalsses and mock their post-match dance before leaving the ring. The EMTs then come out and help Rikishi onto a stretcher as we go commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of the Radicalz attempting to break Rikishi’s ankle with the chair and ringsteps. We then see Rikishi’s ankle taped up as he gets loaded into an ambulance with Too Cool riding out with him. Eddie Guerrero then comes back out to the ring and forces anouncer Tony Chimel to declare him the winner against Rikishi by forfeit. Eddie has the referee raise his hand and celebrates his ‘win’ when Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn also come out and help him celebrate.

Backstage Mae Young is still enjoying her card game with the Acolytes when she asks for an extra cigar and Faarooq gives her one. Mae chomps off one of the ends and asks for a light which Bradshaw provides. Mae then enjoys her cigar as Bradshaw and Farrooq continue to be incredulous at what they’re seeing.

Kevin Kelly interviews The Rock but Rock quickly cuts him off as usual and starts with “Finally The Rock Has Come Back To ....…â€. Rock talks on certain things going together like salt and pepper, bacon and eggs, and The Rock and Wrestlemania. Rock admits his upcoming match with The Big Show at No Way Out will be the biggest and hardest of his career but still promises to beat Show at the pay-per-view then go on to become WWF Champion at Wrestlemania. Rock then addresses DX booking him against the New Age Outlaws with Show as his partner calling it real cute. Rock tells Show he doesn’t need nor want him as his partner, and that he already has a partner tonight: the people. Rock warns Show not to come down to the ring or he’ll lay the biggest Smackdown on him and ends with the usual as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a look at the DX Express again making its return from who knows where. We still have one more match involving DX so will The Rock be the next person on the bus?

Backstage we check in on the Acolytes who have finally won a hand when Mae Young suddenly asks for a beer. Faarooq warns Mae it wouldn’t be good for the baby but Mae insists her child wouldn’t mind her having one beer so Bradshaw slams a can down and the Acolytes express their disgust with Mae who starts filling her glass.

Edge & Christian vs. The Big Bossman & Prince Albert
I can’t really explain why Bossman and Albert are buddies again after the two were just feuding. Also Cole announces Edge & Christian will face The Hardy Boyz in a #1 Contenders’ match at No Way Out for the next tag title shot after the Dudleys get their turn at the pay-per-view. Bossman starts off with Christian and applies a headlock when Christian shoves him off into the ropes but Bossman hits a shoulderblock. Albert tags in and whips Christian and hits a bodyblock. Edge comes in and Albert goes for a press slam but Edge lands on his feet and dropkicks him in the face. Christian then comes off the ropes with his own dropkick and both men dropkick Bossman through the ropes. However Albert clotheslines both men and Edge rolls out to the floor but Bossman rams him into the apron. Bossman rolls Edge back in the ring and Albert pops him with a right hand before tagging Bossman back in. Edge whips Bossman into a corner and charges at him but Bossman throws him shoulder-first into the ringpost. Bossman then goes out and wraps Edge’s arm around the post when Christian breaks it up with an axehandle. The referee tries to order Chrsitian back to the corner while Albert slingshots Edge into the second rope. Bossman tags in and bends Edge over his knee before slamming him to the mat and ramming him into a corner. Both men exchange punches when Bossman whips Edge into the corner but both men end up knocking heads. Edge hits a boot then comes out with a spinning heel kick and both men manage to tag their partners in. Christian gets in some shots when Albert shoves him into his corner and charges at him but eats a boot. Christian goes for a huricanrana but can’t seem to get Albert down so he aborts it and goes for a whip. Albert reverses Christian into a corner and charges but Christian sidesteps him then hops to the middle rope and hits a tornado Slop Drop. Edge spears Bossman as Christian covers Albert but Albert powers out of the pin. Bossman pulls Edge out of the ring while Christian goes for a whip, Albert reverses it but lowers the head and Christian goes for a Sunset Flip but can’t get Albert over as Bossman holds him up from the apron. Suddenly Edge comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick on Albert that knocks him over for the three count. * After the bell Bossman and Albert act like sore losers as they proceed to beat down Edge and Christian. Bossman whips Christian into a boot while Albert lifts Edge into a Torture Rack and hits a swinging slam. Albert does the same to Christian and Bossman works both men over with the nightstick for good measure.

Backstage we find Mae Young still beating the Acolytes in poker as they complain about her winning all their money, drinking all their beer and smoking all their cigars then ask what more could she possibly want? Mae offers to give the Acolytes back all their money but asks them to follow her and starts leading them somewhere as we go to commercial.

Mark Henry vs. Crash & Hardcore Holly
Henry rushes the ring but the Hollys double-team him to start and work him over in a corner before Hardcore whips Henry into a dropkick. Hardcore and Crash continue their assault and both whip Henry but Henry comes back with a clothesline on both men. Henry clotheslines Crash and press slams Hardcore when we see Mae Young on the stage sending the Acolytes in to take care of the Hollys. The Acolytes take out Hardcore with a double powerbomb and Faarooq whips Crash into a spinebuster. Bradshaw powerbombs Crash as well and Henry covers Crash and gets the three. DUD

The Rock and The Big Show are both shown backstage getting ready for the main event as we go to commercial.

WWF World Tag Team Titles: The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Rock & The Big Show
he Outlaws come out first and as usual ignore that they’re heels while they do their usual spiel on the mic. Rock charges in the ring and goes right to work on both Outlaws without waiting for Big Show to arrive. Rock tees off on Billy Gunn in a corner when Road Dogg charges at him but Rock throws him right into Billy. Rock pops Road Dogg with a right and goes to whip Billy who reverses it but Rock floats over him into a DDT. Rock covers but Road Dogg makes the save and Big Show has yet to come out so it looks like Rock is pretty much on his own. Rock pops Road Dogg off the apron but Billy hits a sloppy neckbreaker then rubs his boot into Rock’s face. Billy pounds on Rock and rams him into Road Dogg’s boot before tagging him in and Road Dogg mocks Rock before whipping him but lowers the head and Rock hits a neckbreaker. Billy clotheslines Rock down and Road Dogg covers him for a two count then applies a chinlock but Rock fights out of it. Rock goes for a whip but Road Dogg counters with the juke ‘n’ jive punches then hits the shake, rattle ‘n kneedrop that gets two. Road Dogg goes for a whip but Rock counters that into a suplex and Billy comes in but runs into a Samoan Drop. The Outlaws whip Rock but Rock clotheslines both of them then plants Road Dogg with a spinebuster. Rock follows up with the Rock Bottom on Billy and looks to have the tag team titles won single-handedly. Rock covers Billy and the referee counts 1..2…when the Big Show finally appears and Rock pulls himself off Billy before getting the three. Rock goes out to meet Show on the ramp and manages to lay the Smackdown but the Outlaws go out as well and Rock suffers a 3-on-1 beatdown as the Outlaws bring Rock back to ringside and throw him into the ringpost. Show then scoops Rock onto his shoulders and carries him to the back, where no doubt the bus is waiting. As they climb the steps to the parking garage Rock begins to fight back and throws Show and Billy into the wall then takes Road Dogg over to the DX Express and throws him into the bus. Suddenly Triple H and X-Pac emerge and Rock starts getting overwhelemed as DX opens the baggage compartment. However Rock is still trying to fight them off so Show and the DX’ers continue to work Rock over as they bring him over to the other side of the bus and open the other baggage compartment. Rock is still trying to rally back against five men but eventually Show subdues Rock and DX is finally able to stuff Rock into the baggage compartment and close the door. Show and Triple H exchange high-fives as DX climbs on the bus and drive off into the night with Show waving at them. However after the bus leaves we turn and find … Rock standing behind Show armed with a 2×4? I’m guessing Rock went through both compartments or something, I don’t know. Anyway Rock breaks the 2×4 over Show’s back and has words with his fallen foe as we Smackdown goes off air.

Overall: This episode was a mess. Most of the show was centered around building angles with very little in the way of in-ring action (other than the Too Cool vs. Radicals match). The worst part was all three main matches ended in just about the same bizarre sports-entertainment finish involving the debuting DX Express which would become a significat part of the storylines for the next few weeks. You’ll also notice The Rock was somehow able to get out of the bus and they don’t even explain how. 4/10

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
The Large House, Arizona
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
The Rock rolls through to the other side since they left that side open when they couldn't get him in there the first time... I didn't need the announcers to explain it to me but they should have done it for everyone else I guess. I think most buses have a middle part that would block you from doing that but I think during one of the segments during this time period you can see through to the other side. I've watched the DX Express angle so many damn times.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF RAW IS WAR 02/21/2000
Georgia Dome in Atlanta, GA

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Test (1/17/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Raw comes on the air with clips of the various DX Express antics on Smackdown. We then watch the DX Express pull into the garage with the Helmsleys and the rest of the crew disembarking. Triple H tells the bus driver to keep the motor running, just in case someone wants to take a ride on the bus.

Things kicks off with Triple H and Stephanie leading DX to the ring as a remixed version of their theme plays. Stephanie gets on the mic first and talks about making Kane, Paul Bearer and Cactus Jack take a ride on their bus. Triple H takes the mic and makes fun of the crowd when The Rock comes out to the stage to rain on DX’s parade. Rock gets on the mic and starts with his usual “Finally..†bit but this time Triple H responds with “Whoopty-doo!†Rock says they’ve developed a pattern which involves Triple H coming out and running his mouth every week and even does a funny impression of Triple H. Rock says the thought of another DX night makes him want to vomit but Triple H responds by belittling Rock’s flashy shirt and always using catchphrases to make the fans laugh oh so heartily. Triple H insists that tonight will indeed be a DX night and reminds Rock it’s four of them against just one of him. Just then Cactus Jack comes out with his own mic and mentions DX did leave him stranded on the road last Thursday but he wasn’t stranded long, bringing up his long history of hitchhiking around the country since he was 17. Cactus says America doesn’t hate his guts (unlike Triple H) before claiming a trucker named Big Earl picked him up and he repaid him with Hell in a Cell stories, including the tale of what he’s going to do to Triple H this Sunday. Cactus says they picked up two more passengers along the way and sure enough Kane and Paul Bearer come out. Cactus then suggests a six-man tag match tonight and decides to give the Atlanta fans a taste of what they can expect as he, Rock and Kane rush the ring and begin going at it with DX. However The Big Show makes his way out with a chair and whacks Rock and Kane with with it while Triple H hits Cactus with the Pedigree and the faces are left laying. JR and Lawler wonder what six-man tag match Cactus was talking out as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of DX and Big Show taking out The Rock, Cactus Jack and Kane. JR announces that Triple H, X-Pac and the Big Show will be their opponents in the six-man main event.

Out in the arena Chyna makes her way out to the ring followed by Chris Jericho for our opening match as clips of Chyna and Kurt Angle’s exchanges over the past week are shown. Jericho first decides to get on the mic and announce that he and Chyna are going to throw a rock ‘n roll party tonight. Kurt Angle then makes his way out to the stage and is followed by the British Bulldog who’s still hanging around if you can believe that. Angle gets on the mic and says nothing good has happened in Atlanta since he won his Olympic Gold Medal in 1996 and that Atlanta has gone from cheering heroes to supporting “hooligans†like John Rocker and Isaiah Ryder. Angle explains why he hit Chyna with his European Title belt at Thursday by saying he heard Chyna was going to steal his belt and hock it for money to pay for more plastic surgery. Angle promises he and the Bulldog are going to give Jericho a Chyna a beating, even borrowing Jericho’s catchphrase but Jericho doesn’t take kindly to this plaigerism and attacks Angle on the aisle before throwing him in the ring.

Chris Jericho & Chyna vs. Kurt Angle & The British Bulldog
Chyna immediately drills Angle with a DDT and Jericho follows up by whipping Angle and hitting a spinning heel kick. Bulldog then tags in but runs right into a hip toss and Jericho hits a double-arm backbreaker for a two count. Chyna tags in and helps Jericho whip Bulldog into a double shoulderblock then takes over and whips him into a corner. Chyna charges but eats a boot and Bulldog climbs to the middle rope and leaps off but Chyna nails him below the belt. Jericho tags back in but Bulldog backdrops him over the ropes and Angle works him over on the floor before throwing him back in. Angle tags in and unloads on Jericho then whips him into a corner and charges at him but Jericho sidesteps it and bulldogs Angle. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses it and goes for a dropkick but Jericho fakes him out and connects with the Lionsault. Bulldog breaks up the cover so Chyna stomps Bulldog out to the floor before Jericho whips Angle into a corner for Chyna’s handspring elbow. Jericho kicks Angle out to the floor when Bulldog scoops Jericho up for the running powerslam but Jericho slips out and shoves Bulldog into a corner. Jericho puts Bulldog in the Walls of Jericho and Bulldog starts tapping out but the referee is busy with Angle and Chyna’s brawl on the floor. Angle takes out Chyna with a short-arm clothesline then brings Jericho’s Intercontinential belt in the ring and waffles Jericho in the head with it. Angle follows up with the Olympic Slam and grabs the pin while Bulldog keeps Chyna from making the save. *1/2

Backstage Rikishi Phatu is getting his ankle taped up when Too Cool come in, asking what he’s thinking by competing against Eddie Guerrero tonight. The duo tries to convince Rikishi he’s in no condition but Rikishi doesn’t want to hear it and tells his buddies to handle their own business and he’ll handle his.

As Too Cool come out to the ring, we cut backstage to find Al Snow once again talking with Steve Blackman about his idea for their tag team. Snow figures Blackman should try dancing since he feels that’s how Too Cool is so over and even gives Blackman some yellow-tinted glasses (“the color of cheeseâ€) and Blackman is less than thrilled. Snow then pulls out a boombox and plays a song about dipping then starts dancing while Blackman just stands there. Snow points out that Blackman’s not dipping and Blackman responds by busting up the boombox with his sticks.

Too Cool vs. Al Snow & Steve Blackman
Snow and Blackman pair off and get the early advantage then try to whip the Too Cool guys into each other. However Scotty 2 Hotty ducks while Grandmaster Sexay leaps over him and hits a crossbody on Snow. Too Cool clotheslines Blackman over the ropes then hit a double elbow on Snow followed by their double elbow drop. Scotty comes off the ropes with the bulldog and hits the Worm on Snow already then starts busting a move. However Blackman interupts that by kicking Sexay into Snow who holds him up for a running kick from Blackman. Scotty breaks up the pin and Snow hits a backbreaker on Sexay as we see the Radicaz watching from the back. Blackman tags in and helps Snow hit a double-suplex then hits some martial arts moves and a backbreaker. Blackman then turns to the crowd trying to convince them to stop chanting “Head Cheese†but is unsuccessful. Blackman whips Sexay into a corner and charges at him but eats a boot and Sexay trips him into a turnbuckle. Scotty tags in and works over Blackman while Sexay takes himself and Snow over the ropes with a crossbody. Blackman hits Scotty with a tilt-o-whirl slam when Snow hops back on the apron and tries to convince Blackman to dance. Blackman is resistant as first but at the fans’ urging eventually give in and tries to dance, doing a moonwalk! However that allows Scotty to recover and he shoves Blackman into Snow on the apron then rolls him up for the pin. After the match Blackman blames Snow for costing them the match with his stupid dancing idea. *

The Godfather & D’Lo Brown (w/the ladies) vs. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko
Before the match Godfather leads his entourage out to the ring and does his usual spiel on the mic. Saturn beats on D’Lo to start and goes for a whip but D’Lo reverses him into a corner. Saturn lifts himself up when D’Lo catches him and slams him to the mat. D’Lo whips Saturn into a backdrop and follows up with a dropkick. D’Lo then whips Saturn again but Saturn slides under him and counters a hiptoss into a belly-to-belly suplex. Malenko tags in but runs into a hiptoss and D’Lo goes for a whip but Malenko counters it into a powerbomb. D’Lo counters that with a backdrop but Malenko turns that into a Sunset Flip that gets him a two count. Godfather tags in and both men whip Malenko into a slam from Godfather and D’Lo follows up with a splash. Godfather follows that with a legdrop and Saturn comes in but Godfather drops him with a right hand. Godfather whips Malenko into a corner and goes for the Ho Train but Saturn cuts him off with a chop block! Saturn is hurt while Malenko lays the boots to Godfather and whips him into a spinning heel kick for a two count. Malenko goes for a whip, Godfather reverses him into a corner and charges at him but eats a double boot and Malenko comes out but runs into a powerslam. Godfather tags in D’Lo who whips Malenko into a heel kick and Saturn comes in but D’Lo plants him with the Sky High. D’Lo slams Malenko and hits the shaky legdrop for two. D’Lo whips Malenko and goes for a dropkick but Malenko swats him down and goes for the Texas Cloverleaf. Godfather breaks it up with a boot and the referee gets him back out while Saturn climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying elbowdrop. Saturn covers D’Lo to get the three despite not being the legal man. *1/2

Backstage we find the Outlaws talking to the Dudley Boyz about knowing their stuff since they are the champs. Billy Gunn tells the Dudleys to follow their lead but Bubba Ray Dudley dares the Outlaws to try and keep up with them. The two teams then separate as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a look at the DX Express still waiting in the parking garage.

Edge, Christian & The Hardy Boyz vs. The New Age Outlaws & The Dudley Boyz
So on one side we have the tag team champions and their next challengers in six days at the pay-per-view, and on the other we have the two teams about to fight each other for the next title shot at the same show. Doesn’t that seem like weird booking to you? After everyone comes out the Outlaws do their spiel on the mic and have the crowd singing along but Billy forgoes giving us the two words and nails Christian with the mic to jump-start the match. Billy pounds on Christian and goes for a whip but Christian counters and they go back and forth a bit. Christian gets a headlock, Billy counters with a suplex and goes for a powerbomb but Chrstian counters that. Christian grabs Billy in a headlock when Road Dogg comes in but he gets put in a headscissors at the same time. Christain spins around and hits Billy with a Slop Drop while also ducking a clothesline from Road Dogg. Christian dropkicks Road Dogg and the Outlaws bail out to the floor to regroup before tagging in D’Von Dudley. Christian trips D’Von with a drop toehold then tags in Matt Hardy and the two hit a double hiptoss for two count. D’Von scoops Matt up for a slam but Matt floats over him and hits a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall. Jeff tags in and the Hardys whip D’Von into a corner, Matt drops to the mat and Jeff hits the Poetry in Motion. Bubba Ray comes in but the Hardys plant him with a double suplex and Jeff chokes D’Von with his shirt then goes for a whip. D’Von reverses Jeff into a corner but Jeff slings himself over the ropes to the apron. Jeff climbs to the top rope but Road Dogg shoves him off into the barricade. Billy goes out to the floor and whips Jeff into Bubba who tosses him over his head onto the barricade.

Billy rolls Jeff back in the ring while D’Von tags in Road Dogg who works Jeff over with a pair of rights followed by the shake, rattle ‘n kneedrop. Road Dogg draws Jeff’s partners in while the Outlaws double-team him and Billy takes over without a tag and applies a head vice before hitting an elbowdrop. Jeff starts fighting back and comes off the ropes but Billy throws him under the ropes taking out a cameraman as well. Bubba throws Jeff back in the ring and Billy covers him for a two count before tagging Bubba in. Bubba chops Jeff in a corner and whips him into a backdrop. Bubba draws Jeff’s partners in again to distact the referee and the Outlaws set Jeff up while D’Von climbs to the top rope and hits the headbutt to the groin for a two count. D’Von whips Jeff into a corner and charges but eats a boot and Jeff hops to the middle rope and leaps off but D’Von belts Jeff in the chest in mid-air. Bubba tags in and hits Jeff with an elbowdrop and whips him but lowers the head. Jeff kicks the face then comes off the ropes again but runs right into a powerbomb. Road Dogg tags in and distracts the referee while his team triple-teams Jeff in their corner then tags Billy in. The Outlaws goes for a double suplex but Jeff flips out of it and hits a double DDT then reaches for his corner. Billy tries to pull Jeff away to prevent a tag but Jeff manages to lunge forward and make the hot tag to Edge. Edge ducks a right hand from Billy and spears Road Dogg then pops the Dudleys off the apron and spears Billy. Bubba makes the save and everyone starts going at it. Matt and Christian dump the Dudleys over the ropes and Billy hits Edge with the jackhammer while Matt climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault on the Dudleys! Christian then goes for the springboard plancha over the ropes but takes out Matt instead of their opponents. In the ring Road Dogg sets Edge for the Rocker Dropper from Billy but D’Von pulls Road Dogg out to the floor. Road Dogg and D’Von start duking it out while Bubba brings a chair in and clocks Billy in the head. Road Dogg pulls Bubba out of the ring while Jeff climbs to the top and connects with the senton bomb on Billy when a funny thing happens. Jeff covers Billy for the pin but Christian pulls him off at two allowing Edge to move in for his own cover, only after Jeff is pulled off but before Edge can cover, Earl Hebner ends up counting the three anyway. Everybody’s standing around looking confused before the Hardys and E&C start arguing as they leave the ring. **

The Acolytes & Mark Henry (w/Mae Young) vs. Viscera, Crash & Hardcore Holly
This was set up after all the stuff involving five of these guys on Smackdown. The Acolytes attack the Hollys as they enter the ring and clear them back out to the floor. Viscera then comes in but the Acolytes whip him into a double flying shouldertackle. Bradshaw takes over and goes for a whip but Viscera reverses him into a corner and hits a bodyblock. Viscera follows up with a belly-to-belly suplex then tags in Crash as the crowd starts chanting “Elroy!â€. Crash goes for a whip but Bradshaw reverses it and catches Crash into the fallaway slam. Faarooq tags in and whips Crash but Crash holds onto the ropes allowing Hardcore to tag himself in. Hardcore runs right into a powerslam for a two count and Faarooq goes for a whip but Hardcore reverses and hits a dropkick. Faarooq recovers and hits a lariat then tags in Henry who clubs Hardcore in the back and goes for a whip. Hardcore reveses it and Crash nails Henry from the apron allowing Hardcore to follow up with a clothesline. Hardcore stomps Henry before tagging in Viscera who whips Henry into a corner and hits an Avalanche. Viscera goes for the bodysplash but Henry rolls out of the way and tags in Bradsahw. Crash also tags in but Bradshaw sets him on the top rope then goes up and hits a back superplex but Hardcore breaks up the pin. Henry and Faarooq knock Viscera and Hardcore off the apron but Crash low blows Henry. The Acolytes plant Crash with a double-powerbomb and Farrooq covers for the three. 1/2* After the match The Acolytes depart while Henry is laying at ringside when Mae Yong goes into stomp away on Crash. However Mae turns into a clothesline from Hardcore and Viscera then squashes her with the big splash! Henry and the EMTs rush in to check on Mae and “her unborn baby†while the Hollys and Viscera celebrate.

Back from break we get a replay of the Hollys and Viscera taking out Mae Young after their loss. We then find Mae getting loaded into an ambulance as Mark Henry and the Fabulous Moolah accompany her.

Non-Title: Chris Benoit vs. Test
Test is making his return after healing from his injuries over the past few weeks. Test goes right to work on Benoit hammering him in a corner but Benoit reverses it and lands some chops. Benoit tries to go for a whip but Test keeps holding onto the ropes so Benoit hammers him with more chops. Test responds with kicks but Benoit counters with a dragon legwhip and goes for a whip but Test reverses it and hits a gutwrench powerbomb for a two count as Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn watch from backstage. Test whips Benoit but Benoit ducks a clothesline and hits a German suplex then holds on for a second German. Benoit goes for a third but Test blocks it so Benoit goes for a whip but Test reverses him into a corner. Benoit staggers out into an Atomic Drop and Test follows up with a big boot to the face. Suddenly we see Eddie Guerrero sneaking down to ringside with something in his hand. Test sets Benoit up for the pump handle slam but Benoit fights his way out of it and goes for a whip. Test counters it back into the pump handle slam and gets Benoit up but Eddie helps Benoit slip out of the hold. Test takes a swing at Benoit but Eddie nails him in the back with a lead pipe and Benoit hits a back suplex then climbs to the top and connects with the diving headbutt to finish this. *

The Rock, Cactus Jack, Kane and Paul Bearer are shown conversing in the same lockerroom as we go to commercial.

No DQ: Rikishi Phatu vs. Eddie Guerrero
Rikishi hobbles down the ramp with a taped-up ankle and a reinforced crutch as the Radicals watch backstage. Eddie gets on a mic and makes fun of Rikishi getting hurt before telling him he’s going to show him a new step. Eddie turns around to when Rikishi nails him with his crutch then drags him over to a corner without any limp. Rikishi puts Eddie’s injured arm on his chest then climbs up and hits the Banzai Drop to get the three. After the match Malenko, Saturn and Benoit run into and triple-team Rikishi when Too Cool come out brandishing crutches. Too Cool takes out the Radicals with crutches and Rikishi plants Saturn with the sitdown piledriver. The three of them don their shades and commence with their post-match dance. DUD

Back from break we get another look at the DX Express.

Elsewhere Michael Cole interviews Cactus Jack, asking if he’s worried about taking another ride on the bus but Cactus says he’s not worried because if he takes a ride he can just hitchhike right back to the building. Cactus says really what concerns him is a look on Triple H’s face that he has to have and wants to demonstrate. Cactus forces Cole to lay on the ground and look up at him, asking if it scares him and Cole says it indeed does. Cactus tells Cole to now imagine what Triple H will feel when he drops an elbow on him from the top of the cage. Cactus emphasizes he has to win the match on Sunday or else he’s done and promises to fly off of the cage. Cactus adds he’s never main-evented Wrestlemania and if he has to show up using a walker, he will.

We then see Tazz getting his wrists taped up for a match. JR says Tazz will take on the Big Bossman, who we see walking to the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from break we find The Big Show, Triple H and the rest of DX standing next to the DX Express checking out the baggage compartment, getting it ready for some “special cargoâ€.

Tazz vs. The Big Bossman
Tazz starts off with a drop toehold and hits some crossface shots and Bossman rolls out to the floor but Tazz goes out continues the assault. Bossman rakes the face and works Tazz over then grabs the ringsteps and throws them at Tazz but misses. Tazz gets in some more offense but Bossman jabs the eyes and throws him back in the ring. Bossman whips Tazz into a corner and splashes him then whips him into the other corner but Tazz comes out with a clothesline then follows up with a sledge. Tazz slaps on the Tazzmission but Bossman grabs his nightstick and clock Tazz in the head drawing a DQ. After the match Bossman tries to beat Tazz off but Tazz keeps the hold applied until Prince Albert runs in kicks Tazz off of Bossman then hits a Torture Rack neckbreaker and the heels leave Tazz laying. DUD

Triple H, X-Pac & The Big Show (w/Stephanie & Tori) vs. The Rock, Cactus Jack & Kane (w/Paul Bearer)
Kane (w/Paul Bearer)

Kane and Cactus decide not to wait for Rock to appear and rush the ring to go right to work on their foes. Before long Rock does finally appear and goes right after Show, clotheslining him over the ropes. Soon everybody spills out to the floor and starts going at it with their respective pay-per-view opponents. Cactus rams Triple H into the announce table while Rock rams Show into the timekeeper’s table twice and clocks him in the head with the ringbell. Cactus grabs a chair but Triple H has rolled in the ring where Kane throws X-Pac into a corner then throws Triple H into X-Pac. Kane clotheslines both men and the match starts to get in order as Kane works Triple H over in a corner while the rest head out. Kane whips Triple H into a corner and clotheslines him then whips him into the other corner but eats an elbow. Triple H goes for a whip but Kane counters into a sidewalk slam then pops Show and X-Pac on the apron. Rock and Cactus get in their shots on Triple H and Kane knocks him down with an uppercut then tags in Rock. Rock hammers away on Triple H and whips him into a corner then hits a clothesline and goes for another whip. Triple H reverses Rock into a corner and goes for the Pedigree but Rock counters with a double-leg takedown and catapults Triple H into the turnbuckles. Rock hits a Russian legsweep for a two count when Cactus begs for a tag so Rock obliges and Cactus pounds on Triple H and bites his face in a corner. Cactus whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster. X-Pac tags in but Cactus takes him down and rams him repeatedly into the mat then whips X-Pac and hits a flying forearm followed by a headbutt. Cactus kicks X-Pac out to the floor with a baseball slide then goes out when X-Pac hit a spin kick. X-Pac goes for a whip but Cactus sends him right into Triple H who just happens to be standing there. Cactus unloads on Triple H but Show stops that flurry with a headbutt and X-Pac lays the boots to Cactus.

Show rams Cactus into the announce table then rolls him in the ring where Triple H stomps him down and chokes him on the rope. Show tags in and taunts Rock before he chops Cactus in a corner. Show whips Cactus into the opposite corner but Cactus ducks a clothesline and pops him in the head. Cactus leaps onto Show’s back and applies a sleeper but Show moves Cactus over into a sidewalk slam. Show goes for an elbowdrop but misses and Cactus manages to tag in Rock who hits a pair of clotheslines but Show doesn’t go down. So Rock comes off the ropes with a shot from behind that does get Show off his feet. Triple H and X-Pac both come in but Rock is able to knock them over the ropes with the Smackdown. Rock plants Show with a spinebuster then goes for the People’s Elbow but tumbles out to the floor after Triple H pulls down the top rope. Triple H and X-Pac stomp away on Rock on the floor and throw him into the ringsteps then roll him back in the ring. Show hits a series of kneedrops before tagging Triple H back in and Triple H hits a vertical suplex for a two count. Triple H climbs to the top rope but Rock throws him off to the mat. Rock manages to tag in Cactus who pummels Triple H in a corner then turns and catches X-Pac with a right. Cactus goes back to work on Triple H when Show comes in but Cactus stops him with a kick below the belt. Cactus drills Triple H with the double-arm DDT but X-Pac breaks up the pin and pulls Cactus out to the floor. Cactus throws X-Pac into the steps then brings a fire extinguisher in the ring. Show grabs Cactus for a chokeslam but Kane climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying clothesline to break it up. X-Pac comes in but Kane grabs him by the hair and throws him back over the ropes then goes out after him. Rock knocks Show over the ropes then goes out to battle with Show on the floor, ramming him into the steps. In the ring Triple H waffles Cactus with the fire extinguisher and covers him to get the three for his team. *** Fun main event, action from bell to bell though I don’t see why Triple H had to get the pinfall on Cactus again.

After the match We then see Rock and Show as well as Kane and X-Pac going at it in the tech area near the stage. Triple H runs over and helps Show and X-Pac tilt the odds in their favor but Cactus evens the sides back up and clobbers Triple H with a trash can. Stephanie hits Cactus with a trash lid but Cactus no-sells it and turns toward her when Triple H rams him into an anvil case. DX decides it’s time to flee and take off through the back but Cactus is right behind them so Triple H tries to slow Cactus down with some equipment racks. The DX’ers soon reach the DX Express in the garage and try to quickly board it and make their escape. Before the bus can pull out Cactus rolls a rack toward the bus and skewers the windshield with a large pipe! The bus quickly backs away and drives off and Cactus flashes a “Bang! Bang!†as Raw goes off the air.

Overall: This episode of Raw was mainly focused on hyping the pay-per-view but it was still a better show than the previous week. The opening segment was nice with Rock and Triple H making fun of each other’s interview styles and the main event was good and the crowd into it. There were only three one-on-one matches (two of which barely quailify as matches) but most of the tag matches and segments on this show served their purpose in getting No Way Out set up. 7/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF SMACKDOWN 02/24/2000
Nashville Arena in Nashville, Tennessee

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Test (1/17/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Things kick off with Test coming out to the ring about to defend the Hardcore Title in our opening match. We then cut to the back and find Hardcore Holly confronting Crash about challenging Test for ‘his’ Hardcore title. Crash gets in Hardcore’s face promising to show that he’s just as Hardcore as him before shoving him on his rear and heading out.

WWF Hardcore Title: Test © vs. Crash Holly
Crash looks ready to go when Test tosses the title belt at him then nails him with a big boot to start. Test whips Crash and hits a backdrop then whips him again but Crash is able to bail out to the floor with Test going out after him. Test tosses Crash over the barricade into the crowd then places a trash container over him and whacks him with a chair. Test tosses Crash back over the barricade to ringside and Crash crawls away from Test but pulls a fire extinguisher out from under the ring and sprays CO2 into Test’s face. Crash whips Test into the ringpost then climbs onto the apron and leaps off connecting with a huricanrana. Crash tosses Test back in the ring as we see Hardcore watching the action from the stage with a chair in hand. Crash covers Test for a two count then whacks him below the belt with a stick and Test rolls out to the floor. Crash then moves the steps into position then launches off them but Test clocks Crash in mid-air with a chair. Test throws Crash in the ring along with a pair of chairs then sets them up and goes to powerbomb Crash through them but Crash flips out of it. Crash goes for a whip, Test reverses it and Crash hops over the chairs as he comes off the ropes but runs right into a big boot. Test goes for the pump-handle slam but Crash floats over and low blows Test before tossing him over the ropes. Crash then slings himself over the ropes and connects with a pescado but hurts himself as Hardcore moves in with the chair. Hardcore readies and chair and takes a swing but Crash ducks it and Test ends up taking the hit instead. Test is down as Crash quickly covers him and gets the 1..2..3 to win the title!. An it begins the AWESOMENESS of Crash and the Hardcore title. **

We then find The Rock talking on his cell phone and The Big Show walking somewhere as we go to commercial.

Back from break The Big Show makes his way to the ring and gets on the mic but is greeted with “Rockyâ€￾ chants. Show says he lies awake at night asking why the fans constantly jeer him after supporting him just two months ago. Show says he supported The Rock only for Rock to turn and call him a jabronie and he didn't want to stand for it so he wants to know why that makes him a bad guy just because the fans may find it funny that Rock insulted him. Show then mentions losing the WWF Championship to Triple H but never got a rematch despite being his errand boy. Show next brings up how a few incompetent referees screwed him out of winning the Royal Rumble which he did. Show says he’s not a bad guy, he’s just trying to prove he’s the rightful winner and even has footage to show us. Show shows the Rumble’s conclusion on the OvalTron and points out Rock’s feet did indeed touch the floor first then accuses the fans of not paying attention and rolls the footage a second time, pointing out Rock did lose. Show continues to plead his case by showing the video in slow motion and even zooms in on Rock touching the floor then asks the fans why they cheer for a loser while he’s the rightful winner. It’s weird that Show is completely in the right (he even has footage, for cryin’ out loud) yet the fans reject him in favor of The Rock. Anyway Kurt Angle then comes out to the ring and gets on the mic telling Show he’s heard his argument and wants to shake his hands with Show appreciating it. Angle chastises the fans for booing someone with integrity and says that there are people who care about the rules. Angle starts to tell a story when he gets interrupted by Chris Jericho and Chyna who make their way out to the stage. Jericho gets on the mic and greets the fans before saying they have a no-neck Olympic hero and a giant with no parts. Jericho gives Angle props for making Show seem entertaining with his burtal performance then asks him to shut up before promising to give Angle a Y2J beating this Sunday at No Way Out. Angle takes offense to that and suggests he and Jericho have their match tonight but changes his mind and challenges him to a tag match instead. Angle asks Show to be his partner and feels Jericho will never find a partner brave enough to face the two of them. Almost on cue The Rock comes out to the stage and Show acts disgusted and blocks out the cheers for him. Rock gets on the mic for his usual intro then offers to be Jericho’s partner even though tag teaming isn't in his repetoire. Rock says he could care less about Angle and he’s teaming with Jericho just for the chance to get a piece of Show. Rock admits Show is right about his feet touching the floor first, him calling Show a jabronie and his fans booing him. Rock says he wants to answer Show’s question on why the fans boo him by saying he has some footage of his own then turns toward the OvalTron as a clip of him making fun of Show plays and Show is not happy about that. Rock then decides to show the clip from a different angle and Show is quivering as the fans constantly chant “Rockyâ€￾. Rock says the fans boo Show because he constantly whines and complains before telling him to shut his mouth. Rock says Show is the biggest threat to his career but tells him not to worry about the crowds at No Way Out but worry about how to stop Rock from beating him, “If ya smell…â€￾ and the rest.

Cole and Lawler then talk about the Hell in a Cell this Sunday by showing a video package of previous cell matches. Interesting that all the clips are from the first two matches (both involving the Undertaker) while the two cells involving the Big Bossman are ignored.

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Chris Benoit (w/The Radicalz)
Benoit climbs in the ring when the other three Radicalz pull Kane out to the floor and work him over. Kane tries to fight all three of them off when Benoit dives through the ropes with a plancha on Kane’s back. The referee decides to eject the other Radicalz from ringside while Benoit continues laying the boots to Kane. Benoit heads back in the ring and attacks Kane on the apron then tries to suplex him in but Kane blocks it and slams Benoit to the mat. Kane climbs in and whips Benoit but Benoit rolls under a big boot and dropkicks Kane in the back of the knee. Benoit follows up with an enzuigiri then climbs to the top rope and connects with the diving headbutt but hurts himself while Kane sits up. Kane grabs Benoit by the throat for the chokeslam but Benoit kicks at Kane’s knee to break it. Benoit comes off the ropes but runs into an ugly tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Kane whips Benoit into a corner and clotheslines him before hitting a chop. Kane whips Benoit into a big boot then climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying clothesline. Kane clotheslines Benoit over the ropes then goes out to the floor as Tori makes her way out to ringside. Tori slaps Bearer who grabs her by the hair as the referee calls for the bell after making the 10 count. Pretty Solid for a angle advicement. *1/2 After the match Benoit nails Bearer from behind but Kane dispatches Benoit in turn then starts stalking Tori up the ramp. The two make their way to the stage when X-Pac appears and blasts Kane in the face with a flamethrower! Just like Triple H did the previous year before Wrestlemania. Kane is writhing in pain as the EMTs come out to cover his face with towels as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of X-Pac shooting Kane with the flamethrower.

Edge, Christian & The Hardy Boyz vs. Al Snow, Steve Blackman, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
The Hardys and E&C are again teaming despite being opponents for a future tag title shot this Sunday. Blackman works over Christian to start and applies a headlock and Christian shoves him off into the ropes but Blackman hits a shoulderblock. Blackman comes off the ropes and slides under Christian but misses a roundhouse kick and Christian comes back with a Russian legsweep for a quick count. Christian goes for a whip but Blackman reverses and Snow pulls Christian by the hair. Christian decks Snow but turns right into a thrust kick from Blackman who tags in Snow as the crowd starts chanting “Head Cheeseâ€￾. Blackman snaps Christian’s neck on the top rope and Snow follows up with a modified suplex for a two count then gets in some shots before tagging Malenko in. Malenko whips Christian into a knee to the chest and follows up with a vertical suplex but gets a two count. Saturn tags in and hammers Christian with kneelifts then whips him into a clothesline. Saturn goes for a suplex but Christian flips out of it and gets an O’Connor roll for a two count then both men end up clotheslining each other. Christian manages to tag in Jeff who hops to the top rope and connects with a somersault senton on Saturn. Saturn’s partners come in but Jeff is able to fight them off and soon all eight men pour in and go at it. Malenko and Saturn whip Jeff but lower their heads and Jeff kicks their faces and dumps Saturn over the ropes. Malenko comes off the ropes but Jeff tosses him over his head then slings himself into a plancha on Saturn. In the ring Matt elbows Snow and climbs to the top rope but Snow shoves him off right onto Edge on the floor. Snow and Blackman work over Matt and Edge on the floor while Jeff manages to get a Full Nelson on Malenko. However Saturn breaks it up and Malenko hits a leg lariat that knocks Jeff into a bridge suplex from Saturn for the pin. *1/2 After the victors depart The Hardys and E&C bicker about the loss with Christian getting in Jeff’s face. Eventually Matt slaps Edge in the face so Edge drops him with a right and the two teams starts duking it out. The referees come out to to the ring to try and separate the two teams as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of the Hardys and E&C doing the hard-sell for their confrontation on Sunday.

Triple H, Road Dogg & X-Pac (w/Stephanie & Tori) vs. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool
As Rikishi and friends make their way to the ring their crutch war against the Radicalz from Raw is shown. As a sidenote Rikishi’s ankle is still taped up showing he’s still healing from that injury. Road Dogg hammers Grandmaster Sexay to start then whips him but Sexay slides under him and hits a move not unlike The Stroke. Sexay hops to the middle rope and hits a dropkick for a two count but misses an elbowdrop and Triple H tags in as we see the Radicalz watching this match from backstage. Triple H pummels Sexay in a corner then whips him into the opposite corner and charges at him but eats a boot. Sexay hops to the middle rope again and connects with a flying clothesline then makes the tag to Scotty 2 Hotty. Scotty decides to go for the Worm already on the prone Triple H but X-Pac cuts Scotty off with the spinkick. Road Dogg tags in and goes for a whip, Scotty reverses it and Road Dogg hits the juke ‘n’ jive punches but misses the big right and Scotty comes off the ropes with an elbow. Rikishi tags in and hits the runnung butt splash on Road Dogg in a corner then clotheslines Triple H and superkicks X-Pac. Scotty then pops Triple H through the ropes while Sexay works Road Dogg over in a corner. Rikishi scoops X-Pac up for the sitdown piledriver but Triple H comes in and chopblocks Rikishi’s bad ankle. Triple H wrenches Rikishi’s bad ankle and X-Pac goes out to the floor and wraps the ankle around the ringpost. Triple H elbowdrops the ankle before tagging Road Dogg who hits the shake, rattle ‘n kneedrop on the ankle. X-Pac tags in and kicks away on Rikishi but Rikishi no-sells the shots and hits his verson of a Diamond Cutter. Riskihi manages to crawl over to the corner and make the hot tag to Sexay who takes it to all three DX’ers. Sexay dropkicks Triple H then whips X-Pac into a corner and powerslams him before tagging Scotty back in. Scotty whips X-Pac into a corner and hits the bulldog then goes for the Worm again and this time is able to hit it. Road Dogg makes the save so Too Cool works Road Dogg over while Rikishi hits a belly-to-belly suplex on X-Pac. Rikishi climbs up the ropes looking for a Banzai Drop on X-Pac but Triple H whacks Rikishi with a chair then pulls X-Pac out of the ring to safety while Too Cool whip Road Dogg into a double elbow. Rikishi also rolls out to the floor but Triple H places his ankle on the ringsteps and whacks it with the chair. Scotty goes out after Triple H on the floor while Sexay climbs to the top rope and goes for the Hip Hop Drop but X-Pac pulls Road Dogg out of the way and hits the X Factor to grab the pin for DX. After the match Triple H tosses Scotty back in the ring and Road Dogg plants him with the pump handle slam for good measure. Triple H then gets one more whack on Rikishi with the chair and the DX’ers celebrate their win and depart. The Radicals also applaud backstage and smile, feeling their six-man tag at No Way Out just got a little easier. **3/4 Really fun match really wished it went on for longer.

Back from break we get a replay of the six-man tag and Triple H assaulting Rikishi’s ankle with the chair. We then see Scotty and Sexay helping Rikishi limp into the trainer’s room as he complains about his ankle.

The Godfather & D’Lo Brown (w/the ladies) vs. The Big Bossman & Prince Albert
Bossman pounds away on D’Lo to start then whips him into a corner and charges at him but eats a boot. D’Lo hops to the middle rope and hits a nice dropkick then comes off the ropes but runs into a spinebuster. Albert tags in and comes off the ropes with a shoulderblock then catapults D’Lo up into the middle rope. Albert presses D’Lo up for a slam but D’Lo slips out of it and hammers away on Albert then goes for a whip. Albert reverses D’Lo into a corner, and D’Lo lands on the middle rope and goes for a moonsault but misses. D’Lo comes back and hits a DDT then crawls to his corner and tags in Godfather who hits a pair of clotheslines. Godfather whips Albert into a boot then catches Bossman with a series of shots. Godfather whips Bossman right into Albert then whips him into a corner and follows up with a clothesline. Godfather goes for the Ho Train and Albert sidesteps but D’Lo comes off the top with a clothesline on Bossman. D’Lo knocks Bossman through the ropes with a heelkick while Albert works Godfather over nearby in a corner. Suddenly Tazz makes his way out to ringside and pulls Bossman off the apron then rams him into the ringsteps. Albert the reaches for Tazz through the ropes but Tazz digs at Albert’s eyes and decks him with a right. The blinded Albert then stumbles into the Death Valley Driver from Godfather and that’s it for this one. 1/2*

Cactus Jack is shown backstage, perhaps with a lot on his mind as we go to commercial.

Back from break Jim Ross is in the ring as he brings Cactus Jack out for what could be his “finalâ€￾ interview. JR asks Cactus if his lifelong dream will come true this Sunday and Cactus mentions everything he’s accomplished: three WWF Championships, eight Tag Team Titles, being the first Hardcore Champion, and becoming a #1 best-selling author. Cactus says Mick Foley has accomplished everything he set his sights on but then mentions having what he calls one of the toughest meetings with Vince McMahon five months ago. Cactus says he told Vince it may be time to finish up his career, feeling a little embarassed by his recent performances. Cactus says he was making people laugh and mentions the Rock and Sock Connection which was all good and fine but when he though about what he really wanted, he realized he really wanted to be Cactus Jack. Cactus then says what really influenced his decision and his entire career was a 25-year old fight he once watched, the infamous Joe Frazier/Muhammad Ali “Thrilla in Manillaâ€￾. Cactus says he once got to watch a tape of the contest and saw both men giving it their all but it ended with Frazier on a stool unable to compete in the last round. Cactus says he saw himself after 15 years and he doesn’t want his career to end like that with him unable to go on. Cactus admits at the Royal Rumble in Madison Square Garden he lost the greatest match of his life to a better man then says he figured he’d get his revenge against Triple H with Hell in a Cell seeing as he’s the king of the Cells. However Cactus brings up his match against The Undertaker and says he got destroyed, scaring JR out of the ring. Cactus says he got knocked out cold for the first time ever and goes on to list the numerous injuries he suffered, calling it the worst yet greatest day of his career because he got up and finished the match on his feet. Cactus talks on the last few retirement matches he saw and brings up guys prostituting their names for extra bucks, losing their careers only to come back after what was a six-week vacation. Cactus says he gave his word on national television that if he failed to beat Triple H then his wrestling days are over and when steps into the Cell at No Way Out he is fully prepared for that to be the final match of his career. Cactus says this could be the last time he speaks to the WWF fans so he thanks everyone who ever believed in him, who stood for his first WWF Championhip win and who bought his book which he wrote himself. Cactus says he won’t guarantee a win this Sunday but he will end his career swinging and not sitting on a stool. Cactus also tells Triple H whether he wins or loses he will climb to the top of the cage and fly off on top of him. Cactus finishes by thanking the Mankind fans with “Have a Nice Dayâ€￾ and the Cactus Jack fans with a “Bang! Bang!â€￾ Very good promo that would sadly lose much of its impact and meaning in the long run. As Cactus walks up the ring Stephanie McMahon appears on the stage to apparently ruin this moment. Stephanie gets on the mic and calls Cactus a passionate man but she has dreams that became nightmares on Raw after he aused $5000 worth of damage to her luxury tour bus. Stephanie says Triple H will make him pay Sunday but feels Cactus should start paying tonight and claims to have a warrant for Cactus’ arrest. A group of cops come down the ramp to put Cactus in the handcuffs and Cactus offers himself without incident. As the cops lead Cactus away Triple H joins Stepahnie on the stage but Cactus flashes him a look on his way out.

Back from break the cops reluctanly ask Cactus Jack to wait in a holding cell as they try to work things out. Cactus doesn’t like it but goes along with it and the cops lock him in there and depart.

We then get a replay of X-Pac shooting Kane in the face with a flamethrower earlier tonight. Johnathan Coachman then reports that Kane suffered second-degree burns to his neck and has vision problems but ironically Kane’s mask which covers his scars may have saved him from more serous damage.

Elsewhere the Helmsleys meet with the cops while taunting Cactus Jack in the cage who invites them to join him. Triple H asks for the keys to take over watch over Cactus and the cops hand them over and deaprt the scene as Triple H thanks them and tells them to enjoy what’s in their envelopes as we go to commercial. Oh, so apparenlty Triple H just paid off some guys to act like cops to trap Cactus in a cage.
Back from break we find the Helmselys taunting Cactus Jack with some pizza and the keys to the cage. For some reason the announcers still seem to believe that those were real cops who arrested Cactus.

Bubba Ray Dudley (w/D’Von Dudley) vs. Billy Gunn
D’Von distracts Billy from the floor allowing Bubba to get the early advantage with a clothesline. Bubba chops Billy in a corner then elbows him and goes for a whip but Billy reverses it into a hiptoss. Billy slams Bubba to the mat then clothesines him and D’Von comes in the ring but also eats a clothesline. Billy whips Bubba into a corner then whips D’Von into Bubba causing him to headbutt D’Von below the belt. Billy hits a neckbreaker for a two and goes for the Rocker Dropper but Bubba catches him into a powerbomb. Bubba hops to the middle rope but misses the senton and Billy tees off on him and whips him into a corner then connects with a Stinger Splash. Billy pops D’Von off the apron and drills Bubba with the Jackhammer. Billy tries the Rocker Dropper again but falls out to the floor after D’Von pulls down the top rope for a DQ. After the match D’Von throws Billy into the ringsteps then slides a table in the ring before tossing Billy back in as well. Bubba sets the table up and stands on it for some reason while D’Von hits Billy with the Curtain Call. Road Dogg then runs in and low blows Bubba then tosses D’Von through the ropes. With Bubba still relling Billy manages to hit a jumping Rocker Dropper driving him through the table but would end up messing his shoulder up as a result. The Outlaws then celebrate to a huge pop from the crowd and depart while D’Von tends to Bubba in the ring. DUD

Chris Jericho, Chyna and The Rock are all shown heading to the ring for the main event as we go to commerical.

Back from break we find the Helmsleys still provoking Cactus Jack who’s still locked in the cage backstage. Triple H makes fun of Cactus’s promo then reveals the walls around the cage are fake by knocking them down, showing the cage is chained to the DX Express while promising to drag Cactus all the way to Hartford.

The Rock & Chris Jericho (w/Chyna) vs. The Big Show & Kurt Angle
Everybody makes their separate entrances but Angle attacks Jericho during Rock’s posing to start us off. Angle whips Jericho but Jericho ducks a clotehsline and hits his own clothesline then whips him and chops him down. Jericho whips Angle again and hits a butterfly backbreaker for a two count. Rock tags in and hammers away on Angle in a corner but misses the Smackdown and Angle hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Show asks to tag in and Angle obliges but Rock manages to hit a spinebuster before teeing off on him with rights. Angle comes in but Rock clotheslines him then punches Show below the belt before Jericho tags in to take over. Jericho comes of the ropes but Show presses him up high and drops him to the mat before drawing Rock in to distact Earl Hebner for a double-team. Angle takes over without a tag and whips Jericho into a clothesline then applies a front facelock but Jericho is able to fight out of it. Jericho comes off the ropes with a flying forearm for a two count then goes for a whip but Angle reverses it and Show nails Jericho from behind. Angle sets Jericho up for a powerbomb but Rock interupts with a vicious clothesine. Angle works over Jericho in a corner then whips him into the other corner and charges but Jericho sidesteps him and follows up with the bulldog. Jericho manages to crawl over and tag in Rock who hammers Angle with rights and pops Show off the apron then hits the spinebuster on Angle. Rock readies himself for the People’s Elbow but Show barrels Rock over and kicks him out to the floor while Jericho climbs to the top rope and connects with a missle dropkick on Show. Jericho gets in some shots but Show grabs him and hits the chokeslam while Rock and Angle go at it on the floor. Chyna brings a chair in and whacks Show with it and that’s the match. However it has no effect and Show grabs Chyna for a chokeslam but Rock comes back in to make the save. Rock hammers Show and goes for a whip, Show tries to counter but Rock counters that into a Rock Bottom. Rock pops Angle off the apron to the floor while Jericho manages to put Show into the Walls of Jericho. Angle tries to come back in but Chyna pulls him back off while a number of referees try to restore order. After Angle and Show are announced as the winners Jericho charges back in the ring and gets more of Angle. Rock and Show duke it out on the ramp while Chyna DDT’s Angle and Jericho puts him in the Walls of Jericho. We then cut backstage and find Rock and Show still going at it with Show punching out a whiteboard. Rock goes for a whip but Show reverses him into closed garage door then tosses him through a plate glass window!! But rather than close on that we see the Helmsleys applauding this from the other side of the window as they start to climb into the DX Express. The bus then starts off dragging the cage containing Cactus Jack behind it as Smackdown fades to black.

Overall: Pretty much your average go-home show for the pay-per-view. Almost everything served its purpose in putting the final touches on the card and Mick Foley’s “finalâ€￾ promo was pretty well done but like I said would become meaningless not too long after. But then we got those segments with Cactus in the cage that seemed to overshadow the remainder of the program and just came off goofy. Heck, we saw The Rock thrown through a window but even that was quickly forgotten with another silly segment with the cage. 6/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
Civic Center in Hartford, CT
List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho (1/23/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws (11/08/1999)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (2/24/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)


Intercontinental Title: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho (w/Chyna)
Angle’s European Title is not on the line in this match although I don’t see any reason it couldn’t be title vs. title. Angle comes out and gets on the mic talking about beating Jericho to become the “Euro-continential†champion then says after that he will leave Connecticut just like the Hartford Whalers but will actually return one day. Chyna gets her own entrance for unknown reasons. followed by Jericho who also gets on the mic and does his thing then insults “Kirk Angel†by claiming Angle’s three I’s really stand for idiot, imbecile and ignoramous. Jericho says he has his own I: Intercontinential Championship, which he promises will stay around his waist. Both men lockup to start and Angle gets a headlock, Jericho shoves him into the ropes but eats a shoulderblock. Angle comes off the ropes but Jericho leapfrogs over him and hits a hip toss and Angle slaps him in the face so Jericho responds with a slap of his own. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses it but Jericho hits a clothesline. Jericho whips Angle again and hits several chops then whips him a third time but this time Angle fakes Jericho out and trips him into the ropes with a drop toehold. Angle charges but Jericho backdrops him over the ropes. Angle climbs back to the apron but Jericho knocks him back off to the floor with the springboard dropkick. Jericho then goes for a baseball slide but Angle dodges it and rams Jericho into the ringsteps and the barricade. Angle rams Jericho into the announce table and goes for a whip but Jericho reverses Angle into the ringpost. Jericho goes for a clothesline but Angle sidesteps it and Jericho ends up running his arm into the post. Angle clubs Jericho in the back and whips him into the steps but Jericho launches off them into a moonsault. Jericho then rams him into the steps before throwing him back in the ring and climbing to the top rope but Angle bumps the ropes causing Jericho to straddle the turnbuckle. Angle goes up for a belly-to-belly superplex but that gets a two count. Angle wraps Jericho’s bad arm around the ropes then hits a suplex for a near fall. Angle applies a chinlock but Jericho fights out of the hold and hits a double-underhook backbreaker for two. Jericho goes for a whip but Angle counters into a German suplex for a near fall then goes back to the chinlock. Jericho again fights out it and whips Angle but Anlge comes back with an armbar takedown for a two count then works over Jericho’s arm. Angle goes for a whip but Jericho reverses him into a corner. Jericho charges at Angle but eats a boot and Angle comes out of the corner but runs into a spinning heel kick. Jericho whips Angle and comes off the ropes with the bulldog then goes for another whip and Angle reverses it but Jericho hits a flying forearm. Angle goes for a Frankensteiner but Jericho counters it into a powerbomb then holds on for a second powerbomb that gets a two count. Angle comes back by applying an armbar then turns it into a cross armbreaker but Jericho manages to inch over and grab the bottom rope. Angle goes for a whip and Jericho reverses it but Angle hits the Olympic Slam… yet it only gets two! Angle is shocked his finisher failed so he brings Jericho’s Intercontinential belt in the ring but the referee tries to stop Angle from using the belt, allowing Jericho to put Angle in the Walls of Jericho. Angle tries to hold on but manages to grab the ropes and Jericho stomps Angle out to the floor. Jericho goes out and hits a chop then rams Angle into the announce table but Angle rakes the face in return. Chyna walks over to Angle who grabs his European title belt and decides to take a swing at her but misses. Jericho nails Angle from behind but causes Angle to knock Chyna into the steps. The referee checks on Chyna while Jericho suplexes Angle back in the ring and goes for the Lionsault but Angle blocks it with the IC belt! Angle covers the unconcious Jericho as the referee comes in and gets the 1..2..3 for the win!! ***1/4 Very good opener to get us started.

Backstage Michael Cole interviews the Dudleys about their tag team title shot against the New Age Outlaws later but also brings up how Billy Gunn drove Bubba Ray through a table with the Rocker Dropper on Smackdown. Cole says they were given a tag title shot but D’Von takes exception saying they weren’t given anything; they took it just like they had to take their respect by putting people through tables. D’Von says they will win the tag belts tonight and Bubba adds the people should get ready for another title change. Bubba also says they have their own two words for the Outlaws: 3-D!

WWF Tag Team Titles: The New Age Outlaws vs. The Dudley Boyz
Billy was coming into this match after injuring his shoulder on Smackdown. The Outlaws come out first doing their usual spiel on the mic as they show the “Intercontinental Championship†graphic by mistake. The Outlaws attack the Dudleys as they rush the ring and hammer them in the corners when Road Dogg goes to whip Bubba. Bubba reverses it when Road Dogg comes back with the juke ‘n jive punches but Bubba ducks the big right and hits the Full nelson bomb. Bubba draws Billy in to distract the referee and sets Road Dogg up while D’Von climbs to the top and hits the headbutt to the groin. D’Von takes over without a tag and covers Road Dogg for a two count then trash talks Road Dogg while choking him on the middle rope. Bubba tags in and pops Road Dogg with a right hand and chokes him on the rope as well. D’Von tags back in and lays the boots to Road Dogg then whips him but lowers the head and Road Dogg hits a Sunset Flip for a two count. D’Von hits a clothesline then draws Billy in with the DX chop and chokes Road Dogg. Bubba tags in and chops Road Dogg in a corner before beating him down and choking him with his boot. Bubba whips Road Dogg into a clothesline for another near fall. D’Von tags in and whips Road Dogg into a spinning elbow before tagging back out. Bubba slams Road Dogg to the mat then hops to the middle rope but Billy gets Bubba’s attention allowing Road Dogg to punch him below the belt. Road Dogg goes up and hits a superplex then manages to tag in Billy. Billy takes it to both Dudleys with clotheslines and backdrops but only uses one arm to do so. Billy hits the Rocker Dropper on D’Von and covers him but Bubba pulls Billy off and out of the ring. Road Dogg manages to hit the shake, rattle ‘n kneedrop on D’Von but only gets a two count. Bubba pulls Billy off the apron and clubs him in the shoulder with a lead pipe! D’Von and goes for a whip and Road Dogg reverses but misses a clothesline and the Dudleys then hit a 3D for the win and their first WWF Tag Team Titles. * Nobody really expected much with Billy being injured, and everyone watching at the time knew it was time to transition to the young guys in the tag division.

Backstage we find Kurt Angle celebrating with all the fans standing nearby as we get a replay of how Angle won the IC title from Jericho earlier.

Viscera vs. Mark Henry
Henry is looking for payback after Viscera splashed Mae Young on Raw and attacked Viscera earlier on Heat to get this match signed. Both men wail away at each other to start and Henry goes for a whip but Viscera reverses it into a bodyblock. Henry pounds on Viscera and comes off the ropes with a shouldertackle as even JR admits this will not be a good match. Henry comes off the ropes again but runs into a rolling kick and Viscera whips Henry into a clothesline. Viscera knocks Henry over the ropes then goes out and whips him into the ringsteps. Viscera props the steps against the ringpost and whips Henry into them then rolls him back in the ring for a two count as the crowd breaks out the “Boring!†chant. Viscera whips Henry into a corner and hits a Samoan Drop followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Mae Young runs in and tries to beg Viscera off but Viscera shoves her down. Visera goes to splash Mae again but Henry cuts Viscera off with a shoulder tackle then slams him and gets the three to end this. Other then the steel steps spot this was horrible. 1/4*

Backstage Lillian Garcia interviews Chris Jericho about his IC Title loss with Jericho threatening to take out Kurt Angle if he doesn’t stop with the celebrating.

Elsewhere, Billy Gunn gets checked out by the trainers.

#1 Contender's Match: The Hardy Boyz (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Edge & Christian
Earlier on Heat, Terri hired the Acolytes to protect her because the Dudleyz had been putting women through tables. Well, that was the ostensible reason. Both of these teams were babyfaces, which is odd because both the Dudleyz and Outlaws were heels. Edge attacks Jeff Hardy from behind to start and whips him into a corner but Jeff slings himself over the ropes onto the apron. Jeff pulls himself up to the top rope and goes for a corkscrew moonsault but misses it. Christian tags in and whips Jeff into a backdrop but Jeff flips out of it and hits a dropkick. Matt Hardy tags in and Jeff takes Christian down so Matt can hit the legdrop from the middle rope. Matt Hot Shots Christian on the top rope and follows up with a suplex for a two count. Matt and Christian exchange chops and Christian chops Jeff on the apron then turns and dropkicks Matt. Jeff comes in but Christian dropkicks him back out through the ropes. Matt whips Christian and throws him under the ropes to the floor where Jeff tosses him into the barricade. Jeff tosses Christian back in the ring and Matt lays the boots and trash talk to him. Jeff tags in and the Hardys whip Christian into a corner, Matt drops to the mat while Jeff hits the Poetry in Motion. Jeff clotheslines Christian and unloads on him for a two count. Jeff slams Christian to the mat then springboards off the top rope into a moonsault for another two count. Matt tags back in and the Hardys hit a double forward faceplant for another near fall. Matt sets up for a Razor’s Edge but Christian slips out and hits a neckbreaker. Jeff tags in and climbs to the top then leaps off but Christian gets his foot up to block him. Edge finally tags in and takes it to both Hardys with clotheslines. Edge backdrops Jeff then connects with a spinning heel kick on Matt that knocks him through the ropes. Christian follows up with the springboard plancha on Matt on the floor. Edge tosses Jeff into a corner and Christian snaps his neck on the ropes for a rollup and a two count. Edge rams Jeff into a turnbuckle then goes up and hits the count-along punches. Christian tags in and lays the boots to Jeff when Jeff starts fighting back. Jeff comes off the ropes but Christian goes into an pancake bomb then tees off on Jeff. Edge tags in and E&C beat Jeff down in their corner then Christian trips Edge causing him to headbutt Jeff below the belt! Edge covers Jeff for a two count then hits a backbreaker and applies a Dragon sleeper. Jeff fights out of it and comes off the ropes, Edge looks for a dropkick but Jeff fakes him out and rolls him up. Edge bridges out of it into a backslide attempt but Jeff blocks it and flips over Edge but ends up in front and Edge piledrives him for a two count. Edge applies a chinlock but Jeff fights out of it and comes off the ropes with a huricanrana. Jeff comes off the ropes for another huricanrana but this time Edge counters into a SICK powerbomb!! Christian tags in and rams Jeff into a turnbuckle then snapmares him to the mat and kicks him in the back. Christian whips Jeff and hits a powerslam for a two count. Edge tags back in and applies another chinlock and Jeff tries to fight out of it but Edge holds onto his hair. Edge comes off the ropes but both men drive each other into the mat. Christian comes in and stomps Jeff but that allows Matt to come off the top rope with an elbowdrop on Edge. Matt knocks Christian through the ropes while Jeff covers Edge but only gets a two count. Jeff lunges for his corner to tag out but Edge catches him into a powerbomb. Edge climbs to the top rope and leaps off but Jeff catches him in mid-air with a dropkick. Both men crawl to their corners and Edge tags Christian while Jeff makes the hot tag in Matt. Matt takes it to both men and slams Christian then hits a neckbreaker on Edge. Matt hits a sleeper slam on Christian but only gets a two count. Matt puts Edge on his shoulders while Jeff climbs to the top and goes for a crossbody but Edge ducks it into a victory roll on Matt. However Jeff hits the crossbody on Christian for another cover and the referee counts both pin attempts but only gets two. Jeff throws Edge under the ropes while Matt slams Christian. The Hardys climb up on opposite corners and hit the Event Omega and Matt covers Christian but Edge barely makes the save. The Hardys whip Edge into a corner and Matt drops down while Jeff goes for another Poetry in Motion but Edge cuts him off with a Spear! Matt turns around as Edge goes for another Spear but sidesteps him then hits the Twist of Fate. Matt scoops Christian up, Christian floats over into a Slop Drop but Matt counters that into a Atomic Drop. Matt suplexes Christian while Jeff climbs to the top looking for the Swanton Bomb when Terri hops on the apron and shoves Jeff off to the floor. Matt asks Terri what’s going on then goes for a Twist of Fate on Christian but Christian shoves Matt off into a slap from Terri, confirming her turn against the Hardys. Christian hits the Tomikaze and gets the three for the win. ***3/4 Fucking awesome tag match After the match, Terri tries to celebrate with Edge & Christian, but they're as surprised as the Hardyz and just walk out. The Hardyz go after Terri to get an explanation, but Faarooq and Bradshaw are still on the clock so they destroy the pretty boys. Faarooq nearly ends Jeff's career with a botched Dominator. DAMN!

Backstage Michael Cole interviews Edge & Christian on how the match went down. Christian says he and Edge were going to win anyway but didn’t want it this way. Edge disagrees, saying the only thing that matters is they got the title shot at Wrestlemania and claims the Hardys would have taken the win the same way.

Lillian Garcia interviews The Big Show on his match with The Rock for the title shot with Show saying he proved he was the one who won the Royal Rumble but was hurt by the fickle fans. Show once again shows the clip of Rock’s feet hitting the floor first and feels he should have the title shot already then promises to close the book on Rock then go on to regain his WWF Title at Wrestlemania.

Tazz vs. The Big Bossman (w/Prince Albert)
Tazz meets Bossman in the aisle and hammers him but Bossman hits a headbutt. Bossman goes for a choke but Tazz counters into a armbar on the floor. Tazz throws Bossman in the ring to officially start the match but Bossman attacks him as he climbs in. Bossman works over Tazz in a corner then whips him into the opposite corner and hits a splash. Bossman goes for another splash but Tazz cuts him off with a clothesline then hits a T-bone Tazplex and applies the Tazzmission. Before Bossman can submit Albert runs in and nails Tazz, causing a DQ just like that. DUD After the match Tazz tries to fight Albert off but Albert hits the choke powerbomb and he and Albert stomp away on Tazz. Tazz refuses to go down and grabs Albert but Bossman grabs his nightstick and beats Tazz off Albert with it. Albert slingshots Tazz into the bottom rope but Tazz still won’t quit. Bossman and Albert continue to work over Tazz who refuses to go down so Bossman cracks Tazz in the head with the nightstick. once again Tazz gets up for more but Albert stomps Tazz below the belt and that finally stops him. :lmao

Outside the building Kurt Angle is still celebrating his victory by holding his own pep rally.


No Holds Barred: Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. X-Pac (w/Tori)
Kane rushes the ring and X-Pac gets in the first shots but Kane shrugs them off and hammers him with uppercuts. Kane whips X-Pac and hits a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker then clotheslines him over the ropes. X-Pac decides he doesn’t want any of this and tries to walk out with Tori but Kane cuts off his escape near the entrance and rams X-Pac into a guardrail. X-Pac fights back and tries climbing up the entrance set and Kane pulls X-Pac off onto his shoulder but X-Pac slips off and shoves Kane into the set. X-Pac waffles Kane with a trash can but it has no effect and Kane blasts him with the can. Kane throws X-Pac into a guardrail and fights him through the crowd back to ringside. Kane drops X-Pac on the barricade then grabs the ringsteps and tries to hit X-Pac wth them but X-Pac ducks it. So Kane tosses the steps in the ring and walks over to the announce table where X-Pac clocks him with the ring bell. X-Pac grabs a chair but Paul Bearer stops him from using it and gets him a piece of X-Pac. Tori pulls Bearer off of X-Pac and slaps him and Bearer responds by chasing her around the ring. Kane clubs X-Pac in the back and rams him into the steps before throwing him in the ring. Kane climbs to the top rope but X-Pac cuts him off with a dropkick. Kane tumbles to the mat when X-Pac kicks him down in a corner and follows up with the Bronco Buster but Kane sits right up and hits a clothesline. Kane whips X-Pac but misses a clothesline and X-Pac dropkicks Kane in the knee. X-Pac continues working over the knee and puts Kane in a spinning toehold but Kane kicks him through the ropes. Kane goes out and rams X-Pac into the barricade then unloads on him and throws him back in the ring. Kane whips X-Pac into the ropes but lowers the head and X-Pac kicks the face but Kane no-sells it. X-Pac connects with a spinning heel kick then climbs to the top rope and leaps off for a crossbody but Kane catches him. Kane sets X-Pac up for a Tombstone but X-Pac slips out and hits a low blow followed by the X-Factor. X-Pac pops Bearer on the apron when Kane sits up again and whips X-Pac into a big boot. Kane climbs to the top rope agian and connects with the flying clothesline. Tori hops on the apron and gets Kane’s attention but Kane responds by chokeslamming X-Pac and readies to finish him off. Tori comes in and jumps onto Kane’s back but Kane maneuvers Tori over and drills her with another Tombstone! Kane picks up the steps in the ring when X-Pac dropkicks them into his face then uses the steps to hold Kane down for the three. ** This was okay.

Backstage Michael Cole interviews The Radicals, asking if they’re nervous about their first WWF pay-per-view. Dean Malenko says the only people who should be nervous are their opponents tonight and once the match ends, the four of them will be the ones wearing the dancing shoes. Chris Benoit feels Cole insulted them about being nervous, saying they’re here to make a statement and nothing else. Perry Saturn adds the only dancing should be on top of a table for dollar bills. Cole then speaks with Eddie Guerrero, pointing out he’s been in action despite the shoulder injury and even showing Rikishi giving him the Banzai Drop on Raw last Monday. Cole asks Eddie if he’s going to offer moral support and Eddie promises to lend some support, in the form of a lead pipe.

Six-Man Tag: Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Eddy Guerrero) vs. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool
All six-men go at it to start and Too Cool, Saturn and Benoit spill out to the floor while Rikishi slams Malenko in the ring and hits a legdrop. Eddie comes in with his pipe but Rikishi catches him and takes the pipe then nails his shoulder and Eddie rolls back out to the floor as the referee ejects him from ringside. The match “officially†begins with Saturn nailing Grandmaster Sexay from behind and whipping him into an elbow. Saturn rips off Sexay’s shirt and chops him repeatedly in a corner then sets Sexay on the top rope. Saturn goes up for a superplex but Sexay throws him down to the mat then busts a move before hitting a missile dropkick. Sexay goes for a whip, Saturn reverses but Sexay ducks a clothesline and hits a enzuigiri. Benoit tags in as Sexay dances but runs into a hip toss and Sexay hits a running bulldog for a two count. Scotty 2 Hotty tags in and Too Cool whips Benoit into a double elbow followed by a double elbowdrop. Scotty goes for a whip but Benoit counters and suplexes Scotty on the top rope. Benoit hammers Scotty on the apron but Scotty rolls over him back in the ring then comes off the ropes and slides under Benoit before hitting a snap suplex. Scotty kips up and moonwalks to his corner where he tags in Rikishi and Rikishi takes it Benoit and Saturn while Malenko backs away out of the ring. Rikishi whips Benoit into a corner and hits a clothesline and Benoit slumps to the mat while Rikishi does the Stinkface! Rikishi sets Benoit up for the sitdown piledriver but Malenko dropkicks Rikishi in his injured ankle and Rikishi collapses to the mat with Benoit falling on top for a two count. Malenko tags in and stomps away at Rikishi’s bad ankle before tagging Saturn in to take over. Saturn whips Rikishi but Rikishi comes back with a superkick. Scotty tags in and hammers Saturn then whips him and comes off the ropes with the bulldog. Scotty starts to go for the Worm but Malenko comes in and levels Scotty with a forearm! Benoit comes in without a tag and whips Scotty into an elbow then hits a suplex for a two count followed by a snap suplex for another two count. Benoit tags Malenko in and whips Scotty into a drop toehold while Malenko dropkicks Scotty in the head. Malenko whips Scotty into a corner and clotheslines him then hits a butterfly suplex for a two count. Malenko tags in Saturn and holds Scotty over his knee while Saturn climbs to the top and connects with a flying kneedrop but Sexay breaks up the pin. Saturn snapmares Scotty and applies a chinlock, Scotty fights out of it and comes off the ropes but runs into a Frankensteiner from Saturn. Saturn draws Rikishi in and Malenko comes in with a baseball slide on Rikishi’s ankle. Benoit tags in and lands a series of chops then goes for a suplex but Scotty floats over and gets an O’Connor roll for a near fall. Benoit goes for another suplex but Scotty counters in mid-air and falls on top with Malenko making the save. Saturn tags in and slings himself into a senton for another two count then applies a head vice before tagging Malenko back in. Malenko whips Scotty into a spinning heel kick and follows up with a kneedrop then tags in Benoit who hits a short-arm clothesline. Benoit goes for a whip, Scotty reverses and goes for the bulldog but Benoit cuts that off with an elbow. Benoit scoops Scotty up, Scotty slips out and shoves Benoit into a corner but their heads collide. Both men crawl to their corners and Benoit tags in Maleno but Scotty makes the hot tag to Rikishi and Malenko backs away again. Rikishi takes it to all three Radicals and clotheslines both Benoit and Saturn. Rikishi whips Benoit into a corner and hits the butt splash then does the same to Saturn on the other side. Rikishi drills Saturn with the sitdown piledriver but Sexay convines him to let Scotty do the Worm. Scotty comes in and indeed hits the Worm on Saturn and Rikishi starts to move him into position for a Banzai Drop when Malenko chopblocks the bad ankle. Benoit suplexes Scotty over the ropes and Rikishi responds with a belly-to-belly suplex but Malenko hits another chopblock. Rikishi and Malenko go at it on the floor while Sexay climbs to the top rope and hits the Hip Hop Drop on Saturn. Sexay covers Saturn but Benoit comes off the top with the diving headbutt on Sexay to make the save. Scotty comes in and he and Benoit exchange punches. Saturn clotheslines Scotty out of the ring while Sexay does the same to Benoit. Malenko rolls Rikishi in the ring and tries to move him but can’t budge him so he works over the leg. Malenko tries to sit down on the leg but Rikishi gets it up to block him then kicks Malenko shoulder-first into the ringpost. Rikishi hits the sitdown piledriver then climbs the ropes and hits the Banzai Drop, hurting his ankle but getting the three! And after the bell Too Cool and Rikishi celebrate with the post-match dance. ***1/2 - ***3/4 Man, that ending seemed like it was attached at the last minute with a rivet gun, but the rest of the match was awesome. The ending SHOULD have seen Rikishi’s ankle collapse on the ropes and Malenko get the pin, but I can’t fault the work of anyone involved.

Backstage we find Kurt Angle still celebrating his title win in the lobby.


#1 Contender's Match: The Rock vs. The Big Show
The funny thing about this feud is how the Big Show was totally in the right, having been screwed out of a Rumble victory by a bad call, but the fans said, "We don't care. The Rock's cool. Go away." oth men stand nose-to-nose and Rock slaps Show in the face to start the match and goes to work on him. Rock whips Show into a corner and hits a clothesline then goes for a Russian legsweep but Show blocks it and hits a headbutt. Show whips Rock but Rock floats over him into a DDT for a two count. Rock tees off on Show and goes for a Rock Bottom already but Show knocks him through the ropes. Show goes out and clubs Rock in the back twice before popping him with a right hand. Show goes for a whip but Rock reverses him into the ringsteps then rams Show into the timekeeper’s table. Show rams Rock into the barricade and the two brawl through the crowd until Show hits a short-arm clothesline. Show charges at Rock but gets back dropped over the barricade back to ringside. Rock rams Show into the announce table then goes for a whip but Show reverses him into the ringpost. Show then press slams Rock onto the barricade before throwing him back in the ring. Show goes in and hits a headbutt followed by an elbwdrop then clubs Rock in the back. Rock starts to fight back again annd goes for a whip but Show reverses it and hits a powerslam for a two count. Show presses his foot into Rock’s chest and Rock rolls out to the floor with Show right behind him. Rock comes back and attempts a whip but Show reverses and again sends Rock into the ringpost. Show chops Rock before tossing him back in and laying the boots to him. Show sets up for a Russian legsweep but Rock fights out of it and hits his own legsweep for a near fall. Rock goes for a whip, Show reverses but Rock hits a DDT for another two count. Rock comes off the ropes but runs into a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Show knees Rock in the head then brings in a chair and takes a swing but misses. Rock goes for a whip but Show reverses and slings him right into referee Earl Hebner, knocking him out of the ring. Rock goes for another whip, Show again reverses and hits a boot followed by the chokeslam. Show covers Rock but Hebner is still down on the floor. Another referee, Tim White, comes out and counts but Hebner pulls him out of the ring and the two restart their argument from the IC Title match earlier. They start going at it when out comes Shane McMahon, making his first TV appearence since the Raw after Armageddon. In the ring Rock nails Show with the chair and hits the Rock Bottom. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but runs into a chair shot from Shane! Show covers Rock as Shane sends White in the ring and gets the shocking pin! he crowd is stunned as The Big Show is going to Wrestlemania for the title, and not the Rock! Shane raises Show’s hand and the two embrace before departing as Rock glares at them. Decent match for what it was but the ending was a major surprise for those watching at the time. **

Backstage we find Kurt Angle still celebrating as he gets ready to depart in his rental car when Chris Jericho and Chyna attack Angle from behind and stuff him into the car trunk.

WWF Heavyweight Title, Hell in a Cell: Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. Cactus Jack
Outside of the intrigue of Mick Foley having the chance to main event at WrestleMania or have his 15-year career ended, there was also the added question of just how violent Cactus would get after taking "sick" to new heights at The Royal Rumble and at the King of the Ring two years earlier. He promised to fly off the top of the cage again. Once both men are in the ring, the cell finally lowers to the floor and Cactus looks over to find the door chained shut to keep him from climbing the cell. Triple H tries a sneak attack but Cactus catches him and gets in the first shots. Both men exchange punches and Cactus gets the advantage and hits a headbutt then rams Triple H repeatedly into the mat. Cactus whips Triple H into a corner then comes off the ropes with a forearm. Cactus goes out and again tries to open the door in vain as Stephanie taunts him from the outside. Triple H leaps off the apron but Cactus belts him in the chest and rams him into the ringsteps. Cactus rakes Triple H’s face and tries to ram him into the cell but Triple H blocks it. Cactus tries on another side but again Triple H blocks it and hits a mule kick below the belt. Triple H rams Cactus into the apron then rolls him back in and works him over in a corner. Cactus hits a clothesline then whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster. Triple H comes off the ropes but Cactus backdrops him over to the floor. Cactus pulls a chair out from under the ring but Triple H cuts him off and throws him into the cell. Cactus tries to bring the chair in but Triple H knocks him back into the cell. Triple H goes out and whips Cactus into the steps then sends him into the ringpost. Triple H grabs the steps and throws them right into Cactus’ face then places them onto Cactus and hammers them with a chair Triple H heads in the ring and poses to the fans before Cactus comes in and Triple H jabs him with the chair and clocks him with it but only gets two. Triple H hits a DDT but that only gets two, then covers Cactus twce more but still doesn’t get the three. Cactus dares Triple H to come at him and Triple H readies the chair but Cactus belts him in the chest then hits a low blow with the chair. Cactus follows up with a double-arm DDT onto the chair but struggles to make the cover and only gets a two count. Cactus hits a Russian legsweep into the chair for another near fall. Cactus sets the chair up in a corner then beats down Triple H, causing him to sit on the chair. Cactus charges at Triple H but Triple H trips him into the chair with a drop toehold and that only gets a two count. Triple H clotheslines Cactus over the ropes then goes out and rams Cactus repeatedly into the cell. Triple H then sets Cactus up for a piledriver on the steps but Cactus catapults him into the cell, busting him open. Cactus throws Triple H into the walll and tees off on him before grinding his face across the cell. Cactus throws Triple H into the cell a third time and follows up with a headbutt. Cactus grabs chair and climbs to the top rope then hits an elbowdrop with the chair! Cactus grabs the steps and throws them at Triple H who ducks but the steps go right through the cell wall, giving Cactus his opening. Cactus makes the opening bigger then throws Triple H through the opening to the outside. Cactus throws Triple H onto the announce table then goes up and piledrives into the table! Cactus starts climbing the cell but Stephanie grabs his leg to stop him, getting his attention as Triple H sneaks up but Cactus catches him and throws him into the cell. Cactus clears away the timekeeper’s table and finds a 2×4 wrapped in barbed wire!! Triple H tries to flee but Cactus stops him and whacks him in the face with the barbed wire!! Triple H climbs up the cell to the top with Cactus following up behind him with the 2×4. Cactus throws the 2×4 onto the roof but Triple H stops him and rubs the barbed wire into his face, causing Cactus to fall off the cell and crash through the Spanish announce table below!! However Cactus manages to get to his feet but is now busted open as Triple H looks on from the roof. Cactus tries to throw a chair onto the roof several times but can’t get it up there. Cactus climbs up to the cell roof but Triple H greets him with the 2×4 and Cactus’ flannel shirt is sticking to the barbed wire. Triple H goes for one more shot but Cactus kicks him below the belt to stop it. Cactus knocks Triple H down and Triple H almost breaks through the roof to the ground! Cactus hits a suplex and follows up with a double-arm DDT but gets an idea and pulls out a lighter, lighting the 2×4 on fire!!! Cactus whacks Triple H in the face then sets him up for a piledriver onto the fire. However Triple H counters with a backdrop onto the roof which gives way and Cactus falls through the roof down to the ring which caves in under him!!! Triple H seems shocked at what just happened as he climbs down through the hole to the mat and checks Cactus to see if he’s still alive. However Triple H watches as Cactus climbs out of the hole and hits him a few more times but Cactus still tries to get up. Triple H finally hits the Pedigree and a 1..2..3 later it’s over. Triple H retains the championship and Mick Foley’s career is finished. Triple H raises the title as Stephanie helps him to the back while Cactus is left laying in the ring. The EMTs come out with a stretcher but Cactus refuses their help and crawls out of the ring. The bloody and battered Mick Foley then walks off as the crowd gives him a standing ovation and Foley looks back at the crowd one last time as the show goes off the air. ****1/4 This was a hugely important and heart-wrenching match at the time, but much of the impact was undone when Foley was unretired just a few weeks later and placed back in the Mania main event by Linda McMahon. It would be like allowing four teams into the Super Bowl regardless of who wins the conference championships. That doesn't even begin to mention all of Foley's subsequent comebacks.

Overall: The WWF was just beginning their best creative hot streak since the summer of 1997, but this time, they had the talent from top to bottom to put on consistently great shows. It's like someone flipped a switch on January 1, 2000, and WWF Creative went into overdrive. The main event was well done, the Rock/Show match was decent as was Kane/X-Pac, and there were plenty of other great matches, like the IC title bout, The Hardys vs. Edge & Christian and the six-man tag to make up for some of the more weaker low-card bouts. 9/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF RAW IS WAR 02/28/2000
Madison Square Garden in New York City

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Kurt Angle (2/27/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz (2/27/2000)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (2/24/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Things kick off with The Helmsleys making their way to the ring but looking a little subdued for some reason. Triple H gets on the mic and says he should be basking in the glow of his victory last night but can’t seem to do it after he and Mick Foley just about destroyed each other, just like they did a month ago in this very arena. Triple H says Foley earned his respect the way the fans respect him and Stephanie is in shock at his attitude. Triple H says he put together a video package as a tribute to Foley’s career and has it shown on the TitanTron. The package starts off with some decent highlights of Mankind and Dude Love shown as sensitive music is playing. But then the DX theme kicks in and we’re treated to a video montage of the embarrasing moments in Foley’s career. Once the video finishes the Helmelys laugh at their joke with Triple H saying the WWF will never be the same without Mick Foley , in fact it will be a million times better. Stephanie gets on the mic and says Foley can now be a fat, smelly retired loser thanks to the WWF Champion. Let me just say the heat for the Helmsleys is off the charts after that video as the crowd is rabid for blood. Triple H and Stephanie embrace when Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring along with the Big Show. Shane gets on the mic and says Stephanie may have driven Vince out of the WWF but he’s been biding his time waiting for the right time to return as well as the right individual to support. Shane says it’s not Triple H who has his own agenda and it’s not the self-righteous prima donna called The Rock. Shane says he’s aligned himself with a real champion in the Big Show who he claims can snap a man’s back in two. The two sides then have a staredown when The Rock comes out to the stage to join the discussion with his own mic. Rock starts off by congradulating the quartet in the ring for being the biggest group of a******s he’s ever seen. Rock admits Show did beat him last night but guarantees he will still somehow go to Wrestlemania and be WWF Champion. Triple H responds by telling Rock this is an ‘A’ to ‘B’ conversation involving the WWF Champion and #1 contender so he should ‘C’ his way out of it. Triple H tells Rock he had his chance last night but blew it so now he must start over at the bottom of the ladder then decides to get that ball rolling by booking him in a one-on-one match against … the Brooklyn Brawler. Triple H even imitates Rock’s catchphrase as Shane tells Rock he has no chance of ever headlining Wrestlemania.

Backstage The Hardys barge into the Acolytes’ office and demand an explanation for attacking them last night but Bradshaw and Faarooq tell them off. So the Hardys challenge them to a match tonight but that gets scoffed at. Matt and Jeff then decide tip over the poker table and take off with the Acolytes storming off after them.

The Hardy Boyz vs. The Acolytes
As the Acolytes approach the ring Matt leaps over the ropes with a pescado but gets caught by them. Jeff then leaps over the ropes with his own plancha and that knocks the whole pile down on the floor. Matt knocks Bradshaw off the apron while Jeff trips up Faarooq and the Hardys hit their double legdrop. The Hardys come off the ropes but Bradshaw trips Jeff from the floor while Matt runs right into a spinbuster form Faarooq. Bradshaw goes in the ring and helps Faarooq whip Matt into a double shoulderblock then clubs him in the back. Bradshaw whips Matt into a boot and hits an elbowdrop that gets a two count. Bradshaw sets Matt on the top rope but Matt manages to fight back and hit a tornado DDT. Matt makes the tag to Jeff but Bradshaw bowls Jeff over. Bradshaw whips Jeff but Jeff comes back with a flying forearm then goes for his own whip. Bradshaw reverses that and Jeff goes for a crossbody but Bradshaw catches him and hits the fallaway slam. Faarooq tags back in and covers Jeff for a two count then goes to scoop Jeff up but Jeff counters with a rollup for a near fall. Faarooq clotheslines Jeff then rams him into Bradshaw’s boot and pounds on him before tagging Bradshaw in. Bradshaw whips Jeff into a shoulderblock then gets in a few shots on Matt and continues his beating on Jeff. Faarooq tags back in and sets up for the Dominatotor but Jeff slips out of it and drives Faarooq into the mat. Jeff starts crawling to his corner but Bradshaw tags in and knocks Matt off the apron to prevent any tags. Bradshaw then whips Jeff into a corner but Jeff runs up the ropes and backflips over Bradshaw while Matt makes a blind tag. Faarooq tosses Jeff through the ropes but Matt surprises Bradshaw with the Twist of Fate and gets the pin. *1/2 Okay match but the finish was a little too weird.

Backstage we find Kurt Angle boring some backstage guy to death over which of his two title belts weighs more.

Back from break Angle now hits the ring as JR mentions an open challenge Angle made for his European Title. Angle gets on the mic and says he’s not like Darryl Strawberry because all he’s addictied to is winning championships. Angle dares anyone to accept his bid for a European title match tonight and who should answer it but … Rikishi!

WWF European Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Rikishi Phatu
Rikishi gets in the first shots and drops Angle with a right hand then slams him to the mat and hits the legdrop. Angle crawls into a corner and Rikishi readies for the stinkface but Angle prevents that with a chopblock to his bad ankle. Angle hits another chopblock and starts fighting back then comes off the ropes but runs right into a Samoan Drop. Rikishi follows up with the running butt splash in a corner and Angle slumps down and now gets the stinkface. Angle rolls out to the floor reeling hen decides that’s enough so he grabs his belts and starts walking off as the referee counts him out. Angle grabs a mic and says the fans didn’t come here to see that when Chris Jericho comes out with Chyna and has words with Angle on the mic before attacking him. Jericho throws Angle back in the ring and Rikishi drills him with the sitdown piledriver then drags him to a corner and follows up with the Banzai Drop. The Radicalz then charge in and go after Rikishi before bringing Jericho and Chyna in as well. Now Too Cool comes out to make the save and helps the three of them clear the Radicals out. Angle and the Radicalz retreat up the ramp and Too Cool keeps Rikishi from leaving so they can do the dance. The trio also invites Jericho and Chyna to join in as well and all five don shades and commence with the dance. The dancing was funny and the crowd really got into it but overall a pretty nothing segment. DUD

Back form break we get a replay of everyone getting involed in what was the European Title match. Backstage Michael Cole interviews Chris Jericho and Chyna about losing the Intercontinential Title last night when the Radicals appear on the scene while being held back by referees. Perry Saturn gets in Jericho’s face challenging him in a match tonight and Chyna accepts on Jericho’s behalf.

Edge & Christian vs. Al Snow (w/Head) & Steve Blackman
As E&C come out to the ring Terri Runnels makes her way out and joins the announcers for commentary, explaining she turned on the Hardys last night because they only visited her in the hospital twice a week after everything she gave them. Snow then shows off an new TitanTron video he made for Blackman which is mainly shots of the stone-faced Blackman set to a barely-legal version of “Personalityâ€. Naturally Blackman doesn appreciate it but nonetheless he and Snow go right to work on E&C with Blackman tossing Christian through the ropes. Snow hammers Edge in a corner then whips him into the oppositer corner and charges at him but eats a boot. Edge hops to the middle rope and connects with a flying shouldertackle then tags Christian in and both men whip Snow into a corner. Edge drops to the mat while Christian launches off him into the crossbody. Christian goes for a whip and Snow reverses it but Christian counters into a Russian legsweep for a two count. Christian goes for a whip but doesn’t see Blackman’s blind tag and Snow reverses it and hits a drop toehold. Snow and Blackman double-team Christian and Blackman follows up with a snap suplex and a headbutt then gets upset by the “Head Cheese†chants from the crowd. Blackman climbs to the middle rope and hits an elbowdrop for a two count. Blackman tags Snow in and snaps Christian’s neck on the ropes and Snow hits a bridge suplex for a near fall. Snow slams Christian to the mat and climbs to the top rope but Christian straddles him on the turnbuckle. Both men crawl to the corners and tag in their partners but Edge comes in with a dropkick on Blackman then follows up with a spinning heelkick. Edge catches Snow with a right hand and drills Blackman with a DDT but Snow breaks up the pin. Christian tosses Snow through the ropes then goes out to fight it out on the floor. Edge readies for a spear but Snow trips him from the floor and Blackman is able to connect with the pump kick. At that point Terri pulls a giant cheese hat out of a bag and slips it on getting Blackman’s attention. Christian climbs to the top rope and dropkicks Blackman right into a spear from Edge for the pin. *1/2 Decent enough match but not much else. Terri then walks off satisfied with her work while Edge and Christian don’t know what to make of it.

Backstage we find the Rock pondering his fate as we go to commercial.

The Rock vs. The Brooklyn Brawler
Rock meets Brawler on the ramp and pounds on him before tossing him in the ring to start the match. Brawler attacks Rock as he climbs in and works him over but Rock comes back and hits the Smackdown then then quickly hits the Rock Bottom and that is all. After the match Rock gets back on the mic and calls Triple H real cute for booking him against the Brawler and says he doesn’t feel like going back to his hotel room. Rock calls Triple H out to face him tonight and Triple H does appear with Stephanie trying to hold him back. However Shane and Big Show come out and stop them and Shane gets on the mic saying he’s seen this happen too many times and tells Triple H not to get goaded into putting his title on the line. Shane says Triple H won’t be defending his title tonight but will do so at Wrestlemania against The Big Show and Rock responds by saying if Wrestlemania is headlined by Triple H vs. The Big Show it will “absolutely suckâ€. After a huddle Stephanie offers Rock his last chance by facing Triple H and Show in a handicap match tonight and if Rock can pin either man he’ll get his WWF Championship match at Wrestlemania back. However Triple H emphasizes if Rock fails to pin either himself or Show then there will be no more chances. Rock asks Triple H to confirm if it’s really his last chance but that sets him up for his “It doesn’t matter…†bit. Rock accepts the match and finishes by showing Triple H how his catchphrase is really done.

Chris Jericho (w/Chyna) vs. Perry Saturn (w/Dean Malenko)
Chyna is not participating in this match so why does she gets her own entrance to shoot off her bazooka? Both men exchange shots to start and Saturn gets the advantage and whips Jericho but eats a clothesline. Jericho wails on Saturn and chops him then goes for a whip but Saturn counters with an exploder suplex. Saturn hammers Jericho with shoulderblocks in a corner then slams him to the mat and hits a legdrop for two. Saturn chops Jericho in a corner and whips him into the opposite corner then charges at him but eats a boot. Jericho comes out but runs into a clothesline and Saturn goes for a whip but Jericho reverses him into a corner and follows up with the bulldog. Jericho whips Saturn, Saturn ducks a shot and goes for a Frankensteiner but Jericho counters it into a powerbomb and holds on for a second powerbomb. Jericho looks for the Lionsault but Malneko parts the ropes and Jericho slips through them to the floor where Malenko works him over. Chyna goes over but Malenko catches her with a clothesline and rolls her in the ring for whatever reason. Malenko distracts the referee while Saturn suplexes Chyna when Jericho pulls Malenko off the apron and clotheslines him. Jericho rolls back in the ring where Saturn works him over with a series of kneelifts. Saturn sets Jericho up for a suplex when Chyna comes in and breaks it up with a low blow. Jericho boots Saturn down then connects with the Lionsault to put this one away. **


Back from break we get a replay of Billy Gunn getting triple-teamed by his comrades and turfed out of DX.

WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly © vs. Mark Henry (w/Mae Young)
Crash starts off by grabbing Henry with a waistlock but Henry easily breaks it and pounds on him. Henry whips Crash but Crash bails out to the floor and tries to find something located near the ramp. Henry goes out and tries to ram Crash into the apron but Crash blocks it and and pulls him into the ringpost. Crash pulls a 2×4 from under the ring and hammers Henry with it then manages to roll him back in. Crash goes for a whip but Henry reverses him into a corner and splashes him then tosses him across the ring. Henry readies Crash for the big splash but Mae comes in and convinces him to let her do it instead. So Henry complies and Mae comes off the ropes with her own splash on Crash but then stars holding her chest. Henry and the referee quickly call for help and The Fabulous Mooolah leads a squad of EMTs out to the ring. Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson help get Mae loaded onto a stretcher and I guess that’s the match. 1/4*

Back form break we get a replay of Mae Young splashing Crash Holly but hurting herself in the process. We also get footage of Mae being stretchered out during the break as JR announces Mae is now in labor! Seven months early! We then see Mae behing wheeled into a room backstage as an EMT tells everyone they won’t make it to the hospital.

Tazz vs. Chris Benoit (w/Eddie Guerrero)
Both men lockup to start and Tazz forces Benoit into a corner but Benoit whips Tazz and hits an elbow. Benoit hits a snap suplex followed by an elbowdrop for a two count as we get a nice “ECW†chant from the crowd. Benoit goes for a whip, Tazz reverses him into a corner and eats a boot but still hits an overhead Tazplex. Tazz covers Benoit but Eddie distracts referee Tim White from making the count enabling Benoit to come back. Benoit goes for a whip and Tazz counters into a whiplash slam then covers him but again Eddie distracts White. Eddie jabs White in the chest but White shoves Eddie off the apron in response and ejects him from ringside. In the ring Tazz whips Benoit but Benoit fakes him out and pounds him down then hits a German suplex. Benoit holds on for a second German then goes for a third but Tazz counters it and slaps on the Tazzmission. But here comes the Big Bossman and Prince Albert in and there’s another match ruined. After the match Tazz tries to fight off Bossman and Albert but Benoit comes up and plants Tazz with a third German suplex. Benoit then leaves Tazz to the wolves but Tazz starts fighitng back and even gets the Tazzmission on Bossman. However Albert breaks it up and works over Tazz while Bossman goes out and brings a chair in the ring. Tazz kicks Bossman but Albert hits the chokebomb followed by the torture rack slam right onto the chair. Bossman gets on the mic and badmouths “NYC’s hometown boy†then leaves him with some parting words. And Tazz’s bruial continues.


The angle was bad enough but the payoff is beyond horrible. This has to be one of the worst segments ever done on Raw, up there with Katie Vick, the Divas Search and whatever else we we’re trying to purge from our memories.

WWF World Tag Team Titles: The Dudley Boyz © vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac (w/Tori)
The Dudleys come out with their newly won titles and set up a pair of tables on both sides of the ring. The DX’ers rush the ring and pair off with Road Dogg hammering Bubba and D’Von battling X-Pac. X-Pac goes for a whip but D’Von reverses it and hits a forearm that sends X-Pac rolling out to the floor. Bubba goes to whip Road Dogg who reverses it but the Dudleys come back with a double neckbreaker. Bubba drops Road Dogg with a right hand and follows up with a suplex then turns and pops X-Pac off the apron. Bubba sets Road Dogg up for the headbutt to the groin but D’Von doesn’t climb to the top for some reason so Bubba just punches Road Dogg below the belt. D’Von tags in and whips Road Dogg, hitting the jumping elbow. D’Von snapmares Road Dogg to the mat and applies a headvice but Road Dogg is able to fight out of it. Road Dogg comes off the ropes going for a Sunset Flip and D’Von fights it but gets turned over for a near fall. D’Von clotheslines Road Dogg before Bubba tags in and slams Road Dogg then hits a series of elbowdrops for a two count. Bubba chops Road Dogg in a corner and Road Dogg starts chopping him back but Bubba jabs the eye to stop that. Bubba whips Road Dogg but Road Dogg comes back with the juke ‘n jive punches then readies for the big right and nails D’Von with it. That allows Bubba to clothesline Road Dogg down and Bubba whips him into a corner but eats a boot. Road Dogg comes out of there with a clothesline then X-Pac tags in and nails both Dudleys with spinkicks. Bubba nails X-Pac and whips him into a corner and charges but X-Pac sidesteps him then kicks him down and follows that up with the Bronco Buster. At that point Kane decides to make his way out to the ring with Paul Bearer and goes right after X-Pac. X-Pac slips away while Road Dogg tries to head Kane off but ends up getting chokeslammed for his troubles. D’Von takes issue with the intrusion and pops Kane but Kane shrugs it off and chokeslams D’Von in response. Kane then turns and plants Bubba with a chokeslam as well. Kane sees the DX’ers retreating up the ramp and continues to chase after them to the back. ** This was actually shaping up as a decent match too until the finish.

We then find Triple H, Big Show and the McMahon siblings talking strategy for the handicap match later. Triple H and Show agree The Rock is their common foe so they forge an uneasy alliance for tonight.

JR and Lawler then introduce a tribute video for the retired Mick Foley.


The Rock is shown heading to the ring for his last chance to main-event Wrestlemania as we go to commercial.

The Wrestlemania 2000 countdown shows we’re just 5 weeks away.

The Rock vs. Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) & The Big Show (w/Shane McMahon)
Remember The Rock must pin either man to get back his spot in the Wrestlemania main event or else he blows his “last chanceâ€. Show and Triple H argue on who should start and Triple H makes the decision by charging right at Rock but Rock quickly gets the advantage and hits the Smackdown. Triple H rams Rock into a turnbuckle then goes for a whip but Rock reverses him into a corner and connects with an elbow followed by a right hand. Rock whips Triple H who flips over the ropes then goes and pops Show off the apron as well. Rock goes out and rams Triple H into the steps then fights him up the ramp but Show nails Rock from behind. Show brings Rock back to ringside when Rock rams him into the apron but Show rams Rock into the barricade. Show throws Rock back in the ring when Triple H rolls in but Rock comes out of a corner with a forearm. Triple H comes back with a neckbreaker then tags Show in and Show hits a backbreaker followed by a legdrop. Triple H tags back in and stomps Rock down in a corner then chokes him as Earl Hebner orders a break but Triple H refuses so Hebner pulls him off Rock. Triple H tags Show back in before hitting a vertical suplex. Show follows up with an elbowdrop and a headbutt before tagigng Triple H in and chopping Rock in a corner. Rock starts fighting back and comes off the ropes but Triple H tosses him over on the other side. Show goes out and knocks Rock back in the ring then Triple H whips Rock into the high knee for a two count. Show tags in and clubs Rock in the back then tags Triple H in but Rock exchanges punches with him and gets the advantage. Rock goes for a whip, Triple H reverses but Rock comes back with a neckbreaker. Rock whips Triple H but he lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuter then tags Show in to take over. Show and Triple H get in their shots and Show goes for a clothesline but Rock ducks and Triple H takes the hit. Rock DDT’s Show and all three men are down but Rock and Triple H get to their feet and Rock is quickly on him. Rock goes for a whip, Triple H reverses him into a corner but Rock comes out and hits the spinebuster. Rock clotheslines Show over the ropes when Shane gets his attention on the apron so Rock pops him back off. Rock plants Triple H with the Rock Bottom then follows up with the People’s Elbow and actually hits it! Rock covers Triple H but Shane runs in to break up the pin and Hebner is forced to call for the bell. Rock gets the DQ win but since he did not get a pinfall victory he fails to get his Wrestlemania championship match back. Rock glares at Shane for costing him his main event spot then turns and catches Triple H with a right hand. However Shane low blows Rock and clotheslines him and Triple H tees off on Rock to continue the assault. Show chokeslams Rock then taunts him that he’s going to Wrestlemania and the Rock is going nowhere as Raw goes off air. **

Overall: The first hour wasn’t that bad but then the horrible Mae Young segments just killed the show and you knew nothing was going to make up for it. Also the last four matches all had non-finishes and the main event was nice but couldn’t salvage the program. All it did was ensure that we’re going to spend the next few weeks watching The Rock trying to get his title shot back. 6/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF SMACKDOWN 03/02/2000
Trenton, NJ

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Kurt Angle (2/27/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz (2/27/2000)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (2/24/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Chris Jericho (w/Chyna) & Too Cool vs. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Eddie Guerrero)
Don’t know why Chyna gets her own entrance again since she isn’t even one of the participants in this match. Jericho and Malenko lockup to start and Malenko goes into a drop toehold then floats over into a facelock but Jericho counters it into a hammerlock. Malenko counters that with a Fireman’s carry then hits an armdrag but Jericho takes the advantage with chops. Jericho whips Malenko but lowers the head and Malenko kicks the face then comes off the ropes but runs into a belly-to-belly throw. Jericho follows up with a clothesline then tags in Scotty 2 Hotty for a double team and Scotty whips Malenko into a dropkick. Benoit tags in and applies a headlock, Scotty shoves him off into the ropes but Benoit comes back with a shoulderblock. Benoit comes off the ropes and Scotty leapfrogs over him but Benoit chops Scotty and goes for a whip. Scotty reverses it and Benoit blocks a hiptoss but Scotty goes through several moves capping off with a suplex. Scotty kips up and moonwalks back to his corner then tags in Grandmaster Sexay who busts his own moves. Sexay clotheslines Benoit then hops to the middle rope and hits a missle dropkick before tagging Jericho back in. Jericho gets in some shots and goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and hot shots Jericho on the top rope. Malenko tags back in and whips Jericho into a corner then clotheslines him down and lays the boots to him. Saturn then tags in and whips Jericho into a flying clothesline then follows up with an exploder suplex. Benoit tags back in and whips Jericho into a corner then goes for a back suplex. Jericho flips out of it and shoves Benoit into the corner then hits a release German suplex. Jericho crawls over and tags in Sexay and Saturn also tags in but Sexay takes it to him and Malenko and slams both of them to the mat in succession. Sexay dropkicks Benoit out to the apron then slings himself over the ropes and Sunset Flips him onto the floor. Scotty works Malenko over in a corner and Saturn nails Scotty from behind but Sexay comes to his partner’s aid. The Too Cool guys whip the Radicalz into each other when Saturn reverses as Malneko goes for a clothesline but Sexay ducks it and Malneko takes Saturn out instead. Sexay superkicks Malenko and the Too Cool guys clothesline Saturn over the ropes. Scotty whips Malenko into a corner and hits the bulldog then follows up with the Worm as Eddie hops onto the apron. Chyna pulls Eddie back down to the floor and Eddie begs Chyna off while Malenko tries to come up form behind but Chyna catches him with a right hand. Jericho clotheslines Malenko while Too Cool whips Saturn into a double elbow then hits the double elbowdrop. Jericho and Chyna go at it with Malenko up the ramp while Too Cool goes for a clothesline but Saturn ducks it. Benoit pulls Scotty out to the floor and whips him into the ringsteps while Sexay is able to DDT Saturn. Sexay climbs to the top rope and connects with the Hip Hop Drop on Saturn then covers him but Eddie distracts the referee from counting. Benoit climbs to the top himself and hits the diving headbutt on Sexay and Saturn is able to roll onto him to grab the pin. Very fun six-man tag to open the show. The Radicalz then celebrate ther win and depart as Scotty glares at them from the ring. ***

The Rock is shown arriving at the building when Mideon comes up wanting a word with him but Rock responds with a right hand and storms off as we go to commercial.

Back from break a limo pulls up and Shane McMahon climbs out of it with the Big Show right behind him.

WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Essa Rios © (w/Lita) vs. Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy)
This was before Lita joined the Hardys. Rios pounds on Jeff to start and whips him, Jeff blocks a hiptoss and goes for his own hiptoss but Rios flips out of it. Jeff whips Rios and Rios goes back and forth to the ropes until Jeff eventually connects with a flying bodyblock for a near fall. Jeff whips Rios in a corner and charges, Rios backdrops him over the ropes but Jeff lands his feet on the apron and pulls Rios down by his hair. Jeff springs off the top rope into a moonsault but Rios bails out to the floor before it hits so Jeff slings himself over the ropes into a plancha before throwing Rios back in the ring for a two count. Jeff goes for a whip, Rios reverses him into a corner and Jeff flips up the ropes when Rios dropkicks him. Jeff is in the Tree of Woe when Rios goes for a baseball slide but Jeff sits up and Rios slides out to the floor. Jeff climbs to the top and leaps off for another plancha but Rios sidesteps it and Jeff crashes into the barricade. Rios heads back in the ring then leaps over the top rope and connects with a somersault senton on Jeff. Rios throws Jeff back in then climbs to the top rope and hits a missle dropkick for a two count. Rios goes for a whip, Jeff reverses and Rios handsprings off the ropes and rolls Jeff up for a near fall. Rios hits a clothesline for another two count but Jeff trips Rios into the turnbuckles and goes for a whip. Rios reverses Jeff into a corner but Jeff lifts himself over the charging Rios and dropkicks him from behind. Jeff chops Rios then sets him on the top rope but Rios kicks him away and connects with a huricanrana. Jeff rolls out to the floor to regroup when Lita hops onto the ringsteps and hits her own huricanrna on Jeff. Lita tosses Jeff back in the ring for a two count and Rios goes for a whip but Jeff reverses him into a corner and Rios runs up the ropes and goes for a moonsault but Jeff ducks it. Lita hops on the apron looking to slap Jeff but the referee warns Lita not to interfere while Matt comes in and lays Rios out with the Twist of Fate. Jeff climbs to the top rope and connects with the Swanton Bomb, the first time it’s officially called that. Lita comes to the top rope and hits Jeff with a moonsault but that causes the referee to call for a DQ. Bad ending to an otherwise solid tv spotfest. **The Hardys walk off but Jeff doesn’t look happy that he has the win but not the title to show for it. Rios then grabs the mic and yells at Lita in Spanish, perhaps for costing him a chance at a clean win and Lita responds by slapping Rios and the two walk off together but still arguing their way up the ramp.

We then find Al Snow and Steve Blackman waiting at a restaurant while wearing matching Hawaiian shirts. Blackman is reluctant as Snow explains he got him a hot chick for a blind date he feels with give him personality. Blackman asks about this girl and Snow says she’s a friend of his … who just happens to be in his therapy group. Almost on cue an overly excited woman appears and pratically mugs Blackman who just stands there dumbfounded.

Shane McMahon and The Big Show are shown walking somewhere, maybe to the ring as we go to commercial.

Back form break we find Steve Blackman sitting at the restaurant while his date talks non-stop. Blackman tries to stay interested but ends up making funny faces and his date doesn’t even notice.

Back at the arena Shane McMahon and The Big Show both make their way to the ring for our talking segment. Shane gets on the mic and addresses where he’s been by saying life is about timing and his moment came at Sunday. Shane says The Rock got what he had coming to him on Sunday and even decides to show clips on the OvalTron of him helping Show beat Rock at No Way Out, denying him his Wrestlemania title shot. Shane says he wanted to do it again the next night and shows his interference in the handicap match from Raw. Shane claims he did this becaue he can’t allow The Rock to dominate the WWF the way Steve Austin did in his run. Shane says Austin became an icon when Vince McMahon didn’t squash him as he was climbing the ladder of success but he’s learned form his father’s mistakes and is not going to allow Rock to ever become WWF Champion. Shane adds the WWF doesn’t need an eyebrow-raising prima donna who does the People’s Elbow as its champion, what the WWF needs as champion is the largest, most ferocious athele and that happens to be Big Show. Show takes the mic and talks on winning the title at Wrestlemania when Rock comes out to the stage for his rebuttal. Rock gets on the mic and asks Shane if he thinks he really managed to cheat him out of everything he worked for and keep him down but claims all Shane really did was p*** him off. Rock says he may not be going to Wrestlemania for the title but unlike Show he’ll always be the People’s Champion. Rock adds he has nothing to lose so he thought he’d entertain hismelf by challenging both of them to a match tonight. Shane chuckles saying Rock doesn’t want another seven-foot chokeslam but he and Show do accept his challenge. Just then Rikishi comes out with his own mic and tells Rock he knows he doesn’t need help to beat the two jabronies but claims the fans want to see Show get the Rock Bottom and Shane get his bottom and offers his help. Rock accepts the offer and gives the usual parting words while Shane and Show don’t seem happy with this.

Back from break Kurt Angle brags about his two titles as a disinterested D’Lo Bown plays the Smackdown video game. Sgt. Slaughter comes in and tells D’Lo the Godfather is looking for him but Angle takes offense at being interupted. Angle tells Slaughter he used to be his hero and was even in his Cobra Corps but now he’s disappointed in him. Slaughter takes execption to that and says he still carries his gear with him, challenging Angle to match tonight. Angle scoffs at Slaughter’s challenge feeling he’s lost his intensity and integrity and his intelligence as well but Slaughter gets in Angle’s face and promises to take him to basic training while calling him a maggot.

WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly © vs. Tazz
Cole mentions Hardcore Holly is out for a few weeks with an rib injury so Crash is on his own. Tazz meets Crash at ringside and the two exchange shots to start with Tazz getting the advantage. Tazz throws Crash over the barricade and pounds on him through the crowd, ramming him into a guardrail. Crash tries to fight back but Tazz rams him into a door and the two fight their way through it to the back. As we cut to a hallway Tazz scoops Crash up and rams him into a wall twice then throws him into a door. Prince Albert runs up looking for a splash but Tazz sidesteps him then grabs a wrench and whacks Albert with it. Tazz turns as the Big Bossman comes up and whacks him with the wrench then throws Albert through a door. Tazz whacks Albert with a metal tank then shoves him into a freezer and locks the door trapping him inside. Bossman comes in and Tazz breaks a bottle in his face then heads out as Crash sprays him with a fire extinguisher. Finally Crash breaks a 2×4 over Tazz’s head and that knocks him out for him to grab the pin. rash then heads back to the ring and celebrates his victory even thought the match never went there. *

We then check on Steve Blackman’s blind date as the two of them are about to order their food. However Blackman mentions fish and the date starts rambling non-stop again as we go to commercial.

Back from break Lillian Garcia interviews Crash Holly on his successful title defense. Crash calls himself the greatest Hardcore Champion ever and says he’s going to prove it by putting his title on the line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Crash explains if anyone has a sanctioned referee nearby they can try and pin him for the title anytime, anyplace. Crash says if anyone can beat him they get the title but feels it’ll never happen because he’s the greatest.

Edge & Christian vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac (w/Tori)
With Billy Gunn kicked out of DX on Monday it looks like X-Pac has permanently replaced him as Road Dogg’s partner and Road Dogg mentions it during his speil on the mic. Edge and Christian make their way out next when Terri Runnels comes out again much to E&C’s confusion. X-Pac locks up with Christian to start and goes into a headlock but Christian shoves him into the ropes. X-Pac hits a shoulderblock then comes off the ropes but Christian leapfrogs over him and goes for a hiptoss. X-Pac blocks it and goes through his usual moves but misses a spinkick and Christian hits a Russian legsweep. Road Dogg breaks up the pin but Edge tags in and he and Christian whip X-Pac and hit a double hiptoss. Edge wrenches X-Pac’s arm and whips him but X-Pac ducks a clothesline and this time hits the spinkick. Road Dogg tags in and covers Edge for a two count then pounds on him as a “DX sucks†chant breaks out. Road Dogg goes for a whip, Edge reverses him into a corner but Road Dogg sends him into a corner as well. Road Dogg charges but eats a boot and Edge hops to the middle rope and hits a missile dropkick for a near fall. Edge goes for a whip but Road Dogg reverses and Edge sails out to the floor after X-Pac pulls down the top rope. Christian tries to come in but the referee holds him back while X-Pac whips Edge into the ringsteps on the floor and lays the boots to Edge before throwing him back in. Road Dogg covers Edge for a two count then applies a chinlock over his knee and Edge fights out of it and tries to reach his corner for a tag but Road Dogg pulls Edge down by the hair. Road Dogg tags X-Pac in and the DX’ers whip Edge into a corner. Road Dogg then whips X-Pac into Edge but Edge sidesteps it and X-Pac straddles the turnbuckles instead. Edge follows that up by spearing Road Dogg then crawls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Christian. Christian hammers both DX’ers when X-Pac nails him from behind and goes for a whip but Christian reversesand hits a powerslam on X-Pac. Christian goes for the Unprettier on Road Dogg when X-Pac tries to interupt it but Christian hits X-Pac with a gutbuster. Road Dogg comes up and hits the juke ‘n jive punches then pops Edge off the apron with the big right but Christian comes back with a shot of his own. Christian then goes for a whip and Road Dogg reverses it but both men end up clotheslining each other. On the floor Terri goes over to check on Edge who pulls away from her so Terri slaps him in the face. Christian goes over to ask Terri what’s going on but that allows X-Pac to low blow Christian form behind. X-Pac quickly follows that up with the X-Factor and this match is done. cent enough match though I don’t get why the #1 contenders had to job to X-Pac. After the replays Christian shoves Edge down to the mat and the two start arguing about the loss. *1/2

Back from break we get an interesting vignette promoting the Acolyte Protection Agency.

We then find Shane McMahon and the Big Show walking backstage and barging into the DX dressing room.

Test vs. Viscera
Test jumps Viscera to start and hammers him into a corner but Viscera reverses positions and pounds him. Viscera whips Test into the opposite corner and follows up with an Avalanche then clubs him in the back. Viscera slams Test to the mat and hits an elbowdrop for a two count then whips Test back into a corner. Viscera charges but Test sidesteps him then comes off the ropes with an elbow that gets Viscera off his feet. Test goes for a whip, Viscera reverses it but lowers the head and Test hits a DDT that gets a near fall. Test tries to scoop Viscera up but ends up hurting his back instead and rolls out to the floor to recover. Viscera goes out and whips Test into the ringsteps then climbs onto the timekeeper’s table looking for a splash. However before he can leap off Test cuts Viscera off and knocks him over the barricade into the crowd. Test then climbs onto the barricade and leaps off but Viscera catches him and rams him into the barrier. Viscera clotheslines Test over the barricade to ringside then pounds him before tossing him back in the ring. Test starts fighting back and comes off the ropes but runs into a Samoan Drop that only gets a two count. Viscera removes a turnbuckle pad to expose the steel bolt but ends up ramming Test into a padded turnbuckle. Viscera brings Test over to the bolt but Test counters and rams him into the bolt then manages to slam him. Test climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying elbowdrop to put this one away. 1/2*

We then get a glimpse of Shane and The Big Show exiting the DX dressing room.

Back from break we check in on Steve Blackman who’s trying to enjoy his meal while his date blabbers to someone on her cell phone. We then see Al Snow in the backgroud talking to the piano player who then starts playing the “Personality†song. Blackman eventually notices Snow dancing and pointing at him then gives us a great “Why am I here†expression.

WWF Intercontinential Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Angle gets on the mic and talks about how Slaughter was everything a hero should be when he was a kid but has since gone from representing his three I’s to being a bald, bloating bonehead. Angle also says there’s a new American Hero for the children to look up to and that happens to be himself. Both men lockup to start and Angle takes Slaughter down with a Fireman’s carry then stops to celebrate it. Both men lockup again and Angle takes Slaughter down by the legs and rolls him onto his shoulders for a count. Slaughter comes back with kicks and a knee to the chest then hits a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Slaughter whips Angle and elbows him in the chest then follows up with a gutwrench into a gutbuster. Slaughter goes for a whip, Angle reverses it but Slaughter ducks a clothesline and locks in the Cobra Clutch! Angle struggles to hold on and tries backing Slaughter into a corner but can’t get Slaughter to break the hold. Angle drops to his knee and manages to flop Slaughter over him but Slaughter is still keeping the hold on. Finally Angle gets his foot on the rope and the referee has to pull Slaughter off Angle to break the hold. Slaughter goes for a whip but Angle reverses into a corner and Slaughter tumbles over the ropes. Angle suplexes Slaughter back in the ring but Slaughter fights back and tries to go back to the Cobra Clutch. This time Angle is able to slip out and kick Slaughter away then hits the Olympic Slam and this one is over. *

Kane is shown pacing in the back as Cole mentions he has the Dudleys in a handicap match as we go to commercial.

Back from break Kurt Angle celebrates his victory by throwing various foodstuffs around.

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Dudley Boyz – Non-Title Handicap Match
Cole says this was set up after Kane attacked the Dudleys during their title defense on Raw, plus in this match both Dudleys can be in the ring at the same time for some reason. The Dudleys double-team Kane to start and whip him but lower the heads and Kane kicks Bubba’s face and clotheslines D’Von. Kane grabs both Dudleys by the throat when the Dudleys counter with a double suplex but Kane sits right up and clotheslines both Dudleys. Kane whips D’Von into a corner and hits a sidewalk slam then backdrops Bubba and scoops D’Von onto his shoulder. However Bubba chopblocks Kane to bring him down and chokes Kane with his boot while D’Von stomps on him and the Dudleys work Kane over in a corner. Both Dudleys choke Kane and whip him into the other corner then D’Von whips Bubba into a splash on Kane and connects with a flying forearm. Bubba follows that up with a series of elbowdrops and a splash and Kane starts to fights back with uppercuts but D’Von rakes his face to stop that. Bubba hits a headbutt and the Dudleys whip Kane into a shoulderblock then continue double-teaming and Bubba goes for the mask. The Dudleys then whip Kane into a corner but Kane comes back out and nails Bubba with a clothesline. D’Von hammers away on Kane but his shots have no effect and Kane uppercuts him and Bubba. Kane whips Bubba into a boot and boots D’Von then climbs to the top rope and hits Bubba with the flying clothesline. Kane pummels D’Von in a corner then whips him into the opposite corner and charges at him but eats a boot. Bubba hits a back suplex then sets him up while D’Von climbs to the top rope and hits the headbutt to the groin. D’Von lays the boots to Kane while Bubba goes out to the floor and pulls out a table which he sets up at ringside. Bubba goes back in and sets Bubba up for a powerbomb through the table but Kane counters with a backdrop. Kane then grabs D’Von on the apron and chokeslams him through the table drawing a DQ. ** Better then expected.

Back at the restaurant Al Snow meets with Steve Blackman’s date but finds out that Blackman ran off claming to have a brain anyeruism. The date starts rambling to Snow who actually seem interested.

Back from break Lillian Garcia is on a pay phone when Crash Holly walks by with his Hardore title belt. Lillian asks Crash if he’s going to sleep with the belt and Crash reminds her of his title being on the line 24/7. Crash again claims he has nothing to worry about since he is the greatest Hardcore Champion after all.

The Big Show and Shane McMahon are shown walking to the ring for the main event.

We cut to the parking lot and find Crash loading up his rental car about to call it a night when Rodney appears with referee Jim Korderas looking to be the first to takes up Crash’s 24/7 challenge. Rodney whacks Crash from behind with a trash can and covers him in the car trunk but Joey Abs pulls Rodney off and tries covering Crash himself. Rodney pulls Joey off and the two argue on who gets to pin Crash when Pete Gas suddenly appears and shoves both men aside then covers Crash himself but he gets pulled off as well. The Posse then start fighting among themselves while Crash manages to slip into his car and drive into the night. Once the Posse realize Crash has escaped the three of them argue on losing their shot at championship gold. Thus the saga of Crash Holly, 24/7 Champion begins.

The Rock and Rikishi are now shown making their way out for the main event as we go to commercial.

Show and Shane make their way out to the ring when Shane first decides to get on the mic. Shane claims he’d like to lay the Smackdown on the Rock but announces there’s been a change in the lineup. Shane says he felt sorry for the Rock never touching WWF gold again so he thought he give him a taste. Shane then announces his replacement and out comes Triple H and Stephanie for the first time tonight. So as Rock and Rikishi (with his ankle taped up) come out apparenly we now have as our main event

The Rock & Rikishi Phatu vs. The Big Show (w/Shane) & Triple H (w/Stephanie)
Rock and Rikishi rush the ring and pair off with Rock pounding on Triple H and Rikishi battling Show. Rock tosses Triple H over the ropes then he and Rikishi whip Show into a double clothesline. Rock heads to the corner while Rikishi takes over on Show and plants him with a belly-to-belly suplex then hits a legdrop for a two count. Show comes back with a headbutt then tags Triple H in and Triple H and Rikishi exchange shots with Rikishi getting the advantage. Rikishi hits the running butt splash then scoops Triple H onto his shoulders but Triple H slips out and chopblocks Rikishi’s bad leg. Show tags in and elbowdrops the leg and Rikishi goes for a whip but Show counters with a sidewalk slam. Show chops Rikishi in a corner and elbows him in the back of the head then tags Triple H in to take over. Rikishi starts to fight back but Triple H stomps away on his bad ankle then wraps it around the ringpost. Rock goes over to get a piece of Triple H but Earl Hebner orders him back while Triple H chokes Rikishi. Show tags in and goes for an Avalanche in a corner but misses it and Rikishi comes back with a superkick. Instead of heading for his corner Rikishi gives Show the Stinkface and follows that up with a Samoan Drop. Both men start crawling to their corners and Show tags in Triple H while Rikishi makes the hot tag to Rock. Rock pounds away on Triple H and goes for a whip, Triple H reverses him into a corner but Rock hits a clothesline then DDT’s Triple H for a two count. Show grabs a chair and whacks Rikishi’s bad ankle on the floor while in the ring Triple H goes for a whip but Rock reverses it into a spinebuster. Show hops on the apron with the chair and Rock pops Show back off to the floor but Shane distracts Hebner while Triple H hits a low blow on Rock. Show then brings the chair in and swings it at Rock but misses him and nails Triple H instead. Rock knocks Show over the ropes with the Smackdown then turns and plants Triple H with the Rock Bottom. Rock follows that up with the People’s Elbow on Triple H and gets the three to take this match. ** Rock celebrates pinning the WWF Champion while having some parting words as he departs. Shane then tries to help Triple H up but Stephanie has words with him on Show costing them the match. Suddenly Triple H shoves Shane down and Show gets in his face prompting the Hemlsleys to leave the ring. The two McMahon factions then have a staredown and Cole declares this a civil war as Smackdown goes off air.

Overall: This was a very solid smackdown this week and made up for the weak episode of RAW. We started off with two great matches and while the show does take a slight dip in match quality the hot main event brings it back with the top faces coming out on top for the first time in over a week. Also they started a slow burn between Triple H and Big Show, making it seem like they really are going with that for our Wrestlemania main event. Add in some funny stuff like the birth of the 24/7 rule and "Head Cheese" 7/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF RAW IS WAR 03/06/2000
Springfield, MA

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Kurt Angle (2/27/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz (2/27/2000)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (2/24/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Things kick off with Shane McMahon and The Big Show coming out to the ring for our opening promo segment. Shane takes the mic and brings up Show hitting Triple H with chair on Smackdown before showing footage of said chair shot on the TitanTron. Shane claims he doesn’t know if it was an accident or not but says what wasn’t an accident was Triple H shoving him down to the mat and shows clips of that as well. Shane reminds us how he made sure The Rock couldn’t dominate the WWF just as Steve Austin did but claims that was just business. Shane says his issues with Triple H are personal and a family matter, accusing him of forcing his father into leaving the WWF and brainwashing Stephanie into marrying him. Shane says he’s looking forward to Wrestlemania and seeing Show chokeslam Triple H to win the championship and decides to soften Triple H up by booking him in a non-title match agasint Rikishi tonight. Almost on cue the Helmsleys make their way to the ring for a response and Triple H stands face-to-face with Show. Triple H takes the mic and tells Shane he’s crushed by the things he said about him since they’re brothers-in-law. Triple H then tells Big Show he’s not in his league and ironically the biggest show there is will be a long humiliating night for him. Stephanie takes the mic and says if Triple H has to wrestle tonight then so does Show in the first match against Kane. Stephanie then addresses what Shane said about her then slaps him in the face. Shane glares back at his sister as the Helmsleys depart the ring. Weird how The Rock didn’t show in during that segment and wasn’t even mentioned, almost as if he’s not in the build toward the ‘Mania main event anymore.

We then cut to footage of the Mean Street Posse again trying to pin Crash Holly for the Hardcore Title earlier today. This time we find the Posse in their hotel dragging referee Tim White out of bed and heading toward Crash’s room pretending to be room service. The Posse knock on Crash’s door and once Crash opens it they barge in and wail on him. Joey Abs tries to pin Crash on the bed but Rodney pulls him and then Pete Gas off and goes for the cover himself. Joey and Pete pull Rodney off and the Posse each try for a cover on Crash but gets interupted by the other two. Eventualy the Posse start fighting each other again while Crash grabs his belt and escapes in his Days Inn pajamas. The Posse realize Crash has eluded them again and chase after him but Pete decides to help himself to Crash’s food.

Back form break we get a replay of Stephanie slapping the taste out of Shane’s mouth.

The Big Show (w/Shane McMahon) vs. Kane (w/Paul Bearer)
Kane wastes no time working over Show and goes for a whip, Show reverses it but Kane hits an enzuigiri. Kane goes for the ropes and falls over them when Shane pulls down the tope rope but lands on his feet and starts stalking Shane. Show goes out and nails Kane from behind then throws him into the steps and rolls him back in the ring as we see the Helmsleys watching the match from backstage. Show pounds on Kane in a corner then whips him into the other corner and follows up with a headbutt. However Kane just shrugs off Show’s shots but Show throws Kane into a corner and hits a sidewalk slam. Show goes for an elbowdrop but misses it when Kane sits up and Kane fights back again. Kane goes for a whip and Show reverses it but Kane hits a DDT then climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying clothesline. Kane charges at Show but runs right into a spinebuster and Show grabs him by the throat when Kane also grabs Show by the throat. Show is able to fight Kane off with knees and another headbutt. Suddenly The Rock runs in the ring and plants Show with a Rock Bottom but that causes Kane to get DQ’ed. Rock then heads back up the ramp and watches as Kane manages to chokeslam Show. *1/2 That actually wasn’t a bad match until Rock reminded us he’s still lurking around in the main storyline.

Backstage Mark Henry is trying to convince Mae Young to stay in the back while he deals with the Dudleys. Mae insists she will go out with Henry to be in his corner and that’s final as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get another APA vignette showing the Acolytes driving somewhere while parodying Pulp Fiction.

Mark Henry (w/Mae Young) vs. D’Von Dudley (w/Bubba Ray Dudley)
Henry pounds on D’Von as he slides in but Bubba distracts Henry allowing D’Von to nail him from behind. D’Von whips Henry and connects with the jumping elbow then works him over in a corner. D’Von goes for a whip but Henry counters and drops D’Von onto the turnbuckles. Bubba comes in but Henry throws him into a corner and splashes him. Henry then invites Mae to come in the ring and hit Bubba with a Bronco Buster. D’Von goes for a whip but Henry reverses and hits a powerslam that gets the pin. Henry and Mae celebrate the win until Bubba shoves Mae down and the Dudleys take Henry out with a 3D. Mae tries to tend to Henry but Bubba grabs her by the hair and sends D’Von out to bring a table in the ring. D’Von sets it up as Bubba climbs to the top rope and Bubba ends up super powerbombing Mae Young through the table! Bubba has the weird look and D’Von administers the last rites as the referees come out to tend to Mae. Pretty good bump from Mae that almost makes up for the prevous two minutes but not quite. DUD

Back from break we get a replay of the Dudleys making Mae Young the latest victim of the tables.

Road Dogg & X-Pac (w/Tori) vs. Too Cool
Road Dogg does his rhyming speil on the mic and lets X-Pac finish by giving us the two words. I think Road Dogg is still trying to adjust to life without Billy Gunn. X-Pac locks up with Scotty 2 Hotty to start and applies a headlock but Scotty shoves him off into the ropes and X-Pac hits a shoulderblock. X-Pac comes off the ropes and Scotty leapfrogs over him but X-Pac hits a hiptoss. Scotty kicks X-Pac away and moonwalks to his corner to tag in Grandmaster Sexay who hits an Atomic Drop and busts a move. Sexay comes off the ropes knocking X-Pac over before whipping him and hitting a hiptoss. X-Pac rolls out to the floor as Road Dogg comes in but Sexay hiptosses him as well and applies an arm wringer. Sexay whips Road Dogg into a clothesline then climbs to the middle rope and connects with a missile dropkick. Scotty tags in and helps Sexay whip Road Dogg into a double elbow then hits a double elbowdrop. Scotty goes for a whip, Road Dogg reverses it but lowers the head and Scotty kicks him in the face. Scotty comes off the ropes but Road Dogg tosses him over the ropes and X-Pac whips him into the ringsteps. X-Pac follows up with a spinkick and chops Sexay before throwing him back in the ring and heading in himself. The DX’ers whip Scotty but both lower their heads and Scotty manages to ram both of them into the mat. Sexay tags in and takes it to both DX’ers then whips Road Dogg into a corner and turns to superkick X-Pac. Road Dogg comes out of the corner and runs right into a powerslam but X-Pac breaks up the pin. Scotty dumps X-Pac through the ropes then whips Road Dogg into a corner and follows up with the bulldog. Scotty goes for the Worm when X-Pac tries to interupt but Scotty ducks a spinkick and drops him with a right. Sexay drills Road Dogg with his Stroke-like move and this time Scotty is able to hop around and hit the Worm. Too Cool plants X-Pac with a flapjack and Scotty works over Road Dogg before they end up fighting outside. Sexay climbs to the top rope readying for the Hip Hop Drop but Tori causes Sexay to straddle the turnbuckle. Sexay slumps to the mat and X-Pac looks for a Bronco Buster when the pyro suddenly goes off and Kane once again makes his way out looking for X-Pac. X-Pac tries to attack Kane as he climbs in the ring but Kane decks him back, resulting in a DQ for DX. Road Dogg comes back in the ring and tries to come to X-Pac’s aid but gets chokeslammed for his troubles. However X-Pac and Tori once again elude Kane and flee up the ramp to the back with Kane right behind them. Scotty and Sexay then clear Road Dogg out of the ring and celebrate despite losing the match. *1/2

As we go to commercial JR announces Chris Jericho gets his Intercontinential Title rematch against Kurt Angle next!

Back from break Kurt Angle makes his way out to the ring but first decides to get on the mic and mention how he’s an Olympic hero, a European champion and now he’s an Intercontinential icon. Angle says he looks at the fans and realizes his suceess could disappear and he could end up a nobody like them or worse, a long-haired, potty-mouthed, has-been former champion such a Chris Jericho who he feels has no moral values whatsoever. Jericho makes his way out to the stage to offer a rebuttal and starts with the usual greeting on the mic. Jericho admits Angle does have the IC title, as well as bad breath and BO, then says he’d rather look like he does now than a 30-year-old Olympic geek who still lives with his mother. Jericho tells “Mrs. Angel†to put down her double-whiskey sour and watch her son get a Y2J beating he’ll never forget.

WWF Intercontinential Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Chris Jericho
Both men lockup to start and Jericho applies a headlock when Angle shoves him off into the ropes but Jericho hits a shoulderblock. Jericho comes off the ropes and Angle leaps up but Jericho chops him back down. Jericho whips Angle who slides under him but Jericho hits a double-underhook backbreaker for a two count. Jericho knees Angle in the chest and goes for a whip but Angle reverses it and hot shots Jericho on the ropes. Angle follows up with a clothesline then beats on Jericho in a corner but Jericho rakes the face and chops back. Jericho goes for a whip but Angle counters into something like a release Northern Light suplex for a two count. Angle works Jericho over and chokes him with his boot then goes for a whip but Jericho reverses him into a corner. Jericho charges at Angle but eats a boot. Angle comes out but Jericho catches him with a spinning heelkick then comes off the ropes with a bulldog that gets a two count. Jericho goes for a whip but Angle reverses it and Jericho goes for a flying forearm but Angle ducks it and Jericho ends up taking out the referee. Angle whips Jericho looking for a dropkick but Jericho fakes him out then connects with the Lionsault. Jericho covers Angle but the referee is still out cold and can’t make the count. Jericho tries to revive the referee while Angle grabs his IC title belt and readies a swing but Jericho cuts him off and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. The referee recovers as Angle tries to inch over to the ropes but Jericho pulls him back over to the center. Angle looks ready to tap out when in the ring comes …. Bob Backlund?! Backlund pulls Jericho off Angle and puts him in the crossface chickenwing causing a DQ for Jericho. Anyway Jericho is flailing his arm around as several referees try in vain to get Backlund to release the hold. Eventually Backlund lets go of Jericho then turns to Angle who raises his hand and embraces him. Too bad Angle and Backlund’s partnership only lasted a few weeks, they actually complemented each other pretty well. **1/2 Not as great as their pay-per-view encounter but still a good match.

Triple H © (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. Rikishi Phatu – Non-Title Match
Triple H attacks Rikishi as he climbs in the ring and goes for a whip. Rikishi reverses it but lowers the head and Triple H goes for the Peidgree right away but Rikishi counters with a backdrop. Triple H tries to turn it into a Sunset flip when Rikishi looks for the sitdown splash so Triple H backs away. Rikishi hits a clothesline as we see Shane McMahon and The Big Show watching the match from backstage. Rikishi whips Triple H into a corner and clotheslines him down into position then gives him the stinkface! Stephanie then hops on the apron and distracts Earl Hebner allowing Triple H to kick Rikishi below the belt and come off the ropes with a clothesline. Triple H lays the boots to Rikishi then pulls him out to the floor and rams him into the steps. Triple H throws Rikishi into the ringpost before rolling him back in the ring and stomping him down in a corner. Triple H chokes Rikishi but Rikishi starts fighting back and whips him when Triple H hits the facebuster for a two count. Triple H kicks at Rikishi’s bad ankle and wraps it around the rope and both men exchange punches but Triple H kicks at the bad ankle to regain the advantage. Triple H goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses it and hits a Samoan Drop. Rikishi whips Triple H into a corner and hits the running butt splash then follows up with a superkick. Rikishi starts climbing up the ropes looking for the Banzai Drop when Stephanie slides a chair in and Triple H whacks him in the back with it for yet another DQ. This is the 4th match in a row that has gone to a DQ. *1/2 Anyway The Rock charges in and hits Triple H with the Smackdown followed by a Rock Bottom. Rock then moves Triple H into position while Rikishi climbs the ropes and does hit the Banzai Drop. After Rock departs Too Cool comes out to the ring and commence with the post-match dance with Rikishi. Not as good as the match these two had on Smackdown in January but Triple H actually took a stinkface and a Banzai Drop. I bet you wouldn’t see that in 2002-Prestent.

Back form break we get a replay of The Rock causing Triple H to suffer a Banzai Drop earlier. We then find Shane and Big Show about to console Triple H but Shane says they’re going to convince him instead.

Elsewhere backstage Al Snow is talking to a floor director about somehow making Steve Blackman’s entrance better and suggests there should be an army of midgets carrying platters of cheese. Snow tells the director to make it happen but after he departs Blackman appears and threatens the director’s safety should he see one cheese-bearing midget. Snow comes back and Blackman acts like everything’s all happy before giving the director one more warning.

Matt Hardy (w/Jeff Hardy) vs. Steve Blackman (w/Al Snow)
Both men lockup to start and Blackman forces Matt into a corner then whips him into the opposite corner. Blackman forces Matt to his knees and rams him into the mat then whips him but Matt kicks the face. Matt whips Blackman, Blackman slides under him but misses a spinkick and Matt hits a swinging neckbreaker. Matt hops to the middle rope and goes for a tornado DDT and Blackman counters it but Matt lands on his feet and hits another neckbreaker. Matt climbs to the middle rope and connects with the guilltoine legdrop for a two count. Matt knocks Blackman through the ropes then climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying clothesline. Blackman pulls Matt into the barricade then drops him onto the ringsteps before throwing him back in the ring and covering for a two count. Blackman whips Matt into a tilt-o-whirl slam as the crowd chants “Head Cheese†and Blackman takes exception with the crowd for that before laying the boots to Matt and chopping him in the throat. Blackman follows up with a backbreaker then climbs to the middle rope and goes for a headbutt but misses. Matt hits a Russian legsweep followed by an Atomic Drop then comes off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Matt hits a DDT for a two count then goes for the Twist of Fate but Blackman counters into a bridge suplex for his own near fall. Matt hits a back suplex that him gets a two count then sets Blackman on top rope. Snow tries to interfere with Head when Jeff pulls him off to the floor but Snow responds by clotheslining Jeff. Matt goes up for a superplex but Blackman shoves him down to the mat and hits a flying pump kick for the pin. *3/4

Backstage Shane and Big Show are trying to convince the Hemsleys that they need to take care of The Rock and Shane suggests they book Rock in a cage match against Chris Benoit tonight since he’s already beaten Rock once. Triple H says he doesn’t want Rock beaten, he wants him crippled, and Stephanie agrees to allow the match. Stephanie then asks Shane and Show to stay out of their business and Shane ask the same in return.

Edge & Christian vs. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Eddie Guerrero)
Once again Terri Runnels comes out to be in E&C’s conrer while joining the announcers for commentary. Saturn knocks Christian through the ropes to start and Edge hammers away on him until Malenko nails him from behind. The Radicals whip Edge and Saturn hits a drop toehold holding Edge down for a dropkick from Malenko. Saturn takes over and chops Edge in a corner then goes for a whip but Edge reverses him into the other corner. Saturn lifts himself up with the ropes but Edge sets him on his shoulders and drops him face-first onto the mat. Edge tags in Christian and both men whip Saturn into a double hiptoss. Saturn tries to recover in a corner when Edge drops to the mat and Chrstian hits the flying crossbody. Christian follows up with a front suplex but Saturn drops Christian on the top rope then tags Malenko in. Christian nails Malenko with a spinning heel kick then tags Edge in and both men whip Malenko into a double flapjack. Saturn turns the tide by chopblocking Edge in the knee then plants Edge with an exploder suplex. Saturn wraps Edge’s knee around the rope and works it over. Saturn goes out to the floor looking to wraps Edge’s legs around the ringpost but Edge kicks Saturn away. Saturn comes back in and hits another chopblock to the knee then applies a leg grapevine but Edge manages to grab the ropes. Saturn pulls Edge over to his corner and tags Malenko in and both men slam Edge’s knees into the mat. Malenko hammers the bad knee with kneedrops and applies a spinning toehold then continues assaulting the knee. Malenko whips Edge into a corner and ducks a boot then dropkicks the knee but Edge comes back with an enzuigiri. Malenko tags in Saturn while Edge makes the hot tag to Christian and Christian takes it to both men with clotheslines. Christian slams Saturn to the mat and whips Malenko into a backdrop. Christian hits Saturn with a neckbreaker but Malenko breaks up the count while Terri decides to get involved. Edge goes for a whip but Malenko reverses him into a corner and dumps him over the ropes with then headscissors. Terri tries to help Edge up but Malenko shoves Edge into Terri knocking her down and Terri’s holding her ankle. Malenko and Saturn then hit Christian with a Total Elimination-like move in the ring and Saturn scores the pin, handing the #1 contenders another loss. Terri then walks away revealing she was faking the injury and Edge is frustrated at falling for this. Edge then heads in where Christian demands to know why he let him get pinned once again. **1/2

We then get a recap of the Mean Street Posse trashing a Days Inn trying to pin Crash Holly for the Hardcore Title. Next we find Viscera about the challenge Crash for the belt as we go to commercial.

WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly © vs. Viscera
Crash starts off by whacking Viscera with a chair but Viscera no-sells it and clotheslines it back into Crash’s face. Viscera tosses Crash through the ropes and chops him on the floor before throwing him into the ringsteps. Viscera throws Crash over the barricade and fights him with him through the crowd ending up in the back. Viscera grabs a mop and nails Crash with the handle then grabs another mop and breaks it over Crash’s back. Viscera then grabs a broom and dustpan and nails Crash with it before throwing him into a folding screen. Viscera rams Crash into a door and slides him across a table into a trash can then shoves him into a wall. The two end up in a room where the Acolytes have set up their office and Viscera hits Crash with their door then slams him onto a table. Viscera swings a chair but Crash gets off the table and kicks him below the belt. Crash then whacks Viscera from behind with a chair causing him to stumble onto the Acolytes’ poker table. Bradshaw doesn’t appreciate their game getting interupted and lets Viscera know it while Faarooq breaks a 2×4 over Viscera’s head allowing Crash to cover Viscera for the three count. Crash celebrates then win until Bradshaw lays him out with the Clothesline from Hades for the fun of it. The Acolytes then argue on who had the better hand before the interuption as we go to commercial. *

Back form break we get a replay of Bubba Ray Dudley superbombing Mae Young through a table earlier tonight. JR announces Mae has been taken to a nearby hospital and is currently undergoing some tests.

Backstage Michael Cole interviews The Rock about facing Chris Benoit in the cage match later tonight. Rock starts with the usual then says he was reacquainting Triple H and The Big Show with the Rock Bottom. Rock asks the McMahon siblings if they really think they solved all their problems by putting him in a steel cage, claiming he loves the cage. Rock says unlike Shane and Stephanie he has no hidden agenda and everyone can see it. Rock promises to shove his boot somewhere and finishes with the usual stuff.

Elsewhere Mark Henry charges into the Dudley’s dressing room looking for revenge but ends up getting laid out by them. :lmao

The Wrestlemania 2000 countdown shows we’re just 4 weeks away.

The Rock vs. Chris Benoit (Steel Cage Match)
This match can only be won by escaping over the top and touching the floor. Benoit comes out with the other Radicals but asks them to head back while he does this alone. But let me tell you someone messed up putting the cage together because it looks very flimsy. In fact when Benoit shakes the sides it nearly falls apart. Both men go right at it exchanging shots and Rock quickly gets the advantage and rams Benoit into a corner. Benoit comes back with chops and pounds on Rock then goes for a whip but Rock reverses him into a corner. Rock charges but eats an elbow and Benoit comes out of the corner but runs right into a clothesline. Rock starts climbing the cage but Benoit stops him and hits a snap suplex then starts climbing up himself until Rock pulls him off the cage and whips him into an elbow. Rock works Benoit over and goes for another whip but Benoit reverses it and hits a knee to the chest just as Shane and the Big Show make their way to ringside. Benoit stomps Rock down in a corner and hits a pair of headbutts but Rock backdrops Benoit into the cage. Rock lays the boots to Benoit and starts climbsing up but Benoit stops Rock and straddles him on the ropes. Benoit dropkicks Rock into the cage but part of it is hanging off the apron and Rock’s leg is sticking through. The Helmsleys now make their way out as Benoit climbs up the cage but Rock pulls him off with a suplex and stomps him down in a corner. Rock chokes Benoit on the middle rope and goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and clotheslines Rock down. Benoit follows up with a back suplex and starts climbing the cage but Rock quickly goes up after him and causes him to straddle the ropes. Rock beats on Benoit as Triple H as words with him and whips Benoit but Benoit comes back again and chops Rock down causing him to get tangled in the ropes. Benoit gives Rock more punishment then starts climbing out of the cage but Rock frees himself and throws Benoit off the ropes to the mat. Rock goes for a whip but Benoit reverses him into a corner and hits a back suplex followed by an elbowdrop. Benoit charges at Rock but Rock tosses him over his head into the cage then throws him into the cage again. And the way this cage is shaking makes it look like it’s ready to fly apart. Benoit whips Rock into the cage then climbs to the top rope and connects with the diving headbutt. Benoit tries to climb up the cage but Rock pulls him back down to the mat and plants him with the spinebuster. Rock tess off on Benoit in a corner but misses the Smackdown and Benoit comes back with a German suplex. Benoit holds on for a second German and goes for a third but Rock fights out of it and hits the Rock Bottom. Both men are down but Rock is up first and starts climbing the cage but Benoit gets up and stops his escape. Both men climb to the top rope and Rock rams Benoit into the cage but Benoit comes back and does the same. Rock falls to the mat as Benoit tries to climb but Rock hits a lowblow and powerbombs Benoit off the ropes. Rock starts climbing the cage and nearly reaches the top but Triple H climbs up the other side to block his exit. Rock punches Triple H off the cage right into Show’s arms and Rock is able to climb down for the win. **1/2 Good but not great cage match. After the match Rock doesn’t get time to celebrate as Shane, Show and Triple H triple-team him before throwing back in the cage. Shane and Show go in to continue working over Rock while Triple H brings a chair into the cage. Triple H and Show double-team Rock and throw him into the cage wall before Show grabs Rock by the throat. Triple H grabs the chair and swings it at Rock but Rock escapes it and Triple H ends up nailing Show. Rock throws Triple H into the wall then turns toward Shane who quickly scampers over the wall to safety. Rock departs while Triple H and Show exchange looks as Raw goes off the air.

Overall: The first part had four out of five matches all ending in DQ’s, with the other being the Mark Henry squash. The show then got better in the second hour but there was nothing earth-shattering and very little was done in the build to Wrestlemania, especially with the slow burn between Triple H and The Big Show. 6/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF SMACKDOWN 03/09/2000
FleetCenter in Boston, MA

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Kurt Angle (2/27/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz (2/27/2000)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (2/24/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Smackdown comes on the air with footage of the building Triple H/Big Show tension on Raw, alsmo as if they’re going to really main-event Wrestlemania. After the intro Michael Cole welcomes us to the show along with Jerry “The King†Lawler.

Things kick off with the Helmsleys making their way out to the stage to start our opening gabfest. Stephanie grabs the mic but before she can say anything Shane McMahon and The Big Show come out as well. Shane gets on the mic and says he knows the fans want him to get some payback for Stephanie slapping him on Raw by slapping her across the face in exchange but tells them that’s not going to happen. Triple H takes the mic saying the fans want him and Show to tear each other apart as the two stand nose-to-nose but claims that’s going to wait until Wrestlemania. Show takes the mic as the fans chant “Rocky†and mentions facing Kane on Monday before saying Kane will face Road Dogg and X-Pac in a handicap match tonight. Shane takes the mic and makes another handicap match for tonight, this one pitting Rikishi against Triple H and The Big Show. Triple H takes the mic and announces his idea for a handicap match with The Rock taking on Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn. Stephanie then finishes by saying after The Radicalz destroy The Rock she’s going to have a personal surprise for him which she calls a figurative slap in the face from her. The four of them shake hands solidifying their truce, at least for now.

We then get footage of the Mean Street Posse’s latest attempt to pin Crash Holly for the Hardcore Title. This time we find the three of them about to ambush Crash at a nearby laundromat earlier today with referee Teddy Long in tow. As they enter Rodney asks his pals to let him beat Crash one-on-one and Pete Gas and Joey Abs agree to stay back. Rodney soon spots Crash at the end of a corridor but Crash throws Tide at him and breaks a broom over his back. Pete then whacks Crash with a trash can then covers him but Joey breaks it up and goes for his own cover on Crash. The Posse then starts fighting among themselves once again while unsucessfully trying to cover Crash during the melee. As the Posse continue to battle Crash is able to grab his belt and once again flee the scene with his championship intact. The Posse soon discover Crash has eluded them once again and argue about it, with Pete pouring Cheer on Rodney.

We then see The Rock heading somewhere backstage as we go to commercial. Is he in the opening match?

The Rock makes his way out to the ring and it looks like he really is jerking the curtain tonight. Rock first gets on the mic and does the usual intro and says Shane and Stephanie think they have all the answers but have absolutely nothing. Rock says the McMahon siblings won’t intimiate him by placing him in a handicap match and that no matter how many obstacles are thrown at him by the McMahons he will just keep on coming back. Rock mentions beating Chris Benoit in the cage match then makes fun of Perry Saturn by saying he has crossed eyes then promises to beat Benoit once again and knock Saturn’s eyes straight, “If ya smell…†you know how it goes. Benoit and Saturn then make their way out as we see the Helmsleys, Shane and Big Show watching from the back.

The Rock vs. Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
Benoit and Saturn double-team Rock in a corner to start then whip him into the opposite corner. Benoit goes to whip Saturn into Rock but Rock comes back and clotheslines both Radicals in succession. Rock tosses Saturn over the ropes then concentrates on Benoit with punches and whips him into an elbow. Rock then goes for another whip but Benoit reverses it and hits a knee to the chest then tags Saturn in. Rock slams Saturn to the mat and lays the boots to him but Benoit interups it with a sidewalk slam of his own. Saturn follows up with a clothesline and slams Rock as the McMahons and pals look on approvingly. Rock starts to fight back but Saturn trips Rock into the ropes with a drop toehold then goes for a whip. Rock counters it into a Rock Bottom attempt but Benoit comes in to break it up and hits a German suplex. Benoit holds on for a second German suplex then holds Rock in a full nelson as Saturn goes for a superkick. However Rock escapes the hold causing Saturn to nail Benoit and Rock plants Saturn with a spinebuster. Rock drills Benoit with a DDT then hits the Rock Bottom on Saturn and just like that it’s over! Rock doesn’t get a chance to celebrate as Benoit nails him from behind after the bell. Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko run out and the four Radicals stomp away on Rock before Malenko slams Rock and follows up with an elbowdrop. Eddie adds in a legdrop and Benoit climbs to the top rope and hits the diving headbutt for good measure. At least the Radicals were able to get their heat back.*

Backstage the coalition enjoys the carnage in the ring when Stephanie says it’s time for her to spring her surprise.

Back from break Stephanie makes her second appearence on the stage and gets on the mic addressing the Rock’s fans saying they must feel disappointed in Rock’s performance tonight and feel they won’t get to see him again. Stephanie says everyone will get to see Rock again tonight but instead of a slap to the face it’ll be a kick in the pants because Rock will face the Dudleys in another handicap match. Stephanie even makes it a tables match and says for Rock to win he must put both Dudleys through tables while he only has to go through once. Stephanie finishes by guaranteeing that tonight will be the night The Rock gets pulverized.

WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Essa Rios (w/Lita) © vs. Christian (w/Edge)
As E&C hit the ring Terri Runnels makes her way out to ringside and the two of them still don’t get her motives. Christian gets in the first shots and applies an armwringer but Rios flips out of it and gets his own armwriger. Christian whips Rios looking for a dropkick but Rios fakes him out then chagres but runs into a monkey flip. Rios manages to land on his feet and kicks Christian in the face but Christian monkey flips him over the ropes then springboards over the ropes into a plancha on Rios. Christian throws Rios back in the ring and whips him into a corner when Rios lifts himself up with the ropes but Christian sets him on his shoulders and spins Rios around into a powerbomb for a two count. Christian comes off the ropes but Lita grabs his ankle and Christian glares at Lita then charges at Rios and both men end up driving each other to the mat with a facejam. Terri hops on the apron for some reason while Lita climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Christian. Edge then comes into the ring and spears Lita but the referee sees this and …. calls for the bell and disqualifies Christian? Can someone tell me how Edge gets Christian DQ’ed when he didn’t even touch either participant? Regardless Terri walks off doing her devil thing while Edge and Christian start arguing about the loss. 1/2*

Backstage Kurt Angle talks to a disinterested security guy about what the Intercontinential Title means.

WWF Intercontinential Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Tazz
Angle comes out first and gets on the mic mentioning Boston sports stars who become famous after they leave such as Babe Ruth, Roger Clemens and Ray Bourque of the Bruins. Tazz then comes out and grabs the mic saying he’s going to show Angle some “heavy metal†then punks him out. Tazz pounds on Angle and whips him into a drop toehold then whips him again and connects with a clothesline. Tazz hits a T-bone Tazplex and Angle rolls out to the floor but Tazz goes out and contines working him over. Tazz whips Angle into the steps but Angle runs up them and leaps off them connecting with a flying elbow. Both men exchange shots before Angle throws Tazz back in the ring and follows up with a snap suplex. Angle takes a moment to cheer then goes for the Olympic Slam but Tazz slips out and slaps on the Tazzmission. Angle tries to roll out of it and reach the ropes but Tazz keeps the hold on and pulls him back to the center. Angle looks ready to submit but just like on Monday Bob Backlund runs in and pulls Tazz off for a DQ. * Bob Backlund then puts Tazz in the crossface chickewing when Chris Jericho runs in and goes after Angle, dumping him over the ropes. Jericho turns and stomps away on Backlund and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Angle tries to climb to the top rope but Tazz cuts him off and hits a belly-to-belly super Tazplex while a number of referees come in and try to pull Jericho off Backlund.

Backstage X-Pac complains to Road Dogg about their match saying he wants nothing more to do with Kane. Road Dogg tries to assure X-Pac that they got this match in hand and X-Pac isn’t sure as we go to commercial.

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac (w/Tori)
Road Dogg leads his crew to the ring and once again starts off with his incoherent rhyming on the mic. X-Pac goes after Kane to start and Kane grabs him by the neck but Road Dogg nails Kane from behind. The DX’ers double-team Kane in a corner and whip him but Kane comes back by clotheslining both men. Kane tosses X-Pac over the ropes then goes out to the floor after him and drops him onto the barricade. Road Dogg leaps off the apron and Kane catches him in a choke but X-Pac comes back to make the save. The DX’ers throw Kane back in the ring and X-Pac hammers away on Kane but he just shrugs off his blows and whips X-Pac into a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Kane turns and clotheslines Road Dogg and hiptosses X-Pac across the ring then climbs to the top rope but Road Dogg straddles him on the turnbuckle. Kane tumbles to the mat and X-Pac lays the boots to him then tags Road Dogg in for a double-team. Road Dogg gets in a series of right hands but Kane pops him with an uppercut and whips him into a corner. Kane charges at him but eats a boot and Road Dogg rams Kane into X-Pac’s boot before tagging him back in. X-Pac stomps Kane down in their corner and distracts the referee while Road Dogg chokes him from the apron. Kane again fights back and whips X-Pac but X-Pac nails him with the spinkick then climbs to the top rope. Kane sits up just as X-Pac leaps off the top and catches him, moving him into position for a Tombstone but X-Pac slips out of it and hits the X-Factor! However Kane pops right up and no-sells X-Pac’s shots and whips him into a corner then charges at him. X-Pac sidesteps Kane and hits his trio of kicks but Kane still doesn’t go down and throws X-Pac into the corner then pummels him. Road Dogg comes in for more double-teaming and the DX’ers try to whip Kane but can’t seem to budge him. Kane then throws Road Dogg right into the referee in a corner then throws X-Pac into Road Dogg as well. Kane press slams X-Pac right onto Road Dogg then whips X-Pac into a corner and grabs him for a chokebomb but Road Dogg breaks it up. The DX’ers go for a suplex but Kane manages to suplex both of them then hits both men with big boots. Kane climbs to the top rope and hits the clothesline on X-Pac followed by a chokeslam. Road Dogg hits the juke ‘n jive punches but Kane chokeslams him before the big right. On the floor Tori knocks Paul Bearer down but that prompts Kane to bring her in the ring by her hair. Kane scoops Tori up for a Tombstone but X-Pac brings a chair in and whacks Kane in the back then hits an X-Factor into the chair and that is able to keep Kane down for the three. DX then quickly flee the scene when Kane sits up and chases after them to the back. Pretty entertaining match and they kept Kane looking strong despite jobbing to X-Pac again. **

Cole and Lawler now talk about the Dudleys powerbombing Mae Young through a table on Raw. After showing clips of the incident they next show an interview Kevin Kelly had with Mae, Mark Henry and The Fabulous Moolah earlier today. Kevin asks Mae who’s sporting a neckbrace in a wheelchair how she’s feeling and Mae rightfully snaps at him. Kevin then asks Henry about the emotional toll and Henry promises that somebody is going to get seriously injured. Henry then decides the interview is over and wheels Mae away from the scene as we go to commercial.

Back from break the Dudleys discuss their big oppertunity tonight with Bubba Ray wanting to give Stephanie a kiss for giving them a shot at The Rock tonight, especially after he’s already be weakened by the Radicals. D’Von says the best part is they get to use tables as well and they both chuckle.

Elsewhere backstage Steve Blackman is warming up when Al Snow appears saying he found Blackman’s biggest fan then brings in an overly excited lad wearing a giant cheese on his head. Blackman is not thrilled with this as Snow has the fan and Blackman pose for a Polaroid photo but as he turns to develop it Blackman smacks the kid. Snow turns back to see the fan reeling and Blackman claims his heart must have fluttered from seeing his hero. Snow then walks off and Blackman follows him after shoving the fan down to the floor.

Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy) vs. Steve Blackman (w/Al Snow)
Blackman pinned Matt on Raw so maybe Jeff will have better luck tonight. As they come out to the ring Snow tries to encourage the “Head Cheese†chants behind Blackman’s back. Jeff charges at Blackman to start but Blackman sidesteps him and works him over then chokes him with his boot. Jeff fights back when Blackman rakes the face and goes for a whip, Jeff reverses it but misses a right hand. Blackman misses an enzuigiri and Jeff goes into a headlock when Blackman shoves him off into the ropes. Blackman goes for a suplex, Jeff flips out of it and goes for an O’Connor roll but Blackman holds onto the ropes. Blackman then goes for a bicycle kick but Jeff ducks it and tosses Blackman through the ropes. Jeff climbs to the top rope and connects with a plancha on Blackman then rams him into the barricade. Jeff goes for a whip, Blackman reverses it but Jeff springs off the steps and lands on his feet on the barricade. Jeff then runs across the barricade but Blackman leaps up and backdrops Jeff off the barrier to the floor! Blackman throws Jeff back in the ring and covers him for a two count then whips him and hits a gutbuster. Blackman tries to disuade the “Head Cheese†chants while stomping away on Jeff and hitting a sidewalk slam. Blackman then climbs to the second rope and goes for the Vader splash but Jeff gets his feet up to block it. Blackman goes for a whip, Jeff reverses into a corner and charges but Blackman backdrops him over the ropes. Jeff lands on his feet on the apron and pulls Blackman down then connects with a springboard moonsault but only gets two. Jeff then leaps up to the top rope and connects with another moonsault but that only gets a two count as well. Jeff goes for a whip, Blackman reverses it but lowers the head and Jeff drills him with the Twist of Fate! Jeff climbs to the top rope and goes for the Swanton Bomb but Snow pulls Blackman out of the way of it. Blackman climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying pump kick to grab the three. *1/2

The Rock is shown backstage pacing around but hurting from the earlier match as we go to commercial.

The Rock vs. The Dudley Boyz © – Non-Title Handicap Tables Match
Rock must put both Dudleys through a table to win while they Dudleys only need to put him through once. The Dudleys go to meet Rock on the ramp but Rock is able ot fight them off and punches D’Von below the belt. Rock pounds on Bubba as they head to ringside and rams him into the timekeeper’s table then knocks the Dudleys’ heads together. Rock grabs the ringbell and whacks Bubba and then D’Von in the head then rams Bubba into the barricade. Rock grabs the chair and whacks Bubba over the barrier into the crowd then turns and clocks D’Von with the chair. Rock brawls with Bubba in the crowd, spitting water in his face when D’von goes out to turn the tide but Rock backdrops him over the barricade. Rock tosses Bubba over as well and the Dudleys decide to walk out of the match but Rock cuts off their exit with a double clothesline on the ramp. Rock suplexes Bubba on the ramp as we see the Helmsleys and friends wearily watching from the back. Rock throws D’Von in the ring and tees off on him then goes for the Smackdown but Bubba interupts it with a suplex. Bubba sets Rock up while D’Von climbs to the top rope and hits the headbutt to the groin. The Helmsleys look on approvingly as D’Von holds Rock by the legs while Bubba hits a series of elbowdrops. D’Von whips Rock and Rock comes back with a clothesline on Bubba but D’Von clotheslines him in response. The Dudleys whip Rock but both lower the heads and Rock kicks Bubba’s face then rams D’Von into the mat and hits Bubba with a Samoan Drop. Rock plants D’Von with a spinebuster and goes for the People’s Elbow but Bubba cuts him off with a spear. Bubba goes out and slides a table in the ring which D’Von sets up. D’Von sets Rock up for a 3D through the table but Rock is able to counter it with a DDT then drives Bubba through a table with the Rock Bottom. However that’s only part one as Rock still has to put D’Von through a table to win. Rock slides another table in the ring and sets it up then goes out after D’Von but gets rammed into the steps. D’Von throws Rock back in the ring then goes for a whip but Rock counters and sets up for a Rock Bottom. However Bubba comes in with a chair and whacks Rock in the back and the Dudleys hit a 3D through a table for the win! **1/2 For once the Rock doesn’t overcome the odds. Fun match and Rock put the Dudleys over somewhat cleanly.

The Helmsleys and the others cheer backstage while Bubba has that satisfied stare once again. The Dudleys leave Rock laying the table wreckage as the EMTs come out to tend to him.

Back from break we get a replay of the Dudleys’ win over The Rock in the table match. We then get footage of Rock refusing the EMTs’ help during the break.

WWF Women’s Title: Jacqueline © vs. Ivory
Both ladies stand nose-to-nose when Ivory gets in the first shot but Jackie chases her out to the floor. Jackie chases Ivory back in the ring and shoulderblocks her through the ropes then goes for a Sunset Flip when Ivory sits down on Jackie’s shoulders for a two count. Jackie counters into a rollup for another two and both ladies clothesline each other. Jackie hits come kicks then throws Ivory across the ring by the hair but Ivory comes back with a forearm and the two ladies start cat fighting. Ivory drives Jackie into a corner and hammers her with shoulderblocks then whips her and goes for a bulldog but Jackie throws her off. Ivory applies an armwringer then works on the arm but Jackie flips out of it with the ropes and clotheslines her. Jackie follows up with an elbowdrop and covers her but Ivory gets her foot on the bottom rope for the break. Jackie argues with the referee allowing Ivory to nail her from behind. Ivory goes for a whip but Jackie ducks a clothesline and floats over Ivory into a DDT that gets the pin. * At best

Backstage we find The Rock reluctantly getting some medical help from the EMTs as we go to commercial.

The Wrestlemania 2000 countdown shows we’re just 4 weeks away.

WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly © vs. Prince Albert
Crash comes out first but hides beside the entrance and ambushes Albert when he makes his way out. However Albert no-sells it and pops Crash down the ramp and the two fight their way to the backstage. Crash whacks Albert with a trash can lid and rams him into a case but Albert comes back and scoops Crash up then slams him into a semi trailer. Albert grabs a pipe but Crash cuts him off with a handicap sign to the head. Crash leaps off but Albert catches him into a backbreaker then whips hm into a stack of cases and a thin box. Albert throws Crash into a laundry basket and rams him into a hockey net causing the fans to yell “goalâ€. Albert dumps Crash out onto the floor and covers him but only gets two when the Mean Street Posse appear. Albert dukes it out with Joey Abs while Rodney tries to cover Crash but he and Pete Gas fight once again. Crash then takes off with Rodney right behind him while Pete and Joey brawl with Albert back out to the ring. Albert whips Joey into the ringpost and Pete goes for a whip but Albert reverses him into the ringsteps. Albert and Joey both climb in but Albert whips Joey and plants him with the torture rack slam. Albert then hits Pete with the chokebomb and apparently that’s the match. 1/4*

Backstage Rikishi is preparing for his match when the Too Cool guys come in telling him they have his back. Rikishi appreciates their help then says he’s about to back his rear up and heads out as we go to commercial.

Back from break they actually show a graphic for the Triple H/Big Show title match at Wrestlemania. They must really want you to believe that’s going to be the actual match on April 2nd.

Triple H (w/Stephanie) & The Big Show (w/Shane) vs. Rikishi Phatu
Before the match Triple H gets on the mic and promises Rikishi a worse beating than the Rock’s been taking all night. Triple H and Snow discuss who gets the start off the match and they decide the issue with rock-paper-scissors. Triple H wins and charges at Rikishi but Rikishi manages to get in the first shots and whips him into a backdrop. Rikishi clotheslines Triple H and Show comes in but Rikishi hammers him and clotheslines him over the ropes. We get a shot of Too Cool watching from the back in approval as Rikishi continues to work over Triple H. Triple H comes back with a neckbreaker then tags in Show who comes off the ropes but misses an elbowdrop. Rikishi tries to scoop Show up for a slam but collapses under the weight and Show follows up with a pair of kneedrops. Show has no problem hitting his slam then tags in Triple H to take over. Triple H stomps Rikishi down in his corner then distracts Earl Hebner while Show chokes Rikishi with his boot. Triple H stomps Rikishi out to the floor and Show goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses him into the barricade. Rikishi climbs back in the ring and whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster for two. Triple H unloads on Rikishi then tags Show back in and Show hits a headbutt and chops Rikishi in a corner. Show hits a butt bump in another corner then whips him into the opposite corner and clotheslines him down. At that point Too Cool decides to help ther buddy but as they head out Road Dogg and X-Pac ambushes them and beat them down. Back in the ring Show whips Rikishi into a corner and hits an Avalanche then goes to tag Triple H in but Triple H doesn’t want to go in. The two start arguing with each other and before long Show shoves Triple H but Triple H tries to smooth things over and even offers to shake hands. Once the two shake Triple H turns around and pops Show but Show responds by headbutting his own partner. Rikishi comes back and superkicks Triple H and Show goes for another Avalanche in a corner but misses it. Rikishi pounds on Show in a corner and caps off with another superkick then whips Triple H right into Show and follows up with the running butt splash on both men. Rikishi plants Triple H with a belly-to-belly suplex and hits Show with a Samoan Drop then sees Triple H in a corner and quickly gives him another Stinkface! Rikishi looks to do the same to Show when Shane comes in with a chair and whacks Rikish in the back with it but it has no effect. Rikishi turns toward Shane but that allows Show to nail Rikishi from behind and clothesline him. Show chokeslams Rikishi and Triple H follows up with the Pedigree to put this one away. ** Okay match but this is the third handicap match that saw the heels come out on top. After the match Triple H then decides he’s not done yet and works Rikishi over with the chair then tries to choke him out when The Rock tries to make his way out for the save with his ribs taped up. Show meets him on the ramp but Rock surprises Show with a pipe to the face then goes in and hammers away on Triple H. Rock sets Triple H up for a Rock Bottom but Shane whacks him in his injured ribs with the pipe to stop that then tosses the pipe to Triple H who whacks Rock in the ribs repeatedly. Show comes back in the ring and chokeslams Rock and Triple H hits the Pedigree for good measure. Shane, Show and the Helmsleys then raise their hands in victory having forgotten their issues for now as least. As they depart the Rock glares at them, his situation getting more desparate as Smackdown goes off the air.

Overall: At this point it was starting to seem like the Wrestlemania build was stuck in neutral, especially with the midcard, while they continued the slow burn with Triple H and Big Show but even that was losing steam. It was obvious that something big had to happen with the main event of the biggest show of the year and it had to happen soon. 5/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF RAW IS WAR 03/13/2000
Continential Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, NJ

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Kurt Angle (2/27/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz (2/27/2000)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (2/24/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Essa Rios (2/13/2000)

Raw comes on the air with clips of The Rock’s latest struggles against the Helmsleys on Smackdown.

Things kick off with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon making their way to the ring for our usual opening promo and they’re soon joined by Shane McMahon and The Big Show. Shane takes the mic first and mentions the four of them settling their differences at least until they reach Wrestlemania then mentions how last Thursday was historic for the systematic destruction of The Rock. Shane decides to show footage of Rock’s two handicap matches on the TitanTron as well as his attempt to come to Rikishi’s aid then claims Rock has become a desparate man after all the suffering he endured. Triple H takes the mic and says Rock could have done many other things after he lost his #1 contender’s match, like going after other titles such as the European Title, but instead Rock keeps getting in their business. Triple H says it’s Rock own fault he keeps getting beaten down because he won’t just go away quietly and promises Rock will be embarassed each and every night until he finally knows his role in their plans. Stephanie takes the mic and announces Rock will compete at Wrestlemania, it just won’t be in the main event. Stephanie says Rock will instead be wrestling in a handicap match against a suitable tag team … The Twin Towers! On that note a pair of midgets make their way to the ring with Shane referring to them as “Boulder†and “Gilbraltarâ€. Everyone then debates on a stiuplation for Rock’s match with Shane suggesting they make it a “Tuxedo Matchâ€, Show suggesting best-of-three falls while Triple H offers a “midget on a pole match†since everything is good on a pole. At that point Rock comes out to the stage with a mic and is in serious mode since he doesn’t even do the catchphrases. Rock tells the group they can throw all the matches they want at him but he draws the line at being humiliated so he decides to offer them a chance to drive him out of the WWF the same way they drove Mick Foley out. Rock demands a match with The Big Show tonight, saying if he beats Show he gets to be in the WWF Championship match at Wrestlemania but if he loses he will retire from the WWF at age 27 and the fans will never see him again. The group huddles to discuss this and Shane is ready to accept the match but Rock says he’s not finished yet, also demanding no one be at ringside and that if anyone intereferes in the match he will automatically get the win. Triple H accepts the match and stipulations, not wanting to pass on this chance to rid himself of The Rock for good. Rock says he’s doing this because he doesn’t have Shane or Stephanie in his corner but he does have … the people. I wonder if everyone watching was thinking of someone else.

Back from break as The Hardys make their way to the ring we find Steve Blackman warming up backstage when Al Snow pitches his latest idea for them: a TV spin-off called “Mystery Time Travel Tavel Adventure Hourâ€. Snow even sings the theme song but Blackman shoots it down and tells Snow he needs a muzzle as he storms off. After Blackman departs Snow knocks on a door and tells an emerging Abraham Lincoln they’ll need a bit more time.

The Hardy Boyz vs. Al Snow (w/Head) & Steve Blackman
Blackman has singles wins over both Hardys so let’s see how Matt and Jeff do in tag action. Matt jumps Blackman to start and whips him and Blackman ducks a clothesline but misses a roundhouse kick and Matt trips him. Matt hits an elbowdrop then tags Jeff in and the Hardys whips Blackman into a corner. Matt drops to the mat and Jeff hits the Poetry in Motion then goes for a whip when Snow tags himself in. Blackman reverses it and trips Jeff into Snow’s knee and Snow whips Jeff into his corner and clotheslines him. Blackman tags back in and whips Jeff into a corner and Jeff flips up the ropes and ends up in the Tree of Woe. Blackman goes for a baseball slide but Jeff pulls himself up and Blackman slides under the ropes to the floor. Jeff then leaps off the top rope for a plancha but crashes into the barricade after Blackman sidesteps him. Blackman superkicks Jeff over the barricade when Matt leaps off the apron and hits an axehandle on Blackman. Snow goes out and hits a neckbreaker on Matt then stomps him as Jeff and Blackman make their way back. Snow throws Jeff back in the ring and Blackman goes back in and covers Jeff but only gets a two count. Snow tags in as Jeff starts to fight back but Snow rakes the face and whips him into a corner. Jeff lifts himself over Snow with the ropes and dropkicks him from behind and follows up with a Frankensteiner. Both men tag their partners and Matt knocks down Blackman then tosses Snow over the ropes to the floor. Matt hot shots Blackman on the top rope the hops to the middle rope and connects with the guillotine legdrop. Snow comes back in and Matt goes for the Twist of Fate but Snow shoves him into a corner and eats an elbow. Matt hops to the middle rope and hits a clothesline and Snow rolls out to the floor with Matt behind him. In the ring Jeff whips Blackman and goes for another Frankensteiner but Blackman catches him into a powerbomb. Matt tosses Snow over the barricade as Blackman climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying pump kick. Matt climbs to the top rope and goes for a moonsault on Blackman but ends up missing him completely. Oops! Blackman pulls Matt up but Matt counters with a rollup that gets the pin. ** Fun match and a nice bit of improvisation after the finish was blown.

Backstage Kurt Angle talks to a disinterested security guy about his European Title being up for grabs tonight. Angle rambles on about how exciting the match is going to be but the security guy just stares straight ahead.

Back from break we find Mark Henry wheeling Mae Young (who’s in a wheelchair) in front of a monitor backstage. Henry says he’s facing the Dudleys tonight and he may get beaten but he’s at least taking one of them with him. Mae begs to be in Henry’s corner but Henry insists she stay put while The Fabulous Moolah offers to watch over her.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Mark Henry – Handicap Match
Henry charges in the ring but the Dudleys quickly double-team him to start and whip him into a corner only for Henry to come back with a clothesline on both men. Henry takes it to the Dudleys with clotheslines and right hands. We cut backstage with Mae and Moolah watching on the monitor when Moolah excuses herself from the room. Henry sets Bubba Ray in a corner and whips D’Von into a backdrop and Bubba runs into a backdrop as well. Henry whips D’Von into a corner and goes for a splash but Bubba cuts him off at the pass with a clothesline. Bubba then rolls out to the floor and tells D’Von to take care of Henry as he heads off to the back. I wonder where he’s going. D’von whips Henry and hits a jumping elbow then chokes him on the mat and works Henry over in a corner. We cut backstage to see Bubba has found Mae and wheels her out of the room as Mae screams for help. In the ring Henry starts fighting back against D’Von just as Bubba emerges on the stage with Mae in tow. Henry looks over and sees Bubba waving on the stage with Mae when D’Von forearms Henry form behind and hammers away on him. Bubba brings Mae down the ramp to ringside as D’Von goes for a whip but Henry reverses it and hits an elbow. Henry starts to head out to help Mae but D’Von stops him form leaving and Henry whips him but Bubba comes back in and the Dudleys hit the 3D. Henry is down but instead of covering him the Dudleys grab their belts deciding they’ve made thier point and that’s the match. After the match he Dudleys decide they’re not as they wheel Mae back up to the stage and Bubba looks down at the floor where two tables are set up as the crowd figures out where this is going! D’Von starts to run the wheelchair to the edge of the stage but Bubba stops him and asks what is he doing. Instead D’Von hands Mae over to Bubba and Bubba superbombs Mae off the stage through the table below!! Dang, for an 80-year-old woman to take a bump like that is just insane! Bubba sits in the wreckage with the weird look on his eyes while D’Von looks down administering the last rites. After the Dudleys depart Henry goes over to tend to Mae while the EMTs come out with a stretcher. The match was just used to set up the spot which didn’t disapoint.


Back from break we get a replay of the Dudleys powerbombing Mae Young off the stage through the tables. We then see Mae being loaded in the ambulance but oddly enough the Fabulous Moolah just walks away from it.

Out in the arena Kurt Angle comes out for the next match but first decides to get on the mic and address the rumors that Chris Jericho had him beaten last week. Jericho claims he has footage to disprove that and shows clips on the TitanTron saying Bob Backlund interupted what would have been a win for him. Angle then shows his match against Tazz on Smackdown and again claims Blackund interupted another sure victory. Angle says everyone makes mistakes while calling Backlund a true American hero as well as a former WWF Champion. Angle claims New Jersey is in dire need of a hero other than Bon Jovi and elects himself to be that homestate hero. Chris Jericho comes out and gets on the mic suggesting “Kirk Angel†and Backlund may have a special connection, maybe even a “love†connection based on their actions together. Jericho says Angle found someone who shares his three I’s calling Backlund an imbicle, idiot and ignoramus. Tazz then makes his entrance when he takes his turn on the mic calling for the match to be no disqualificiation and off we go.

WWF European Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Tazz
Tazz takes it to Angle and Jericho to start but Jericho forces Tazz into a corner and Angle pounds on Jericho. Angle works over Tazz and goes for a whip but Tazz reverses him into Jericho who dumps him over the ropes. Jericho and and Tazz then exchange shots and Jericho whips Tazz but Tazz comes back with a clothesline. Angle grabs his IC belt and climbs to the top rope but Tazz cuts him off and climbs up looking for a superplex when Jericho pulls Tazz off Angle with his own superplex. Jericho covers Tazz but Angle is down to make the save then pounds on Jericho. Jericho goes for a whip and Angle counters that with a belly-to-belly suplex but Tazz breaks up the cover. Tazz whips Angle into a corner then eats a boot but comes back with a belly-to-belly Tazplex. Jericho breaks that pin up and powerbombs Tazz then holds on for another powerbomb but Angle interupts him. Angle whips Jericho looking for a dropkick but Jericho fakes him out and quickly follows up with the Lionsault. Tazz makes the save and plants Jericho with a T-bone Tazplex then slaps the Tazzmission on Angle. Before Angle can submit Bob Baclkund runs in so Tazz releases Angle and puts Backlund in the Tazzmission. Angle nails Tazz from behind and knocks him through the ropes when Jericho puts Angle in the Walls of Jericho but Backlund nails Jericho from behind to save Angle. Backlund looks to put Jericho in the Crossface Chickenwing when Chyna comes out and low blows Backlund then knocks him through the ropes. Jericho hits Tazz with the springboard dropkick but Angle clocks Jericho with the IC belt and grabs the pin to retain. *1/2 Angle celebrates his title defense and departs while Jericho is still down in the ring not moving.

Backstage Triple H is meeting with his DX brethern telling how tonight will be a good night for them; first they take care of Rikishi and Too Cool and then Big Show will get rid of Rock once and for all.

Back from break Kevin Kelly interviews Ivory for her thoughts on The Rock’s must-win match against Big Show. Ivory says Rock should win saying he’s the people’s champion and knows how to represent the WWF as a champion. Ivory also says if the Rock loses then the real losers are the fans.

Triple H, Road Dogg & X-Pac (w/Stephanie & Tori) vs. Too Cool & Rikishi Phatu
X-Pac locks up with Grandmaster Sexay to start and applies a headlock, Sexay shoves him off into the ropes but X-Pac hits a shoudlerblock. X-Pac comes off the ropes when Sexay leapfrogs him and comes off the ropes himself. X-Pac goes for his own leapfrog but Sexay catches him into an Atomic Drop and tosses him across the ring. Road Dogg tags in but Sexay hiptosses him as well then tags in Scotty 2 Hotty. Both men whip Road Dogg but Road Dogg double clothesline and hits the juke ‘n jive punches on Sexay then does the same to Scotty. Road Dogg then goes for the big right on both men but Scotty and Sexay block it and throw him to the mat then hit their double elbowdrop. The Too Cool guys drag Road Dogg over to their corner and tag Rikishi in and Rikishi readies for the Stinkface but Road Dogg escapes for the corner and scurries over to tag X-Pac back in. Rikishi pops both DX’ers and knocks their heads together then busts a move before hitting a double heart punch. Rikishi mocks the DX chops prompting Triple H to come in but Rikishi drops him with a series of right hands. Rikishi whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster and X-Pac follows up with a spinning heel kick. Triple H stomps Rikishi down in a corner and chokes him then shoves Earl Heber as he tries to force a break. Road Dogg tags in and goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses him into a corner and hits the running butt splash. Scotty tags in and bulldogs Road Dogg then goes for the Worm but stops to get in shots on Triple H and X-Pac drawing boos from the crowd. Don’t tell me that move wasn’t over. Scotty tags in Sexay and slams Road Dogg to the mat while Sexay climbs to the top and hits the Hip Hop Drop. Instead of covering Sexay dances to celebrate allowing X-Pac to come in and drill him with the X-Factor. Scotty comes in and knocks X-Pac through the ropes but Triple H comes in and nails Scotty with a neckbreaker. Scotty rolls out to the floor where X-Pac chops him while Rikishi plants Triple H with a belly-to-belly suplex then hits the running butt splash. Rikishi superkicks Triple H then climbs the ropes going for the Banzai Drop but Stephanie comes in to distract Hebner while X-Pac cracks Rikishi in the head with the ringbell. Rikishi falls back to the mat and Triple H is able to drape an arm over him for the cheap three. ** Solid enough six-man tag which is usually the norm from the Too Cool trio.

The Big Bossman and Kane are both shown walking to the ring to do battle in next match. Kane passes by The Rock and stares him down berfore wishing him luck against The Big Show later.

Kane vs. The Big Bossman
Paul Bearer is nowhere to be found despite what the chyron says. Bossman starts off by geting in the first shot but Kane just shrugs it off and wails away on him with uppercuts. Kane whips Bossman but lowers the head and Bossman kicks the face but Kane no-sells it and clotheslines him. Kane whips Bossman looking for a boot but Bossman bails out to the floor and Kane goes out after him. Bossman hammers Kane and goes for a whips but Kane reverses him into the barricade and hits a clothesline. Kane rolls Bossman back in the ring but Bossman snaps his neck on the top rope then works him over in a corner. Kane throws Bossman into the corner and gets in his shots but Bossman wraps a chain around his fist and pops Kane for a two count. Kane continues his assault and goes for a whip, Bossman reverses him into a corner and splashes him then whips him into the other corner. Bossman goes for another splash but lands in Kane’s waiting hand for a choke which the referee orders broken. Kane whips Bossman and hits a boot then climbs to the top rope and connects with the flying clothesline. Kane scoops Bossman up for the Tombstone but Bossman slips out of it and shoves Kane into the corner then hits a back suplex. Bossman grabs his nightstick but Kane is able duck a swing and chokeslam him for the win. DUD

Backstage Kevin Kelly interviews The Godfather for his thoughts on the Rock/Big Show main event. Godfather confers with his women and they all say the smart money is on The Rock winning tonight.

Back from break we get a replay of Mae Young being superbombed off the stage through a table earlier tonight. Michael Cole then interviews The Fabulous Moolah backstage on how she feels about Mae getting taken out but surprisingly enough Moolah says she doesn’t even feels a thing and claims Mae got exactly what she deserved. Moolah says she brought Mae into the WWF only to see Mae disgrace herself with her various actions lately. Moolah reminds Cole she’s a Hall of Famer and finishes by saying she doesn’t care if Mae ever comes back. Cool moment and thankfully the WWF resisted the urge to book a match between these two at the pay-per-view, though what we got instead wasn’t any better.

WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Essa Rios © (w/Lita) vs. Dean Malenko (w/Eddie Guerrero)
Both men feel each other to start before locking knuckles and Malenko hits a legsweep but Rios kips back up. Malenko applies a headlock, Rios shoves him into the ropes but Malenko hits a shoulderblock. Malenko attempts a snapmare when Rios lands on his feet and comes off ropes but runs into a drop toehold. Malenko looks for a facelock but Rios slips out of it and rolls Malenko up in a La Magistral for a two count. Rios comes off the rope for the headscissors and Malenko counters with a tilt-o-whil but Rios again lands on his feet. Malenko connects with a dropkick and hits a short-arm clothesline then works over the arm with kneedrops. Malenko applies an armwringer then trips Rios by the leg and applies a headlock combined with an armscissors. Rios counters it with the headscissors but Malenko slips out of it and applies an armbar and a wristlock. Malenko kicks the arm and whips Rios into a corner then goes for a Gory Special but Rios falls backwards so Malenko goes into the Texas Cloverleaf. Rios is able to crawl over and grab the bottom rope then comes back with a powerslam. Rios whips Malenko into a corner then charges and Malenko backdrops him over the ropes but Rios lands on his feet on the apron. Rios hops up onto the top rope but Malenko bumps the ropes and Rios straddles the turnbuckles. Malenko climbs up looking for a superplex but Rios fights him off to the mat then goes for a moonsault and misses Malenko but lands on his feet. Rios gets a victory roll for a two count and goes for a whip, Malenko reverses it and goes for a vertical suplex but Rios counters that into a rollup. However Malenko kicks Rios off sending him into Eddie on the apron then plants Rios with a side suplex. Lita then goes for a huricanrana on Eddie but Eddie catches her and powerbombs her right onto the floor! In the ring Rios goes for a whip, Malenko reverses him into a corner and moves in but eats a boot. Rios goes for another victory roll but Malenko sits down on the shoulders and gets the 1..2..3 to win the title! **1/2 Malenko becomes the first of the four Radicals to win gold and the first man to have held the WWF’s and WCW’s lightweight titles. Very good match with some excellent sequences. I just wish it was a bit longer.

Backstage we find Terri in the Acolyte’s office speaking with Bradshaw and Faarooq who agree to do something for her. Once they finish talking Mideon suddenly comes in with a cooler of beer for them. On Heat the previous night Mideon lost a lot of money to the Acolytes who agreed to let him to work off his debt. Bradshaw and Faarooq complain the beer is hot so Mideon offers to go back off and get some cooler ice.

Edge & Christian vs. The Acolytes (w/Mideon)
Once again Terri Runnels makes her way out to ringside while E&C can’t figure out why she’s out there. The Acolytes go right to work on E&C and Faarooq hammers Edge while Bradshaw takes care of Christian. Bradshaw whips Christian but lowers the head and Christian kicks the face then dropkicks him through the ropes. Edge hits Faarooq with a Frankensteiner while Christian goes for the springboard plancha on Bradshaw but Bradshaw shoves Mideon in the way to take the hit instead. Bradshaw rams Christian into the ringsteps then heads back in the ring and helps Faarooq whip Edge and connect with a double shouderblock. Bradshaw whips Edge into a corner and charges at him but eats a boot and Edge hops to the middle rope and hits a flying shouldertackle. Christian tags in and goes for a whip but Bradshaw reverses it and Christian goes for a crossbody but Bradshaw catches him into a fallaway slam. Faarooq tags in and covers Christian for two then whips him into a powerslam for a near fall. Faarooq goes for the Domiator but Christian slips out of it and hits a Russian legsweep. Christian tries to reach his corner but Faarooq pulls him down by the hair and Bradshaw tags in and sets Christian on the top rope. Edge comes over on the apron and distracts Bradshaw allowing Christian to hit a tornado DDT and Christian manages to crawl over and make the tag to Edge. Edge climbs to the middle rope and hits a missle dropkick on Bradshaw then pops Faarooq on the apron. Edge goes for a whip, Bradshaw reverses it but lowers the head and Edge hits a swinging neckbreaker. Christian comes in and works over Faarooq then goes for a whip but Faarooq reverses him into a spinebuster. Edge drills Faarooq with a DDT when Mideon comes in but Edge manages to cut him off with a spear. However Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hades for the pin while Terri keeps Christian from making the save. *1/4 After the match Mideon tries to celebrate with the Acolytes but they shove him into Edge and Christian who beat him down and whip him into a double backdrop. E&C clothesline Mideon over the ropes then start arguing among themselves.

We then find Big Show and Shane McMahon talking strategy while Michael Cole waits to interview them.

We next get footage of Crash Holly’s latest 24/7 Hardcore Title defense earlier today in the Newark airport. The Mean Street Posse have referee Tim White with them as they find Crash at the baggage claim and rush him. Albert gets involved in the melee and pounds on Joey Abs and Rodney while Pete Gas manages to pin Crash for the three to win the title! Pete celebrates when Crash bashes him from behind with his scale and pins him to regain his title. In that short span Crash becomes a two-time Hardcore Champion while Pete Gas held the belt for all of 16 seconds. Crash then grabs his belt and allegedly his luggage and takes off down the coveyor belt into the luggage chute. You know they never said the 24/7 rule was to apply to all future title holders beside Crash.

Backstage Michael Cole interviews Shane McMahon and The Big Show on facing a desparate Rock tonight. Shane says he, Show and the Helmsleys had a blast putting Rock through all those matches the past weeks but tonight is serious. Shane reminds Cole this was Rock’s idea so he shouldn’t be held responsible when Rock finds himself out of a job. Shane and Show say the only way we’ll hear the “Rocky†chant again is through videotape.

Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn vs. Val Venis & Test
Val is making is return to action after suffering a sprained neck some weeks ago. Benoit and Saturn go right to work on their opponents with Benoit knocking Test through the ropes. Both Radicals whip Val into a double clothesline and Benoit heads out leaving Saturn to duke it out. Saturn chops away on Val and goes for a whip but Val reverses it and hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Val hits a delayed vertical suplex then goes for the ropes but Benoit nails him from behind on the apron. Val pops Benoit when Saturn grabs a waistlock and Val fights out it but Saturn whips him into a corner and Benoit trips Val from the floor. Saturn follows up with an exploder suplex then sets Val on the ropes and Benoit tags in for a double-team. Benoit chops Val then whips him into a backdrop and hits a snap suplex for two. Eddie Guerrero comes out as Benoit tags Saturn and holds Val on his knee while Saturn climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying kneedrop. Saturn hits a back suplex then goes up to the top again and leaps off but Val catches Saturn into a powerslam. Val tries to make a tag but Benoit tags in and nails Test to prevent it. Benoit chops Val in a corner when Val fights back and comes off the ropes but runs right into a sleeperhold. Val counters it into a Blue Thunderbomb then tries for his corner again but Benoit pulls him away by the hair. Val takes Benoit down by the legs and catapults him into a corner then finally makes the hot tag to Test. Test takes it to both men and goes to whip Saturn, Saturn reverses it but Test hits a gutwrench powerbomb. Test plants Benoit with a spinning sidewalk slam then boots Saturn and Val clotheslines him over the ropes. Val then climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying shouldertackle on Saturn on the floor. Test sets Benoit up for the pump handle slam when Eddie hops on the apron so Test goes over pops him back to the floor. Test goes for the pump handle again but Benoit floats over and shoves him into Eddie who’s back on the apron and Eddie decks Test. Test staggers back into a brdge suplex that gets Benoit the three. ** Nothing special but still a pretty good match.

The Big Show and The Rock are both shown heading to the ring for the main event as we go to commercial.

The Wrestlemania countdown shows we’re down to just three weeks away.

Title Shot vs. Career: The Rock vs. The Big Show
Okay so either The Rock wins this match and goes on to Wrestlemania for the title or he must retire. However before either man comes out Shane McMahon hits the ring and talks with Earl Hebner as the fans sense something’s up. Hebner then departs the ring while Shane removes his jacket to reveal, sure enough, a referee’s shirt underneath. Rock rushes the ring and goes right to work on Show, knocking him over the ropes with the Smackdown. Rock goes out to the floor and hammers away on Show up the ramp but Show coms back with a headbutt. Show scoops Rock onto his shoulder but Rock slips out and drives Show into the ramp with a Russian legsweep. Rock grabs Show’s legs and punches him below the belt and it looks like Shane is going to let everything go. Rock brings Show to ringside and rams him into the apron then throws him over the barricade and continues his assault in the crowd. Show comes back and rams Rock into the barricade then knocks him over with a right as we see the Helmsleys enjoying this match from their office. Show rams Rock into the ringsteps then grabs a chair and swings it at Rock but misses him and hits the ringpost. Rock manages to fight back then grabs the chair but Shane takes it away from him. Rock chases Shane away but allows Show to nail him from behind. Show goes for a whip but Rock reverses him into the steps then rams Show into the timekeeper’s table and clocks him with the ringbell. Rock tees off on Show with rights and spits water from a bottle in Show’s face then goes for a whip but Show reverses him into the barricade. Show press slams Rock onto the announce table then tosses him back in the ring and decks him with a right hand. Show follows up with an elbowdrop and a headbutt then pops Rock back through the ropes. Show goes out and rams Rock onto the announce table then slams him onto it then hits an elbow (that misses). Show throws Rock back in the ring and covers him and Shane tries to make a fast count but only gets two. Show whips Rock into a boot then hits a legdrop and Shane makes another fast count but Rock barely beats it. Rock starts fighting back again and goes for a whip but Show reverses and plants him with a sidewalk slam. Show then grabs Rock by the throat for the chokeslam but Rock counters that by kicking Show below the belt. Rock goes for a whip and Show counters with a clothesline but misses Rock and knocks Shane over the ropes. Rock hits the Spinebuster and follows up with the People’s Elbow but there’s no referee to make the count. Earl Hebner runs out and starts to count the pin but Shane pulls him out of the ring and pounds on him. Shane brings a chair in the ring and whacks Rock in the head with it but Rock and Show are both down. We suddenly cut to the back ot see a limo pulling up to the building and out comes … Vince McMahon!!! The crowd is going nuts while the Helmselys see this on their monitor and quickly head out to confront Vince before he reaches the arena. Triple H cuts Vince off at the pass but Vince knocks him out of his way with a right hand and heads to the ring. Shane desparately tries to revive Show so he can pin Rock and end the match but Vince comes out to a massive pop! Shane tries to reason with Vince but Vince decks him as well then whacks him with the chair for good measure. Vince pulls the referee shirt off Shane and slips it on himself while Rock and Show both get back to their feet and Rock plants Show with the Rock Bottom on the chair. Rock covers Show as Vince counts 1..2..3 and The Rock finally gets his Wrestlemania title shot back! **1/2 Mostly brawling but still a pretty entertaining main event with some nice drama and a really hot finish.

Rock celebrates then glances at Vince who leaves the ring without saying a word. After all these weeks The Rock is back in the Wrestlemania main event as Raw goes off air.

Overall: Pretty good show with a lot going on as opposed to being in neutral the past week. We saw Mae Young’s insane bump, Dean Malenko’s first title win, Crash losing and regaining his belt and of course Vince McMahon returning and helping Rock finally get his revenge. Plus most of the matches ranged from decent to good (with two exceptions) and we’re starting to get some real build toward Wrestlemania. 5/10


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF SMACKDOWN 03/16/2000
Nassau Colliseum in Uniondale, NY

List of WWF Champions at the time:
● WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (1/03/2000)
● WWF Intercontinental Champion: Kurt Angle (2/27/2000)
● WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz (2/27/2000)
● WWF European Champion: Kurt Angle (2/10/2000)
● WWF Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly (3/13/2000)
● WWF Women’s Champion: Jacqueline (2/03/2000)
● WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Dean Malenko (3/13/2000)

Smackdown comes on the air with clips of Vince McMahon’s return and Rock regaining his Wrestlemania title shot on Raw.

Things kick off with Shane McMahon and The Big Show coming out to the ring with Shane getting on the mic to start the gabfest. Shane says the fans may think it was acceptable for his father to knock his son down and hit him with a chair but he calls it paternal abuse which is against the law. Shane then says another crime was committed on Monday as well and feels it’s unnatural for The Big Show not to compete in the main event at Wrestelmania so he claims that Show will be a part of it. Shane explains what he means by showing footage on the OvalTron of The Rock laying down the stipulations of his match on Raw and admits Rock did win his match and therefore will compete for the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania. However Shane points out nothing was said about Big Show being removed from the title match should he lose to the Rock. Shane announces as a result of that loophole the Wrestlemania title match will now be a triple threat, with Triple H defending the belt against The Rock and The Big Show. Show takes the mic and talks on his confidence in winning the title at the pay-per-view with Shane in his corner. Now the whole point of the Rock/Big Show angle was that only one of them would be in the Wrestlemania main event, so having both of them in the match pretty much negates the entire feud. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out to the ring and both of them don’t seem pleased by this. Show tells Triple H he will regain the title at Wrestlemania but Triple H takes the mic and gets in Shane’s face saying what would be a natural disaster is if he were to lose the title to either Rock or Show. Triple H then accuses Shane of convienetly setting up the triple threat match saying he can smell the rat in all off this. Triple H claims everyone knows Rock and Show both can’t beat him but points out that’s the key to this whole setup; Rock or Show can pin each other to become champion yet he doesn’t have to be involved in the decision. Triple H says he’ll accept the match but claims neither Rock nor Show will get the belt because he is that good. Stephanie then takes the mic and says if Shane is going to be in Show’s corner at the show then she will be in Triple H’s corner since she has just as much power as him. Shane responds with some words and Stephanie goes to slap Shane again but Shane blocks it this time while Triple H and Show stand face-to-face. But before anything happens Vince McMahon comes out to the stage and gets on the mic talking about how proud Shane and Stephanie have made him and the fans with their actions, calling the power struggle between the two of them a bad soap opera and saying they should be on Jerry Springer. Vince brings up them driving Mick Foley out of the WWF and almost doing to same to Rock, calling it bad business. Vince says he’s tired of this and has decided to take back control of the WWF before they mess it up for good. Vince says if Shane is supporting Show and Stephanie is supporting Triple H, then he himself will be in The Rock’s corner at Wrestlemania. Shane responds to Vince’s announcement by saying what’s good for business is seeing Rock against Kane tonight. Stephanie then books her own match that’s good for business tonight, this one pitting The Big Show against Rikishi. Next Vince decides to book Triple H in a non-title match against someone Stephanie knows very well: The Godfather. Vince adds Stephanie may get lucky enough to ride the Ho Train as well and Stephanie is left fuming at her father.

WWF World Tag Team Titles: The Dudley Boyz © vs. Edge & Christian
So for whatever reason E&C decided to cash in their title shot tonight instead of waiting until Wrestlemania. Especially since they’re in a bit of a losing streak. Both sides go at it to start and Bubba Ray tosses Christian through the ropes while Edge whips D’Von and leapfrogs over him. D’Von comes back with a Curtain Call then tags Bubba in and Bubba whips Edge into a backdrop and hits an elbowdrop for a two count. Bubba draws Christian in then sets Edge up when D’Von climbs to the top rope and connects with the headbutt to the groin. D’Von covers Edge for a two count and Edge fights back but D’Von heabutts him and whips him into a jumping elbow then slams Edge to the mat. D’Von misses his elbowdrop and Edge starts to fight back and goes for a whip. D’Von reverses it but Edge comes back with a spinning heel kick then is able to make the tag to Christian and Christian hits a forearm then pops Bubba on the apron. D’Von charges at him but Christian sidesteps it and hits a tornado DDT for a two count while Edge and Bubba clothesline each other. Christian then goes for the Unprettier and D’Von shoves Christian into the referee but Christian stops himself. D’Von takes a swing at Christian but Christian ducks it and the referee gets knocked out with the right hand. Christian comes up and hits the Slop Drop on D’Von then covers him but the referee is out and can’t count. Terri Runnels suddenly runs out to ringside and passes a chair in the ring which Bubba gets his hands on. Christian nails Bubba from behind but the Dudleys come back with the 3D and D’Von gets the three to retain. ** Solid match but a litle disapointing considering E&C won a pay-per-view match for this title shot and now have nothing to show for it. After the match The Dudleys grab their tag belts and depart while Terri celebrates on the ramp with her devil imitation. The Hardys suddenly come out and grab Terri then toss her in the ring at the mercy of Edge and Christian. Christian is ready to get payback on Terri but Edge calls him off instead. The two start to leave the ring as Terri starts doing her devil thing again. Only Edge sees it on the OvalTron then turns back and spears Terri! Edge then mocks Terri’s devil imitation before departing the ring with Christian and heading into the crowd, finally ending this angle.

Backstage the Helmsleys are walking when they pass by some of the Godfather’s women as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of Edge spearing Terri, finally getting payback for all her intrusions.

Triple H © (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. The Godfather (w/the ladies)
You’re looking at this match and probably thinking the outcome is obvious, right? Godfather makes his way out to the ring first and gets on the mic to do his usual spiel for the crowd and the Helmsleys then come out Godfather offers Stephanie a place on the Ho Train as the caboose. That prompts Triple H to stomp Godfather down and choke him on the mat then whip him into the high knee. Triple H whips Godfather into a corner but Godfather comes out with a clothesline then whips him into a boot. Godfather rubs his foot on Triple H’s face then works him over in a corner and whips him into an elbow. Godfather whips Triple H into a backdrop and stomps him down in a corner then whips Triple H into the other corner. Godfather goes for the Ho Train but Triple H is able to sidestep it. Triple H then goes for a whip, Godfather reverses it but lowers the head and Triple H hits the facebuster. Shane and the Big Show make their way to ringside and Shane hops on the apron and confronts Stephanie. Show also hops on the apron but Triple H pops him back off with a right hand then goes after him on the floor. Triple H hammers away on Show but Shane nails him from behind and Show scoops him up and rams him into the post. Show tosses Triple H back in the ring and Godfather covers him for the 1..2..3!! The Godfather pins Triple H!! *1/2 It wasn’t clean but it still goes down as a win for Godfather. Shane and Show head back up the ramp pleased with their handiwork while Triple H is furious at the loss.

Back from break we get a replay of The Godfather’s upset win over Triple H thanks to Shane and The Big Show. We then find Triple H angrily tearing apart his lockeroom as Stephanie tries in vain to calm him down.

Backstage ws find Steve Blackman preparing when Al Snow walks up with his latest gimmick idea and pitches a show about the two of them fighting space ninjas. Snow even brings out a little guy dressed as an alien and to his surprise Blackman calls it a brilliant idea and even sends him on his way to get things set up for them. However once Snow departs Blackman tells the alien “Welcome to Earth†and lays him out with his kendo stick.

The Acolytes (w/Mideon) vs. Al Snow (w/Head) & Steve Blackman
The Acolytes attack Snow and Blackman as they climb in the ring and Bradshaw hammers Snow in a corner while Faarooq and Blackman duke it out on the floor. Bradshaw whips Snow but Snow slides to stop himself and comes back with a clothesline then tees off on Bradshaw while Blackman rams Faarooq onto the apron. Snow goes for a whip, Bradshaw reverses him into a corner and Snow again slides out of it but eats a big boot. Faarooq rams Blackman into the announce table then helps Bradshaw whip Snow into a double shoulderblock. Bradshaw pops Snow through the ropes to the floor then goes out but Snow rams him into the ringsteps. Snow launches off the steps for a flying clothesline but Bradshaw pulls Mideon in the way and he takes the hit. Bradshaw heads back in the ring while Blackman works Faarooq over with the kicks and goes for a whip. Faarooq reverses Blackman into an elbow from Bradshaw and Faarooq slams him to the mat. Faarooq goes for the ropes but Snow trips him from the floor then goes back in for a double-team. Snow whips Faarooq into a clothesline and follows up with a pair of kneedrops then tags Blackman back in. Both men hit a double suplex on Faarooq and Blackman tries to stop the Head Cheese chants to no avail. Snow tags back in but Faarooq clotheslines both men then tags in Bradshaw who whips Snow into an elbow. Bradsahw then whips Blackman into a boot and all four men go at it while Mideon grabs Head for some reason. Snow whips Bradshaw into a corner but eats an elbow and Blackman whips Faarooq but Faarooq reverses it and both Acolytes hit a double shoulderblock. Mideon tosses Head in the ring but Snow intercepts it and nails Mideon. Snow turns back as Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hades and gets the three while Faarooq holds Blackman down. *1/2

Rikishi is shown heading to the ring and unfortunately we just have to get a shot of his rear. We also see The Big Show and Shane McMahon making their way to the ring as we go to commercial.

The Big Show (w/Shane McMahon) vs. Rikishi Phatu
I wonder if Triple H just might be coming out looking for some revenge for his loss earlier. Rikishi comes out but Show blindsides him before he can climb in the ring and throws him into the ringsteps. Show throws Rikishi in the ring to start the match and chops him in a corner before hitting some elbows. Show then drops Rikishi with a right hand and works him over then whips him into a corner and hits a splash. Show headbutts Rikishi and chokes him with his boot then goes for a whip but Rikishi reverses him into a corner. Rikishi follows up with a superkick than knocks Show down in a corner and is then able to get the Stinkface. Show is reeling as Rikishi plants him with a Samoan Drop but Show comes back with a massive clothesline. Show hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Rikishi when the Helmsleys run out with Triple H nailing Shane from behind. Stephanie then distracts the referee while Triple H goes in and low blows Show before hitting the Pedigree. Triple H departs while Rikishi is content to climb up the ropes and hit the Banzai Drop for the pin. * Nothing much to really see here. Triple H then departs with Stephanie but not before he throws Shane into the ringpost for good measure. The Too Cool guys then make their way to the ring and goes ahead with the post-match dance with Rikishi.

Backstage Kurt Angle and Bob Backlund are talking to some guy about how deadly the crossface chickenwing is and Angle suggests Backlund demonstrate. So Backlung slaps the hold on the guy and flips out like it’s 1994 again.

Back from break we get a replay of Triple H causing the Big Show to suffer his own shocking loss. We then find Show backstage throwing various stuff around as Shane tries in vain to calm him down.

Out in the aren Kurt Angle makes his way out to the stage with Bob Backlund as they’re going to team up in the next match. Angle gets on the mic first and talks about the hard times Long Island is going through after its economy tanked but says as the Intercontinential Champion he’s trying to solve that problem the same way he helped out Europe. Angle also brings up Amy Fisher and the Islanders before saying the fans now have two heroes to cheer for. Backlund takes over the mic but says something about retiring because of the cavity the fans have fallen into then says “Mr. Ingles†is out to brings the fans out of that cavity and put morality back into their lives. Just then Chris Jericho and Chyna make their way out to the stage and Jericho gets on the mic to offer a rebuttal saying this is a special occasion because we have America’s two biggest nerds standing in the ring. Jericho then makes fun of Backlund’s haircut and even says he wants to make him into a ventriliquist’s dummy, doing a funny impression of that. Tazz comes out to the stage to offer his two cents on the mic, promising someone’s getting choked out and there’s nothing they can do about it as we finally get to the match.

Kurt Angle & Bob Backlund vs. Chris Jericho (w/Chyna) & Tazz
Angle and Tazz go at it to start and Tazz quickly gets the advantage and kicks Angle down in a corner. Tazz goes for a whip but Angle counters it into a belly-to-belly suplex then tags Backlund in. Backlund goes for the crossface chickenwing already but Tazz is able to counter it by sweeping the leg. Angle tags back in and whips Tazz then leaps up but Tazz fakes him out and catches him into a T-bone Tazplex. Jericho tags in and hits a clothesline on Angle then pops Backlund off the apron and whips Angle into a kick. Jericho powerbombs Angle but holds on and hits a second powerbomb then follows up with the Lionsault but Backlund breaks up the pin. Tazz knocks Backlund through the ropes then chases him over the barricade into the crowd and is able to put him in the Tazzmission. In the ring Jericho whips Angle and Angle goes for a Sunset Flip but Jericho rolls out of it and into the Walls of Jericho. Jericho has it cinched in when Chris Benoit runs in for whatever reason and nails Jericho for a DQ. DUD! After the bell Benoit lays out Jericho with a back suplex when Chyna goes in the ring and hammers away on Benoit. However Eddie Guerrero suddely runs in and nails Chyna from behind while Benoit climbs to the top rope and nails Angle with the diving headbutt. Benoit then hits an elbow on Jericho and everyone is left laying.

Back from break Johnathan Coachman starts reporting on Crash Holly when Kane appears and grabs him by the shirt demanding to know where X-Pac is. Coach says he doesn’t know so Kane drops him and storms off.


Cole and Lawler then change gears and talk about the Dudleys putting Mae Young through the table on Raw. That leads to a series of clips on Mae Young’s tenure in the WWF including the Fabulous Moolah’s comments. Lawler reports Mae is recovering in a hospital while Cole says the distraught Mark Henry is unavailble for comment.

Backstage Triple H is meeting with Stephanie, Tori and X-Pac when Kane appears and goes right after X-Pac. Kane rams Triple H into a wall then chases X-Pac into a trailer and has him cornered but Triple H grabs a 2×4 and whacks Kane with it. Triple H and X-Pac slip out of the trailer then pull down the door and lock Kane inside as we go to commercial.

Back from break we get a replay of Kane getting locked in a trailer after his attempted assault on X-Pac. Lillian Garcia then interviews Vince McMahon backstage with Vince saying if Kane can’t make his match with The Rock tonight then X-Pac will take Kane’s place against Rock.

WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Dean Malenko © (w/Eddie Guerrero) vs. Grandmaster Sexay (w/Scotty 2 Hotty)
Malenko nails Sexay from behind to start and goes for a whip but Sexay reverses him into a corner. Sexay hits a hip toss then busts a move and comes off the ropes for a clothesline. Sexay goes for a whip, Malenko reverses it but Sexay slings him through the ropes then hits a baseball slide on Malenko and Eddie. The Too Cool guys then so some celebrating and Scotty hops on the apron until he falls down to the floor. Malenko nails Sexay from behind again and goes for a suplex but Sexay floats over and hits an inverted suplex. Sexay hits a running bulldog for a two count then goes for it again but Malenko shoves him off into the ringpost. Sexay then goes for a whip, Malenko reverses it but Sexay catches him with an Atomic Drop and hits a DDT. Sexay whips Malenko and drops him to the mat then whips him to a corner and dances his way across the ring. Sexay whips Malenko again and superkicks him but Eddie Guerrero distracts the referee from making the count. Sexay complains before Malenko clotheslines him then whips him into a corner and hits the bulldog like Scotty. Malenko even mocks Scotty’s “Worm†dance and hops around but Scotty trips him from the floor for that. Scotty hops on the apron and the referee keeps him out but doesn’t see Eddie pulling Sexay out to the floor but Sexay ducks a right hand and crotches Edde in the ringpost. Scotty snaps Malenklo on the top rope and Sexay climbs to the top rope for the Hip Hop Drop but Eddie nails him from behind with his bad arm and Malenko is able to cover Sexay for the academic three. * Malenko celebrates but Scotty comes in and decks him with a right hand then does the same to Eddie and The Too Cool guys whip Malenko into a double flapjack. Scotty and Sexay whip Eddie but Eddie bails out to the floor and taunts them. Chyna then makes her way out and blindsides Eddie then DDTs him onto the floor. Chyna then heads in the ring and touches fingers with Too Cool while Eddie is left laying on the floor.

Back from break we find Sgt. Slaughter and Tony Garea trying to free Kane from the trailer by prying the door. Just a suggestion, guys, but maybe you could find the driver of the trailer and see if he has the key on him.

The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
So with Edge and Christian cashing in their title shot (and losing) earlier this match was thrown together to find replacement challengers for the belts at Wrestlemania. Both sides go at it to start but the Radicals gets the advantage and catapult Jeff over the ropes to the floor. Benoit and Saturn whip Matt into a corner and club him from behind and Saturn leaves Benoit to take over. Benoit whips Matt and goes for a powerbomb and Matt counters into a victory roll but Benoit slips out of it. Matt blocks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker then hops to the second rope and hits the guillotine legdrop for a two count. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate but Benoit shoves him off into Saturn who snaps his neck on the top rope. Benoit throws Matt back to the mat and whips him into a corner then chops him before tagging Saturn back in. Both men whip Matt into a double elbow and Saturn hits a side suplex then draws Jeff in to distract the referee. Benoit tags in and hits a forearm then whips Matt into a elbow and tags Saturn in while holding Matt on his knee. Saturn climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying kneedrop but it only gets a two count. Saturn scoops Matt up and rams him upside-down into the turnbuckles then moves Matt onto the top rope and climbs up looking for a superplex. Matt fights Saturn off to the mat then hits a flying crossbody and manages to tag in Jeff. Jeff climbs to the top rope and misses a moonsault but lands on his feet and hits a dropkick. Jeff clotheslines Saturn and Benoit comes in but Jeff trips him with a drop toehold. Jeff charges at Saturn who tosses him over his head but Jeff ends up hitting Benoit with a flying forearm. Jeff whips Saturn into Benoit and Saturn drops to his knees when Jeff launches off him for Poetry in Motion. Saturn plants Jeff with a tiger suplex but Matt breaks it up and the Hardys whip Saturn into a double elbow. The Hardys follow up with their combo move and Benoit breaks up the pin and the Hardys hit a double suplex. Matt knocks Benoit through the ropes to the floor and Jeff runs along the barricade and hits a flying clothesline. Matt hits Saturn with the Twist of Fate while Jeff climbs to the top rope and connects with the Swanton Bomb. Jeff covers Saturn but Benoit pulls him out of the ring by the hair. Matt climbs to the top rope and hits a plancha that takes out both men when Saturn leaps over the ropes for his own plancha. All four men continue to go at it on the floor as the referee reaches the 10 count and throws this one out. ** Despite the bell ringing both sides continue to fight until the referees come out to separate them. Match was going along great until the bad finish. Plus that didn’t solve the problem of who’s the #1 contenders so what do they do now?

Backstage X-Pac is meeting with the Helmsleys and complaining about having to fight The Rock tonight. Triple H tells X-Pac that Vince McMahon got him into this mess but he will be the one to get him out.

The Wrestlemania countdown shows we’re less than 3 weeks away.

The Rock vs. X-Pac (w/Tori)
As Rock comes out X-Pac tries to dropkick him through the ropes but misses and Rock lays into him. Rock tosses X-Pac over the barricade and hammers away on him through the fans then tosses him back over to ringside. X-Pac comes back and rams Rock into the barrier then tosses him back into the crowd then goes after him. Rock starts fighting back and hits a clothesline then drops X-Pac onto the baricade before dumping him back over it to ringside. X-Pac kicks Rock as he climbs over the barrier but misses a right hand and Rock crotches him into the ringpost as Shane McMahon and The Big Show make their way down the ramp. Rock finally tosses X-Pac in the ring as the bell sounds and works over X-Pac then goes for a whip. X-Pac reverses it and Shane grabs Rock’s ankle from the floor and Rock glares out at him allowing X-Pac nail him from behind. X-Pac goes for a whip, Rock reverses it but X-Pac clotheslines him for a two count then chokes him on the middle rope. The Helmsleys now make their way to ringside as X-Pac pounds on Rock when Rock fights back and and goes for a whip but X-Pac reverses it and tosses Rock over the ropes to the floor. Show comes out and gets a piece of Rock but Triple H nails Show from behind and throws Rock into the steps. Triple H rolls Rock back in and X-Pac covers him with his feet on the ropes but that only gets two. X-Pac hits a running legdrop for another two count and Rock shoves him off and plants him with a spinebuster. Rock again fights back and hits a Samoan Drop for a two count then whips him into a corner but eats a boot. X-Pac runs right into a powerslam and Rock covers him but Tori distracts Earl Hebner from making the count. Rock has words with Tori but turns right into the spinkick form X-Pac who then chokes him down in a corner. X-Pac goes for the Bronco Buster but runs right into a Rock Bottom and Rock covers him but Show interupts Hebner’s count. Rock goes over and pops Show on the apron when Triple H goes in and clocks Rock with his WWF Title belt. Triple H runs back out as X-Pac drapes an arm over Rock and Hebner counts but that only gets a two count. Suddenly Kane’s pyro goes off as Kane makes his way down after finally getting released from the trailer and goes right after X-Pac. Kane pops X-Pac over the ropes with an uppercut causing Hebner calls for the bell awarind a DQ deicision to X-Pac. ** So all three Wrestlemania main eventers lose thier matches yet Rock got out of a pinfall job.

Kane chases X-Pac into the crowd while Rock works over Triple H in the ring and hits the Smackdown. Show heads in but Rock quickly unloads on him in a corner then tosses Triple H into him. Show then shoves Triple H down and the two of them go at it while Rock excuses himself from the ring. We then get a shot of Vince McMahon watching this backstage with a smile on his face as we fade to black.

Overall: The show this time around as they tried to put together the rest of Wrestlemania. Pretty much every match had some sort of run-in or post-match action and there was only one real clean finish. Also this is where the build to the Wrestlemania main event started to focus less on the actual participants and more on the feuding McMahons which would only lead to much worse things down the line. Still there were some nice moments such as the Hardcore title segment and they’re starting to get some things going, plus I don’t think Triple H ever got that win back from Godfather. 5.5/10