Facts. Hold on. I'll get you fuckin' facts.Sabretooth said:He just likes to ignore facts. (Thread reply)
Didn't she lose like every first title defense after winning the title, though? If so, that's not going with someone.Once again they HAVE pulled the trigger on her. Just been a minute. Not sure why everyone is upset about it.
But did NOT see Banks coming back to help. Crazy.
And Sasha never held onto it for longer than two weeks. Look at Sasha's combined days as champ and then look at Charlotte's.
I thought I was alone in this, but I still wasn't really feeling her winning tonight lol her trolling has been awesome thoReginald Koala said:Heel Bayley has won me over. She just needs to wear shorts now.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro (Thread reply)
Charlotte has like 1000 days as champion between all her belts.Sabretooth said:Yeah but neither did Charlotte until the very last match. (Thread reply)
Sasha Banks had 4 title reigns for 82 days. That's pathetic. There's your facts, guys. Read 'em and weep.