WWE: Wrestlemania 22 and On...

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Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
Wrestlemania 2/4

*MacMillitant hits and out comes the Smackdown General Manager, Theodore Long to a nice pop*

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Smackdown General Manager, Theodore Long!

*Teddy goes over to Michael and Tazz to do commentary*

Michael Cole: Well it looks like Teddy Long is going to join us for this next match!

Tazz: How it’s going Teddy?

Teddy Long: Good fellas. Tonight we crown a new United States Champion, you can b’lieve dat. Now, holla at me playas!

*Bell Rings*

Tony Chimel: The following contest is the Last Man Standing Match to determine the winner of the vacant United States Championship! *Huge Pop* There are no pinfalls, countouts, disqualifications, or submissions! The only way to win is to keep your opponent down for the 10 count. The last man standing will be declared the winner and the NEW United States Champion!

*You Can Run hits and out comes Billy Kidman to a bunch of heat*

Tony Chimel: Introducing first, from Allentown, PA, weighing in at 230 pounds, Billy Kidman!

Michael Cole: The self-proclaimed MVP of Smackdown looks to win back his title!

Tazz: Well it’s not going to be an easy task to achieve.

*Millennium hits and out comes Chris Jericho to the biggest pop of the night!*

Tony Chimel: Introducing his opponent, born in Mannaseah, New York, weighing in at 234 pounds, Chris Jericho!

Teddy Long: Chris Jericho is one of the biggest stars on Smackdown!

Michael Cole: He has held every possible title in the WWE except of the United States Championship!

Tazz: Can tonight be his night to do that?

Match 6: Last Man Standing-Match 7 of the Best of 7 Series for the Vacant US Championship-Series Tied at 3
Billy Kidman v. Chris Jericho

The bell rings and Smackdown Referee Jimmy Korderas looks at both men as the match is officially underway. Both men lock up and of course Jericho gets the advantage over Kidman. Jericho backs Kidman into the corner. Kidman puts his hands up. Jericho doesn’t back down. Jericho instead nails a Ric Flair like chop across the chest of Kidman. Kidman screams and Jericho two more chops across the chest of Kidman. Jericho then sends Kidman to the corner. Jericho comes at Kidman but Kidman ducks and Jericho goes to the top rope. Kidman ducks as Jericho goes for a back elbow from off of the middle rope. Jericho though lands on his feet. Kidman then catches him with a kick to the side of the head. Jericho goes to the floor. Kidman picks up Jericho and sends him to the ropes. Jericho ducks a clothesline from Kidman and takes him down with a flying lariat. Kidman gets up and Jericho takes him down with another lariat. Kidman gets up and comes at Jericho and Jericho connects with a high back body drop! Kidman holds his back as Jericho then goes to the ropes and goes for and connects with a middle rope backdrop as Kidman gets up. Jericho then does a pose and picks up Kidman. Jericho goes for an Irish Whip, but Kidman counters it. Jericho comes off of the ropes and Kidman goes for a hip toss. Jericho counters it. Jericho goes for a hip toss, and Kidman counters it. Kidman goes for one, but Jericho nails a headbutt to Kidman. Kidman breaks the hold. Jericho then uses that and nails a hip toss on Kidman! Kidman gets up and then goes to the outside. Kidman then goes to pace around and thinks about coming back into the ring. Jericho goes to the ropes and then comes back and nails a baseball slide knocking Kidman back to the floor on the outside. Jericho then jumps and nails a splash to a standing Kidman taking both men down and referee Jimmy Korderas comes over and checks on both men. Korderas then begins the first ten count of the match. 1-------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------3--------------------------------4-----------and Jericho gets to his feet first. Jericho picks up Kidman and goes for an Irish Whip into the ropes but Jericho is reversed and goes right into the steps and then going over the steps as the velocity had increased during the whip! Jericho screams as Kidman gets back to his feet. Kidman then begins to climb up on the apron. Kidman then runs and then jumps and nails a running headscissors takedown on Jericho right on the outside as another “Holy Shit” chant breaks out! Both men are down. Kordeas once again starts the ten count. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------3--------------------------4-------------------and Kidman gets up first. Kidman picks up Jericho and sends him into the barricade. Kidman then steps back a couple of feet. Kidman then comes full speed at Jericho. Jericho uses Kidman’s speed against him as he launches Kidman airborne into the crowd! Kidman lands hard on the stadium floor. Jericho turns around and gets on the barricade and waits for Kidman to get up. Kidman gets up and Jericho takes him down with a jumping clothesline and both men are down as the 70,000 plus are on their feet here in Houston. Korderas comes over and looks at both men, as Kidman grabs and tugs on Korderas pants to stand up. Kidman gets up and grabs a kid’s sign and then puts it in the face of Jericho. Kidman then removes it and then nails a right hand across the face of Jericho. Kidman picks up Jericho as the two men begin to climb the steps of the Astrodome. Kidman goes for a right hand, but Jericho ducks and takes a chair and nails Kidman with it, and Kidman falls into one of the aisles. Jericho doesn’t wait for Korderas to start the count as he grabs Kidman and the two continue to brawl up the stairs and throughout the stadium. Jericho then whips Kidman into the black curtain. Jericho comes through the curtain and is taken down by Kidman with a pole! Kidman nailed Jericho good as Jericho looks to be out!

Korderas begins the ten count. 1------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------4-------------------------------------------------------5--------------------------------6--------and Jericho begins to get to his feet. Kidman then picks up Jericho and then sends him right into the wall in the back. Kidman grabs Jericho and throws him right into one of the vendor machine. Kidman grabs a chair and then goes at Jericho with it. Kidman swings and Jericho ducks. The chair bounces off of the vendor machine and hits Kidman in the face. Kidman turns around and Jericho connects with a side kick right to the chair that hits Kidman in the face and Kidman goes right into the vendor machine. Jericho picks up Kidman and sends him into one of the tables in the back. The audience back there looks on as Jericho pulls out a little step ladder. Jericho climbs up for a small bit and then jumps off of it. Kidman moves and Jericho goes through the table! Both men are once again down as Kidman struggles to get to his feet. Kidman gets up and takes the little ladder and throws it right in the face of Jericho! Kidman refuses to let Jericho rest as he grabs him and the two continue the match. Kidman heads over to the shirt aisle and grabs a coffee grinder. Jericho gets up and is clocked between the eyes with the coffee machine. Jericho is down and is slowly trying to get up, as Jericho looks to be bleeding a bit. Kidman grabs the cord and begins to choke Jericho with it. Korderas tells Kidman to stop, but Kidman refuses to do so, since he knows he can’t get disqualified. Jericho slowly gets to his feet, even though his body is not doing well. As what can be seen as an act of desperation, Jericho connects with a swift kick to the family jewels of Kidman and Kidman goes down! Jericho pulls the cord from around his neck and begins to gasp for air as he gets to his feet. Jericho then takes the cord and wraps it around the throat of Kidman! The crowd pops as Kidman is struggling right now. Kidman somehow gets to his vertical base and runs and then uses his back strength sends Jericho into one of the fences while setting himself free from the cord. Kidman holds his breath as he gets to his feet. Kidman picks up Jericho and picks up a glass photo with the logo of WrestleMania on it. Jericho turns around and Kidman hits him with it, and glass is everywhere. Jericho is a bloody mess! Korderas looks at Jericho and begins to make the count. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------3--------------------------------------------------------------4--------------------------------------------------------------------5---------------------------------------------------6--------------------------------------------------------------7-------------------------and Jericho who is a complete mess gets to his feet. Kidman comes at Jericho and Jericho catches him and nails a spinebuster right through one of the tables and right on some of the glass in the back! Jericho falls to the ground and is out of it! Korderas starts the ten count! 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------------------------5----------------------6-------------------------and Jericho gets to his feet first. Jericho is up first, followed by Kidman at the count of eight. The two men make their way into the men’s bathroom. Kidman throws Jericho right at the door. The two almost breaks the door in as they enter. Kidman throws Jericho into one of the stools doors. Kidman goes for a kick and almost hits this man who is on one of the toilets! Kidman turns around and Jericho hits him across the face with one of the trash bins. Jericho grabs Kidman and opens the door and nails a snap suplex right on the floor of the Stadium. Jericho and Kidman now up, exchange blows as they make their way surprisingly into Mr. McMahon’s office. Vince says “What the Hell is going on!” Jericho then grabs Kidman and then jumps and nails a modified Canadian Destroyer right through one of the tables in Vince’s office that knocks over the lamp and glass is on the floor from that due to the impact. Jericho gets up and grabs some water, and drinks some and spits it in the face of Kidman! Jericho tells Korderas, now count monkey! 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3------------------------------------------------------4----------------------------------------------------------------5----------------------------------------------------------6----------------------------------7-------------------------8—and Kidman is back up as Jericho tells Vince, “See ya later!”

Jericho grabs Kidman as the two go out the doors and back into the inside of the Stadium. The two go back through a curtain and now somehow are going down the stairs with both men going through rights and left hands. The two head through another camera and now we see that they are a top of the stage as Jericho goes for a vertical suplex, but Kidman counters it into a DDT right on the stage. Kidman slowly gets up as Korderas starts the ten count once more. 1------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4--------------------------------------------------------5---------------------------------------------------------------------------6-------------------------------------------------------------7--------------------------------------8----------------and the bloody Jericho finally reaches his vertical base. Jericho now up sees Kidman coming at him and nails a knockdown. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but instead launches Kidman right into one of the screens on the stage. Kidman bounces off of it, and Jericho goes for a bulldog. Kidman knocks Jericho off of him, and then nails him right across the eyes with one of the cameras! Jericho is down as Kidman refuses to leave Mania without the US Championship around his waist! 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-----------------------------------6----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-------------------------8-------------------------9----and Jericho gets up and Kidman is livid. Kidman comes at Jericho, but Jericho sends him face first right into one of the ladders set up by the stage. Jericho then jumps and takes Kidman down with a swinging DDT from off of the ladder! 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------------4----------------------------------------------------------------------------5-----------------------------------6---------------------------------------------------7--------------and Kidman gets back to his feet. Jericho can’t believe it. Jericho comes at Kidman but Kidman uses his wits and throws the ladder right into the face of Jericho and Jericho almost goes off of the stage. Jericho holds on, and Kidman comes at him. Using plain instinct Jericho nails a drop toe hold on Kidman right on the ladder! Jericho falls to the floor and catches his breath as both men are a bloody mess! Korderas comes over and sees that this is one bloody affair. Korderas starts the ten count. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6------------------------------------------------------7---------------and Jericho somehow gets up. Korderas hits eight and Kidman is up as well. Kidman grabs a table and Jericho has the ladder set up. Kidman comes from behind and clocks Jericho with the chair in the back and almost knocks Jericho off of the stage. Instead he puts Jericho on the stage and climbs up the ladder. Kidman reaches the top and positions himself and then nails a flying Shooting Star Press through the table and on Jericho! “Holy Shit” chants breakout once again as Korderas looks to be calling some of the EMTS. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5---------------------------------------------------6------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8--------------------------------------9------and both men reach their base before Korderas hits ten and this match is still going on! Kidman then goes at a bloody Jericho and goes for knockdown, but Jericho dropkick Kidman right into the ladder! Jericho then begins to go on the otherside of the ladder. Both men begin to climb the ladder as this insane match may be coming to an end. Jericho and Kidman reach the top and begin to swing blows. Jericho eventually gets the best of Kidman. Jericho somehow jumps and nails a sunset flip powerbomb from off of the ladder and the stage and through one of the tables below the stage! That’s a 15 foot drop and both men are completely out of it! Korderas looks down and jumps down to check on both men. Both men are still breathing. Korderas starts the ten count once again. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7----------------------------------------------------------------------8----------------------------------------------9--------------------and somehow Jericho pulled himself up using one of the camera poles. Jericho is up! Korderas screams out 10 and Kidman is down and this match is officially over and Chris Jericho is the New Undisputed United States Champion!

*Millennium hits*

Tony Chimel: The winner of the match, and the NEW Undisputed United States Champion, Chris Jericho! MT-11:20

Michael Cole: What an intense match!
*Teddy Long is in the ring as Jericho enters the ring, battered and bruised*
Teddy Long: It gives me great honor to award this United States Championship, to the winner of the Best of Seven Series Tournament, Chris Jericho!

*Long hands Jericho the title as Jericho celebrates with Long and the audience*

Tazz: What a site to see! Both men did their thing!

*We see the EMTs helping Kidman who is receiving a standing ovation from the sell out crowd*

Jim Ross: Now that was one hell of a slobberknocker! Well folks, coming up next, is our first non-title match of the evening as Edge who is undefeated at WrestleMania takes on Matt Hardy!

Jerry Lawler: Talk about personal! This all started at the Royal Rumble!

*Edge/Hardy Feud Video Package*

Matt and Edge enter the Rumble-1/15/06
Matt eliminates Edge and himself
Matt and Edge go through the sound system at the Rumble
Edge returns at Raw in London
The Match is made between Edge and Hardy at Mania
Edge defeats Jeff Hardy at SNME-3/4/06
The Hardy Boyz beat E&C on Raw from MSG
Edge and Matt continue to brawl
Edge nails a post-match spear on Matt followed by another one-3/20/06

*Metalingus hits and out comes Edge, with Lita to a bunch of heat*

Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring, by Lita, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 234 pounds, Edge!

Jim Ross: Edge is undefeated at WrestleMania, and looks to go 5-0 here tonight!

Jerry Lawler: Well let me tell you that Raw, Smackdown, and Snickers presents WWE WrestleMania 22! Live from the sold out Reliant Stadium here in Houston, Texas! Snickers, it’s only satisfying if you eat it!

*Live for the Moment hits and out comes Matt Hardy to a huge pop*
Jim Ross: And listen to the ovation for Matt Hardy!

Jerry Lawler: I bet if Matt loses, he’ll be on his little website boo-hooing and crying over it!

Jim Ross: Cut it out King! Referee Mickie Henson will be calling this one folks!

Match 7:
Edge w/Lita v. Matt Hardy

Henson rings the bell and folks we are underway. Hardy and Edge get in the face of one another. Hardy and Edge begins to talk smack to one another. Edge then slaps Hardy across the face! Hardy looks out to the audience as he rubs his face. Hardy then smiles and then slaps Edge across the face! Hardy smiles and Edge does as well. Edge then nails a right hand to Hardy. Hardy answers back with a right of his own. Edge hits another right on Hardy. Hardy comes back with another right. Edge hits one more on Hardy. Hardy hits one more on Edge. Edge goes for an Irish Whip to Hardy, but Matt reverses it. Matt goes to the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Edge and goes back to the ropes. Matt comes off of the ropes and takes down Edge with a Lou Thez Press! Right hands are flying from the fist of the Cameron, North Carolina native, Matt Hardy! Matt gets up and does his V1 sign to a nice pop from the audience. Matt picks up Edge and sends him to the corner. Matt comes at Edge and nails a nice clothesline on the Rated R Superstar! Matt then grabs Edge by the hair and then takes him to the other corner. In the other corner, Matt grabs Edge by his head and begins to bang it right on the top turnbuckle! 1---2---3---4----5----6----7----8----9---10 strikes to the top turnbuckle! Edge flops to the floor and rolls to the outside. Matt does another V1 taunt as the crowd is definitely pro Hardy in this match. Matt begins to climb the top rope. Edge gets up and Matt flies and takes down Edge with a flying clothesline and both men are down! Matt quickly gets up and looks at Lita. Lita begins to back up a little, but Matt instead takes too much time and Edge takes advantage of it, by nailing a punch to the leg. Matt stumbles a bit. Edge then nails a kick to the groin of Matt. Edge then connects with a DDT right on the outside! Edge rolls into the ring at the count of six. Edge then rolls back out of the ring breaking up the count. Edge picks up a groggy Matt and then lifts him above his head, and then drops him across the barricade! Edge then quickly climbs back into the ring and tells Henson to shut up! Edge then gets up on the top rope, as Matt somehow is back up on his feet and is standing on the barricade. Edge then jumps from the middle of the top rope and takes down Matt with a flying lariat and both men are down out in the second row audience! “Holy Shit” rings out through the crowd as Jim Ross can be heard overselling the move, and continuing to build up the match. Henson slides out of the ring and climbs over the barricade to check on both men. Henson looks at both men and then begins to do the mandatory ten count. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4------------------------------------------------------------------------------5--------------------------------------and Edge gets to his feet first. Edge picks up Hardy and knocks him over the barricade and back to the outside of the ring as the crowd is jeering Edge like crazy. Edge continues to use it as energy and motivation for himself. Edge grabs Hardy and rolls him into the ring at the count of eight. Edge picks up Hardy and slaps him around a bit. Edge then backs up and goes for a takedown, but Hardy catches him with a neckbreaker out of desperation! Edge is down so is Hardy! Hardy gets up to his feet and begins to climb to the outside and up the turnbuckles. Edge sees this and quickly pushes himself into the ropes, derailing Hardy’s plan and giving him a modified low blow. Hardy screams in pain as Edge gets up and begins to climb the ropes. Edge positions Matt on the third rope. Edge nails some right hands on Matt. Edge then nails a suplex from off of the middle rope to Hardy! Edge holds his back as Hardy is down! Edge then makes the first cover of the match. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------and Matt kicks out! Matt holds his head after the move, as Edge picks up Matt and sends him to the corner. Edge then goes and nails a clothesline to Matt. Matt begins to fall, but Edge comes off of the ropes and nails a huge facebuster on Matt! Edge gets up and then looks at Hardy as he begins to pick up Matt. Edge picks up Matt and then nails him with a huge clothesline! Edge then looks at Lita and the two do an impromptu kiss by the ropes. Edge turns around and Matt knocks him right into the corner. Matt then goes to the other corner. Matt goes for a modified poetry in motion, but Edge catches Matt and does a tuck and roll and then nails a hard fallaway slam on Matt Hardy from off the second rope! The crowd can’t believe what is going on in this match!

Edge makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Hardy gets the shoulder up. Edge looks at Henson and then picks up Matt and nails a scoop slam. Edge then picks up Matt and then nails a hip toss. Edge then kicks Matt out of the ring. Matt slowly gets back up, but Edge nails a baseball slide to the face of Matt and Matt is back on the ground. Edge begins to climb the top rope. Edge waits for Matt to get to his feet and Matt sees Edge as Edge jumps off of the top rope. Matt uses that to his advantage and throws Edge right into the barricade. Edge is still standing as he turns around. Matt connects with a clothesline right on the outside. Lita comes from behind and jumps on Matt. Matt goes to toss Lita off of him, but Edge nails a spear on Matt right on the outside! Matt is down and Lita goes over to Edge. Edge picks up Matt and then throws him right into the post. Edge then takes down Matt. Edge then launches Matt right into the post! Edge then grabs Matt and sends him into the ring. Edge slides back into the ring, and then hooks the legs of Matt for the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------and Matt gets the shoulder up. Edge can’t believe it. Matt is pulled up by Edge and Edge screams that it’s about to end! Edge then goes for a knockdown, but Matt ducks and nails a right hand on Edge. Edge goes for a right hand, but Matt blocks it and nails Edge with another right hand. Matt sends Edge to the corner. Matt comes for Edge, but Edge moves out of the way. Matt though goes to the top rope, and Edge turns around. Matt goes for a back elbow, but Edge catches him. Edge goes for a high back angle drop, but Matt lands on his feet. Edge turns around and Matt goes for a kick to the side of Edge’s head. Edge grabs Matt’s foot and then tells him NO! Edge turns Matt around. However Edge turns back around and Matt nails him with an enzurgi! Matt is out and Edge is out as well! Lita is on the outside screaming for Edge to get up! Matt finally is able to make the cover. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------and Edge gets the shoulder up! Matt picks up Edge and then nails a scoop slam! Matt goes to the middle rope and goes for the Downfall Rain Drop Leg Drop but Edge moves out of the way! Edge then comes from off of the corner and nails a dropkick right to the face of Matt. Edge picks up Matt and puts him in the tree of woe! Edge then goes for the dropkick to the face, but Matt moves out of the way, and somehow catches him with a drop toe hold right into the bottom turnbuckle! Matt gets a schoolboy for the cover. 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------and Edge rolls out of it! Edge is pissed after what happened. Edge gets up and waits for Matt to get up. Edge now up takes down Matt with a clothesline. Edge picks up Matt and then sends him to the ropes. Matt and Edge both duck one another, and then come off of the ropes and then nail one another with a clothesline right in the middle of the ring and both men are down! Henson looks at both men and begin the 10 count. 1--------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------------------5-----------------------------------------6---------------------------------------------------------------7---------------and Matt gets to his feet first. Edge gets to his feet at the count of eight. Edge comes at Matt, but Matt catches him with the Side Effect! Matt makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Edge gets the shoulder up! Matt picks up Edge and then nails a kick to the stomach and goes for the Twist of Fate, but Edge blocks it and knocks Matt to the ropes. Matt almost falls out of the ropes. However Matt catches his balance as he is on the apron. Matt turns around and Edge nails a spear right through the ropes and Matt almost goes through the barricade! The crowd is on its feet as Edge and Hardy’s bodies may be broken in half! Henson slides out of the ring and checks on both men with Lita looking on worried for Edge, yet then giving a sick smile to Hardy. Henson begins the 10 count.

1------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------3---------------------------------------------------------------4---------------------------------------------------------------------5----------------------------------------------6---------------------------------------------------------------------------7-------------------and Edge gets to his feet first. Edge rolls into the ring. Edge rolls back out of the ring, and picks up Matt and rolls him back into the ring. Edge makes the cover as he yells for Henson to make the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------and Matt once again gets the shoulder up! Edge tugs at his hair as he can’t believe that once again Matt got the shoulder up! Edge begins to let loose with some stiff punches to the face of Matt Hardy! Edge gets up and picks up Matt. Matt who is really groggy, sees Edge coming at him, sidesteps him and then comes back and nails the Megahertz on Edge! Matt picks up Edge and sends him into the corner. Matt once again goes for the modified Poetry in Motion! This time he connects with it! Matt looks as Edge is down. Matt goes to the top rope and goes for the Downfall Rain Drop Leg Drop once again. He nails it! The crowd is on their feet as Matt makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------and Edge gets the shoulder up. Lita then gets up on the apron and begins to argue with Henson. While this is going on, Edge nails a low blow on Matt. Edge then waits for Matt to get up, as Lita then drops off of the apron. Henson turns around and checks on Matt. Matt gets up and Edge goes for the spear, but Matt moves out of the way and Edge nails Henson with the spear! Edge can’t believe it, as he turns around. Matt hits Edge with a kick to the stomach, and nails this time with the Twist of Fate! Matt goes for the cover, but there is no referee! Matt goes to the outside, and is confronted by Lita. Matt grabs Lita and then sends her into the ring. Matt then nails the Twist of Fate on Lita as the crowd pops loud for the move! Matt begins to check on Henson. Matt tries to get Henson to start moving. Matt rolls Lita out of the ring and then makes the cover. Henson begins to move and then finally makes the cover. 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Edge gets his shoulder up at the last moment as the crowd is in shock! Matt now tugs at his hair asking Why?! Matt picks up Edge and goes for an Irish Whip. Matt goes for a knockdown, but Edge ducks and nails a right hand. Edge then out of nowhere nails the Edgecuator on Matt! Edge makes the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Matt somehow gets the shoulder up! The camera pans in on a sign that says “Matt Hardy WILL NOT DIE!” Edge can’t believe that Hardy kicked out. Edge goes to the top rope. Matt gets up and Edge executes a perfect dropkick from off of the top rope and Hardy is down once again. Does Edge have it right here? Cover! 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Matt somehow gets the shoulder up once again! Edge picks up Matt and tells him that the end is near! Edge goes for a fallaway slam, but Matt counters it and falls on Edge. Matt gets up and jumps over Edge and goes to the ropes. Edge turns around as Matt jumps and nails a jumping tornado DDT on Edge! Matt makes the cover! 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Edge gets the shoulder up! Matt is in pure shock! Matt picks up Edge and whips him to the corner. Edge ducks as Matt comes at Edge. Edge gets a rollup, and then Edge nails a releasing German suplex on Matt. Matt climbs to his feet using the ropes, as he is on the apron. Edge comes at him, but Matt nails him with a right hand. Matt goes to get back in the ring, but Lita comes in and hits Matt across the back. Matt grabs Lita and tosses her into the ring. Matt comes in and grabs Lita. Edge comes at Matt and clotheslines him. Edge then prances around and looks to hit Matt with the spear. Matt gets up and Edge goes for the spear! Matt moves out of the way and Edge spears Lita instead! Edge can’t believe it as he turns around. Matt hits him with a kick to the sternum and nails the Twist of Fate on Edge! Matt makes the cover! 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3!

*Live for the Moment hits*

Howard Finkel: The winner of the match, Matt Hardy! MT-12:30

Jim Ross: Matt Hardy has ended the undefeated WrestleMania streak!

Jerry Lawler: Lita was the benefactor in this match, and in a way the reason that Edge lost here tonight!

*Hardy celebrates as we cut to a Fantix Commercial running saying: All throughout the month of April, The History of WrestleMania! All April on PPV*

Mean Gene: Ric Flair, in just a few moments, you will be facing off against The American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Can I get your thoughts heading into the match?

Ric Flair: Listen to me Mean Gene, Dusty Rhodes is nothing more than a fat, pathetic, clown who is just a joke!

Ric Flair: Tonight I am going to end the legacy of Dusty once and for all! Dusty, I am going to prove and show that without a shadow of a dobut, you’re nothing more than a footnote in the eyes of the limosine riding-jet-flying-wheelin-dealing-baby-kissing-son of-a-gun-sixteen-time World Champion, The Nature Boy Ric Flair! Tonight, tubby, you’re going to see wrestling as it’s finest, not like some people who are only known as a glorified stuntman! Woooh!

*Huge Pop*

Jim Ross: Well folks, that match is just moments away.

*We cut to the back and see Candice and Torrie Wilson dancing around and playing with water*

Jerry Lawler: While I wish that I could between those two lovely ladies, there is business that has to take place in that very ring.

Jim Ross: Fink, take it away!

Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

*American Dream hits and out comes The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes to a big Texas pop*

Howard Finkel: Introducing first, from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 265 pounds, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes!

Jim Ross: What an ovation for Texas’s own Dusty Rhodes!

Jerry Lawler: These fans are showing respect to the legendary wrestler.

*2001 hits and out comes The Nature Boy Ric Flair to a bunch of heat*
Howard Finkel: Introducing his opponent, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 237 pounds, The Nature Boy Ric Flair!

Jim Ross: This very vocal crowd is being very vocal on how they feel about the 16 time World Champion!

Jerry Lawler: They should show the Nature Boy some respect.

Match 8:
The American Dream Dusty Rhodes v. The Nature Boy Ric Flair

The bell rings and both men look at one another. Flair starts off the match with a chop to the chest. Dusty answers back with a right to the chest of Flair. Flair goes for another right, but Rhodes counters him with a right hand. Rhodes goes to Irish Whip, but Flair reverses it. Flair goes for a clothesline but misses. Flair then comes at Rhodes but Rhodes catches him with a backdrop. Flair quickly gets up and is chopped back down by Rhodes. Flair gets up and backs into a corner. Rhodes comes at Flair, and nails him with a big splash. Flair begs for mercy, and Rhodes stops for a bit. Flair uses that small opportunity and nails a thumb to the eye of The American Dream. Flair then comes off of the ropes and nails a chopblock that has the Dream stumbling a bit. Flair comes off of the ropes and nails another chopblock. Flair then comes back and goes for another chopblock, but Dusty sidesteps him for a small moment. Dusty grabs Flair and nails a huge hip toss. Flair holds his back and screams for mercy. Dusty comes at Flair and nails him with rights and lefts and the Nature Boy is right now on Dream Street. Flair finally let go stumbles around a bit, before falling face first on the mat, to a nice pop from the audience. Flair slowly gets up and is hit in the sternum by Rhodes. Rhodes whips Flair to the corner. Flair goes inside out and comes back in and Rhodes takes him down with a clothesline. Rhodes makes the first cover of the match. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Flair gets the shoulder up. Rhodes picks up Flair and goes for an Irish Whip, but Flair counters it. Flair then ducks Rhodes and jumps and locks in a sleeper hold on Dusty. Dusty tries to toss Flair off of him, but Flair has the hold locked in really well. Rhodes though gets up and rams Flair into the corner. Flair though still has the hold locked in. So, Rhodes does one thing to break the hold and that is nailing a modified Death Valley Driver on Flair and the hold is finally broken. Rhodes makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Flair kicks out. Flair gets up and is hit with a modified bionic elbow from Rhodes. Rhodes to look the match earlier, as he quickly tries to lock in the Figure Four on the Nature Boy! However Flair counters it, with a kick to the knee of Rhodes. Flair gets up and nails a side slam on Rhodes. Flair then does his little strut before dropping the elbow on Rhodes’s chest. Flair then opens up Rhodes’ legs and then nails a modified low blow. Flair then drops the knee across the legs of Rhodes. Flair picks up Rhodes and sends him to the ropes. Flair then catches Rhodes with a hard right hand. Flair locks in a headlock, but Rhodes pushes Flair off of him. Flair goes off of the ropes, and tries to take down Rhodes with a shoulder tackle. Rhodes doesn’t move. Flair goes back to the ropes and tries again. Once again Rhodes doesn’t move. Flair tries once more and this time Rhodes nails him with a running powerslam! Rhodes makes the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------and Flair gets the shoulder up! Flair is pulled up by Rhodes and is sent to the corner. Flair sees Rhodes coming at him, and moves and sends Rhodes right into the corner. Flair then nails a chop across the chest of Rhodes. Flair nails another one and the chest of Rhodes is starting to glow. Flair then tries to lift Rhodes, but Rhodes doesn’t budge. Flair then nails some more chops across Rhodes. Flair then taunts the Houston crowd and then begins to climb the turnbuckle. Flair then begins to do the 10 punches to the face of the Dream. Flair goes for number ten, but Rhodes catches him with a huge powerbomb! Flair is down as Rhodes makes the cover. 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Flair once again is able to get the shoulder up. Rhodes picks up Flair and locks in the abdominal stretch on Flair. Flair screams in pain, as he tries to get to the ropes. As the time progresses Flair’s body is getting worse and worse by being in the hold. Flair somehow finally gets to the ropes after being in the hold for about seven seconds. Flair now at the ropes, feels Rhodes breaking the hold. Flair then nails a right hand to Rhodes catching him off guard. Flair nails another right to Rhodes and The Dream is beginning to reel. Flair then catches him with a rolling crucifix armbar submission hold.

Flair tells Rhodes to give it up. Rhodes refuses as Flair extends the pressure on the right arm. Rhodes still doesn’t give up. The ref asks Rhodes does he want to give up. Rhodes tells Chad Patton no! Flair finally breaks the hold and then goes to the ropes and drops the knee right across the arm of Rhodes. Flair then makes the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Rhodes kicks out. Flair goes back to the arm as this time he connects with a crossed arm knee submission hold. Dusty screams in pain as Flair seems to be ruthless and these two real-life enemies are going at it here at Wrestlemania XXII! Rhodes begins to rally back with the help of the 75,000 plus here in Houston, to finally break the hold of Flair. Finally Dusty breaks the hold, after being in the hold for about fifteen seconds. Flair comes at Rhodes, but Rhodes answers with a head butt. Flair is a little bit out of it, but comes back once again for Rhodes. Flair though this time is hit with a flapjack from Rhodes! Rhodes makes the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------------and Flair gets the shoulder up. Flair gets up and comes at Rhodes but is decked with a right hand! Flair rolls out of the ring and kicks the apron. Rhodes gets out of the ring and comes at Flair, but Flair catches him with a chop across the chest. Flair goes for an Irish Whip, but Rhodes reverses it and goes right into the steel steps. Flair begins to curse which gets some laughs from the front-row audience. Rhodes grabs Flair and nails a Russian Leg Sweep right on the outside. Rhodes picks up Flair and sends him into the ring. Flair now on his knees begs for Rhodes to stop. Rhodes picks up Flair and goes for the piledriver. He connects with it! Rhodes makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Flair somehow gets the shoulder up. Flair slowly gets to his feet as Rhodes is already up. Rhodes nails a right hand, then sends Flair to the ropes. Flair comes off of the ropes and Dusty hits him with a ¾ Nelson. The crowd begins to pop loudly for Rhodes. Rhodes goes to pick up Flair, but Flair nails a low blow that goes undetected by Patton. Flair then goes over to the turnbuckle. Flair begins to unloosen the padding. Flair soon has the turnbuckle completely unpadded, and Flair smiles as he goes to pick up Rhodes. Flair picks up Rhodes and goes for an Irish Whip. However Rhodes blocks it and sends Flair right into it! Flair does his upside down flip and comes back down and is a bloody mess, as Dusty begins to do a modified Johnson Shuffle before taking down Flair with a big haymaker! Flair is out as Rhodes this time, looks to lock in the Figure Four Leglock! Rhodes somehow gets in and Flair is in trouble! Flair tries to break the hold, but he can’t. Flair screams in pain. Flair shoulders drop to the mat and Patton makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Flair raises his shoulder from off of the mat. Patton asks Flair does he give up. Flair screams NO! Flair begins to punch at the face of Rhodes. The two begin to exchange right hands with one another. Flair then tries to turn the Figure Four on Rhodes. Rhodes tries to block it, but Flair nails a stiff right hand to Rhodes. Flair finally is able to turn the hold on Rhodes and the crowd is booing the living hell out of Flair! Rhodes gets out of the hold and both men are down. Patton looks at both men and then begins to start the 10 count. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------------3-------------------------------------------------------4--------------------------------------------------------------5-----------------------------------------------6---------------------and Flair who is a bloody mess gets to his feet first. Flair, who has blood dripping all over the place crawls over and then makes the cover. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Rhodes gets the shoulder up. Flair can’t believe it. Flair gets up and gets in the face of referee Chad Patton. Patton tells Flair that it was a count of only two. Flair begins to mumble off as he goes to pick up Rhodes. However Rhodes grabs Flair by the jewels and it’s legal as Flair’s face is priceless right now. Flair is screaming in pain as Rhodes gets up and nails Flair with a huge headbutt taking him down. Flair gets up and stands by the ropes. Dusty comes at Flair and nails a face driver, as shades of Dick Murdoch become resident. Flair falls to the mat, as Rhodes makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------and again Flair gets the shoulder up! Rhodes picks up Flair and then runs and nails a running bulldog on the Nature Boy. Flair gets up and Rhodes goes for a clothesline, but Flair nails a drop toe hold on Rhodes. Rhodes goes right into the corner, with the exposed turnbuckle and Flair nails a hard clothesline on The self imposed White Soul King. Rhodes is bleeding like a pig as Flair makes the cover. 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and somehow Rhodes gets the shoulder up, as the Dream is still alive! Flair can’t believe it as he begins to curse up a storm. Flair then proceeds to go to the ropes and nails a knee to the leg of Rhodes. Flair gets up and nails another knee to the other leg of Rhodes.

Flair then proceeds to lock in the Figure Four Leg Lock on Rhodes in front of this hostile Houston audience! Flair has it locked in and Flair is screaming for Rhodes to tap his fat ass out! Rhodes tells Flair to shut the hell up, and NEVER! Flair nails a right hand to Rhodes that sends his shoulders down to the mat. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Rhodes raises his shoulders off of the mat. Flair then punches Rhodes once more, but Rhodes answers back with a punch that almost beheads Flair. Rhodes crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. Rhodes goes to the ropes but Flair takes him down. Flair gets up and goes to the top rope. Flair goes to knock down Rhodes, but Rhodes tosses Flair off of the top rope. Flair screams in pain, with the blood pouring down his face. Rhodes comes over to Flair and then drops the elbow right into the heart of Flair. Rhodes makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and again Flair gets the shoulder up! The crowd is on its feet. Rhodes picks up Flair and nails a sidewalk slam. Flair then is picked up by Rhodes and is hit with a jawbreaker. Flair slowly stumbles to get back to his feet and ducks a shoulder from Dusty and nails a jawbreaker of his own on Rhodes. Flair makes the cover. 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Rhodes gets the shoulder up! Flair is livid as he begins to scream and curse loudly. Flair goes to the top rope and says The Legend of The American Dream ends here tonight! Flair then jumps and nails the Bionic Elbow on Rhodes! The crowd is stunned! JR yells, “Not this Way!” 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Rhodes gets a shoulder up at the last second! Flair is screaming his head off. Flair picks up Rhodes and sends him to the ropes. Rhodes ducks a clothesline, but grabs Flair and nails a huge powerslam! Rhodes goes to the top rope. Flair gets up and this time Rhodes connects with the Bionic Elbow from off the top rope to the face of the bloody Flair! Rhodes makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3!

*The American Dream hits*

Howard Finkel: The winner of the match, The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes! MT-11:23

Jim Ross: What a win for Dusty Rhodes!

Jerry Lawler: These Texans fans are on their feet!

Jim Ross: That was an example of old school classic Wrestling!

*The Raw highlight video is shown. Also shown is the upcoming Divas Magazine video*

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Houston’s own’s Bun B, Paul Wall, Mike Jones, Lil’ Flip, Z-Ro, Chamillionaire, Aztek, and Slim Thug!

*The All Star Houston Lineup perform “Draped Up” The Remix to the sell out crowd to an enormous pop*
Mike Jones: My Album, The American Dream coming soon, My Album, The American Dream coming soon!

Paul Wall: Go get The People’s Champ!

Bun B and the rest: Houston stand up! WrestleMania 22 Stand UP! WWE, stand up! The Whole Texas and South movement, Stand Up! We’re out! WrestleMania, holla!

*Huge Pop*

Michael Cole: What a performance by the Houston All Stars!

Tazz: You said it!

Jim Ross: Well coming up next folks, our first of two ladder matches!

Jerry Lawler: That’s right, it’s time for Money in the Bank II!

Michael Cole: Six men. Smackdown’s Christian, Shane McMahon, and The Miz vs.
Jim Ross: Raw’s Ken Kennedy, Batista, and Nova!

Jerry Lawler: It’s every man for them selves.

Tazz: The winner will be Mr. Money in the Bank!

*Money in the Bank Video Package*
Highlights from Last Year’s MITB Match
Edge wins MITB
Edge challenges Batista at Summerslam for the WHC
Edge wins the title at Summerslam
WWE.com announces MITB will take place
Highlights of the first four men getting into the match
Highlights of Nova winning the battle royal to get the last Raw spot on last week’s Raw
Highlights of the Battle Royal last week on Smackdown
Clips of Mysterio/Shane going out together at the same time
Clips of McMahon beating Mysterio for the final spot
The Raw team beats the Smackdown team in a Six Man Tag Match last week on Raw
The Smackdown and Raw team go at it, at the end of Smackdown two nights ago*

*Bell Rings as we see Ladders all around the ring, and the black briefcase hanging high above the ring*

Tony Chimel: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the Money in the Bank II Interpromotional Ladder Match! *Huge Pop* The only way to win the match is to retrieve the briefcase placed high above the ring. The winner of the match will be crowned Mr. Money in the Bank, and will have an automatic World Heavyweight or WWE Championship shot at anytime and anyplace during the next twelve months, all the way up to WrestleMania 23!

*Huge Pop*

*Reality Check hits and out comes The Miz to a nice pop*
Tony Chimel: Introducing first from Parma, Ohio, weighing in at 210 pounds, The Miz!

Michael Cole: The Miz is making his WrestleMania debut!

Tazz: This kid looks to have a bright future here in the WWE!

*Explosion hits and out comes Nova to a lot of heat*

Tony Chimel: Introducing next, from Toms River, New Jersey, weighing in at 224 pounds, Nova!

Jim Ross: Nova, has been on a roll despite losing the Hardcore/European Championship to Rhyno last month at No Way Out!

Jerry Lawler: Well now he has a chance to be Mr. Money in the Bank!

*Here Comes the Money hits and out comes Shane McMahon to a huge pop*
Tony Chimel: Introducing third, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 234 pounds, Shane McMahon!

Michael Cole: The son of WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon looks to create another WrestleMania moment!

Tazz: Shane is perfect at Mania. Can he keep it up here tonight?

*Kennedy…Kennedy hits and out comes Ken Kennedy to a huge pop and a mike*

Ken Kennedy: Chimel, don’t even think about saying a word! Just stop! STOP!

*Kennedy laughs with the crowd as his music continues and he gets into the ring, as the arena goes black and Kennedy has a mike brought down from the ceiling as he drops the other mike*

Ken Kennedy: Introducing next, I weigh in at an incredible 240 pounds. I hail from the greatest city and state in the world, Green Bay, Wisconsin! I am… Mr. Kennedy…Kennedy!

*Huge Pop, as Kennedy punks Chimel*

Jim Ross: The former Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Kennedy…

Jerry Lawler: Don’t forget to say the other Kennedy.

Jim Ross: Kennedy, makes his WrestleMania debut!

Jerry Lawler: Let’s see Smackdown try to stop us!

*Caged in hits and out comes Christian to one of the biggest pops of the evening*

Tony Chimel: Introducing fifth, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds, Christian!

Michael Cole: Christian, no stranger to ladders, is the only man here in this match, who has competed in Money in the Bank before.

Tazz: That’s right. That gives Christian somewhat of an edge here tonight.

*I Walk Alone hits and out comes Batista to a massive pop*

Tony Chimel: And introducing finally, from Washington, DC, weighing in at 318 pounds, Batista!

Jim Ross: Last year, Batista won the World Heavyweight Championship right here at WrestleMania!

Jerry Lawler: Tonight he looks to begin the journey back to the top!

Michael Cole: Both Raw and Smackdown’s Senior Referees Mike Chioda and Nick Patrick will officiate this match!
Match 9-Money in the Bank II Ladder Match:
The Miz v. Nova v. Shane McMahon v. Ken Kennedy v. Christian v. Batista

The bells rings and at unsion all six men go at it. Soon after some quick right hands, we see the pairs of Ken Kennedy vs. Christian, Batista v. The Miz, and Nova vs. Shane McMahon. Batista completely floors Miz right through the middle ropes. Batista goes out of the ring and then picks up The Miz and whips him right into the steel steps. The Miz screams in pain as he tries to beg for mercy from the animal. Batista picks up The Miz, but Miz uses an eye rake to buy some time away from the Animal. We then turn to Shane and Nova. Shane sends Nova to the ropes, and Nova comes back with a jumping turning facebuster. Nova goes to the ropes, and comes at Shane, but Shane ducks a takedown and comes back and nails an enzurgi to Nova. Shane goes out to the apron, and goes for a Springboard, but Nova pushes Shane off of the top rope in the middle and Shane falls right on one of the ladders placed on the outside. We then cut over to Christian and Kennedy who are in the middle ring trading lefts and rights. Christian sends Kennedy to the ropes and Kennedy comes back with a big boot. Kennedy picks up Christian and sends him to the corner. Kennedy then nails a big Stinger like splash on Christian. Christian falls to the mat and then rolls out of the ring. Kennedy surprisingly goes to the top rope and then nails a flying cross body on Christian right on the outside and both men are down. We cut back over to the Miz who is still trying to survive as Batista has grabbed the first ladder in the match and puts in it the ring. Nova sees this as Batista begins to set the ladder up. Batista begins to climb the ladder. Nova quickly gets to the top rope. Batista is at the fourth rung, when Nova jumps and nails a standing dropkick on Batista knocking him off of the ladder! Nova looks to take a great amount of damage at the move himself. Kennedy rolls into the ring. Kennedy begins to set up the ladder once again. Kennedy begins to climb but Shane O’ Mac is up. Shane leaps up on the apron and then jumps right to the middle of the top rope once again. Kennedy doesn’t see Shane as Kennedy is busy climbing. Shane comes out of nowhere and nails a flying lariat modified spear on Kennedy and both men are down and this time the ladder falls with them! Christian comes into the ring and sees The Miz. The two decide to work together as Kennedy and Batista looks to be getting back up to their feet. The Miz takes the ladder and throws it at Batista. Batista catches it and The Miz comes at him. Batista though throws the ladder right into The Miz’s face! Christian then comes at Batista, but Batista moves. Batista goes for a clothesline, but Christian nailed a low blow to a surprisingly good pop from the Houston crowd. Christian uses the low blow to nail a vertical suplex on Batista right on the ladder! The crowd pops loudly for that, but out of nowhere Shane McMahon jumps from off of the top rope and nails a top rope elbow on Batista right on the ladder! Christian looks at the wreckage, before turning around and being floored by Nova with a shining wizard. Nova slides out of the ring and grabs another ladder. Nova slides the ladder into the ring and sets it up in the ring. Nova begins to climb it, but Kennedy quickly grabs him off of the ladder with a modified powerbomb. Kennedy gets up and begins to climb the ladder. At this point The Miz is up and he sees this and begins to climb the ladder as well. The Miz climbs up one rung at a time, as he is on the third one and Kennedy is on the fifth one. Kennedy is almost at the top when Shane McMahon pushes the ladder and Kenendy goes flying to the outside and The Miz gets caught right on the ropes in a bad situation. Shane grabs the ladder and sets it up right under the briefcase. Shane begins to climb the ladder and gets to the fourth rung when Christian begins to climb as well. Christian nails some right hands to the face of Shane. Shane though answers back with some rights of his own. Shane and Christian continue until Christian gives Shane a thumb to the eye and then nails a hip toss that sends both men off the ladder and crashing right down on the mat. Christian is screaming as he tries to get up as the crowd is applauding all six men as the ring looks a mess here in this match.

Slowly The Miz comes back into the ring and picks up Christian. The Miz sends Christian to the ropes and then nails an Arm-Anderson like spinebuster right on the ladder and The Miz picks himself up and begins to go over to Batista. Miz picks up Batista and sends him to the corner. The Miz comes at Batista, but Batista moves out of the way. The Miz goes to the top rope detecting Batista would do that. The Miz then nails a bulldog on Batista right on the ladder! Suddenly the Miz has come alive in this match! The Miz begins to grab the ladder and begins to set it up. His body is etched in pain as well are the other five men. The Miz gets the ladder set up and after finally positioning it right, The Miz begins to climb the ladder. The Miz reaches the second rung with his body hurting with each step he makes. Nova begins to climb the other side of the ladder with his back hurting him with each step he makes. Nova continues to climb as well does The Miz. The Miz catches Nova with a nice right hand. However Nova answers back with a right of his own. The two continue to brawl for a couple more seconds. Nova goes for one too many right hands to the face of The Miz. The Miz decks Nova with a nice right hand, and then goes for and connects with a sunset flip powerbomb from off of the ladder to the mat and the crowd is going nuts as they can’t believe it. The Miz holds his neck as Nova is screaming in pain as he holds his lower back. The match once again is at a standstill as all six men are suffering in pain. Kennedy goes to the outside and brings in a third ladder into the ring. Kennedy looks to set it up, but drops it when he sees Batista. Batista and Kennedy look at each other in the eye as the crowd looks on with great anticipation. The two look at each other once more, and then the fight begins. Rights and lefts go flying. Batista gets the advantage and sends Kennedy to the ropes and nails the huge Batista spinebuster on Kennedy right on the ladder! Batista picks up Kennedy who is almost on Dream Street and nails the Batista Bomb right on Kennedy on the ladder as Kennedy screams! Batista is on the mat, as Batista is even feeling the effects of this match. Shane McMahon slowly rolls back into the ring as does Nova who both rolled out of the ring after falling both men were taken out by the effects of their moves. Nova ducks a right by Shane and nails a spinning heel kick on Shane. Shane gets up and Nova nails a modified Novocaine on Shane. Shane feels the effects as he is knocked out. Shane slowly stumbles back up to his feet and is dropkicked out of the ring by The Miz! The Miz turns around and Batista takes down him with a clothesline. Batista picks up The Miz and nails a Batista Bomb to the outside on The Miz right on top of Shane and the crowd is on their feet! Batista turns around and is floored by the ladder from Kennedy! Kennedy goes to the top rope after he put Batista on the ladder. Kennedy then jumps and goes for the Kenton Bomb on Batista! He hits it! The crowd is on its feet as Kennedy may have injured his back on the move. We then cut over to Christian who has grabbed one of the ladders and knocks down Nova. Christian sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring and begins to climb the ladder. Christian can barely move as he tries to become Mr. Money in the Bank! Christian is at the third rung and Christian is slowly becoming the favorite in this match. Christian continues to climb and is almost in arm’s length when Nova nails a ladder to the back of Christian. Nova sets up the ladder and then begins to climb the ladder. Nova jumps and nails a swinging neckbreaker from off the ladder and both men are down once again!

The crowd is on their feet as these six men are giving their bodies and their hearts for the shot at getting a guaranteed WWE/World Heavyweight Championship Title Shot at anytime for the next twelve months including WrestleMania 23! Nova gets up to his feet and struggles to keep his balance as he gets to his feet and begins to go and pick up one of the ladders. Nova begins to set the ladder up as Kennedy begins to get up as well. Kennedy now up begins to climb up the ladder with Nova as well. We see Shane McMahon slide into the ring in total pain and he picks up a ladder as well. Shane sets up the ladder right by the ladder that Nova and Kennedy are climbing. Shane begins to climb but we see The Miz coming into the ring by the ropes as he jumps off the ropes and right onto the fourth rung! The crowd is going wild. The Animal Batista is up and he grabs the other ladder and begins to set it up. Batista begins to climb it, but the crowd goes into a frenzy as Captain Charisma, Christian, gets to his feet and begins to climb with Batista on the third ladder! All six men are on the ladders! The race to become Mr. Money in the Bank is on! Christian and Batista are trading blows on the first ladder closest to the ramp. In the middle, Nova and Kennedy are brawling like crazy. And on the third one Shane and The Miz are going at it. Shane then jumps and at the same time knocks off Kennedy. Both men fall to the mat! Nova is still on it, but The Miz quickly knocks him off, with a kick to the side of the face. Nova tries to hold on, but Shane tilts over the ladder and Nova knocks over Batista and Christian and their ladder! The Miz is in arm’s reach of the briefcase. Shane pulls the ladder from under The Miz! The Miz is hanging about fifteen feet in the air as the briefcase is almost freed! Shane quickly sets up a ladder. Shane then sets the ladder into a ramp. Shane goes to the top rope, and jumps onto the ladder and then runs and throws the ladder right into the stomach of The Miz! The Miz falls off of the ladder and down to the canvas as we are right back here at Square One! The crowd looks on as we see a shot of all six men struggling to get control in this bizarre match. Shane picks up the ladder and begins to climb slowly. Christian who didn’t get much on the effect of the ladder falling like Batista did is back up and begins to climb as well. Christian and Shane slowly make their way up the ladder. Meanwhile Kennedy gets up and picks up the ladder by the corner. Kennedy sets it up and begins to climb the ladder. Shane fires with a right hand to the face of Kennedy. Kennedy blocks it and hits Shane with a right that almost knocks Shane off of the ladder! Kennedy grabs Shane, and in a true WrestleMania moment, Kennedy nails the Green Bay Plunge on Shane right off the ladder! The “Holy Shit” chants are at their loudest, as these two men may not be able to walk out of this arena on their own will! Christian continues to climb up the ladder as he is in a bunch of pain. Batista now up begins to climb the ladder as well. Batista tries to go for the briefcase, but Nova comes out of nowhere and dropkicks a chair into the back of Batista and the Animal falls off of the ladder and onto the chair, back first! Christian somehow is still on the ladder as Kennedy begins to move a bit. Shane begins to get to his feet. Shane and Kennedy begin to try and get to the other side of the ladder. Kennedy gets to the side first, and begins to climb. Nova gets the other ladder, and begins to climb as well. Shane and Nova are climbing, but The Miz knocks Nova off with a ladder. The Miz refuses to quit as he begins to climb with Shane on the other side. Christian reaches out for the briefcase, but Kennedy clocks him with a right hand. The Miz sees this and jumps and pushes Kennedy off of the ladder. Kennedy falls right to the outside! The Miz stops Christian with a headbutt right on the top of the ladder. Shane then tries to come over and reach but both Christian and The Miz pushes the ladder over and Shane goes right on the ropes and the ladder falls. The ladder though bounces before it falls and collides into the one with Christian and The Miz. Christian jumps and somehow gets on the other ladder. The Miz falls right out of the ring, as Christian somehow is able to remain on a ladder. Christian is the only man left standing. Christian almost falls off, but keeps his balance. Christian climbs up to the sixth rung, and reaches out for the briefcase. Christian has trouble unhooking it. However after five seconds, Christian finally unhooks it and the bells ring! Christian is now Mr. Money in the Bank!

*Caged in hits*

Tony Chimel: The winner of the match and now known as Mr. Money in the Bank, Christian! MT-14:02

Michael Cole: Christian wins! Smackdown wins Money in the Bank! What a win for Christian!

Tazz: These fans are on their feet!

Jim Ross: What a performance by these six men here tonight!

Jerry Lawler: An unbelievable win here for Christian!

Michael Cole: Christian is now Mr. Money in the Bank!

*Christian continues to celebrate as some of the officials come and help the other wrestlers out of the ring*
*We are then shown Highlights of the Hall of Fame*

*The Bell rings as Howard Finkel is in the ring*

Howard Finkel: Last night at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas, the WWE held its induction ceremony for the WWE Hall of Fame, Class of 2006!

*Huge Pop*

Howard Finkel: At this time, I would like to introduce, the Class of 2006!

*Maria accompanies Mean Gene Oakerland as Mean Gene hits*
Howard Finkel: Being accompanied by Maria, the first announcer in WWE history to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, Mean Gene Oakerland!

*Huge Pop*
*Alexis Laree accompanies Jake the Snake Roberts to the tune of Snake*

Howard Finkel: Being accompanied by Maria, the one and only, Jake the Snake Roberts!

*Stacy accompanies Good Ol’ JR, Jim Ross*

Howard Finkel: Being accompanied by Stacy Keibler, Good Ol’ JR, Jim Ross!

*Huge Pop*

*Kristal accompanies The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase*

Howard Finkel: Being accompanied by Kristal, The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase!

*Huge Pop*

*Candice Michelle accompanies Donald Trump to a nice pop*

Howard Finkel: As for the celebrity wing of the WWE Hall of Fame, being accompanied by Candice Michelle, Real Estate Mogul, and the man who hosted WrestleMania IV and V in Atlantic City, The Donald himself, Mr. Donald Trump!

*Huge Pop*

*Trish Stratus accompanies Bret Hart out to an enormous pop*

Howard Finkel: Accompanied by Trish Stratus, the legendary, Bret the Hitman Hart!

*Insane Pop for Hart*

*Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Chris Benoit accompany Vickie Guerrero out to the biggest pop of the night*

Howard Finkel: And finally, being accompanied by Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Chris Benoit, here to accept the induction of her husband, Vickie Guerrero for the late great Eddie Guerrero!

*Biggest Pop of the Night as the “Eddie” Chants are heard throughout the stadium. All of the inductees and accompanists gather around Vickie as the crowd gives a two minute standing ovation for Vickie in memory of Eddie Guerrero!*

Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentlemen, the WWE Hall of Fame, Class of 2006!

*A Huge Screen Shot is shown of all the inductees as they begin to leave the stage, with the standing Ovation for Vickie still going strong*

*As the chant goes down and Vickie waves goodbye to the audience, we go into a Backlash Video Package*

Michael Cole: That’s right. Backlash is a Smackdown PPV this year, and will be on Sunday, April 23rd from the Pepsi Arena in Albany, NY!

Tazz: Tickets went on sale yesterday, and there are still some remaining!

Michael Cole: JR, how you feel buddy?

Jim Ross: I feel great. I want to thank each and every single one of my fans, friends, family members and everyone here in the WWE for helping me be glad to be apart of one of the best jobs in the world! Thank You!

Michael Cole: You’re welcome JR, You’re welcome!
Jim Ross: Well folks, in a few moments, I am going to be joined by Smackdown’s Tazz to call this next interpromotional match!
*Tazz joins JR*

Tazz: Coming up in a few moments it will be Raw’s Kurt Angle taking on Smackdown’s Brock Lesnar in a WrestleMania rematch!
Jim Ross: This all started off as a challenge Angle made to Lesnar earlier this month!
*Angle/Lesnar Video Package*
Brock beats Angle for the WWE Championship at WM XIX-3/30/03
Kurt wins the WWE Championship at Vegenance 2003-July 2003
Kurt makes Brock tap out at Summerslam 2003-August 2003
Brock beats Kurt for the WWE Championship in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match-Smackdown-September 2003
Kurt makes the challenge for a WM rematch-3/3/06
-Various Clips of the two going at it these past couple of weeks
Kurt/Brock showdown at the WM XXII Press Conference-3/22/06

*Here Comes the Pain hits and out comes Brock Lesnar to a bunch of heat*
Tazz: Well here comes the Pain!

Lillian Garcia: The following interpromotional contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing Smackdown, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 295 pounds, Brock Lesnar!
Jim Ross: A former 3 time WWE Champion, and the man with the single greatest rookie year in WWE history! The man who looks to go 2-0 at Mania in matches against Kurt Angle!

Tazz: Well trust me Mr. Hall of Fame, Kurt is ready and more focused than ever before. I’ve known Kurt for quite some time. I wrestled against him, and after speaking with him earlier today, he’s more focused than I’ve ever seen before!

*Medal hits and out comes Kurt Angle to a huge pop*

Lillian Garcia: Introducing his opponent, representing Raw, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 228 pounds, the only Olympic Gold Medalist in WWE History, Kurt Angle!

Jim Ross: Kurt Angle, a former six time WWE Champion, looks tonight to avenge his WrestleMania XIX loss against Brock Lesnar in this highly anticipated WrestleMania rematch!

Tazz: Angle. Lesnar. WrestleMania 22! Imagery becomes Reality!

Jim Ross: Raw’s Mickie Henson will be assigned this huge match!
Match 10:
Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

The bell rings and the match is officially underway. Both men walk right up to one another and get in the face of each other. Kurt then says “This is It!” Brock then says “Let’s Go!” Both men then back up and go into their corner. Both men then lock up in the center of the ring. Brock gets the advantage and gets Kurt into a headlock. Kurt breaks the hold, but is sent to the ropes by Brock. Brock sees Kurt coming at him and takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Brock goes to the ropes, and Kurt gets up. Kurt goes for a hip toss, but Brock counters it. Brock then nails a hip toss on Kurt. Brock picks up Kurt and sends him to the ropes. Kurt ducks a knockdown from Brock. Brock then is hit with a release German Suplex from Angle. Brock gets up and Kurt goes for a knockdown, but misses. Brock floors him with a huge clothesline. Brock goes for an Irish Whip, but Angle reverses it. Brock comes off of the ropes and Kurt nails a side slam on Brock. Angle picks up Brock and sends him to the corner. Kurt comes at Brock, but Brock gets a shoulder up. Brock then goes for a takedown, but Kurt catches him with a drop toehold. Kurt then does a modified armbar submission on Brock. Kurt then slaps Brock across the back of the neck, in a sense of schooling Brock. Brock gets to his feet, and the two lock up. Kurt gets the advantage and takes down Brock. Kurt puts his forearm into the throat of Brock, and does some more amateur moves, once again rubbing it in the face of Brock. Kurt gets to his feet and Brock gets up. The two lock up once more. Kurt gets the advantage. However this time Brock quickly reverses it. Kurt then reverses it, and goes for a release German Suplex. Brock counters it with an elbow. Kurt still has the hold locked in, but Brock nails another right hand to the face of Kurt. Brock nails a third one and Kurt this time breaks the hold. Kurt stumbles around for a moment. Brock goes to the ropes. Brock goes for a clothesline, but Kurt saw it coming. Within a millisecond, Kurt catches Brock and nails an overhead belly to belly suplex on Lesnar! The crowd is on its feet for the Wrestling Machine, Kurt Angle here in this WrestleMania rematch! Brock slowly gets to his feet. Kurt quickly comes at Brock, but Brock repays Kurt by nailing an overhead belly to belly suplex right to the outside! The crowd can’t believe it, as Brock just sent the Olympic Gold Medalist airborne! Brock slides out of the ring and picks up Kurt and then sends him spine first right into the ring post. Kurt screams in pain, as he feels his spine almost tearing right there. Brock picks up Kurt and sends him spine first once again right into the steel post. Kurt screams in pain once again! Brock slides into the ring, to break up the 10 count, which at this point has reached six. Brock quickly slides back out of the ring, and then picks up Kurt. Brock then tells Kurt “To look at the steel stairs!” Brock then goes for an Irish Whip, but Kurt reverses it and Brock goes shoulder first into the steel steps! Kurt picks up Brock and begins to ram his forehead back and forth on the steel steps! Kurt then grabs Brock and then slides him back into the ring. Kurt slides into the ring and begins to work on the left ankle of Brock. Brock gets up and Kurt nails a chopblock on Brock’s left ankle. Brock screams in pain. Kurt sees Brock getting up and Brock is hit with another chopblock. Kurt then makes the first cover of the match. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Brock gets the shoulder up! Kurt picks up Brock and sends him to the ropes. Brock comes off of the ropes and nails a powerful clothesline on Kurt killing his momentum that he had going for him. Brock picks up Kurt and sends him to the corner. Kurt tries moving out of the way, but Brock proves to be quick as he nails him with a hard shoulder tackle. Brock nails some good shoulder thrusts on Angle. Brock then sends Kurt to the ropes. Kurt though does a flip while holding onto Brock and then turns it into a modified tornado DDT on Lesnar! Kurt makes the cover. 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Brock gets the shoulder up. Kurt picks up Brock and sends him to the corner. Kurt goes for Brock, but Brock sends him shoulder first into the post. Kurt holds his shoulder. Kurt turns around and Brock nails a shoulder breaker on Kurt. Brock doesn’t let go as he nails another shoulder breaker. Kurt almost grabs the ropes, when Brock nails a third shoulder breaker. Brock makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------------------and Angle gets the shoulder up. Brock gets up and grabs Kurt, and then puts him on the top rope. Brock comes at Kurt, but Kurt jumps over Brock and lands on his feet. Brock comes at Kurt, and Kurt goes for a chopblock right on the ankle once again, that has Brock stumbling a bit. Kurt tries it once more, but this time Brock grabs Kurt by his singlet and nails a huge running powerslam!

Brock picks up Kurt and sends him back to the ropes. Kurt comes off of the ropes and Brock nails him with a sleeper into a reverse Russian Leg Sweep. Brock makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Kurt gets the shoulder up. Brock picks up Kurt and nails a right hand. Brock nails another right hand and sends Kurt to the ropes. Kurt comes off of the ropes, and Brock goes for a knockdown, but misses. Kurt comes off of the ropes once again and comes at Brock with a flying lariat. Brock though catches Kurt and nails a hard fallaway slam that sends him out of the ring. Brock then comes out of the ring and picks up Kurt. Brock then sends Kurt right by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. Brock goes for a right, but Kurt blocks it and nails a right hand. Brock goes for another right, but Kurt blocks it once more and nails another right. Kurt nails another right to the face of Brock, and Brock is reeling. Kurt nails another one. Kurt gets on top of the Raw Announce Table and goes for another flying lariat. Brock catches him in midair and nails a modified over the head belly to belly suplex, in which Kurt lands right on the apron face first! Brock looks at what he has done and begins to laugh. Brock picks up a bruised Kurt and slides him into the ring. Brock makes the sure fire cover for victory. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and no! Kurt gets the shoulder up! Brock can’t believe it. Brock looks at Henson and says that was three! Henson tells him it was only a two count. Brock picks up Angle and looks at him and then nails a kick to the stomach. Brock goes for the F-5 earlier on in the match, but Kurt counters it into an armbar rollup submission. Kurt has the hold locked in good as Brock tries to get to the ropes. Brock then finally gets to the ropes. Kurt then tries to pull Brock away from the ropes, but Brock keeps on the ropes. Kurt has no choice but to break the hold. Henson starts the five count. 1-------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------3---------------------and Kurt breaks. Kurt then nails a kick to the shoulder of Brock. Kurt then does a knee to the ankle of Brock. Kurt picks up Brock and nails a high angle back drop. Kurt then sends him to the corner. Kurt then comes at Brock, but Brock catches him and nails him with a running powerslam. Brock then makes the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------and no! Kurt slowly gets up and Brock looks at him. Brock then strikes with a left hand. Brock sends Kurt to the ropes. Kurt then nails an uppercut to the face of Brock. Kurt then tries to nail a German Suplex, on Brock, but Brock counters it. Brock lands on his feet and nails a hard clothesline. Brock lifts up Kurt and then does a duck and roll and then nails a huge powerslam. Brock then picks up Kurt and nails another powerslam. Brock makes the cover. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Kurt somehow is able to get the shoulder up! Brock can’t believe it. Brock gets up and begins to go to the outside. Brock goes for a dropkick and surprisingly connects with it from the top rope. Brock seems ready to go as he stalks the Wrestling Machine as he slowly gets to his feet. Brock tries to go for the F-5, but Kurt quickly escapes and takes down Brock. Kurt tries to go for the Angle Lock, but Brock counters it. Kurt goes flying but stops himself before hitting the turnbuckle. Kurt turns around and Brock comes right at him. Brock though lands on the top rope. Kurt turns around and Brock jumps and nails a spinning DDT on Kurt! Brock makes the cover with his feet on the ropes for the extra advantage. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and NO! Kurt gets the shoulder up. Brock gets up, and Kurt slowly gets to his feet. Brock then nails an elbow to the sternum of Kurt. Brock tries to suplex Kurt out of the ring, but Kurt uses the ropes, and locks in a headscissors on Brock. Brock tries to break it, but can’t break the hold on the Wrestling Machine. Kurt then nails a headscissors takedown on Brock that sends Brock right to the outside! Kurt catches his balance and then drops off of the ropes into the ring. Kurt then begins to climb the turnbuckles. Kurt gets to the top rope as Brock is slowly getting back to his feet. Kurt jumps and nails a moonsault on Brock right on the outside and the crowd is going wild as both men are down in this match! We see a replay of the move, as Henson comes out of the ring to check on both men. Henson looks at both men and then begins the 10 count.

1---------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------3--------------------------------------------------------4----------------------------------------------------------------------5--------------------------------------------6--------------------------and Kurt gets to his feet first. Kurt slides into the ring and then slides back out of the ring breaking up the count. Kurt picks up Brock and then repays the favor by nailing a belly to belly suplex right onto the side of the ring. Kurt picks up Brock and then sends him into the ring. Kurt gets into the ring and makes the cover. 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------and NO! Brock gets his foot on the rope at the last moment. Kurt can’t believe it. Kurt picks up Brock and then locks in the chicken wing crossface. Kurt gets Brock down to one foot, and Kurt looks to have weaken the beast. Kurt has Brock in good as Brock continues to try and break the hold, but to no avail. Kurt has Brock in really well as Brock is starting to turn colors. Henson looks at Brock and asks him does he want to continue. Brock tells him yes. Brock though tries to break the hold, but Kurt locks it in even more, getting a big pop from the audience. Henson looks at Brock and Brock seems to be out of it. Henson raises Brock’s right arm. It goes down. That’s one! Henson raises the arm once more. It goes down once again. That’s two. One more and this match here folks is over. Henson raises the arm for a third time. It goes dow…NO! It’s up! The crowd is booing Lesnar as they thought he was done for sure! Lesnar stumbles to his feet as Angle comes at him and takes him down a chopblock. Angle goes for the Angle Lock, but Lesnar sends him right into Henson. Henson is down and Angle gets up and turns around and Lesnar goes for the F-5, but Angle counters it. Angle then nails the Angle Slam on Lesnar! Angle goes for the cover, but Henson is out of it! Angle tries to revive Henson, but Henson is not moving. Henson is on Dream Street. Angle makes the cover as Lesnar is still out of it. Henson begins to move a bit. Henson gets over there after 15 seconds of being out of it and makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Lesnar gets the shoulder up! Kurt can’t believe it! Kurt picks up Lesnar and sends him to the ropes. Kurt sees Lesnar coming off of the ropes and Kurt goes for the Angle Slam, but Lesnar counters it and nails a hard DDT into a modified Dragon Sleeper submission hold! Angle tries to break the hold, but Lesnar has the pressure locked on Angle’s neck! Angle tries to get up, but he can’t move. Angle then resorts on trying to shift the weight over to Lesnar. Angle somehow lifts Brock up and catches him with a modified flapjack right onto the ropes. Brock is hung up on the ropes. Kurt nails a German Suplex on Brock. Kurt keeps the hold on and nails another German Suplex. Brock tries to get out, and Kurt nails a third German Suplex. Brock desperately to reach the ropes but is hit with a fourth German Suplex. Kurt keeps the hold on and nails a fifth and this time releasing German Suplex on Brock! Kurt makes the cover. 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Brock gets the shoulder up! Kurt can’t believe it. Kurt picks up Brock and sends him to the corner. Brock now in the corner, ducks and goes up to the top rope. Kurt though notices it, and then fakes out Brock. Kurt jumps up to the top rope, and Brock pushes him off of the top rope. Kurt jumps back up and then nails a belly to belly suplex from off of the top rope! Kurt makes the cover. 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------------------------------and NO! Brock gets the shoulder up! Kurt drops the straps and it’s time boy for the Angle Slam. Brock gets up and Kurt goes for the Angle Slam, but Brock counters it and pushes Kurt off of him. Brock then nails another kick to the sternum of Kurt. Brock then connects with the F-5 right in the middle of the ring. Brock makes the cover!

1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------------and NO! NO! Kurt gets the shoulder up! Kurt somehow is still in this match. Kurt is barely able to move. Brock is on the top rope and jumps and this TIME nails the Shooting Star Press (all of it) on Kurt Angle! Brock makes the cover. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and NO! Kurt once again gets the shoulder up! Brock is livid as he can’t believe that Kurt somehow was able to kick out of the Shooting Star Press! Brock picks up Kurt and tells him this is it! Kurt who is stumbling around is lifted for the F-5, but Kurt counters it and nails the DDT. Angle waits for Lesnar to get to his feet. Kurt then nails the Angle Slam on Lesnar! Instead of going for the cover, Angle locks in the Angle Lock! Angle has it in good! Lesnar tries to get to the ropes, but Angle pulls him back. Lesnar tries to grab Henson, but Angle pulls him back to the center once again. Lesnar tries to crawl, but Angle falls to the mat and locks it in even more. Brock has no choice but to finally tap out in the center of the ring!

*Medal hits*

Lillian Garcia: The winner of the match, Kurt Angle! MT-14:04
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle just made Brock tap out!
Tazz: What a performance by Angle, who just made Lesnar tap out! I’m shocked!

Jim Ross: Angle wins! Angle wins!

Stay Tuned still to come...
The Rock vs. John "The Boss" Cena
The "Deadman" Undertaker vs. Stone Cold "Rattle Snake"Steve Austin
Triple H vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Tables, Ladders, and Chairs [TLC] V.. World Tag Team Championship
"America's Most Wanted" Chris Harris and James Storm vs. "Team 3-D" Bubba and De-von Dudley vs. "MNM" Nitro(c) and Mercury(c)
Hulk Hogan vs. Randy "Macho Man" Savage
WWE Championship
Booker T vs. Randy Orton(c)
World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn "The Heart Break Kid" Miachels (c)vs. Brett "The Hitman" Hart


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
The matches are virtually impossible to read KOM. You should probably change that, as it makes is very hard to read everything.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
It's probably stretched out because he has centred it and eput loads of these -----------------------------------------------.

KOM people dont really like that much try just putting 3 or 4 .... much shorter and doesnt do this to your show. Maybe try editing these in so people can read your show beter


yea i'm sorry the matches are way too hard to read. Try something like this:

Mike Tenay: "Kurt Angle is going to get counted out!"

The referee starts the count...1..2..3..4..5..6..7..Angle makes it to his feet!

and for pins:

Samoa Joe hits Angle with the Muscle Buster! Cover...1...2...3


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Sorry, but this is just impossible to the read since the page is all stretched out and everything. Try fixing it. Then it'll be ALOT easier to read.