WWE vs. ECW extreme meets wrestling

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Evil Austin

ok no probs ill try for next time

Breaking News

It has now been confirmed that the wwe has signed the rock. And has been confirmed that he will be facing Brock Lesnar at the royal rumble. in three weeks time stay tuned for ecw whenever nate gets online.

pictures have been added

breaking News

After The Hbk And Goldberg Ending To The Cage Match Both And Orton Have Been Added To The Rumble Match Making The Main Event A Fatal Four Way Match.





WWE TITLE - Triple H vs Bill Goldberg vs HBK vs Orton

Brock Lesnar vs The Rock


(to nate pm me with your main events and i update the card)


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
This will be a 3-hour show.

Joey Styles: Welcome everyone to E.C.W. After nearly six years ECW is back and it is back how it should be, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Bodies hits as Paul Heyman walks to the ring to a smattering of ECW and Thank You Paul chants. Paul stands in the middle of the ring and lets it all soak in then raises the microphone to his mouth as the crowd quiets and he begins to talk.

Paul: Welcome back to the real ECW. Its been a long time but I finally got my baby back. You see, in 2001 ECW died as many people will tell you. I didn’t have the money to compete with WCW or WWF as it was at the time. I had Eric Bitch( cheers for calling him Bitch) I mean Bischoff stealing my roster, TNN giving Vince McMahon 10 million dollars, which he didn’t need and giving me shit. So all that lead to the so-called death of ECW. Well I’m here to bring forth the revival of ECW, and not that crap watered-down version WWE tried to give you all. No true ECW fan appreciated that, hell no true wrestling fan should appreciate that. No wonder that brand sucked. You see tonight starts a new era of ECW. Tonight ECW is revived with our first show of the new year, a three-hour extravaganza. I want to take this moment to thank all the ECW fans that stuck it out. That bought the ECW DVDs and that know the truth on why ECW folded. Now onto the title belts in ECW. There are four belts in ECW now, but only two belong.

Heyman pulls out the ECW, Tag, cruiserweight, and Hardcore belts.

Paul: You see, the cruiserweight belt is from WCW, but hell I brought all the cruiserweights from Mexico to the USA. The Rye Mysterios, The Super Crazys, The Juvitud Guerreros. All of them came because I gave them a chance, until Eric Bischoff raided our roster and made this belt. Well this is what I think of this belt.

Heyman spits on the belt and throws it into a trash can in the ring.

Paul:Now onto the hardcore belt. A belt made by Vince McMahon to try to copy the ECW style. Look at this piece of shit. it’s a broken WWF World belt with tape on it that says HARDCORE. That is a mockery to all the past champions that helped make this wrestling world what it is today. Vince, you fucked up on this one, so this gets trashed as well.

Paul throws it in the trash can but does not spit on it.

Paul: Now to put the final touches on this little ceremony. I think we should give these belts a proper ECW burial.

Paul grabs some lighter fluid from under the ring and squirts it into the can. He gets some matches from out of his pocket and sets the can on fire as the fans chant ECW, ECW, ECW

Paul: Now speaking of titles, it looks like we only have two left, but I have decided that ECW needs three so I have brought back the ECW television title. A title that was held by Rob Van Dam for 23 damn months. This belt is as close to the ECW World title as you can get. Speaking of the World title. It would seem that ECW needs a world champion. So I propose a one-night 8-man tournament to crown the new ECW champion, and I say it happens tonight. What do you think about that?

Crowd burst into applause

Paul: I thought you would like that, so how about we get out first competitors out here to start off this tournament.

Paul walks to the back as Edge’s music plays.

Edge slides into the ring and waits for his opponent as Elijah Burke’s music plays and he walks out to the ring.

Round One Match in the ECW World heavyweight title tournament
Match begins with a collar-elbow tie-up and Edge whips Burke into the ropes. Burke comes off with a clothesline that Edge ducks. Burke off the other rope to get nailed with a clothesline by Edge. Edge picks Burke up and nails a suplex followed by an armbar. Burke gets out and gets back to his feet. Edge charges at Burke and Elijah throws Edge over the top rope. Edge on the outside and grabs a chair. Elijah goes after Edge and gets creamed with the chair.

Joey: Welcome to the real ECW, Elijah.

Edge nails Burke with the chair two more times then rolls him into the ring and covers him. Burke kicks out at two and Edge cannot believe it. Edge tries for another cover but burke kicks out. Edge rolls outside of the ring and grabs another chair. He slides back into the ring only to be kicked in the head by Burke. Elijah grabs the chair and nails Edge with it busting Edge open in the process. Burke with the cover but only gets two. Edge gets back up and nails a ddt on Burke. Both men down and exhausted. Edge is the first one up and sets Burke up for the Spear. Burke sees it coming and moves out of the way sending Edge into the turnbuckle shoulder first. Burke school boys Edge for a two count. Burke gets up and goes to get the steel chair. He grabs it and gives Edge a stiff kick to keep him down. Burke then puts the chair down and calls for The Elijah Experience. He tries to nail Edge with it onto the steel chair but Edge reverses into a suplex with Burke catching his head flush on the steel chair. Edge rolls over for the cover and gets the three count.

Edge goes to the back as Elijah gets up to reveal a long gash in the back of his head where he caught the edge of the chair at. The mash unit comes down to help Elijah to the back for stitches.

Backstage we see Josh Mathews with a Microphone.

Josh: It feels good to be back in wrestling and it feels good to be in ECW. My guest at this time is Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton walks into the screen.

Josh: Shelton, How does it feel to be in the ECW World championship tournament tonight going against Rey Mysterio in the first round.

Shelton: Well, Josh. It feels great. I finally am in a company where it doesn’t matter that I cannot talk all to well on the mic. A company where my athletic ability is put in higher regard than how well I can cut a promo. A company where I am going to shine because I am going to go out there tonight and put on one hell of a WRESTLING match with Rey Mysterio. Not no 5 minute filler match where I can barely wrestle my opponent. Rey I just hope you feel the same way.

Benjamin leaves as Josh gives us our sendoff.

Josh: Well, Joey it looks like Shelton Benjamin is ready for some wrestling.

Joey: Well, he is going to have to be tonight when he faces Rey Mysterio in the first round.

Round One Match in the ECW World heavyweight title tournament-
Bobby Lashley vs. Batista

Match begins with Batista and Lashley both showing off their power in a grecken-roman knuckle lock. Lashley drops to his knees as Batista puts on the pressure. Bobby gets the fans behind him as he starts to rise to the one knee. Eventually he makes it all the way to a standing position and starts to make Batista drop. Batista gives Bobby a kick before he goes down to break the hold. Bobby bounces off the ropes and nails a vicious clothesline knocking Batista down. Bobby gets on the floor and rides Batista, but Batista sits out. Bobby locks in a chin lock. Batista stands up and throws Bobby into the ropes and nails him with a clothesline. Batista picks Bobby up and again whips him into the ropes, this time looking for the spine buster. He nails it and covers Bobby. Lashley kicks out at 2 and Batista rolls to the outside to look under the ring. He pulls out a table and slides it into the ring. Batista follows the table in as Bobby is getting up. Lashley up fully and kicks Batista in he gut. He tries a Dominator but Batista stops it. Batista then nails a suplex to Lashley. Batista sets the table up as Lashley is getting up. Batista turns around to be nailed with a spear, that sends Batista up and throw the table. Batista gets covered but kicks out at two. Bobby gets back up and goes to the outside looking for another table. He finds one under the ring and sets it up in the corner. Batista takes this time to rest up and then gets up and nails Bobby with a spear through the table set up in the corner. Batista goes for the cover, but Bobby kicks out a 2. Batista rolls out of the ring onto the long, ramp way that you see at some WCW pay per views. Bobby back up now and bounces off the ropes and flies over the top rope onto Batista. They both fall down and through the ramp way, landing on the cement floor.



The referee goes to check on them and gives the EMT sign as the MASH unit comes out and declares that both men cannot continue with the match as they call for stretcher to wheel Lashley and Batista to the back.

After both Lashley and Batista are safely on the stretcher and in the back, we hear a familiar strum as the place goes nuts. Out walks Bret “The Hitman†Hart. Bret walks into the ring with a microphone to the best applause of the night.

Bret: Thank you all. It feels good to be back, and since Paul Heyman has given me a microphone and told me to come out here and say what I want, that is exactly what I am going to do. Vince McMahon, Fuck You. Ten years ago, you said that Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart. Well, I have decided to change the phrase a little bit. Because from now on, it will be Bret Hart screwing Vince McMahon. Many people might tell me to move on, it was ten years ago, your better than him Bret. Well I don’t care. Nobody, I repeat nobody disrespects the Hart name. So, Vince if you want a fight, anytime anywhere man. Because, I have been cleared to wrestle. Yes, the Excellence of Execution is back to wrestling and I have only one more thing to say. Bret Hart screwed Vince McMahon.

Bret leaves to a unheard of pop from the crowd.

Joey: Bret Hart allowed to wrestle, and he coming for Vince McMahon. This is news like I have never heard before.

A video airs showing clips of the old ECW. It starts with Shane Douglas throwing down the NWA title. It then goes to Tommy Dreamer getting caned by Sandman. Vic Grimes being thrown off the scaffold. Sabu and Terry Funk in the barbwire match. Terry Funk winning the ECW title. Tommy Dreamer finally beating Raven. Joey Styles saying “It’s Tommy’s.†Spike going into the fans. Bam Bam and Taz falling through the ring. It ends with Tommy Dreamer holding the ECW world title.

Backstage we see Paul Heyman in front of the entire ECW locker room.

Paul: Thank you all for being here for the revival of ECW. Tonight, we embark on a mission to defeat Vincent Kennedy McMahon and destroy WWE, but better yet. We are on a mission to please the fans. I want to thank you all for not taking the high money checks from WWE and working for me and working for yourself. ECW will never die again if I have a breath in my body.

A voice is heard from the back as Edge walks to the front to talk to Heyman.

Edge: You see Paul, I didn’t come to ECW for the fans. I came to ECW for one reason. To win the one world title that I have not been able to win. The ECW world title and I will do that tonight when I win your silly little tournament. Tonight begins the rated-R era of ECW. Tonight, I win the ECW title for the first time and it is all thanks to the Higher Power.

Paul: The higher power, what in the hell are you talking about?

Edge: O, don’t you worry about that Heyman, just yet.

Edge leaves the room as we head back to the ring for another Round one match.

Round One Match in the ECW World title tournament-
Chris Jericho vs. Big Show

Match starts with Big Show showing off his power. Big Show pushes Chris down to the canvas, but Jericho jumps right back up. Show knocks him down again and then steps on Jericho. Show goes outside and grabs a steel chair. He gets back in the ring to be nailed with a spin kick into the chair into his face. Jericho grabs the chair and nails Show with it. Jericho out to the ring and grabs a trash can and a kendo stick. He puts the trash can onto Show’s head and takes the kendo stick and caves the can in onto Show’s head. Jericho tries the cover but Show throws him off at two. Jericho rolls out of the ring to grab a table. He throws it into the ring. Show is up and he grabs the table and sets it up. Jericho in the ring to be caught in a choke slam position. Jericho gets out of it with a eye rack. He then slides behind Show and clips Show’s leg. Show falls as Jericho goes outside to get a chair. He comes in and takes the edge of the chair into Show’s knee three times. He then starts to work on Show’s back with some vicious chair shot to Show’s lower back. Jericho then flips Show over for a pin attempt, but Show kicks out at 2. Jericho then goes for the Lionsault but Show grabs the chair next to him and throws it straight into Jericho’s face as he flips over. Jericho is down and out as Show gets up and picks Jericho gets for the choke slam. Show hits it and then goes for the cover but picks Jericho up. He points to the table and guzzles Jericho’s neck. This time Jericho slips out and slips behind Show. Jericho with a school boy. 1..2..3. Jericho wins with the surprise win.

A video plays hyping Rey Mysterio’s run with ECW.

Round One Match in the ECW World title tournament-
Rey Mysterio vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton and Mysterio shake hands before the bell sounds and then they lock up. Shelton with the advantage and he send Rey into the ropes. Rey slides under Shelton and bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Shelton’s back making Benjamin fall into 619 position. Rey bounces off the ropes looking for the 619 but Shelton rolls out of the ring and puts up 5 fingers and shakes his head.

Joey: I think Shelton is trying to say that this isn’t going to be a five minute match.

Shelton back in the ring and he locks up with Rey. Shelton with a go-behind and nails a german suplex into a bridge. Rey kicks out at one and both men are back to their feet. Rey charges at Benjamin and Shelton nails Rey with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Benjamin then clutches Rey’s back and starts to wrestle amateur. Rey with a sit-out reversal. Benjamin on bottom as Rey locks in a head-lock. Shelton then tries standing up and gets to one knee. The crowd behind Benjamin as he gets all the way up and falls backwards with Rey on his back. Shelton tries for the pin but Rey kicks out at two. Benjamin locks in a body scissors and Rey tries to get out unsuccessfully. Rey eventually works his way out and to his feet. Shelton tries a clothesline but misses as Rey ducks underneath and nails a beautiful standing dropkick. Shelton on the canvas as Rey goes to the top. Shelton back up and Rey comes off the top with a Hurricanranna. He hooks Shelton’s leg and gets a two count. Rey then bounces off the ropes and leaps into the air only to be caught by Shelton and Belly to Bellied over the top rope. Rey outside and Benjamin in the ring looking around to the crowd. He bounces off the ropes and flies over the top rope onto Rey. Both men down and Shelton is the first to his feet. Shelton picks Rey up and rolls him into the ring. Benjamin back in and goes to kick Rey, but Rey catches Shelton’s foot. Mysterio turns Shelton around only to be caught with the Dragon’s whip. Rey gets covered but kicks out at two. Benjamin back up and tries for the T-bone. Rey counters with a couple of elbow shots and eventually gets loose. He then trips Shelton into the ropes and nails the 619. Rey goes to the outside and leaps onto the top rope looking for the West Coast Pop. Benjamin is up and backs up, so that Rey cannot make the leap. Rey lands on his feet only to be put directly into the T-bone suplex for the three count.

Joey: What a match, we just saw. Shelton, you are no longer a five minute man.

After the match, Rey and Shelton hug in the middle of the ring as we cut to a video.

In the video, we see MVP standing in a big mansion. MVP starts to talk as the camera moves around to better show off the house.

MVP: ECW, you are looking at the MVP of ECW. The highest paid superstar in ECW. The person that is better than you in ECW. Next week, when I make my in-ring debut, I will prove to you, why I dress better than you, why I get more ladies than, and why I am just plain better than you. Remember big things poppin’ little things stopping’.

MVP does the Ballin’ sign as the video fades to a graphic saying MVP…Next Week

Round Two Match in the ECW World Title tournament-
Edge vs. ???

Edge’s music plays as he comes out with a microphone.

Edge: Tonight, I fulfill the higher power’s master plans when I win the ECW World title. Now I have one question. Who is the person that I am supposed to be wrestling to get into the finals. The baboon Bobby Lashley and the Meat-head Batista are laying in a hospital right now because Lashley thought he was Rey Mysterio or something flying over the top rope. So, Paul come out here and tell me who I am facing.

Bodies hit’s a s Paul walks out to the ramp way.

Paul: Edge, tonight is your lucky night. You see when I made this tournament, I fully expected for all 8 men to compete and for one person from each match to advance to the next round. Well both Lashley and Batista cannot compete against you, so I am going to have to advance you straight to the finals.

Edge: I knew it, you couldn’t find anybody brave enough to face the rated-R superstar. So now I get to go to the finals to face a filler man or a Edge-wannabe. This is awesome.

Paul: Edge, you didn’t let me finish. Yes, your going to be in the finals but Shelton Benjamin and Chris Jericho will also be in the finals with you in a triple threat match.

Edge: What you cannot do that. I was to face only one person in the finals. The higher power is not going to like this Heyman.

Paul: Hey, Edge. Since you want to be a little baby and cry all the damn time. I am going to even it up a little bit and make it a ladder match. Does that make you happy.

Edge has a smile on his face now as he is thinking of a plan.

Edge: Ok, Paul that is just wonderful, How about we have the match right now.

Paul: You read my mind Edge.

Break the Walls plays as Chris Jericho walks out with a ladder in his hand.

Ain’t no stopping me plays as Shelton walks to the ring with a ladder in his hand as well.

Final Match in the ECW World Heavyweight title tournament-
Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin in a Ladder Match

Match starts with Edge trying to steal the ladder from Jericho. Benjamin flies into the ring from the ramp way and nails with the ladder. Jericho and Benjamin go after each other. Jericho nails a punch on Benjamin. Shelton punches Jericho back. Edge back up and he sets the ladder up and begins to climb as Chris and Shelton are punching each other. Benjamin notices Edge climbing the ladder and knocks it over sending Edge off the ladder onto the ropes. Jericho nails Benjamin from behind and sets up the ladder. He begins to climb but Benjamin knocks him off. Edge back in and grabs the other ladder in the ring. Jericho back up and he rolls outside the ring and gets his own ladder. Jericho back in the ring as Benjamin picks up the ladder that Jericho was climbing. All three men have ladders and they set them up with Benjamin’s in the middle. All three men climb, but only Benjamin has a good shot at grabbing the title. Jericho and Edge realize this and work on getting Shelton off the ladder. They punch and kick him until Benjamin eventually falls to the ground. Edge and Jericho then fight over the middle ladder, with Jericho winning the fight. Edge then grabs the back of Jericho and nails a reverse DDT off of the ladder. All three men are down as the fans chant ECW. Benjamin slowly starts to get up and then realizes his opponents are down and knips up. He starts to climb the ladder, and gets to the second to last rung. Jericho at the foot of the ladder and starts to tip it over by the bottom. Edge grabs the other side and they tip the ladder over sending Benjamin to the outside. Jericho and Edge back up as they start to punch each other. They continue to nail each other until Edge lands a kick to the groin of Jericho. Jericho goes down and Edge sets up a ladder. He begins to climb and begins to climb. Out of nowhere Shelton flies into the screen and kicks Edge right in the face knocking him off of the ladder. Jericho back up and rolls outside and grabs a steel chair. He comes back in and knocks Benjamin off the ladder he was climbing. Edge is on the outside searching for yet another ladder, this time pulling out the 20 foot ladder. He throws that one in the ring and Jericho intercepts it. Jericho sets it up and begins to climb, but Edge comes in and knocks him off. Benjamin back up. He nails a Dragon’s whip on Edge. He begins to climb the ladder but Jericho knocks him off. Jericho locks in the LionTamer and Benjamin taps. Edge breaks it up and tosses Benjamin outside, throwing a ladder on top of him outside. Jericho and Edge are in the ring as Edge sets up the 20 footer and Jericho sets up the smaller ladder. Outside the ring Benjamin is setting up the ladder that Edge through on him. He climbs all the way to the top and leaps from the top over the top rope onto Jericho’s ladder knocking it into Edge’s ladder.



All men are down and all the ladders in the ring are down. Edge is on the floor and Benjamin and Jericho are knocked down in the ring. Benjamin slowly gets up followed by Jericho. Jericho charges at Benjamin but Benjamin moves and Jericho bounces off the ropes, only to be caught in the T-bone position. Benjamin turns around and T-bone’s Jericho over the top rope into the ladder that was set up from where Benjamin leaped into the ring. Benjamin then sees the belt hanging high and grabs a ladder. He sets it up and it looks like he is going to grab the belt. As he is reaching for it, two masked men jump in the ring and knock Benjamin down. They attack Benjamin with some chair shots and then go and get Edge. While one helps Edge into the ring and up the ladder, the other forces Benjamin to watch Edge grab the belt from the fixture that it is on. Edge is declared the winner of the match.

Joey: Shelton Benjamin just got screwed out of the ECW World Heavyweight title by Edge and two masked men, that I don’t even know who they are. Does this have anything to do with the Higher Power Edge has been talking about all night long?

Edge celebrates with the masked men as the all rights reserved graphic comes up in the corner of the screen.

Evil Austin

GREAT SHOW (claps) lol but yeah did you get the pm i sent you ?

mine will be up this time in two days


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Ladder Match

WM: N/a

BP: Bret Hart

WP: N/a

AC: Very good, well written, good storylines...looking forward to the next show

CP: check out RWA "Unlimited" this sunday

Evil Austin


- will vince have something to say back to bret hart ?
- with the wwe champion retaining the wwe title against randy orton in a blindfold match what else will happen once goldberg was announced the number 1 contender at the royal rumble as well as HBK.
- Vince will also make a match chosing austin's opponent to get a spot in the rumble. who will it be ?
- The rock and brock lesnar are going at it at teh rumble what else will happen when they meet this week.

all these questions and more will be answered around this time in two days when i post wwe edition 2

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Main Event Ladder Match

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Edge promos

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show! The Tournament is quite good. I wonder who will be the ECW Champ? I am checking it out!


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Main Event Ladder Match

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Edge promos

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show! The Tournament is quite good. I wonder who will be the ECW Champ? I am checking it out!

Edge is the world champion..i had Paul come out and make the trip threat a finals match and Shelton get screwed out of the title

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Edge is the world champion..i had Paul come out and make the trip threat a finals match and Shelton get screwed out of the title

Oops.. Sorry, lol.. I haven't read the last part this is already the Heavyweight title match


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Main Event Ladder Match

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Edge promos

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show! The Tournament is quite good. I wonder who will be the ECW Champ? I am checking it out!

Oops.. Sorry, lol.. I haven't read the last part this is already the Heavyweight title match

yea i was tryin to get a show up and didnt want to have to write an extra two matches....can u tell me how i can improve cause i kno u and XB abd gardsJr. and Jhar and Enigma are really good at this and i really want to be up with yall

Evil Austin

updated preview card below


- will vince have something to say back to bret hart ?
- with the wwe champion retaining the wwe title against randy orton in a blindfold match what else will happen once goldberg was announced the number 1 contender at the royal rumble as well as HBK.
- Vince will also make a match chosing austin's opponent to get a spot in the rumble. who will it be ?
- The rock and brock lesnar are going at it at teh rumble what else will happen when they meet this week.
- With Mr kennedy calling up wwe owner vince lately and saying that he is pissed off that he was not on last week will he be on this week and if so what role will he play ?

all these questions and more will be answered around this time in two days when i post wwe week 2


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
From Impactwrestling.com/forums

Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman have sat down and decided on a PPV schedule for the 2008 year. After much negotiating, both owners found it in their best interest to not have PPV's on the same month, but they also decided to co-promote four pay per views a year, commonly known as the big four. The following is the PPV schedule for 2008

Jan. Royal Rumble
Feb. Backlash
Mar. Wrestlemania
Apr. Wrestlepoloza
May. Invasion
June. King of the Extreme
July. Unforgiven
Aug. Summerslam
Sept. Cyberslam
Aug. Bad Blood
Oct. Barely Legal
Nov. Survivor Series
Dec. Cyber Sunday

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