-MARCH 2007-
It is March of 2007. You are sitting down on your couch. You’ve been a pro wrestling fan for a while now, but over the past few years your interest has waned. Maybe you finally outgrew wrestling? You haven’t followed it in quite some time. You miss the days of Stone Cold and the Attitude Era. Every time you tried to get back into it, you just couldn’t do it. Maybe you’ve flipped through the channels and caught a segment of Raw or Smackdown…or some TNA on Spike. Nothing piques your interest anymore…
Although you think you’ve outgrown wrestling, you cannot shake that thought inside your head that Wrestlemania is coming up, and you NEVER miss Wrestlemania. Last year you bought it, watched it, and hated it! You’re not doing that again this year, are you?
Days go by and you still cannot get the thought of Wrestlemania out of your head. It’s right around the corner. You suddenly remember you just got a brand new BluRay DVD player for Christmas. Your mind isn’t on binge watching shows to catch up quite yet since that isn’t a thing in 2007, so you do the next best thing. You decide to head to your nearest Circuit City to browse the DVD section. Wrestlemania is on your mind, so your eyes instantly shift towards the wrestling section….
You pick up a stack of DVD’s and begin to rummage through. The graphics are still awesome. Vibrant colors. All your favorite names. Shawn Michaels…Undertaker…Triple H….Who’s this menacing dude with the face paint pasted in Samoan tribal tattoos? Kurt Angle…Edge…Summerslam…Survivor Series…Six Feet Deep? When did that become a PPV? The cover looks cool as hell…Armageddon…Royal Rumble…
You look through, interested enough to read the back to see the match cards, but still, you don’t feel that spark. You shrug your shoulders and put the DVD’s back. Maybe this year I just won’t watch…
You start to walk towards the exit, where an endcap with the new WRESTLEMANIA 23 logo sits and stares at you. “What is this?” you say to yourself as you look down. Wrestlemania 23 didn’t happen yet…but what is this DVD? The colors pop out at you, almost as if Wrestlemania 23 is calling your name…You pick it up and read it out loud…
Hmm, interesting. You flip it over and read the back…
“WWE Home Video presents: The Immortal Timeline! Don’t have time to watch weekly anymore? We’ve got you covered. WWE: The Immortal Timeline recaps everything that has happened since Wrestlemania 22. Join Michael Cole, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler as they take you through the month-by-month happenings in the WWE, as we embark on THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA 23! Hot storylines, big PPV matches, and everything else in between! With Wrestlemania 23 right around the corner, WWE: The Immortal Timeline will get you caught up in no time!”
“Well, that makes it easy. A monthly recap hosted by Cole, Tazz, JR, and The King. Sign me up!”
You leave the store with WWE: The Immortal Timeline in your bag, but more importantly, a renewed interest in all things WWE. Now all you have to do is go home, pop this bad boy in, fire up some pizza rolls, and catch up just in time for Wrestlemania 23!
The opening credits begin to roll as a video package recaps certain voices throughout the timeline. We are narrated by the greatest voice of all time- the guy who used to say “AND NOW…” at the beginning of every PPV…
Paved in a vengeance so cold that no mere mortal can withstand…
Paved in a vengeance so cold that no mere mortal can withstand…
“You are DEAD TO ME! Do you hear me GODDAMNIT? DEAD! I’m gonna make you PAY! I’m gonna make you SUFFER! You will never…and I mean never…live this down…you son of a bitch!”
Chiseled in trials and tribulations, turns and trickery, tumultuous and turbulent times…
“I don’t know how all of you simple-minded fans and especially you, my friend, my brother…didn’t see this coming. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Did you really think that our sick and twisted history would allow us to have a long-lasting friendship?”
Intertwined with the brutally blood-stained canvas, the dark red remembrance of what turns men into immortals…
“Oh come on, we need some help out here. FOR GOD’S SAKE! Get some DAMN HELP out here! He’s bleeding like a stuck pig! DAMN HIM! DAMN THIS SON OF A BITCH! This has gone WAY too far. Somebody, anybody, please do something! HELP!”
Reaped in a respect and understanding so deep that only an immortal would dare to continue on its path…
“Love him or hate him, this young man, he is THE man right now. And he is the World Champion for a reason, and that reason is because he is on top of his game, and it doesn’t look like ANYONE can come close to taking that title off of him!”
Where Immortals shed their past and present for a future so desirable that it keeps them wanting to endure, even when they know they are at death’s doorstep…
“These past few months have been very challenging, to say the least. Everything I have endured. Everything I have put my family through. The fractured relationships, both here in the WWE and at home. When I hit rock bottom, all I could think of is lacing up these boots one more time to prove to myself that I can still do this at an extremely high level. I’m not gonna lie to you and say I am a perfect man. I am far from it. But I need everyone to understand the pressure I put on myself is far superior than anything felt before. Simply put, if I don’t win this match, the world will all have a front row seat to watch me crash and burn in spectacular fashion…”
Only has room for the chosen few, the chosen titans and eager warriors who dare to venture on it…
“Well, this is it folks. The moment you have all been waiting for. Do you feel that in the air? This is what a big match feels like. Right here, right now… Wrestlemania! Twelve long months in the making. These two have been through it all, went to hell and back! They’ve thrown everything they have at each other, and still, both are somehow standing upright. These two are the definition of immortals. However, only one will leave Wrestlemania with their immortality still intact. It all ends here, for better or for worse…”
BT Note: This is somewhat of a spinoff from my original WWE 06/07 project that you can find HERE. Basically, this DVD format will give a preview post: “THE HYPE” followed by summarized PPV results: “THE SHOW”, all narrated by the brand’s respective commentary team. Since I’ve already written Backlash in full on the other thread, Backlash will serve as a template for what to expect moving forward.
This is a fun idea I’ve thought up while toying with the other thread, so let’s see how far this one goes. My goal is to make it to Wrestlemania 23, which has been my ultimate personal goal when it comes to BTB’s. Hopefully this format makes it easy to follow for you all. So, scroll through, read results, look at the shiny graphics, but most of all, enjoy!