WWE: The Do Over

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Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Backstory: On January 1, 2008, Mr. McMahon states he is shaking things up in the WWE. And these things are big. He decides it's time to kill the attempted resurrection of ECW because of the low rating. He also states that every single superstar in WWE has gone on WWE Free Agency because there is going to be a draft in place to freshen things up on Raw and Smackdown!. The ECW superstars will be heading over to either Raw or Smackdown!. Mr. McMahon announces that Shane McMahon will be taking over Smackdown! general manager duties and Stephanie McMahon will be taking over Raw general manager duties and they'll be in charge of the draft.

Raw Roster:

Beth Phoenix
Big Show
Bobby Lashley
Charlie Haas
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Curt Hawkins
Elijah Burke
Hardcore Holly
Kofi Kingston
Matt Hardy
Matt Striker
Mr. Kennedy
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
The Great Khali
The Undertaker
Zack Ryder

Raw Champions:
WWE Championship: None
Intercontinental Championship: Elijah Burke
Womens Championship: None
World Tag Team Championships: None

Smackdown! Roster:

Bam Neely
Big Daddy V
Brian Kendrick
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Jericho
DH Smith
Gregory Helms
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
John Morrison
Kelly Kelly
Kenny Dykstra
Lance Cade
Mark Henry
Mickie James
Paul London
Randy Orton
Ric Flair
Shelton Benjamin
The Miz
Tommy Dreamer
Trevor Murdoch
Triple H
William Regal

Smackdown! Champions:
World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
United States Champion: MVP
WWE Tag Team Champion: John Cena & Ric Flair

January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out
March - WrestleMania
April - Backlash
May - Judgment Day
June - Night Of Champions
July - The Great American Bash
August - SummerSlam
September - Unforgiven
October - No Mercy
November - Cyber Sunday
November - Survivor Series
December - Armageddon

NOTE: I am not quitting TNW, I am just doing two BTBs.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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This looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to the draft to see what you can come up with. Hope you can handle two BTB's. Good luck, dude.

CT Styles

Tbh, two BTB's is hard and 99% of the time people get sick of one and drop it. But good luck.

Evil Austin

well good luck with this, if u feel like it check out WAW


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada

In a coin toss, Smackdown! general manager, Shane McMahon won. He will get the first draft pick for Smackdown!. Coverage on WWE.com of what was said. The first 5 rounds were drafted earlier this afternoon. He are the results and what the GMs and wrestlers had to say after being drafted.

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium and looks in to the audience and then in the front to the entire WWE roster on the free agency.

Shane McMahon: We here over on Smackdown! have had tons of great superstars since 1999 when Smackdown! was introduced. We have had greats such as Undertaker, Edge, Hulk Hogan, Batista, Kurt Angle, John Cena, Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and many many more. But to me there is one man that really stands out from the bunch. That man is really close to me we've had a long past before and I am definitely proud to bring this man over to Smackdown!. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the first draft pick over to Smackdown!, this man is the 11 time WWE Champion, the cerebral assassin, the king of kings, the game, TRIPLE H!

Triple H gets up from his chair and walks up to the podium shaking Shane McMahon and Mr. McMahon's hand.

Triple H: Now, I'm going to leave this short and sweet. I'm coming over to Smackdown! for one reason and one reason only. To continue to win championship, to eventually become the 12 time WWE Champion! The game has just begun for Smackdown!

Triple H walks away from the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon gets up from her chair and walks up to the podium as Shane McMahon goes to sit down.

Stephanie McMahon: That was definitely a huge pick for Smackdown! but I think my draft pick for Raw will be even bigger. Just like Smackdown! we've had a great past with the superstars on the show and the moments on Raw, all memorable. And starting off with this man we will create more great memories. This man is undefeated at WrestleMania. He is the phenom, the deadman, THE UNDERTAKER!

The Undertaker stands up from his chair with his trench coat and hat on as he walks slowly up the stairs and to the podium. Stephanie and Mr. McMahon extend their hands but Undertaker blows by them to the podium. Stephanie rolls her eyes and goes to sit down as Vince just stands there.

The Undertaker: To all the weary souls that will be coming over to Raw. I have to say this. If you stand before me, you will fall before me! You don't mess around in the big dogs yard. And if you do, you will Rest...In...Peace!

Undertaker backs away from the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Round 2:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium again for the second pick.

Shane McMahon: Smackdown! has had many great young superstars which brings me to my second pick for Smackdown!. This man was apart of Smackdown! from 2002 to 2005 before being drafted. This man has a bright future ahead of him. He's a four time WWE Champion, a three time United States Champion, JOHN CENA!

John Cena stands up and looks surprised. Cena smiles and walks up the stairs. Cena shakes both, Mr. McMahon and Shane McMahon's hand before heading to the podium.

John Cena: My time on Smackdown! from 2002-2005 was a great one. It helped me learn more about wrestling. It was my home for those three years. I learned everything I know right now from there. Smackdown! was a launching pad for me and it definitely helped me alot in my future, and that is where I credit me becoming a three time WWE Champion. I am happy to be here on Smackdown! and I look to make it the best damn show I can possible! Thank you, Shane for drafting me, I'll make sure you won't regret it.

John Cena walks away from the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon steps up to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: Another great choice by Smackdown! but I will top it, yet again. This man has been in wrestling since 1988, the longest other than The Undertaker. This man is the show stopper, the heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels!

Shawn Michaels dances out of his chair and dances up the stairs to the podium. He goes to shake Stephanie McMahon's hand but pulls back and strokes his hair like Ric Flair. Stephanie just sits down.

Shawn Michaels: Well, seems I ain't going to Smackdown! and I'll be on the same show as the deadman. I don't think I'll be the one to rest in peace first, but I do know I will knock his, and everyone else on the rosters teeth, down their throat! I will be the showstopper all the people have come to love and I will be the heartbreak kid because it's what I do best. I'll see you guys again on Monday!

Shawn Michaels dances to the curtain and dances through it as Stephanie McMahon smirks and Mr. McMahon laughs.

Round 3:

Shane McMahon gets up again and walks to the podium.

Shane McMahon: It's round three already. Wow that was fast! My third pick for Smackdown! may indeed be a future superstar in the business. He's almost like a rockstar if you get what I mean.

*The fans immediately pop as they know who Shane is talking about*

Shane McMahon: That's right my friends. My third pick for Smackdown! is the rainbow haired warrior, JEFF HARDY!

Jeff Hardy gets up and does his dance up the stairs and to the podium. He does his swinging arm thing before talking as the fans just go wild!

Jeff Hardy: I haven't been on Smackdown! in a long time, I think the last time was 2002 or 2001 I believe. I really missed all of you people, all of the Smackdown! fans and I can't wait to go out there and entertain all of you people, because you people deserve it most. Thank you, Shane for drafting me and I won't disappoint.

Jeff Hardy shakes Shane and Vince's hand before walking behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon gets up and walks to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: Alright, you made a good choice, bigger brother. But just like the other three rounds, my draft pick will beat yours out, again! Ladies and gentlemen, my third draft pick is a huge superstar in the WWE as a whole. He entered the WWE in 1998. He is the Rated R Superstar, he is EDGE!

Edge walks up with his shades on as he stares at the rest of the roster and then at the audience.

Edge: The rated R superstar is back on his show! Back in 2007 I won the World Heavyweight Title on Smackdown! and left Raw and it disappointed me. Something was being taken away from me. Know I am being drafted back to Raw. Not your show Stephanie, MY SHOW! You get it. I will make every single Raw superstar's life miserable from here on out, starting this Monday, January 7th!

Edge walks off the stage and shakes Mr. McMahon's hand blowing Stephanie off. 3 for 3 have blown Stephanie off now as Edge walks behind the curtain.

Round 4:

Shane McMahon walks up again and looks at Stephanie before talking.

Shane McMahon: Don't you see a pattern here. I'm choosing the young guys. The superstars that are the future of the business. You choose old guys that will most likely retire next year! I'm smart. Which brings me to my next pick. Smackdown's! fourth draft pick. He is a former WWE Champion, he is credited for ending careers and killing legends. He is the future of the WWE and he is RANDY ORTON!

Randy Orton stands up fixing his t-shirt and then walks up. Randy Orton does his signature taunt on the stage before speaking.

Randy Orton: Thank you for that perfect introduction, Shane. I'm just going to say one thing. Before this year, before this day, January 1st, 2008, I was the WWE Champion on Raw. And now I'm on Smackdown!, without a title. So I'm on a mission, a mission for the World Heavyweight Championship. And anyone who stands before me will fall one by one by one. Courtesy of the legend killer. I want everyone to remember three letters. R...K...O! Now that I'm on Smackdown! you'll be seeing a hell of a lot of that. So get ready. Triple H you maybe the facing that. John Cena, you maybe the one to get it first. And Jeff Hardy, it may be you! So look out!

Randy Orton walks away from the podium and heads to the curtain, but before walking back he does his taunt one more to heat from the fans in the seats.

Stephanie McMahon walks up to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: Shane, at least I know I'll be getting a whole hell of a lot out of the legends of this business. My fourth pick for Raw is a true animal! He's been caged in his time on Smackdown! and now he'll be unleashed. My fourth pick is the animal, BATISTA!

Batista walks up and holds his arms out. Batista shakes Stephanie's hand and then shakes Mr. McMahon's hand. Batista turns to the podium and takes his sunglasses off, hooking them on his t-shirt.

Batista: You know what, Stephanie, you're absolutely right there, I was caged on Smackdown! and I didn't like it. Over on Raw you'll see a different animal. And uncaged animal... and ANIMAL UNLEASHED! And whoever the champion may be, I'll take the title off him, like that!

Batista walks away from the podium.

Round 5:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium.

Shane McMahon: Well, to end off today for Smackdown! is out fifth pick. Don't worry after this we'll still have 4 more days of draft picks, 5 in each day. So don't worry. My fifth pick is the self-proclaimed, Ayatollah of Rock & Rollah! He is the 7 time Intercontinental Champion! He is the first ever Undisputed Champion, he is Chris Jericho!

Chris Jericho gets up to a good pop from the fans in the back. Chris Jericho walks up the stage and shakes Shane McMahon's hand.

Chris Jericho: Fans of Smackdown! you have gotten very lucky here now. You have chosen the franchise of Smackdown! and the next World Heavyweight Champion! I am here to amaze you, to delight you, to entertain you, and to save you from the other guys on the Smackdown! roster so far, like *cough* Randy Orton *cough* so people, don't worry. Jerichoholics all over the world can catch me on one place, and that is Friday Night Smackdown!.

Chris Jericho walks away from the podium and walks through the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon walks up to the podium to announce the last draft pick for Raw today.

Stephanie McMahon: To close off the fifth round and to close off today, is my pick for Raw. In my opinion, this guy is the future of the WWE. He is the fastest rising star in the WWE. He is the brash, the cocky, the loudmouth, he is MR. KENNEDY!

Mr. Kennedy walks up to the stage and doesn't shake anyones hand.

Mr. Kennedy: That is Mr. Kennedy......... KENNEDY! To you! You show me the respect I deserve you get that! Whether your GM or not, I demand respect! But now, Stephanie you have made the best draft pick! Even though I should've been number 1, you still drafted best because me, because of Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......... KENNEDY! And you will feel my presence on Raw, starting this coming Monday!

Mr. Kennedy walks away from the podium and behind the curtain.

Vince McMahon: I hope all of you enjoyed the first 5 draft picks. Come back tomorrow as the next five will be chosen! Thank you all and have a good night.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Mr. McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending day two of the WWE Do Over draft to freshen up things. Yesterday we started off with five draft picks for each show, the same will be done today. Now let me introduce to you, my son, the Smackdown! general manager, Shane McMahon!

Fans and Mr. McMahon applaud as Shane O' gets up from his seat and shakes his dad's hand.

Round 6:

Shane McMahon: Thank you, dad. Now, yesterday I made some huge picks to start of the new Friday Night Smackdown! and the same will be done, today. I will make five more huge draft picks that will change Friday Night Smackdown! forever! This man is definitely better than you. He is the highest payed athlete in Smackdown! history. He is half man half amazing, he is MVP!

MVP gets up from his chair with a cocky smile on his face.

MVP: Shane O', you just made the best draft pick. Mr. Kennedy on Raw claims it, but you get that, he claims it. I'm telling you the facts. You've just drafted the man that will single handedly change Friday Nights! You are looking at the man that is better than you. Better than you. And definitely better than all these fans watching right now. I am MVP and I demand respect! I own Friday nights. So anyone on Smackdown!, I got a message for you. Stay out of my way, or the MVP of the WWE, may just come knocking your way! BALLIN'!

MVP walks away from the podium to tons of boos from the audience. Before he walks behind the curtain he flips off the fans to even more boos from the audience and then walks behind the curtain laughing.

Stephanie McMahon walks up to the podium and hugs her father.

Stephanie McMahon: Alright, I'll admit it, that was a good choice, brother. But I hope you can live with someone that runs his mouth non-stop.

Shane McMahon: What does Mr. Kennedy do then?

Stephanie McMahon: I believe this is about Raw. Not Smackdown!, so you wait. Now my next draft pick has walked through fire. He's been a long time enemy of MVP. This man is the big red machine, he is KANE!

Kane walks up to the stage and walks straight to the podium.

Kane: I'm back home! To all those men on Raw, that have gotten in my way recently and even in the past, I will become there worst demons. And I will make them suffer the same fate I suffered!

Kane backs away from the podium and starts to laugh maniacally as he walks behind the curtain.

Round 7:

Shane O' Mac walks up to the podium.

Shane McMahon: Stephanie, can I just say this. You're drafting a bunch of freaks! Anyways, this brings me to my next draft. I am truly drafting over a freak. A monster. A bulldozer. Should I mention, he's a samoan bulldozer? He is UMAGA!

Umaga stands up and stares a hole through Shane McMahon. Umaga marches up the stairs to the stage and stares at all three McMahon's. Umaga walks to the podium. Umaga stares at the microphone.

Umaga screams in random samoan to tons of heat from the audience. Umaga backs away from the mic staring in to the balcony where the crowd is as he walks behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon walks up to the podium next.

Stephanie McMahon: That... was... weird. I feel sorry for you, Shane. I really, really, do. Anyways, my seventh pick for Raw is a huge one. And when I say huge. I mean it. This man is 7 feet tall and weighs over 400 pounds. This man is THE BIG SHOW!

Big Show and Khali both stand up. Khali screams at Stephanie for not choosing him. Big Show acts like he's walking to Khali and Khali immediately sits down. Big Show walks up the stage and shakes Stephanie and Vince's hand. Big Show walks up to the podium and points the microphone up so he can talk in it.

Big Show: Well, it's great to come back where it all started out for me in WWE. I came to WWE and went immediately to Raw. Then I went to Smackdown!, back to Raw, and then ECW. And now I'm back on Raw and I'm going to make a HUGE impact! That's why they call me Big Show. I always do Big or Huge things. And the first big thing I do, is win the WWE Championship! And I know many superstars have already said this but this is coming from the worlds largest athlete. I am the Big Show. And I am sending a big message to the entire Raw roster. If you get in my way to the top, I will break you!

*The lights then dim and a gong tolls. The lights flicker on and off as Big Show and everyone else looks around. The Undertaker is heard over the intercom.*

The Undertaker: It seems you will be having a big problem, with the deadman, big man. Rest...In...Peace!

The intercom shuts off and Big Show still looks all around to find Undertaker but nothing. Big Show takes Mr. McMahon's water bottle and throws it to the ground and steps on it making it splash all over the floor. Big Show looks at Mr. McMahon who looks pissed off. Big Show says begs for forgiveness and walks behind the curtain.

Round 8:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium for Smackdown's! eighth pick.

Shane McMahon: Haha! I have to say. That was pretty damn funny. Now in all seriousness, let me introduce my eighth pick the way he should be introduced. He's a record setting 16 time World Champion! He is a former Intercontinental Champion. A former tag team champion. He currently has a cloud over him that if he loses one more match in singles competition, he must retire. He is the nature boy, RIC FLAIR!

A lot of 'Woooos' breakout in the crowd as Ric Flair walks up to the stage and struts to Shane McMahon. Ric Flair shakes Shane McMahon's hand but glares at Mr. McMahon who has his hand extended. Ric Flair turns to the podium and Mr. McMahon pulls his hand back.

Ric Flair: Woooooooooooo! Now... I realize my time over here on Smackdown! may be short but I've had the longest wrestling career out of all the wrestlers in the world! 36 years! Woooooo! There is only one man that can do something like that and I was the man who did it because that's who I am. Now as I said, I may have a short time on Smackdown!, but I definitely will make the most out of it no matter how long it is. Whether it me this coming Friday Night Smackdown!, the Royal Rumble, No Way Out, WrestleMania, Backlash, Judgment Day, the list of events go on and on and it could end like that. But I want one thing before I retire from the WWE. A 17th World Heavyweight Championship, and Wooooo, you people should know it's coming sooner or later! Woooo!

Ric Flair struts away from the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon walks up to the podium as Shane McMahon takes his seat.

Stephanie McMahon: A true legend right there folks. But now we're going from legend to... I guess you can say rookie. Somewhat. He debuted in 2005 in the WWE. He was in the armed forces. And he is now part of the Raw roster, he is BOBBY LASHLEY!

Bobby Lashley gets to his feet with his suit on and walks up the stage. Lashley shakes Stephanie McMahon and Mr. McMahon's hands before walking to the podium.

Bobby Lashley: Now, I know many superstars wouldn't have expected me to get picked so early. Round 8 because of my shoulder. But it's perfectly fine. Hell, it was fine by December. So I am medically cleared to wrestle. And Stephanie McMahon has gotten very lucky to draft me. I was on Raw before I got injured, and I'm going to continue my path of destruction on Raw to get to the top. Somewhere I was on ECW. And I guarantee, I will be on the top of Raw, sooner, rather than later!

The fans pop as Lashley backs away from the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Round 9:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium and laughs.

Shane McMahon: What a comedian he is. Getting to the top. He's not getting there, who is he kidding. Anyways, to start of the ninth round of the draft. This will be a good one. A lot of people will like this one. I am making Smackdown! sexy with this pick. The Palace Of Wisdom will enter a new guest as Smackdown! comes knocking on their doors. The Shaman Of Sexy is coming to Smackdown!. I hereby officially draft, JOHN MORRISON!

John Morrison gets up from his seat and walks to the stage. He shakes both McMahon's hands and does his signature taunt before talking.

John Morrison: Smackdown! has officially gotten sexy by bringing over the Shaman Of Sexy, the used to be Tuesday Night Delight now the Friday Night Delight, fans will be tuning in to see me, MORRISON!

John Morrison turns around and walks behind the curtain to the back.

Stephanie McMahon walks up to the podium with her water bottle.

Stephanie McMahon: He isn't that sexy. My ninth pick for Raw may not be the sexiest, but he is one of the fewer superstars in the locker room that shows heart day in and day out and loves to do what he does. He is a former nine time tag team champion, eight times with his brother Jeff, I draft over to Raw, MATT HARDY!

Matt Hardy gets up and runs up the stage. Matt Hardy shakes Stephanie's hand and then shakes Mr. McMahon's hand. Matt Hardy does his V1 hand sign and walks up to the podium.

Matt Hardy: Thank you for that, Stephanie. I really appreciate the compliment. But it is true, I always bring heart to my job. I love wrestling. I've been doing this for a long time and I just can't get enough. I think I will bring a whole lot of heart over to Raw which is great. And I look to get my first singles title over on Raw. Thank you for drafting me again, Stephanie. I guarantee you this, V1 will not disappoint!

Matt Hardy does his V1 sign and walks behind the curtain.

Round 10:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium.

Shane McMahon: Damn! I wanted him to complete my first tag team. But I can also do that now. The man I am about to draft to close off the day for Smackdown!, he is the self-proclaimed chick magnet. He is John Morrison's tag team partner, he is THE MIZ!

The Miz gets up and walks up to the stage. He shakes Shane's hand and shakes Vince's hand. Miz turns to the podium.

The Miz: First of all, Shane. I am not the self-proclaimed chick magnet. I AM a TRUE chick magnet. And next, my tag team partner and I, will have a true dominance over Smackdown!. I mean, we will take the WWE Tag Team Championships yet again, because we are that good. In life there are loser, and there are winners. And all of you people who haven't been drafted yet, are true losers! Be jealous!

The Miz walks away from the podium and heads behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon heads to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: And now to close the day for Raw. The tenth pick for Raw. Here at Raw I am proud to draft a former ECW superstar as well. He was apart of the New Breed. He is a great young athlete in the WWE. He is ELIJAH BURKE!

Elijah Burke stands up with a cocky smile on his face and walks up the stage to the podium.

Elijah Burke: What a way for you to close off the day for Raw by picking the future of the business, me, Elijah Burke! And now that I am on Raw, I will make an immediate impact. Stephanie, I want an Intercontinental Championship match! I better get it! Until then, I'll be waiting for anyone who wants to challenge me.

Elijah Burke walks away from the podium and heads behind the curtain.

Mr. McMahon walks up to the podium.

Mr. McMahon: Thank you, people for attending the event today. Tomorrow will be the last day the general managers get to choose who they draft as after that, there will be a COMPLETELY randomized draft that a computer chooses for them. Hope you attend tomorrow and I hope you all had a good time today.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Mr. McMahon: Hello, everybody. Happy you could make it. Before we get things rolling, I'd just like to tell all of you this is the last day the general managers get to choose their superstars. Tomorrow, the draft will end, but it will be on WWE.com. A computer will take the left over WWE superstars and will randomly be put on either Raw or Smackdown!. Now, lets get things rolling here as we will complete Round 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Shane O', here you go.

Round 11:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium.

Shane McMahon: Thank you, dad. Well, these are the last 5 picks for both of our brands. I know I will want to choose some huge superstars, starting off with these two men as it is a double pick in Round 11. These two men love to make the money. They somehow have never been champions. They were recently brought back to WWE just a week ago after being given a release. These two men are from the streets. They are Shad Gaspard and JTG, CRYME TYME!

JTG and Shad get up from their seat with street clothes on and walk up the stage and on to the podium.

JTG: Yo!

Shad: Yo!

JTG: Yo! Yo! Yo! ... Yooooo!

Shad: Alright, Shane O', you did right drafting Cryme Tyme we coming in the Smackdown! hood. And we got something to tell you, Shane O'.

JTG: We takin' that Smackdown! gold, yeah!

Shad: No, something else.

JTG: Wha?

Shad: That money, money, yeah yeah.

JTG & Shad: That money, money, yeah yeah! Money, money, yeah yeah! C'mon! Money, money, yeah yeah!

Shane McMahon laughs as the fans follow along with Cryme Tyme. Vince McMahon smiles as he sits in his chair and starts to move his head to the beat. Cryme Tyme stops and walks behind the curtain as the fans applaud.

Stephanie McMahon steps up to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: That was funny. But my next tag team pick is... well, very unique to say the least. These guys get right to the point so they don't need a fancy introduction. I am proud to draft both, Jesse and Festus to Raw!

Jesse gets up from his chair and holds Festus arm to pick him up. Jesse walks to the stage and holds Festus arm with him as they walk up.

Jesse: Oh, thank you, Mrs. McMahon! You won't be disappointed you drafted us. I mean, we are unique. Look at Festus, he's an animal. Look at this face.

Festus face was the exact same with his tongue out his mouth.

Jesse: That's the face of a confident man.

Jesse brings Festus behind the curtain as both go back.

Round 12:

Shane takes the podium.

Shane McMahon: The man I am about to draft is a huge monster. But a strong one as well. I've known him for a while now. Many times he's been involved to weird, to injury setting stories from nowhere. He had sex with Mae Young, and she gave birth to a hand. A human hand. Uh, I can't go on anymore with this. Ladies and gentlemen, the man that is heading to Smackdown! courtesy of me, the worlds strongest man, MARK HENRY!

Mark Henry walks up and looks embarrassed. He gets right up to the podium.

Mark Henry: Thank you, Shane for bringing up a low point in my career. Thank you very much. You forgot to mention the high points in my career though. When I took out Batista, and I cost him the World Heavyweight Championship! And I'll do more of that on Smackdown!, except, I'll fake the full opportunity and win the World Heavyweight Championship. I guarantee it! No one messes with the Worlds Strongest Man!

Mark Henry turns his back to the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Stephanie now takes the podium for the 12th pick for Raw.

Stephanie McMahon: Alright, I'm going to make this introduction short and sweet. This man is a millionaire. He is on every TV station you can think of because everyone is jealous of how good this man is. This man is the self-proclaimed wrestling god, JOHN 'BRADSHAW' LAYFIELD!

JBL walks up to the stage with his Texan hat on and an expensive suit.

JBL: I'm not happy with this. You give me that introduction first of all, and you pick me so late! 12!? You're kidding me! You're just lucky I'm on your show, Stephanie. Raw. Because believe me, you'll be surprised by how much I do. And that includes becoming a WWE Champion, once again!

JBL walks away from the podium and stares a hole through Stephanie before walking behind the curtain.

Round 13:

Shane McMahon gets to his feet, takes a sip of water and walks to the podium.

Shane McMahon: Hmm... JBL? No. Shane O' doesn't approve.

Shane McMahon does his dance along the stage and then does his shuffle to a pop from the fans in the upper deck.

Shane McMahon: In all seriousness. My next pick is a man that has been wrestling for a very long time. Since he was around the age of 18 I believe. He's a fighting irish man and he loves to fight he is FINLAY!

Finlay gets to his feet from his chair and brings Hornswoggle with him up on stage.

Finlay: Thank you, Shane McMahon. Yes I do indeed love to fight.

Hornswoggle: And I love to play games! Haha!

Finlay: And ... yeah. But now you get the point. On Smackdown! I will do one thing and one thing only and that's fight anyone who gets in my way of being at the top. In the WWE I have never been a World Champion, and I want that gold around my waist. This is a message to all of Smackdown!. If you cross me, you will pay. And that includes you, Shane O'.

Hornswoggle: It's OK, I can take care of him.

Hornswoggle holds up his fists and ready to fight but Finlay carries him by his side and walks with him like that behind the curtain.

Stephanie takes the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: This is going to be a huge pick for Raw. Ladies and gentlemen, the man I am about to draft just returned to WWE action in August after suffering what could've been a career threatening injury, but he fought back and fought back hard and returned this August at SummerSlam. This man is the high flying, REY MYSTERIO!

Rey Mysterio walks up the stage to a massive amount of cheers from the fans in the upper deck.

Rey Mysterio: Thank you, Stephanie. I thought I would never get picked. Haha! But yeah, you know. When I got injured in 2006, I thought it was over for me. My knee was very damaged. I really thought it was over right there, but like Stephanie said I fought back and I fought back hard and I made my return at SummerSlam and defeated an arch enemy, Chavo Guerrero. From then on things were looking bright. And now that I'm on Raw, I want to do just what everyone else wants to do. Win the WWE Championship. My time will come.

Rey Mysterio backs away looking at the fans and then backs in behind the curtain.

Round 14:

Shane McMahon walks up to the podium with a smirk.

Shane McMahon: And we have another double pick as my dad just informed me. I have had my eye on this certain tag team for a long time which debuted in 2005. They're former World Tag Team Champions, and have great potential. They are rednecks, they, are LANCE CADE AND TREVOR MURDOCH!

Both men walk up to the stage and get to the podium.

Lance Cade: We're not the talkers of the WWE so we're keeping this very short.

Trevor Murdoch: We want the WWE Tag Team Titles!

Lance Cade: Yeah!

Both men turn their backs and walk behind the curtain!

Stephanie McMahon gets up to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: Now, I want to keep this particular faction going. The Rated Rmy. So this means, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, you have officially been drafted by Raw!

Both men walk up to the stage and walk over to the podium with cocky smirks on their face.

Curt Hawkins: Thank you so much, Stephanie! Keeping the best faction in WWE going. You did something smart. And this is a message to Raw. If you get in Edge's way to get to the top, you'll have to go through us!

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder walks to the curtain and walk behind it.

Round 15:

Shane McMahon steps up to the podium.

Shane McMahon: Now to end the pick that I get to choose for Smackdown!, so, I will make this as best as possible. I see some of you wrestlers already starting to get out of your seat. And it's cool. But I am going to draft someone that was out for a while with a serious neck injury and is back in action ready to wrestle. This man was the longest Cruiserweight champion in Smackdown! history, and I'm proud to bring in to Smackdown!, GREGORY HELMS!

Gregory Helms gets up from his chair, walks up the steps and walks to the podium.

Gregory Helms: Now, I know many people may be asking themselves if I'm ready. Well I am going to assure you, I am ready and I am better than ever! Since there is no cruiserweight championship anymore, I have my eyes set on something else. The WWE United States Championship! And when I win it, just like the Cruiserweight championship, I will be the longest reigning United States Champion, EVER!

Gregory Helms turns his back to the podium and walks behind the curtain.

Stephanie McMahon walks to the podium.

Stephanie McMahon: I will make this one huge since it's the last I get to choose for Raw. This man was formerly on ECW. This man is a former ECW Champion. He lives by a straight edge lifestyle and is damn proud of it. This man, is CM PUNK!

CM Punk walks up the steps, walks on the stage and takes the podium.

CM Punk: Thank you, Stephanie. This truly is a huge pick for you, that Smackdown! for some reason passed up. I am a former ECW Champion, and I will become the WWE Champion in my time on Raw. First, starting off with the Royal Rumble, I guarantee, I will win it, and I will head to WrestleMania and become the WWE Champion! I guarantee it.

CM Punk shakes Mr. McMahon's hand and walks behind the curtain.

Mr. McMahon: I hope you enjoyed this event, it was the last of them as now the rest of the drafts will be on WWE.com tomorrow and be sure to tune in this Monday Night as it will be Raw! Thank you all for attending this event, again!


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada

Earlier today, WWE held a randomized draft online at WWE.com. For those who missed out on the randomized draft, here were the results.

To Smackdown! after Randomized WWE.com draft:
Shelton Benjamin
Chavo Guerrero
Bam Neely
Mickie James
Kelly Kelly
Kenny Dykstra
William Regal
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Tommy Dreamer
Big Daddy V
DH Smith

To Raw after randomized WWE.com draft:
Kofi Kingston
Beth Phoenix
The Great Khali
Cody Rhodes
Hardcore Holly
Santino Marella
Matt Striker
Charlie Haas

Remember to check out Raw this Monday night, 9 PM Eastern Time!
WWE News & Notes


--WWE is slowly wanting Shawn Michaels and Edge to build a feud heading in to the WrestleMania main event, but not having Shawn Michaels or Edge winning the Royal Rumble.

--Talking about the Rumble, the main candidate to win the Royal Rumble is The Undertaker so far. Other ideas have been pitched, such as Triple H, Batista, John Cena, and believe it or not, MVP.

--There will be eight competitors in the Money In The Bank Match this year.

--Shane McMahon is likely to bring in an assistant general manager next month most likely.

--It is likely that there will be two elimination chambers at this years No Way Out. WWE is high on the idea ever since Dusty Rhodes pitched it this past October.

--WWE is likely going to run to championship tournaments heading in to the Royal Rumble. One on Smackdown! and one on Raw.

--Ric Flair has asked for his career to end at WrestleMania. WWE does not know yet who to make him face at WrestleMania. WWE staff have pitched such ideas as Kane, William Regal, The Undertaker, Mr. Kennedy, CM Punk, Chris Jericho or MVP.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada

January 7, 2008


The camera searches through the crowd as the fans go absolutely nuts.

Stephanie McMahon's music plays and Steph McMahon walks from the curtain to a nice pop from the audience. Steph heads straight down to the rampway.

Stephanie McMahon enters the ring and takes a microphone. Steph looks in to the crowd as the fans start to chant "Stephanie! Stephanie!"

Stephanie McMahon: Alright, alright that's enough, that's enough. Now, I have some news regarding the WWE Championship over here on Raw. The situation so to speak. I've been getting tons of questions over the week about what's going to happen with the WWE Championship. And to all those people, open your ears because this is why I am out here! Now, I know there are many contenders for the championship. Such as Shawn Michaels. The Undertaker. Batista. Edge...

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista comes out to a thunderous pop from the audience. Batista slaps some fans hands on his way down to the ring.

Batista enters the ring and takes a microphone.

Batista: Steph, I know how you do business. You make smart business choices. And I feel making me WWE Champion, would be the best decision.

Stephanie McMahon: Let me talk, and then you can have your say. OK? I don't know if you noticed, but this is my show, I am the general manager, you don't come out here on my show and interrupt the GM, OK? Now as I was saying, there are many contenders on this show for the WWE Championship. And I can't make five different superstars champion. So I have set up a tournament. The Championship Chase! I have selected the superstars that will take part in this tournament. And I will say them right now. Batista, Edge, Mr. Kennedy, Kane, Big Show, Shawn Michaels, Bobby Lashley... and THE UNDERTAKER! And the tournament will start tonight! The first round will be completed tonight, the second round next week, and the finals will be at the Royal Rumble! Good luck to all the competitors in the tournament. Bobby Lashley, Kane, I suggest you two get ready. Your first round match is up next! Batista, I suggest you head to the back, because your match will be later tonight and you need to get ready. Again, good luck.

Stephanie McMahon drops the microphone and goes to the outside and starts to walk up the rampway as Batista stares at Stephanie McMahon.

Backstage we find Kane and Bobby Lashley on a split screen making there ways through the hall ways to the ring. There match is up next!


'Slow Chemical' plays with the fire and Kane walks out the curtain to a good pop from the audience.

Jim Ross: Well folks, this is a match in the first round of the championship chase tournament. Either Kane, or his opponent Bobby Lashley will advance to the next round and will get one step closer to the glory and the gold.

Jerry Lawler: I think this was a great idea by our general manager, Stephanie McMahon. I can't wait to see the outcome of all this by the Royal Rumble.

'Domination' plays and Lashley comes out to a nice pop from the audience.

Quarter Finals Of Championship Chase Tournament
Winner advances to Semi-Finals
Bobby Lashley vs Kane


Bobby Lashley and Kane meet in the middle of the ring and stare at each other face to face. The two men exchange words. The referee pushes both men to opposite corners and start to circle the ring. They meet in the middle of the ring and tie up. Bobby Lashley powers Kane to the corner but Kane bounces out of the corner and powers Lashley to the opposite corner. The referee forces a clean break and gets one from Kane. Kane grabs Lashley by the head and under arm and tosses him to the middle of the ring. Lashley gets to his feet and holds his back. Kane marches to Lashley but Lashley starts to unleash with huge right hands. Lashley pushes Kane to the ropes and irish whips him. Kane bounces back at Lashley and Lashley hits Kane with a sidewalk slam. Lashley hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kane kicks out. Both men reach their feet and Lashley kicks Kane in the gut. Lashley takes Kane down in a headlock. Lashley continues to apply pressure but Kane counters and hits Lashley with a back suplex. Kane sits up and turns to Lashley. Kane turns Lashley on to his back and holds the shoulders down for the cover. 1...2...Lashley kicks out. Kane picks Lashley up to his feet and backs him in to the corner. Kane starts to drive his elbow in the jaw repeatedly over and over again. Kane strongly irish whips Lashley in to the opposite corner. Lashley bounces out of the corner and back at Kane and Kane hits Lashley with a huge back body drop. Kane turns Lashley over on his stomach and locks on a chinlock. Lashley reels in pain as Kane continues to apply pressure. The fans clap along to help Lashley back in to the mat. Lashley gets a hold of Kane's hands and throws them off his chin. Kane backs in to the corner and Lashley gets to his feet. Kane runs at Lashley and Lashley hits Kane with a huge clothesline. Bobby Lashley picks Kane up to his feet and starts to lay huge right hands to the jaw of Kane. Lashley backs Kane in to the ropes and irish whips him. Kane bounces back at Lashley and Lashley hits him with a huge powerslam. Lashley hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kane kicks out!

Bobby Lashley gets to his feet and backs in to the corner waiting for Kane. Kane crawls to the ropes and gets up to his feet. Kane turns to Lashley and walks to the middle of the ring. Lashley runs out of the corner and spears Kane in the middle of the ring. Lashley hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kane kicks out! Lashley picks Kane up to his feet and kicks him in the gut. Lashley kicks him again the gut and starts to lay huge right hands. Lashley strongly irish whips Kane in to the corner. Kane bounces out and runs at Lashley. Lashley picks Kane up on his shoulder and turns to face the middle of the ring. Lashley runs and hits Kane with a huge running powerslam. Lashley lands on his knees and falls on the body of Kane hooking the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Bobby Lashley to advance to semi-finals

Lashley gets to his feet and celebrates in the ring as the fans are on their feet. Kane gets to his feet holding his back. Lashley walks towards Kane and extends his hand. Kane stares at Lashley and his hand and remains holding his back. Kane hesitantly accepts the handshake and then rolls to the outside of the ring and heads up the rampway as Lashley stares at him as Raw heads to commercial.


Highlights from the Bobby Lashley vs Kane air.

Backstage we find Lashley walking from the curtain and in the hallways. He runs in to Todd Grisham with a microphone.

Todd Grisham: Bobby Lashley, a huge win just a few moments ago, what's going through your head right now knowing you'll either have to face Mr. Kennedy or The Undertaker in the semi-finals!?

Bobby Lashley: It's good! And I can guarantee one thing right now. At the Royal Rumble, I become the WWE Champion for the first time in my WWE career. Whether it means me going through The Undertaker or Mr. Kennedy, I don't care, I'm winning the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble! Now excuse me, I have to go take a shower.

Bobby Lashley leaves Todd Grisham as he enters his locker room with Grisham staring in the camera. The cameras fade to the ring.

'Don't Waste My Time' plays and Elijah Burke walks down to the ring to a good amount of heat from the audience.

'This Fire Burns' plays and CM Punk comes out to a good pop from the audience.

Intercontinental Championship Match
CM Punk vs Elijah Burke


CM Punk and Elijah Burke circle the ring with CM Punk twisting his wrists. The two men meet in the center of the ring and lock up. CM Punk powers Burke to the ropes. The referee forces a clean break and gets it as CM Punk backs away from Elijah Burke. CM Punk hits Elijah Burke in the side of the head from nowhere with a huge martial arts kick. Elijah Burke falls to his knees and rolls to the outside of the ring. CM Punk climbs to the top turnbuckle and stares at Elijah Burke on the floor. Elijah Burke crawls to the barricade and gets to his feet. Elijah Burke turns to Punk on the top turnbuckle and Punk leaps off hitting Burke with a flying clothesline on the floor! CM Punk picks Elijah Burke up to his feet and starts to elbow him in the gut. CM Punk irish whips Elijah Burke back first in the apron. Burke reels in pain and rolls in to the ring. Elijah Burke uses the ropes to get to his feet. CM Punk rolls in the ring and Burke starts to unleash with stomps to the body of Punk. Burke picks CM Punk up to his feet and starts to lay slaps on Burke. Burke runs off the ropes and hits Punk with a dropkick. Punk gets to his feet and turns to Burke. Burke goes for a clothesline but Punk dodges and Burke drives his shoulder in the corner. Burke looks hurt as the referee checks on him. CM Punk walks to Burke in the corner and Burke from nowhere runs out of the corner and rolls Punk up grabbing a handful of tights. 1...2...3!

Winner: Elijah Burke to become Intercontinental Champion

Elijah Burke immediately rolls to the outside of the ring and gets the Intercontinental Championship. CM Punk gets to his feet and complains to the referee that he held the tights. The referee ignores it and raises Elijah Burke's hand.

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god!

Jim Ross: Oh my god, King! What have we just seen! Burke is the champion now!

Jerry Lawler: I can't believe it!


A graphic comes up.
CM Punk vs Elijah Burke for the Intercontinental Championship
Next Week

Jim Ross: Well, folks. During the commercial break, Raw general manager made the announcement that next week CM Punk and Elijah Burke will go head to head.

Jerry Lawler: That's awesome, but how about the other announcement that tonight. Three unknown men yet, will take part in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match and she also said, that whoever loses their quarter final matches will automatically be added in to the Royal Rumble Match.

Jim Ross: And that means the big red machine, Kane, is already in after losing to Bobby Lashley.

Backstage we find Shawn Michaels walking down the halls. He runs in to Edge.

Edge: Oh, look who it is. The heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels. You look pretty confident, don't you. Are you confident?

Shawn Michaels: Edge, you know...

Edge: Well don't be! See, you may be happy because you're in this tournament, and you think you have a chance but guess what you don't! See, I'm in the tournament as well. And I will do what I damn well please, and that's win the WWE Championship.

Shawn Michaels: Edge, you can spout your mouth off all you want about winning the championship. But when it comes down to it, I bet you'll choke! Now, I believe you should get ready. You're match is... next! Good luck, Edge.

Shawn Michaels walks off as Edge looks on. The cameras fade to commercial.


'You think you know me' plays and then 'Metalingus' hits and Edge walks out of the fog to a chorus of boos from the audience.

'Crank It Up' plays and Big Show comes out to a nice pop from the audience. Big Show slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Quarter Finals Of Championship Chase Tournament
Winner Advances To Semi-Finals
Big Show vs Edge


Big Show and Edge stare at each other from their respective corners and then start to circle the ring. The two men tie up in the center of the ring and Big Show throws Edge to the ropes. Edge stares at Big Show in shock at his power as Big Show tells him to bring it on. Edge walks around the ring and Big Show does the same. The two men meet in the center of the ring again and tie up. Edge runs behind Show and locks on a waist lock. Big Show grabs Edge from the back of his head and throws him over his shoulder and on to the mat. Edge crawls to the corner and uses the ropes to get to his feet. Edge turns his back to the corner and finds Big Show in front of him. Big Show slaps Edge on the chest hard and Edge drops to his knees and rolls to the outside holding his chest. Big Show rolls to the outside of the ring and clubs Edge from behind. Edge falls chest first on the floor. Big Show picks Edge up to his feet and rams him kidneys first in the barricade. Edge screams in pain as he starts to club the back of Show to no reaction from the big man. Big Show picks Edge up on his shoulder and flips him over on the floor for a back body drop. Big Show grabs a handful of hair on Edge's head and lifts him up and throws him back in the ring! Edge holds his head and hair as Big Show steps over the top rope and in to the ring. Big Show bounces off the ropes and hits Edge with a leg drop. Big Show hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Edge gets the shoulder up! Big Show picks Edge up but Edge immediately lays rights to the stomach of Big Show. Edge starts to kick Big Show's knee eventually makes him fall to his knees. Edge runs off the ropes and hits Big Show in the chest with a low dropkick. Edge quickly crawls over the body of Big Show for the cover. 1...2...Big Show throws Edge to the ropes to break the pin fall.

Big Show sits up and then gets to his feet. Edge runs off the ropes and back at Big Show but Big Show holds his boot up and connects under the chin of Edge with a big boot. Edge falls hard in the middle of the ring and Big Show drops to his knees and goes for the cover. 1...2...Edge kicks out! Big Show gets to his feet and then picks Edge. Big Show pushes Edge against the ropes and irish whips him. Edge runs back at Big Show and Big Show attempts a clothesline but Edge ducks it and continues to run off the ropes. Big Show turns at Edge and Edge hits Big Show with a running dropkick. Big Show backs up to the ropes but doesn't fall on the mat. Edge gets to his feet and stares at Big Show against the ropes. Edge marches to Big Show and starts to lay huge right hands to the head of Big Show. Big Show pushes Edge off with one hand and Edge backs all the way to the ropes. Edge runs at Big Show against the ropes and hits him in the jaw with a flying forearm smash to the face and Big Show tumbles over the top rope. Big Show lands on his feet and shakes his head. Big Show turns to face the ring and finds Edge against the ropes. Edge leaps over the top rope and attempts a crossbody plancha on Big Show but Big Show catches him across his chest and rams him kidney first in the steel ring post. Big Show holds Edge and throws him back in the ring. Big Show crawls under the bottom rope and hooks the leg of Edge for the cover. 1...2...Edge gets his free leg on the bottom rope. Big Show gets up to his knees and is in shock. Big Show gets to his feet and puts his foot on the chest of Edge. Big Show then puts his second foot on the chest of Edge and walks over him. Edge struggles to catch his breathe as he holds his chest and crawls to the corner.

Big Show walks to the opposite corner of Edge and then turns to stare at Edge. Edge remains holding his chest as he stares at Big Show and uses the top rope to get to his feet. Big Show runs out of the corner and Edge bursts out of his corner like a bullet and spears Big Show in the middle of the ring. Edge lands on his knees and falls over the body of Big Show for the cover. 1...2...Big Show throws Edge off him and the match continues! Edge gets up on his knees and stares at Big Show in disbelief who is starting to get back to his feet. Edge backs in to the corner and gets to his feet. Edge then bends down and waits for Big Show as he stalks his every move. Big Show crawls to the ropes and uses them to help him to his feet. Big Show stands straight and turns to Edge. Edge bursts out of the corner and spears Big Show in the middle of the ring for a second time! Edge falls over the body of Show and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...

Shawn Michaels music hits and no one comes out but it distracts Edge to break up the cover. Edge walks to the ropes and challenges Shawn Michaels to come out, but still no one.

The music stops and Edge turns to Big Show who gets to his feet. Edge runs at Big Show and Show catches him by the throat. Big Show picks him up and slams him down with a thunderous chokeslam. Big Show hooks the leg of Edge for the cover. 1...2...Edge grabs on to the bottom rope. Big Show jumps to his feet and crosses his arms and says it's over. Big Show picks Edge up to his feet and grabs his throat. Big Show lifts Edge in the air but Edge gets freed for the choke. Edge runs off the ropes and back at Big Show and then hits him with a huge spear! Edge quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Edge to advance to semi-finals

Edge quickly rolls to the outside of the ring and holds his throat as he stares at Big Show down in the ring. Edge backs up the rampway staring at his work as Show starts to get back up to his feet. Big Show turns around and faces Edge remains on the top of the rampway. Edge then turns around to walk behind the curtain but Shawn Michaels comes from nowhere and hits Edge with sweet chin music. In the ring Big Show laughs his head off! Shawn Michaels stands over the fallen body of Edge and motions around his waist for the WWE Championship.

Backstage we find Mr. Kennedy with Todd Grisham.

Todd Grisham: Hello folks, please welcome my guest at this time, Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy tonight you face off with the Animal Batista in the quarter final round of the championship chase. What are your thoughts.

Mr. Kennedy: First of all it's Mr. Kennedy.....KENNEDY to you. Get it through your head four eyes. And you ask on my thoughts on Batista. I'll tell you this, I'm going to beat him tonight. You see, here's a little stat for you about Batista. Before we had that draft a week ago, Batista was on a huge losing streak. He lost every match in November and every match he had in December. And tonight I'm going to continue his losing streak because that's what I do. I make people look bad.

Todd Grisham: Well, Kennedy, what are you going to do if you become the WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble?

Mr. Kennedy: What the hell kind of question is that? Are you an slow in the head or are you just plain stupid. What the hell do you think I'm going to do I am Mr. Kennedy and I will keep the championship no matter who or what I go through because of who I am. Mrrrrrr. Kennedyyyyy.........KENNEDAY!!!!!!!!!! Now get out of my face.


Backstage we find Edge and he runs in to Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

Edge: Where the hell were you guys when Shawn Michaels superkicked me from behind.

Zack Ryder: Listen man, we're sorry. We really are. We wish we could've been there to help you out but it was unexpected.

Edge: Alright, I'm going to let it slide. But tonight the main event is Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker in the main event. And I want to make sure that Shawn Michaels doesn't get to see another round in this tournament. I'm counting on you guys. Don't disappoint me, OK?

Curt Hawkins: Yeah, you got it man. We won't disappoint.

Zack Ryder: Yeah, we'll see you later, man.

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder walk down the halls as Edge continues to hold his chin.

The Great Khali's music plays and he walks through the curtain to almost no reaction from the audience.

Hardcore Holly's music hits and both, Holly and Rhodes enter the arena to a good pop from the audience.

Handicap Match
Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly vs The Great Khali


Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes run right in Khali and start to lay shots to the stomach of Khali. Khali pushes Rhodes off and hits Holly with a headbutt. Rhodes runs back at Khali and gets a huge clothesline from him. Rhodes lands on the back of his head and rolls on the apron. Hardcore Holly gets to his feet and Khali picks him up over his head and slams him down on the mat with the military press. Khali bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop on Holly. Khali keeps his leg across the throat of Holly. Cody Rhodes gets to his feet and hits Khali with a low dropkick to the side of the head. Khali rolls off Holly and crawls to the corner. Rhodes starts to kick Khali in the stomach. Khali finally reaches his feet and throws Cody Rhodes over the top rope and to the outside. Hardcore Holly runs at Khali in the corner but Khali hits Hardcore Holly with a chop to the head. Holly staggers to catch his balance but Khali puts both of his giant hands around his throat and hits him with a double handed chokeslam in the middle of the ring. Khali puts his foot on the chest of Holly for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: The Great Khali

The Great Khali walks over to the outside to young Cody Rhodes. Khali puts him against the barricade and tells Rhodes something in his language. Khali holds his hand up and proceeds to hit Rhodes in the chest but Holly hits Khali in the back with a steel chair. Khali turns to Holly and Holly continues to attack Khali with the steel chair. Holly hits Khali over the head with the steel chair and Khali tumbles over the top of the barricade and on to the concrete. Khali gets to his feet and backs away from the ring as he holds his head. Holly and Rhodes stare down Khali as he walks to the curtain in the crowd.

Jim Ross: Obviously, Holly didn't like what was happening to his partner, or more of what COULD'VE happened to his partner on the outside so he decided to take matters in to his own hands.

Jerry Lawler: And it was a smart choice.

Jim Ross: Well folks, in just three weeks it's a huge event for the WWE. The Royal Rumble event will be taking place in Madison Square Garden and it's going to be huge. We already have some contestants in the Rumble match already.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, that's right. The losers of the quarter final matches and three other competitors.

*The Graphic Comes Up*

Jim Ross: It's going to be Kane vs Big Show vs Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly vs The Great Khali and by the end of the night, there will be two more men that will enter that match!

A split screen pops up of Kennedy and Batista. Both men are headed to the ring. Their match of the quarter finals is up next!


Later Tonight: The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels in the Quarter Finals.

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista enters the arena to a good pop from the audience.

'Turn Up The Trouble' plays and Mr. Kennedy enters the arena to a mixed reaction from the audience. Mr. Kennedy holds up his hand and receives the microphone from the rafters.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, the man you see in the middle of this ring right now is the man you will look at at the Royal Rumble and he will be holding up the WWE Championship high above his head. This man is about to beat his opponent, Batista. This man is the future, this man is Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kenneddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! .........

*The fans keep yelling 'Kennedy' and continue to wait for Kennedy himself to say it.*

Mr. Kennedy: Screw it, you people don't deserve it!

*The fans boo wildly*

Quarter Finals of Championship Chase Tournament
WInner Advances To Semi-Finals
Batista vs Mr. Kennedy


Mr. Kennedy and Batista start to circle the ring and stare in to each others eyes. The two men meet in the center of the ring and Kennedy challenges Batista to a test of strength. Batista goes to raise one arm but Kennedy kicks Batista in the gut and starts to clobber the back of Batista. Kennedy drops Batista to one knee and starts to lay kicks on the shoulder and ribs of Batista. Kennedy runs off the ropes and back at Batista but Batista hits Kennedy with a huge clothesline! Kennedy rolls to the outside of the ring on impact and holds the back of his head. Batista walks over to the ropes and tells Kennedy to bring it on. Kennedy screams at the referee to back Batista up. Batista backs to the center of the ring and Kennedy crawls in the ring. Kennedy jumps to his feet and talks trash to Batista as he walks around the ring with Batista in the middle. Kennedy from nowhere runs at Batista and nails him in the jaw with a forearm smash. Batista crawls to the corner and sits there as Kennedy starts to stomp on the chest and stomach of Batista. Kennedy runs off the ropes and hits Batista in the corner with the facewash. Batista rolls to the middle of the ring. Kennedy turns to Batista in the middle of the ring and quickly hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Batista kicks out! Kennedy picks Batista up to his feet and hits him with a European uppercut and then starts to lay huge rights and lefts to the gut of Batista. Kennedy starts to kick Batista in the gut repeatedly. Kennedy grabs Batista from the head and tights and throws Batista shoulder first in the steel ring post. Kennedy smiles as he walks to the ropes and surveys his damage. Kennedy goes to the outside and takes Batista's arm off the steel post. Kennedy then slams Batista's arm in the steel ring post hard. Batista reels in pain as he gets himself out of the corner and falls to the mat. Kennedy rolls in the ring and mocks Batista. Kennedy picks Batista up to his feet but Batista picks Kennedy up on his shoulder and rams him in the corner. Batista starts to drive his shoulder in the gut of Kennedy repeatedly. Kennedy screams in pain. Batista gets out of the corner to an applause from the fans. Kennedy runs out of the corner at Batista but Batista hits Kennedy with a thunderous spinebuster! Batista falls over the body of Kennedy and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kennedy kicks out!

Batista gets to his feet and picks Kennedy up with him. Batista gets a hold of Kennedy and picks him up on his shoulders. Batista walks around the ring with him up there and Kennedy starts to elbow Batista in the side of the head. Kennedy jumps off Batista's shoulders and turns Batista around. Kennedy hits Batista with a DDT in the middle of the ring. Kennedy quickly turns Batista over on his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up! Mr. Kennedy gets to his feet and starts to stomp hard on the chest of Batista. Kennedy picks Batista up to his feet and goes for a right but Batista dodges it. Batista runs behind Kennedy. Batista turns Kennedy around and picks him up on his shoulder. Batista runs and hits Kennedy with a running powerslam. Batista hooks the leg of Kennedy. 1...2...Kennedy kicks out! Batista picks Kennedy up to his feet again and strongly irish whips him in to the corner. Kennedy bounces out of the corner at Batista and Batista hits Mr. Kennedy with a back body drop. Kennedy sits up and holds his back. Kennedy gets to his feet and Batista kicks him in the gut. Batista picks Kennedy up in the air for a suplex but holds him there for an extended period of time. Kennedy starts to wiggle his legs and gets free of Batista. Kennedy runs off the ropes and hits Batista with a bulldog. Kennedy shoots up to his feet and looks in to the crowd as they boo. Kennedy turns to Batista and picks him up to his feet but Batista picks Kennedy up on his shoulders and hits a rolling steamboat on Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy holds his gut as he screams in pain and Batista goes for the cover. 1...2...Kennedy kicks out!

Batista sits up in shock as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. Batista picks Kennedy up and shoots him off the ropes. Kennedy runs back at Batista and Batista picks him up over his head. Batista struggles to keep him up their and throws him behind him but Kennedy lands on his feet. Batista turns to Kennedy and Kennedy hits him with a huge Mic check. Kennedy turns Batista over on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Mr. Kennedy to Advance to the Semi-Finals

Kennedy gets up and tells the referee to take Batista out of the ring. Kennedy holds his hand up and receives a microphone.

Mr. Kennedy: Why don't you people just believe me when I tell you something? I told you I would beat Batista. And I did that. And now I have one goal in mind and that is to become the WWE Champion which I will. Oh I will at Royal Rumble all of you will stand behind that barricade and be introduced to the NEW WWE Champion... Mrrrr. Kenneddddyyyyyyyyy...............KENNEDAY!

Kennedy lets the microphone go up to the rafters and exits the ring and heads to the back.

Backstage we see Shawn Michaels making his way to the ring. The screen changes and we find Undertaker slowly walking in the hallways. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins run in and step in front of Undertaker.

Curt Hawkins: Big man! Big man! Slow down! Slow down! We have to tell you something.

Zack Ryder: Now you know we align ourselves with Edge. Now we know you've had a rocky past with Edge, but listen. Wouldn't you just love to be the WWE Champion, just one more time?

Curt Hawkins: Think of it. Listen. Let us come with you down to ringside, and we'll just "watch" the match. How about it?

The Undertaker: Do you know what happens to the souls who get in front of the deadman?

The Undertaker lays a huge right hand to Hawkins and then grabs Ryder by the throat and throws him in the concrete wall. The Undertaker looks at his work and then walks down to the rampway.

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels is next!


Royal Rumble Promo Airs

'Sexy Boy' plays and Shawn Michaels enters the arena to a massive pop from the audience. Michaels does his usual stuff with the pyro and heads down to the ring.

The lights dim and the gong tolls and then 'The Darkest Side' plays as Undertaker walks from the curtain to a roof crushing pop from the audience making Shawn Michaels' pop seem like nothing.

Main Event
Quarter Finals of Championship Chase Tournament
Winner advances to Semi-Finals
The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels


The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels stare at each other from their respective corners. Both men bounce out of their corners and start to circle the ring. The Undertaker circles his right arm in the air and pulls up his elbow pad as he stares at Shawn Michaels still. Both men meet in the center of the ring and tie up. Shawn Michaels runs behind Undertaker and locks on a waist lock. Shawn Michaels runs Undertaker in to the ropes and spins backwards attempting a roll-up. Shawn Michaels runs at Undertaker but Undertaker hits Shawn Michaels with a huge big boot. Shawn Michaels falls hard on the mat and rolls to the outside of the ring as he holds his jaw. The Undertaker backs over the top rope and follows HBK around the ring. Shawn Michaels rolls in the ring and Undertaker smartly climbs up the steel steps and steps over the top rope. Shawn Michaels runs off the ropes and back at Undertaker but Undertaker hits Shawn Michaels with a clothesline and goes for the cover. 1...2...Michaels kicks out! The Undertaker picks Shawn Michaels up and strongly irish whips him in to the corner. The Undertaker runs at Michaels in the corner and drives his knee in the chest of Michaels. Michaels falls on his knees and rolls to the outside. Michaels reaches his feet and turns to Undertaker in the ring. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and leaps over the top rope on to Shawn Michaels on the outside. The fans go nuts as both men are down!

Jim Ross: Oh my god, King!

Jerry Lawler: That was unbelievable. I can't believe it!

The Undertaker reaches his feet with help of the barricade to a round of applause from the fans. The Undertaker rolls in the ring and back to the outside. Shawn Michaels reaches his feet and Undertaker kicks him in the gut. The Undertaker grabs Michaels by the arm and turns his head to look at the steel steps. The Undertaker irish whips Shawn Michaels but Michaels counters and irish whips Undertaker kidney first in the ring apron. Undertaker screams in pain as he drops to his knees and holds his back. Shawn Michaels grabs the hair of Undertaker and the tights and throws him in to the ring. Shawn Michaels rolls in and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets his shoulder up and sits up holding his back. Shawn Michaels gets to his feet and starts to stomp on the shoulder and chest of Undertaker. Michaels picks Undertaker up to his feet and lays huge chops to the chest of the deadman. Undertaker falls back and on the ropes. Shawn Michaels grabs Undertaker by the arm and irish whips him in to the ropes. Shawn Michaels goes for a superkick but Undertaker ducks and runs off the ropes again. Shawn turns to Undertaker and Undertaker hits Shawn Michaels with a huge running DDT. Shawn Michaels bounces off the mat and lands on his back. The Undertaker crawls to the body of Michaels and hooks the leg. 1...2...Shawn Michaels kicks out! The Undertaker gets on his knees with his hands on his hips and stares at the referee. The Undertaker picks Shawn Michaels up by his head and gets to his feet. Shawn Michaels quickly rams his shoulder in the gut of Undertaker and takes him to the corner. Shawn Michaels drives his knee repeatedly in the gut of Undertaker and then starts to lay rights to the head of Undertaker. Undertaker pushes Shawn Michaels off. Shawn Michaels runs back at Undertaker and goes for a clothesline but Undertaker ducks. Shawn turns to Undertaker and dodges and attempted right hand. Shawn Michaels turns Undertaker around and irish whips him off the ropes. The Undertaker runs back at Michaels and Michaels hits Undertaker with a powerslam. Shawn Michaels hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets the shoulder up and rolls to the apron holding his back.

Shawn Michaels gets to his feet and walks to Undertaker who sits on the apron. Shawn Michaels pulls Undertaker's hair to make him stand. Shawn Michaels turns Undertaker around and starts to lay huge right hands to the head of Undertaker. Shawn Michaels runs off the ropes but gets a huge right hand to the jaw from Undertaker. The Undertaker gets back in the ring and starts to lay huge right hands to the gut of Shawn Michaels. Michaels backs in to the ropes and stays there to catch a break. The Undertaker backs away and then kicks Shawn Michaels in the face knocking him over the top rope and to the outside. The Undertaker leans against the top rope and stares at Shawn Michaels who uses the announce table to get to his feet. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and leaps over the top rope at Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels moves and Undertaker flies through the announce table. The fans chant "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" Shawn Michaels rolls inside the ring and back out to break up the count. Shawn Michaels throws the top of the steel steps and against the barricade. Shawn Michaels picks The Undertaker up to his feet and brings him over to the base of the steel steps. Shawn Michaels tucks Undertaker's head between his legs and picks him up for the piledriver. Shawn Michaels holds him for a few seconds and then plants him on his head on the steel steps. The Undertaker falls over on his back and rolls against the barricade to hold his head. Shawn Michaels gets to his feet and stares at his work as The Undertaker is motionless. Shawn Michaels leans against the apron and realizes the count is at 8. Shawn Michaels quickly rolls in the ring and back out to break up the count. The referee starts to scream at Shawn Michaels as Michaels walks to Undertaker's body. Shawn Michaels picks Undertaker up by the head and throws him against the barricade to reveal a bloodied Undertaker. Shawn Michaels grabs the arm of Undertaker and irish whips him back first in to the barricade. Undertaker screams in pain as he holds his back and rolls in to the ring. Shawn Michaels climbs up on the apron and watches Undertaker as he rolls to the middle of the ring. Shawn Michaels walks to the turnbuckles and climbs up them one by one to the top turnbuckle. Shawn Michaels holds on to the top rope for leverage as he stares at Undertaker. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder run in from the crowd but both men get punches to the face which knows them off the apron and to the floor. Shawn Michaels stands tall on the top turnbuckle and leaps off with his elbow sticking out but Undertaker moves out of the way and Michaels drives his elbow in to the mat.

The Undertaker uses the ropes to help him up to his feet and Michaels crawls to the opposite set of ropes to get to his feet. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder jump back on the apron and distract the referee. Shawn Michaels superkicks Zack Ryder off the apron and to the floor and Curt Hawkins immediately jumps off. Shawn Michaels and Undertaker staredown each other once more and Curt Hawkins yet again climbs up to the apron to distract the referee. Edge runs in to the ring and sets Shawn Michaels up. Shawn Michaels turns around to Edge and Edge bursts out of the corner for a spear but Michaels moves and Edge spears The Undertaker! Edge gets up to his feet in disbelief and then gets a superkick from Shawn Michaels. Edge rolls to the outside of the ring. Shawn Michaels then nails Curt Hawkins with a superkick which knocks him off the apron and Shawn Michaels tumbles to the mat with his arm across the chest of Undertaker. 1...2...3!

Winner: Shawn Michaels to advance to Semi-Finals

Edge on the outside gets to his feet and helps Ryder and Hawkins to their feet and up the rampway. Edge gets up to top of the rampway with Ryder and Hawkins and look in to the ring. The Undertaker gets to his feet on the outside and walks half way up the rampway and stares at Edge dead in the eye as Shawn Michaels continues to celebrate in the middle of the ring. The Undertaker slashes his throat at Edge with his eyes rolled behind his head as the show closes.

Confirmed for Next Week's Raw:

Intercontinental Championship Match
CM Punk vs Elijah Burke (c)

Semi-Finals of Championship Chase Tournament
Bobby Lashley vs Mr. Kennedy

Semi-Finals of Championship Chase Tournament
Shawn Michaels vs Edge

Royal Rumble

WWE Championship Match
Finals Of Championship Chase Tournament

??? vs ???

30 Man Royal Rumble Match
Kane vs Big Show vs Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly vs The Great Khali vs Batista vs The Undertaker

The Rated R CMStar

BM: With the bar you set with the Draft, I expected a lot from you, and you delivered. Practically all macthes were good and were a nice read. I am going with the main event as it had a nice interaction between Taker and HBK.

WM: CM Punk vs Elijah Burke, it was too short for the importance it had, a title.

BP: Tons of great promos, but I will say it wasn't just one, but more of the whole Edge/HBK/Edgeheads thing that went through the show, it was very in character. Kennedy was top notch on the show as well.

WP: Lashley. He sucks in real life talking and you couldn't save him, but hey, nobody blames you for not saving the unsavable.

AC: It was a great first show, very nice match writting and promos. Surprised with some decision, for example Batista losing cleanly. I don't like that to the Royal Rumble the losers were the ones advancing, it makes the RR feel like a consolation award and not what it really means. I also think you shouldn't have said that you planned HBK vs Edge as WM Main event, you can change plans, but if you keep this, then when it do gets announced, it won't have that shock factor.

Check out BTW, show has been posted

CT Styles

Great way to kick off a BTB, with a draft. I love them.

Best Match: Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker. A good read and a fantastic match to have. IMO, more of a PPV match but still that was a good match.

Worst Match: Punk vs Burke, it needed to be a lot more longer considering it was for the IC title.

Best Promo: Most of the promos were backstage interviews and I think they were all good and in character as well. If I had to pick one, HBK/Edge. I look forward to this feud developing.

Worst Promo: Lashley is unpromoable lol.

Additional Comments: A good show, only bad things were the IC title match and I think you need to work better on your transitions between moves. Other than that, you have great potential.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada

January 11, 2007


The camera searches through the fans as the fans go wild for Smackdown!.

'Here Comes The Money' plays and Shane O' Mac dances out from behind the curtain on to the ramp to a good pop from the audience. Shane does his dance down to the ring.

Shane McMahon enters the ring and takes the microphone laid down in the middle of the ring. Shane McMahon walks around the ring looking in to the crowd as the fans applaud and chant "Shane O'! Shane O'!"

Shane McMahon: Thank you, thank you. Please, please, calm down. Now, I have a few things to get off my chest. First of all, I know running Smackdown! will be a very tough duty. So I have hired an assistant. Please, come out!

The Smackdown! Theme plays and a big buff black man comes out that weighs around 300 pounds and looks sort of like Mark Henry, except with a shaved head and tattoos on his arms.

Shane McMahon: This right here is my assistant. And his name is Big Puff. If you mess with him he will destroy you. Now, on to other issues. I have a bit of a problem with my sister, Raw general manager, Stephanie McMahon. You know, I find it funny she can't come up with her own ideas. I should say, that the championship tournament was my idea, but she just used it. But guess what. It's fine. I can still run a championship tournament to determine the World....

'I Hear Voices' plays and Randy Orton walks down the rampway to a huge amount of heat from the fans.

Randy Orton enters the ring staring at Shane McMahon and his assistant general manager, Big Puff. Randy Orton walks to the ropes and takes a microphone.

Randy Orton: Alright, alright, cut the shenanigans, Shane! First of all, many people in the back may suck up to you and your assistant GM but you're looking at one man who won't. Second, let me tell you a little story, Shane. Before we had that stupid draft I was the WWE Champion on Raw, from October. And I had to get stripped of the championship because of the draft, and now I'm on a new show. Smackdown!. And Shane, I demand what is rightfully mine, the World Heavyweight Championship!

Shane McMahon: Randy, it's like you said. A new show. Which means you have to build your way to the to...

Big Puff grabs the microphone out of Shane McMahon's hand right in the middle of his sentence.

Big Puff: What Shane is trying to say is that Randy Orton, you are the new World Heavyweight Champion, brotha! Bring down the title and give it to Randy right now!

*Fans boo*

Backstage crew come out with the World Title and hands it to Randy as Big Puff holds the microphone between his arm and armpit and starts to applaud Randy as Randy climbs up to the second rope and poses with the championship. Shane McMahon turns back and stares up at Big Puff in shock like he doesn't know what happened. Shane McMahon shrugs and applauds like he is forced to do it.

'No More Words' plays and Jeff Hardy enters the arena to a rockstar like reaction from the audience. Jeff Hardy runs down to the ring.

Jeff Hardy enters the ring and takes a microphone from the ring announcer.

Big Puff: First of all, Jeff. Why the hell are you out here?

Jeff Hardy: Puff, this doesn't concern you. Randy, are you actually going to sit here and celebrate like you won the championship. Like you've earned it? Bullcrap! Randy, you don't deserve the championship. This is the new WWE! This is a new time. A new beginning. You don't start off as champion.

*Fans pop*

Big Puff: Jeff, I just awarded him the championship and there isn't anything you can do about it!

Jeff Hardy: I will do something. There is one reason I am out here. And that's challenge Randy Orton to a World Title match tonight to put him to the test and see if he is a true champion! A deserving champion! Because right now, to me, you look like trash!

*Fans go wild*

Randy Orton: You want a World Championship match, tonight?

*Fans go nuts as they want Orton to accept*

Randy Orton: Well guess what, Jeff. You got it. You got a World Heavyweight Championship Match!

*Fans go absolutely nuts!*

Randy Orton: But not tonight! These fans don't deserve it. Hell, this whole city doesn't deserve it. Nor state. So here's what I'll do for you, in three weeks we have a huge event. The Royal Rumble! That is where I will give you the World Championship match. In Madison Square Garden, quite possibly the most notable arena in the United States.

*Fans boo*

Randy Orton: So Jeff. I hope you prepare good. I hope you prepare real good because the pain I inflict on you will be enough to end your career!

Jeff Hardy nods as he looks at Randy. Jeff then lays a huge right hand to Randy and starts to kick him in the back until he rolls to the outside of the ring and holds the back of his head. Randy Orton walks furiously on the floor as he looks in the ring at Jeff Hardy with Big Puff and Shane McMahon on the outside as well. Randy Orton sticks his hand in the ring and pulls out the World Championship. Randy Orton backs up the rampway and holds up the championship as Jeff Hardy stares at the championship and motions around his waist.


Michael Cole: Well folks, during the commercial break, Shane McMahon announced that every vacant championship will be decided tonight.

Mick Foley: Wouldn't it have been easier if he just said the United States Championship and the Tag Team Championships.

Michael Cole: I guess it would've. And folks, right now is the United States Championship match, but the winner of this match also gets their ticket punched in to the Royal Rumble Match!

'Break The Walls Down' plays and Chris Jericho walks through the curtain to a good pop from the audience.

After a long silence, 'I'm Comin' plays and MVP enters the arena to a chorus of boos from the fans.

United States Championship Match
Winner also advances to Royal Rumble Match
Chris Jericho vs MVP


MVP and Chris Jericho circle the ring as they stare at each other right in the eye. Both men stop in their tracks and trash talk each other from opposite sides of the ring. MVP and Chris Jericho march to the middle of the ring and go head to head and continue to talk trash. MVP pushes Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho looks to his side in the crowd and then slaps MVP. Chris Jericho kicks MVP in the gut and starts to club MVP in the back. Chris Jericho picks MVP's arm up and irish whips him in the corner. MVP bounces out of the corner and back at Jericho and Jericho hits MVP with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. MVP falls to the mat on his back and Jericho hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...MVP kicks out! Chris Jericho picks MVP up to his feet and goes for a right but MVP dodges it and runs behind Jericho. MVP pushes Jericho to the ropes and throws him through the middle rope to the outside on the floor. Chris Jericho holds his right knee as MVP watches on. MVP goes through the middle rope and to the outside. MVP puts Jericho's leg on the floor flat across and MVP stomps on it hard. Jericho screams in pain as MVP taunts to the crowd to a ton of boos from the audience. MVP walks over to Jericho and picks him up to his feet. MVP knees Jericho in the gut and then pushes him back first in the steel ring steps. Jericho holds his back as he screams in pain. MVP starts to stomp on the chest of Chris Jericho against the steel ring steps and then drives his knee in the jaw. MVP picks Jericho up to his feet and throws him in the ring. Chris Jericho holds his knee still and MVP mocks Jericho pretending to limp. MVP runs off the ropes and does his 'Ballin!' taunt before hitting Chris Jericho with a elbow drop in the chest. MVP quickly hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Jericho kicks out. MVP gets up to his knees and starts to lay huge right hands to the fallen Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho finds an opening and pokes MVP in the eyes to stop the rights. Jericho gets up to his feet and starts to jump on both legs as he laughs. MVP is in shock as he turns to Jericho and then kicks Jericho in the right knee. MVP plants Jericho on the mat face first with a DDT and then turns him on to his back. MVP pulls Chris Jericho's tights up and pulls off the right knee pad and throws it to the outside. MVP goes to the outside and drags Chris Jericho's right knee to the apron. MVP lifts Jericho's leg up in the air and slams it hard in the edge of the apron. Jericho sits up and holds his knee as he screams. MVP jumps up on one knee on the apron and gets to his feet. MVP runs along the apron and hits Jericho in the side of the head with a boot to the jaw which knocks Chris Jericho down to the mat and hard with his knee hanging off the apron. MVP leaps off the apron and elbows the bad knee of Chris Jericho! Chris Jericho comes back to life and squeels in pain. MVP pulls Jericho by the knee to the outside. Jericho limps on his good knee and turns to MVP where MVP hits Chris Jericho with a huge clothesline on the floor.

MVP gets to his feet on the floor and stares at the referee in the ring. MVP sticks up the middle finger to him and then turns back to Jericho on the floor. MVP picks Jericho up to his feet and looks behind him at the steel steps. MVP kicks Jericho in the bad knee once more and then walks behind him. MVP places his hands on the back of Jericho and then sticks his head out to look at the steel steps. MVP pushes Jericho strongly and Jericho's bad knee goes in to the steel steps first. Jericho screams in pain as he holds his knee. MVP climbs up the steel steps and boots Jericho in the side of the head. Jericho crawls in the ring on impact. MVP walks up to the apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle.

Michael Cole: This is unfamiliar territory for MVP!

Mick Foley: I've never seen him go up there before!

Chris Jericho gets to his one good leg and holds the other one as he turns around to find MVP on the top turnbuckle. MVP jumps off the top turnbuckle and looks for a crossbody but Jericho connects in the chest of MVP with a one legged dropkick as MVP falls hard to the mat and Jericho holds his bad knee again. Jericho sits up and slowly crawls to MVP and hooks the leg. 1...2...MVP kicks out! Chris Jericho sits up holding his knee and is in shock. MVP grabs on to the middle and top rope and gets to his feet with support of them. Chris Jericho slowly gets to his one good leg but bends down to hold on to it for support. MVP runs off the ropes and nails Jericho in the side of the head with a knee. Jericho falls flat on his face and then turns on to his back himself. MVP quickly runs at the body of Jericho and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Jericho kicks out! MVP gets to his feet and is shock. MVP backs the referee in to the corner and talks trash to him. The referee pushes MVP away and MVP ends up getting rolled up by Jericho. 1...2...MVP KICKS OUT! MVP gets to his feet and right away lays a boot to the ribs of Jericho. MVP gets back in the referees face. MVP goes to punch the referee but holds back and then turns and Chris Jericho dropkicks the knee of MVP. MVP falls on his chest and holds his knee in pain. Chris Jericho holds his knee and crawls to the body of MVP. Chris Jericho turns MVP over to his back and attempts a cover but MVP counters and cradles Chris Jericho up. 1...2...Jericho kicks out. Jericho drags his good knee along the ropes and in to the corner. Chris Jericho stands there as he holds his knee. MVP gets to his feet and runs at Jericho in the corner hitting Jericho with a huge players boot to the jaw! Jericho falls face first on the mat and turns himself over on his back. MVP falls on his knees and hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: MVP to become U.S. Champion and enter Royal Rumble Match

MVP gets up to his feet and demands the title. MVP gets the United States Championship and then turns to the referee who attends Chris Jericho. MVP runs at the referee and boots him in the side of the head. MVP stands over the referee and yells, "Don't get in my business next time!" MVP then holds up the championship to tons of boos from the audience as the cameras fade to the back.

Backstage we find Jeff Hardy sitting on a bench in his locker room with his iPod earphones in his ears. The door knocks but Jeff can't hear it. The person just opens the door and it's Big Puff. Jeff Hardy takes his earphones out of his ears and stands up.

Jeff Hardy: What do you want?

Big Puff: Who the hell do you think you are? First of all disrespecting me out there, and then disrespecting the World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton. I oughta get someone to teach you respect.

Jeff Hardy: Why did I disrespect you and the World Champion, for one, Randy Orton doesn't deserve the World Heavyweight Championship. This is a new year. It's a new show. Orton shouldn't be champion. It should still be held up...

Big Puff: Don't change the subject. This is about respect. Something you will learn tonight. Because you're in the main event. Yeah, against TWO men! In a Handicap match. Shane McMahon's assistant, ME! Big Puff!... and the current World Heavyweight Champion, your Royal Rumble opponent, RANDY ORTON! Haha! Hahahahaha! Good luck out there... Jeff.

Big Puff walks out of Jeff's locker room as Jeff sighs and sits back down on the bench.


Later Tonight
Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton & Big Puff
2-on-1 Handicap Match

Highlights from the events that transpired on Raw between Edge, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.

Backstage we find Eve Torres with Ric Flair.

Eve Torres: Ric Flair, tonight you have a huge opportunity to claim tag team title gold. You take on John Morrison & The Miz, and your tag team partner... well, no one knows yet. So, can you tell us, who is your tag team partner?

Ric Flair: Baby girl, why do you think it's called a surprise partner!? You want to find out? You will find out, in just moments from now because that's how close my match is and that's how close I am to getting tag team gold. But listen here, John Morrison and The Miz. You little punks want to make fun of me and my age on your little show, The Dirt Sheet. Well I'll tell you something dammit, tonight, me and my tag team partner are going to knock you out. We're going to take you down and we're going to walk all over you like you're dirt because it's what you are! Wooooooooo!

Ric Flair struts away from Eve Torres.

'Ain't No Make Believe' plays and both John Morrison and The Miz come out to a chorus of boos from the audience.

'Woooooo!' is heard throughout the arena and Ric Flair enters to a huge pop from the crowd.

A long silence is heard throughout the arena.

'My Time Is Now' plays and John Cena jumps out from behind the curtain to a monstrous pop from the fans! John Cena shakes hands with Ric Flair and both enter the ring.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
John Cena & Ric Flair vs John Morrison & The Miz


John Cena and The Miz start the match out. Both men start out in their respective corners and hold their arms up as they slowly reach the center of the ring and tie up. Cena takes Miz down and locks on a headlock. Miz picks Cena up but Cena uses his power and keeps his feet on the mat. Miz backs Cena on to the ropes and pushes him off. Cena bounces off the ropes and ducks a clothesline attempt from Miz. Miz turns around to find Cena and gets a huge right hand! Miz falls hard to the mat and gets back up to his feet. Cena pushes him to the corner and starts to lay huge rights to the stomach of Miz. Cena picks Miz up on his shoulders and walks him to his corner. Ric Flair tags himself in by slapping the back of Cena. Ric Flair enters the ring to tons of 'Wooos' from the audience and drops to one knee and holds his other knee out. Cena picks Miz up in the air and slams him down on the knee of Ric Flair! Miz drops to his back and holds his gut as Flair smiles. Flair walks around the fallen body of Miz. Ric Flair bounces off the ropes and hits Miz with a knee drop on the forehead. The Miz holds his forehead as he rolls to his corner and tags in Morrison. Morrison enters the ring and starts to lay huge rights to Ric Flair. John Morrison pushes Flair to the corner and then drives his boot in the throat as the referee starts to count. 1...2...John Cena walks along the apron and takes his foot off the throat. Ric Flair shakes it off and chops John Morrison hard in the chest. Ric Flair pushes Morrison off the ropes and irish whips him. Ric Flair walks to the center of the ring and hits John Morrison with a huge back body drop. Ric Flair runs off the ropes and hits John Morrison with another knee drop to the top of the head. Ric Flair walks slowly to his corner and tags in John Cena. John Cena runs in to the ring and punches Miz off the apron. Morrison gets to his feet and Cena kicks Morrison in the gut and hits him with a fishermans suplex. Morrison gets to his feet and goes for a clothesline but Cena ducks it and hits Morrison with a spinning back drop in the middle of the ring. Cena holds up his hand and does you can't see me as he runs off the ropes but Miz runs in the ring and hits Cena in the nose with a flying forearm smash. Cena falls hard to the mat and starts to bleed from his nose.

Cena checks his nose repeatedly and finds tons of blood. Miz picks Cena up to his feet and waits for Morrison. Miz pushes Cena to Morrison and Morrison hits Cena in the side of the head with a huge kick. Cena falls down on his knees and rests his body against the second rope. John Morrison runs off the ropes but Ric Flair sticks his leg out and trips Morrison up. The Miz runs at Flair and goes for a right but Flair blocks it and nails a closed fist in the chin of Miz. Ric Flair enters the ring and chops The Miz hard in the chest repeatedly. Ric Flair hits one huge one and turns to Cena where Cena hits Miz with a spinebuster. John Morrison runs at Cena and Cena hits Morrison with a huge spinebuster in the center of the ring. John Cena and Ric Flair both hold up their hands and do you can't see me taunt to the fallen John Morrison. Ric Flair and John Cena run off opposite sets of ropes and both hit Morrison with right hands to John Morrison. John Morrison crawls to the ropes and uses them to help him to his feet. The Miz gets up along the ropes and Ric Flair clotheslines Miz over the top rope and takes himself over with Miz. Morrison reaches his feet and turns to John Cena and John Cena picks John Morrison up on his shoulders and stands in the middle of the ring. John Cena hits John Morrison with a thunderous F-U and then turns him over on his stomach and applies an STF-U. John Morrison screams in pain as John Cena applies even more pressure. Morrison holds out his hand and finally taps out!!!!

Winners: John Cena & Ric Flair to become tag team champions

Ric Flair rolls in the ring and hugs John Cena in the middle of the ring. John Cena hands Ric Flair one of the titles and both men hold their hands up high in the air in victory as Morrison and Miz walk up the rampway shaking their heads.

Backstage we find Eve Torres with World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton.

Eve Torres: Please welcome my guest at this time, the current World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton. Randy, Jeff says you don't deserve to be Wor...

Randy Orton: Jeff says this, Jeff says that, you know what, Jeff says a lot of things that aren't true, like my not deserving to be champion. Which I do. See, I went through the likes of Triple H, Shawn Michaels twice, and Chris Jericho to keep the WWE Championship over on Raw. And I should continue my reign over here on Smackdown! with the World Heavyweight Championship. So, Jeff, get used to it. Because you're going to be seeing alot of this over here on Smackdown!.

Randy Orton walks off as Eve stares at Orton.

In another area backstage we find Triple H walking down the hallways. His match is next.


'Virtual Voodoo' plays and Umaga comes out to a mixed reaction from the audience. Umaga yells random samoan at some fans.

'Time To Play The Game' plays and Triple H walks down the rampway.

Umaga thinks Triple H is taking too much time and gets out of the ring and starts to brawl with Triple H on the rampway. Umaga drives Triple H back first in the barricade. Triple H starts to pummel Umaga with right hands and Umaga retaliates with an uppercut. Triple H falls on his ass and rests against the steel steps. Umaga runs at Triple H and goes for the samoan hip attack but Triple H moves and Umaga does a back flip over the steel steps and lands on his knees and chest. Triple H gets to his feet and walks around the ring. Triple H lifts up the skirt and pulls out a sledgehammer. Triple H walks back around the ring to Umaga but agents start running down the rampway along with security guards. Triple H nails some security guards and agents in the head with the sledgehammer. Triple H runs at Umaga but Umaga hits Triple H with a samoan drop on the floor. Umaga walks to the Smackdown! announce table and pulls the cover and monitors off as Michael Cole and Mick Foley flee the scene. Umaga walks to Triple H and picks him up dragging him to the announce table. Triple H low blows Umaga and pushes him on the announce table. Triple H climbs up on the barricade and slaps his elbow a couple of times. Triple H hits Umaga dead in the chest with an elbow drop and the announce table explodes! Triple H immediately gets to his feet as Umaga is motionless. Triple H rolls in the ring and does his signature taunt as the fans go wild for The Game. Triple H exits the ring and is escorted by security guards up the rampway. Triple H turns his back to watch Umaga who reaches his feet and both men stare at each other in the eye.Triple H runs through the security guards and in to the ring. Umaga enters the ring and spears Triple H to the mat. Both men again start to exchange huge rights and lefts on the mat. Security guards get in the ring and pull them apart but they keep going at it! Triple H runs out of the security guards grip and at Umaga but Umaga hits Triple H with a huge samoan spike. Umaga stands above the fallen Triple H and sticks up his thumb as he screams and the fans boo! Umaga exits the ring and marches up the rampway.


Michael Cole: Well, folks, in case you missed it just moments ago, Triple H and Umaga were scheduled to take part in a one-on-one match but instead it turned it to an all out brawl and our announce table got ruined because of it. Take a look.

*Video of the HHH/Umaga brawl moments ago play*

Mick Foley: And because of this, during the commercial break, Shane McMahon announced a huge match for the Royal Rumble. Triple H vs Umaga will be locking on horn to horn in a street fight.

Michael Cole: And you know what's also bizzare about this, partner?

Mick Foley: What?

Michael Cole: During the commercial break, Big Puff, the assistant general manager also added those two men to the Royal Rumble match! Imagine the punishment they put each other through in their Street Fight, they'll still have to take part in the Royal Rumble match!

Backstage we find Chris Jericho getting his knee checked out. The trainers tell Jericho to get off the bed and see if he can walk. He can walk but gingerly.

Chris Jericho: It still hurts.

Randy Orton walks in the trainers room.

Randy Orton: Look who it is, Y2J, Chris Jericho. You haven't been doing so good for yourself have you ever since you're returned to WWE now. I mean, first, you come back and tell everyone on Raw you will save them from me, and, you didn't. And now you're on Smackdown! and you lose your United States Championship match to MVP, at the same time getting injured. How does it feel, Jericho?

Chris Jericho: Believe me, Randy. You don't have to worry about me. But let me ask you this, how will you feel, when you lose you World Heavyweight Championship in three weeks to Jeff Hardy, huh?

Chris Jericho then shoots off the bed and stands on his good leg.

Randy Orton: I bet you think you're pretty tough, huh. Are you trying to get me intimidated so I do lose to Hardy at the Rumble. Well guess what, it's not going to work. Jeff Hardy is just like you, Triple H, John Cena and all the others who think they're better than me, punks. No good punks that are jealous of me and how much I have accomplished since mid-2007. Where were you in mid-2007, huh, Jericho? You didn't even have a job...

Chris Jericho starts to unleash with huge right hands on Randy and then takes him down to the floor. Jericho starts to pummel Orton with huge rights. Jericho hops to a chair in the hallway and picks it up. Orton sees the chair and dodges it. Orton runs down the hallway with his World Heavyweight Championship.

Randy Orton: You jealous son of a bitch! I'll get you! Don't worry, I'll get you!

Mick Foley: What was that about.

Michael Cole: I have no clue partner, but things look like they are going to start and boil over with Chris Jericho and Randy Orton.

'I love to fight' plays and Finlay enters the arena to a good pop from the audience

'Cool' plays and Carlito walks from the curtain to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Finlay vs Carlito


Finlay and Carlito circle the ring as they stare at each other. Both men meet in the center of the ring and tie up. Finlay powers Carlito to the corner and then pokes him in the eye to a pop from the audience. Finlay irish whips Carlito in to the opposite corner. Carlito bounces out and back at Finlay and Finlay hits Carlito with a hard clothesline. Finlay picks Carlito up to his feet and irish whips him off the ropes. Carlito runs back at Finlay and Finlay hits Carlito with a back body drop. Carlito reaches his feet and gets hit in the chin with a huge right. Finlay starts to club the back of Carlito. Finlay runs off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Carlito dogdes and runs behind Finlay. Carlito grabs Finlay's head and hits him with a reverse neckbreaker! Carlito quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Finlay kicks out. Carlito picks Finlay up to his feet and starts to lay huge rights to Finlay. Finlay knees Carlito in the gut but Carlito pokes Finlay in the eye. Carlito grabs Finlay by the tights and throws him shoulder first in the steel ring post! Carlito wraps his arm around Finlay's leg and pulls him out of the corner with a roll up. 1...2...Finlay kicks out! Both men get to their feet and Finlay hits Carlito with an elbow to the chin. Carlito backs in to the corner and holds on to his feet. Finlay grabs the arm of Carlito and irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Carlito falls on his back and then rolls to the outside of the ring. Finlay is pushed back by the referee as he walks to the ropes. Finlay drops on his back and rolls to the outside. Finlay knees Carlito in the gut and hits him with a DDT. Finlay gets up with a huge smile on his face. Finlay rolls in the ring and gets to his feet. Finlay walks to the ropes and stares down at Carlito but the referee pushes hims back. Hornswoggle pops out from under the ring and starts to throw water balloons at Carlito. Carlito gets to his feet and stares at Hornswoggle who has a big one in his hand. Carlito tells Hornswoggle not to throw it but he does. Carlito runs at Hornswoggle who starts to run around the ring. Hornswoggle jumps in the ring and hides behind Finlay. Carlito gets in the ring and stops in his tracks as he sees Finlay. Carlito tells Finlay what Hornswoggle did but Finlay lays a huge right to Carlito.

Finlay picks Carlito up to his feet and stares at him right in the eyes. Carlito kicks Finlay in the knee. Carlito irish whips Finlay off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Finlay dodges and runs behind Carlito. Carlito turns around with his arm swinging in the air but Finlay dodges as well. Carlito kicks Finlay in the gut and turns him around so his back faces him. Carlito jumps up and goes for the backstabber but Finlay holds on to the ropes and doesn't drop on the mat. Carlito holds the back of his head and Finlay places Carlito's legs on his shoulders and rolls him up. 1...2...3!

Winner: Finlay to advance to Royal Rumble Match

Finlay exits the ring and pulls Hornswoggle out from under as the two celebrate on the rampway. Carlito slaps the mat in the ring in displeasure as the cameras fade to the back.

Backstage we find Jeff Hardy with Eve Torres.

Eve Torres: Please welcome my guest at this time, the No.1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, Jeff Hardy! Jeff, it seems like Big Puff wants to make you tired, and injured before the Royal Rumble in three weeks, what are your thoughts on this?

Jeff Hardy: I noticed that. And Big Puff wants to stack the odds against me, that's fine. That's perfectly fine. See, I've overcome a lot more in my career. Lets take a look at something shall we. I've defeated a samoan bulldozer, Umaga. I've had my chance against The Undertaker, maybe I lost, but I proved doubters wrong that I could hang with the big dogs.

The camera zooms in on Jeff Hardy.

Jeff Hardy: Puff, you want to attempt to stack the odds against me? Like I said, fine. But you're making a mistake. You're just getting me amped up for three weeks at Royal Rumble.

The camera zooms in more on Jeff Hardy's face as it reads "Next" in the bottom left hand corner.


Highlights from the Randy Orton/Chris Jericho altercation from earlier tonight airs.

Michael Cole: Well, folks the Royal Rumble is just three weeks away and we already have a solid card going on here.

Mick Foley: You're right about that, Michael.

Graphic comes up
Street Fight
Triple H vs Umaga

Michael Cole: Well, these two were scheduled to take each other on one on one tonight, but it turned in to an all out brawl.

Mick Foley: And that brawl led to this Street Fight which I expect is going to be brutal and bloody.

Graphic comes up
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton (c)

Michael Cole: Well, earlier tonight, Big Puff actually awarded the World Heavyweight Championship to the legend killer, Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy didn't like that too much which is why this match is taking place.

Mick Foley: Well, Michael this is going to be a great match you have to think it. Jeff Hardy is a great upcomer in the company and Orton has already established himself.

Graphic comes up
WWE Championship Match
??? vs ???

Mick Foley: Well, over on Raw there is a tournament going on to determine who will face off for the WWE Championship. Nothing is determined yet, but Edge, Shawn Michaels, Mr. Kennedy and Bobby Lashley all have the chance to come at the Rumble and compete for the WWE Championship.

Graphic comes up
Royal Rumble Match
Kane vs Big Show vs The Great Khali vs Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly vs Batista vs The Undertaker vs Finlay vs Triple H vs Umaga vs MVP

Michael Cole: And the biggest one of them all. The Royal Rumble match.

Mick Foley: The winner goes on to WrestleMania 24 to fight for their respective brands title, this year is going to be a good one.

'I Get Money' plays and Big Puff comes out to a chorus of boos from the audience. Big Puff walks out with a shirt inside out that has a logo on it.

'I Hear Voices' plays and Randy Orton walks from the curtain with the World Title around his waist and gets a huge amount of heat from the audience.

'No More Words' plays throughout the arena and Jeff Hardy enters the arena to a rockstar reaction from the fans. Jeff Hardy does his pyro and slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Main Event
Handicap Match
Jeff Hardy vs Big Puff & Randy Orton


Big Puff walks out of the corner and on to Jeff Hardy quickly. Jeff Hardy is backed in to the corner and is trapped. Big Puff laughs and goes swinging for a right but Jeff Hardy ducks. Jeff Hardy pushes Big Puff in to the corner and starts to lay huge right hands to Big Puff who pushes Jeff Hardy off. Jeff Hardy rolls on the mat and gets to his feet and runs at Big Puff but Big Puff catches Jeff Hardy and hits him with a powerslam. Big Puff laughs as he stays on his knees and then hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Hardy gets the shoulder up! Big Puff picks Hardy up by the hair and drags him to the corner. Big Puff starts to lay huge right hands to Jeff Hardy who's face shows his pain. Big Puff stomps on the gut of Jeff Hardy in the corner and then looks up in to the corner. Big Puff tags in Randy Orton. Big Puff bends down and drives his shoulder in the gut of Jeff Hardy. Randy Orton enters the ring and starts to lay rights and lefts to Jeff Hardy. Big Puff goes to the outside as Randy starts to kick Jeff Hardy in the gut. Randy Orton grabs the arm of Jeff Hardy and strongly irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Jeff Hardy bounces out and Randy Orton goes for a clothesline but Jeff Hardy ducks and runs off the ropes. Jeff Hardy hits a lariat on Randy Orton. Jeff Hardy runs at Big Puff on the apron and dropkicks him in the knee and Puff goes face first in the apron. Jeff Hardy runs back at Randy Orton but Randy Orton hits Jeff Hardy with a huge clothesline from out of nowhere! Randy Orton immediately puts his hands on the chest of Jeff Hardy for the cover. 1...2...Hardy gets his foot on the bottom rope. Randy Orton rolls to his corner and tags in Big Puff. Big Puff has a face of aggressivness on as he enters the ring. Big Puff walks to the body of Jeff Hardy and stands over him with a huge smile on his face. Jeff Hardy lifts his legs on and starts to kick Puff repeatedly in the gut. Jeff Hardy crawls behind Puff and then jumps to his feet and hits Big Puff in the back with a dropkick. Big Puff falls frontwards and rests on the second rope. Jeff Hardy climbs up to the top turnbuckle and surverys Big Puff. Randy Orton runs along the apron and pushes Jeff Hardy off the top and back first in the barricade. Jeff Hardy screams in pain as he gasps for more air. Randy Orton jumps off the apron and walks to Jeff Hardy against the barricade. Orton starts to lay huge right hands to the head of Hardy and then stops to grab his arm. Randy Orton looks at the steel steps and then irish whips him but Jeff Hardy counters and gives Randy Orton a drop toehold and Randy falls face first on the steel ring steps.

Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and the fans pop. Jeff Hardy rolls inside the ring where Big Puff is. Jeff Hardy walks around the ring sizing up Big Puff who is on one knee. Jeff Hardy runs off the ropes and back at Big Puff but Big Puff catches Jeff Hardy and hits him with a huge swinging side slam! Big Puff quickly hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Jeff Hardy gets the shoulder up! Big Puff gets up on his knees and complains to the referee. Big Puff says he can fire the referee and the referee backs away from Puff. Big Puff turns around and gets a dropkick from Jeff Hardy and Puff backs up to the ropes. Jeff Hardy runs at Puff and starts to lay huge right hands and kicks to Big Puff. Jeff Hardy backs away and drives his head in the gut of Big Puff. Big Puff falls on his knees and holds his gut. Jeff Hardy turns around to find Randy Orton and Randy Orton jumps up and hits Jeff Hardy with a thunderous RKO! Randy Orton hooks the legs of Hardy for the cover. 1...2...Jeff Hardy kicks out! Big Puff tells Randy Orton to stay in the ring and kick Hardy as Hardy is still down on the mat. Randy Orton backs away in the corner and sizes up Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy slowly gets on his knees but goes down on both arms as well. Randy Orton seethes as he runs out of the corner and looks for the kick but Jeff Hardy moves his head. Jeff Hardy jumps to his feet and goes to kick Orton in the gut but Orton catches it. Jeff Hardy spins out and hits Randy Orton with a backwards enziguri. Big Puff runs at Jeff Hardy and goes for a clothesline but Jeff Hardy dodges and starts to lay huge rights to the body of Big Puff. Big Puff pushes Hardy to the ropes and Hardy runs back at Big Puff. Big Puff picks Jeff Hardy up on his shoulders and hits him with a huge samoan drop in the middle of the ring. Big Puff lays back on the body of Jeff Hardy for the cover. 1...2...Jeff Hardy gets the shoulder up. Big Puff instructs Randy Orton to go to the outside and get two steel chairs. Orton goes to the outside and throws Justin Roberts and a worker off the chair and gets them. Orton throws both of them in the ring. The referee tells them to stop. Big Puff says the match is now NO DQ! Big Puff picks Jeff Hardy up to his feet for Randy Orton. Randy Orton grabs one of the steel chairs and stares at Jeff Hardy. Randy Orton holds the chair up above his head and hits Jeff Hardy hard in the head with the steel chair. Randy Orton throws the steel chair down in the middle of the ring. Randy Orton picks the lifeless body of Jeff Hardy up and throws him face first on the steel chair in the center of the ring. Randy Orton picks up the other steel chair and cockingly smiles as he holds it above his head!

'Break The Walls Down' plays and both Randy and Puff turn their attention to the entrance way.

Chris Jericho walks down to the ring and shakes his head. Chris Jericho takes his "bad" knee and starts to stomp it on the ground. He faked the entire thing. Chris Jericho rolls in the ring and tackles Orton to the mat. Chris Jericho starts to lay huge right hands on Randy Orton who tries to cover up. Big Puff walks over and throws Chris Jericho off Orton. Chris Jericho steps up and hits Big Puff in the side of the head with a huge enziguri! Big Puff falls on his knees and then his chest and then rolls to the outside of the ring. Chris Jericho takes a steel chair and hits Randy Orton in the face with it. Orton gets spaghetti legs and then falls to one knee. Jeff Hardy gets up to his feet and grabs a hold of Orton's head and puts it between his arm and body. Jeff Hardy yells and then hits Randy Orton in the middle of the ring with a twist of fate on the steel chair. Jeff Hardy turns Randy Orton over on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and celebrates. Chris Jericho shakes Jeff Hardy's hand and hugs him in the corner and then holds up his hand. Big Puff backs up the rampway with a microphone.

Big Puff: Jericho, Hardy, I bet you think you all tough because you won, huh. Well guess what. Don't be to happy. Because next week, it's going to be another handicap match. It's going to be Randy Orton and ME, Big Puff vs ....CHRIS JERICHO! And again, it's No DQ! But Jeff, don't think I'm leaving you out. Because next week, you will be in a match. And you will be in a match with a monster! That man... is facing Triple H at the Royal Rumble. I think you know by know! UMAGA!

Jeff Hardy looks on in shock as does Jericho and the show closes with both of them in shock.

Confirmed for Next Week on Smackdown!

2 On 1 No DQ Handicap Match
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton and Big Puff

Jeff Hardy vs Umaga
Royal Rumble

Street Fight
Triple H vs Umaga

WWE Championship
??? vs ???

World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton (c)

30 Man Royal Rumble Match
Kane vs Big Show vs The Great Khali vs Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly vs Batista vs The Undertaker vs Finlay vs Triple H vs Umaga vs MVP