I'm not sure about that. That powerbomb I see time and time again in every topic looked nasty (read: awesome), but I don't think Ryback is known for injuring people.
Dolph'sZiggler said:Just stopping by to post my obligatory lol dirtsheets reply
BrockLesnarFanForLife said:Ryback is dangerous in the ring no wonder none of the talents want nothing to do with him
Stopspot said:I disagree. Sheamus is dangerous to get in the ring with. He has a history of hurting other wrestlers, among them Del Rio, some guys in FCW and his most notable case, Jamie Noble. Whom he wrestled in his first show on RAW. Injuring Nobles shoulder and back forcing him to retire. Ryback has no such history and the local guys obviously have no problem getting in the ring with him and no complaints can be found from them. This is either a "lol Dirtsheet" moment or everyone in the WWE locker room are just big pussies.