WWE: SummerSlam and Beyond

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Aug 2, 2008
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ROSTER: Batista (F)
Big Show (H)
Chris Jericho (H)
CM Punk (F)
Cody Rhodes (H)
John 'Bradshaw' Layfield (H)
John Cena (F)
Kane (H)
Kofi Kingston (F)
Lance Cade (H)
Paul Burchill (H)
Randy Orton (H)
Rey Mysterio (F)
Shad (F)
Shawn Michaels (F)
Stone Cold (F)
Ted DiBiase (H)
The Rock (F)
William Regal (H)

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase
Chris Jericho and Lance Cade

ON-SCREEN TALENT: Mike Adamle - General Manager
Jerry Lawler - Color Commentator
Michael Cole - Play-by-play Commentator
Todd Grisham - Interviewer


ROSTER:Brian Kendrick (F)
Curt Hawkins (H)
Elijah Burke (H)
Edge (H)
Gregory Helms (H)
Jeff Hardy (F)
John Morrison (H)
Mark Henry (H)
Matt Hardy (F)
Mr. Kennedy (F)
Paul London (F)
Rob Van Dam (F)
Shelton Benjamin(H)
Triple H (F)
Umaga (H)
Undertaker (F)
Zack Ryder (H)

TAG-TEAMS / FACTIONS: Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins
Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy (Hardy Boyz)
Mark Henry, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke (Nation of Domination)

ON-SCREEN TALENT: Vickie Guerrero - General Manager
Mick Foley - Color Commentator
Jim Ross - Play-by-play Commentator
Layla - Interviewer








CM PUNK (c) vs. KANE






CARD IS FINAL. Predictions are welcome.

Moonlight Drive

Nice to see you have a BTB

Interesting card, Punk/Kane Ironman? I'm not sold to be honest on that one

But good luck :)


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Punk and Kane is not Iron Man, Cena and Batista is. Sorry if that's not clear.

Moonlight Drive

LOL my bad, it was still loading :S

Still nice card. Batista/Cena aren't exactly 'Ironman' wreslters, but I'll see how you do


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Batista definitely isn't, but that's why it'll be awesome lol.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Hell In A Cell
Edge vs Undertaker

WWE Championship
Triple H (c) vs The Great Khali

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk (c) vs Kane

Ironman Match
John Cena vs Batista

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Mr Kennedy

ECW Championship
Mark Henry (c) vs Matt Hardy

Tornado Tag
The Hardy Boyz vs Shelton Benjamin and MVP

World Tag Team Championships
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (c) vs Cryme Tyme

Well, there are my predictions. You should post the rosters imo. I don't like the Ironman Match really, I can't see a sixty minute Tista match happening. Also not sure how Kennedy is getting an IC Title match from SD?


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
This is what happens when you half forget things and half stop paying attention.

Card changes. Cena/Batista is now a normal match. Kingston will face Mysterio in the IC Title match, and HBK/Y2J is now an Ambulance Match.

Also, roster is unchanged, so I don't think it's necessary.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Some people may not know the current roster, and you are also obviously going to make changes in the future, so I still think a roster would be best.


Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, I was going to say that an ironman match + 8 other matches for 3 hours gives 8 matches 2 hours, which would suck.

This makes it better.


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Voiceover: In 1988, at Madison Square Garden, history was made when the first ever SummerSlam event took place. Now, twenty years on, and SummerSlam is still one of the biggest events of the year. Tonight, WWE RAW and SmackDown invite you to the biggest party of the summer. Welcome to the 20th edition of... SUMMERSLAM!



The camera pans around the packed Madison Square Garden. The fans all know that they are in for a treat, as this is the twentieth anniversary of the biggest party of the summer, and it’s taking place in the very same arena. As “Ready to Roll†by Jet Black Stare plays, the camera focuses in on the Hell In A Cell structure, suspended above the ring. Cameras are flashing as the song continues to play. The camera then cuts to the RAW announce table, where Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are smiling at the camera.

Jerry Lawler: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the twentieth annual edition of SummerSlam! We are getting ready for the biggest party of the summer tonight, and Michael, what a night it is going to be.

Michael Cole: What a night is right, King. Tonight, on the RAW side of the card, we have truly historic matches to present to the world. Team Priceless, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, will defend their World Tag Team Championships against Cryme Tyme in the opening match!

Jerry Lawler: The Jamaican Sensation Kofi Kingston will defend the Intercontinental Championship against Rey Mysterio in what is sure to be a high-action and very volatile match.

Michael Cole: The intense rivalry between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho will end tonight when we find out who the better man is. The better man will put his opponent inside an ambulance, and they will be escorted to a medical facility.

Jerry Lawler: The new World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk looks set for his biggest challenge yet, literally, when he defends the title against the Big Red Machine, Kane.

Michael Cole: And in RAW’s Main Event, two of the biggest names in the industry collide when John Cena faces Batista! But that’s not all, SmackDown also has an amazing line-up.

Mick Foley: That’s right Cole, because tonight, on the SmackDown side of things, we have blockbuster matches. Two NoD members in Montel Vontavious Porter and Shelton Benjamin team up to take on Jeff Hardy and a mystery partner!

Jim Ross: Mark Henry will defend the new silver ECW Championship against former United States Champion, Matt Hardy!

Mick Foley: The Great Khali, who won a gruelling battle royal to become the number one contender will face Triple H for the WWE Championship.

Jim Ross: And in possibly one of the best matches that we will ever see will take place when The Undertaker returns to face Edge... in a Hell In A Cell match. This night is going to be explosive ladies and gentlemen, so get up, have fun, and enjoy the party... the biggest party of the summer!

The SummerSlam theme song fades to nothing, and the fans turn their attention to the TitanTron, where a promo plays for the opening match. We see the build-up between Team Priceless and Cryme Tyme. The promo ends and the bell rings. We see Lillian Garcia in the ring.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the World Tag Team Championships! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 438lbs, the current World Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase!

The champions make their way out to the ring, looking confident and prepared for their match. Ted grabs a microphone on the way into the ring.

Ted DiBiase: Cryme Tyme, you are both obsessed with money. You both think that you might actually win the Tag Team Championships from us tonight. Well you can’t. Me and my partner Cody here, we don’t need to do whatever we can to get some cash. Because we, are simply pricele-


They are interrupted by Cryme Tyme’s theme song, and the crowd cheers loudly. JTG and Shad make their way down to the ring as Lillian introduces them.

Lillian Garcia: And introducing their opponents the challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 530lbs, Cryme Tyme!

Cryme Tyme make it into the ring. JTG decides that he will wrestle first, and Cody Rhodes takes the helm of the Priceless boat to start. The bell rings.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. © vs. Cryme Tyme

JTG and Rhodes begin to circle each other, staring into each others eyes, each of them thinking about when they would make their first move. Rhodes made the first move, lunging at JTG and wrapping his arm around his head, levelling him down with a front headlock. Rhodes tightens his grip, but JTG twists Cody’s arm around, taking it behind him. He doesn’t keep the hold locked in for long, pushing Cody away. As Cody turns around, JTG leaps into the air and hits him with a standing dropkick, and Cody stages into the corner. He recollects himself and pushes himself out of the corner, and the two combatants circle each other again. Cody runs at JTG, who delivers a back body drop. Cody goes sailing through the air and lands hard on his back. He immediately gets to his feet though, as the worst place to be in the ring was on your back. JTG ran at Cody, looking for a clothesline, but Cody ducked. JTG turned around and was met by a brutal kick to the stomach area, winding JTG and causing him to double over in pain. Cody backs up into his corner and tags in his partner Ted DiBiase.

Ted immediately heads over to JTG and nails him in the head with a right hand. He pulls JTG up slightly and hits him with another right hand. He then pushes JTG into the corner, keeping a hold of his arm. He then whips JTG across the ring, and JTG hits the turnbuckle chest first. He starts to stagger out from the corner, but DiBiase runs at him, pushing him into the corner before hitting a belly-to-back suplex. JTG lands hard on his back, arching it in pain upon impact. Ted goes right back to work on JTG though, as he didn’t want JTG to get the tag on Shad. He locks an armbar on JTG, who starts to grunt in pain through his grills. JTG, with the help of the lively audience, gets to his feet. He wriggles out of the hold and kicks Ted in the midsection before backing up, running up and hitting Ted with a bulldog! However, instead of going for the tag, JTG runs against the ropes as Ted starts to get up. He bounces off and hit Ted with another bulldog! Ted checks to see if his nose is bleeding whilst JTG runs into his corner and tags in his partner Shad. Ted gets to his feet but Shad just charges at him and takes him back down to the mat with an aggressive clothesline.

Ted, being resilient, makes his way back to his feet. Shad runs again and the crowd collectively wince as he hits another clothesline on Ted. Shad pulls Ted to his feet and pushes him against the ropes, using the momentum to whip Ted to the other side of the ring. Ted comes off the ropes and Shad lifts him into the air, looking for a body slam. However, Ted becomes free of Shad’s grip, and delivers a swift kick to the bag of Shad’s leg to try and bring him down. Shad’s knee buckles slightly, but it’s not enough to bring him down. One more kick brings him to his knees. Ted then runs to his corner and tags in his partner Cody. Cody gets into the ring whilst Ted climbs to the top rope. Cody tries to lift Shad up for a suplex, but he can’t do it. Shad clobbers Cody in the back before grabbing him and throwing him out of the ring underneath the top rope!

However, Shad’s momentum was stopped as Ted soared from the top rope, taking Shad down with a dropkick to the chest! He then hooks Shad’s leg and goes for a cover. ONE! TWO! But Shad uses his immense power to shove Ted off of him. Ted goes at least three feet into the air and lands on the other side of the ring. Shad gets to his feet before he pulls Ted to his. He drags Ted over to the corner where JTG stood, and Shad tagged his partner-in-crime in. It was then JTG’s turn to climb to the top rope, as Shad lifted Ted up for the Electric Chair. Shad fell backwards, and at the same time, JTG jumped from the top rope, and Cryme Tyme hit an Electric Chair/Leg Drop connection! Shad exited the ring and stood in his corner as JTG went for the cover. ONE! TWO! But Ted kicked out, only slightly fazed by the large move.

JTG allows Ted to get to his feet, but only because he was about to knock him back down to the floor with an STO. The crowd are really feeling it now as JTG pulls Ted to his feet. JTG reaches over and tags Shad. Shad gets into the ring and takes Ted from JTG. He lifts Ted in position for the G9! JTG runs to the ropes - but Cody Rhodes grabs his boot and trips him. Shad puts Ted down as Cody pulls JTG outside hitting him with right hands. Ted then gets up and runs at Shad, jumping up and locking in the Million Dollar Dream! Shad walks around the ring trying to get out of the hold as the fans boo loudly. After about thirty seconds, he is forced to his knees, and ten seconds later, the referee calls for the bell.

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners, and still the World Tag Team Champions... Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase!

The fans boo as Cody slides back into the ring to celebrate with Ted. The referee raises their arms, and then Ted walks to the side of the ring, asking for Lillian’s mic. She hands it to him, and he walks back into the middle of the ring.

Ted DiBiase: It would seem... that crime... doesn’t PAY!

He threw the microphone down as his music hit, and the cameras cut backstage.

We see Layla El backstage, smiling sweetly.

Layla El: A great display by both teams there. Currently, I am backstage with-

All of a sudden, Mr. Kennedy burst onto the scene and stood in front of the camera, blocking Layla from sight.

Ken Kennedy: With... me... Now, if you haven’t already noticed, I’ll tell you now. I haven’t been put on the card for tonight.

The fans start booing, as they want to see Kennedy in action.

Ken Kennedy: And, to be honest, it’s not a smart move by the WWE booking team not to include me in the biggest party of the summer. I know that the title shot I deserve went to some huge guy from India who can’t wrestle, and that’s what slightly annoys me. But trust me when I say that I am the best wrestler in the WWE today. So whether the WWE likes it or not... I will be involved in this party.

He walks off camera so we can see Layla El, still smiling.

Layla El: Back to ringsi-


We cut to ringside where Mick Foley and Jim Ross are both chuckling and raising their eyebrows at Ken Kennedy’s words.

Mick Foley: I wonder how Kennedy plans on being a party-crasher tonight?

Jim Ross: Oh I think I know where he’ll intervene, and I must say it will be interesting if he does. Nevertheless, we are on to our second match of the evening, where Shelton Benjamin and MVP, two members of the Nation of Domination, take on Jeff Hardy and his mystery partner...

We cut to the ring, and we hear the starting bell sound as Justin Roberts stands in the middle of the ring to announce the match.

Justin Roberts: The following bout is scheduled for one fall and it is a Tornado Tag Match! Introducing first, representing the Nation of Domination, hailing from Orangeburg, South Carolina, weighing in at 245lbs, he is the current United States Champion, Shelton Benjamin!

Shelton came out to “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Me, No!â€, and quickly hotstepped it to the ring, flexing and hopping up and down ready for the match. Then, we hear the ticking of a clock followed by “I’m Comin’!â€. MVP bursts through his large “MVP†podium wearing his MVP pendant around his neck.

Justin Roberts: And introducing his partner, also representing the Nation of Domination, hailing from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 252lbs, Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP!

MVP reaches the ring and shares a double high-five with Shelton as they prepared for the match, discussing how they would go about the Tornado Tag Match, meaning that they would both be in the ring at the same time. Then, Jeff Hardy’s music hits and the fans go wild, as Hardy is obviously a fan favourite. He begins to make his way to the ring as Justin Roberts introduced him.

Justin Roberts: And introducing their opponents. Firstly, representing the Hardy Boyz, hailing from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 225lbs, Jeff Hardy!

Hardy slid into the ring under the bottom rope as MVP gave Shelton a pep talk in the corner.

Jim Ross: But the question remains, who is going to be Jeff’s partner for this match? His brother Matt is already involved in a match later on...

There is complete silence as everyone looks at the stage, waiting for Hardy’s partner. Hardy is smirking inside the ring, but MVP and Shelton begin to complain to the referee that Hardy has no partner, which can be picked up by the mics. Suddenly, “LovePassionFuryEnergy†by Boy Hits Car plays and the crowd go bananas!

Jim Ross: Surely not... that’s Lita’s music!

But it was true, and Lita emerged seconds later, a large smile on her face, the crowd going nuts.

Justin Roberts: And introducing his partner, hailing from Sanford, North Carolina, weighing in at 135lbs, LITA!

She ran to the ring and slid in underneath the bottom rope, giving Jeff high fives.

Jeff Hardy and Lita vs. MVP and Shelton Benjamin

From their corners, both teams charged at the other, ready to engage in this battle. Lita block a left from MVP, and then a right, before hitting him herself, with two rights and a left uppercut, causing MVP to stumble backwards. Jeff had targeted Shelton, hitting him with a left and a right hand before drop-kicking him in the stomach. Shelton also stumbled backwards, and both of the men representing the Nation of Domination leant against the ropes to recuperate themselves. However, Lita and Jeff both ran at them, clotheslining them to the outside. The crowd cheers loudly, still in shock that Lita had finally returned. Shelton and MVP both point at Jeff and Lita and the referee, telling the referee to make Jeff and Lita step back so that they can get back into the ring. Jeff and Lita step back and allow MVP and Shelton to get back in. All four wrestlers lock up in a test of strength, Lita with MVP and Jeff with Shelton. The Nation of Domination members then proceed to knee their opponents in the stomach, causing them to double over. MVP whips Lita into the top left corner, and Shelton whips Jeff into the bottom left corner.

Both Shelton and MVP climb to the second rope and punch their opponents symmetrically, each hitting seven punches before jumping back down to the floor. Shelton lifts Jeff up onto the top rope before climbing to the second rope. He then grabs Jeff’s head in a headlock position, immobilising him, before climbing himself to the top rope. He then grabbed Jeff’s leg and fell to the mat in a top-rope Fisherman’s Suplex. The referee slid down to make the count, and this enabled Lita the chance to low-blow MVP! ONE! TWO! Jeff kicks out as MVP holds his package and falls to his knees. Lita brings MVP to his feet and grabs his head, jumping, flipping and delivering an inverse cutter. Shelton pulls Jeff to his feet and whips him against the ropes. As he came back, Shelton lifted him for a back body drop but Hardy countered it into an inverse cutter of his own! Lita and Jeff look at each other and nod, before they quickly head to the corners. Hey quickly climb to the top ropes, make a gesture to the crowd, and leap off, both looking to hit their opponents with Swanton Bombs!

However, both MVP and Shelton rolled out of the way, causing Lita and Jeff to crash in the middle of the ring, winded and in a lot of pain. MVP pulls Lita to her feet and Shelton pulls Jeff to his feet. MVP then sets Lita up for his patented Playmaker! He hits it, and immediately goes for the cover. Shelton holds Jeff down so that he can’t interrupt the cover, the fans booing like made. ONE! TWO! But Lita kicks out! The fans go crazy as Lita shoves MVP away from her. She runs at MVP, but he just kicks her in the face with a Big Boot, sending her back down to the ring. Shelton meanwhile digs his boot into the back of Jeff and pulls up on his arms, Jeff screaming in pain. MVP pulls Lita up to her feet and hits her in the head with multiple forearms. He then wraps his arm around her head and delivers a DDT. He gets to his feet and starts stomping on her. He pulls her to her feet and turns her around, delivering a German suplex. He pulls her back to her feet and whips her against the ropes, attempting a dropkick. However, Lita keeps a hold of the ropes. MVP charges at Lita, and she ducks down taking the rope with her, MVP flying over the top rope to the outside.

With MVP out of the ring and the fans cheering like mad, Lita ran at Shelton and delivered a low drop kick to him, forcing him to release the hold. He gets to his feet as Hardy tends to his hurting back. Lita and Shelton circle each other in the middle of the ring. Shelton runs at Lita, who kicks him in the abdomen before hitting him with the Side Effect! Lita gets to her feet and gestures to the crowd. Lita pulls Shelton up, setting him up for the Twist of Fate as Jeff climbed to the top rope. The crowd were going nuts as Lita delivered the Twist of Fate! Then, Hardy leaps from the top rope and successfully hits the Swanton Bomb! Before Jeff can go for the cover, MVP is on the apron. Lita runs at him and grabs his head, hanging it up on the top rope. Choked, MVP falls to the outside. Jeff instructs Lita, who smiles. Jeff holds Shelton in position as Lita runs to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. She then jumps off and hits her Moonsault! She hooks the leg on Benjamin. ONE! TWO! THREE! The bell rings as Lita and Jeff celebrate. They hold each other’s arms in the air as the crowd goes wild.

Justin Roberts: Here are your winners, Jeff Hardy and Lita!

They share a hug and leave the ring as MVP rolls into the ring to check on Shelton, fuming that Lita and Jeff had gotten the better of them. A video shows that replays the ending of the match before MVP and Shelton leave the ring. We then cut backstage.

We see Batista standing in front of the camera, a serious expression on his face.

Batista: Over three years ago, at the Royal Rumble, it came down to me and John Cena as the final two competitors. We both hit the floor at the same time, and so Vince McMahon announced sudden death, and I came out as the winner. And I think that, over those three years, there’s been a certain air of jealousy in and around John Cena because he knew that I was better than him. Cena, when you hit me on RAW those few weeks back, I was confused. And you know, I thought we’d settled everything when I told you that I wasn’t fazed by it, that I know you didn’t mean to hit me. But of course, you let that big trap of yours loose, and now we’ve reached the point where I am going to regret what happens tonight. But I’m not going to regret the beating you give me, because you’re not going to give me any beating. I’m going to regret ruining your career for the sake of a cocky attitude. But you’ve driven me to it. You’ve unleashed the Animal. Tonight, John Cena... you’re going to be in a world of pain... MY world!

Batista grunts lowly before we cut to ringside to the desk of Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.

Michael Cole: That is sure to be one of the biggest matches in recent years when two of the best performers in this business collide.

Jerry Lawler: Up next however, we have two of the smaller athletes of the company going one-on-one for the Intercontinental Championship when Kofi Kingston defends against Rey Mysterio.

Michael Cole: A big match for both competitors too, King. If Mysterio wins, then he becomes a Triple Crown Champion, but if Kofi retains, then he was a win over a former World Champion, and that of course can only help his career.

Jerry Lawler: I’m telling ya, I can’t wait for this one. This match will be high octane for sure!

We head over to Lillian Garcia standing in the ring.

Lillian Garcia: The following match-up is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from San Diego, California, weighing in at 165lbs, Rey Mysterrrio!

Rey comes to the ring wearing a white, red and green mask, in the colours of the Mexican flag.

Lillian Garcia: And introducing his opponent, hailing from Kingston, Jamaica, weighing in at 225lbs, he is the current Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston!

Kofi comes out in the energetic way that he does. He shakes hands with Rey when he reaches the ring. Before the match can begin, we hear Mike Adamle interrupting things.

Mike Adamle: Wait, wait. As General Manager of RAW, I have decided that I want to bring back some prestige to the Intercontinental Championship, and I feel that the right way to do that is to make the belt a little more hardcore, so people have to work for it more. Therefore, I declare this match-up to be a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Good luck gentlemen!

The fans cheer for the announcement, but Kofi and Rey just shrug as the bell rings.

Kofi Kingston © vs. Rey Mysterio

To start this match, which was sure to be fast paced, Kofi raised his arms for the test of strength that usually started his match-ups. Rey Mysterio also raised his hands and the two engaged in this test of strength. Kofi backed Mysterio into the corner, but Mysterio kicked Kofi in the abdomen, forcing Kofi to release his grip. Mysterio then stepped onto the second rope and leapt from it, delivering a dropkick to the chest of Kofi. Kofi fell backwards but used his momentum to keep rolling and get to his feet. Mysterio was also back up at this point. Kofi ran at Mysterio looking for a diving clothesline but Mysterio ducked and Kofi went sailing to the far corner. Mysterio then turned as Kofi was on one knee, collecting himself. Mysterio ran at Kofi and used him as a stepladder, jumping up to the top rope, bouncing off and flipping to hit Kofi with a moonsault! Mysterio turned it into a pinning combination. ONE! TWO! But Kofi had his wits about him and was easily able to kick out. They circled each other again, both men looking for an opening. Kofi grappled Rey and whipped him against the ropes, knocking him down with a flying shoulder thrust. Both men immediately got to their feet, as they were both wrestlers with a lot of stamina.

Kofi ran at Mysterio, who by using Kofi’s shoulders was able to leap up and deliver a hurricanrana, through which he also attempted a pin. ONE! TWO! But Kofi was able to kick out. Kofi immediately turned himself around on the mat and delivered a thrust kick to Mysterio’s knees, bringing him down to the floor, which is exactly where his opponents liked him. Kofi then strode to the corner and climbed to the top rope. He taunted to the crowds (“BOOM, BOOMâ€) before leaping and turning in mid-air, performing a double leg drop on the fallen Mysterio. After some theatrics, Kofi hooked Rey’s legs for his first pin attempt of the match. ONE! TWO! but Mysterio kicks out to keep the match going. Kofi hits Mysterio with two right hands before whipping him to the ropes Rey bounced off the ropes and used the momentum to slide through Kofi’s legs. Kofi turned around and was met by a spinning heel kick to the stomach. This winded Kofi, who stumbled backwards, leaning against the ropes. Rey then ran and bounced off the opposite ropes, jumping up and hitting a crossbody on Kingston, causing them both to flip over the ropes and to the outside.

They lay on the outside for about twenty seconds before they both started to make it to their feet. Kofi grabbed Rey’s arms and irish whipped him into the protective barricade back-first, causing Mysterio to groan in pain. Rey stood up as Kofi ran at him. Kofi jumped up to the top steel step and used it to jump over at Rey and drop-kick him in the face! This caused Rey to flip over the barricade and into the crowd. Kofi got to his feet and leant over the barricade, grabbing Rey by the arms and starting to pull him over the barricade. Ten seconds later, and Kofi managed to bring Mysterio back outside the ring, Mysterio dazed and confused from that dropkick to the head. This caused Mysterio to just slump back on the floor as Kofi released him, and Kofi saw this as the perfect moment to use a weapon. As the referee checked on Mysterio, Kofi lifted the ring apron and looked underneath the ring. A few seconds later, he showed his head as he was holding a trashcan. As soon as Mysterio managed to get to his feet, the trashcan met his head and he fell back down to the floor. The trashcan was left with a dent in it, so Kofi tossed it aside. He was drawing quite a bit of heat from the fans.

He picked up the trashcan lid that had fallen on the floor and hit it against the barricade so it produced a thunderous noise. He then walked over to Mysterio who had just slowly gotten to his feet and went to hit him with it, but Rey managed to kick the lid out of Kofi’s hands. Quick as a flash, Mysterio then ran up the steel steps and along the apron before bouncing off the second rope, twisting himself round and hitting a moonsault on Kofi! He went for the pin on the outside, remembering the Falls Count Anywhere stipulation. ONE! TWO! But Kofi just kicked out in the nick of time. The crowd collectively let out the breaths that they had been holding. Rey got to his feet and walked over to the trashcan lid. He picked it up and waited, poised behind Kofi. Kofi started to get to his feet. Rey then went to smash the lid down on Kofi’s head, but out of nowhere Kofi countered with Trouble In Paradise! Kofi pulled Rey to his feet and threw him into the ring underneath the bottom rope. He slid in after him, and climbed to the top rope. He mimicked the Frog Splash and it connected, before he hooked the leg of Mysterio. ONE! TWO! THREE! He had beaten Mysterio using his own finishing move!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, and STILL the Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston!

The referee hands Kofi the championship as Kofi celebrates, drawing quite a lot of boos from the crowd who obviously preferred Rey over him. A video replay shows the highlights of the match before a video appears on the titantron.

The video shows the immense feud between The Undertaker and Edge. We see Edge interfering in a Hell In A Cell Match between Batista and The Undertaker, and then we see Undertaker interfering in Edge vs. Batista. We see Edge win the World Title from Batista in a Triple Threat Match that also included the Undertaker. We then see Edge tapping out to the Gogoplata at WrestleMania XXIV to The Undertaker. We see their rematch at Backlash, where Undertaker retains. We see their match at Judgment Day where Undertaker won by countout, but didn’t win the title. Then, we see their TLC Match at One Night Stand where Edge wins the title, and Undertaker is banished from the WWE. Then, we see Edge lose the title to CM Punk. We see Edge call the wedding between him and Vickie Guerrero, and then we see Guerrero save Edge from Con-chair-to by Big Show. Then, we see Edge re-propose. We see Triple H unveil Edge as a cheater, and then we see Edge vs. Triple H at the Great American Bash where Triple H retains the WWE Title. Then we see Vickie announce that The Undertaker will return at SummerSlam to take on Edge in a Hell In A Cell Match. The video ends when a gong is heard, and we see the Hell In A Cell structure.

After the video, the camera focuses on the Hell In A Cell structure.

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, the intense rivalry between Edge and Undertaker ends when they collide in Hell In A Cell, and Mick Foley, this is not going to be pretty at all.

Mick Foley: It certainly won’t be pretty JR, it certainly won’t. I just hope we get to see the old Edge tonight.

Jim Ross: But we still have many other matches to show you here tonight, and coming up next is the ECW Championship match between Mark Henry and Matt Hardy.

A video shows, displaying the build up to this match as we cut to Justin Roberts in the middle of the ring.

Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the ECW Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 225lbs, Matt Hardy!

Matt comes out to loud cheers. He looks ready for his big match with Mark Henry.

Justin Roberts: And introducing his opponent, accompanied by Tony Atlas, hailing from Silsbee, Texas and weighing in tonight at 380lbs, the ECW Champion, Mark Henry!

Mark came out to strong boos with Tony Atlas. He got into the ring as Tony stood outside. The bell rang, and the match began.

Mark Henry w/ Tony Atlas © vs. Matt Hardy

The match started as Hardy tried to jab Henry in the stomach, but Henry just stood their unaffected as Tony laughed. Mark shoved Matt over to the floor, the crowd booing at Mark. Hardy got up and kicked Henry in the back of the leg, but again to no avail. Henry then lifted Hardy looking to hit the World’s Strongest Slam, however Hardy wriggled away from Henry’s grip and kicked him in the stomach before hitting the Twist of Fate! He went for the cover, before Tony had time to react. ONE! TWO! THREE! Hardy stood up, shocked, not expecting the match to be that short. He was handed the ECW Championship as the fans went wild.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, and the NEW ECW CHAMPION, MATT HARDY!

Then, Jeff Hardy’s music hit and the crowd cheered even louder as Jeff Hardy and Lita walked out. They ran to the ring and lifted Matt on their shoulders as Matt lifted his newly won championship in the air. Team Xtreme was back. Mark Henry was now outside the ring, fuming with Tony Atlas, furious that Mark had lost in a matter of twenty seconds or so. Tony and Mark storm up the ramp as Todd Grisham tries to catch up with them.

Todd Grisham: What are your reactions to the match that just took place?

Tony Atlas: Match? You call that a match? I’m going to have a serious talk with Mark when we get to the locker room, and you can bet that this isn’t over!

We see a video of what just happened before we cut to a promo showing what is still to come.





Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Source: WWE.com

Following his grueling match-up with Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio has been escorted to a local medical facility. More details will become clear as to how he is injured, if at all. Rey Mysterio lost his Intercontinental Championship match against Kofi earlier in the night.

Stay tuned for the rest of SummerSlam. Feel free to post any predictions for the rest of the show, or a review for the first 3 matches, + the ECW Title match failure.


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
From Wikipedia: "Matt has stated in interviews that he and Amy have since patched things up, and he still considers her a close friend."

So, I think that it's possible.

My next post in this thread will contain the rest of all results.


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Michael Cole: Coming up next is the match between CM Punk and Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship, and this is sure to be a vicious match in which there is a large clash of styles.

Jerry Lawler: I just really fear for CM Punk right now, Kane will not be in a good mood, he never is.

Michael Cole: Either way, we are in for a treat.

A video plays showing the build-up to this match, and then we see Lillian Garcia in the middle of the ring.

Lillian Garcia: The following match-up is scheduled for one fall and it is for the World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, hailing from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 222lbs, he is the current World Heavyweight Champion, CM PUNK!

CM Punk came out to loud cheers from the crowd, carrying his title proudly. Fire shoots up from each corner as he enters the ring, shocking everyone and causing him to fall. We then hear Kane’s music.

Lillian Garcia: And introducing his opponent, the challenger, hailing from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 310lbs, KANE!

Kane walked through a wall of fire to silence from the intimidated crowd. He entered the ring and stared at Punk as the bell rang.

CM Punk © vs. Kane

The crowd goes wild after Kane and Punk lock up and each try to take advantage of each other but it’s too equal. Punk knees Kane in the stomach and locks him up in a headlock. Punk gets too cocky as Kane hits a back body drop. He then stands behind Punk as he stumbles to his feet. Kane then locks Punk into a cobra clutch but Punk uses his strength as he lifts Kane off his feet and back first into the bottom left corner of the ring. He then elbows him couple of times in the face. Then he runs to the center of the ring and he runs back at Kane and hits a devastating clothesline. Kane stumbles forward as Punk climbs on top of the turnbuckle. The crowd cheers for him as they want him to win. He jumps off and hits a diving cross body but Kane catches him and hits a fall away slam. Kane taunts to the crowd and then picks up Punk by the throat. He lifts Punk above his hand in a one-handed choke lift. Punk’s foot hits the rope to signal a rope break. The ref counts to four until Kane lets go and drops Punk onto his knees. Kane argues with the ref but its cut short as Punk gives him a harsh right haymaker. Punk gives him some more right handed punches until Kane is against the ropes.

Punk whips Kane across the ring and hits a powerful spinning kick. He picks up Kane and whips him against the ropes again, keeping a hold of his arm to hit a clothesline. He doesn’t let go as he drags him up to his feet and hits another destructive clothesline. He turns him over onto his stomach and Punk locks in a submission move, trying to wrench Kane’s arm from its socket. The ref lies on his knees as he checks to make sure Kane doesn’t tap out. Kane reaches out for the rope but doesn’t make it. Kane tries to grab the ropes again but this time he actually holds on to it. Punk lets go and pounds the back of Kane’s head and then drags him to the middle of the ring and pulls on Kane’s arm again. It doesn’t last too long as Kane elbows Punk in the face and rises up to his feet. Punk is on his knees covering his mouth as Kane puts Punk’s head between his legs and hits a hard powerbomb. Kane then picks up Punk by the throat with his two hands. He lifts Punk above him but drops him back to his feet. This isn’t enough for Punk to catch his breath though as Kane hits a release overhead choke suplex. The crowd goes wild as he just probably killed CM Punk.

Kane stands above the fallen Punk and chokes him with both hands. While the referee was trying to break the choke hold. He managed to do so as Kane stood up, Punk ran behind him and attempted a roll-up pin. ONE! TWO! It was a close pin as Punk and the ref argue over it. Punk sees Kane getting up to his feet but he thinks of a plan. As soon as Kane gets up to his feet, he charges at Punk but Punk ducks the clothesline and Kane collides with the ref. Kane is on his knees looking at the referee as Punk kicks him back into next week. Punk grabs Kane by the head and places his head on the middle rope. Punk gives him a nasty guillotine choke as Kane’s arms went flailing. The referee stumbles up to his feet but when he fully regains consciousness he quickly goes over and breaks up the choke hold. The crowd boos at the referee for breaking up the hold! Kane gets up to his feet at a fast pace and hits a Lou Thesz Press and punches Punk. He flips Punk onto his stomach and locks him in a camel cluth in the middle of the ring.

Punk’s eyes start to water in pain as the ref asks him if he gives up. Punk shakes his head no. Kane appears to have the match won as Punk can’t escape the hold unless he gives up. Punk begins to loose consciousness as the referee raises his arm to see if the match is over or not. The arm falls once, then twice, but on the third one his arm stops in mid-air. The match continues as Punk places his hands on the face of Kane. He then rakes his eyes but this doesn’t instantly work. Kane looses his grip after each rake he does. Kane then lets go of the hold and holds his eyes. Punk then gives Kane a jawbreaker. He then grabs him and hits the GTS - GO TO SLEEP! And follows that up with a pin. ONE! TWO! THRE- The crowd cannot believe Kane managed to throw his shoulder into the air. Punk leant up against Kane, completely exhausted. Hoping and praying the second time would be the illusive charm.

Punk rolls up to his feet, wanting Kane to follow, who does, he takes a while however Punk kicks him in the gut, he wants to end it. GTS- GO TO SLEEP! Kane twists out of the move, hooking Punk’s arm. He then drove his arm across Punk’s face, with a Floyd Mayweather type hook, to send him reeling. He went weak at the knees, but Kane kept Punk up with his left arm. He lifted him into a Chokebomb and he held Punk up to show his strength, but Punk saw the danger and using his free arm hit Kane around the face with a forearm. Kane lost his grip and Punk dropped feet first as he bounced off the ropes, as he came back Kane turned him almost inside out with a huge big boot. Punk grabbed his face as Kane stood up and screamed, the fans felt the tension. Kane watched Punk rise to his weary feet. He stumbled to the side before Kane came at him with a few punches to the face, Kane went for a final strike, before the magnificent young star came back with several snap jabs, sending Kane back a little. Punk bounced off the ropes and came back at Kane, who went for a spine buster, however, Punk shifted his bodyweight to attempt a victory roll pinning predicament. ONE! TWO! Kane kicks out.

Kane was lucky, he was taken by surprise, he got back up to his feet as well did Punk. Kane tried to grab back some momentum but simply hit the air, Punk ducked a right hook before jumping and hitting a perfectly performed drop kick. Kane fell backwards through the ropes, but was caught in an odd tree of woe. Punk slid out of the ring, with Kane hanging upside down, Punk ripped apart the RAW announce table, worrying considering RAW’s actual main event was still to come. Punk stood next to Kane, after taking the monitors and plastic covering off the table, he hits a firm chop the chest, he takes a quick breather, but to his dismay, he returns to Kane only to be grabbed by the throat. Kane maneuvered himself from the upside down position, before standing himself on the apron, he physically lifted Punk onto the ring apron with him, he looked at the table before grinning sadistically. The referee had halted his count seeing as though they were neither out of the ring or inside it. Kane annihilated Punk. CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE TABLE!

The crowd were stunned as the table flew apart, Lawler and Cole had moved towards the SmackDown desk, as Kane stood triumphant on the apron, and Punk lay broken in plastic and table debris. Kane shouted as the referee leaped out of the ring checking Punk. The referee squatted down next to Punk, who refused to give up, he clenched his fists in pain and looked around him, the referee climbed back into the ring and began to count. Punk rolled to his left, using his forearm for leverage. The referee shouted the second number of ten, but Punk fell back onto his face. Punk used both forearms this time to lynch himself up, he was leant against his arms, almost teetering back down, but this time, he pulled his left leg up as the referee reached four. He leant against his own leg as Kane stood leant against the ropes waiting. The referee hit five as Punk lifted himself onto both feet, he turned round and tried to walk back to the ring, but he stumbled, he gripped the top of the apron, the official hit six, then seven in quick succession. He pulled himself up, leaning against the apron, he clambered onto the outside and fell into the ring as the referee reached eight. He grabbed his back as Kane didn’t let Punk breath for a moment longer. He stomped on the ribs of the World Heavyweight Champion before picking him up by the hair. Punk swung for Kane, hitting several mid-shots to the monster. Punk went for a clothesline but Kane countered, kicking Punk in the gut before laying him out with ease, after another brutal CHOKESLAM!

The move left Punk limp at the side of the ring, Kane flexed then dropped on top of Punk. ONE! TWO! THR- But Punk’s foot bounced on the bottom rope, the rest of him still motionless, Kane stood up and dragged Punk into the center of the ring he pressed his forearm into Punk’s face. ONE! TWO! THR- But Punk manages to kick out! Unbelievably, Punk kicked out. Kane took his arm off Punk’s face. He, like the majority of the crowd was completely gob smacked. He spun onto his feet and watched Punk rise to his knees. Kane lined up the straight edge warrior, as Punk used the top rope to bring himself to his feet. Kane ran at Punk, who countered any move Kane was thinking of, with a spinning mid-kick. Kane grabbed his stomach, Punk ran against the ropes and clotheslined Kane, the monster got back up almost straight away, but Punk out-smarted him, he hit a low shot to the knees, causing Kane to plunge face first into the mat, he slowly rose up to both feet but bent over, Punk ran at Kane and hit a sweet swinging neckbreaker. Kane grabbed his neck and slowly got up, Punk ran at Kane, who caught him with a thump to the stomach in the mid-section. Kane grabbed Punk and went very high risk with a sick piledriver. Punk rolled over Kane and under the ropes, one of his legs hanging out of the ring. Kane watched as Punk’s eyes rolled in the back of his head.

Punk tries to get himself up, but he was completely dazed, he couldn’t find any energy at all. Kane got back up to his feet and clenched Punk’s foot, the one inside the ring, and pulled him further inside, he lifted him up by the head and neck and powered him into the corner, firing off three fist shots, disorienting Punk. He then picked him up and sat him on the top turnbuckle, Kane followed up, standing on the middle turnbuckle, trying to attempt some form of superplex. Punk had something left though, after numerous shots to the stomach, Kane fell down, he got up quickly, however Punk jumped off the middle turnbuckle and nailed Kane with a beautiful tornado ddt! Kane spun around and flew towards the corner turnbuckle after being planted on his face. Punk scrambled over to Kane and jumped onto him… ONE! TWO! Kane then showed an incredible amount of strength, he rolled backwards, still holding Punk across his body he shouted then drilled him with a Tomebstone Piledriver! Punk lay sprawled in the center of the ring. ONE! TWO! THREE! Kane’s music hit as he was handed the championship, the fans booing as he roared at them, finally gaining his second reign as a World Champion.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Kane!

A video replays the highlights of the match as Kane and CM Punk vacate the ring. We cut backstage for an interview with the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I am standing next to the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, who in just moments time is scheduled to face Chris Jericho in a brutal Ambulance Match. Shawn, critics have been saying that you are returning to early from your injury. Do you not think this return is premature?

Shawn Michaels: As far as I’m concerned, it’s not premature. Chris Jericho asked for this match, and I’m going to grant it. It’s time for me to shut his mouth for good, because he has no idea who he is dealing with. Chris Jericho represents everything I’m been in the ring with. Every greatest wrestler of all time, every greatest in-ring performer of all time, every greatest technician. Every legend, every icon, every immortal! Every New York Times Best-Selling Author, every Oscar award winning movie actor, and every Grammy award winning rock star, rap star, you name it! They all stood on the other side of the ring, looked me in the eyes and said “I wanna be the greatest wrestler of all timeâ€. But I know, deep down in the heart of hearts, it was a lie. Because they aspired to be something else. And when they couldn’t get it done, they packed their bags and they left. Yet here I am! Standing the test of time! The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, the Headliner, the Main Event, the Showstopper! And in a few minutes, Chris Jericho, I promise to give you the biggest beating of your life, and when I watch you leave in the ambulance, I will smile in satisfaction for finally ridding this brilliant organization of the scum that you are! Be on your toes Jericho, because HBK is on his way!

Shawn then stormed off, leaving Todd Grisham to smile and nod at the camera. We go back to the SmackDown announce table, which now had all four commentators on it due to the RAW table being demolished in the World Heavyweight Championship match.

Michael Cole: To think that we still have four matches to give to you the fans tonight is amazing, but we have. One match that will certainly be on many peoples lips is the one to follow.

Jerry Lawler: That’s right Cole, this match will end the rivalry between Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels once and for all, and we promise that it will be brutal as this match is an Ambulance Match, I’ll leave Lillian to explain the rules.

The camera focuses on the ambulance that was parked on the ramp way, as Lillian announced the match.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is an Ambulance Match. The rules are as follows. The winner of the match is the man who puts his opponent in the ambulance and shut the doors. The ambulance must leave the arena for the match to be won. Introducing first, hailing from Manhasset, New York, weighing in at 225lbs, Chris Jericho!

Chris came out, without Lance Cade, to loud boos. He just ignored them. He inspected the back of the ambulance and how he planned on using it, all the while with a smirk on his face, before he got into the ring.

Lillian Garcia: And introducing his opponent, hailing from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225lbs, Shawn Michaels!

Shawn came out to a chorus of cheers, everyone excited to hear his theme. He also gave a look at the ambulance before entering the ring. The bell than rang to signify the match starting.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho

The match starts out, with Chris and Shawn squaring off in the ring and the ambulance at the entranceway. They engage in a staredown for a brief period then Jericho points out the ambulance to Shawn, grinning broadly. Shawn returns the grin, then starts punching away at Jericho. Jericho tries to block the hands of Shawn, but Shawn gets a hammerlock locked in by forcing Jericho’s arm behind his back. Jericho tries to reverse it, but Shawn executes an Irish whip and Jericho is sent running against the ropes but Jericho delivers a shoulder barge. Shawn is grounded, and Jericho stomps on his chest repeatedly. Shawn is reeling, and Jericho knows it. Jericho therefore decides to wear Shawn down even more. He forces Shawn back to a vertical base and attempts a Codebreaker early. Shawn senses the threat, and reverses it, resulting in Jericho rolling out of the ring, slightly frustrated but not totally thrown off his game. Jericho still seems a little peeved, but finds himself and also finds a steel chair. Weapons have found their way into this action quite early. Shawn has remained in the ring, watching Jericho silently. Jericho rolls into the ring and challenges Shawn directly with the chair, swinging it in his direction. Shawn ducks and kicks the chair out of Jericho’s hands.

A collar elbow tie up then ensues, with the marginally more powerful Jericho winning the exchange and knocking Shawn out of the ring. Jericho follows out of the ring and forces Shawn up again and rams his head into the barricade. The fans clamber around Shawn as best they can, but they dare not cross to the other side. Shawn crawls desperately, aimlessly and Jericho, sensing weakness, delivers a huge kick to Shawn’s gut. Shawn collapses, rolling around in pain, while Jericho once again goes for a chair. This time, his aim was true, as he hits Shawn in the back as he tries to stand. He falls again. Things look bleak for Shawn when Jericho forces him back to a vertical base and swings the chair again. In a daze, Shawn collapses and Jericho misses. Jericho throws the chair aside and gets Shawn up again. He drags Shawn up the ramp way in the direction of the ambulance. However, Shawn begins to fight back and somehow manages to gain some momentum, which eventually results in a flurry of punches from Shawn. Shawn, intending to keep his momentum, executes a flipping release full nelson suplex, bringing a loud reaction from the crowd, excited to see this great wrestling.

Shawn, now with the advantage, drags Jericho’s limp form across to ringside and rams his face into the barricade. Jericho is now in a sitting position, leaning against the barricade with a faraway look in his eyes. Shawn ascends up the steel steps and jumps off them, delivering a jumping pelé kick to Jericho. It was truly concussion on delivery. Jericho slips slowly from his position on the barricade, almost KO’ed from the move. Shawn, spurred on from fans’ yells, rummages around underneath the ring and pulls out a trashcan. The fans cheer, and Shawn forces Jericho up and into the trashcan. Shawn then proceeds to kick the trashcan with Jericho in it. The impact of the move throws Jericho over the barricade and into the crowd. The fans cheer madly, but are kept back by security. Shawn hops over the barricade, in pursuit of Jericho, who is attempting to emerge from the can. An exchange of right hands soon follows, and continues and they ascend up the crowd. Eventually, Jericho wins the exchange of punches and begins to drag Shawn, kicking him in the gut every so often. They end up in a backstage area, where the camera footage is temporarily lost.

Footage is soon regained, and Jericho has rammed Shawn into the concrete wall. He is flung across the backstage area that is now visible. Jericho maintains his momentum by forcing Shawn up and crashing him through a nearby door. The door breaks off its hinges and Shawn is sent crashing down. This new room is a small storage room, and it primarily contains a wooden table with glass resting on it. Jericho, intending to crash Shawn through this, forces him back to his feet and sets him up for a powerbomb. Shawn is set up, but manages to reverse it into a backdrop, causing Jericho to crash through wood and glass! Shawn breathes heavily after achieving this, not ready to capitalize on his advantage. Jericho starts stirring, so Shawn goes back on the attack. He leaves the storage room to find a weapon, and acquires a sledgehammer as if from nowhere. He returns to the room where Jericho, incredibly, has returned to his feet. He swings the hammer, aiming for Jericho’s head but Jericho ducks and the hammer makes a deep hole in the paper-thin wall, corresponding to the paper-thin door. No time to assess the damage, as Jericho hastily begins delivering right hands to Shawn, causing him to back away from the room and out into the backstage area again.

They exchange blows as they progress through the arena, meeting interested onlookers as they go. Eventually though, they find themselves on the way back out towards the entranceway. Just before they emerge from behind the curtain, Shawn acquires another chair and blasts Jericho’s head. Jericho falls through the curtain and becomes visible to the crowd again, while Shawn strolls through the curtain to continue the assault. Shawn again uses his educated feet to wear down Jericho when he returns to his feet. However when Jericho falls again, his face meets with the front of the ambulance; a welcome bonus for Shawn. He looks to be ready to put his opponent away so he goes around to the back of the ambulance and opens both doors. He returns and Jericho is almost to his feet, currently in a stooping position. Shawn attempts to grab him but Jericho roughly pushes him away. Shawn sprints back towards him, ready to attempt a Sweet Chin Music, but Jericho shifts out of the way and the result was foot meeting ambulance. Shawn clutched his foot in pain while Jericho hurried away, supposedly with no direction. But no, he returns with a kendo stick, which met the gut of Shawn.

Jericho sets down the kendo stick and shoves Shawn roughly onto the ambulance windscreen. Jericho climbs up, dragging Shawn to the roof of the ambulance. Jericho attempts his finisher, the Codebreaker, but Shawn blocks it. Shawn attempts to reverse it, but fails. Jericho resorts to slamming Shawn, face-first, into the thick windscreen of the ambulance. Shawn slides down the front of the ambulance, about to fall, when Jericho attempts to drag him up. In desperation, Shawn grabs the kendo stick thrown aside earlier and swings above him. With no time to aim, it was a lucky shot, and it strikes Jericho in the face. Jericho falls flat on the roof of the ambulance while Shawn falls off the ambulance altogether, lying flat on his back. Shawn progresses, in a daze, to the open doors of the ambulance. Jericho is only beginning to move and Shawn tries to drag him towards the doors of the ambulance. Jericho resists as best he can, but Shawn is persistent, trying to force Jericho off the roof. Shawn resorts to dragging him by the legs. Jericho kicks in desperation but Shawn won’t let go.

After one particularly strong kick from Jericho, Shawn is flung backwards but won’t release his hold on Jericho’s legs. As a result, Shawn falls to the floor below and Jericho ends up with an ambulance door between his legs and unbearable pain searing through his body. Chris slides off the door, as Shawn jumps back to his feet. Shawn, seeing a clear window, pounces, pushing Chris into the ambulance, as Chris is in clear pain. Shawn proceeds to shut one door, but as he goes to shut the other, Chris grabs him by the neck, and begins to choke him desperately. However, as Shawn begins to choke, he grabs the open door, and slams it right into Chris. Chris remains sitting though, dazed. Shawn however, not willing to let Chris survive any longer, backs up, and hits a devastating Sweet Chin Music! The kick knocks Chris out cold, as Shawn shoves the rest of his body in, and quickly shuts the door. The fans are cheering crazily as the ambulance’s engine starts and begins to drive up the ramp. Shawn walks to the ring and rolls in underneath the ring, looking up at the titan tron as we watch the ambulance driving out of the arena.

We see the ambulance, and then we hear shouting. Lance Cade runs onto the scene and after the ambulance. He runs in front of the ambulance, commanding it to stop. He then moves to the back of the ambulance and wrenches the doors open, reaching in and pulling Jericho out. He hands Jericho some water to help him regain his composure. We hear the ambulance beeping as it reversed, following Cade and Jericho. Cade looked up at the camera and shouted “This isn’t over! The ambulance hasn’t left the arena, it’s not over!†A few minutes later, Cade and Jericho emerge on the stage. Now ready to compete again, Jericho runs down the ramp and slides in the ring hammering HBK. Cade meanwhile stands on the ramp, helping the ambulance reverse properly. Shawn and Chris traded blows in the middle of the ring, met by thunderous cheers from the crowd as Shawn fought back. Shawn got the upperhand and pushed Jericho against the rope, whipping him to the other side. Jericho bounced off and Michael’s looked for the Sweet Chin Music! However, Jericho ducks, and hits Shawn with the Codebreaker! He instructed Cade to help him get Shawn out of the ring. They were outside the ambulance at this point, and Jericho decided to give Shawn one final blow. He let HBK’s body slump to the black protective mats and picked up a steel chair from earlier. He lay it on Shawn’s face, the whole arena begging him not to do anything, But Jericho ignores them with an evil laugh, and stomps down on the chair onto Shawn’s face. The chair is taken away, and HBK’s face is now just a bloody mess. Cade and Jericho sling him in the back of the ambulance and then pat the ambulance. Fans are shocked as the watch the ambulance leave the arena, and the bell rings as soon as we see it drive off into the night.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Chris Jericho.

Lillian gave a half-hearted announcement as a bloody and disorientated Jericho, and Cade celebrated. A video replay highlights the significant moments of the match before Cade assisted Jericho to the back.

We cut to the SmackDown announce table, where all four commentators sit with disgusted expressions on their faces.

Jerry Lawler: I can’t believe what just happened! HBK had that match won, and then Cade saved Jericho from the ambulance and now HBK is on his way to the hospital!

Michael Cole: It just goes to prove that there is indeed strength in numbers.

Jim Ross: Well, despite the vicious display we just saw take place, we must move on. I believe that The Great Khali has a message for everyone backstage.

We cut backstage where The Great Khali is standing on his own.

The Great Khali: TRIPLE H! *incoherent shouting* CHAMPIONSHIP *incoherent shouting* KHALI!

He then grunts heavily as the fans look on bewildered, not quite sure what they had just witnessed. We cut back to the ring where cameras are focused on the Hell In A Cell structure before we go to Justin Roberts.

Justin Roberts: The following match-up is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Championship!

There is a huge cheer from the crowd!

Justin Roberts: Introducing first the challenger, hailing from the jungles of Punjab, India, weighing in at 420lbs, The Great Khali!

Khali comes out to loud boos and slowly makes his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And introducing his opponent, hailing from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 260lbs, he is the current WWE Champion, Triple H!

Triple H comes out even slower than Khali, to loud cheers from the crowd. He gets into the ring and the bell rings for the match to begin.



Triple H © vs. The Great Khali

Triple H stared up at the behemoth of a man that stood before him. He didn’t have fear in his eyes, but you could tell that he was trying figure out a plan as to how he could overcome this monster. Straight away, Triple H bounces off the ropes to gain momentum and went for a clothesline on Khali, but to no avail, as Khali barely moved. Triple H bounced off the ropes again, looking for another clothesline, but Khali just stumbled backwards slightly. Triple H bounced off the next set of ropes, and this time went for a flying clothesline. This made Khali stumble more, but it wasn’t enough to bring him down. Triple H had already had enough. He kicked Khali in the abdomen, grabbed his head and shoved it in his legs. He then lifted Khali’s arms as the fans went crazy. Triple H looked for a Pedigree! However, Khali simply powered his arms out of Triple H’s grip and stood up, meaning Triple H was now seven feet in the air. Khali brought him down slightly, his hands wrapped around Triple H’s throat, slowly choking him out. The referee tried to intervene, but no such luck, Khali just kicked him down to the mat, the fans booing crazily as he choked Triple H out.

Suddenly, the fans started cheering like mad. Then, Mr. Kennedy slides into the ring and starts hammering away at Khali. Khali drops Triple H to the mat, Triple H lying motionless, as Khali received a large beating from Kennedy. As Khali was teetering due to the attack, Kennedy quickly scaled to the top rope, jumped off and kicked Khali in the chest, bringing him down to the mat! Kennedy then got back to his feet and climbed to the top rope again. He jumped off and Kenton Bomb! He hit a picture perfect Kenton Bomb on Khali in the middle of the ring. Kennedy then ducked down and rolled out of the ring, backing up the ramp. Both Triple H and the referee were starting to stir. Triple H brought Khali to his feet and put his head between his legs, hooked his arms and then… Pedigree! He hits a successful Pedigree to the delight of the fans and goes for the cover. A sluggish referee makes a groggy cover. ONE! … TWO! … THREE! The crowd goes wild as Triple h gets handed the championship.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, and still the WWE Champion, Triple H!

Triple H celebrates and stares out at Kennedy on the stage. Kennedy points at Triple H before signaling that he will have the championship around his waist sooner or later. A video replays highlights of the short match before we cut to ringside.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been informed that John Cena has been brutally attacked and will not be able to compete tonight and… yes, we have pictures live right now, let’s take you backstage to shed more light on this awful attack.

We go backstage where EMTs run in and start checking on an unconscious John Cena in his locker room. He is bleeding heavily from his head. The EMTs get in the way of the cameras sight as the crowd gives a mixed reaction. The camera pans to the left and we see Batista storm in to talk to GM Mike Adamle.

Batista: Adamle! What the hell is going on here!

Mike Adamle: Ah, Dave, good to see you. Now naturally, I will be holding you as prime suspect for this attack, seeing as you are scheduled to be facing Cena tonight.

Batista: What?! I didn’t attack Cena! I’m not that much of a coward, Adamle.

Mike Adamle: I have no choice but to punish you for this heinous attack, Dave. Therefore, I hereby SUSPEND you for 30 days. You are free to leave.

The crowd are stunned and booing loudly at the announcement of Batista’s suspension.

Batista: How can you suspend me?! What proof is there that I attacked Cena?

Mike Adamle: Go home Dave! Or I might extend your suspension to 60 days!

Seething, Batista stormed out. Mike looks pleased with himself and watches on as the EMTs attend to the unconscious Cena. We cut back to ringside.

Jerry Lawler: I’m not sure if Adamle has made the right decision in suspending Batista, but you have to admit, Batista is a strong suspect to be the attacker of Cena before their big match.

Michael Cole: Come on King, you know Batista wouldn’t go that low. I don’t know who attacked Cena, but I do know that we haven’t heard the last of this.

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, due to this awful attack on John Cena, we are forced to skip ahead to the Main Event of the evening. Edge will take on The Undertaker in Hell In A Cell earlier than expected. This match will most likely go down in history ladies and gentlemen, you do not want to miss out.

The fans cheer and camera flashes go wild as the HIAC structure is lowered. Justin Roberts stands outside the ring.

Justin Roberts: It is now time for the Main Event. This match is schedule for one fall. Victory is only achieved through pinfall, submission or knock-out. Introducing first, hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240lbs, The Rated R Superstar, EDGE!

Edge comes out to loud boos. When he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he stares up at the cell, but not in fear. He has a slight smirk on his face. He grabs a microphone from a ringside worker and turns it on. He gets in the ring and smooths his hair back.

Edge: Many people have approached me during the week to tell me how beaten I am going to be in this brutal and hellacious match against The Undertaker tonight in the Hell In A Cell. Well to them, to all of those people who doubt me: SCREW YOU! Okay, I don’t care if you think I am going to be beaten and bloodied at the end of the night, I don’t care if you think The Undertaker will half kill me, I don’t care! Because at the end of the day, I know that tonight, The Undertaker’s legacy is buried. Tonight, I promise to everyone… that I will end The Undertaker’s career!

Edge throws the microphone out of the cell and hops around in the ring. Then, the lights go out and the gong sounds. He crowd goes crazy as Undertaker’s music hits and we see him coming to the ring. Eventually, he makes it. He stands in the corner of the ring, raises the lights, and slowly takes off his hat and his cloak.

Justin Roberts: And introducing his opponent, hailing from Death Valley, weighing in at 295lbs, The Undertaker!

The bell rings as the cell door is padlocked shut.


Edge vs. The Undertaker

There was already a chant of “EDGE SUCKS!†erupting throughout the building, but Taker didn’t let it perturb him. He ran towards Edge and began hitting him with punch after punch, knocking Edge backwards and into the corner. Taker hits two more punches to the face of Edge, making sure to keep him in the corner. He delivered a boot to the abdomen of Edge before grabbing his arm and Irish whipping him over to the other corner. Taker ran after Edge, drop-kicking him in the back. Edge fell towards the turnbuckle, hit his face on the top one, and stumbled backwards. Taker kicked Edge in the abdomen again causing him to double over. Taker ran towards the ropes, bounced off them and ran back towards Edge, flooring him with a flying clothesline. He immediately leapt to his feet as Edge rolled over, holding his hand up to his battered face. Taker kept on the attack, pulling Edge up by his head. He punched Edge with a left hook, a right hook, and followed it up with an uppercut. Edge stumbled backwards, and Taker followed him. He took Edge’s arm and whipped him into the ropes. Edge bounced off them and Taker went for a clothesline, but Edge ducked and ran to the other ropes, coming back and hitting a clothesline of his own on Taker.

The crowd booed as the momentum shifted in Edge’s favour. Taker pushed himself to his feet and Edge shoved him back down again, telling him to get back up. Taker got to his feet again. Edge went for a drop-kick but Taker sidestepped it, Edge crashing down to the mat. Edge got back to his feet and ran at Taker, trying to clothesline him. Taker caught him in a bear hug though, and threw him backwards with a belly-to-belly suplex. Taker got up to his feet and threw one arm into the air, receiving a huge cheer from the audience. He walked over to Edge, who was starting to get up, and pushed him into the corner. He then hoisted Edge onto the top rope, climbing up to the second rope himself. He grabbed Edge’s tights and threw Edge’s left arm around his neck. He then climbed to the top rope and delivered a suplex from the top rope! The move left both men temporarily incapacitated, but the Undertaker was the first to his feet.

Taker, being on the offense, was the first man to get back up to his feet. He turned and saw that Edge was down and out. He exited the ring through the middle and top rope, jumping down to the black protective mats on the outside. He threw up the apron and pulled out a short ladder. He set it up and made sure it was stable. He began to ascend it, and was a mere two feet away from the top of the first cage. He peeked over his shoulder and saw that Edge was nearly on his feet. He cautiously turned himself around on the ladder, scowling furiously down at Edge. Taker leapt from his position on the ladder with his arm out, seeking to hit Edge with a flying clothesline. Edge however managed to lift his leg up and kicked Taker in the abdomen as he hit the ring. Edge then shoved Taker’s head between his legs and flipped and lifted him onto his shoulders. He then flipped Taker over and slammed Taker’s head into the mat with a DDT-like maneuver, combined with the power bomb lift.

Edge stepped on Taker’s body and walked towards the turnbuckle. He climbed to the top rope and then jumped to the ladder, which swayed slightly upon Edge landing on it. He descended the ladder and closed it, Taker still downed after the amazing move in the ring. He lifted the ladder, straining under the weight, and slid it underneath the bottom rope and into the ring. He then slid in himself, pulling up the ladder and laying it in the corner. He then pulls Taker to his feet and whips him into the corner, believing that Taker had made contact with the ladder. He had, but that contact was to stop himself from hitting it. He turned around at the same time as Edge. Outraged, Edge ran at Taker. Taker dodged, and Edge smacked into the ladder face-first. He stumbled backwards as Taker seized the moment. He slapped his hand around the throat of Edge and lifted him up into the air. He turned around, and CHOKESLAM! into the ladder! Edge falls to the floor, as does the ladder. Undertaker refuses to go for the cover, and instead he brings his thumb across his throat, the fans going crazy at this point. Taker pulled Edge to his feet, looking to put him away with a Tombstone Piledriver, however before Taker can advance, Edge kicks him in the groin, causing Taker to fall to the mat in pain. Edge then runs over to the corner. Undertaker, being the hungry Deadman that he was, followed in hot pursuit with a determined look in his eye. He clubbed Edge in the shoulder area before kneeing him in the gut. The crimson mask of Edge was getting on his nerves, but he battled through, to hook the arms of Taker. The crowd rose to their feet screaming as Taker fought through Edge’s grip. Suddenly, there was a cold hand wrapped around Edge’s throat. CHOKESLAM FROM THE TOP ROPE!

Taker was now in just as bad a shape as the Rated R Superstar, and everyone was back to square one. Edge’s blood leaked onto the canvas and Taker was twitching as a result of the move. Both men lay motionless in the center of the ring. The fans were still going absolutely crazy after the death-defying move from the top rope. Both Taker and Edge were totally out of it. The front row fans were thumping on the barricade, doing anything they could do to will the men up to their feet. The noise created was immense, and yet Edge and Taker remained still. Then, Undertaker sat up, and the roof literally flew off of Madison Square Garden. The fans cheered loudly as The Undertaker made it to his feet, turning around smirking. He was shocked to see Edge standing on his feet, his face totally covered in his own blood. Taker went to hit Edge straight in his bloodied face, but Edge dodged it, and the two men simply stared at each other. After a few seconds of temporary paralysis, Edge ran towards Taker and speared him to the mat. He kept on running, bouncing off the ropes as Taker got to his feet. He went for a clothesline but Taker blocked it and pushed Edge. Edge bounced off the ropes and hit another spear on Undertaker, taking him down. Undertaker got to his feet again, and Edge hit him with a right hook and a left hook.Taker stumbled backwards, but it wasn’t enough to take him off his feet. Edge jumped up and drop-kicked Taker in the chest, which did the trick and sent him to the floor. Both men lay in the middle of the ring again, the match really starting to show its effect on them. Edge was up first, but he was groggy due to his loss of blood. He saw Taker lying on the mat and immediately knew what he was doing.

Edge dropped to the floor and rolled out of the ring. He threw up the ring apron and was temporarily covered by it. Seconds later, he withdrew himself from underneath the ring, a folded steel chair in hand. The crowd were booing as blood trickled down Edge’s face. He could taste it, and it drove him to continue. He slid into the ring with the steel chair. He opened the chair and slid it onto Taker’s throat before closing it again. The crowd were booing like crazy, not wanting to see the return of the con-chair-to. Edge then smoothed his hair back, taking it away from his bloody face. He climbed to the second rope, smirking. But just as Edge jumped, Taker sat up, and Edge’s feet just met the mat. Edge stumbled slightly, but remained on his feet. Taker then removed the steel chair from his head and snapped it shut, holding it up to warn Taker. Edge just stood there, smirking like a madman, and he gestured at Edge to hit him the chair. Taker was happy to oblige, walloping Edge with the steel chair right in the head. Edge stumbled backwards, but then just smiled as blood trickled into his mouth. The fans booed. They knew that the hardcore Edge was back. Taker threw the chair down as Edge ran at him. Taker kicked Edge in the abdomen and twisted Edge’s body around. The fans screamed as they knew what was coming next. Tombstone Piledriver! Taker goes for a cover. ONE! … TWO! … THRE-

The crowd explodes in a mixed reaction as they know they will see more action now but Taker wasn’t able to put Edge away, even after a Tombstone Piledriver. Taker suddenly slams his hand hard on the mat, mad that he didn’t win. He gets to his feet and starts stomping away on Edge like a madman. He then kicks him to the outside of the ring. Edge smacks against the steel and lays motionless on the outside. Taker realized that he had to punish Edge more, for everything Edge had put him through. He rolled underneath the bottom rope and slammed Edge’s head against the steel. Finally, he drags him up again. He drags Edge over to the door as the fans start going wild. He whips Edge into the door, causing it to bend slightly. Another whip, and this time it bends a bit more. Taker drags Edge away from the cell door and then throws him into it again, bending it even more. Edge falls down and sits against the door, barely conscious and his face covered with blood. Taker picks up the ring steps and walks towards Edge, only stopping a few feet away from him. He raises the steps high above his head and throws them at Edge. But Edge rolls out of the way just in time, and the stairs hit the door. This causes the chain and padlock to break, and the door swings open as the fans go crazy.

The door of the cell falls outside. Edge walks over to Taker and punches him in the head, causing Taker to fall against the side of the cell. Edge walks toward Taker, who stands up properly and puts his fists up to his face. He then punches Edge hard in the middle of his face, causing Edge to trip over the steel steps and next to the ring. Taker pulls Edge up. The camera focuses on Edge’s face and everyone can see that Edge’s face is covered with blood completely. It’s one big crimson mask. Taker grabs Edge’s arm and launches him into the security barrier outside the cell, the crowd really cheering now as both combatants were outside the cell. Edge sits up against the barrier, dazed and nearly unconscious. Taker has a slightly concerned look on his also bloody face as Edge gets to his feet, scowling at Taker, baring his teeth. Edge pushes himself up and slowly walks towards his opponent. Taker sees that Edge is up and chasing him again. He looks around before attempting a big boot to Edge. Edge ducks and.. Spear! He spears Taker into the cell, Taker’s face reflecting his pain. Edge does his trademark hair sweep and holds his arms up, gesturing at the crowd. He heard loud cheering, which he knew wasn’t right, and when he turns around he sees an irate Taker. In a rush of panic, Edge kicks Taker in the abdomen, and in a desperate attempt to get away from Taker, he starts climbing the cell!

Taker reaches the spot where Edge is climbing and jumps up. He manages to grab his right leg and tries to pull him down. Edge manages to kick him away and continues climbing. Taker starts climbing the cell as well. Edge reaches the top. He looks down at an enraged, insane Taker and then looks around. He sees there’s nowhere to go so he waits for Taker to get there. Taker peeks above the cell and Edge starts laying punches into the face, making his hands red with Taker’s blood. He finally pulls Taker up onto the cell. He goes to punch him, but the Phenom blocks it and knees Edge in the gut. He applies a Front Facelock and turns around. Suplex on the top of the cell! Taker pulls him back to his feet. Edge tries to bring Taker down to lock in the Gogoplata Triangle Choke! but Edge resists. He locks his hand around the stomach of Taker. He lifts him up for a Powerbomb, but Taker is too heavy for the dazed Edge. Edge falls backwards, being squashed under Taker’s weight in the middle of the cell.

Taker looks down at Edge who appears to be out cold. He walks over to the opposite side of where he climbed the cell and starts descending it. He’s right in front of the announcers table of all four commentators, as the other table was demolished by Kane. He walks over to the ring announcer and throws him off his chair. He grabs the chair, closes it, then starts climbing the cell again with the chair. When he’s on top of the cell again, Edge is on one knee. Taker grabs the chair and walks over to Edge. He goes to hit him with it, but Edge dropkicks it right into Taker’s face! Taker falls down backwards. Edge walks over to him and grabs the chair. He waits for Taker to get up and after half a minute, he does so. Edge swings the chair... But Taker evades the shot and applies a bearhug from behind. He turns around and hit a German suplex and Edge collides with the middle of the cell, holding his back in pain as the fans cheered loudly. Taker slowly walks to the middle of the cell and leant down, picking up the battered steel chair that the ring announcer was sitting on earlier. He turns around and sees that Edge is staggering behind him. He swings and connects with Edge’s skull! Edge stumbles backwards and almost off the cell, but he manages to regain his balance. Taker walks towards him with a sick grin on his face. Edge sees it and tries to get away from the edge of the cell, but Taker strikes him hard with a left hand. Edge stumbles slightly, and his foot is past the cell. He falls, but manages to hold onto the top of the cell with his hands!

Taker stomps on Edge’s right hand, and he has to let go. He’s hanging on with one hand! The crowd is going nuts. Taker tries to stomp on Edge’s other hand, but Edge manages to grabs his foot with his free hand and pulls Taker down. This gives Edge enough time to clamber back onto the cell, his hands over his heart after that lucky escape. Taker slowly gets to his feet, the crowd amazed that both these men were even up. The two fierce warriors slug it out on top with hard, stiff punches and chops. Taker with a kick to the shin and down goes Edge. Taker drags Edge up and over to the centre of the cell roof. He turns Edge’s body over so he is on his stomach before scraping Edge’s head along the steel. Edge screams in pain. Taker gets up and signals for the end. The crowd give a huge mixed reaction, and confused, Taker turns around to see Mick Foley! Mick and Taker stare at each other as the fans cheered, hoping and willing that Foley and Taker will both take Edge out once and for all. The fans cheer even louder as Mick pulls a sock from his pants and puts it onto his hands. He nods at Taker, giving him inaudible instructions. Taker nods and turns towards Edge, and both Foley and Taker head towards Edge. But then, Foley runs in front of Taker and applies the Mandible Claw! The fans start booing loudly as Mick brings Taker down, Taker wildly trying to escape the move. Edge then gets to his feet and walks to the side of the cage. He begins to climb down as Taker tries to escape Mick’s Mandible Claw. Mick finally releases the hold and Taker hurts his hurting jaw. Foley then nails him with a clothesline bringing him down to the steel. Meanwhile, Edge approaches the commentators table and rips off the top. The fans that knew of the Taker vs. Mankind Hell In A Cell Match knew what was coming. Foley pulled Taker to his feet as Edge ripped out the monitors. Then, in the action that will be played round the world thousands of times, Foley kicked Taker in the midsection and threw him off the cell. Taker went flying and hit the table, collapsing into it as the world screamed in collective shock. Edge laughed evilly and climbed up the cell. The fans booed loudly as Edge and Foley threw their arms into the air. EMTs rushed out with a stretcher, and eventually he was lifted onto it. The bell rang.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner as a result of knockout, Edge!

Edge and Foley smirked down as the EMTs carried Taker up the ramp. The fans were in shock. They had been deceived by Edge and by Foley, and now Taker had been defeated at the hands of them both. Undertaker is now at the top of the ramp on a stretcher when the lights go out, and the crowd cheers. We hear a gong. Then another gong, and then a third gong. The lights come back up. Undertaker is no longer on the stretcher, the EMTs bewildered. Edge and Foley look stunned as the show ends.


Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase © def. Cryme Tyme to retain the World Tag Team Championship

Jeff Hardy and Lita (Team Extreme) def. MVP and Shelton Benjamin (Nation of Domination)

Kofi Kingston © def. Rey Mysterio to retain the Intercontinental Champion (Falls Count Anywhere)

Matt Hardy def. Mark Henry © to win the ECW Championship

Kane def. CM Punk © to win the World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho def. Shawn Michaels (Ambulance Match)

Triple H © def. The Great Khali to retain the WWE Championship

John Cena vs. Batista was a no contest after Cena was attacked before the match. It had to be cancelled.

Edge def. The Undertaker (Hell In A Cell)