WWE SummerSlam 1999

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE SummerSlam

August 22nd, 1999
Minneapolis, Minnesota​

Backstage: Jessie “The Body” Ventura lays down the law to Triple H & Chyna, he tells Chyna if she interferes she would have to deal with him. Hunter then says he’s openly going to break the rules :lmao

Earlier Today: Chris Jericho is backstage when Howard the Finkle runs up to him and makes a bunch of excuses as Jericho talks down to him about he’s only here to save his job.

WWF Intercontinental & European Championships: Jeff Jarrett vs. D-Lo Brown (w/Debra)
Before the match, Jeff tells Debra to go to the back ‘cause he doesn’t want her puppies being a distraction. But as D-lo is making his way backstage he bumps into her, he grabs her by the hand and he says lets go to the ring. I should also point out Debra’s outfit is something else JESUS! This was damn fun, it’s most Jarrett bumping for D-Lo early, until Jarrett attempts to kill the match with his first offense move being a sleeper :lmao D-Lo easily counters out but D-Lo gets too cocky and heads to the top. He dives off but Jarrett catches him into a sideslam, Jarrett now begins to take over as he works on him on the floor but just like D-Lo he crashes and burns on the high risk move off the apron. D-Lo throws him in the crowd before telling the ref to back his monkey ass up. Jarrett counters out of a suplex attempt and throws D-Lo into the ringpost. They finally get back in the ring, and Jeff begins working the arm. D-Lo doesn’t sell it at all; instead it’s pretty much a fill for time as D-Lo hits a nice little running sit-down powerbomb. He hits a tilt-a-whirl sideslam and begins his comeback. Backsuplex follows as he heads up top but misses the front flip move and Debra gets on the apron to distract the ref. That allows Jeff to pick up the guitar, he acts like he wants to hit Debra but Mark comes down and takes it away from him. Mark backs up and nails D-Low with it allowing Jeff to cover him for the win. Post-Match: Debra, Jeff and Mark celebrate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Double SWERVE in the opening match, classic Russo the match was damn good though. **1/2 - **3/4


Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Edge & Christian; he talks about the #1 Contender's Tag Team Turmoil Match that is happening tonight with the winners getting a shot tomorrow night on Raw. Cole then says the first two teams kicking off the match will be Edge & Christian vs. The New Brood (Hardy Boyz) Edge says this is what they want, and tonight they will go through every team. Christian says they outgrew the Brood and they can’t wait for the New Brood.

Tag Team Turmoil
As I just mentioned, winners gets a shot at the tag titles the following night on Raw. Edge & Christian vs. Matt & Jeff start, it’s the usual tag goodness here Edge and Matt start with E&C getting the better, they begin to work on Matt but once Gangrel cheapshots Christian the New Brood begin to take over. Jeff hits the pretty looking springboard sitdown Moonsault and the crowd totally gives no shits about this, which is a shame. It’s so weird seeing the Hardy playing the heel role here. Especially when most of their offense is high risk. At one point Jeff hits the swanton for two, they try a double team move but Christian counters into a double inverted DDT and the crowd finally comes alive as Edge gets the hot tag. He cleans house until he gets thrown to the floor. Matt and Edge battle on one side and Christian and Jeff battle on the other, it leads to this AWESOME! Spot with Edge and Jeff both getting whipped but they jump on the barricades and collide in the middle of the ramp way with Edge spearing him in mid air :mark: Edge is all fired up so Gangrel attacks him from behind, that allows Christian to hit the springboard crossbody to the floor onto Gangrel. Matt heads up and Monnsaults them before throwing Christian back in. Matt tries to superplex him but Edge stops it and by hitting him with a sit-down faceplant move and Christian comes off the top with an elbow drop for the win. I don’t think I’ve ever seen they do that move again after this.

Out next is Mideon & Viscera, UGH! They go right at Christian beating him pillar to post and all that. Mideon looks like Road Dogg’s fatter older brother here wearing all this green and black. Edge gets the hot tag and takes out Mideon but Viscera hits the AWESOME! Spinning heel kick. E&C then begin to use their quickness to take out Viscera allowing Edge to spear Mideon for the win.

Droz and Prince Albert are your third team; they get the jump on Edge. Albert is fuckin’ great as he delivers big powermoves to Edge and his strikes are on point. Droz on the other hand is dressed like a man that goes to gay clubs, he misses a running charge sending himself to the floor and Christian hits a splacha on him. Albert has Edge pressed in the air but Christian chopblocks him for two. Edge is first to get to his feet and hits him with a faceplant move with Christian knocking Droz off the apron.

The Acolytes are the next team out, and I should point out the crowd is tonally behind E&C now without question, they see this underdog babyface team as their own. Well they did until the Acolytes came out and did nothing but beat the shit out of these young guys. Bradshaw and Edge starts, he dropkicks him before heading up for the 10 corner punch spot but on the count of 5 Bradshaw powerbombs him for two. Yeah! Crowd is dead for this; I think they all know who’s winning. Acolytes begin working on Edge now; it’s the normal Acolytes rough and tough heat nothing special. The only time the crowd makes any sort of noise is when Christian tries to get them back into the match while Edge plays the face in peril. Christian hot tag was fun, as E&C begin working together keeping one man in the ring and one on the floor. Suddenly, while the match is still going on FUCKIN’ the Holly Cousins jump the gun and run out before there's an elimination. They're forced to hang out by the ring until Bradshaw gives Christian a Clothesline from Hell. Big fuckin’ mistake imo, the crowd wanted to see the young guys win and even if E&C didn’t win the next night it still would have made them into something just for this night.

Holly Cousins as you tell out now, it’s sucked its slow plodding and seeing how both teams are heels no fucks are given. Crash gets the shit beaten out of him. I honestly don’t care for this thankfully the match ends when the Holly Cousins fight with one another until Bob walks into a Spinebuster for the win. FUCK THAT! They had a chance to create a new legit team but blew it on some Has Been. *** - ***1/4


Backstage: The Undertaker and The Big Show arrive

Backstage: Al Snow is talking with his little dog, Pepper. He tells Pepper not to worry what Boss Man said.

Road Dogg who is dressed all in white comes out to the ring and gets on the mic, Dogg has one of those Fannie packs on :lmao He challenges the winner of the Hardcore match on Raw tomorrow night. Suddenly, Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes out to a great little pop, Jericho is standing on top of the Lion’s Den near the stage. He says seeing how this is his first appearance and he’s disappointed, that the WWF could ruin this. It’s not Summerslam its Summershame. He says the people got scammed and looks like fools. He makes fun of Road Dogg for having bad hair, the way he spells his name and stupid clothes. Jericho makes fun of DX saying they all suck, Dogg tells him to shut up bitch, and he then says he's afraid to say it because Jericho might take him up on it, but suck it.

Road Dogg comes on commentary, and Dogg says he doesn't own a computer, so Y2J and Y2K so it doesn’t mean a damn thing to him.

Backstage: Al Snow leaves Pepper in the back.

WWF Hardcore Championship: Big Bossman vs. Al Snow
During Al’s entrance he climbs the side of the stage and waits for Bossman to come out, when he does he hits him with a crossbody AWESOME! Dogg then takes a live mic and does commentary watching the action up close :lmao They go backstage brawling in the parking lot as Bossman hits him with the dog case that “has” pepper in it :lmao he then throws it to the ground, Al hits him with a blackboard. Bossman picks up a crutch from a guy with a broken leg and hits Snow with it, the then tries to throw a keg but that misses and that smash a glass fridge. They begin to brawl on the street, across the road to a bar :lmao they start hitting one another with plastic table and chairs before going inside the bar. Al has a comeback as some of the fan no sell the shit out of it and continue to just drink :lmao they fight into the bathroom with Al putting those urine cakes into Bossman’s eyes, Bossman drags him back out and hits him in the head with a beer bottle but Al comes back and takes a biker’s chain and chokes him with it. He places him ontop of a table and leaps off another par with a moonsault. They brawl into a pool section with Bossman taking a shot at Dogg but Dogg comes back hitting him with a nightstick, he falls onto the pool table and Al hits him with the pool balls to the balls for the win. Post-Match: Al runs back to the arena to kind Pepper but the BWO jump him; Al gets the better with a crutch before leaving. This wasn’t good but fun.


Backstage: Jessie “The Body” Ventura lays down the law with Mankind.

WWF Women's Championship: Ivory vs. Tori
I didn’t watch, instead I was busy looking at others things. TRUE STORY!

Backstage: The Rock interviews Michael Cole, he asks him is Cole is gay before saying it doesn’t matter. Rock then makes fun of Billy Gunn.

Backstage: Billy Gunn leads someone around under a blanket, and says he has a big surprise for them.

Lion's Den Weapons Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman
If you don’t know what a Lion’s den match is, it’s pretty much an UFC octagon with a weapon hanging over each side of the cage mesh. Before the match Blackman steals some nun chucks and hides it in his pants according to Lawler and King, Shamrock isn’t aware of this until the bell rings and Blackman pulls them out and begins to beat him with it. Shamrock quickly counters with a leg lock as both men fight over the nun chucks but Blackman begins choking him with them but Shamrock counters into a cross armbreaker. He breaks the hold and begins throwing Blackman into the cage, before killing him with strikes. Shamrock takes down a cane but Blackman counters and he begins to beat on Ken throwing him back first into the cage mesh, Blackman then heads up and takes down two mini-sticks. He begins to hits Shamrock from all different angles with them before choking Ken with them, pretty cool spot with Ken running up the cage and hitting a flying forearm before going to work on Blackman’s injured kidneys. Blackman hits a desperation DDT but Ken comes back kicking at the knees, and hitting a powerslam. Blackman hits a setup kick and takes down a kendo stick; he begins to beat Ken with it including a swing to the throat. Another real sequences that lead to a Belly-to-belly by Ken and he begins beating the shit out of Blackman with the Kendo Stick, Ken hits him with a headshot and the ref counts to 10 giving Shamrock the win. Solid little match, I wouldn’t mind seeing WWE bring this back one more time.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly shows us footage of Young Shane attacking Test from behind, he then sees Test coming and tries to interview him but Test says playtime is over. OH SHIT!

Love Her or Leave Her Match (Greenwich Street Fight) - Test vs. Shane McMahon
Shane gets right up in Test face talking shit, but the Posses music hits and they come out all banged up, Abs has a walking boot, Gas has a neck brace and the Rodney one has a arm in a sling :lmao Test jumps him from behind but then they do get back in the ring Test uses his power and wrestling experience to beat on Shane for a bit. Shane’s bumping is incredible, for a non-wrestler. At one point Shane gets powerslammed onto the floor on the outside, they brawl to where the Posse is and Test takes a few shots at them before picking Shane up and he throws him onto them. Test then begins to beat them up, but the numbers game catches up to him and the posses beat on him before feeding him back to young Shane. This is pretty hilarious with the Posse handing Shane weapons and Shane uses them on him. It even included a framed photo of the Posses and Shane that Shane smashes over his head :mark: Shane tries a fuckin’ corkscrew moonsault but misses, WHAT? Test catches Shane in a leapfrop position and powerbombs him down but Rodney distracts the ref long enough for Shane to kick out. Test accidentally kicks the ref knocking him out, before clotheslining Shane to the floor. The posses has seen enough and finally come in to save Shane, the beat on Test and place him on the announce table which allows Young Shane to jump off the turnbuckles crashing through Test and the table :mark: The Posse roll Shane and Test in the ring, with Shane covering Test for two. This is pretty much all the Posse helping Shane behind the refs back even though its NoDq, until the Stooges have seen enough and beat up the Posse :lmao Test kicks a chair into Abs face before hitting the Pump handle slam on Shane, but he’s not done he heads up top and finishes Shane off with an elbow drop off the top for the win. Post-Match: A young adorable Steph comes running out and hugs Test. This is terrible; Hunter needs to ruin this ASAP. As for the match is was so much fun seeing the Posse and Shane beat on Test and it’s the only way to make Shane look like a threat. Good Stuff. *** - ***1/4


Backstage: Michael Cole interviews X-Pac and Kane, Pac stays him and Kane are closer than he and Taker her was and tonight they (Show/Taker) are the underdogs.

WWF Tag Team Championships: X-Pac & Kane vs. The Undertaker & The Big Show (w/Paul Bearer)
All 4 men brawl right away with Taker taking out Pac leading to a 2-1 on Kane, but Kane comes back taking Show out of the match and Pac hits a flying clothesline off the top on Taker for two. Taker/Pac interaction is cool with Pac using his quickness to stay out of the reach of Taker before tagging Kane in. A few minutes later Pac begins to fire up on Taker and tells him to suck it so Taker simple knocks the shit out of him with an elbow :lmao he then tries to chokeslam Pac on the floor but Kane grabs Pac in the air and brings in back in. Kane sends Taker back in and hits the flying clothesline off the top for two, Show tries to interfere but eats an uppercut but that enough for Taker to hit the flying DDT before tagging Kane in, who begins to beat on Kane. This Kane/Show interaction is the best they’ve ever done; they kept it short and pretty much punched away at one another until one would hit a desperation big move. Taker/Show’s heat on Kane was fun, but its weird seeing Pac getting the hit tag. I mean it ruled cause’s its 90’s Pac but it’s usually Kane role. LOL @ Show pulling his hair leading to Taker throwing Pac to the floor allowing Show to have his way with him, Pac playing the face in peril was great hit take some many killa bumps and his mini-fiery comebacks ruled. I’m guessing ‘cause it’s because Pac in from Minnie X-Pac heat doesn’t not even exist or is even a thought here. At one point Show mocks Kane and goes to chokeslam Pac but Kane uppercuts him leading to Pac low blowing both Show and Taker before Kane gets the hot tag, Pac sends Taker to the floor with a spinning kicks before sending him into the post. Pac the tags himself in and delivers the bronco buster to Show as Taker and Kane brawl on the floor. Show then gets up and chokeslams Pac but only puts his foot on his chest for the cover. Pac kicks out and TAKER IS PISSED! So he blind tags in and kills Pac with the tombstone for the win. This is so much fun, its tag formula 101 it kinda reminds me of the Un-American’s/BookerDust match from SSlam ’02. ***1/2 - ***3/4 (I might be rating this a bit high but fuck it lo enjoyed it that much)


Backstage: Jessie “The Body” Ventura lays down the law to Steve Austin, and as he’s doing so Austin simply walks away from him :lmao

Kiss My Ass Match: The Rock vs. Billy Gunn (w/Mystery Fat Ass Woman)
The original idea is that the loser of the match would have to kiss the ass of the winner. Yet, with Gunn's introduction of his fat lady friend, he changed his stipulation so that if he beat Rock, Rocky will have to kiss her ass. Good ‘Ol Russo. Gunn jumps Rock to start and does a solid job beating on the Rock but once the Rock takes over it so much fun, with Rock’s electricity and Gunn’s bumping was great. Rock beats him up all the way up the entrance and near the fans but Gunn counters a whip sending him into a steel railing and follows up with a clothesline to the floor. Both men go back and forth now and I’m sure this should have been a double count out by now 8D oh well the eventually bring it back to ringside with Gunn sending him into the steel steps and begins to work over him. At one point I actually heard the ref count to 5 when Gunn was choking him but again nothing, this ref clearly has it in for the rock. Gunn continues with his mediocre offense with is only acceptable and watchable because Rock bumps to make it look good. I do find it hilarious that Lawler and JR have talked more about this fat ass woman instead of the match, anyway Rock’s comeback was a ton of fun and as much as I shit on Gunn this has been again a lot of fun, it’s not mind blowing but it’s solid and enjoyable. At one point Gunn hit the fame asser but instead of going for the pin he tells the fat ass woman to get in the ring, well as expected that backfires and Rock sends Gunns face into her ass. He then follows up with the Rock Bottom and the people’s elbow for the win. Solid due to bumping, at least Gunn’s KOTR push ended with his face up a fat chick’s ass. **3/4

WWF Championship: Mankind vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H (w/Chyna)
Jesse Ventura is your special guest referee, you know what I find hilarious is the video package. So it was suppose to be HHH/Austin right, well Austin didn’t want to drop the belt that son of a bitch. So we have Mankind in here for fun, Triple H has that stupid fucking chain mail chest cover thing here. Man whoever allowed him to come out with that needs to get fined. Austin and Hunter go right at with Mankind pulling Hunter to the floor to get him some. Right off the bat Austin and Mankind double team on poor Hunter, beating him up for a few minutes until Mankind makes the mistake of hugging Austin so Austin punches him in the face :lmao it’s all Austin here as they brawl on the floor for several minutes, until Chyna throws Mankind into the ringpost behind Jessie’s back. Suddenly the camera cuts to Austin/Hunter brawling, we then turn back to Jessie getting in-between Mankind and Chyna, and because he’s distracted Hunter hits Austin with a chair in his injured knee taking him out of the match for the time being. That leaves Hunter and Mankind to battle for a bit. Mankind locks in the mandible claw on Hunter but as he backs up Chyna takes out Mankind’s legs and pulls him groin first into the ring post. Jessie sees this in ejects her from ringside. Austin sees this and gets his 2nd wind; he beats Hunter up all the way up the entrance way and back down to the ring. But when they get back in the ring, Austin’s knee buckles allowing Hunter to work over them. OH SHIT! Hunter and Mankind double teaming Austin, WHAT? They work over Austin for a bit before Mankind tries to steal a pin but that doesn’t sit well with Hunter so that ends that team work. They brawl on the floor as Mankind tries a cannon ball to the floor but Hunter moves and takes himself out. Minutes later they all brawl into the crowd with Foley getting back dropped on the concrete JESUS! You can clearly see Mankind is the middle man here :lmao it’s like Austin/Hunter do most of the interacting and Mankind gets his ass beat or gets killed before Hunter and Austin lock up again, Mankind reminds me of one of those girlfriends that gets the shit kicked out of them but keeps coming back, but to make this hilarious is that they are two BF’s. Austin his Mankind with a stunner, but Hunter breaks the pin up with a chair shot to the back and Jessie says to him “WHAT’S THIS BULLSHIT” :lmao Hunter then sees Mankind coming and smacks him in the head with a chair but Jessie refuses to count :lmao wat Shane comes out and gets in Jessie’s face which allowing Shane to deliver the stunner to him, Jessie then picks Shane up and throws him out of the ring. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Austin getting hung up in the ropes. Hunter saves him but both men get whipped out with a double clothesline. That leaves Mankind in the ring and he delivers a double mandible claw but gets low blowed to break the hold. You can tell Jessie has been out of wrestling for a long time and that triple threats are new to him. As a result, he's threatening to DQ wrestlers and even counting when two men are down on the mat. Austin connects with a stunner to Hunter but gets broken up by Mankind, Austin throws him into the ringpost and Hunter connects with a pedigree to Austin, but as he gets up Mankind shoves him away and he hits the double arm DDT for the win. Post-Match: Triple H attacked Austin, blasting him in the knee repeatedly with a chair while Chyna prevented anyone from helping Stone Cold. This was fun, it’s an Austin style match tons of brawling and two man in one man out and I do love Foley in triple threats as he was always willing to team up with everyone. *** -***1/4



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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That spear gif was amazing

The Cork

Feb 23, 2011
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Cant disagree with most of the ratings, the two hardcore matches and the opener were good.

Dunno why you liked the Lions Den, seemed too small and limited when the guys could do. Decent feud though.

Its one of my most hated main events, Jesse Ventura got far too much attention IMO and it just wasnt that great a match. Hate anything Foley.


Nov 13, 2010
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Boy do I hate looking back on this era, weren't most of the matches just rushed under 10 minutes Russo-riffic shit, I'm fine with minor characters having storylines, as I think they should, but it would be great if they were any good.

Didn't care for Sexual Chocolate turning on D-Lo, it didn't do anything for either of them and pretty much killed D-Lo's run as solid midcarder.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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Boy do I hate looking back on this era, weren't most of the matches just rushed under 10 minutes Russo-riffic shit, I'm fine with minor characters having storylines, as I think they should, but it would be great if they were any good.

Didn't care for Sexual Chocolate turning on D-Lo, it didn't do anything for either of them and pretty much killed D-Lo's run as solid midcarder.
It's not even that, from the night after SSlam to unfrogiven this happen
1. Jeff gives Mark the Euro Title
2. Debra leaves Jeff
3. At Unforgiven Mark loses the title back to D-Lo

all for nothing, damn russo

Cant disagree with most of the ratings, the two hardcore matches and the opener were good.

Dunno why you liked the Lions Den, seemed too small and limited when the guys could do. Decent feud though.

Its one of my most hated main events, Jesse Ventura got far too much attention IMO and it just wasnt that great a match. Hate anything Foley.
IDK why i enjoyed the Lion's den that much, maybe bacuase it was different and the selling by both men was fun i guess. The ending may have sucked ass with a single kendo stick to the head ended the match and kept him down for a 10 count when in Hardcore matches they used it all the time and it would not even be a one count.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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The hype for that main event was awesome, the match itself was not. The ending felt flat for me.

Highlights were tag team turmoil (I too disagree with the winners) and Shane VS. Test.