If Teddy becomes the co-GM of both brands, I'll be done with WWE.
If Teddy becomes the co-GM of both brands, I'll be done with WWE.
Cause he's Mr. Multiple Tag Team MatchYou don't like Teddy. Why
Yeah congratulations Dwayne. You come back after taking another four months off while John Cena busts his ass every week.
God forbid he has signed to movies probably before he came back and wants to keep his word on that right? Once he's done making his movies he'll be back he said. Calm down and let him do what he wants because he honestly doesn't even have to do what he's doing.
Wow he can forget filming for a month.
WWE Creative "We have nothing for Kofi..." "Can we pair him with another black wrestler?" "R-truth?" "Excellent." "Book it."
Um how does John Cena film movies while taking no time off
I have to completely 100% to the extreme disagree with you. We don't need to be grateful if Dwayne decides to give a shit about us for 5 mins. If he's going to commit to wrestling, he needs to do it at full capacity. He's not doing us a favor, he can't pick and choose when he'll bother to show up and we'll suck his cock for it. 'Cause we should be grateful for whatever little attention he decides to throw at us.If he's already committed to a movie and he backs out that would be wrong and I'm sure he could get into some trouble for that. Some people hold to something they are committed to and if you don't that's ok. Be glad The Rock is doing what he's doing with wrestling as he doesn't even have to do that you know.