Sounds like an average show.
-I'm happy Christian is getting a title shot most likely, but is there no way to build towards a world title match than to job out the champions to the challengers? What happened to #1 contender's matches? Battle royals? Tournaments? Or hell, even just an imaginary ranking system where an authority figure (which could be either Maddox, Vickie or even Vince/Stephanie/HHH themselves at the moment) randomly naming someone the number one contender for a belt? I would have been fine with something as simple as Del Rio going up to Vince or any of the McMahons (or Maddox himself) with the WHC draped over his shoulder saying that he needs an opponent for Summerslam and he wants the best competition he can get. They tell Del Rio to let them think about it and later on, they either name Christian the challenger based on the fact that he's a former two-time WHC himself (just like Del Rio) or they set up a match between Christian and someone (maybe another former WHC) where Christian goes over. Or maybe after Maddox or whoever tells Del Rio to give them some time to think about it, we see a backstage segment later on with Del Rio walking the hallways where he has a brief spontaneous interaction with Christian that quickly turns into a confrontation, where Christian is mocked for losing the All-Stars MITB match and Del Rio rubs it in his face that he's the WHC. A brawl erupts, and either Del Rio or Christian go to Maddox and tell him they want the other at Summerslam, and their match is granted.
-I'm surprised about The Shield defeating Henry and the Usos in a tag team match on Raw instead of Summerslam but at least it means we won't have to suffer through that match at the PPV. Guess they'll be dividing it up so that Henry will get a US Title shot and the Usos will get a tag team title shot (wouldn't be surprised to see it on the pre-show again.) Figured they'd save that for Night Of Champions but I'm glad they're not.
-I expected something a little more interesting in regards to the Kane/Wyatt Family stuff than just another beat down. I also found the announcement that Kane would be wrestling Daniel Bryan next week (more like last night) to be a pretty underwhelming way of announcing Kane's return after selling the injury received during the first beat down as a severe one. I would have liked to have either had Wyatt try to get Kane to join by giving cryptic sermons to Kane in person, or to make Kane's return a sudden and surprising one. Imagine Wyatt giving a sermon in the ring about wanting Kane to come to them (possibly after another beat down on a random person) and then the lights go out on the family and when they come back on, Kane is suddenly there behind them and he gets into a brawl with Harper and Rowan and fights them off while Wyatt exits the ring. He then does his cut throat signal (same one as Undertaker) at the three of them as they head up the ramp. Maybe he exits the ring and breaks apart the rocking chair too while he's at it.