WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Chuck Taylor's Grenade

This one was worth the wait.

BM: Undertaker-Goldberg was PPV quality. Interesting choice having Taker be the one that leaves Raw.

WM: D'Lo return squash. I almost predicted Maven would be in this match. I'm interested to see who Maven will finally beat (if anybody).

BP: Opening promo. We got an incredible main event out of it and showed the bad boss side of Eric Bischoff.

WP: RVD's was two sentences. Although I can understand keeping it short to protect the mystery of what's happening.

AC: I like where you're going with Christian Cage. It would have been difficult to book him as a face after what happened at Unforgiven. The main event 8 man tag match next week should be great. The three hour raw is shaping up to have some excellent feuds and matchups.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Obviously Goldberg vs Taker. It was amazingly good and, I don't know, the best part was that even if it was indeed Goldberg vs Taker, you don't expect this quality of matches on a regular TV Show, so when you kept reading and reading, it was a pleasant surprise. Taker losing actually makes sense, as he was like the 1 plus, as Taker arrived to Raw substituing Goldberg when he was fired.

WM: D'lo Brown vs Maven. I am shocked that you actually developed an angle out of this.

BP: Bischoff was great. His cinism and sarcasm honoring the show to Austin was great, so I am going with the opening promo. The Booker T and Chris Jericho promo bashing everything going on Raw was good as well.

WP: RVD's. I understand no more was needed but it was the worse of the show.

AC: It was worth the wait man indeed. I like the way you decided to go with certain feuds and characters, as for example with Christian Cage. I am calling it right now, Raw vs SD at Survivor Series: Goldberg vs Taker. I hope you can continue this.

Check out BTW, show and preview were posted



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
WWE.com Exclusive Footage

Post Raw Video Exclusive:
Undertaker lies in the ring staring up at the lights. The crowd is grateful for a 5 star match in the arena. Taker takes deep breathes in and out as the fans give him a mixed reaction of a standing ovation and boos. Taker does his signature sit up. Taker sits up on the mat and takes a look around at the fans.

JR: I tell you what King; it must be one hell of a feeling to know that your career is over…just like that! One minute you are headlining and winning PPV matches, the match of the night, then the next minute, 24 hours later, you are in a match with your career on the line. Folks, it wasn’t Undertaker’s night, it’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Even though this is the final night we see this legendary figure in the WWE, I will never forget that night after night this man would come out and do what he does best and that’s whoop ass in the squared circle. No matter on Raw or on SmackDown! the Undertaker gave 100% all the time.

King: I agree JR, even though his intentions weren’t always that great, competition wise he was always in the game. He had his eyes on the prize all the time.

Taker gets on one knee and pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes. Taker limps around trying to shake off the pain. Taker has a look of depression and humiliation on his face.

JR: I have to get this off my chest ladies and gentlemen, I don’t understand why the Undertaker is looking like that, and he has nothing to be ashamed of. He put on one hell of a wrestling match! Undertaker treated Goldberg like crap, there is no question about that, but does that really justify the man’s career? No, I am sorry…

Taker stands in the middle of the ring and raises his arm one last time. Undertaker’s theme song hits as Undertaker makes his way over to the ropes.

King: In my personal opinion JR, that was one of the greatest performances I have ever seen by the Deadman, this and last night at Unforgiven. This was quite the spectacle to behold!

Taker gets out of the ring and begins to make his way up the ramp. You hear faded chants from the crowd “Na! Na! Na! Na! – Na! Na! Na! Na! – Hey! Hey! Hey! – Good Bye!â€

JR: I side with the fans most of the time here King, but I have to admit that is pretty disrespectful on the fan’s end! There is no reason for this humiliation of the Deadman.

King: I wonder what’s next for Big Evil JR.

JR: Wherever the Deadman’s path leads him I am sure he will succeed in whatever lies in front of the Deadman, with that said, we still don’t know what is actually next for the Undertaker. Where does he go from here?

Undertaker stands at the top of the ramp and raises his fist with his back facing the crowd. Taker puts his fist down and then turns around slowly to take on last look at the crowd and then walks through the curtain…


WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III
A LIVE 3 Hour Edition of Raw FREE on SpikeTV!
4 Weeks away!

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Goldberg

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Raw Review-

Best Match: Undertaker vs. Goldberg- A PPV-quality match which definitely had me hooked from the very beginning. I never would've thought you would choose Undertaker to be the one leaving Raw but I can't see this being the end of Undertaker's career. One way or another, he's going to be back. When? Where? I have no idea but I can't see one of the greatest superstars ever leaving on a live TV show.

Worst Match: Maven vs. D'lo Brown- It wasn't a horrible match but I just couldn't get into it at all because well I don't like Maven all that much. He just bores me.

Best Interview/Segment: The Opener with Bischoff was very good but I have to say the segment with Booker and Jericho was great. It was hilarious to me and had me chuckling quite a bit throughout. Nice job with both of them.

Worst Interview/Segment: I didn't see one bad promo.

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a great show, man. I really like the direction you're taking with Christian. Triple H vs. Goldberg should be great at the three-hour spectacular. About the Undertaker situation, I can't see him retiring just like that. I'm almost certain he'll be back to screw Goldberg out of the WHC. I like the way your feuds are developing and I'm looking forward to the next show. Keep up the good work.

Post-Raw Video Exclusive-

You really want us to believe this is it for Undertaker, don't you? lol...
I think it was nice the way you had J. R. and King say how disrespectful the fans were being and how great Undertaker was as a competitor. Really makes everyone believe he's going to be gone forever but like I said, we all know Undertaker will be back. But I'm curious as to how you bring him back that is if you do actually bring him back.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Raw review

Bichoff/Taker/Goldberg promo- Good promo. I liked it all the way through and all of the men were in character.

Maven vs. D-Lo- This match was good, this could have eazily been a squash, but it was still good.

Y2J/Booker promo- The promos from these two are always funny.

Victoria vs. Gail- Good womens match.

Taker promo- Really good promo from Taker. I'm suprised by the stip for the main event.

RKO and Batista vs. HBK and Stiener- I liked it, but the ending was a disapointment.

Maven promo- Decent promo. I'm hoping that Maven's streak ends.

Christian/King promo- It was good, but the end of it was kinda predictable once King started to talk.

Goldberg vs. Undertaker- Awesome, awesome match. I was really suprised that Goldberg won.

BM: Goldberg vs. Taker
WM: Maven vs. D-Lo
BP: Taker promo
WP: Maven promo
AC: Really good show. Sorry it took me so long to review it.
Plug: Check out POI Episode 30 this sunday.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

7 days off of one of the greatest matches in Monday Night Raw History, Loser Leaves Raw Goldberg vs. Undertaker, what else can possibly top that?

In the main event last week on Raw, Goldberg shocked the world by defeating the Undertaker, whom previously beat him 24 hours prior at Unforgiven. Goldberg not only won the number one contender spot, but banished Big Evil thanks to the “Loser Leaves Raw” stipulation that the Undertaker put on himself. The Undertaker is now banished from Monday Night Raw and the only thing left in Goldberg’s path of destruction is the World Heavyweight Champion himself, Triple H. With a World title match coming up at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, what will happen between Triple H and Goldberg?

We now know that Stone Cold Steve Austin mysteriously will not return to his GM duties this surrendering his power back to Eric Bischoff. After a very memorable “Stone Cold Appreciation Night,” what surprises might Eric Bischoff have in store for the Raw fans this week?

Confirmed Matches
- D-Lo Brown vs. Maven in a rematch
- Jazz vs. Victoria
- RVD will return to singles action, will Kane be with him?
- HUGE 8 Man Tag Main Event:
Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Batista vs. Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash

All this plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!


WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III
A LIVE 3 Hour Edition of Raw FREE on SpikeTV!
2 Weeks away!

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H* vs. Goldberg​

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Sorry, late review xba. My bad :(

Opening promo: Great start with Bischoff, you really had him as a douche. JR emphasizing Bischoff's sarcasm was a really nice touch, it added to the promo, and made Bischoff look even more heel. Taker coming out was kinda expected, and he was in character. As was Goldberg. I really liked what you did with Bisch. You got Taker's hopes up lol. Anyway, good start to the show, and a huge main event is set up.

Maven vs D'Lo Brown: I wasn't too interested in this, so I didn't pay much attention when reading. Brown was always going to win his comeback, while Maven has a gimmick where he's jobbing to turn heel I guess.

Chris Jericho/Booker T promo: Entertaining as always, you really know what to do with these two. I'm hoping you don't split the team, it's just too good to wreck lol. Keep these guys together.

Victoria vs Gail Kim: I would have preferred it to be longer. Admittedly, it was a women's match, but I still think you could have given them some more time. You botched the finish kinda (Victoria was behind Victoria), but it doesn't really matter. The aftermath suggest Triple Threat Match.

Underatker/Goldberg promo: HOLY SHIT! Huge stipulation lol. Hopefully, this isn't the end of the loser from Raw. I see them ocming back and feuding once again, maybe for WrestleMania.

Randy Orton and Batista vs Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner: I like that you are still keeping Michaels close to Evolution, as I really want to see Flair vs Michaels continue. The match was pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary. Te finish keeps the Michaels vs Evolution feud going. lol @ Nash running in. I didn't know he could still run. This also keeps him going up against Evolution, which is good I guess. If you have him you have to use him.

Kevin Nash/Eric Bischoff promo: I would have liked to see a bit more from Nash, but it was still a good promo. Sets up a cool match for next week.

Maven promo: lol, what a jobber.

Christian/Jerry Lawler promo: Awesome work with Christian here, I really like what you've done. Keep some momentum going for Christian, I can see him being big in the future of this BTB, if you let him.

RVD promo: RVD vs Kane is coming.

Undertaker vs Goldberg: Huge, huge, HUGE rematch. This was very good, and it was kinda similar to Unforgiven. Very power based of course. The finish was pretty awesome. A little ref bump for a swerve. Then Goldberg just dominating. This puts him over huge. I can very easily see him beating Triple H, come the 3 hour special.

AC: Great show, you really know how to build feuds better than anyone. This is going to be a big, big month. The video really is trying to make it look like Taker's done. I'm not buying it :p

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
XBA I'm real sorry I didn't review RAW man. I read it though, and jeez louise. If I have time later on I promise I'll write up my full review. Here are my predictions for the next show, and once again my bad for not writting up the review.

- D-Lo Brown vs. Maven in a rematch
D-Lo Brown wins again, and gives a little push to IC belt?

- Jazz vs. Victoria
Jazz FTW!

- RVD will return to singles action, will Kane be with him?RVD finds out Kane trashed the room, and is having some troubles. Or RVD faces Kane himself.

- HUGE 8 Man Tag Main Event:
Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Batista vs. Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash
Goldberg finishes off very strong, and pins a member of Evolution. Triple H high tales out of there, while Goldberg decimates, and sends a message.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

VIDEO: Highlights from last week’s Number One Contender Loser Leaves Raw Match between the Undertaker and Goldberg.

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

JR: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I am JR Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler and it is a hot night in the sunshine state of Florida! We are live in Orlando!

King: I still can’t get over what went on last week JR between the Undertaker and Goldberg. To set the record straight, all you WWE fans out there, the Undertaker is not here tonight and will not be on Raw ever again! I still can’t get over that!

JR: Well with some bad always comes some good, and the good side of this that Goldberg will take on Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular! That will be one hell of a match in 2 weeks!

King: Well JR, we have a hell of a match tonight in our main event! It’s an 8 man tag featuring Evolution, all 4 members, taking on HBK, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Goldberg! All tonight!

Maven’s theme song hits as Maven comes down the ramp.

: Well King, Maven is a guy that hasn’t been having that great of luck lately, he has lost every single match he has been in against the likes of Hurricane, Scott Steiner, Batista, and the man he is facing tonight in a rematch from last week, D-Lo Brown!

D-Lo Brown’s music hits as D-Lo comes down the ramp.

: D-Lo Brown had a phenomenal return last week defeating Maven, let’s see if D-Lo can continue his roll on Raw and if Maven will continue is losing streak!

JR: King! Unbiased commentary!!!

D-Lo Brown vs. Maven
D-Lo starts clapping to get the fans behind him. The crowd claps along as Maven looks like he has his game face on. Maven and D-Lo come front and center and lock up. D-Lo gets Maven in a side headlock. D-Lo nails a side headlock takedown into a headlock on the mat. Maven springs up and out of the headlock. Maven and D-Lo emerge face to face in the ring and lock up again. Maven nails D-Lo with a hip toss. D-Lo gets up and Maven nails another hip toss. D-Lo gets up again and Maven drops him with a dropkick. Maven goes over and covers D-Lo 1…2…kickout! Maven knows he almost got the pin and covers him again 1…kickout! D-Lo gets up and throws a right at Maven. D-Lo kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. D-Lo gets him up and connects with a suplex. D-Lo crawls over for the cover on Maven 1…2…kickout! Maven gets up and D-Lo stays on him nailing him with shots and elbows backing him up to the corner. D-Lo goes for a right, but Maven ducks and finds himself reversing throwing D-Lo in the corner. Maven starts stomping the hell out of Brown and D-Lo finds himself eating boots from Maven sitting up in the corner. Maven backs up and then charges D-Lo and drops a huge dropkick to D-Lo Brown. Maven gets back to his feet and grabs D-Lo by the ankle, dragging him out to the middle of the ring and Maven whips out a bridge pin maneuver pinning D-Lo 1…2…kickout! Maven starts to get frustrated. Maven picks up D-Lo and grabs him by the arm. Maven whips Brown across the ring, but Brown counters and hurls Maven across the ring. Maven bounces off the ropes right into a huge Samoan Drop by D-Lo. D-Lo follows through with a pin on Maven this time 1…2…kickout! D-Lo gets up and bends over to pick up Maven off the mat, but Maven rolls D-Lo up quickly 1…2…kickout!

JR: What a back and fourth contest we are seeing here ladies and gentlemen! How many near falls have there been?

King: More than I can count on one hand JR!

Maven gets up as does D-Lo. Maven snaps off a huge spinning heal kick to the chin of D-Lo and Brown goes down. Maven signals to the top rope corner. Maven makes his way over and begins to scale the turnbuckles. Maven jumps off the top rope looking for a Frog Splash, but D-Lo rolls out of the way last minute and nobody is home for Maven. Maven cringes on the mat, but gets up to his feet. D-Lo comes from behind and connects with a huge takedown and singes in a sleeper headlock on Maven face down on the mat. Maven gets to his feet still in the hold and Maven spins out and puts D-Lo in a hammerlock. D-Lo sends a huge elbow back, but Maven ducks and D-Lo has Maven trapped in a front face lock. D-Lo looks like he is going for a double arm DDT, but Maven breaks out with a jaw breaker to D-Lo. D-Lo stumbles back as Maven doubles back off the ropes and nails a huge flying clothesline. Maven gets up and then nails a standing missile dropkick toppling D-Lo Brown. Maven covers D-Lo 1…2…kickout! Maven can’t believe it. He starts pounding the mat in anger and rolls out of the ring. Maven flips the apron up and grabs a garbage can out from under the ring.

JR: Wait, wait a minute Maven! This will only make matters worse for you! You can’t win if you get DQ’d!

King: This reminds me of his run as hardcore champion JR!

Maven slides into the ring with the garbage can. D-Lo gets up and turns towards Maven and Maven cracks him across the skull.
WINNER: D-Lo Brown by DQ

Maven bludgeons D-Lo repeatedly with the metal garbage can. Maven snaps in the ring and chucks the garbage can out of the ring in anger. D-Lo is busted open lying motionless on the mat.

JR: We have seen this before King, Maven has snapped yet again right here tonight!

King: The guy can’t handle losing, but here he got himself DQ’d! I don’t get it!

Maven walks up the ramp leaving D-Lo Brown knocked out from garbage can shots to the skull.

Coach is standing by with Eric Bischoff and 3 Minute Warning.

Coach: Good evening, joining me at this time is none other than the General Manager of Monday Night Raw, Eric Bischoff. Mr. Bischoff, you have requested this time in regards to a huge announcement concerning Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular in 2 weeks, what’s up?

Bischoff: Well Coach I will tell you what is up. After what was a tremendous show last week, a.k.a. “Stone Cold Appreciation Night,†I thought I would keep that excitement going this week. It’s only right, cash in when the time is right, and after that huge main event we witnessed last week, I can’t think of a better time. So, I am making some huge announcements right here and now concerning Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III in 2 weeks right here live on SpikeTV. First of all, after what we have just witnessed, what seems to be looking like an intense rivalry early on, Maven will take on D-Lo Brown one on one at the 3 Hour show in a Street Fight. Maven wants to get DQ’d on purpose? Fine, doesn’t bother me, hell if he wants a street fight, he has one, let’s see what he can do with it! Next announcement, concerns these two men behind me. These two guys are the most dominant tag team this side of Monday Night Raw, this team never lost their World Tag Team Championships. The only reason they don’t have them today is because of a certain “SmackDown Tag Team.†So at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, I think it’s only right that they finally get their rematch for those straps. By the way Coach, as if anyone hasn’t heard by now, the main event for this huge card will indeed be Triple H defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Goldberg! Those are only 3 matches, more to come, so Coach, maybe you should keep watching closely, along with the fans at home, because when I keep the excitement going…I mean it.

JR: Keep the excitement going? What does Bischoff mean by that King???


Christian arrives at the arena. He walks through the halls and yet again, everyone turns their backs towards him. Christian stops and turns around looking at everyone with their backs turned. Christian laughs. He turns back around to keep walking, but is confronted by Rob Van Dam.

Christian: Oh, hey Rob, what’s going on?

RVD: What’s going on is that everyone backstage isn’t too impressed with your attitude or actions recently Christian…

Christian: Oh come on Rob, you of all people? I thought you would be the one to understand me…understand Trish…understand this whole situation…oh…haha…wait…you can’t even understand your tag team partner Kane let alone what is going on between me and Trish.

RVD: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Christian: It means, you should get out of my way before you end up like “poor little Trish Stratus,†lying flat on your back, but you’re different than Trish because Trish was on her back because of me on more than one occasion…

RVD slaps Christian across the face.

RVD: You sicken me. You and me…tonight in that ring, let’s see who is left lying on their back!

Christian looks up after getting slapped, he looks angry, but his face slowly starts smiling. He nods his head and then walks right past RVD.

JR: Looks like Christian is taking on RVD tonight King, this is sure to be good. I can’t wait for Mr. Monday Night to whoop Christian’s cowardly ass!

Victoria’s music hits as Victoria comes down the ramp.

JR: In a match last week between Gail Kim and Victoria, Jazz came out to interfere and blindside Gail Kim from behind, but instead Gail ducked and Jazz cracked Victoria right in the face with a big boot, which is how we got to this match right here tonight!

Jazz’s music hits as the Women’s Champion comes down the ramp.

: JR, I have seen the ugliest and the meanest that this business has to offer, but when Jazz got in my face at Unforgiven, I have to admit that scared me JR! It scared me!

Victoria vs. Jazz
Jazz and Victoria stand in their respective corners as Victoria then jets out of her’s and charges Jazz. Jazz dodges Victoria’s attempt at a big splash then hammers forearm shots to the back of Victoria in the corner. Jazz pulls her backwards by the hair out of the corner and delivers a huge clothesline to the back of the head. Jazz stomps the hell out of Victoria on the mat. Victoria cringes on the mat and turns over. Jazz grabs Victoria’s arms and pulls her to the middle of the ring. Jazz steps on Victoria’s hair and pulls on her arms pulling her hair. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…Jazz lets go. Victoria stumbles to her feet and Jazz hooks her for a German Suplex type maneuver, but Victoria counters with elbows to the back of the head. Jazz lets go and stumbles back. Victoria turns around and starts unloading on Jazz with backhand chops, left hands, and straight kicks to the gut. Victoria backs Jazz up to the ropes and bounces her off and across the ring. Jazz bounces back straight into a huge spin kick by Victoria grounding the Women’s Champ. Victoria covers Jazz 1…2…kickout! Victoria sits Jazz up and slaps on an arm lock. Jazz starts to fight it off and begins to test Victoria’s strength. Jazz gets up to her feet and spins out emerging with a hammer lock on Victoria. Jazz pulls the arm of Victoria almost jarring it out of it’s socket. Jazz spins Victoria’s arm and Victoria flips forward and lands on the mat. Jazz bounces off the ropes and plants a huge, elbow drop on Victoria. Jazz covers Victoria 1…2…kickout! Jazz gets up and stomps the hell out of Victoria. Victoria fights through it and emerges on her feet still getting plummeted by hits from Jazz. Jazz knees her in the gut and sets her up for a suplex. Victoria quickly blocks and hooks her rolling her up for the pin on Jazz 1…2…kickout! Jazz gets up as does Victoria. Jazz goes for a clothesline, but Victoria ducks and catches her from behind with a neckbreaker. Victoria grabs Jazz’s legs off the mat and looks to be going for a leg lock. Jazz pulls her legs back and then pushes Victoria off and away. Victoria flies backwards, but gets right back up. Jazz gets up and Victoria charges her, but Jazz catches her with a huge spinebuster into the quick pin 1…2…kickout! Jazz gets up and signals for the end. Jazz picks up Victoria and sets her up for a powerbomb. She swings Victoria up and looks to go for it, but Victoria wiggles and rolls through into a roll up on the Women’s Champion pinning her 1…2…3!
WINNER: Victoria

King: WHAT!!!!!

JR: Victoria just got the roll up on the Women’s Champion!

Victoria gets her arm raised and laughs in Jazz’s face. Jazz gets up and chases down Victoria, but Victoria escapes and slides out of the ring.

JR: What an impressive showing by Victoria King! Looks like that old boot in the face by Jazz really sparked a fire under her!

King: That was really impressive, I can’t remember that last time someone beat Jazz, wow

Eric Bischoff is sitting at his desk and in comes Gail Kim.

Bischoff: Oh, Gail, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for a lovely young lady like yourself?

Gail: Well Eric, it’s pretty simple. Jazz beat me at Unforgiven for the Women’s Championship and since neither of us were the champ before hand, I think I deserve a rematch.

Bischoff: A rematch for the Women’s Championship? Gail Kim vs. Jazz huh?

Gail: That’s correct Mr. Bischoff.

Bischoff: Well, truth is Gail…I don’t think you deserve one.

Gail’s face freezes.

Bischoff: To be quite honest Gail, didn’t you just see that match? Victoria beat Jazz 1…2…3…something that you have never done. So Gail, I am sorry, you are just going to have to wait in line because, when I say “excitement,†I mean it. I made two matches earlier and right now I am making another. At Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, Victoria will challenge Jazz for the WWE Women’s Championship. I am sorry Gail…

Gail shakes her head and breathes heavily. She walks out.


Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp.

: Well folks, here he comes. Triple H was not here last week due to some personal issues he had to tend to, but he is here LIVE tonight. I wonder what he has to say!

HHH: Did you miss me? I am sorry I wasn’t able to be here last week, I had some problems that needed to be addressed, but I must say that I am totally bummed that I couldn’t be here last Monday. You want to know why? It tears me apart that I wasn’t able to be here because it was the night after Unforgiven, that very same night Evolution reigned supreme. You see, many of you may not know it, but at Unforgiven out of Evolution’s 3 matches, every single one of us came out victorious! Not like it was a surprise to me, but I bet my ass that it shocked all of you. “How can evil prevail?†“How can Triple H and Evolution be so dominant?†Hell, I will tell you. It’s quite simple actually, it’s on every single one of my t-shirts for starters, we are just that damn good. Take Kevin Nash for example. Nash isn’t…how do I say this…good. Kevin Nash couldn’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag. I told Kevin Nash the night he first came that he would bring all of it onto himself by setting foot back in, what is now, my ring. Guess what…for the past month and a half I proved myself to be right week in and week out. I have never, ever seen a run more crappier than Kevin Nash’s month he has been here in the WWE. I told Kevin Nash right to his face that he wouldn’t be able to compete in modern day wrestling. I was Kevin Nash’s friend, I was looking out for him, I didn’t want him getting hurt, but what happens? The stubborn bastard won’t listen to me! So…I beat his ass at Unforgiven, hopefully that taught him a lesson once and for all. Now, moving onto more important business, I get a call last Monday Night from none other than the Nature Boy Ric Flair telling me that I have a new Number One Contender. My first reaction was…â€I bet Kevin Nash wants another ass kicking,†but I was wrong. He told me about the entire Goldberg vs. Undertaker situation. I have to admit I was pretty impressed after I watched the match on replay last week. They really beat the hell out of each other. So, Goldberg is now the number one contender. Now, let’s get one thing straight…

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the curtain to a huge ovation.

: Wait a minute, looks like Goldberg wants to confront his future opponent a little earlier than Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular!

Goldberg: You know what sets you apart from everyone else besides that World title on your shoulder Triple H? You are the only one that is left in my path. Do you know what that means Game?

HHH: No, no I don’t Bill…

Goldberg: Triple H, that means one thing and one thing only…YOU’RE NEXT!!!

Triple H looks afraid looking Goldberg face to face and then a smirk comes upon Triple H’s face. The Game starts laughing in Goldberg’s face.

HHH: Listen Bill, just because the Undertaker was mildly intimidated by this whole “ex football player†mindset, doesn’t mean by any means that I am too. Goldberg, you can snort and spit and gag all you want, hell keep breathing that smoke for all I care, none of that matters when you step inside my ring, got that Billy? Don’t be stupid Goldberg, don’t be like Kevin Nash. I knew Nash couldn’t beat me and I am damn sure you can’t either, so how about you save us both some time and you just get out and don’t come back. Don’t risk getting embarrassed Goldberg, it isn’t worth it, just ask Kevin Nash! You can ask…

Goldberg: Has anyone ever told you, you talk way too much? Triple H, I went toe to toe with the Undertaker 2 days in a row and both matches have out done anything you have ever done in your entire career. If you think you can beat me so easily, I am standing right here. Let’s go! Come on!

JR: Looks like Goldberg wants his match tonight!

HHH: Be careful what you wish for “Billy†because you just might get it!

Triple H takes off his suit jacket and un-do’s his tie. He starts unbuttoning his cufflinks…

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Bischoff runs out of the tunnel with a hoard of security. The security slides in the ring and separates Triple H and Goldberg.

Sorry boys, I can’t have you two fighting each other tonight. We have to save that for Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular. Don’t worry though, because both of you can get your hands on one another tonight in our 8 Man Tag Main Event. Good luck gentlemen, now security! Make sure they part ways peacefully…

Goldberg exits the ring while Triple H gives him a death stare the entire time.

Kane is sitting in his locker room bobbing back and fourth like he is going crazy. In walks RVD.

RVD: Kane?!?!

Kane: …

RVD: How’s it going dude? I tried getting in touch with you for the past 2 weeks, what’s going on? You haven’t answered my calls, I didn’t see you last week, my locker room was trashed, I wanted to know if you were alright.

Kane: I am…alright Rob.

RVD: Um, well, alright, cool…I got a match with Christian coming up…so…you know; I’ll be back so we can talk. Is that cool?

Kane: Yes.

RVD: Alright…cool…I’ll see you soon.

JR: Hey King, does Kane seem a little “off†to you?

King: He has seemed a little “off†to me since the first day I set eyes on him.


Booker T and Chris Jericho are talking by the refreshment stands.

Y2J: So Booker, we need to crack down here. We have a huge title match at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular against 3 Minute Warning, got any ideas on how to beat them?

Booker: Well Chris, I take that one Samoan guy’s head…I crash it into the turnbuckle like this…ARGH!!! Yea sucka what you got now? Then I take the other Samoan guy’s head and drill him right between the eyes with a huge boot like this…BARARAHGHGG!!!! Yea yo punkass ain’t getting up anytime soon! Then I top it all off with a Spin-a-rooni all ova they assess!!!

Chris Jericho starts laughing.

: Yo man what yo problem? I am being serious!

Jamal and Rosey run up from behind and blindside the World Tag Team Champions. Jamal clocks Booker in the back of the head with a clothesline as Rosey grabs Jericho by the hair and pulls him back off his feet. Jamal stomps Booker to the ground over and over. Rosey picks up Chris Jericho by the hair and hurls him shoulder first into the wall. Jamal picks up Booker T and sets him up for a powerbomb. Jamal hurls him up and drills the 5 time WCW Champion down through the refreshment table with a powerbomb. 3 Minute Warning high five each other and walk away laughing.

JR: By God King! 3 Minute Warning have just destroyed the World Tag Team Champs! What carnage backstage, can anyone get back there? Check if they are alright! Hurry!

Christian’s music hits as Christian comes down the ramp to a terrible ovation.

: I am not going to say anything JR because I might get in trouble for what’s on my mind right now…

JR: I respect your decision, but I am not afraid to say that Christian is the poorest excuse for a WWE superstar I have ever seen and as far as I am concerned the man is a no good bastard!

RVD’s music hits as Rob Van Dam comes down the ramp.

: Go get him Rob!

Christian vs. RVD
Christian and RVD meet in the center of the ring and begin to talk trash to each other. It gets heated real quickly and Christian slaps RVD. RVD turns right back face to face with Christian and Christian smirks at him. They are nose to nose and RVD shoves Christian. Christian fires back, and then goes for a right hand, but RVD ducks and emerges behind Christian. Christian turns around and RVD unloads on him with a huge combination of chops, rights, jabs, and follows through with a huge spin kick toppling Christian. RVD covers Christian 1…kickout! RVD stands up and does a roundhouse leg drop onto the throat of Christian. RVD covers Christian again 1…2…kickout! RVD gets on Christian and starts unloading mounted punches repeatedly. The ref tries to get RVD off Christian, but can’t so he starts counting 1…2…3…4…Christian rolls over and now emerges on RVD dropping huge mounted punches and the ref counts again 1…2…3…4…RVD rolls back over and nails Christian with punches. The ref counts yet again 1…2…3…4…Christian rolls back over, but RVD rolls back. Both men roll over to the edge of the ring and both men fall out of the ring and onto the outside floor. They brawl left and right, back and fourth. RVD gets up as does Christian. They exchange blows, but Christian nails a quick drop toe hold onto RVD and RVD falls chin first on the ground. Christian stomps the hell out of RVD. Christian picks up RVD and bashes him skull first off the apron. Christian hurls RVD back into the ring as Christian slides in himself. Christian covers RVD 1…2…kickout! Christian picks up RVD and shoves him into the corner. Christian unloads back elbows to the face of RVD. Christian lifts RVD and puts him up onto the top turnbuckle. Christian starts laying out mounted punches to RVD’s skull one right after another 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…RVD starts fighting back with headbutts 1…2…3…4…and Christian falls back first off the top rope onto the mat. RVD turns his back and goes for a springboard moonsault off the top rope. RVD nails it perfectly onto Christian on the mat. RVD follows through with the cover on Christian 1…2…kickout! RVD gets up and taunts the crowd. RVD runs to the ropes and then cartwheels on the mat and goes for the Rolling Thunder, but Christian gets his knees up and they go right into Mr. Monday Night’s back. Christian stealthily rolls RVD up for the cradle pinning him 1…2…kickout! RVD gets up and Christian goes for a clothesline, but RVD ducks then hooks the arms on the way out and goes for the slide pin on Christian 1…2…kickout! RVD gets up quickly then lands another spinning leg drop on Christian. RVD points to the corner and signals for the 5 Star Frog Splash. RVD runs over to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. RVD goes for his finishing maneuver, but Christian rolls out of the way last minute and RVD crashes and burns. Christian gets up right away and kicks RVD square in the temple. RVD is laid out. Christian pounds on his chest then acknowledges his peeps. Christian picks up RVD and sets him up then executes his finishing move, the Unprettier. Christian covers RVD 1…2…3!
WINNER: Christian

King: Oh come on!

JR: Christian surprisingly victorious against RVD here, hard to believe that!

Christian runs out to the outside and retrieves two steel chairs from ringside. Christian slides both chairs into the ring and starts eyeing up Van Dam. He slides one chair under his head and signals for his famed Con-Chair-to. Christian lifts the other chair to execute the maneuver when…

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes running down the ramp and bombards the ring.

Kane runs into the ring and chases Captain Charisma out. Christian runs around the ring and up the ramp in fear of the Big Red Monster. He is still holding the chair and keeps running backwards.

JR: Christian is getting his ass out of dodge in a hurry King!

RVD cringes on the mat as Kane turns slowly around at Rob. Kane walks slowly up to RVD in a creepy type manner. Kane walks up to RVD and stands right over RVD. Rob looks a little afraid, but Kane extends his hand out to Rob and helps him up.

King: For a minute there I thought Kane was going to go all “unforgiven†on us!

Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and the Intercontinental Champion Batista are warming up in Evolution’s locker room. The World Heavyweight Champion Triple H walks in and they all freeze when he arrives.

HHH: Alright, listen here guys, tonight we have a huge 8 Man Tag Team match in the main event. Batista…we got Scott Steiner…Ric and Randy…we got Shawn Michaels AND Kevin Nash…but most importantly…we have Bill Goldberg. I can’t believe the way Goldberg treated me earlier in that ring tonight, so you know what we have to do? We have to do what Evolution does best! We have to cripple people!

Batista: Damn right.

Orton: We won’t let you down Hunter, you can count on that for damn sure. I am dying to get my hands on both Shawn and Nash. Tell ‘em Ric!

Flair: Woo! I got a knee that I am just waiting to drop on Kevin Nash’s throat! Woo! Wheelin’, Dealin’, Kiss Stealin’, Woo! I got another one for Shawn Michaels too, Woo! Limousine ridin’, Jet Flyin’, son of a gun! Nature Boy! Ric Flair! Woo!

Flair starts strutting in the locker room.

: Now that’s what I like to hear, let’s have a repeat of Unforgiven here tonight. I have something’s that need tending to, but I’ll see you guys out there later tonight.

Triple H starts walking out…he turns back around last minute.

: Oh, and if you happen to see Goldberg anytime before tonight’s match, don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do…


PROMO: Vince McMahon returns to make a HUGE announcement at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular!

Christian is packing up his car in the parking lot quickly. Jonathan Coachman comes up from behind to attempt to get a word from Christian.

Coach: Um, Christian, mind giving us a few words on what exactly you were trying to do to RVD out there earlier?

Christian: Listen Coachman, Captain Charisma never needs to explain his actions. However, since you asked so nicely I will give you a little insight to the genius mind that is Christian. It didn’t matter if my victim was RVD or anyone else for that reason. All that matters is that there was indeed a victim. You see because I have wasted too much of my precious career worrying and crying and bitching and moaning about Trish Stratus when I failed to realize that all my talent is going to waist. Coach, it doesn’t matter who, or how many superstars I am going to have to beat the absolute crap out of because I have my sights set on the top prize! Listen up Coach because Captain Charisma is talking here, listen closely, if Kane wants a piece of Captain Charisma, hell, at this point I am welcoming all comers, so how about you and me get it on right here on Raw next week? Huh buddy? Let’s see how tough you are Kane when you face me face to face!!!

Christian hops in his car and drives away leaving Coach in the dust.

: Christian wants more competition? Well, if that means getting his butt whooped more on a weekly basis than I am all for it!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J Chris Jericho quickly makes his way to the ring, walking with a purpose.

: Wow JR, Jericho looks pretty banged up from earlier tonight with that ambush from 3 Minute Warning backstage.

JR: I agree King, Chris Jericho doesn’t look like he is too good of shape, but just imagine what type of shape Booker T is in! He got sent through a table!

Y2J: 3 Minute Warning! Get your fatasses out here right now! You want to nail me and Booker from behind? Fine, but don’t think just because we got knocked off our feet means we will stay down! We are the World Tag Team Champs, we are the hottest thing going on Raw! So how about you get out here and we settle this, Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular is going to come a little bit early! Come on!

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as Jamal and Rosey emerge out of the curtain and stand at the top of the stage.

: What the hell is your problem? I knew you were stupid, but I still thought you understood English, apparently I was wrong. Well, at times like these you have to take action, and me being Chris Jericho, I don’t see any other way…

Chris Jericho hops out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp. He keeps walking up the ramp with his World Tag Team Championship belt in his hand ready to swing away. Eric Bischoff’s voice emerges and he walks through the curtain.

Bischoff: Chris, Chris, Chris, that’s what I don’t get about you. You are such a hot head, cocky, arrogant, I just don’t understand how you managed to be successful in this business. I suggest you should calm down and back up because if you take one step closer I might have to discipline you.

JR: Oh jeez…3 Minute Warning could do whatever they want, but god forbid Jericho tries something he gets “discipline,†what is that King?

Bischoff: Listen, if I would have known things went the way things went tonight, I would have booked some sort of match between 3 Minute Warning and you and Booker, Jericho, but I can’t see the future. So, next week, right before Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, we will have a little preview match for the World Tag Team title match. Next week right here on Raw we will have your tag team partner Chris, Booker T, taking on one half of 3 Minute Warning, coincidently the very man who sent him through a table, Jamal! Booker T takes on Jamal next week in, coincidently, a tables match!

Y2J: That’s great Bischoff, that’s real great, I can’t wait, but too bad I am not in the match, I want to beat the crap out of someone here tonight so what do you expect me to do?

Bischoff: Well Chris, I wasn’t done making my announcement. Right here, right now, you Chris Jericho will take on Rosey…and Jamal…in a 2 on 1 handicap match! Be careful what you wish for Chris, you might not even be able to see Booker’s match next week! Ring the bell!

JR: Good lord! Is he serious King?

Chris Jericho vs. 3 Minute Warning
Jamal and Rosey run down the ramp. They go for a double clothesline on Y2J, but Jericho ducks. Jamal and Rosey turn around and Jericho nails a perfect standing dropkick onto 3 Minute Warning. Both behemoths teeter, but don’t fall. Jericho gets up and starts wailing blows onto Rosey. He nails Rosey with numerous shots until Jamal yanks Y2J off of Rosey. Jericho back elbows Rosey in the face. Jamal breaks his grip and Jericho nails a forearm to the face of Jamal. Rosey runs up from behind and nails Y2J with a huge clothesline. Jericho goes down hard as Rosey stomps the hell out of him on the outside. Rosey picks up Jericho horizontally and rams him spine first into the steel ring post contorting his spinal cord around the post. Rosey keeps hold or Y2J and then tosses him into the ring. Jamal runs into the ring followed by Rosey and both members of 3 Minute Warning stomp the hell out of Jericho. Rosey picks up Jericho and holds him. Jamal starts unloading huge punches left and right clobbering Jericho. He nails him with rights to the head then lefts to the ribs. Rosey hurls Jericho to the mat as 3 Minute Warning raise their arms in pre-victory taunting the crowd. Jamal picks up Jericho and hurls him across the ring. Jericho bounces back right into a huge Samoan Drop by Jamal. Jamal covers Jericho 1…2…Jamal lifts Jericho’s shoulders off the mat. The fans boo him as Jamal picks Y2J up again. Jamal hurls Jericho to the ropes once more, but then he steps aside only for Rosey to step in. Jericho bounces back into a huge spinebuster by Rosey onto the Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rollah. A split second passes as Jamal bounces off the ropes and then plants a huge body splash on Jericho into the cover 1…2…3!
WINNER: 3 Minute Warning

JR: What a disgrace! That wasn’t necessary! It was bad enough they blindsided Jericho earlier tonight, Eric Bischoff knew Jericho wasn’t 100% but he made the match anyway! Seems like ever since Stone Cold left the old Eric Bischoff is rearing that ugly head of his yet again!

King: Well JR, let’s not forget Jericho was the one who came out and was begging for a fight, he begged 3 Minute Warning to come out. If you ask, it’s all Jericho’s fault!

JR: I would expect a lot of strange things out of you King, but the last thing I would expect is for you to side with 3 Minute Warning here!

King: Well JR, they were the most dominant tag team last summer, they lost their titles in a fluke, and they are just showing their craving for those belts!

Rosey slides out of the ring and walks over to the announcer’s table. He flips the black cover off of it and throws the monitors to the ground. He screams something in JR and King’s faces then runs back into the ring. Jamal stands on the outside apron right in front of the announcer’s table. Rosey picks up a wounded Chris Jericho and sets him up for a powerbomb. With Jericho on his shoulders he transfers him onto Jamal, who is standing on the apron. Jamal turns towards the announcer’s table.

JR: Oh Good lord King! Get out of the way! No! No! Don’t do it Jamal!

Jamal jumps forward, off the apron, and nails a huge standing powerbomb off the apron sending Jericho through the announcer’s table. The crowd gasps at once.

JR: No! No! No! I can’t believe what we have just witnessed! 3 Minute Warning is back and they are hungry. You’re right King! They want those belts and their actions tonight have proven that to a tee! I am speechless!

The EMT’s rush ringside and aid Jericho as Jamal and Rosey meet up at the ring laughing and pointing at Jericho. They walk up the ring high fiving each other the entire way up.

JR: I don’t know what sort of shape the World Tag Team Champions are in now. Booker was taken out earlier through a table as Jericho was pretty banged up backstage as well, but now that Jericho has been powerbombed through the announcer table, I have no idea if Jericho will be able to compete let alone walk on his own!


Evolution’s theme music hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair, the Legend Killer Randy Orton, the Intercontinental Champion Batista, and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H come down the ramp.

: Here comes four gentlemen that literally had a spotless 3-0 record at the Unforgiven PPV a couple weeks ago. Every member of Evolution defeated their opponent which is pretty impressive, if you look past the blatant interference that is!

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Sexy comes down the ramp.

: Talk about history between these two gentlemen.

JR: That’s right King, Kevin Nash has had many run ins with Scott Steiner in the old WCW, however who hasn’t Kevin Nash had a run in with, with his 3 tag team partners here tonight?

Shawn Michael’s music hits as the Showstopper comes down the ramp.

: However, out of all Nash’s teammates here tonight, this guy, Shawn Michaels is probably the one with the most history with Big Sexy.

King: You are missing the point here JR, we all know they have history with one another, but after that beating at Unforgiven, do you think Nash is fully recovered for this match tonight?

JR: That I am not sure of King, but…

Goldberg’s theme music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate to a thunderous ovation.

…what I am sure of is that the new number one contender is aiming for that very man who took Nash out at Unforgiven, the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, and Goldberg has a little more fuel to the fire by what transpired earlier tonight!

REPLAY: Triple H and Goldberg confrontation earlier tonight

JR: It got pretty heated earlier tonight and now that Triple H and Goldberg are across the ring from one another, who knows what might happen right here tonight in this blockbuster main event!

Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair) vs. Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Steiner
Batista and Shawn Michaels start off this huge contest. HBK circles the ring clapping his hands to get the fans behind him. The crowd starts clapping along as HBK and the Animal Batista lock up. HBK tries to push Batista back to the corner, but Batista’s power is just too much for the Showstopper to take and Batista uses his brute force to push HBK back to the corner. Batista starts shoveling out shoulder thrusts to the gut of HBK one right after another. Once the ref has seen enough he inserts himself between Batista and HBK pulling Batista off of him. Batista eases up, but walks right up to the face of HBK and slaps him right across the face. HBK shakes his head in disgust and slaps Batista right back. Batista goes to clothesline HBK, but Shawn ducks and Batista finds himself in the corner. HBK starts unloading hard chops onto the Animal in the corner one right after another. HBK steps back and tries to drag Batista by the arm to his corner, but Batista pulls HBK back in and clotheslines him, almost knocking his head off. Batista gets up and kicks HBK in the gut a couple times then drags him on the mat by the arm over to Evolution’s corner where Randy Orton is begging to be tagged in. Batista makes the tag to the Legend Killer and Orton comes into the match. He starts things off quick with a huge knee drop to the throat of HBK shades of his tag team partner, Nature Boy Ric Flair. Orton picks HBK up and knees him in the gut then pushes him off the ropes and across the ring. HBK bounces back as Orton goes for a clothesline, but HBK ducks and goes off the ropes once again. HBK bounces back and nails the Legend Killer with a huge flying forearm. HBK clocks Orton then springs up to his feet and begs Orton to get up. Orton gets to his feet slowly and HBK knocks him down with a huge hard chop. HBK points to Ric then nails him with yet another hard chop to the chest. Ric tries to run in off the apron, but the ref quickly inserts himself in Flair’s face and stops him. HBK chops Orton again and Orton goes down. Batista runs along the apron and has the reach to clothesline HBK. The ref runs away from Ric Flair and tells Batista to get back to his corner. Orton gets up and makes the tag once again to Batista. Batista runs in and drops an elbow to HBK. Batista turns HBK over and gets the mount. Batista slams HBK’s head against the mat repeatedly. Batista then follows through with a hook to the leg covering HBK 1…kickout! Batista is furious. He picks up the Showstopper and goes for a grapple move, but HBK quickly breaks out and grabs the Animal, nailing him with an Atomic Drop. HBK then clocks him with a right hand. HBK turns around and lunges in and tags in Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. Batista gets up and Scott runs in from behind and starts nailing him with blows. Batista is panicking getting destroyed by rights and lefts from Steiner. Steiner grabs him and hurls him into the corner. Scott Steiner charges the Animal and nails a big splash onto Batista. Steiner steps back and catches Batista falling out of the corner. Steiner hooks him and plants him with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Batista flops on the mat and rolls over to his own corner to tag in the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Flair runs in and Steiner boots him in the gut. Steiner nails him with a forearm across the back. Flair stumbles away from Steiner. Scott stays on the Nature Boy, but Ric turns around and nails a thumb to the eye of Steiner. Steiner holds his eyes as Ric Flair nails him with an arm drag. Steiner gets right back up only to get nailed with another arm drag by Flair. Steiner gets up yet again and Ric starts nailing him with hard chops. Scott takes one right after another and locks eyes with Flair. Flair smiles and starts apologizing. Steiner grabs Flair by the blonde locks and hurls him into his corner. Scott runs and sandwiches Flair in the corner and tags in Kevin Nash. Nash comes in and pounds the hell out of Flair in the corner. Nash yanks Flair out of the corner and twists his arm. Nash jerks the arm of Flair wearing him down. Nash twists Flair’s arm again flipping the Nature Boy onto his back. Nash doubles back off the ropes and back dropping a huge leg drop onto Ric Flair. Nash covers Flair 1…2…Orton runs in and breaks the count. Nash gets up and decks Orton. Orton stumbles over and onto the second rope. Nash runs and boots Orton in the face and Orton flies out of the ring onto the floor. Flair comes up from behind and rolls up the 7 footer 1…2…kickout! Flair drags Nash up and starts hard chopping him. Nash shoves Flair away. Flair charges Nash, but Nash grabs him by the throat. Nash walks forward holding Flair by the throat causing Ric to back up. Nash lifts Flair up for a chokeslam, but Batista runs in and nails a chop block on Nash. Flair gets back down and leaps over and tags in the Game. Shawn Michaels runs in and takes Batista up and over the top rope onto the outside floor. Orton attempts to run back into the ring, but Steiner hops off the apron and grabs him by the ankles, pulling him back out. Nash runs to his corner as the Game trails him. Nash beats the Game to the punch and tags in Goldberg. Triple H stops in his tracks as Goldberg runs into the ring. Triple H puts the brakes on, but Goldberg nails him with a clothesline. The crowd goes insane as chaos is breaking down. HBK is blasting Batista on the outside with hard chops, Kevin Nash is trying to walk off the knee jam, and Steiner is brawling with Orton on the foot of the ramp. Goldberg grabs Triple H and hoists him up onto his shoulder. Goldberg steps back and then takes off and plants the Game with a running powerslam. Goldberg roars to a thunderous ovation. Ric Flair runs into the ring and then Goldberg takes off and spears the Nature Boy straight out of his boots. Goldberg gets up and Triple H emerges with the World Heavyweight Championship belt. Triple H goes to hit Goldberg, but Goldberg ducks. Triple H turns back around and Goldberg nails him in the ribs with a knee. Goldberg sets Triple H up for the Jackhammer. Goldberg hoists him up and then lets him dangle awhile then powers him down with his devastating Jackhammer finisher. Goldberg covers the Game 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Steiner

JR: What a match! Triple H has fallen to Goldberg! Evolution has fallen to Goldberg! King! By God Goldberg was flawless in that match, Goldberg is basically untouchable right now!

King: Goldberg is a caged animal, but I have to agree with you JR that was damn impressive on Goldberg’s part!

Triple H holds his ribs in pain as Goldberg stands over him with utter chaos breaking out all around the ring. Goldberg picks the World title up and holds it high above his head.

JR: Could this be a precursor to things to come King? Can Goldberg defeat Triple H LIVE on Raw in 2 weeks at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular and become the World Heavyweight Champion?


WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III
A LIVE 3 Hour Edition of Raw FREE on SpikeTV!
2 Weeks away!





Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Raw Review

BM: Definitely the main event. It was very long and had great action throughout, and it hypes the huge Goldberg/ HHH match for the 3 Hour Spectacular, which BTW I can't wait for.

WM: I would say that the worst match would be the Handicap match between 3MW and Y2J, just because I hate to see Y2J get buried :p.

BP: This is a tough one as there were so many good promos, but I would say Bischoff's promo announcing the matches, as it has a huge importance and I am hyped for what the extra 'entertainment' is.

WP: There wasn't a bad promo, but I would just like to mention that I think Vince's announcement for the 3 Hour Spectacular is a Draft Lottery, so you can shake up the rosters a bit more.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Main Event is an obvious choice for the best match of the show. It was a great match with a lot of top-name stars. It delivered more than expected.

Worst Match: I'll have to say Jazz vs. Victoria. It was a diva's match and it really didn't interest me all that much. Writing-wise, it wasn't a horrible match. I jsut wasn't interested in it.

Best Interview/Segment: There are WAY too many great promos, man. I honestly cannot choose the best one. I loved the backstage promo with Evolution, the Christian/RVD segment and the Triple H/Goldberg segment, too. But if I have to choose one then I'm going with the Triple H/Goldberg segment. It was just a great segment and both were in character to me. And it added to the rivalry which is obviously a plus.

Worst Interview/Segment: There's rarely, if ever, a bad promo from you, man. Seriously.

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a great show. I loved the ME and I think you're building the feuds perfectly. Doesn't look like Jericho/Booker are going to be keeping the World Tag Team Championship for long. I wasn't very interested in the D'Lo/Maven feud but Maven's blatant DQ and subsuquent attack on D'Lo has me interested but let's see where you go from there. Victoria defeating Jazz gives her the momentum heading into the 3 hour special in two weeks and I'm curious as to what Gail Kim is going to do. I cannot see her not receiving a rematch. Maybe a Triple Threat Match? Well, the show was great and delivered like always. As I said, your building the feuds perfectly and I'm looking forward to next week and of course the three hour special. Keep up the good work, man.


BM: Main Event without a doubt!!! It was much better then the other matches and it had alot of action! Huge guys in the match and you wrote is really well. Nice job and that match spiced up a lot of things lol.

WM: Alot of the matches were to short imo, the womens match, the 3minute Warning match, they weren't bad but they were much to short.

BP: Well every single one of them was good as usual but pretty much every one of them that Bishoff spoke in was the best lol. They were all great and I really don't know what I liked most. Ill go with all of Ercis

WP: The Usual, N/A

AC: Yet Another good show XBA, the feuds get better and better as the weeks go on. Awesome promos as usual but this weeks matches weren't as good just because some were a little short but thats nothing to bad. Good show! Check out IPW if you want to.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Definitely the eight man tag. It made Goldberg look unstoppable and also added more to the other rivalries (Flair/Orton vs. Michaels, Steiner vs. Batista) just by them being involved in the match.

WM: Jericho vs. 3MW. I wasn't expecting this one to be a 60 minute four star classic, especially after the attack earlier.

BP: All of them were the standard high quality we expect from you. If I have to choose I'd have to say Triple H's in ring promo. Really set up the story told during the main event.

WP: Yeah right.

Line of the show:
Booker: Well Chris, I take that one Samoan guy’s head…I crash it into the turnbuckle like this…ARGH!!! Yea sucka what you got now? Then I take the other Samoan guy’s head and drill him right between the eyes with a huge boot like this…BARARAHGHGG!!!! Yea yo punkass ain’t getting up anytime soon! Then I top it all off with a Spin-a-rooni all ova they assess!!!

AC: Another great show heading into the 3 hour special. Maven and D'Lo is even interesting to me considering that Maven is desperate for a win and D'Lo wants to make his comeback a hot one. And obviously Goldberg vs. Triple H will be a war. This looks to be another huge show.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: Hands down the main event. I figured with this many 'stars' in the ring it would get bogged down, but you did a great job of keeping it moving and interesting.

WM: The 3MW squash of Y2J.

BP: Evolution backstage. Flair was hilarious as usual. He just babbles about random things and I don't think he is even in this world...which is about right for Flair.

WP: N/A...as usual.

AC: Come check out XCW, first new show in 2 weeks as I have been busy. Also, I know you always format this way, but with matches as long as that main event, i would highly suggest breaking it up (the format that is) with more commentary or something. The really really long paragraphs are sometimes difficult to read without a break. Overall another awesome show...8.5/10

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Definitely the 8 man tag main event, I've thought that Goldberg's team will win in this match but I was quite shocked seeing him take the cover on Triple H. Their match could at the Supershow will be good.

Worst Match: I'll go with Maven/DLo Brown since I didn't liked the two guys.

Best Promo: The Goldberg/HHH is my pick, it really hyped their feud eventhough HHH did most of the talking here.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Another great show from you XBA, I missed reading this BTB. I am interested on what will happen to Christian as who will defend Trish against him, maybe Edge will go to Raw? I am also curious about VKM's announcement, it could really be a draft lottery. I am looking forward to it.