OOC: This is my 5000th post and I am honored that it is in my BTB. Also, this is the first PPV I am making all the GFX for, props to Peepshow for carrying me this far

. Always appreciate my readers out there, hope you enjoy my 5000th post.
WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
VIDEO: Undertaker apologizes to Goldberg then begins to verbally rip him apart. Goldberg comes out and makes a B-Line for the Deadman. Taker gets out of dodge over the fan barricade and runs through the crowd. Goldberg gets pissed, but smiles then walks over to Big Evil’s chopper and revs it up and drives it up the ramp and out of the arena, stealing Taker’s motorcycle.
Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.
JR: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Raw! It’s Good Ol’ JR Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler here at ringside and boy what a show we got for you tonight!
King: That’s for sure JR! It was like a carnival last week! A surprise Hardcore match, a hectic main event, and Goldberg stealing the Undertaker’s motorcycle, can it get any crazier on Monday Nights
JR: That’s for sure King. We understand Undertaker will be live in that ring tonight and I could take a wild guess what he wants. Anyways, Kevin Nash took on Ric Flair in the main event last week, but it turned into a five man riot scene! Triple H accompanied Flair down to ringside, but was just present to interfere with the match, which than made HBK Shawn Michaels come out and even the playing field, but Evolution came in numbers as Randy Orton hopped the barricade with a chair in hand and leveled HBK! However, the tides would turn later on as Nash and HBK reunited to clean house! Which brings up to our main event…
King: It’s going to be Triple H, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton vs. HBK and Kevin Nash in a handicap match! Oh I can’t wait!
Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.
JR: However King, all that is going to have to wait, because right now we have our Intercontinental Championship match! The Animal Batista sure is going to have his hands full tonight!
Evolution’s music hits as the Animal Batista comes down to the ring ready to defend his Intercontinental Championship.
King: Batista is going to show everyone just why he is the Intercontinental Champion JR, he went face to face with Jeff Hardy in Hardy’s type of match, anything goes, and Batista almost crippled him! What makes you think Scott Steiner is going to put up more of a challenge?
JR: Well King, several guys can come to the table, but they all bring something different!
Intercontinental Championship
Batista* vs. Scott Steiner
Batista and Steiner stand dead center of the ring as they both start talking trash to one another. The ref holds up the Intercontinental Championship above his head and signals for the bell. Batista rips Steiner’s chain-mail headdress off and whips it out of the ring. Steiner slaps Batista. Batista goes for a knockout right, but Steiner blocks and connects with a right of his own. Steiner unloads right after right onto the Animal backing him up to the ropes then hurls him off the ropes across the ring. Batista bounces back and both men charge one another. They collide like freight trains, but neither man moves an inch. The fans cheer as Steiner unloads another right on Batista. Batista fires back with a right of his own. Steiner goes for another shot, but Batista blocks and nails Steiner with a knee to the gut. Batista hoists Steiner up on his shoulder, but Steiner follows through and slips out of the back landing behind the Animal. Steiner wraps his arms around Batista’s neck and locks in a headlock, but Batista quickly bends over getting Steiner on the side and in front of him. Batista pushes Steiner forward. Scott hits the ropes and bounces back. Batista goes for a big boot, but Steiner stops himself and catches the boot. Steiner mouths off at Batista then pulls the boot up causing Batista to fall on his back. Steiner keeps hold of the leg and flips Batista over locking in a half Boston crab. Batista struggles in pain and begins to crawl over to the ropes. Steiner goes deeper with the hold, but Batista reaches out and touches the bottom rope and grasps it. The ref tells Steiner to break and Steiner lets go. Batista slides out under the bottom rope to take a breather. Steiner won’t let Batista rest and pursues him on the outside. Scott chases the Animal down and nails him across the back with a clothesline. Steiner screams at Batista to get up. Steiner grabs Batista and hurls him into the ring. Batista gets to his feet and Steiner gets behind him and locks him in for a German suplex, but Batista shoots a back elbow to the face and Steiner lets go. Batista runs and delivers straight shoulder block to Big Poppa Pump. Steiner goes down and Batista shoots off and bounces against the ropes. Batista reaches Steiner and lands a huge knee drop. Batista sits Steiner up and locks in a rear choke. Steiner starts to fade. Steiner all of a sudden finds a bit of strength and stands up with Batista on his back. Steiner turns around and runs backwards and sandwiches Batista in the corner. Batista breaks the choke. Steiner walks out into the middle of the ring then runs back and delivers a straight boot to the face. Batista shows no life in the corner as Steiner lifts him up and sits him on the top rope. Steiner signals for the Franken-Steiner. Steiner climbs up to the ropes and is set to go for it, but Batista reaches up and grab Steiner by the throat. He grabs him and hoists him high above his head. Batista walks into the middle of the ring and drops him with a Guerilla Press. Batista roars to the crowd and then goes down to hook the leg on Steiner 1…2…kickout! Batista sits atop Steiner and starts unloading mounted punches one after another. Batista grabs Steiner’s head with both hands and slams it repetitively off the canvas. The ref tells Batista to stop, but Batista ignores him. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and the ref has to physically pull Batista off Steiner. Batista shoves the ref away and the referee gets in Batista’s face and reassures him that he is the ref, therefore the law. Batista charges Steiner, but Steiner nails him with a hip toss. Batista gets up and runs to Steiner, but Steiner scoops him and nails him with a belly to belly suplex. Steiner gets up and stalks the Animal. Batista gets up slowly and Steiner locks him in and shifts the hips nailing a huge German Suplex on the Animal. Batista gets up and Steiner grabs him. Scott shoots him across the ring. Batista hits the ropes, but hangs on. Batista gets out of dodge. Batista grabs his Intercontinental Championship from ringside and woozily walks to the ramp. Before Batista knows it Scott Steiner is standing at the foot of the ramp and decks him with a right. Batista stumbles and falls back leaning on the apron tossing the Intercontinental Championship into the middle of the ring, as Steiner keeps unloading on him. Steiner grabs him and swings him back into the ring. Steiner gets in the ring and gets on Batista’s back. Steiner locks in the Steiner Recliner on Batista. Batista starts panicking on the mat reaching for anything in sight. He grabs hold of the Intercontinental Championship from the mat with both hands and throws his arms up smacking Scott Steiner in the head with the belt.
WINNER: Scott Steiner by DQ
JR: Oh come on! What the hell is that?
King: That JR that is ring presence! What a veteran maneuver!
JR: Veteran my ass! That’s cheating if I have ever seen one! Batista knew he wasn’t getting out of that Steiner Recliner and decided to take the easy way out! Typical Evolution!
Batista gets up and grabs his Intercontinental Championship, laughs at Steiner, then walks off and out of the ring.
Steve Austin is sitting at his desk with his cooler watching the show.
Austin: Hey look, who’s that handsome son of a bitch on the TV?
Austin takes a drink to that, but then Eric Bischoff runs in.
Bischoff: Steve! Steve! We have to do something!
Austin: We, I thought we made it clear that you handle your own business, I handle mine, we don’t cross paths, make everything much easier on the both of us, but since I feel sorry for you, I will listen, now what the hell do you want?
Bischoff: Steve, this job isn’t a joke, I have feeling that once Undertaker and Goldberg arrive here tonight…something…bad is going to happen…
Austin: Eric, the worst thing that can happen is breaking your neck, and if I recall correctly, I broke my neck, have you ever broken your neck Eric? No. Didn’t think so. I wasn’t afraid then, and I am damn sure not afraid now. Undertaker and Bill Goldberg can rip each other’s heads off for all I care, if it gets ratings, that’s good. As a matter of fact, since you took it upon yourself to put Bill Goldberg in a match last week with Mark Henry spur of the moment, I think I should put Big Evil in a match tonight. Maybe a year or so back, as a matter of fact, it was right here on Raw, there was a…ladder match…for the Undisputed Championship, am I correct? Of course I am Eric, it had Big Evil in it, if I recall correctly, and he was pushed to the limit by his opponent. You know who his opponent was?
Bischoff: …
Austin: …I am not finished yet Eric! His opponent was Jeff Hardy. Hardy has been all about town lately in Falls Count Anywhere matches and Hardcore matches, and tonight I think he will main event Raw.
Bischoff: We got that handicap match Steve! Hardy can’t main event…
Austin: Jeff Hardy and the Undertaker WILL main event this show and that’s the bottom line because Stone Cold said so.
Bischoff shakes his head and walks out the door. Austin smirks behind Bischoff’s back.
Kevin Nash walks in.
Austin: Mr. Nash, damn good to see you, I have been expecting you, what’s your trouble?
Nash: Listen Steve, I came back here looking to have another good run, I have had two matches and I lost the first, and the second I won, by DQ. This all traces back to Evolution. What I am asking from you, is a match at Unforgiven, with Triple H.
Austin: Kevin Nash vs. Triple H at Unforgiven? I like the sound of that, plus, for all the trouble you have been through Kev in the past 2 weeks…you got yourself a World Heavyweight title shot at Unforgiven. How do you like the sound of that?
Bischoff runs back in.
Bischoff: A world title shot? Steve! Come on! You are killing Monday Night…
Nash turns towards Bischoff, towering over him.
Bischoff: Um…forget it, HHH vs. Nash? Fine, fine Steve. Oh and by the way Kevin, your match has been changed tonight, it’s not the main event, you can ask your boy Steve Austin about that…
Nash turns towards Austin and Bischoff runs away.
Austin: What? Can’t win them all Kev.
Terri is backstage with Gail Kim.
Terri: I am here with one of the two Divas that will clash at this year’s Unforgiven for the vacated Women’s Championship, Gail Kim. Now Gail, you have a huge match in 2 weeks with Jazz, what are your thoughts on getting a second chance for the Women’s Championship?
Gail: Well, Terri, you know just like every other Diva around here that there is always competition, it just so happens that my competition at Unforgiven is the toughest of them all. At Unforgiven I will go head to head with the most determined Diva in this locker room, Jazz. She went as far as to threaten management for that title, who knows what she has planned for me at Unforgiven. Whatever Jazz is going to bring to the table, I will be ready for it. If it means getting the Women’s Championship for the first time in my career, then so it be, I will stand toe to toe with Jazz in that very ring, look her dead in the eye and play every card I have! Jazz, you better be ready because I will be.
Gail walks away and Trish Stratus walks up to Terri.
Trish: Excuse me Terri…
Terri: Oh hey Trish, what’s going on?
Trish: I know, this is really getting old, but have you seen Christian anywhere?
Terri: No Trish, I have been looking everywhere for him, I can’t seem to find him…
Trish: Well if you do see him, tell him I am going to be at Unforgiven to call him out. We both have something to get off our chests and we can only do it face to face, and since CLB won’t show, I will tell him where I am going to be to make it “easier” on him.
JR: Trish calling out Christian at Unforgiven? Hmm, King, do you think Christian will finally show?
King: I wasn’t too sure about Christian from the minute he nabbed Trish. Let’s hope they finally meet at Unforgiven to settle the score!
3 Minute Warning’s music hits as Jamal and Rosey come down the ramp. They walk around the ring and stand ringside.
JR: Looks like Bischoff’s bodyguards are coming out to scope the competition!
RVD’s music hits as Mr. Monday Night comes to the ring.
JR: Here comes Mr. Monday Night Rob Van Dam who in 2 weeks will team up with his former friend Kane, I don’t know what kind of terms these two are on these days, but they will need to be on the same page come Unforgiven!
King: That’s right JR, they will collide with the World Tag Team Champions Booker T and Chris Jericho for the gold! I can’t wait!
Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.
King: Here comes RVD’s tag partner Kane. Kane hasn’t been that pleasant for the past couple of months, but I guess since RVD is so humbling, he sort of broke down the Big Red Machine, made him nicer, well for now anyways…
La Resistance’s music hits as Rob Conway and Rene Dupree come down the ramp.
JR: RVD and Kane will get to tag team right here tonight for the first time in 7 months. These two were quite the duo; let’s see if their chemistry still exists as they take on the Frenchmen!
Kane and RVD vs. La Resistance
RVD and Rene Dupree start the match off. RVD circles the ring and then runs in to lock up with Dupree. RVD quickly gets behind Dupree. RVD lands heel kicks to the sides of Dupree’s legs. Dupree turns around and RVD kicks him, but Dupree catches the kick. Dupree spins him around and RVD goes for a spin kick counter, but Dupree ducks. RVD spins one more time and goes down to kick Dupree behind the legs tripping him. Dupree falls on his back and RVD runs over him to the ropes. RVD bounces back, but Dupree gets up and connects with an arm drag. RVD pops up and charges Dupree again. Dupree nails him with another arm drag. RVD gets up again and charges Dupree, but Dupree shoots him up, but RVD counters into a head scissors takedown. RVD springs up as does Dupree and RVD levels Dupree with a spin kick. RVD grabs Dupree by the boot and drags him to his corner to make the tag to Kane. Kane comes in and picks up Dupree. Kane hurls Dupree across the ring and Rene bounces back straight into a huge sidewalk slam by the Big Red Machine. Kane covers Dupree 1…2…kickout! Kane grabs Rene Dupree and hurls him into the corner. Kane charges Dupree and nails him with a big boot in the corner. Kane backs up and Dupree stumbles out straight into Kane who grabs Dupree by the throat. Kane talks trash to Dupree as Conway runs in from the apron and nails Kane from behind with a forearm to the back of the head. The ref tries to force Conway back to the apron, but Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane swings the arm over the shoulder and hurls Conway up high and walks over to the ropes and dumps Conway with a chokeslam onto the floor from the ring. Dupree gets up and charges Kane, but Kane shoots him up and over the top rope with a backdrop and Dupree crumbles onto Conway on the outside. Kane turns around and points to RVD. RVD hops over the top rope and bounces off the ropes towards La Resistance on the outside. RVD flies up and over the top rope into a huge cross body onto La Resistance on the outside floor. RVD gets up and does his signature R-V-D taunt as Kane exits the ring and picks up Rene Dupree. Kane nails him with an uppercut and hurls him back into the ring. Jamal and Rosey look onto the action surprised by how dominant Kane and RVD are. Dupree tries to crawl away but Kane picks him up and grabs him by the throat looking for the chokeslam.
World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and Booker T emerge out of the curtain at the top of the ramp.
JR: Wait a minute, there are the World Tag Team Champs, what are they doing out here?
King: Well JR, they are facing Kane and RVD at Unforgiven, other than that, I think they are out here for the same reason as 3 Minute Warning, to scope the competition!
Kane gets distracted by Y2J and Booker and Dupree lands a right then breaks Kane’s choke. Dupree kicks Kane in the gut and puts him in the front face lock into a straight DDT. Dupree covers Kane 1…2….kickout! Dupree drags Kane back to his corner and stands him up in the corner. Dupree tags Conway in. Conway lifts Kane onto the top rope then climbs up after him. Conway looks to be setting up for a superplex to the Big Red Machine, but Kane quickly counters with a devastating uppercut. Conway hops off the ropes and holds his face. He regains his senses and turns back around only to get nailed with a top rope clothesline from the Big Red Machine. The fans pop as Kane signals for the Chokeslam. Conway gets up and Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane hurls him up and drops him to the mat with a chokeslam. RVD hops on the top rope and Kane runs over and tags him. RVD jumps off the top rope connecting with the 5 Star Frog Splash into the cover on Conway 1…2…3!
WINNER: RVD and Kane
JR: Looks like the band is back together and they haven’t missed a beat! RVD and Kane victorious here on Monday Night Raw!
King: What a good showing by Kane and RVD, nice teamwork! However, I am not too sure how their teamwork will fair against Y2J and Booker T at Unforgiven JR!
Y2J: Hey, hey, hey, alright, cut his music monkeys! Now I assume everyone can agree that was a pretty impressive victory boys, am I right? Well too bad your little “reunion” will only last 2 very short weeks until we, as in the one and only B-Teezie and the Sexy Beast Y2-Jeezie…Book, come on, do we have to call ourselves that? Seriously?
Booker: It’s all ready on our t-shirts dog, we the hottest thing at WWE Shopzone, roll with it sucka!
Y2J: Fine, fine, anyways, as I was saying. Your glorified return to tag team wrestling will only be alive and kicking for 2 short weeks because at Unforgiven, we end it! Kane! You have been a pain in our asses for months now, and RVD I don’t know where in the blue hell you came from, but, you most likely brought this onto yourself! If I were you, I would train, train, train, until you can’t train anymore. You see, in singles competition Y2J and Booker T hold the W’s over Kane and RVD, so that definitely puts the odds in our favor!
Booker: Yo! Look here man! What Chris is trying to say is that Booker T and Chris Jericho, the Tag Team Champions of the World, will beat your punkasses at Unforgiven and that’s all we have to say about that, now can you dig that…sucka!!!!???!!?!?!?
King: Big talk all of a sudden in the tag team rankings, there are 4 world class tag teams out here JR, but only two will clash at Unforgiven, those being Y2J and Booker vs. Kane and RVD, I can’t wait!
Austin is still sitting at his desk sipping on another beer as Scott Steiner kicks down his door in a fit of rage.
Steiner: What the hell is going on here Steve! Did you see my match? What the hell…
Austin: Hey! Hey! Hey! Calm the hell down…
Steiner: Batista purposely got himself DQ’d! That son of a bitch!
Austin: Shut up! Shut the hell up Scott I can’t understand a damn thing you are saying. Now…conduct yourself like a gentleman when you are in my presence, thank you.
Steiner: I hear you are the guy handing out title shots.
Austin: Yea that’s me.
Steiner: Well how about doing me a little favor and penciling me in as Batista’s opponent at Unforgiven for the Intercontinental strap?
Austin: So you want Batista at Unforgiven? Why should I give Big Poppa Pump a title shot? What makes you stand out? What makes you different than anyone else?
Steiner: Steve, I took Mark Henry, the World’s Strongest Man 2 out of 2, I have the largest arms in the world, and most of all I can’t stand Evolution. I came to you rather than Eric Bischoff because I believe in you Steve. Eric is in this all for himself, he wouldn’t give a guy like me a title shot, it’s the same crap from WCW, so what do you say Steve?
Austin: Alright, Scott, don’t disappoint me at Unforgiven you hear me? Let’s go a step further…
Steiner: What do you mean?
Austin: Batista purposely got himself DQ’d earlier tonight right? Well how about if Batista gets himself disqualified or gets counted out, he forfeits his title?
Steiner: Sounds perfect.
Steiner and Austin shake hands.
Steiner: Thanks again Steve.
Steiner walks out and Austin rolls his eyes and laughs. He sits down and keeps watching the TV.
Austin: This job gets easier and easier every damn day.
Coach is backstage with Big Evil, the Undertaker.
Coach: I am here with…
Undertaker grabs the mic out of Coach’s hand and grabs his throat. Taker pushes Coach back up to the wall and get in his face.
Taker: Listen Coachman, as far as you’re concerned, and everyone else is concerned, this show is now under lockdown. Goldberg has something that belongs to me and by the end of tonight, my yard will be all mine once again, Goldberg or no Goldberg! Tonight, this game ends! When Goldberg sets foot in this arena, I will know it, but there is a man who is in far more danger than Bill Goldberg, that man is Jeff Hardy. Listen kid, you might be the hottest thing going here on Raw, but son, I am the Deadman, if you try me…I’ll make you famous…but you have to live long enough to become famous. See you in that ring kid…
Taker walks away and lets Coach go.
Evolution’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H comes down the ramp along with the Legend Killer Randy Orton and the Nature Boy Ric Flair.
JR: Well ladies and gentlemen, thanks to Co-GM Stone Cold Steve Austin; we are getting this main event quality match up a little earlier than expected as Evolution takes on the team of Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash!
King: I think that HBK and Nash don’t have a chance. Look at Evolution JR! 8 time World Champion, and current Champ, Triple H, the 16 time Champion Ric Flair, and future multiple time World Champion, the Legend Killer Randy Orton! It’s a handicap match on top of it! Come on, it’s a no brainer!
Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Sexy comes out of the gate and stands at the top of the ramp.
HBK’s music hits as HBK comes out and does his pyro in the “Dudes” pose along with Kevin Nash.
JR: Just a little flashback to the 90’s ladies and gentlemen! HBK and Kevin Nash tagging up here tonight, what a treat this is going to be!
King: After what happened last week right before Raw went off the air, this is sure to be a slobberknocker as you would put it right JR?
Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton
Kevin Nash and Randy Orton start off the match. Nash talks to HBK with his back turned to Orton and Orton runs out of his corner and ambushes Nash from behind with vicious shots. Nash stumbles away from his corner along the ropes. Orton knees him in the gut and bounces him across the ring, but Nash counters and hurls Orton across the squared circle. Orton bounces back and Nash goes for a clothesline, but Orton ducks. Orton stops and stands right behind Nash. Kevin Nash turns around and Orton slaps him clear in the face. Kevin Nash stops then smiles and laughs. Nash pretends to deck Orton, but stops before he hits him and Orton flinches. Orton gets back in Nash’s face and Nash raises his hand above Orton’s head and says…
Nash: You have to be at least this tall to hang with me buddy.
Orton goes for a right, but Nash blocks and nails Orton with a headbutt. Orton stumbles backwards and onto the ropes. Nash kicks him in the gut repeatedly and Orton flies out of the ring through the ropes. Orton starts screaming at Nash then he tells the ref to keep Nash back. HBK creeps up behind Orton. He taps him on the shoulder and Orton turns around and gets scared and runs into the ring. Orton backs up screaming at Michaels then turns around into a straight clothesline by Big Sexy. Nash picks Orton off the mat and hoists him on his shoulder. Nash runs towards his corner and hurls Orton onto the top turnbuckle. Nash tags in HBK. Nash grabs Orton and hurls him across the ring. Orton bounces off the ropes and the Game makes the blind tag. Orton bounces back right into a dropkick by HBK. HBK covers Orton, but the ref tries to tell him Orton isn’t the legal man. By the time HBK realizes it, HHH comes in and drops an elbow on HBK. Triple H picks up HBK and nails him with a hard chop. Triple H pulls Michaels into a side mounted headlock. HBK tries to get out, but Triple H tightens the hold. HBK shoves the Game forward to break the hold, but the Game puts the weight on and keeps the hold intact. HBK lifts the Game up and nails a backdrop breaking the hold. HBK gets up and woos to Ric Flair then grabs Triple H’s leg looking for the Figure Four. He shoots for it, but Triple H kicks HBK away. Triple H gets up and HBK charges him and the Game nails a hip toss to the Showstopper. Triple H tells HBK to get up. HBK gets up and charges the Game. Triple H goes for a clothesline, but HBK ducks. The Game turns around and HBK kicks him in the gut. HBK bounces off the ropes and nails a swinging neckbreaker on the Game. HBK covers the Game 1…kickout! HBK runs over and tags in Kevin Nash. Nash climbs over the top rope and walks into the ring. Triple H gets up and turns around and looks at Kevin Nash staring him in the face. Triple H starts backing up and tags in the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Nash rolls his eyes and locks up with the incoming Nature Boy. Nash gets behind Flair, but Flair quickly gets behind Nash and locks in a hammer lock. Nash swings his arm back and around the Nature Boy’s neck into a huge headlock into a headlock takedown. Nash gets up and doubles back off the ropes. Nash comes in and lands a huge leg drop onto Nature Boy Ric Flair. HBK leans in and wants a piece of Ric Flair. Nash shrugs his shoulders and walks over to HBK and tags him in. HBK runs in and Flair gets up. HBK goes for a clothesline on Flair, but Ric ducks. HBK bounces off the ropes and Flair turns around and HBK nails him with his signature flying forearm. HBK pops up and tells Flair to get up. Ric gets up and HBK lays him out with a left. Flair gets up again and HBK nails him with an Atomic Drop. Flair cringes in pain and HBK plants him with a bodyslam. HBK points to the corner as the crowd stands on their feet. HBK climbs the corner and signals for the elbow. Orton runs along the apron and starts messing with and distracting Michaels. HBK tries to shake him off, but Flair comes in and hurls HBK up and off the top rope. Flair bounces off the ropes and lands a huge knee drop on HBK. Flair grabs HBK by the ankle and pulls him into Evolution’s corner. Flair tags in Randy Orton. Orton smirks and stomps the hell out of HBK on the mat. Orton places HBK throat first on the bottom rope. He steps on HBK and pulls up on the second rope blatantly choking the Showstopper. The ref tries to force a break but Orton won’t let go and the ref counts 1…2…3…4…Orton breaks the hold. Orton flips HBK over and grabs him by the legs, looking to pull him into the center of the ring, but HBK kicks Orton away. HBK stumbles up and Orton charges him, but HBK nails a drop toe hold grounding Orton. HBK leaps over and tags in Kevin Nash. Nash runs in to a huge pop from the crowd and plants an elbow drop to the spine of Orton. Nash grabs Orton by the head and picks him up. Nash hurls Orton across the ring. Orton bounces back and Nash sends him up and over with a backdrop. Orton cringes but crawls over to his corner and tags in the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Triple H runs in and collides with Nash. They lock up. Triple H knees Nash in the gut and hits him across the back with a forearm. Nash stumbles away and Triple H pits him in the corner. Triple H nails Nash with shot after shot. Triple H whips Nash out of the corner, but Nash counters and hurls the Game, but pulls him back last second and hurls him up and throws him down to the mat chest first. Nash steps over the Game. Nash smiles and picks Triple H up and sets him up for the Jackknife. Triple H counters and pulls Nash’s legs out from underneath him. The Game goes for Ric Flair’s Figure Four, but Nash kicks the Game forward and Triple H flies face first into the second turnbuckle. Triple H gets up and walks back towards Nash. Big Sexy grabs him by the throat and sets him up for a chokeslam. Ric Flair and Randy Orton run into the ring to try and stop it, but HBK jets out of the corner and nails a huge double flying clothesline taking down Evolution. The ref tries to sort out the madness as Triple H low blows Kevin Nash. The Game sets Nash up for the Pedigree, but HBK comes in and makes the save with Sweet Chin Music. Triple H teeters, but Nash tucks him away and sets him up for the Jackknife. Nash hurls him up and connects on the Game with his signature finisher. Nash covers the Game 1…2…3!
WINNER: Kevin Nash and HBK Shawn Michaels
JR: What a match! What a match! HBK and Nash victorious!
King: This was quite the meeting here tonight JR! Evolution has fallen to the likes of HBK and Nash, if you ask me; there were some dirty tactics all over this match.
JR: Tell me about it King, but too bad they didn’t pay off for Evolution…
King: Evolution? I was talking about Nash and Michaels.
JR: Oh just drop it King, I don’t feel like it right now, what matters most is HBK and Nash got revenge on Evolution right here tonight, but the battle is won, and the war still awaits for both sides at Unforgiven!
Evolution meets up at the ramp and walks up retreating from HBK and Nash. The crowd goes crazy as HBK and Nash high five in the ring.
Coach is backstage in Eric Bischoff’s office.
Coach: Excuse me Boss…you wanted to see me?
Bischoff: Yes Coach, you are exactly who I wanted to see. Listen, since Steve doesn’t want to listen to a damn thing I have to say, fine, I will take matters into my own hands because after all this show is in fact 50% mine. Listen, I want you to do me a favor, when Goldberg arrives you track him down and I want him in my office ASAP, understand? Oh, and Coach, if you just happen to bump into the Undertaker, can you please tell him that the Goldberg situation is being taken care of? Thanks.
Coach: You want me to “look” for Goldberg, the most violent man on Raw?
Bischoff: I don’t think I stuttered Coach, now get a move on!
Coach sighs deeply and walks out of the office.
Jazz's music hits as Jazz comes down the ramp.
JR: Telling by these people's reaction, Jazz is certainly not the crowd favorite here tonight!
King: They are just jealous she is the total package, she is quite the athlete JR.
Stacy Kiebler's music hits as Stacy comes down the ramp.
JR: I really feel sorry for poor Stacy here King, she is WWE's Babe of the Year, but they are throwing her into the Lion's Den here tonight against Jazz!
Stacy Kiebler vs. Jazz
Jazz walks around the ring eyeing up Kiebler like a vulture eyes it's prey. Stacy looks afraid as she stands in the middle of the ring. Jaz jumps in and Stacy flinches. Jazz backs off and laughs at Stacy. Jazz walks up to Stacy and starts flicking her blonde locks. Jazz grabs her by the hair and Stacy starts to scream. Jazz hurls her by the hair across the ring. The crowd boos as Jazz basks in her dominance. Jaz walks up to Stacy and kicks her while she is down. Stacy gets up and Jazz grabs her and nails her with a belly to belly suplex. Stacy lies motionless on the canvas as Jazz walks back towards her. The ref tries to get her to stop, but Jazz grabs her violently and sets her up for the powerbomb. Jazz sets her up and drills Stacy Kiebler down to the mat with a powerbomb. She follows through with the hook to the leg 1...2...3!
JR: That was terrible!
King: Tell me about it, I hope Stacy's not hurt, she is too pretty to be injured! I think my mind has changed about Jazz, she is no good JR!
JR: Tell me about it King, tell me about it...
Coach is walking around looking for Goldberg. He happens to walk past Stone Cold in the hallway. He stops and calls Steve.
Coach: Hey Steve! Got a minute?
Austin: For you Coachman, no, no I don’t sorry…
Austin goes to keep walking. Coach runs after him. He taps him on the shoulder.
Coach: Come on Steve! We go way back, I just got a question for you? …please?
Austin: Rule number one…don’t touch me….rule number two…men don’t beg. However, you have waisted enough of my time, what’s another couple seconds, you got ten…starting…now….
Coach: Have you seen Goldberg?
Austin: I got to admit Coach, I thought you were going to waist my time. Coach, all these years I thought you didn’t have a set, hell, kid, you are looking for the most dangerous man in the locker room, but sorry, can’t tell you anything, I haven’t seen him all night.
Coach: Oh, alright, well thanks anyway Steve…wait…what are you talking about Steve? Me, “not having a set” after all these years? I am the Coach! The Coach!
Austin: The Coach? Hell kid, you never see the Coach playing in any game, he just yells orders, and nobody knows what the coach brings to the table. Sure he has the smarts when he isn’t doing jack, throw him out in the line of fire and the Coach cracks like glass. I got an idea Coach, since you are looking for Goldberg, how about you go out there in front of all those people and…call out…Bill Goldberg.
Coach: Call out? Goldberg? Umm…
Austin: Listen Coach, you aren’t fooling anybody, why are you obeying Bischoff, that is who put you up to this right? Well you can go tell Eric Bischoff, that Stone Cold Steve Austin is dealing with the Goldberg situation, as a matter of fact, go deliver that message to Bischoff for me…
Coach: Oh, alright, I’ll do that right now…
Austin: Hey, hey, the ring is that way! You can talk to Bischoff anytime, kid, those people came to see Bill Goldberg, now don’t disappoint the fans!
JR: Haha, good old Stone Cold Steve Austin, always wanting to make the fans happy.
King: Happy? Coach has a death wish all thanks to Austin! You’re laughing at this JR? You should be ashamed!
Jonathan Coachman walks out of the gate and down the ramp to a horrible ovation.
King: Is this for real JR? Is Coach going to call out Goldberg right here right now?
JR: Well he got his orders from General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin!
King: Co-GM JR, he doesn’t have to do a damn thing that rattlesnake tells him, he could have just went with his orders from Eric Bischoff.
Coach: (shaking) Um…I…I…am…
The fans boo him.
JR: Oh lord, this is going downhill fast…
Coach: …I am here to…here to…I am here to call out…call out…Bill Goldberg? Um, I don’t know if you’re busy Bill, if you are I can just…
Goldberg’s music hits.
JR: Don’t call out someone thinking they won’t show Coach, this is WWE and anything and everything does indeed happen! Business is about to pick up ladies and gentlemen.
Goldberg rolls through his pyros on Undertaker’s motorcycle as the crowd pops.
King: He is still in possession of Taker’s motorcycle? They didn’t arrest him yet? What is going on here? This is terrible.
Goldberg rolls down the ramp and around the ring and parks Taker’s bike by the foot of the ramp. Goldberg gets off and walks into the ring and stands across the ring from Coach. Goldberg stares daggers at Coach. Coach is scared and continues to shake. Coach drops the microphone in fear.
JR: Oh lord, it looks like Coach is going to faint…or…wait….
A stain starts seeping through Coach’s pants.
King: Is that? Hahahah! Coach wet his pants! This is great!
Coach starts tearing up. Coach starts backing up and Goldberg says…
Goldberg: You wanted me…you got me…now…YOU’RE NEXT!
Goldberg charges Coach and spears him out of his shoes.
Goldberg gets up and roars to thunderous ovation. Goldberg walks over into the middle of the ring and picks up Coach’s mic.
Goldberg: Hey Taker, you want your chopper back? Well, its right down here, how about you get your ass down here and we finish what you started at Summerslam?
JR: Coach called out Goldberg and now Goldberg is calling out Taker!
Goldberg: Let’s go Deadman, I don’t have all night!
Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil walks out of the gate.
King: It is judgment day for that man Goldberg JR, Undertaker said the show was being put on lockdown earlier tonight for this very reason. Wait, Undertaker has a microphone.
Taker: Bill Goldberg! Listen here kid, you have something I want, that little baby right down there. Now I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. I am sick of beating around the bust here Bill.
Goldberg: Hold on Taker. Are you saying all of this is my fault? You taking me out in the Elimination Chamber right before I was going to beat Triple H’s ass and get my gold, after you got eliminated? That was my fault? You beating the crap out of my Porsche 2 weeks ago? That was my fault?
Taker: Listen here, I don’t care who was right or wrong, however, you brought hell upon yourself Bill. So how about you take my back and drive it up here and hand it over to me and we can all go peacefully.
Goldberg: I have a different approach. How about you come down here and take it!
Taker: Goldberg, take it from me, and all these morons here in Milwaukee can probably vouch, you aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. If you think I am stupid enough to come down there just because you “tell me to,” You have another thing coming.
Goldberg: Hey, it’s your decision whether you come down here or not, I can respect that, but maybe…
Goldberg slides out of the ring and then walks towards Taker’s motorcycle. He unlatches the very same baseball bat from Taker’s motorcycle that Big Evil used on Taker’s car.
Goldberg: …just maybe, I can change your mind.
Goldberg takes aim at Undertaker’s motorcycle and points the bat.
Taker: Don’t do anything stupid Bill, you might regret it.
Goldberg smashes the side mirror off Taker’s bike with the bat.
JR: Oh good lord! Goldberg showing no remorse in destroying Taker’s motorcycle much like Taker destroying Goldberg’s car!
Taker sort of nudges like he is ready to go down there, but he stops himself and steps back shaking his head at Goldberg. Goldberg swings the bat again and smashing in Taker’s headlight.
King: This must be tearing Undertaker apart!
Goldberg drops the bat and stares up at Undertaker. Taker seems like it doesn’t bother him. Goldberg looks to the crowd and shrugs his shoulder. He opens the side compartment on the bike and pulls out a spray can. Goldberg shakes it up and roars at Taker. Goldberg kicks the kickstand out from under the bike and the bike falls out. Goldberg pops the cap off the spray paint bottle and goes to work spraying the bike blue. The crowd loves it as Taker starts walking down the ramp, but he stops halfway down and takes a few steps back. He throws his hands up like it doesn’t bother him, but Goldberg shrugs his shoulders again and throws the can down. Goldberg reaches in the same compartment and pulls out a container of lighter fluid. The crowd gasps as Taker takes his sunglasses off in shock and starts to worry.
King: Is he?
JR: He is not gonna…no…Goldberg, Bill, think about this for a second…
Goldberg douses the motorcycle in lighter fluid and then drops the bottle. Goldberg reaches in his pocket and takes out a lighter. The fans start to cheer. A familiar voice is heard…
Eric Bischoff comes out of the gate and power walks down the ramp.
Bischoff: Damnit! Stop, stop right there, I won’t have any of this! Drop that lighter Goldberg…now!
Goldberg puts the lighter back in his pocket and starts laughing.
Bischoff: Taker you stay where you are, if you step any closer you will be suspended indefinitely! Goldberg get in that ring, I will deal with you in a minute! Let’s get some security out here…now!
Security files out of backstage and makes a line between the ramp and the ring. Bischoff walks into the ring.
Bischoff: Listen, you two have taken up enough damn airtime for the past couple weeks and tonight…it stops! I said earlier tonight, the Undertaker/Goldberg situation would be under control, and it…
Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music hits as Austin walks down the ramp, pushing Undertaker aside and walks through the security line into the ring.
Austin: Hey Eric…Bill…Taker all the way up there, hope you’re all having a “dandy” night, hell I smell lighter fluid down there by Taker’s bike, Deadman, better have that checked out…that’s not why I came out here. I came out here for the very same reason you did Eric, I told Coachman, wherever in the hell he went, that I had the situation under control. If you want to see Bill Goldberg and Undertaker beat the hell out of each other, let me get a hell yea!!!
Austin: Therefore, at Unforgiven, Undertaker will take on Goldberg one on one, but this time, there must be a winner! Last time these two met, the only time these two met, back in July, there was no clear cut winner, well I don’t care how it gets done, but there will be a winner at Unforgiven in 2 weeks!
Bischoff: Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing? I was going to announce that match!
Austin: Hey, what can I say, I guess great minds think alike, but I didn’t know you had one.
Bischoff: You might have made the match at Unforgiven, but how about this, next week right here on Raw, Goldberg will face the Undertaker in…PICK YOUR POISON! That’s right, what a treat it will be to see both of these titans wrestle LIVE on Raw as they pick their opponents!
Austin: Hell Eric, you impress me every damn minute, it’s on LIVE next week on Raw, now we got to go to commercial break, but when we come back, we will get all this crap out of here and Undertaker is going to face Jeff Hardy, and that’s the bottom line because Stone Cold said so!
JR: You heard it from the Texas Rattlesnake ladies and gentlemen! Hardy vs. Taker coming up next in our main event! Don’t go anywhere!
JR: Well ladies and gentlemen; it sort of broke down here moments ago as Goldberg was destroying Taker’s motorcycle. Bill was about to light it on fire, but Eric Bischoff came out and stopped what could have escalated into a major situation, he was going to make an announcement until Stone Cold came out, interrupting Bischoff, and announced Undertaker vs. Goldberg at Unforgiven! However, Bischoff struck back and made PICK YOUR POISON next week Goldberg vs. Undertaker! That means each man chooses the other’s opponent! What a night next week is going to be, but there you see security escorting Bill Goldberg out of the arena and the Deadman is in the ring ready for action against this man…
Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Hardy comes out of the gate and down the ramp.
King: Let’s keep in mind the last time these two went one on one was more than one year ago as Undertaker was the Undisputed Champion and Jeff Hardy was the challenger and it was contested in a ladder match! That match will surely go down as one of the greatest Raw matches ever, but this one just might by pass it!
JR: If there’s one thing we know about Jeff Hardy, he takes on all challenges and goes into those challenges head first. He took on Batista at Summerslam, Falls Count Anywhere, stole the show! He took on Randy Orton just last week in a hardcore match, stole the show yet again! This is sure going to be a test for Hardy however, going up against Big Evil, the Undertaker!
King: One thing is for sure, Undertaker is already in a bad mood after what just transpired with his motorcycle! It’s not going to be pretty!
Jeff Hardy vs. the Undertaker
Undertaker comes out swinging as soon as the bell rings. Taker starts to box Hardy into the corner. Taker goes for a right, but Hardy ducks and gets behind Taker. Hardy nails a right to Taker, but Taker doesn’t budge and just stares right through Hardy. Hardy goes for another right, but Taker blocks and grabs Hardy by the throat and hurls him into the corner. Undertaker unloads soup bowl like shots to the stomach and ribs of Hardy in the corner. Taker backs up and then runs towards Hardy and bulldozes him into the corner. Taker grabs Hardy by the arm and nails a shoulder block. Undertaker lets go and pulls him back in again into another shoulder block. Taker twists the arm and moves towards the corner for Old School. Taker gets to the ropes, but Hardy breaks out and nails elbows to Taker’s ribs. He gets vertical and unloads on the Deadman. Taker turns his back on Hardy then shoots a back elbow to the face of Hardy. Hardy cringes and backs up. Hardy regains himself and charges Taker, but Big Evil lands a huge clothesline on Hardy. Taker drags Hardy up by his hair and sets him up for a suplex. Undertaker sends him up and lets him hang for awhile, but all of a sudden Jeff Hardy counters into a huge DDT. The crowd goes crazy. Hardy gets up and is shocked that worked. Hardy starts stomping the Deadman down to the ground, but it won’t stop Taker from getting up. Taker gets up and nails an elbow to the gut of Hardy. Taker throws Hardy across the ring. Hardy bounces off the ropes and Taker tries grabbing him, but Hardy goes down and slides between Taker’s legs. Hardy gets up and dropkicks Taker’s back and Taker flies forward onto the second rope. Hardy runs and swings over the top rope and nails a leg drop onto the head of Taker hanging him up throat first on the second rope. Hardy pushes Taker off the rope and slides back into the ring for the cover 1…kickout! Taker sits up and Hardy begins nailing him with shots, but Taker pushes him away. Hardy runs back towards Taker and Big Evil grabs Hardy by the throat. Taker trash talks him, but Hardy counters and kicks Taker in the gut. Hardy sets up for the Twist of Fate, but the Deadman counters and hurls Hardy up and over onto his back. Taker bounces off the ropes quickly and lands a leg drop onto Hardy.
Taker: How do you like it boy? Hurts, doesn’t it?
Taker puts his forearm across Hardy’s throat blatantly choking him. The ref tries to break it, but he can’t and the ref counts 1…2…3…4…Taker lets go. Taker sits up and looks at the ref and then puts the forearm back on Hardy’s throat, the ref counts again 1…2…3…4…the ref pulls Taker off Hardy. Taker shoves the ref to the side and picks up Hardy, but Jeff counters into a jaw breaker. Taker stumbles back and Hardy charges him nailing a flying clothesline. Hardy gets up and grabs both of Taker’s legs then follows through with his signature double leg drop to the mid section. Hardy keeps hold of Taker’s leg and gets up then flips over Taker nailing a bridge pin 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and tries to get Taker in the corner, but Taker reverses and hurls Hardy into the corner. Taker nails a huge uppercut and Hardy gets the wind knocked out of him. Taker grabs Hardy’s arm and twists it. He climbs the turnbuckles and stands on the top rope and then nails Old School on Jeff Hardy. Taker lands on his feet as Hardy goes down. Taker goes over to Hardy and kicks him while he is down. Taker tells Hardy to get up. Hardy tries pulling himself up by holding onto Taker’s pants. Taker grabs Hardy and nails him with a right. Taker whips Hardy to the ropes. Hardy hits the ropes and hangs on. Taker charges Hardy, but Hardy charges Taker and nails him with a dropkick to the knees. Taker goes down and Hardy lands a leg drop to the back his of his head. Hardy points to the corner and then signals for the Swanton Bomb. Hardy runs to the corner and scales the ropes. Hardy signals for it, but Taker gets up and stumbles and catches himself on the top rope, shaking up Hardy making him slip off the top and crash and burn in the corner. Taker falls onto Hardy and hooks the leg for the cover 1…2…kickout! Taker shakes his head in disgust and sits atop Hardy and begins pummeling him with mounted punches left and right. The ref tries to pull Taker off, but Taker busts Hardy open with a huge right then gets off of him on his own. Taker has blood all over his hand and bends down on one knee in front of Hardy and wipes his hand off with Hardy’s wife beater. Taker grabs Hardy up and gets him by the throat. Taker lifts Hardy up for the chokeslam, but Jeff escapes out of the back. Hardy pushes Taker forward. Taker turns around and Hardy charges the Undertaker. Taker goes for a clothesline, but Hardy ducks and runs towards the turnbuckles. He runs up the turnbuckles and connects with the Whisper in the Wind on the Undertaker. Hardy hooks the leg on Undertaker 1…2…kickout at the last second! Hardy gets up and stalks the Undertaker for the Twist of Fate. Taker gets to his feet and Hardy nails Taker in the gut then plants him with the Twist of Fate. There isn’t a person sitting down as Hardy drapes the arm over to cover Big Evil 1…2…kickout! Hardy doesn’t know what he has to do to put Big Evil away so he climbs the turnbuckles again looking for the Swanton Bomb. He signals for it and leaps, but Taker slides out of the way at the last minute and nobody home for Jeff Hardy. Taker sits up in the corner with a sadistic look on his face. Hardy tries to crawl back to his feet, the next thing he knows Undertaker is standing right behind him. Taker spins Hardy around and sets him up for the Last Ride. Taker swings him up and is about to drill him down, but Hardy counters into a huge head scissors to the Undertaker and Big Evil flies forward through the ropes and emerges on the floor. The crowd goes crazy. Taker gets back to his feet and Hardy charges up and over the top rope for a suicide dive into a cross body, but Taker catches him horizontally. Taker lifts Hardy up over his head and then drops him face first onto the fan barricade. Hardy steps back in pain and Undertaker hurls him shoulder first into the stairs. Taker shoves a cameraman out of his way and grabs hold of Hardy. He screams straight into Hardy’s face then hurls him back into the ring and hangs his head over the apron. Taker runs on the floor and drops an elbow across Hardy’s throat. Taker backs up then climbs onto the apron. Taker runs and drops a leg drop square on Hardy’s neck and head. Taker pushes Hardy further into the ring then slides back in. Undertaker signals for the Tombstone. Taker picks Hardy up to a horrible ovation and hoists him up on his shoulder. Hardy starts to squirm and again slips out of the back. Hardy kicks Taker behind the knee and Taker goes down. Hardy runs to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. He goes for a Seated Senton onto Big Evil. He launches, but Taker catches him. Taker lifts him up and counters into the Last Ride Powerbomb onto Jeff Hardy. Taker covers Hardy 1…2…3!
WINNER: Undertaker
JR: What a match, what a match! I can’t believe the fight Hardy showed here tonight against the Undertaker!
King: You want to praise Hardy JR? Didn’t you see the dominance of the Deadman? He showed Hardy how to play with the big boys and Hardy just couldn’t do it! Hardy should have never even stepped into the ring knowing what mood Big Evil would be in after Taker’s bike got ruined by that animal Goldberg!
JR: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a can’t miss Monday Night Raw next week, with 6 days to go until their meeting at Unforgiven, it’s Undertaker and Goldberg…PICK YOUR POISON!!! Good night everybody!
WWE Raw presents
WWE Unforgiven
LIVE on PPV from Hershey, PA!