WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Great preview. I can't wait to see what Ric Flair has to say. This is going to be awesome. Can't wait.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

Undertaker’s theme hits as Big Evil comes rolling down the ramp.

: Well everyone welcome to Monday Night Raw! King, what a way to start off Raw with the Deadman, the American Badass, the Undertaker!

King: He sure has a lot of names he goes by JR, but here’s another one, Raw’s newest superstar, the Undertaker just debuted on Raw 2 weeks ago in the Highlight Reel where he set up a jaw dropping match for Bad Blood, with none other than the host of the Highlight Reel, Chris Jericho!

JR: Well Undertaker is out here for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to sign the contract with Chris Jericho for their match this Sunday at Bad Blood!

Taker: Listen up, I came out here to get something off my chest. It seems to be that someone isn’t too happy with me, ain’t no surprise. If you are familiar with Big Evil, I don’t hide my problems, I put everything, and I mean everything on the table in front of me, I air out my dirty laundry. So without any further a due, I want my brother Kane, the Big Red Machine, to walk his big Red ass down that ramp and let’s get down to business!

JR: Looks like Undertaker gets right down to business, calling out his brother Kane!

King: …well, where is he???

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes out of the gate.

JR: Well that sure isn't Kane, it's Chris Jericho!

Y2J: Sorry Taker, I truly am sorry to break the news to you, but, Kane isn’t here tonight. Unfortunately for you, Kane went running scared after I pinned his ass to the canvas 1…2…3! Big Evil, I know how much you wanted to confront Kane, I have been hearing this from you all week, but I really advise you, I got this advice from someone a couple months ago, never take your mind of what is really going on here, Bad Blood. Undertaker, I respect you and all, everything you have done for this business, but I don’t control what happens in the squared circle junior! This is my squared circle!

Taker: Chris, I respect you too, but you are no different than me, as much as this is your squared circle, let’s not forget, this is also my yard, and from what I am looking at boy, you are standing in the middle of it with the biggest dog of them all.

Y2J: Ah, well played Taker, but what makes you think….quite frankly…you can beat me one on one after you just saw me kick the crap out of your brother last week, no offense…

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp through the flames.

: Through hell fire and brimstone! Kane is here King, Jericho said he wasn’t in the house tonight!

King: Well you can’t always trust Chris Jericho…do you think Undertaker heard me?

Kane: Alright, Big Evil, I will get to you in just a second, I have to deal with a worm! Jericho…where in the hell do you get off? I am a monster, your skinny little body comes out here and starts talking down to me? Are you crazy? Jericho as far as last week goes you got lucky, with a damn roll up! How about you put your money where your mouth is, go one on one with me again…tonight!

Y2J: Well that’s very nice of you to offer you Big Red Jackass, but there’s no point in risking my well being with you right before I have a huge PPV match with your superior over here…the Undertaker.

Kane: …take…that…back!

Taker: What exactly does that mean? If I remember Kane, I have always been better than you, but it never bothered me and it sure as hell shouldn’t have bothered you, we are close, we are brothers…

Kane quickly gets in Undertaker’s face.

Kane: We…are…not…brothers.

Y2J: Well that’s all and well, Taker I will let you sort out your “dirty Laundry†as you say, and I will see you this Sunday…

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Raw’s GM comes down the ramp.

: Oh great, just who I wanted to see! Spare me.

Bischoff: Jericho! Stop right there! Chris, just because you have a match this Sunday, doesn’t mean you have the night off! You aren’t no Bill Goldberg who got away with not competing every other week, don’t go down that path by the way Chris, because you will end up in the same place he is, at home, or in the unemployment line! Now, since we got the ratings last week thanks to your match with Kane, I am into the rematch idea, thanks to Kane, so right here tonight, Jericho, you will face Kane one on one! Undertaker, I would put you in a match, but your active ring contract begins this Sunday, but if I could I would throw you in there too! Good luck gentlemen, I got some business to attend to, I bid you good day…

JR: Kane and Jericho one more time? Tonight?!?!?

Coach with Randy Orton

Coach: Good evening everyone, I am the Coach here with Evolution’s Legend Killer, Randy Orton. Now Randy Orton, JR announced last week that your match with Booker T this Sunday at Bad Blood has now been changed from just a normal rematch into a Street Fight, any insight on this decision?

Orton: Coach, Booker T can bribe management all he wants, that’s what he did you know? He is nothing but a street thug looking to put the ball in his court. Booker T grew up on the streets, of course he will try to make this match a street fight, because that’s what you’re good at, isn’t it Booker? Well, news flash Booker, you aren’t no “banger†anymore, you aren’t that young gangster on the streets getting picked up off the streets every week. Booker, what I am trying to say is, I am younger, stronger, faster, than you, you might have thought you would be getting the advantage, but in reality, the way most people think, you have thrown the ball in my court, because now I can beat your ass throughout the whole damn arena. Hell, we can do it on the front street if you want, right in the parking lot, it doesn’t matter Booker, this Sunday, you lived off the streets, and now you will die on the streets!

JR: Harsh words from Randy Orton King, but I fear he just might be speaking the truth! Booker is getting up there, maybe he bit off a little more than he could chew!

King: Oh course he bit off more than he could chew, he is facing Randy Orton for crying out loud!

Rodney Mack’s theme plays as Mack appears in the ring ready for 6 Man Tag action.

The Dudley Boys’ music hits as Bubba Ray and Devon come down the ramp.

: JR, it leaked onto WWE.com earlier today from the offices of GM Eric Bischoff. He is so generous, he gave the Dudley Boys one more match for the World Tag titles this Sunday at Bad Blood, but, it’s a Do or Die match, it’s the Dudley’s last chance at the World Tag Team titles!

Mark Henry’s music hits as the World’s Strongest Man comes down the ramp along with Teddy Long.

: That’s some news King, but I can top that, I talked with Theodore Long earlier and said he wasn’t done with punishing Rodney Mack, he said the wrestling world will be shaken come this Sunday when he gets revenge on Rodney Mack! What could this mean for Rodney Mack?

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as the World Tag Team Champions come down the ramp.

: These are two, very large, bad men coming down the ramp. They are the World Tag Team Champions Jamal and Rosey, but collectively they are Eric Bischoff’s Hench Men 3 Minute Warning!

The Dudley Boys and Rodney Mack vs. 3 Minute Warning and Mark Henry w/ Teddy Long
Devon Dudley and Jamal start off the match. Jamal smirks and motions around his waist taunting Devon. Devon charges in and nails him with repeated shots, but Jamal fires back and shoves him away. Devon charges right back, but Jamal follows through and whips him into the corner. Jamal turns around and looks for the running clothesline on Devon in the corner, but Devon quickly dodges. Devon runs and bounces off the ropes, Jamal bounces out of the corner and Devon goes for a Thesz Press on Jamal, but Jamal counters the press into a modified sit down Spinebuster. He covers Devon 1…2…kickout! Jamal picks up Devon, but Devon counters with a chin breaker. Jamal stumbles back and Devon bounces off the ropes and goes for the Shoulder Block. He hits him, but Jamal doesn’t budge. Devon runs and bounces off the ropes again looking for another shoulder block, but Jamal catches him and looks to be going for the Samoan Drop, but Devon slips out of the back and onto the ropes. Bubba makes the blind tag. Jamal turns around and charges Devon. Devon pulls down on the top rope and Jamal goes flying onto the outside floor. Jamal stumbles back to his feet but Bubba runs off the apron with a huge flying clothesline taking down Jamal on the outside. Devon goes back to the apron and Bubba picks up Jamal. Bubba slams Jamal’s head off the canvas from the outside then hurls him back into the ring. Bubba gets into the ring and bounces off the ropes looking for a leg drop, but Jamal rolls out of the way last second and continues rolling until he gets to his corner and tags in Rosey. Rosey storms in and clotheslines Bubba across the back while he was getting up. Rosey stomps the hell out of Bubbba then doubles back and bounces off the ropes and nails a huge body splash onto the back of Bubba Ray Dudley. Rosey sits up and rolls Bubba over and hooks the leg for the cover 1…2…kickout! Rosey picks up Bubba and hurls him to the ropes. Bubba bounces off and Rosey looks for the clothesline, but Bubba ducks and bounces off the ropes once more. Rosey turns around and Bubba gets the leg up for the running big boot to the face of Rosey. Bubba falls on top of Rosey pinning him 1…2…kickout! Bubba gets up and drags Rosey to his corner, but Rosey puts the weight on and stops Bubba. Rosey pushes Bubba away and Bubba flies into his own corner where Rodney Mack tags in. Rosey gets up and Mack scales the turnbuckles. Rosey turns around and Rodney Mack nails a huge cross body onto one half of the World Tag Team Champs into a pin 1…2…kickout!

JR: What a close call! Will Rodney Mack and the Dudley Boys get one over on Mark Henry and the World Tag Team Champions? We’ll find out, don’t go anywhere!


King: We are back here on Monday Night Raw and JR, I can’t believe the turn this match has taken…

JR: Yea, you can’t believe the Dudley’s and Mack are outsmarting Bischoff’s goons, well believe it King, it’s happening right before your damn eyes!

Rodney Mack picks up Rosey and nails some huge knee lifts to the chest and ribs of Rosey. Mack bounces Rosey off the ropes, but Rosey counters and hurls Rodney Mack across the ring. Mack bounces off the goes for a mid air cross body, but Rosey catches him. Rosey smirks and screams out loud to a horrible reaction. Rosey maneuvers around and plants Rodney Mack with a Tilt-a-whirl Sidewalk Slam. Rosey spits on Rodney Mack and turns around and sees Mark Henry begging to be tagged in. Rosey strolls over to Henry and makes the tag. The fans boo loudly as Henry starts to walk up to Mack lying motionless on the ground. Mark picks up Rodney Mack and headbutts him. Mack stumbles away and holds himself up in the corner. Mark Henry runs towards him looking to smash him, but Rodney Mack gets the boot up last minute and nails Mark Henry in the jaw. Mark Henry staggers back and Rodney Mack levels him with a huge heel kick. Rodney Mack starts to crawl towards his corner to make a tag, but Mark Henry grabs onto his ankle. Both men rise with Henry still holding Mack’s leg and Mack connects with a huge spin kick taking down the giant. Mack lunges and makes the tag to Devon Dudley. Devon storms in as Mark Henry tries to get up. Devon nails a huge elbow drop onto the back spine of Mark Henry sending him back down to the mat. Jamal runs into the ring and goes for a clothesline on Devon, but Devon ducks and Jamal keeps going. Jamal bounces off the ropes, but Mack pulls the ropes down and Jamal flies out of the ring. Rosey storms in, but Devon throws him over the top rope as well landing right by Jamal on the outside. Mark Henry gets up as Bubba runs into the ring and gets in position. Rodney Mack makes the blind tag off Devon and Mark Henry turns around only to get 3D’d by the Dudley Boys. Rodney Mack scales the turnbuckles and jumps off the top rope nailing a huge Frog Splash onto Mark Henry pinning him 1…2…3!
WINNER: Rodney Mack and the Dudley Boys

JR: By God King, what a 6 man tag! That was smash mouth wrestling at its best, but how about that, Rodney Mack getting the pin on Mark Henry to win this match with that huge Frog Splash, what a finish that probably didn’t make Teddy Long too happy!

King: Of course it didn’t make him happy, but who cares, his surprise this Sunday will be a whole lot bigger than, and Rodney Mack is going to get what’s coming to him for sure!

JR: And what about the Dudley’s King? They have a huge last chance Do or Die match for the World Tag titles this Sunday, this must give them all the momentum they need to win back those belts!

King: Its one thing to win a 6 Man tag, winning the World Tag Team titles is a whole different story!

The Dudley Boys raise Rodney Mack’s arms in victory as Mark Henry rolls out of the ring and retreats to the back along with the World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning.

Terri is backstage with Gail Kim

Terri: I am here with the number one contender for the WWE Women’s Championship, Gail Kim. Now Gail, ever since you debuted here on Raw, you have been making headlines left and right in the wrestling world. Gail, now that we are 6 days away from Bad Blood where you will meet Molly Holly face to face for the Women’s Championship, Gail, with quite possibly the biggest roll in WWE history under your belt, what’s going through your head?

Kim: Well Terri, I am quite surprised as well as the fans, at what I have accomplished in such a short time. The Women’s Championship has always been my goal ever since I started out in this industry, and now that I am inches from it, it’s just surreal.

Terri: Many wrestling critics have called you an inspiration to younger female fans as well as fellow Divas, what are your thoughts on that?

Kim: I am honored Terri, I truly am, if I can inspire just one person, in my mind, my job is done. I am a pioneer trying to break into this business. I had a dream, I chased it, look where I got. All I can say, to all my fans, chase your…

Molly Holly walks into the picture.

: You know Gail, I have got to tell you, you will be crawling into your shell after Bad Blood because all of this inspiration crap you are talking about will mean nothing when you lose. How will it feel Gail to let all of your fans down when you, the flavor of the month, loses this Sunday to…me, the WWE Women’s Champion, Molly Holly?

Kim: The taste of defeat is a hard pill to swallow Molly, but unfortunately, I won’t be the one taking it, and since there’s going to be only two Divas in that ring, that leaves one other Diva that will taste that bitter taste, I will leave it at that, I will see you this Sunday


Coach is backstage with Jeff Hardy

Coach: Jonathan Coachman here with the Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy. Now Jeff, the wrestling world was shocked last week after Batista interrupted you in the ring, let alone challenging you for the Intercontinental Championship, but your title isn’t the biggest thing on your plate in this match is it?

Hardy: No Coach, no it isn’t, you see, Batista supposedly knows who took me out a couple weeks back at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, however, he kept his lips closed and just parted them to get a title shot out of me in exchange for this information, so I accepted…

Coach: Well I have been hearing from fans all week, they asked if Jeff Hardy can trust Batista, any insight on that?

Hardy: Well Coach, he is a member of Evolution, and if Evolution is known for anything, it’s playing dirty, after all, like Triple H says “Evolution was built around Ric Flair,†I still don’t believe that, but Batista, I don’t know, he isn’t like the rest of those scum bags, I believe he is telling the truth, he might have crossed the line a little but I can deal with that, win or lose, at Bad Blood, I will get the answer I am looking for.

Batista’s music hits as Evolution’s Animal comes down the ramp.

: There he is King, Batista, the man who challenges Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinental Championship this Sunday at Bad Blood. However, King, the title isn’t the only thing Jeff wants…

King: That’s right JR, come this Sunday Jeff Hardy will be looking to keep his title, but if Batista keeps his promise, the gentleman that he is, of course he will, Jeff Hardy will be looking for the answer of who took him out at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular!

Booker T’s music hits as the 5 Time WCW Champion comes down the ramp.

: Here is the man whom will face Randy Orton, Batista’s Evolution teammate, this Sunday at Bad Blood, in what I think will be a brutal war, Booker and Orton collide in a street fight this Sunday!

Booker T vs. Batista
The crowd gets behind Booker T as both men face off in the center of the ring. They talk a little bit of smack and Batista nudges Booker’s shoulder. Booker pushes Batista right back. Batista pushes Booker and Booker falls backwards but holds himself up on the ropes. Booker comes right back and delivers a huge back hand chop to the chest of Batista. Booker nails Batista with repeated shots and blows backing Batista up to the ropes. Booker bounces Dave off the ropes, but Batista counters and hurls Booker across the ring. Booker bounces off the ropes and Batista sends him up and over with a back drop. Booker gets up right away but if plowed down by Batista with a shoulder block. Batista runs and bounces off the ropes. Booker rolls over and Batista hops over him and bounces off the ropes again and Booker shoots up and nails Batista with a huge spin kick. Booker tells Batista to get up and Batista gets up to his feet and Booker unloads some more chops on the big man. Booker back Batista up into the corner and the refs tells Booker to lay off. Booker stops unloading on Batista, but Dave turns it around and reverses to pin Booker in the corner. Batista starts tearing Booker in half with shoulder thrusts to the gut. Batista nails one last shot and latches onto Booker T and pulls him out of the corner on his shoulder then turns around and modifies it into a huge spinebuster. Batista gets up and motions around his waist like he is going to win the Intercontinental title. Batista picks up Booker T and sets him up for the Batista Bomb, but Booker T counters last minute and lifts him up and over and Batista crashes onto the mat. Batista guts up and Booker nails him with a quick heel kick. Booker gets up and pulls Batista up. He goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Batista swings out of it and pushes Booker to the ropes. Booker bounces off and Batista drills him down to the mat with a huge spinebuster. The crowd boos as Batista covers Booker T 1…2…kickout! Batista gets up and tells the ref it was 3, but the ref argues with him and tells him it was only 2. Batista turns around and Booker lands a huge boot to the gut from the mat and springs up. Booker runs and bounces off the ropes and goes for the Scissors Kick, but Batista dodges, spins Booker around and shoots him up for another spinebuster, but Booker nails Batista in the face with a knee, Batista hunches over holding his face and Booker bounces off the ropes to nail a huge Scissors Kick. Booker covers Batista 1…2…3!
WINNER: Booker T

JR: By god what a huge finish! What an impressive counter to the spinebuster by Booker T!

King: That was totally illegal JR, the ref should have called for the DQ!

JR: Sure he should have King, I’ll let you think about that for awhile while I watch Booker celebrate a hard fought victory!

Booker celebrates in the ring as the ref raises his arm in victory.

Randy Orton hops over the barricade with a chair in hand.

Booker turns around as Orton slides in the ring with the chair. Orton is about to swing at Booker, but Booker turns around and looks him straight in the eyes and Randy stops. Booker shakes his head and Orton smiles and drops the chair. Orton begs Booker not to hit him, but Batista shoots up and clotheslines Booker from behind. Orton and Batista stomp the hell out of Booker T in the middle of the ring. Batista picks Booker T up and Orton grabs the chair. Orton goes to swing for Booker, but stops before he hits him. The fans are puzzled. Orton throws the chair down on the mat and snaps Booker with a huge RKO onto the steel chair. The fans boo Evolution as Batista and Orton walk up the ramp laughing.

JR: Well ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the graphic nature of Randy’s despicable acts here tonight against Booker T, but we are shifting gears. Last week right before Raw went off the air, Triple H came out and announced that Ric Flair would be LIVE via satellite tonight, as a matter of fact, we are just about to get the first words from the Nature Boy since the 3 Hour Spectacular…Ric., you there, can you hear us?

Ric Flair appears on the screen sitting at his home with a neckbrace on.

: Yes JR, I can hear you.

JR: Well Ric, greetings from all of us from Monday Night Raw, how you feeling Ric?

Flair: Well, JR, it’s been getting better as days, weeks, pass. Everyday I can’t help but to think of all my fans I am letting down by not getting the chance to be there performing out there with all the other guys, it is ripping me apart inside.

King: I am sure it is Ric, you have been away for so long, but I got to tell you, WWE.com has been getting so many e-mails and messages asking about Ric Flair, the fans are really concerned, they have so many questions, but JR and I, have some as well…

Flair: Go for it Jerry…

King: Well, the number one question I have been hearing all week, concerns, the current World Heavyweight Champion, HBK Shawn Michaels. What are your thoughts on what happened at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular.

Flair: What exactly do you mean Jerry? How Shawn Michaels struck me with the sledgehammer, or how Triple H was going to destroy Michaels with the very same hammer? Listen, it can go either way, Jerry, but I am looking past that, because everyone is at fault here, but who got the worst end of it? You are looking at him jack; the Nature Boy pulled the short straw here.

JR: Point taken Nay-tch, with that said, if all this is behind you, what’s next for Nature Boy Ric Flair? When, if at all, do you plan on coming back to the flagship of the WWE?

Flair: JR, that’s a question I can’t…you know my neck, ow…my knee has been actin’ up…my back isn’t what it…you know what?

Ric springs out of his chair and rips off the neckbrace.

: WOO! Damn it feels good to get that blasted thing off, the Nature Boy is not dead ladies and gentlemen! The Wheelin’, Dealin’, Kiss Stealin’, Limousine Ridin’, Jet Flyin’ Son of a Gun will ride again JR. WOO! To answer your question…

Ric Flair struts his way back and fourth in front of his recliner chair in his living room.

: …The Nature Boy is coming back, sooner than you think old top! This is a message to you JR, Jerry, all the WWE fans, hell, even Shawn and Hunter, be sure to keep an eye out for the Nature Boy because I am comin’, trust me! This Sunday, I hear you are havin’ a little PPV, well, I will tell you something, I am booking a flight and the Jet Flyin’ Ric Flair will fly out first class first thing tomorrow and be there for Bad Blood, and I swear, as God as my witness, I will be ringside for that World title match! Shawn, Hunter, be ready, because the Nature Boy is coming back, and I will make damn sure the right man walks out of Bad Blood with the World Heavyweight title, boys, let the best man win…see you Sunday.


Triple H sits in Eric Bischoff’s office on the couch waiting for the Raw GM. Eric Bischoff walks in and is shocked to see the Game.

Bischoff: Why Triple H, nice to see you, how long has it…

HHH: Shut it Eric, you know why I am here, didn’t you just see Ric’s promo? Bischoff, you have the power to stop this, if you don’t do anything, this man could ruin your, Raw’s, Main Event this Sunday, you don’t want to look bad to, I don’t know, Steph, do you? Getting out done by SmackDown? Is that what you want?

Bischoff: Nice try Triple H, but let me ask you something, what have you done for me lately? When was the last time you wrestled a match on “my†show?

HHH: Well…

Randy Orton walks into Eric Bischoff’s office and interrupts their conversation. He is excited and very loud over what he did to Booker T.

: Oh, Hunter, did you see, oh, hey Eric, that? Man I beat Booker’s ass…

Bischoff: Excuse me? But just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?

Orton: Well…

Bischoff: Yea, stop studdering, you sound like this free loader over here, let me remind you two just who in the hell, I AM! I am Eric Bischoff, GM of Raw, and I call the shots. You two, I have to admit are pissing me off a little right now, so this is what I am going to do. We need a main event, so I am going to make this, sort of a Bad Blood preview, it will be you Randy Orton teaming with Triple H, yes, you are in a match tonight…

HHH: Hey, you can’t do…

Bischoff: Shut it, and you will be teaming against Booker T and the World Champ Shawn Michaels, good luck gentlemen.

Orton: Hold the phone Eric, I took Booker’s ass out earlier tonight, how can he be able to compete?

Bischoff: It’s pretty simple Randy, if Booker can’t compete, you better be glad you aren’t Shawn Michaels right now.

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes to the ring.

: Well what a Raw this has been King, I think it’s about to get better, it’s Jericho vs. Kane, a huge rematch from last week, I can’t wait! This will definitely be a slobberknocker if I have ever seen one!

Kane vs. Chris Jericho
Kane walks right up to Jericho and Jericho doesn’t budge. They touch nose to mask and Kane delivers a huge kick to the mid section of Jericho. Kane connects with a right. Jericho stumbles back and Kane pulls him in by the hair and puts him in a side mounted headlock. Jericho tries to push Kane forward, but Kane doesn’t move an inch. Jericho takes Kane’s arm and twists it behind his back then goes for a headlock from behind. He gets it locked it but Kane gets on the side of Jericho and lifts him up for a huge backdrop suplex breaking the headlock. Kane quickly covers Jericho 1…kickout! Jericho sits up and Kane quickly locks in a modified abdominal stretch on Y2J. Jericho struggles in the hold and Kane applies even more pressure. Jericho refuses to tap and Kane breaks the hold. Jericho sits up on the mat grasping for air and Kane delivers a huge boot to the side of the head. The ref pushes Kane back while Jericho squirms in pain. Kane goes over to Jericho and picks him up and sticks him in the corner. Kane delivers a huge backhand chop to the sternum of Y2J. Kane grabs Jericho by the throat and lifts him up and sits him on the top rope. Kane looks to throw Jericho off the top rope with a chokeslam, but Jericho gets his legs up and starts kicking Kane away. Jericho lands a huge big boot to the face of Kane and Kane stumbles away. Jericho jumps off the top rope into a mid air cross body onto the Big Red Machine. Kane catches Jericho and holds him taunting the crowd. Kane connects with the Fall Away Slam catapulting Jericho across the ring. Jericho rolls out of the ring and takes a breather. Kane exits the ring and runs around the ring towards Jericho and Jericho plays possum and Jericho connects with the drop toe hold and Kane goes chin first onto the barricades. Jericho slides into the ring and tells the ref to start to count him out. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…Kane gets up…4…5…Kane gets to the apron…6…Jericho launches across the ring and back to connect with a huge baseball slide onto the big Red Machine. Jericho gets up and springboards off the top rope into a flying cross body onto the Big Red Machine. Kane crashes down as Jericho gets a huge pop from the crowd. Jericho gets up and gets an energy boost from the screaming fans. Jericho grabs Kane and walks him over to the steel steps. Jericho attempts to crash Kane skull first off the steps, but Kane counters and elbows Jericho in the ribs. Jericho grabs Jericho and locks in a bear hug type hold. Kane turns around and rams Jericho spine first into the barricade. Kane lets Jericho go and slides into the ring breaking the ref’s ring out count. Kane slides back out of the ring and picks Jericho up by the hair. Kane hurls Jericho into the ring and then crawls over for the cover 1…2…Jericho gets his foot on the rope. Kane pulls Jericho into the middle of the ring by the hair and taps his thigh looking for a leg drop. Kane doubles back and bounces off the ropes and goes for the leg drop, but Jericho rolls out of the way last minute and nobody home for Kane. Kane sits up in pain. Jericho gets up and bounces off the ropes and nails a dropkick to the chest of Kane, sending Kane lying back down on the mat. Jericho runs and springboards off the second rope nailing the Lionsault on the Big Red Machine. Jericho follows through with the hook to the leg covering the Big Red Machine 1…2…kickout! Jericho quickly maneuvers to Kane’s legs and grabs them looking for the Walls of Jericho. Kane gets his hand up and grabs Jericho by the throat. Jericho releases Kane’s legs and Kane stands up still grasping Jericho. Kane chokes the life out of Jericho and trash talks him before he goes for the chokeslam, but Jericho kicks him in the gut and pulls Kane’s boots out from underneath him and then goes for the Walls of Jericho. Kane struggles but is too weak and Jericho flips him over and locks in the Walls. Kane struggles but can’t get to the ropes and taps out to the Walls of Jericho.
WINNER: Chris Jericho

JR: 2 in a row for Chris Jericho! Jericho for the second consecutive week making Kane tap to the Walls of Jericho, that’s quite a feat!

King: Oh please JR, it was a fluke last week, and it was a fluke this week! Just wait until he meets Undertaker one on one this Sunday.

JR: Well if anyone has momentum going into Bad Blood this Sunday, it’s that man Chris Jericho!

Undertaker’s theme music hits as Big Evil stands at the top of the ramp.

: There he is now, Big Evil, JR, this Sunday I am telling you, Jericho’s hot streak comes to an end when the Dead Man makes his wrestling debut!

Undertaker holds up 6 fingers and points them at Jericho smiling. Jericho nods his head and smiles back.

JR: Well 6 fingers for 6 days, that’s how long until we finally get to see these two lock up once and for all!


Stacey Keibler and Trish Stratus are standing by the water cooler and Christian comes and puts his arm around Trish.

Stacey: So, what are you two doing this Sunday at Bad Blood?

Christian: Well Stacey, it was supposed to be a secret, but since we are in the beautiful town of Denver this Sunday, I am taking my babe skiing, surprise Trish!

Stratus: Oh that’s so sweet baby, that’s going to be great!

Stacey: Yea Christian, that’s really sweet, good for you, have fun you guys I got a shoot to do, I’ll see you later.

King: I am so jealous of Captain Charisma JR, I am not going to lie!

JR: Oh geez King, here we go again!

Evolution’s music hits as Randy Orton comes to the ring.

Triple H’s music hits as the Game comes down the ramp.

: Well King, here are two men that will both be in huge matches this Sunday at Bad Blood, but tonight, they go 2 on 2 in a tag match against those 2 very same opponents.

King: Well JR, remember what Eric Bischoff said, since Orton took Booker T out earlier tonight, HBK might be going into this match by himself! Oh I can’t wait!

HBK’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels comes down the ramp.

HBK stops at the bottom of the ramp and looks up to the gate waiting for Booker T but Booker never comes out. HBK shakes his head and charges the ring.

JR: Looks like HBK is flying solo in what is now a handicap match!

HBK vs. Triple H and Randy Orton
HBK slides into the ring and charges the Game and Orton. Randy Orton and Triple H go for the double clothesline, but HBK ducks and bounces off the ropes. Orton and Triple H turn around and get double clotheslined by an airborne Shawn Michaels. HBK gets up and lands a right to Orton. Triple H gets up and gets decked with a right from HBK as well. Orton gets up and HBK whips him across the ring, HBK bounces off the ropes and the Game intercepts him and drills the Heart Break Kid with a huge Double A spinebuster. The Game gets a horrible ovation as the Game waves his hand to the audience showing he could care less what they think. The ref forces Orton on the apron as the Game goes after HBK. HBK picks HBK up and goes for a body slam. HHH gets HBK up, but HBK slides out of the back and pushes Triple H forwards off the ropes and HBK rolls him up 1…2…kickout! HBK grabs Triple H and nails him with a right. Triple H stumbles back then HBK slams him down with a body slam. HBK flies across the ring and off the ropes. He runs over Triple H and Triple H shoots up. HBK bounces off the ropes again and Triple H bends over looking for the backdrop, but HBK stops right in front of the game and goes for a swinging neckbreaker. Triple H swings out of it and pushes HBK forward chest first into the turnbuckles. HBK bounces out of the corner holding his chest and HHH connects with the knee breaker. HBK falls to the mat but HHH quickly picks him up and drills HBK down to the mat with a modified sidewalk slam into a backbreaker on the Game’s knee. HHH keeps HBK on his knee and bends HBK’s spine over his knee trying to get HBK to tap out. HBK doesn’t tap and Triple H lifts him up off his knee then connects with the sidewalk slam into the cover on HBK 1…2…kickout! Triple H drags HBK by the leg over to his corner and tags in Randy Orton. Randy Orton storms in and stomps the hell out of HBK. HBK crawls away, but Orton stays on him. Orton grabs HBK’s leg and drops a huge elbow to the knee then locks in a knee lock. HBK pounds on the mat in pain but HBK quickly counters and eye rakes Orton and Orton breaks the hold. HBK gets up and picks Orton up. HBK kicks Orton in the gut then nails him with a neckbreaker. HBK bounces off the ropes slightly and lands a knee drop to the Legend Killer. HBK gets up and does the DX crotch chop to Triple H. HHH steps one leg through the ropes but it automatically held back by the ref. HBK eggs him on to get in the ring while, with his back turned, Randy Orton low blows Michaels. Orton puts his arm around HBK’s neck from behind and nails Orton’s signature Backbreaker. Triple H gets back on the apron and Randy Orton covers HBK as the ref counts 1…2…kickout! Orton starts choking HBK to the mat violently. The ref tries to get him off, but he doesn’t and the ref starts counting 1…2…3…4…and Orton finally releases. Orton picks up Michaels, but HBK starts fighting Orton off with rights. The fans get behind HBK. Orton goes for a strong right, but HBK ducks and nails him with an atomic drop. HBK points to Triple H’s corner for the big elbow. Triple H laughs. HBK walks up to Triple H and has a good laugh with him and then waves his hand to the corner like he isn’t going to do the elbow drop. HBK then turns back around and nails the Game with a huge superkick and the Game flies off the apron onto the outside floor. HBK turns back around to go after Orton, but Orton was stalking him. Orton goes for the RKO on Michaels, but HBK pushes him forward last minute countering the RKO. Randy Orton turns around and HBK pulls Orton’s legs from underneath him and then rolls over him connecting with the bridge pin on Orton 1…2…kickout! Triple H gets up off the floor and has a sledge hammer in hand, the crowd goes wild, but HBK bounces off the ropes and baseball slides Triple H, dropping the hammer. Randy Orton slides out of the ring and runs around the ring and clothesline HBK in the back of the head. Triple H and Randy Orton stomp the hell out of HBK on the floor. Orton picks up the sledge hammer and aims for HBK who is brawling with the Game. Booker T comes limping down the ramp with his head bandaged. Orton’s attention turns towards Booker T and Orton drops the hammer and runs around the ring intercepting Booker T. The ref forces HBK and the Game back into the ring. HBK slides the Game back into the ring. Orton and Booker brawl up the ramp.

King: The ref should call for the DQ! That’s interference by Booker T! This is ridiculous!

JR: It’s not ridiculous, you heard if Booker couldn’t compete, he wouldn’t, the man is up and walking around and that is enough for Booker to fight!

Booker nails a solid hip toss to the Legend Killer on the steel ramp. HBK picks up the Game, but Triple H rakes him in the eyes. The Game whips HBK across the ring and HBK bounces back and Triple H kicks him in the gut. He sets HBK up for the Pedigree. HB flips the Game up and over his back, but Triple H lands on his feet and pushes HBK forward. HBK bounces off the ropes and nails the Game with the flying forearm. HBK springs up and goes to the corner and starts tuning up the band. Triple H slowly rises to his feet and HBK shoots and nails Sweet Chin Music onto the Cerebral Assassin. HBK covers Triple H 1…2…3!
WINNER: Shawn Michaels

JR: Shawn Michaels did it! HBK pins the Game after Sweet Chin Music! What a match King!

King: Sure he might be holding that title high tonight, but come 6 days, it will be a different story!

JR: Well HBK and Triple H won’t be the only ones in the house in the main event, let’s not forget, the Nature Boy Ric Flair promised he will be there live! Thank you for watching, for Jerry the King Lawler and JR Jim Ross, we will see you this Sunday for Bad Blood!


WWE Raw presents
WWE Bad Blood
LIVE! On PPV from Denver, CO!

World Heavyweight Championship
(Ric Flair will be ringside)
Shawn Michaels defends against Triple H

Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker

Women’s Championship
Molly Holly defends against Gail Kim

Street Fight
Randy Orton vs. Booker T.

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy defends against Batista

World Tag Team Championship
Do or Die
3 Minute Warning defends against the Dudley Boys

Theodore Long’s Surprise for Mark Henry revealed


bm: the main event was a real good match but I also really liked the Kane/Jericho match.

WM: they were all quite good but the opening match was good I just didnt like the superstars lol.

BP: The opening Promo was an awesome promo and probably the best, the ric Flair promo was good and really in character, and another really good one was Orton and HHH one

WP: N/A they were all interesting

AF: Great show, PPV looks awesome. ill be reviewing next week. check out TNE if you like

The Rated R CMStar

Jericho/Taker/Kane promo: Amazing one. It's good because you have no heel in the feud so their exchanges are unique. I am wondering when you will make the Kane/Taker thing blowup. Good stuff with Taker saying he always knew he was better than Kane.

Orton promo: In character, I could picture Orton saying exactly that. Great hype and stuff about Booker's past

6man Tag Match: Scrolled through parts, as there were more matches I was interested in and I really don't enjoy these workers. I predict Team 3D winning back the gold. But, I would have prefered Mark Henry winning in this match

Hardy promo: Surprisingly good. However, I didn't really like how he made the answer of Batista look more important than the title.

Booker T vs Batista: Very well paced, Batista gets more offense but Booker, who is on a bigger scale picks up the win. Lol at Booker taking all those spinebusters during the match.

Ric interview: Highlight of the show. Very realistic question from JR and King and a huge announcement of him being at Bad Blood.

HHH promo: Good, with him going to Eric in heel fashion worried about Flair. Then Eric, classic heel, appears to be equal only to then put HBK in an obvious Handicap position.

Main Event: Best match, with heels overpowering HBK, but Booker T making the obvious safe to take away Orton. Then the exchage betwen champion and challenger to give HBK the win.

AC: Great go show for Bad Blood. The ending of the main event makes me think that either HHH regains or Flair will cost HHH the title, as HBK took the last laugh, I will be reviewing.

Check out BTW. Show, news and preview have been posted

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event, It was a good read and i wasn't sure which way it would go. I sort of knew Michaels would win but i though just might of done a swerve and have HHH/Orton win until Booker showed up. But that also builds another match up so that was good

WM: They were all good but I just couldnt get into the Booker/Batista match as much as the rest.

BP: Got to agree with Sharkboy on opening Promo being awsome and it makes it very realistic since Raw does good opening show promo's. But I think Flair one was the best one and would of been even better if he elbow dropped the neckbrace after ripping it off(just Flair like)

WP: All your promo are good which is why you get credited for them so much.

AC: Excellent show always realistic and Even though the superstars in opening match arnt the best you should get credit for atleast making them look good

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Orton and HHH vs. HBK, I have thought that HHH and Orton might win here but I forgot about Booker T, lol...

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Ric Flair's Interview via satellite is just great and it adds more into HBK and HHH's feud. I also liked the Undertaker/Jericho one as it makes a pretty good opener.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: What a great show. I can't wait for Bad Blood but I am still thinking if we will see some presence of Goldberg since he's on the poster lol...



WWE Raw presents
WWE Bad Blood
LIVE! On PPV from Denver, CO!

WWE Raw returns to PPV for the first time since Backlash last April with WWE Bad Blood. Tempers soar and tensions explode as the superstars of Raw take their gloves off and throw it down, you haven't seen tension until you see the Bad Blood between these Raw superstars!


World Heavyweight Championship
(Ric Flair will be ringside)
Shawn Michaels defends against Triple H

Quite possibly one of the most heated feuds in recent history, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels and the Game Triple H have been waging war since last August where HBK made his triumphant return to the ring. Ever since those men have entered that ring at Summerslam, their paths have crossed several times. From what started as a simple comment by the Nature Boy Ric Flair to Shawn Michaels has turned into a brutal war. Ric Flair was instructed by the, then, World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H to distract Shawn Michaels from Triple H to keep him from being a contender for his belt. Ric claimed he was trying to get Shawn Michaels to join Evolution, which was a lie, but as the Nature Boy stuck to the side of Shawn Michaels, they became close, like father and son, which soon began to bother the Game. It all culminated at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular where the Game defended his title against Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair. Triple H was about to hit Flair with the sledgehammer, but HBK took the hammer away form the Cerebral Assassin and was about to hit Triple H, if he didn’t dodge it causing HBK to nail Ric Flair in the throat causing severe throat trauma and internal bleeding. Ever since that fateful day, Triple H has had a change of heart towards the Nature Boy, looking at him like a father figure, more importantly pointing the finger at Shawn Michaels, who, coincidently, won the Fatal Four Way to emerge the champion. These two have been battling week in and week out, but now both men will collide at Bad Blood for the World Heavyweight Championship, and to add one more element to this equation, revealed last week on Raw, the Nature Boy Ric Flair returns and will be ringside for this match. It’s a can’t miss main event this Sunday at Bad Blood!


Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker
After Eric Bischoff fired Goldberg publicly on Raw, Eric Bischoff sought to open new doors for Raw, and he broke the new Raw Era in with a huge signing. The signing of Big Evil the Undertaker shook the professional wrestling world when he debuted on Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel. Undertaker and Chris Jericho got to talking and came to terms that Undertaker needs to be broken into Raw the right, proper, way, by facing none other than each other and stealing the show at Bad Blood. Both men had a mutual agreement, but this didn’t settle well with one person, Undertaker’s brother Kane. Kane and Chris Jericho had several run ins over the past weeks, including two in ring encounters, where Jericho got the win over Kane 2 straight. Kane has taken it upon himself to interfere with Chris Jericho and the Undertaker’s situation, which doesn’t settle well with his brother the American Badass. Both Y2J and the Undertaker will attempt to tear the house down this Sunday despite what Kane has to think, but both men has promised, if Kane were to interfere, one of the two would do what they had to, to put a stop to it. It will be quite the hostile environment as these two men collide for the first time in years at Bad Blood!


Women’s Championship
Molly Holly defends against Gail Kim
Gail Kim exploded onto the Raw roster defeating both former Women’s Champions Trish Stratus and Victoria in a triple threat match to become the number one contender for Molly Holly’s Women’s Championship. Gail was looked on by many as a pioneer and a role model, by everyone except for the Champ herself, Molly Holly. Despite what Molly said, Gail knocked off Victoria in a singles match on Raw, then she knocked off the Women’s Champion Molly Holly, proving, she indeed, has what it takes to become the next Women’s Champion. Can her picture perfect path lead to gold? Find out this Sunday!


Street Fight
Randy Orton vs. Booker T.
Booker T’s welcome back was short lived thanks to Randy Orton last month. Randy Orton crashed Booker’s return and literally took shot after shot, verbally, to Booker T. Booker was fed up and both men collided at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular. Booker made short work of Randy Orton in and incredible showing by both men, but the defeat didn’t sit well with the Legend Killer. Both men have had a war of words over the past month where Randy Orton shoots down and looks down upon Booker’s background and childhood on the streets, but Booker capitalized and got another match with Orton at Bad Blood. However, this second encounter would be a street fight, in Randy’s opinion, the street fight is Booker’s specialty. Randy Orton made it personal after Booker T took on Randy’s Evolution teammate Batista on Raw when he delivered a huge RKO onto the steel chair. Anything goes, no rules, when Booker T and Randy Orton meet one on one at Bad Blood!


Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy defends against Batista
Jeff Hardy was mysteriously taken out in the parking lot at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, the culprit has yet to be discovered, but due to recent events on Raw, one man knows who the perpetrator is. The Animal Batista struck a deal with the Intercontinental Champion where he would reveal the attacker only if Jeff Hardy would defend his belt against him, so, Jeff Hardy being the competitor he is, accepted the challenge, not just for the challenge, but more so for the answer he has been waiting a month for. Batista gets his first Intercontinental Championship match this Sunday!


World Tag Team Championship
Do or Die
3 Minute Warning defends against the Dudley Boys
After 2 months of battling the Dudley Boys, 3 Minute Warning found themselves in a rematch for the World Tag Team Championships the Raw after the 3 Hour Spectacular. 3 Minute Warning capitalized on this opportunity and destroyed the Dudley Boys claiming their first World Tag Team title reign. To this day, the Dudley Boys have yet to fairly defeat 3 Minute Warning 1…2…3 and because of that Raw General Manager has set this World Tag Team Championship match at Bad Blood to be a Do or Die match. If the Dudley’s can’t finally defeat 3 Minute Warning once and for all, they will lose their tag title match, but will never get another shot at the Championship belts.


Theodore Long’s Surprise for Mark Henry revealed
Teddy Long and Mark Henry have been hell bent on making Rodney Mack’s life a living hell, Teddy Long told WWE.com that he would have a surprise for Rodney Mack come Bad Blood, what could this mean for Mr. Mack?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Card looks awesome man. My predictions:

World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels (c) vs HHH

Undertaker vs Chris Jericho

Women's Championship
Molly Holly (c) vs Gail Kim

Street Fight
Booker T vs Randy Orton

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) vs Batista

World Tag Team Championships
3 Minute Warning (c) vs Dudley Boyz


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels (c) vs HHH
Ric will screw Shawn.

Undertaker vs Chris Jericho

Women's Championship
Molly Holly (c) vs Gail Kim

Street Fight
Booker T vs Randy Orton

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) vs Batista
Batista will be revealed as the attacker.

World Tag Team Championships
3 Minute Warning (c) vs Dudley Boyz


World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels (c) vs HHH

Undertaker vs Chris Jericho

Women's Championship
Molly Holly (c) vs Gail Kim

Street Fight
Booker T vs Randy Orton

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) vs Batista

World Tag Team Championships
3 Minute Warning (c) vs Dudley Boyz

looks great ill be checking this out



WWE Raw presents
WWE Bad Blood
LIVE! On PPV from Denver, CO!

VIDEO: Highlights of the history between World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels and the Game Triple H, including their history from Summerslam where Triple H destroyed Michaels with a sledgehammer, Survivor Series where HBK won the World title in the first ever Elimination Chamber, Armageddon where the Game won the World title back in the 3 Stages of Hell match, and Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular where the Game lost the World title to HBK in the Fatal Four Way.

Pyros go off as the Bad Blood theme plays.

: Good evening and welcome everyone to WWE Bad Blood! We are LIVE from Denver, CO, in a jam packed, sold out arena! JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler here ringside for what has shaped up to be one of the biggest PPV cards in recent memory!

King: I couldn’t agree with you more JR, the card is stacked from top to bottom, whether it’s the Women’s Championship match, to a street fight, all the way to the World Heavyweight Championship, this is going to be great!

JR: You said it, with that said, let’s send it up to the ring for our first contest!

Gail Kim’s music hits as the number one contender for the WWE Women’s Championship comes to the ring.

: Now King, this young woman coming down the ramp is unlike any Diva we have ever witnessed in the WWE before. On her first night on Raw, she defeated two former Women’s Champions, Victoria and Trish Stratus, to win her the Number one contender spot, ever since then, Gail has knocked off Victoria in a singles match and none other than the champ herself, Molly Holly, in a singles match as well, this Diva is headed down the right path, but will that path bring her gold? We’re about to find out!

Molly Holly’s music hits as the WWE Women’s Champion comes down the ramp.

: This right here is one nasty Diva indeed…

King: Probably the nastiest in the locker room JR, but being nasty might get her dirty looks backstage, but it also got her the Women’s Championship, which she has held since Backlash last April!

Women’s Championship
Molly Holly defends against Gail Kim
Molly holds the Women’s title up to Gail’s face and starts talking smack to her face. Gail shakes her head at Molly Holly and tells her that the belt is hers. Molly laughs and drops the belt and slaps Gail Kim. Gail takes it but charges Molly taking her down with a modified spear. Gail starts nailing mounted punches on the WWE Women’s Champion. Molly turns the momentum and flips Gail on her back and starts nailing mounted punches on the number one contender. Molly gets up and delivers a quick big boot to the face of Gail Kim. Gail tries to get up, but Molly keeps kicking her down. Molly drags Gail to the ropes and places her throat first on the bottom rope. Molly steps on Gail’s back and pulls on the top rope choking the life out of Gail Kim. The refs tries to get Molly off of Gail, but Molly keeps choking her and the ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Molly breaks the hold. The ref argues with Holly as Gail slides out of the ring and gasps for air. Molly slides out of the ring and grabs Gail by the hair. Gail breaks out of it and starts nailing Molly with rights. Gail kicks Molly in the gut and attempts a suplex on the outside. Molly blocks the suplex and goes for a suplex on Gail, but Gail blocks the attempt. Gail goes for her own again and gets Molly up, but sends her down front first with a face plant on the outside floor. Gail gets a huge pop as she rolls into the ring to break the ring out count. Gail goes back outside and picks up Molly and throws her back into the ring. Gail makes the quick cover 1…2…and a kickout by Molly Holly. Gail sits Molly up and singes in a modified arm-lock. Molly tries to fight it off, but swings her left leg onto the bottom rope and Gail breaks the hold. Molly picks herself up using the ropes. Gail bounces Holly off the ropes and across the ring. Molly bounces back and Gail bends down looking for the backdrop on Holly, but Molly counters with a running DDT. Molly quickly pins Gail 1…2…kickout! Molly grabs Gail by the boots and drags her near the corner. Molly gets a better grip on her legs and slingshots Gail into the corner. Gail flies towards the corner but successfully lands on the second rope. Molly turns around and Gail moonsaults out of the corner onto Holly. She lands on Molly going for the pin, but Molly shifts the weight pinning Gail 1…2…kickout! Molly picks Gail up and knees her in the gut. She picks Gail Kim up and slams her down onto her knee with a gut buster. Molly pushes her off her knee and pins her 1…2…kickout! Molly gets up and walks away getting frustrated. She walks quickly over to Gail Kim and Kim drop toe holds Molly face first into the second turnbuckle. Gail turns Molly around and then walks backwards. She taps her leg signaling the Bronco Buster. Gail shoots to the corner and goes for it, but Molly dodges and Gail crashes and burns onto the second rope. Molly creeps behind Gail Kim and nails a roll up off the second rope pinning Gail 1…2…kickout! Molly gets frustrated and pins Gail again 1…2…kickout! Molly picks her up and signals for the Molly Go Round. She goes for it, but Gail swings out of it and hooks the shoulders into a quick pin 1…2...kickout! Both women get up and Gail kicks Molly in the gut and nails the Happy Ending. Gail covers Holly 1…2…kickout! Gail takes a deep breathe and picks up Molly Holly. Molly shoots off with a cheap forearm shot, but Gail ducks and Gail nails Molly with a backdrop suplex. Gail points to the corner and runs up the turnbuckles. She has the crowd behind her. Gail jumps off looking for the seated senton on Holly, but Holly counters and catches her and drills her to the mat neck first pinning her 1…2…3!
WINNER: Women’s Champion Molly Holly

JR: What a nasty landing for Gail Kim! Oh good lord, that woman might be seriously injured!

King: I think we need medics out here for Gail, she looks to be in bad shape!

JR: I hope she’s alright, but bottom line is that Molly Holly retained her Women’s Championship here tonight in one of the most hard fought Women’s title matches I have ever witnessed in my 25 years in the business!

Molly holds the WWE Women’s title high above her head and throws the ref, who are checking on Gail Kim, aside and taunts Kim with the title. The medics come out and check on Kim while Molly exits the ring and walks up the ramp to a horrible ovation. The medics slide Gail out of the ring and help Gail up the ramp. Gail pushes the medics aside and stumbles up the ramp. She falls down and the medics try to help her, but she refuses the help.

The Coach is backstage with Chris Jericho

Coach: Jonathan Coachman here, welcome everyone to Backlash, hope you are all enjoying the show, however, right now, I am standing here with the man that will collide with Big Evil, the Undertaker later on tonight, I am here with Y2J Chris Jericho. Now Chris, in the past 3 weeks, you have sort have been bound to the Brothers of Destruction, debuting and accepting the challenge of the Undertaker, then defeating his brother Kane 2 weeks in a row, are you worried going into this match due to this dysfunctional family?

Y2J: Well, Coach, the Brothers of Destruction might be dysfunctional, but history always repeats itself. How many times have the Brothers not seen eye to eye, but then the next minute tag team it up and decimate their opponents? Coach, all I am hoping for is a fair and respective match with the Deadman later tonight, I defeated his brother 2 weeks in a row, and Kane has defeated Undertaker several times in the past, which means I am definitely able to defeat Big Evil. Coach, tonight, you will see something only the Sexy Beast can hand you on a silver platter, the man of 1,004 holds will put on a classic, Y2J will press on through this match, if the playing field is fair…or not.

PROMO: Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular returns NEXT MONTH!

Booker T’s music hits as the 5 Time WCW Champion comes down the ramp.

: I can’t believe Booker T is willing to go through this humiliation here tonight, everyone and their mother know youth exceeds old age, why can’t Booker T realize that?

JR: Well King, if Orton tells any truth, it’s simply this, Booker T grew up on the street, there’s no doubt about that, and this match is a street fight so one has to think this match will be in Booker’s favor!

Randy Orton’s music hits as the Legend Killer comes down the ramp.

: He is the man of the hour, this guy is a true gentlemen, a fantastic competitor, and flies in the same first class jet as the Game Triple H! What more do you want?

Street Fight
Randy Orton vs. Booker T.
Randy Orton smirks across the ring at Booker T, who is really focused on this match. The ref is hesitant to bring these two men to the ring but signals for them to come to the middle of the ring. Orton and Booker meet face to face and Orton starts talking smack. Orton shoves Booker’s face with this hand and that sets Booker off unloading huge backhand slaps and hard chops to the chest of Orton. Booker keeps unloading on Orton and backs Orton up to the corner. Orton quickly reverses and throws Booker in the corner. Orton runs back and charges Booker, but Booker dodges out of the corner and Orton bounces sternum first off the top turnbuckle. Booker bounces off the ropes and Orton turns around and eats a huge clothesline from Booker. Booker stomps the hell out of Orton on the mat. The ref has seen enough and backs Booker up. Orton stumbles up and Booker shoves the ref out of the way and charges him, but Orton drop toe holds Booker and Booker lands throat first on the second rope. Orton leans on Booker’s back and grabs the second rope and chokes Booker out. The ref tries to get Orton off of him, but Orton knows there’s no DQ and keeps choking him. The ref has had enough and pulls Orton off. Orton gets right in the ref’s face and the ref runs backwards tripping over his own feet falling over. Orton goes back to Booker, but Booker nails a kick to the gut from the mat. Orton bends over and Booker shoots up from the mat with an uppercut. Booker gets up and nails repeated chops and slaps to Orton. Booker hurls Orton across the ring. Orton bounces back and Booker goes for a hip toss, but Orton counters and goes for his own hip toss. Booker blocks and nails Orton with a huge clothesline. Booker covers Orton 1...kickout! Booker gets Orton up and knees him in the gut. Booker takes him by the head and the trunks and whips him shoulder first into the steel ring post. Booker screams and gets a huge pop from the crowd. Orton slides out of the corner stumbling around turning towards Booker T. Booker goes for the Booker end, but Orton makes the quick elbow to the side of the head and quickly slides out of the ring. Booker wastes no time going after Orton. Booker chases Orton around the ring and catches up to him hammering him on the back with a forearm. They reach the announcer’s table and Booker goes to slam Orton’s head off the announcer’s table, but Orton blocks and slams Booker’s skull off the announcer’s booth. Orton yanks the ring bell from the time keeper and waits for Booker to turn around. Booker turns around slowly and Orton clocks the ring bell off the head of Booker T. Orton gets a horrible ovation. The ref chews him out and Orton waves him off. Orton picks up the chord to the video cameras and wraps it around the neck of Booker T.

JR: Oh good lord, it’s really breaking down in front of us, good lord, Orton choking the life out of Booker T with that extension cord!

Orton releases the cord and Booker crashes to the outside floor. The ref gets on Orton’s case again and Orton talks back to him. Orton goes after Booker T and pulls him up by his dreads. Booker connects with the last resort eye rake and walks away from Orton. Orton gets his vision back and charges Booker T but Booker lands a flying knee and Orton goes up and over Booker’s knee onto the floor. Booker tells Orton to get up. Orton gasps for air on the ground while Booker pulls out a chair from under the ring. Orton gets up and turns around and Booker levels him with the steel chair. Booker drops the chair and covers the Legend Killer 1…2…kickout! Booker can’t believe it. Booker drags Orton up and slides him in the ring. Booker throws the chair into the ring and then slides under the bottom rope. Booker picks Orton up and kicks him in the gut. Booker backs up and bounces off the ropes looking for the Scissors Kick, but Orton dodges and Booker misses the kick. Orton turns Booker around and goes for the quick RKO. Booker counters and pushes Orton forward, Orton turns right back and goes right into the Book End and Booker plants Orton to the mat pinning him 1…2…kickout! Booker gets up and can’t believe it. He picks the steel chair up and tells Orton to get up. Orton gets up and Booker jabs the chair straight into the ribs of Orton. Orton staggers around in pain and hangs on the top rope. Booker swings the chair for Orton, but Orton ducks and Booker misses. Orton ends up behind Booker and attempts to swing the chair and knock Orton’s head off, but Orton goes downstairs with the low blow. The ref screams at Orton, but Orton has had enough. Orton pulls the ref forward by the shirt and the ref begs him to stop, but Orton nails the referee with an RKO. Orton gets up and stands over the motionless referee laughing. Booker sneaks behind Orton and nails him with a low blow and Orton goes down this time. Booker staggers up to a huge pop. Booker picks Orton up and slaps him across the face. Booker kicks Orton in the gut and bounces off the ropes and nails his patented Scissors Kick. Booker covers Orton…but the ref is still knocked out. A second ref comes running down the ramp and makes the cover 1…2…kickout! Booker lies face up on the mat staring at the lights wondering what could put Orton away. Booker gets up and stands facing the corner and puts his head on the turnbuckle trying to think. Orton staggers up and picks up the chair behind Booker’s back. Booker turns around and sees Orton. Orton swings the chair and Booker covers up ready to get hit, but Orton quickly throws the chair on the ground and nails Booker with the RKO onto the very same steel chair. Orton swings the arm over on Booker covering him 1…2…3!
WINNER: Randy Orton

JR: Oh good God King! Orton faked Booker out and nailed him with the RKO! What a maneuver to win this match!

King: Wow JR, I am surprised you are giving Orton credit!

JR: Don’t get me wrong King, I am pissed Booker couldn’t get the job done. Orton is a dirty individual, but I give him credit on the finish of this match, very smart, strategic tactics!

Orton smiles and walks up the ramp.

: I hope he got what he wanted, but he is going to get way more than he deserves, he struck the official in this match, hopefully he will have to face the consequences, but with Eric Bischoff at the head of the line, I am not sure anything will come of this!

WWE correspondent Josh Matthews is in the parking lot awaiting Ric Flair.

JR: I understand Josh Matthews is awaiting someone in the parking lot, Josh, can you give us an update?

Matthews: Well JR and King, there is yet to be any sign of the Nature Boy Ric Flair here tonight in Denver. I have been here since the show started and nothing yet, but last Monday Night on Raw the Nature Boy promised he would be in the house tonight, so a promise is a promise, all we can do is wait!

Terri is backstage with the World Heavyweight Champion, HBK Shawn Michaels.

Terri: I am here with your current World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, whom later tonight will collide with the Game Triple H in your main event. Shawn, given your past history and your on going rivalry with the Game, your one on one record with the Game is pretty even, you won at Summerslam of last year, and the Game struck back at Armageddon, you have met several times since then however, how are you going into the tie breaker?

HBK: Terri, I am not going to lie, I am getting those butterflies in my stomach, my hands are shanking, and I am quaking in my boots, I have no idea what will happen tonight. You see, before last Monday, I was fine with facing the Game here tonight at Bad Blood, I couldn’t wait, I live off proving people wrong, and this case is no different. Ever since I won the World Heavyweight Championship at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular last month, I have been on a wild ride, the fans enjoyed this roller coaster, but it’s tearing the Heart Break Kid up inside. In the Fatal Four Way, yes, I did hit Ric Flair with a sledgehammer, that I will not deny, but it wasn’t intentional, I didn’t mean to do it, Ric Flair is my father figure, and just to think, if that would have never happened, he would probably be standing here with this gold, and that’s what gets me Terri. We will never know if Ric was…good enough for the big number 17. Before last Monday, I thought it was impossible, until I heard the Nature Boy is coming back. It warmed my heart to see he was healthy. However, tonight, Nay-tch said himself he would be ringside for mine and Hunter’s match, but Ric, I love you like a father, but I am telling you right now, if you interfere in this match, I will not hesitate but to stop you in your tracks Space Mountain. Triple H, same goes for you, but unfortunately for you, me kicking your teeth down your throat will actually cost you something…your shot at my World Heavyweight Championship, see you tonight Game.

PROMO: History between 3 Minute Warning and the Dudley Boys

Rodney Mack is walking down the hall and runs into Theodore Long

Long: Hey what’s poppin’ playa, haven’t seen you holla’n at a brotha in awhile, what’s good?

Mack: Listen Teddy, I told you, I want nothing to do with you, so buzz off.

Long: Hey, hey, Rodney, can you listen for a moment.

Mack keeps walking away, but Teddy holds him back and puts his hand on his shoulder.

: Look here playa, I want to make immense, I want bygones to be bygones, bury the hatchet, you know?

Mack: Get your hand off me…

Long: Ok, playa, you know me, I ain’t going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do, but I think I got someone who will…

Jazz comes out of the side hallway and blindsides Mack with brass knuckles. Mack goes down hard and Jazz stomps the hell out of him.

: Oh by God King! That’s Jazz! Jazz is back, we haven’t seen her since WrestleMania!

Mark Henry steps out of the hallway as well and Jazz and Long tell him to put Mack away for good. Mark Henry picks Mack up and walks over to the concessions table. Mark Henry drills Rodney Mack through the concessions booth.

: Oh lord! Rodney Mack has just been destroyed, I guess this is what Teddy meant by his surprise!

King: And what a surprise it was, thank god, I don’t have to see Rodney Mack for awhile, if at all, this is great!

Teddy, Jazz, and Rodney Mack walk down the hall laughing.

The Dudley Boys’ music hits as Bubba Ray and Devon come down the ramp.

: Well JR, switching gears here, coming up next is the very last chance the Dudley Boys will have at the World Tag Team Championships, if they can’t get the job done here, they won’t get another shot, ever.

JR: This is huge, a huge stipulation, huge caliber match, and, dare I say, huge opponents…

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as the World Tag Team Champions come down the ramp.

: In order for the Dudley Boys to achieve success, they will have to do something they have never done, pin 3 Minute Warning in a tag team match, all of their confrontations in the past they have either come up short, or involved faulty play, but the Dudley’s are looking for a fair and square win if they want the World Tag Team Championship!

World Tag Team Championship
Do or Die
3 Minute Warning defends against the Dudley Boys
Jamal and Bubba Ray Dudley start off the match. They lock up fast. Bubba gets the early advantage and pushes Jamal back, but Jamal pushes right back and backs Bubba up on the ropes. The ref gets between them and breaks it up. Jamal answers with a cheap shot to Bubba and the ref gets in Jamal’s face and backs him up. Bubba jets off the ropes and nails a shoulder block on Jamal, but doesn’t budge the big man. Bubba lands numerous shots to Jamal backing him up to the ropes. Bubba bounces Jamal off the ropes, but Jamal counters and hurls Bubba across the ring. Bubba bounces back and Jamal nails a scoop slam and covers Bubba Ray Dudley 1…2…kickout! Jamal gets up and picks up Bubba Dudley, but Bubba counters with a forearm uppercut. Bubba grabs Jamal’s head and nails a chin breaker on the big Samoan. Bubba gets up and kicks Jamal in the gut and plants him with a DDT. Bubba covers Jamal pinning him 1…kickout! Bubba shakes his head and walks over and tags in Devon. The Dudley Boys pick up Jamal and whips him across the ring, off the ropes. Jamal bounces back and the Dudley Boys send him up and over with an incredible double backdrop. Bubba goes to the apron as Devon goes for the pin covering Jamal 1….2…kickout! Devon sits Jamal up and locks in a headlock. Jamal flails his arms trying to over power Devon, but he can’t. Jamal rises and bends over lifting Devon off his feet. Jamal runs backwards and rams Devon back first into his corner. Rosey makes the tag and both members of 3 Minute Warning stomp the hell out of Devon in the corner. Jamal and Rosey bounces Devon off the ropes and across the ring. Devon bounces back and 3 Minute Warning looks for the double clothesline, but Devon ducks, bounces off the ropes again and nails 3 Minute Warning with a flying double clothesline. Devon shoots up and Jamal shoots up. Devon clotheslines Jamal up and over the top rope onto the floor. Rosey gets up and ambushes Devon from behind. He nails him with elbows and kicks. Rosey shoots Devon into the corner. Rosey charges, and attempts to sandwich Devon in the corner, but Devon dodges and jumps across the ring and tags in Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba charges in and gets a quick roll up on Rosey pinning him 1…2…kickout! The Dudley Boys stomp the life out of Rosey. They pick him up and shoot him across the ring. Rosey comes back and Devon shoots him up and Bubba catches him nailing a surprise 3D on Rosey. Bubba covers him 1…2…Jamal pulls the ref out of the ring by the foot. The ref starts to get in Jamal’s face. The Dudley’s scream at Jamal from the ring as Rosey gets out of the ring and yanks the tag belt away from Lillian. Devon turns around and Rosey cracks the belt off his skull. Rosey throws the belt out of the ring as Bubba charges him. Rosey nails Bubba with a huge Samoan Drop and Rosey covers Bubba 1…2…3!
WINNER: World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning

JR: Oh come on! What a disgrace! This is a travesty King, the cheap belt shot behind the ref’s back!

King: It doesn’t matter how they did it JR, it was etched in stone, if the Dudley’s lost, they wouldn’t be able to go after the World Tag Team Championships, ever, again!

The Dudley Boys help each other up as 3 Minute Warning celebrates up the ramp. The Dudley’s can’t believe they lost as the fans give them a standing ovation.

STILL TO COME on WWE Bad Blood...​

WWE Raw presents
WWE Bad Blood
LIVE! On PPV from Denver, CO!


World Heavyweight Championship
(Ric Flair will be ringside)
Shawn Michaels defends against Triple H

Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy defends against Batista

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
The matches have been great thus far. The Women's Champion was a nice opener and I'm surprised that I was actually into reading it. lol...that doesn't come often when I'm reading diva matches. The three-hour Raw returning next month should be great, let's see if you can top the first one. Orton/Booker was a very good street fight and it's just what I expected from the two. Nice to see Randy pick up the win. lol @ King, " I don’t have to see Rodney Mack for awhile, if at all, this is great!" Moving on, it looks like Mack is either A) out of action or B) having a rivalry with Henry/T-Lo and Jazz. Hopefully it's the first. The Dudleys vs. 3MW was a good tag team encounter. I'm actually surprised that the Dudleys lost. Wonder what's next for them. I'll leave a full length review of each of the matches when your entire pay-per-view is posted. I can't wait for the second half. Should be awesome especially Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. Will the Nature Boy play a role in the outcome of the World Heavyweight Championship match? I cannot wait to find out!

Evil Austin

Great show so far really good, Hopefully the next half is better Ill check it out when thats up and drop a review. Feel free to check out the WAW JD ppv which shall be up in a couple of days.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Great way to start things off, I actually liked the tag team match considering who was in it, so great job on you. HBK's promo was really good, and it makes the match later look more prestigious. I'll do a full review when all is up, you deserve it.