Not to spoil Saylor's return, but hey, guys!
I've been getting prepared for this episode of Raw the only way you can... by watching the April 5, 2010 episode of TNA Impact. An episode so bad that I remember the date two years later. There's no way that Raw could be that bad... but sadly, Raw lately has even made that trainwreck seem tolerable. It was an atrocious show, but things actually happened. Maybe Daniel Bryan can do something interesting, he's our only hope. Otherwise, lets hope for loads of Santino and Ricardo, but there's a reason that they don't get more than 5 minutes. Yikes.
:upset: I'll be here tonight, suffering tonight so Crayo and Dolph's don't spam my inbox with thousands of hate messages. Sorry I haven't posted as much lately, but what is there to say?
Oh, and I owe you storyline ideas, Crayo, probably on Wednesday. Been busy all day.