Dolph'sZiggler said:
I enjoy Rock's catch phrases and his pie jokes. It's good that it was about the match, but I can't get over my hate for Cena's stale ass character.
The emotion he showed tonight was nothing like his stale bury style character though.
The promo seems to be loved world wide. Trending, everyone saying it was great. Not saying you're wrong since everyone has opinions. I personally would have ditched Rock's jokes and Cena's repetitive comments and kept it what it was the majority of the time, serious and emotional.
But this does help the feud in my opinion. They both really don't want to win. John basically finally spoke his mind to his haters, it was good all round. I'm just glad we haven't had the "ROCK > CENA THIS TIME TOO, OMG CENA SUCKS ON MIC" comments we have gotten from Rock marks aka JeebaK.