Shit, Cena/Henry isn't the ME?!?!?!? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UP NEXT!!!!!!!!!
That's going to the Wyatts?
Catching flies... in his mouth...
Shit, Cena/Henry isn't the ME?!?!?!? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UP NEXT!!!!!!!!!
FOLLOW THE BUZZARDS!!!! :angry:That's going to the Wyatts?lease:
Catching flies... in his mouth...
And it's not a face move either... it's just an original entrance. Not sure what relevance that has.
When you go through the crowd, heel or face, the fans will cheer. If you don't believe me go watch an Edge & Christian entrance when they were heels
got a bet up in the skype. Christian kane
Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh... wasn't there a DVD coming out soon that you want? Similar to the one you sent me?
Oh, wait, the show. It's been good so far. Go watch Sheamus's match, it was an instant classictunga:
If it gets the crowd cheering when the spotlight is on you, it's a face thing. I see where you guys are coming from, but I don't see how you can come to that conclusionI think his point was that it's neither a heel or face thing.