WOOHOO Time to watch Raw
Hmm a fire to start the night off, Probably Kane because AJ is GM.
Now thats a stare down from Punk at JR, awkward moment for JR hah.
Now he sits on the table, getting interesting.
CM Punk the best wrestler in the world hmm ok? Ohh Big show's here.
Really Big Show? all about you eh?
Big Show makes a very good point, had it not been for Big Show, Cena would have won.
:yay: here comes Cena, and goes straight at Big Show., who runs away
WOW, what a start as a GM for AJ. What a main event we have tonight.
Come on Santinooo....... What the fuck? a fucking shitty advert on Banged up Abroad has just come on? get back to WWE FFS.
Nooo ADR I HATE you

Pissing myself at Vickie dancing hah, and here comes Sandow, starting to like him.
WOW Sandow just attacked Brodus, I love Sandow even more now
I'm actually enjoying AJ as GM so far.
YES Street Fight for DB and Sheamus