Yeah, I thought this show was a lot of fun and I'm usually the guy to shit on everyone's obsession with nostalgia (dat Joe promo did it for me tho

), but with the sheer amount of old names they had I think it was actually better bc they just got everyone their little 2 minute segment instead of a few long ones that took up a lot of time so I had a good laugh from most of them. 24/7 shit was hilarious throughout the night, thought they did some good build up for SummerSlam as well even though that wasn't the main focus of the show, but they still got almost a whole month to build towards that so I thought this was a good of a time as any for a nostalgia show. That toast at the end was probably the weakest part of the show tbh since that was just Hogan and Austin cutting their usual promos, wasn't bad or anything but I already knew everything they were about to say so it was just whatever.
Highlight was def that Street Profits segment tho, I almost spit out my drink when Dawkins came up coughing and said he was "chilling with RVD" BRUH