It is strange that someone likes Elias.It’s still strange that Graves likes Elias now
She isn't pandering to fans....she's just coming off as a bitch who bought her own hype.It's WWE's fault. At first she just kinda did her own thing but then when the fans cheered her they started making her cut more audience friendly promos.
She isn't pandering to fans....she's just coming off as a bitch who bought her own hype.
Shit her Twitter is still like I doubt it's scripting
These referees are on one tonight
It's WWE's fault. At first she just kinda did her own thing but then when the fans cheered her they started making her cut more audience friendly promos.
No such thing as tweener unless you talking prepubescent girls....she's a character baby face.Nah she used to be a tweener that just said she was gonna take what she wants. Now her lines are like one liner jokes and playground insults to get the crowd to cheer.
I think my problem is more that she seems overly cocky as a face and seems like she's copying McGregor too much. Plus her phrases like "slap your head off" and "you dopes" make me cringe terribly. She just isn't for me.
No such thing as tweener unless you talking prepubescent girls....she's a character baby face.
And her jokes were always Corny.
When someone hits a home run......they did it by themselves.
When someone strikes out......creative did it.
Yeah I hate when she calls her opponents dopes. Who the fuck even says that shit anymore