Wacokid27 said:Daniel Bryan's finishers are now the LeBell Lock and the Diving Headbutt.
That reminds me of someone, but I can't remember who....
Wacokid27 said:Daniel Bryan's finishers are now the LeBell Lock and the Diving Headbutt.
That reminds me of someone, but I can't remember who....
Stopspot said:Ad break. Billy Joel time. sing us a song you're the piano man.
Dat Kid From Jersey said:I remember him a bit too..I think he headlined Wrestlemania 20.
Was it Heidenreich :jeritroll:
Danielson said:Sing us a song tonight
Senhor Perfect said:Well we're all in the mood for a melody...
Danielson said:Sing us a song tonight
Wacokid27 said:I remember that!
They had a three-way match between HHH and HBK.
Who won that?