leojay said:b-but they said it wasn't rigged :upset:
leojay said:Didn't realize this was the "AJ at her sluttiest" award.
GrammarNazi82 said:I believe them. :dawg: I think it was an empty envelope then they put the winner's name in it after the voting closed. Of course that's what happened.
deth said:So AJ is a glorified whore.
leojay said:Didn't realize this was the "AJ at her sluttiest" award.
Wacokid27 said:We don't know that she slept with ALL of them.
So, she's just a slut.
CM Punk said:Cena is such a bad kisser.
Wacokid27 said:We don't know that she slept with ALL of them.
So, she's just a slut.
MarkyMark said:Surprised the Cena/Eve kiss wasn't on there
GrammarNazi82 said:How did you not know that??
I mean, obviously no one else kissed this year. It was all AJ. What a slut.
This award category and showing them back to back just really makes her look even worse. 1: I thought surely they would include someone else from earlier in the year or something. Ugh.