Dat Kid said:Cesaro and Jericho will be the best match of the night
GrammarNazi82 said:Y2J and Cesaro in the ring together....can't go wrong with that.
GrammarNazi82 said::yay:
(Oh, bless your heart.Yeah, I can't say I mind missing him much, but wondered if he had a good promo this week. You missed more Cena recaps, I knew you'd hate you missed those. I think you might be on to something!)
RiotRaven said:Easily, Bryan vs Ziggler was pretty sweet aswell though! :dawg:
Respect Gohan6425 said:Y2J go from wrestling the WWE Champion at last WM to this years WM wrestling a guy who yet to make his TV WWE Debut!? WTF!?
Bully Rain said:He debuted, technically... dude got his ass handed to him by Mark Henry back in 2011 and was knocked back to NXT. Just like what'll probably happen at WM
Bully Rain said:-Most live crowd in months
-Still doesn't care about Johnny Curtis
Dat Kid said:Well there goes the match