I'm starting to think Michael Cole actually thinks Randy Orton's finisher is called "Out Of Nowhere The RKO". FOR FUCK'S SAKE MICHAEL COLE THE RKO IS NOT "OUTTA NOWHERE" WHEN HE SIGNALS IT FIRST
Fucking amen, I thought the exact same thing as it happened last night.
Okay, now onto the important part of the show and that was the finale, the "pipebomb" and Rock's return.
I don't care what anyone says nor thinks of my opinion but Punk's whole "pipebomb" promo leading up to the commercial break was so unbelievably average and meaningless i'm surprised at how much people were jizzing in their pants over it. It was just a whole load of random ranting yet again that served absolutely no purpose at all. Just stunk of trying to do something to make himself stand out on a night where people were going to be talking about The Rock being back.
Now, his post commercial break stuff was miles better than pre commercial break because he actually got onto the subject of The Rock and not letting him tear down everything he had attained just like he did with everyone else he beat. When Rock came out I really liked the way he got straight into it saying that in 20 days he was taking the title and then Punk not being able to live up to his promises of change and a revolution. Both guys serious faces helped the intensity of the promo aswell, not like during Rock/Cena when Cena was stood there with a goofy ass grin all the time. Obviously there were the insults but I did think The Rock did a good job of putting over Punk's title reign, him being dangerous and also the power of his GTS. Credit to Punk aswell for the way he spoke about The Rock returning and his movie schedule because one of my big worries about coming into this feud was that I thought it was going to be the same shit Cena said all them months about never being there, making bad movies etc. Like I say though, credit to Punk because he kind of delivered it in a different way where it was positive but still reiterated that he would kick ass no matter how often he would be there. If I wanted to be picky, one area they could have gone further into is when Punk responded to The Rock saying he mattered because they could have had Rock go on about Punk being second fiddle to Cena still.
Anyways, the actual confrontation between the two was very good, maybe not great but a very good opening exchange that wet my appetite for what's to come.