Liked it quite a bit, but it's pretty much a given that I go in nowadays for almost everything with low expectations, that's the only way to prevent disappointment.
Strong beginning with Punk and Booker setting up the match with Jericho. Good first match with Ryback and Cesaro. Was not a fan of Ryback winning, but I'm biased obviously. I like Cesaro's "swagger." Kennedy had a cocky kind of air around him, now with Edge being gone, Jericho being erratic, I want Cesaro to eventually become the "next big thing."
Miz's face run is failing big time IMO. His mic work as a face is just sloppy and corny overall. Something needs to change. Brock Lesnar beat him up for a good reason.
lol @ Del Rio attempting to get a cheap pop by kissing up to the fans. Would help if he and Khali attended an accent neutralization class.
Strong beginning, weak ending. As for HOF, Bruno was obvious that he would be in there, good for Trish, I don't generally like women's wrestling, the only reason I even tolerate it is for the eye candy, but she was pretty much the only female wrestler I respected.