TNT dig. Hate is still there between the two top cable networks
WWE is not network loyal, they don't care about what Rocks doing outside of their network bubble, they don't even care about the network they are apart of.
MAybe, now just maybe......WWE is starting to get away from the good guys/bad guys dynamic and realizing that the hero worship of the 00s after 9/11 is done and the antihero is back in vogue.
Get as grey as it gets imo. Hate it when people use generic terms as face and heel anyways. Shit is passe as fuck.
Great Raw, except that ref fucking up the finish of Nattie/AJ, fire him immediately.
Great promos throughout, production guys should've made them weeks ago, or creative write them promos weeks ago and go on from that. Bryan/Cena have more shit they could say to pump this feud. Just finally started getting this train going lastweek, kind of a shame to end it this week.