Stopspot said:
To me it seems like a lot of the criticism stems from the name itself. Not everyone explains their reasoning for disliking it (you giving a valid reason for example) so it seemed like it was the name itself that was the problem, not what the pay per view would entail (which we really cannot know until the build up starts). Which to me seems weird in a comical sense, since we are talking about a business known for corny names for events. Starcarde, Lockdown, Elimination Chamber, Hell in a Cell, Supercard of Honour etc the list can be made long. The names themselves without any context seem corny but once the build start and you get a general expectation one can get a clearer picture and they seem less corny.
To me it just seemed like people barking at something they don't know yet. Maybe Payback will end up being an awesome ppv/concept maybe it wont.
Assuming my post is grouped in there (and it seems like it), I'll figure I'll bring up that I did explain my dislike of the name and even brought up that I'm not hating on the PPV because to despise a PPV solely by it's name is an incredibly shallow thing to do. However, a good card doesn't suddenly make a bad PPV name good in my opinion. Also, comparing a bad PPV name to an even worse one (Hell In A Cell, which I hate more than any PPV [though that's not solely based on the name) doesn't suddenly make it a good one. All that does is prove it could be worse, or that there are plenty out there like it, guess what, I don't tend to like those either. By the way, the name doesn't require any clear cut context, the PPV is called "PaybacK", we not what the build is going to revolve around. At best, they'll just make it not feel so contrived that the storyline happens to work that a revenge/payback match will happen at the PPV with a name centered around that concept.
Finally though, this thread reveals one thing about the PPV and that is the name. So despite the fact that it may just be an insignificant little detail when considering the PPV as a whole (card, build, etc.) I decided I'd comment on the one aspect of the PPV we do know, the name. I think the name is terrible, so I said that.