The weird thing is, many people who've been watching a lot longer than I have are saying the way to go is to give Roman this massive moment, but that's screaming "outdated booking" to me.
I like this Reigns storyline, but the biggest worry is still the same as last year (shocker, zero things have changed): It's still all about that Reigns, 'bout that Reigns, 'bout that Reigns...
The disparity between the floundering midcard and all the focus on Reigns is largely what's killing him. We've seen this shit go on for way too long with Cena, stop making the same mistake again... especially with a 3 hour show...
But even as a fan of overbooking, it's hard to try to predict that since it just doesn't resonate with people. Too much of it and the NXT chants will pop up.
Tell you what, WWE, if you want some big stars for the future? Here's you a plan.
Roman's screwed over in the end as he's beaten down by the already-eliminated League and Triple H and tossed out. He gets pissed, goes berserk as usual, grabs the chair and attacks Hunter in the ring, chucks him out, the rest of the people clear out (under the bottom rope) as Roman and Triple H brawl like crazy. Powerbomb on the ramp, strangle him with wires, Roman goes TWICE as ballistic as he did at TLC and leaves Hunter to be stretchered out... then the rest of the not-eliminated midcarders run back in the ring for the title. Ambrose, Owens, Neville, Breeze, Big E, maybe Finn Balor in the final 6, and let these guys battle it out for the WWE Title where the lights are the brightest. As it comes down to Ambrose and Owens, KO leaves with the belt... and defends it against Sami Zayn at Wrestlemania...