Match of the year: Undertaker Vs CM Punk or Ziggler Vs Del Rio Payback
Promo/segment of the year: Mark Henry Fake Retirement
Superstar of the year: Ziggler
Diva of the year: AJ Lee
Manager/valet of the year: AJ Lee or Heyman
Arena of the year: Metlife
Crowd of the year: Izod Center
Pay-per-view of the year: Payback
Rivalry of the year: Undertaker Vs CM Punk
Something you've really liked (This can be anything. A superstar, a storyline, a crowd, a promo, anything): Curtis Axe;
Something you've really disliked (Again, this can be anything): Ryback
Debut of the year: The Wyatt Family
Attire of the year: AJ Lee (Dem shorts :gusta

Commentator of the year: JBL and AJ Lee duo
Pre-show/kickoff of the year: MITB
Move of the year: Adrian Neville 450 cockscrew
Show of the year (RAW/SmackDown/ NXT/ Main Event/ Superstars/ Saturday Morning Slam): Raw
RAW of the year: Night after Mania
SmackDown of the year: Dont watch it
Return of the year: Curtis Axel with his new gimmick.