Nah..I'm talking about the belief that IWC fans thought Kennedy and Umaga would of had Shelton and Kendrick's spots in the Scramble match if they weren't injured and I don't see it.
Well I can't say I've noticed such a concensus of opinion on IWF either. : o/
If Show wasn't apart of it, it was meant to be the young up and comers against HHH in general with a little Jeff Hardy tossed in for additional star power.
Well I'll leave you to assume that that was the motivation....
To me MVP, Hardy and, by virtue of him being US champ, Shelton would rank as top kayfaybe contenders (from the current ACTIVE roster)... Show's done bugger all of late apart from interfere and stuff so I don't see the logic in him being in it... They even did the whole "oversight" thing prior to him siding with Vicki!
IMO as far as kayfaybe contention goes Koslov > Big Show.
The only odd one IMO was Kendrick, but it seams clear they have big-ish plans for him sooner or later.
Umaga was fed to Lashley and Cena beforehand. He destroyed everyone else mostly and HHH killed him. Utterly killed him.
Based soley on your comments here, Umaga was already no longer the unstopable monster cos he'd been stopped twice...