And I thought the 9 quotes from Lethal alone was bad21 notifications
Lemme catch up
Not necessarily (though I am sympathetic to the Jeff wagon). It's just that he and Lethal are both going through the same motions that require wilful ignorance to pursue
You asked a question? I didn't notice. Or maybe I stopped giving a shit immediately after I received my role and am just going through the motions waiting to be viggedMay you please answer my question and cease being an obnoxious snob? Thank you![]()
You asked a question? I didn't notice. Or maybe I stopped giving a shit immediately after I received my role and am just going through the motions waiting to be vigged
CoolOkay, no buys on Poysers or Jeffs immediate reaction to yesterdays activity. Trying to portray my vote on Poyser as mere OMGUS is weak, perpetuating the story that I had 5 or 6 scum reads is also weak because both of them chose to conveniently ignore the fact that I immediately said something's wrong and I gotta sort my thoughts cause obviously 5 or 6 scum reads can't be right and most of them don't even go together. I did narrow down my scum reads to exactly Poyser and Jeff and wouldn't you know it, they don't agree, mind = blown. Also I can't say I care if Poyser finds my progression around Banez and Barry believable or not, I do this open ruminating (as Ace calls it) a lot these days.
Hey Lethal, out of interest, can I ask you why you think I might be scum?
Idk, going uh oh and being of the opinion that I made a non-committal read on Banez to keep my options open and thinking I might be scum for it looks like more than a fluff vote to me. If you wanna tell me it was fluff go right ahead.I kinda get why he says I’m pushing nothing meaningful BEFORE my vote on him as it was true because I didn’t really have anything meaningful at that point. This coming after my vote on him (which he later says he knows isn’t fluff and is serious) seems a bit strange though.
it will be interesting to see if his opinion changes any now he agrees with my barry read considering that it’s a pretty big part of his reasoning to vote me here.
Oh wait he already came back to voting me afterwards, so guess not![]()
Are you Blue or?Idk, going uh oh and being of the opinion that I made a non-committal read on Banez to keep my options open and thinking I might be scum for it looks like more than a fluff vote to me. If you wanna tell me it was fluff go right ahead.
And I don't agree with "your" Barry read per se, I think your reasons to lean town on him that early are bad, I think you're trying to buddy him and followed him early on so you can now WIFOM the heck out of it and go bUt WhY WoULd I eVEr HidE mYSeLF bEhiND baRRyS PlAy!?!?