Hey hey hey, mass claim, then prepare yourselves for THE GREATEST JOBBER OF ALL TIME BARRY HOROWITZ BABY!!! Vanilla townie though. Famous for his massive losing streak and of course the surprise victory over Skip, another WWF jobber.
What do you make of Lethal?
Play wise looks pretty good, claim is meh.
That's literally what I said2. KIF/Smark - the early play and claim are still sketchy
4. Lethal - play wise looks pretty good. Claim is kinda meh.
5. Alco - Cop, goodest boi
6. Poyser - Vig, no issues whatsoever, goodest boi
7. Barry - I have absolutely nothing on him
9. Chris - null, because not sure if post count is a tell or not. Pretty significant decrease in comparison to last game
10. Phenom - looks like uninvolved Town PHENOM. Should start to play as of now, actually
11. Mitch - I doubt the scum team just bus each other into oblivion
12. Tweet - strong SK candidate in my mind
13. Skybox - the Hated claim is fine. The claim was so weird it perfectly fits Townbox meta
15. Haza - play wise doesn't look great, but his claim sort of checks out.
18. Banez - play wise, he feels like a good boi
I'm Husky Harris, Developer. Flavour says my start in WWE was a rather jobby affair but things wouldn't stay that way forever. I changed characters into Bray Wyatt at the start of this phase and became a Double Voter. I was sorta thinking I'd turn into The Fiend and become the SK, though my role PM doesn't state that I'll change alignments, only role and character.
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Probably gonna take a while for Odo to prove this role.