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July 23rd 2017

The Pay Per View began with a short video package highlighting all of the action that had taken place between the New World Order and The Balor Club that would feature all of the major violent moments and all of the various members of the roster that had joined either stables since they had come into fruition before finally welcoming everyone to RAW IS WAR’s first PPV since the Monday Night Wars.


Triple Threat Match - WWE Cruiserweight Champion
Zack Sabre, Jr. (c) vs. Tye Dillinger vs. Neville

[There can be no denying that Zack Sabre, Jr. has been celebrated as the man that has been able to re-establish the Cruiserweight Championship as a title worthy of being part of the WWE Universe, being the only man to have held the title more than once since the title was reintroduced. That being said there was quite a bit of excitement that recent NXT graduate Tye Dillinger and gravity defying Neville were involved in challenging for the title, although considering that ZSJ had no involvement with either the nWo/Balor Club it was clear that he was going into this contest at a disadvantage. The match would without any surprise begin with Dillinger and Neville targeting each other rather than the reigning champion as it was clear that the hatred between factions was greater than their desire of going after the champion. Rather than feel insulted by both his opponent’s approach ZSJ would take the time to conserve some energy. On the other hand both Dillinger and Neville. Both men would look intent on really beating the crap out of each other, with Tye seeming to get the upperhand as he would manage to swing Neville around only to lift him up and decimate the Geordie with a TYE BREAKER and in the aftermath would be incredibly clever by forcing Neville through the ropes and out of the ring in the melee of his signature move.

As soon as Neville had left the ring, Sabre, Jr. would be swift on the attack and would make sure that he prevented Dillinger from building up any sort of momentum and being the fresher of the two man and would do so by using his wide of array of kicks to his advantage and would really get the crowd going by dropping Tye onto his backside with a Rolling Elbow before springing off the ropes and charging back towards Dillinger and connecting with a powerful PENALTY KICK that would result in nearfall with Dillinger kicking out of the cover attempt and showing everyone that he was so much more than just another personality. At this point Neville had made his way back to his feet and would get back involved in the contest by launching himself off the turnbuckle in what began as a Moonsault but ended with ZSJ being thrown to one side with a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT! Dillinger though would be extremely clever by wheeling himself behind Neville only to charge forward kick Neville in the back of the head with a Superkick! Instead of attempting to cover Neville, Dillinger would instead try to remove Sabre, Jr. from the ring only for the champion to counter the move and take Dillinger down to the mat and singe in the CROSS ARMBREAKER! It was clear that Dillinger was struggling to fight the temptation to tap out, whilst it looked almost certain that Zack was going to successfully defend his title once again. Neville would show just exactly why he was ‘The Man That Gravity Forgot’ as he would leap off the turnbuckle and land on top of both ZSJ and Dillinger with the RED ARROW! Neville at first would attempt to cover Sabre, but Zack would show his resilience and manage to kick out at the last possible moment. Neville would remain undeterred though and instead focus on Dillinger and hook over the Canadian's leg long enough to claim the three count and becoming the new Cruiserweight Champion.
Neville would celebrate the victory by demanding that the referee strap the purple title belt around his waist before having a fellow member of both 205 Live and the New World Order King Ricochet handing him a black and white t-shirt and would put on the tee before climbing up onto the turnbuckle and celebrating his victory and giving the nWo their first victory of the evening.]

WINNER: Neville - new WWE Cruiserweight Champion


Fans Bring The Weapon Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Cena

[With tensions between Dolph and John having risen well beyond boiling point it was clear that both men were intent on inflicting as much damage as possible to their counterpart. The match would start with both men exiting the ring and look for an adequate weapon to use. Ziggler would take hold of a ‘Stop Sign’ which already looked as if it had been damaged, whilst Cena would actually take hold of a rusty skillet. In the first exchange Dolph would use the ‘Stop Sign’ as a shield, but eventually John would manage to fight his way through Ziggler’s defences and slam the pan into Dolph’s ribs before dropping the pan and using the ‘Stop Sign’ against Dolph by lifting him up in the air and dropping him down onto the aluminium with the Emerald Flowsion! The look on Dolph’s face told the fans all they needed to know as it was clear that that landing on the sign had really knocked the wind out of him. Cena wouldn’t show any signs of letting up and would exit the ring and proceed to pull a number of tables from underneath the ring and start setting up the tables outside the ring. John seemed to have gotten a little bit preoccupied, as would be caught off guard as Dolph would dive through the ropes and take out Cena with a suicide dive that would bring the fighting much closer to the fans, with everyone eager for their weapons to be brought into the fold.

For the next portions of the contest a number of different unique weapons would be utilised including; an alarm clock, a child’s lightsaber, a remote control car, a lampshade, a hubcap and an english cricket bat to name just a few. One moment that was undoubtedly memorable would take place when Dolph Ziggler was acting like a treasure hunter and with a look of joy was grabbing a number of light-tubes and placing them down in perfect symmetry on top of one of the wooden tables that had now found their way inside of the ring. It looked at one point that John was going to turn the tables on Dolph as he would manage to transition out of Ziggler’s clutches and instead hoist Dolph up onto his shoulders only for Dolph to show his resilience by reversing the move and in one swift motion sending Cena through the light-tubes and the table with the ZIG ZAG!It was clear that John was really hurting because as soon as he rolled over onto his break, his back was visibly bleeding. Cena though would show his natural instinct to survive by dragging himself out of the ring and dropping down onto the hard concrete floor below.
Dolph though would show no signs of letting up and would immediately take hold of Cena and throw him back first into the ringside barricade with the blow clearly causing even more pain and distress to Cena. Dolph would grab hold of a small velvet bag from one of the fans only to open up the bag and empty the contents on the floor to reveal thousands of thumbtacks. Dolph would smile and spread out the tacks more evenly before taking hold of Cena and dropping him down back first right down onto the tacks with a devastating Spinebuster! Cena would look like a stuffed pig as Dolph would drag him up only to reveal the hundreds of tracks that were puncturing Cena. Dolph would smile and it was clear that he was far from finishing, but would first take hold of John and roll him back into the ring. Dolph would then pick up a steel chair and slide it into the ring, only to take hold of another chair but this time enter the ring.

Dolph would then proceed to slam the chair down repeatedly on Cena before taking hold of one of the chairs and sliding it underneath Cena’s face only to take the second chair and raise it up into the air hitting John with the CON-CHAIR-TO! Cena looked like a motionless zombie as he remained down on the canvass and would only be dragged up onto his feet one final time only to be finished off with the BLONDE AMBITION! Dolph would drop himself over John and it would be no surprise to anyone when the referee reached three and called for the bell. Dolph would celebrate the victory with the referee raising his hand in the air, whilst a team of EMTs would rush out from the back and tend to Cena, as Dolph would continue to celebrate the victory and continue the nWo’s winning streak for the evening.]

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler


Chairs Match - WWE United States Championship
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Adam Cole

[The amount of chairs that filled the ring made it impossible for Zayn and Cole not to use the chairs on each other. Zayn had been the champion since winning it from Strowman ten months ago at Roadblock: End of the Line but it was clear to many that Adam Cole was without a doubt going to be the the toughest challenger for Zayn’s title especially considering the fact that Cole had been the sole survivor of the Tables & Stables match which had main-evented Payback. As was the case with most of the matches in tonight’s event this was a direct Balor Club vs. New World Order encounter. Both men would toss multiple chairs at each other in the early stages of the match with it seeming more about wanting to get some freedom in ring and some space to move rather than inflicting any real damage. This of course wouldn’t stop Adam Cole from dropping Zayn directly onto his head with the FLORIDA KEY and would maintain the bridge but would be unable to achieve the pinfall as Zayn would manage to enforce a rope break with the use of a stray leg at the last possible moment.

The rest of the match would be highlighted by by a number of chair shots with each blow of steel causing either man to become more run down and slowly suffering from the repeated shots that they were dishing out to each other. Adam would be ever the opportunist and would actually catch Sami out a number of times with a number of Superkicks that act as natural preventatives/blockers in Zayn’s attempt of connecting with some seriously dangerous chair shots. Of course this would only frustrate Sami rather than cause him any debilitating damage, although the battle of attrition was very much in effect as both Sami and Adam were showing signs of fatigue and tiredness. The match would actually come quite unexpectedly, as whilst Cole looked like he was catching his breath his head would be sent spiralling backwards as Zayn would charge forward and connect with HELLUVA KICK only to quickly transition the move and instead take hold of Cole and drop him down onto a stacks of chair with the BRAINBUSTER! Zayn wouldn’t any time and would roll Cole over to claim the victory and continue his reign as the United States Champion and finally give the Balor Club a victory and at the same time knock nWo a peg or two in the process.]

WINNER: Sami Zayn - still WWE United States Champion


Ladder Match - WWE RAW Tag Team Championships
The Establishment (Daniels & Kazarian) (c) vs. Sting & Goldust

[The combination of Sting and Goldust was without a doubt one of the most unique and at the same time most dysfunctional team that the WWE Universe had seen in recent years. At the same time though both men had been surprisingly effective and would continue to show their good run of form as soon as the match was underway and it was clear that their aggressive approach would catch the The Establishment slightly out and this point would be reinforced with Goldust surprising everyone by dropping Frankie Kazarian directly onto a ladder with the CURTAIN CALL!It was clear by the way that the ‘Ring General’ Christopher Daniels was reacting that he couldn’t believe what was happening, but he wouldn’t be given much time to continue to protest as like a man in the shadows he would creep up behind Daniels only to take Daniels off his feet with the SCORPION DEATH DROP! With Daniels and Kazarian both off their feet so early on into the match it looked as if the match was going to end a lot sooner than anyone had expected. However, as Goldust was making his up the ladder to claim the titles he would actually slip on one of the rungs and fall off the ladder and by doing land on top of his partner resulting in four men lying on their backs staring up at the titles looking like four upside tortoises struggling to turn themselves over.

The wasn’t the longest in the history of ladder matches, but it was clear that the Establishment were eager to make sure that nobody remembered the fact that they had almost been embarrassed and would target Goldust as it was clear that they had identified him as the weak link in the chain and would do so by performing a number of double team moves whenever possible, the nature of the match being fought under tornado rules did make it extremely hard for both Frankie and Christopher to maintain the momentum as was more their strategy in traditional tag-team contests. Eventually though the duo would make a mistake or so Goldust though, which would lead to the deception resulting in Kazarian hitting Dust with a low-blow before the tag team champions would lift up the bizarre one and bring him down onto the canvass with the BEST MELTZER EVER! Unknown to both Daniels and Kazarian Sting had been slowly scaling the ladder and without either man having enough time to respond would grab hold of the title belts and unhook them bring the match to an unexpected ending, much to the shock of The Establishment.

With Sting and Goldust being announced that new champions it was clear that Daniels and Kazarian were furious. Rather than let Sting celebrate the victory, The Establishment would push the ladder over which would lead to Sting falling off the ladder at a great height and bouncing off the canvass. After the matter Daniels and Kazarian would take hold of the titles (clearly what they felt were still ‘their titles’) and proceed to head backstage leaving Sting and Goldust in the ring like two wounded dogs even if the bizarre duo had just become the new tag team champions.]

WINNER: Sting & Goldust - new WWE RAW Tag Team Champions


Bálor Club:Camacho, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Tama, Sheamus, Cesaro, Big Show, Mark Henry, Jack Gallagher, Hideo Itami, Lince Dorado, Big Cass & Enzo Amore
nWo: Cody Hall, King Fale, Yujiro, Bubba Ray & D-Von, Kofi Kingston, Big E, Xavier Woods, Epico, Primo, King Ricochet, Strowman & Roman Reigns

[In all honesty the match was more like a gang fight after two football firms or two rival crime syndicates rather than a wrestling match, although this mean that to begin the ring area was nothing short of complete and utter chaos. To make it easy for the fans everyone in the nWo was wearing black shirts in different varieties, whilst the Balor Club had chosen red as their colour of choice. Given the nature of the contest it wasn’t all that surprising that the numbers would lead to a few early elimination. The men that won’t be watching back the fight and will want to forget about their performance as quickly as possible were; The Big Show, Big Cass, The New Day (Kingston, Big E & Woods) & Epico. All six men were most certainly targeted in a gangland style mugging, although the point has to be made that if both factions had looked out for each other rather than looking for easy targets itwould be highly unlikely that both sides would have suffered early casualties.

One thing became clear and that was that known tag-team were start to split off and work as individuals units. For the Balor Club this meant Anderson & Gallows, The Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama & Camacho) and Sheamus and Cesaro were almost acting as the first line of defense for the club. The nWo however weren’t the slight bit worried as Cody Hall & King Fale and The Dudley Boyz joined by the likely lads of Strowman and Reigns result in quite the clash of heads or rather that clash of a boot as the first man to drop to the mat in the secondary assault was D-Von as Sheamus would connect squarely with the BROGUE KICK! It must be noted that Bubba Ray was noticeably incensed by this action and would go straight for Sheamus only for the Swiss Superman to come to his partner’s aid as Cesaro and Bubba would begin brawling to one side. The Guerrillas of Destiny had chosen to go after Hall and Fale, whilst Anderson and Gallows made it very clear just exactly what they thought of both Braun and Roman as they would flip the duo off before charging forward.

To another side nWo’s Yujiro, Primo and King Ricochet had circled Mark Henry and with a combination of signature moves had managed to topple the beast and eliminate him from the contest. The trio would be given no time to celebrate however as Jack Gallagher, Hideo Itami, Dorado and Amore would charge forward intent to exact revenge and the number advantage would noticeably give the Club the advantage. So much so that Itami would manage to take Primo onto his shoulders and hit him with the GO TO SLEEPand thus remove him from the contest. Yujiro wouldn’t take to kindly to Itami and it was clear that something must have said between the pair as Yujiro was fighting like a man possessed and looked unstoppable as he would first target Lince Dorado and eliminate him by connecting with the MIAMI SHINE before adding insult to injury by kicking Itami in the groin only forcing him to watch as he took hold of Gallagher and nailed him with the PIMP JUICE to earn two eliminations for his team in quick succession.

The battle between Anderson/Gallows and Reigns/Strowman had found its way up the entrance ramp and Roman had managed to gain an advantage by having Strowman launched him up like a missile launching allowing him to gain extra momentum and nail Anderson with a SUPERMAN MAN that had allowed both himself and Braun to gain a numbers advantage over Gallows. The way in which both men were attacking Gallows though suggested that both men were more intent on inflicting as much damage as possible rather than eliminate Luke from the contest. When it looked like both men had finally got bored of their games Braun would force Gallows up, as Roman would look to take a run up only to be caught totally off guard as he would suffer a chairshot to the back of the head from Tama. Braun had barely enough time to let go of Gallows as the other Guerrillas Camacho came charging forward and smashed his own chair into Braun’s side. It was only at this point that the commentary team would show the fans a replay in case they had missed it of managing to have only just a few moments earlier eliminating Cody Hall and King Fale. Camacho would take hold of Braun and using all of his strength lift him up in the air and drop him head first onto his steel chair with the APESHIT! Camacho would drop down to cover Braun and Gallows would also join his fellow club member on the pile putting down extra pressure and forcing the pin-fall. Tama however seemed to have totally underestimated Roman though as would celebrate Strowman elimination only for Reigns to nail him with a SPEAR and earn a cheap but still totally legal elimination.

Whilst all of this had taken placed King Ricochet and Yujiro had been working in perfect harmony and managed to successfully eliminate Enzo Amore and Hideo Itami although it was very clear by the manner in which Yujiro celebrated Itami’s elimination that there was something more than just a simple match rivalry between both men. At this moment both sides were down to five men apiece. Yujiro and Ricochet were much close to the fight between the Dudley Boyz and Sheamus and Cesaro, but arrive just a little bit too late for D-Von who would find himself being eliminated by Cesaro with THE NEUTRALIZER! Yujiro would go straight for Cesaro and smash him in the jaw with a high knee only to smash him down onto the concrete with the PIMP JUICE, King Ricochet was continuing the perfect poetry in motion that both he and Yujiro had manage to acquire as he would at a run jump onto the ring apron only to springboard off the middle rope and land on top of Cesaro with a DOUBLE ROTATION MOONSAULTthat would be more than enough to remove Cesaro from the fray. Sheamus though had continued to brawl with Bubba Ray and not soon after had connected with the WHITE NOISE and thus removed the Dudley Boyz from the contest.

Roman meanwhile had found himself surrounded by Anderson, Gallows and Camacho and the handicap of two extra men just proved too much for Reigns to handle especially when one of them was an incensed Camacho who was taking every breathing moment as an opportunity to hit Roman with the steel chair. Eventually though the Club would grow bored of the punished and finish Roma off by nailing him with the MAGIC KILLER! This would free the trio up as they would sprint back towards the ring to come to Sheamus aid and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Irishman as they would just stand at grin at both Yujiro and King Ricochet knowing that they now had a clear numbers and size advantage. Gallows and Anderson would charge at Yujiro, but rather than go after him would just toss him out of the ring as the Club would set their sights firmly on King Ricochet. The punishment would begin with Gallows and Anderson connecting with the BOOT OF DOOM, only to be caught by Camacho who would plant him down to the mat with a TORNADO DDT! Sheamus would then demand that Ricochet be brought to him only to take him up and pulverize him with the CELTIC SLAM and eliminate him from the contest. This would result in all four surviving members of the Balor Club just turning their attention to Yujiro Takahashi. Before anything else could happen all the lights in the arena would shut out.

As they would turn back on the imposing figure that is Brock Lesnar would be standing in the middle of the ring. The Balor Club wouldn’t have time to respond as Lesnar would take Gallows F-5, Anderson F-5, Sheamus F-5 before grabbing Camacho and tossing him out of the ring allowing for Yujiro to take hold of Camacho and nail him with the MIAMI SHINE! Yujiro would then slide into the ring and drop on top of Sheamus and earn another elimination and repeat the process as he slid on top of Gallows result in just himself and Anderson being the only two legal man. Whilst all of this had been taking place Brock had been watching with a massive smile on his face. As Yujiro made his way over to Anderson, Brock would step forward and offer Yujiro his hand. Yujiro would grab hold of it which would be massive mistake as Brock would take hold of Yujiro and throw him over his shoulders and straight into the turnbuckle with the king of all suplexes before giving both Yujiro and Anderson the middle fingers before heading backstage. Yujiro was in bad shape, and Anderson was clearly hurting but be the first to get back to his feet and he would take hold of Yujiro and pull him into the centre of the ring and cover him to earn the victory for The Balor Club although it was clear that Anderson was in no mood for celebrating.]

WINNER: Karl Anderson - The Balor Club Win


Singles Match (WWE RAW Women's Championship)
Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Eva Marie

[Still for a lot of people the fact that Eva Marie has been involved in the championship scene is too much to handle, so the fact that if she managed to beat Charlotte tonight she would become the first woman in history to hold both the RAW and Smackdown women’s championship since the brand split. At the same time though a large amount of fans were looking forward to Charlotte Flair putting on another wrestling masterclass. The match would start with Charlotte having a clear advantage and it was by the manner in which she approached Eva that she thought very little of her title challenger. Charlotte though would make it clear that she was focusing her attacks and especially her submissions on Eva’s left arm that had become her achilles heel following her long-term injury and it was clear by Eva’s struggle that she was desperate for Charlotte not to force her back onto the injury list. Charlotte though was relentless and would stamp and kick at the arm before trying her best to hold it into a number of arms lock, which would very noticeably be causing Eva a lot of distress. The onslaught though would show no signs of stopping and Charlotte would attempt to end the match early by locking in the FIGURE-EIGHT with Marie being extremely lucky to brush the bottom rope with her foot in order for the referee to enforce the rope break. This would result in Eva exiting the ring in order to get a breather.

The control of the match seemed to have got to Charlotte’s head though as she would give up the high ground and follow after Eva which would be a mistake as Eva would charge forward in a rage and with a solid shoulder barge smash Charlotte into the ring apron. Eva would then take hold of Charlotte and using the steel steps would send Charlotte crashing down onto the concrete with SLICED RED#2! Eva though wouldn’t let off the pressure as she would climb onto the announcer’s table and leap off landing on top of Charlotte with a leg drop before taking hold of Charlotte and forcing her underneath the bottom rope and back into the ring. It was clear by the smile on Eva’s face that she very much felt that the tide of the match had turned and she was on course for a historic title victory. Eva would climb back into the ring and as Charlotte tried to push herself back up to her feet Eva would kick Charlotte in the side, although it was like she hadn’t even kicked as Flair would pushed herself up to her feet and stare at Eva with nothing short of pure disgust. Charlotte though would catch a forearm to side of the face before being thrown onto the mat with a snap suplex only for Eva to drop down onto Charlotte and lock her in a submission move, noticeably not one of her own but rather the woman she was scheduled to face at SummerSlam (Nikki Bella) the STF! The move did the job and it wasn’t long until Charlotte was tapping out and the fans would look on in shock as Eva Marie was crowned as new RAW Women's Champion.]

WINNER:Eva Marie - new WWE RAW Women’s Champion


I Quit Match - Loser Leaves RAW (WWE Universal Championship)
AJ Styles (c) vs. Finn Balor

[This was an exciting match considering it was a Wrestlemania rematch and a feud that had very much as soon as Styles had won the Royal Rumble match. With the knowledge that the loser of the contest would have to leave RAW, it was very clear that this was the final chapter in this particular feud although by no means was this going to be the end of the Styles/Balor rivalry. The match in the ring would be a tense affair with it being clear both AJ and Finn fully appreciated just how important it was not to lose the tonight’s contest. Eventually though after a tonne of chain wrestling and back and forth transition wrestling the fight would spill out of the ring and both men would literally ‘go to war’ at ringside.

The moment in which both men looked likely to say ‘I Quit’ almost came about after a number of different interesting spots. Balor would have AJ legs caught in a steel chair and would proceed to stamp down on it before leaping off the turnbuckle and landing on top of the chair (which effectively would squash and mangle Styles’ leg) by hitting the COUP DE GRACE! Styles would flip Balor off, but there would be no sign of giving up anytime soon. Styles though would have a limp for much of the fight, but that would stop him from laying out Balor on the exposed commentary table only to send both himself and Balor throw the table with a hellacious STYLES CLASH!

The match though would continue to the back and both men would be throwing shots at each other and at every opportunity would find themselves throwing object and any assort of weapons at each other. Balor would lead up the pair to the VIP Boxes and much to everyone's amusement AJ would send both himself and Finn through a window to expose interim RAW IS WAR General Manager Vince McMahon, Smackdown Commissioner Shane McMahon and Triple H all watching the fight. Styles would be the first onto his feet and be sure to shake all three men’s hand before taking hold of Balor and threatening to throw him off the balcony. Balor sounded genuinely scared as he shouted “I QUIT! I QUIT! I QUIT!”

The referee who had been following the pair around would signal the end of the contest, but much to everyone's shock Styles would simply shove Balor forcing him to fall from the height. Balor would crash through some tables below and his crumpled body would be attended to by a group of EMTs that had been stationed around the ring. Styles wouldn’t even give Balor a second look as he would raise his hands in the air and shout out “nWo for life!” as the PPV would come to shocking conclusion.

WINNER: AJ Styles - still WWE Universal Champion (Finn Balor leaves RAW)


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Karl Anderson being the sole survivor and winning the Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match was a victory quickly forgotten as soon Finn Balor uttered the two truly devastating word of ‘I Quit’. With Balor instantly leaving RAW IS WAR (and then signing a contract with Smackdown Live) the whole of the Balor Club was thrown into a state of chaos. On the episode of RAW IS WAR following Extreme Rules (24th July) Karl Anderson would announce himself as the new leader of the Club, but rather than being known as the Balor Club would make it clear that the group would now be referred to as the Bullet Club - the same stable that had without no shadow of a doubt revolutionised the Japanese wrestling scene. Anderson would then make it extremely clear that himself and the rest of the Bullet Club were extremely saddened by the loss of Finn Balor, but at the same time were no going to be in a state of mourning and would make it clear that the war between the New World Order and the Bullet Club was far from being over. Anderson would make it clear that if AJ Styles had any sort of backbone he would put the Universal Championship on the line against a member of the Bullet Club. Styles not one to ever shy away from time in the spotlight would respond to Anderson’s address and come out from the back flanked by Adam Cole and King Fale - and make it clear that it did not matter who his challenger was, because Finn had been the best that the Bullet Club had and now that he had been disposed of, no one else could even be considered a worthy challenger.

It was at this pointed that United States Champion Sami Zayn would appear on the titantron screen with a massive smile on his face and his title belt draped over his shoulder. Zayn who had held the title since December after winning it at Roadblock, who make it clear that he had proven himself as on of the biggest names on the RAW IS WAR roster and that at SummerSlam he would be leaving the with not one, but two different championship belts. It must be noted that AJ didn’t seem to worried about the prospect of fighting Zayn. However, before anything else could happen the camera would cut backstage to a mass brawl taking place backstage between various member of both the nWo and Bullet Club with no intention to break it up being made by the security team.

RAW IS WAR General Manager Triple H would make it clear that he was completely furious with both the nWo and the Bullet Club and was growing incredibly tired of both stables thinking they could do whatever they wanted without thinking that their would be an consequences for their actions. Triple H would announce that he was currently in negotiation with a number of candidates, but that on next week’s show he would reveal an enforcer acting on his behalf to restore order once again on Monday nights.

On the following episode of RAW IS WAR
(31st July) Triple H would begin the show be revealing none other than Brock Lesnar (not seen in the WWE Universe since the Fast Lane PPV) as his enforcer, with Paul Heyman not far behind acting as Brock’s voice. Heyman would make it clear that if anymore unsanctioned fighting took place, then Brock would be forced to intervene and F-5 every single guilty party involved with the fully support of Triple H behind him. Heyman would also make it clear that if both stables continued to disrespect the RAW IS WAR management structure then they would suffer the consequences.

Of course the warning would fall on deaf ears as fighting between both groups would continue which result in Brock Lesnar forcing himself between both group in the parking lot and proceeding to slam Epico down onto the hood of car with a truly brutal F-5! Brock would then grab hold of a microphone and proceed to book a match on the spot that he would coin as a Hellacious Hell In A Cell Match (a Lethal Lockdown ripoff) with the New World Order having a line-up of The New Day, Epico and Primo & Braun Strowman who Brock would state would act as the team captain, and that they would face a Bullet Club line-up of The Guerrillas of Destiny, Mark Henry & The Big Show, Cesaro and Sheamus as their captain. Brock would then make it clear that all members of the losing team would be given a 60 day suspension from all WWE programming making it clear that the carrot clearly hadn’t work, so the stick was going to have to be the solution.


Hellacious Hell in a Cell (Lethal Lockdown)
| Losing Team Suspended for 60 days |
Bullet Club: Sheamus (Captain), Cesaro, Mark Henry, Big Show, Camacho & Tama

nWo: Strowman (Captain), Epico, Primo, Big E. Langston, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods

Sami Zayn would spend make a point of cutting a number of promos of how much better RAW IS WAR would be without AJ Styles as the Universal Champion and that he was the solution to everyone’s problem. Halfway the third of these promos, Zayn would be interrupted by Adam Cole and Yujiro (two men whom Sami had previously beaten in recent months at pay per view events) who would make it clear that everyone in the WWE Universe was growing tired of hearing Zayn’s voice and they were going to remedy the situation by shutting up Sami for good. Both men would proceed to attack Sami in a two-on-one situation and looked to have the advantage, only for Gallows and Anderson to come to their stablemates aid. This confrontation would result in Triple H booking a match between Anderson & Gallows vs. Cole & Yujiro in the show’s main-event with the winning team being granted a shot to face Goldust & Sting for the tag-team titles at SummerSlam - a contest which would be won by Anderson and Gallows. As the show would come to an end Goldust and Sting would come out from the back wearing ‘RAW IS WAR’ tees, with it being very clear that the reigning champions were very much not aligned with either the nWo or the Bullet Club.


Goldust & Sting (c) vs. Anderson & Gallows

The following week’s episode
(7th August) Brock Lesnar wearing a ‘RAW IS WAR’ tee would be flanked on his right side by Goldust & Sting wearing identical tees, whilst on his left side Samoa Joe and Nick Aldis wearing a similar getup. Paul Heyman would walk in front of the five and make it clear that the only team to be proud of being part of was ‘Team Raw Is War’ and that if any of the peripheral members of the nWo and Bullet Club had any sense they would jump ship and switch their allegiance. Heyman would then continue his rallying of the troops by making it clear that the only way to purify Monday Night was to give both the nWo and Bullet Club a taste of their own medicine before revealing that the Cruiserweight Championship would be contested in Triple Threat 5-Man Tag Team match, with the title only changing hands to the man to achieve the first pinfall. Heyman would make it clear that the match would operate under a hot-tag system with only two men sanctioned to compete in the ring at one time before reading out the teams for the contest:


5-Man Triple Threat Tag Team Match for WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Bullet Club: Lince Dorado, Hideo Itami, Jack Gallagher, Tye Dillinger & Enzo Amore
nWo: King Ricochet, Neville (c) , Yujiro, Adam Cole & Dolph Ziggler
Team War Is War: Zack Sabre, Jr., Noam Dar , T.J. Perkins, Evan Bourne & Akira Tozawa

Later on in the night the newly formed ‘Team Raw Is War’ would proceed to attack both members of the Bullet Club and the New World Order. During all of this chaos The Establishment had somehow managed to be the only two members of the main roster (not including some of the member of 205 Live) to not align themselves with a faction. Daniels would clearly be thinking tactically and make it clear during a promo with Kazarian that ‘The Establishment’ would be happy to join Team War Is War on the condition that they were given a shot at the tag team titles. Daniels and Kazarian would get their answer later that night with Goldust Sting, Samoa Joe and Nick Aldis would proceed to attack the former champions making it clear that if they weren’t with them, then they were simply against them.

The fighting between the nWo and the Bullet Club would continue and despite Lesnar and the rest of Team Raw is War trying to keep the piece, it was clear that enough was enough which would result in Triple H making an announcement from his office. Triple H would make it clear that if both factions weren’t going to play by the rules then he was going to change the rules and said that instead of the Universal Championship match being contested between Sami Zayn and AJ Styles a third man would be added into the mix...BROCK LESNAR!

With less than a week until SummerSlam,
(14th August) Triple H would announce that any unsanctioned fighting would result in those involved being ejected from the building immediately. However, this ruling didn’t seem to relate to Brock who proceeded to jump attack both Styles and AJ on two separate occasions with Brock making it clear that the only thing he was interested in was leaving SummerSlam as the Universal Champion.


AJ Styles (c) vs. Sami Zayn vs. Brock Lesnar


The ending of the partnership between Ryder and Rawley, resulted in the creation of the ‘Hype Bros Version 2.0’ with Tino Sabbatelli moving up from NXT to becoming Mojo’s new partner in crime. In typical over-the-top fashion following Judgement Day (27th June) Mojo would speak backstage with Smackdown Live’s very own Dasha Fuentes. Mojo tell everyone that he was in an extremely good mood and well and truly hyped to have the opportunity to finally showcase all his talent on Smackdown Live now that the stabilisers had come off and he was no longer restricted by Zack Ryder - a washed up has-been with absolutely no talent and zero swagger. Mojo would make it very clear that Tino really understood what it meant to get hyped and from this moment on he would be getting hyped at every opportunity. For a number of weeks this would results in the Hype Bros V2 interrupting various promos and backstage segments, with the clear intention of coming off as fun and lighthearted whilst spreading their overall vibe that they were on Smackdown Live to get hyped. The pair would finally make their debut as a tag-team on (18th July) after weeks of tomfoolery and managed to earn themselves an impressive victory over The BollyWood Boyz which would result in the Hype Bros V2 having an seriously over-the-top celebration that would actually result in Rob Gronkowski (a member of the New England Patriots) to enter the ring where Mojo would reveal that ‘The Gronk’ was one of his long-term friends and he too new the definition of ‘getting hyped’.

It seemed that the resident Smackdown Tag Team Champions Team Jeri-KO had grown tired of the antics of The Hype Bros V2 - and would in a segment the following week
(25th July) would call out both men and make it clear that if they wanted to act like a pair of jackasses and make fools of themselves, then perhaps it was better if they returned to the indiependent wrestling. Kevin Owens would then make the point that neither man had actually worked in the indies - and that both men were nothing more than a pair of American Football losers, although would bring special focus that Rawley hadn’t even played in the league and was nothing more than part of the ‘practise squad’. This would result in Jericho and Owens referring to the ‘Hype Bros V2’ as the ‘Practise Squad’ from that point onwards.

Later on in the night after successfully defending their titles against Young Truth - Jeri-Ko would take to the microphone and continue to make a mockery of the ‘Practise Squad’. This would result in Tino running out from the back, where he would be met on the entrance ramp by Owens, whilst Jericho would continue to make fun of the Hype Bros. What he didn’t realise was that Mojo Rawley was right behind and would knock Jericho to the floor before nailing him with the Hyper Drive! Meanwhile, ‘The Gronk’ would make an appearance for the second time in as many weeks and jump over the security fence and take out Kevin Owens from behind with a truly devastating Spear! The scene would end with Mojo taking to the microphone and asking the down pair of Jericho and Owens ‘how it felt, to get hyped?’ before the trio would head backstage.

A week
(1st August) later Jeri-KO would come out to the ring and make it clear that they had a couple of things that they needed to address. The first thing was that they had received information from an anonymous source, although it was very obvious from the clueless being given by Jericho that they were talking about none other than Zack Ryder. Jericho would state that he had it under this credible witness that Mojo Rawley had was actively injecting himself with juice in order to increase his gains and that after the lab had run some tests during the week - Smackdown Live’s General Manager had been given no other option but to place on Mojo on suspension. Secondly, Jericho would make the point that Rob Gronkowski was not a member of the Smackdown roster but if he wanted to act like a member of the WWE then he was going to be treated like one. Jericho would demand that Tino & The Gronk come out from the back. Jericho would make it clear that neither Tino nor Rob had earned the right to face him or his best friend Kevin Owens at SummerSlam, but that they would both me making their pay per view debut at SummerSlam as part of the ‘Kickoff Show’ because they were after all members of the Practise Squad. Jericho would announce that Tino and The Gronk would team up to face the team of Zack Ryder and a former Wrestlemania competitor and someone that actually played a ‘real sport’ Shaquille O’Neal.

This turn of events seemed to have left Jeri-KO without a match at SummerSlam, but Shane would place a number of team in a number one contender’s match with The World’s Greatest Tag Team representing Team America Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin earning that right (8th August).


Jeri-KO (Kevin Owens & Chris Jericho) (c) vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)


Tag Team Match
The Hype Bros Version 2.0 (Tino Sabbatelli & Rob Gronkowski) vs. Shaquille O’Neal & Zack Ryder


Judgement Day resulted in a number of different results, which often all find a way of leading down the same road sooner or later. A victory for Randy Orton would result in him becoming the Intercontinental Champion and something that he would seem to take very seriously on the following episode of Smackdown Live (27th June) as he would make the point that the Intercontinental Championship meant a lot more to him than the the WWE Championship did in its current stander. Randy would make the point that the top title was meant to be fuelled by prestige and memorable matches, but running down the list of recent champions the like of Christian, Dolph Ziggler and Curt Hawkins only brought shame to a title that was once valued and so sought after. Orton would very much make the point that the Intercontinental Title was in fact that ‘main title’ on Smackdown Live and everyone else on the roster wanted a piece of. Randy would go on to criticise Kurt Angle and his predecessor Daniel Bryan for allowing Smackdown to fall into such a state of decay, but would seem to turn face and promise the WWE Universe that he was was going to be be the champion they needed and the champion Smackdown needed in order to be considered a legitimate rival to Monday Night RAW.

Later on in the evening Mil Muertes would make his way out from the back ahead of a scheduled contest he would be accompanied by his handler Maxine, who would be holding The Miz and Maryse on leashes as if they were her pets. Both captives seemed to have red eyes (contact lens) and appeared to be very docile. Mauro Ranallo on commentary that this was clearly the effect of The Miz having lost to Mil and that he and his wife were now possessions of Mil Muertes. Mil would go on to demolish a local jobber in the ring, before Maxine would take to the microphone. Maxine would make it very clear that Mil had already claimed the souls of The Miz and his wife in order to send a message to everyone in America that when Mil said he was going to get something done - that was exactly what he was going to do. Maxine would then make it clear that a man was only as strong as those he surrounded himself with. Maxine would then laugh hysterically, before the four of them would head backstage with no clues given as to who she was actually talking about.

The following week on the Independence Day special
(4th July) three time Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews would make a point that if Randy was the champion who believed he was carrying the weight of the company on his shoulders, they surely he was the man that would lay down the gauntlet and take on all comers. Randy would respond to this point being made by appearing on the titantron and making it clear that prestige was about value and worth - and that a championship being up for grabs each and every week lowered the tone rather than bolstered it. Orton would make the point that a fighting champion only fights every week, if he has to prove to everyone he is worthy of holding onto the belt. Randy would not deny that Apollo was a man who had showed real ambition and ability since making his way from NXT, but that simply wasn’t going to just grant people shots at his title whenever they demanded it from him. Later on the night camera would discover a severely beaten up Erick Rowan who had been chained and bound and was hanging from the ceiling in one of the backstage areas. Speculation would suggest that it looked like Mil Muertes was sending a message to Randy.

Following Rowan having been taken out
(11th July) The Wyatt Family would cut a segment and address Mil Muertes. Bray would make the point that if Mil Muertes had wanted to send a message, then they understood him loud and clear and that the Wyatt Family always take care of their own. Bray would make the point that Randy very much had his targets set on him now - and like sending a hound after a fox there was only ever going to be one conclusion. Blood! Randy would then stepforward his championship belt in his hands, almost as if he was presenting it to the camera. Randy would make it clear that if Mil wanted a piece of him, then it was going to be done under his terms. Orton would make it clear that very soon he would exact his revenge and there was was nothing that Mil, Maxine or his band of cronies could do to prevent him. Randy would then then drop to one knee and make an oath - that from this day forward he would do everything in his power to make Mil suffer for his crimes. Towards the end of the show - Luke Harper would be found to be on fire after having been thrown through a burning table with Mauro Ranallo making the points that there was seemingly no going back in this confrontation between Mil Muertes and The Wyatt Family.

With two members of the Wyatt Family out of action - Bray and Randy would start the following week of Smackdown Live by standing in the middle of the ring (18th July). Bray would demand that Mil show himself and answer for his crimes against his brothers, but instead of Mil coming out Maxine would appear with her pets (Miz and Maryse) on their respective leashes. Maxine would bring up the fact that the Randy had oathed to make Mil suffer for his crimes and she said that her master welcomed that because there was a lot of stuff he had done which he needed to atone for. Maxine though would make the point, that if Mil had been behind the attacks on Harper and Rowan then he wouldn’t have made them private affairs, but would of wanted everyone in the WWE Universe to witness the destruction. Maxine would suggest that the Wyatt Family not go around accusing anyone until they were certain they were talking to guilty parties. It was clear that both Bray and Randy didn’t believe a single word that Maxine was saying, but the likelihood was that she really didn’t care much about what they thought of her. After the conclusion of a match between Bray and Apollo Crews, the lights in the arena would go out only for Kane to emerge and proceed to pick up Wyatt and nail him with a Chokeslam From Hell! The match would end instantly, and Crews would leave the ring wanting to have no part of Kane whatsoever. Kane would then call for a microphone and simply say ‘Randy Guess Who’ before slamming his arms down and surrounding the ring in fire before disappearing into the darkness. Randy would emerge from backstage too attend his fallen brother, looking incredibly annoyed and frustrated.

Following the big reveal that Kane was responsible for the attacks on the Wyatt Family
(25th July)the next episode of Smackdown Live proved to be very interesting. Kane and the rest of Rubicon would cut a segment making it clear that for too long they had been ignored and not given the same amount of respect as other members of the roster. Kane would make the point that to add insult to injury, when he and his brothers had made victims of Erick Rowan and Luke Harper - the blame had been cast on Mil Muertes and not on him and his brothers. Kane made it clear that all Rubicon cared about was silencing the Wyatt Family - then Mil Muertes - then reclaiming Smackdown for the Rubicon. This announcement would lead to Maxine also cutting a short segment with Mil Muertes in which Maxine would laugh at the fact that it was Kane who had been the man behind the attack and not Mil. However, she made a point that if Kane was going to be targeting Mil - then the favour was going to be returned.

Randy would come out to the ring on his own with his title hanging over his shoulders and publically admit that he had been wrong about Mil Muertes and because of this he and the Wyatt had allowed for Kane to move around them like a shadow taking them apart, moving like a surgeon with scalpel, making incisions in all the right places. Randy would then appear to congratulate Kane, before making it clear that he had no had his attention and he would not break his focus until he had sent a message to him and every other member of the Smackdown Live roster that he was was the crown jewel of the brand - and he was the man that you had to beat to be recognised in this business. If you weren’t able to be on the same level as an Orton, then you simply didn’t belong in the WWE. Randy would carry on making this point only for music playing to none other than Finn Balor to play over the PA system. Out from the back would walk the man who only a few day ago had been exiled from RAW after losing to AJ Styles at Extreme Rules. Balor would be donning his demon body paint and slowly make his way down to the ring, with the crowd clearly out of their seats and excited about this arrival of Balor on Smackdown. Balor would ask for a microphone and only say ‘this is going to be mine’ and proceed to put his hand on the Intercontinental Title before exiting the ring. It was fair in stating that everyone was completely stunned, including Randy, with the fact that Balor had just arrived on Smackdown Live and sent a very clear message to the Intercontinental Champion.

Shane McMahon would make an announcement from his office
(8th August) and make it clear that was having an incredibly difficult time in working out what to do with the Intercontinental Title at SummerSlam. He made the point that Randy against Mil had a lot of potential, as did Randy against Kane, that Randy facing former champion Baron Corbin was also a great draw - not to mention a match with Finn Balor would no doubt be an overnight success. Shane would state that he had to do what was best for business, and what was best for business was a ladder match involving Randy Orton, Mil Muertes, Finn Balor, Baron Corbin and Kane. Shane would add a stipulation that in order to be eligible to climb the ladder and claim the title, a competitor had to gain a pin or submission in the ring prior to climbing up the ladder. Shane would then further this stipulation, by stating that if someone was pinned or submitted three times - then they would be eliminated for the match immediately.


Randy Orton (c) vs. Mil Muertes vs. vs. Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin vs. Kane


Following Judgement Day it was fair in stating that the whole WWE Universe were still in shock that Christian had become the champion. On the return show(27th June) Christian’s long-term friend Adam Copeland would host a very special edition of ‘The Cutting Edge’ with Christian featuring as the guest of honour. Christian would make it clear that he had very much enjoyed dethroning Curt Hawkins, not only because it taught him a lesson in respect, but also because it was a reminder to everyone on the roster that you should never turn your back on those that help you on your journey up the ladder. Christian would make it clear that at the age of forty-three he really didn’t have much that left in his locker because he was still dealing with long-term injuries he had spoken with Kurt Angle and would compete in ‘One More Match’ which would get instant pops from the fans. Christian though would make it clear that he had no idea who he would be facing - but hoped that Mr. Angle had the sense to not allow Hawkins overinflated ego to get any bigger and send him back to the mid-card where he belonged.

For the next couple of weeks, Kurt Angle would be clearly avoiding Curt Hawkins and make it clear that he was extremely busy and that he would make an announcement surrounding the WWE Championship when he was good and ready. This would seem to frustrate Hawkins who on
(18th July)Smackdown Live would declare that if Kurt didn’t come to a decision in regards to the WWE Championship then he was simply going to have to take matters into his own hands. This statement would not go without repercussions though. Kurt Angle would make it clear that Hawkins had clearly not learnt anything in recent weeks - and if he was going to test his patience, then he was going to have to deal with the consequences. This would result in Kurt booking a match the following week between Curt Hawkins and Seth Rollins with the winner becoming the number one contender and facing Christian at SummerSlam. Much to a large portion of the WWE Universe delight, Curt Hawkins would get comprehensively beaten by Seth Rollins(25th July)meaning that Rollins would be confirmed as the man that Christian would face in his last ever match in the WWE. A day later Curt Hawkins would leave the WWE, with suggestion being that his departure had something to do with his contract and some sort of financial dispute. For the members of the Universe that were Hawkins fans that would prove to be a massive blow - and social media would have two very different views on the departure although rumours would suggest that Hawkins was jumping ships and joining another promotion.

Christian would go on record during an interview on Smackdown Live
(1st August)and make it clear that Hawkins was still a young man that had a lot of learn about the wrestling business and that it was a shame that he had got a little bit too big for his boots. However, Christian would make it clear that from here on out he was focusing on ending his legacy the right way - by retiring with the WWE Championship around his waist. The build up towards SummerSlam for the next few weeks would very much focus on Christian with a series of video packages highlighting the best parts of his career, with Seth Rollins going on record and making it clear that he was extremely honoured to to best involved in the contest, but that ultimately his main goal was to become the WWE Champion for the third time in his career.


Christian (c) vs. Seth Rollins


After Emma completely buried Dana Brooke at Judgement Day, not only had Emma very much cemented herself as the top woman on the roster but at the same time sent Dana straight to the bottom of pecking order with debately no real hope of returning anytime soon. Emma would address ‘her fans’ (27th June) on Smackdown Live making it clear that at Vengeance by fighting off ‘then’ champion Alexa Bliss and Becky Lynch to become the champion had been monumental, but Judgement Day had proven to everyone that she really meant business. At SummerSlam though she intended to make a statement that she was creating the Emma Dynasty in which she would achieve her goal of becoming the greatest woman ever in sports entertainment. She would announce that she would be absent for three weeks, because her doctor had officially requested that she have some time off in order to protect a swollen knee from being over-exerted - but made a point that she would return and start weighing up her options and have discussions with Mr. Angle over the next week weeks. In the next three weeks Kurt would make a point that he was scouting the talent that Smackdown had to offer, as he really wanted to ensure that the WWE Universe was talking about Smackdown Live’s women and not the sh*t show that was being created between Nikki Bell and Eva Marie on RAW IS WAR (with that situation only made even more bizarre when Eva Marie would become the RAW Women’s Champion during the Extreme Rules PPV).

On Emma’s return
(25th July)she would make it clear that there was one woman that really stood out from the rest of the pack and that was Asuka. Emma would make the point that Asuka had proven time and time again in Japan and on NXT that she was superior athlete and that on this basis she couldn’t think of anyone that was more deserving of the honor of facing her at SummerSlam. Asuka would offer a response whilst talking briefly with Renee Young and she would make the point that as much as she welcomed the praise from Emma she would not being going into the match to make friends, but to make her claim and continue to show the entire wrestling community that she was the future of wrestling, not just women’s wrestling but all forms of the sport.

It was clear that fans were really starting to get excited about the prospect of a match between Emma and Asuka, only for a spanner to be thrown in the works a week later
(1st August) when Kurt Angle would make a point that he had been having discussion with Emma about potential opponents at SummerSlam, but that ultimately it was he who made the final booking decision and on that basis he had no choice and would make it clear to everyone that the Smackdown Women’s Championship match would not see Emma face Asuka. Kurt would get a lot of heat from this with boos and jeers come from crowd, with it being very clear that this was a match that they all wanted to see. Kurt though would not buckle under the pressure and instead make it clear that he had something much better in mind - A Fatal Four Way Match for the title. Angle would make it clear that he was less than impressed with the manner in which Alexa Bliss and Leah Owens had got involved in the contest between Becky Lynch and Natalya after what had originally been a very interesting contest. It was on this basis that he had decided that both Becky (a former champion) and Natalya would be two of Emma’s opponents at SummerSlam!

However, Asuka’s name was just being chanted repeatedly by the fans in attendance - but Kurt would just put his hand in the air and demand for silence, but would have to wait a while until it was given. Kurt then announce that later on in the night the Asuka, Carmella, Paige, Naomi and Tamina would compete in a match to fill the final spot for the Fatal Four Way match at SummerSlam! Before Kurt could say anything else he would find himself being interrupted by Smackdown’s Commissioner Shane O’Mac. Shane would overrule Kurt and actually cancel the match and state that Asuka was the woman that not only the WWE Universe wanted to see in the Fatal Four Way match - but also the woman that she wanted to see at SummerSlam! Kurt angle would look furious with Shane at this decision, and looked like he was on the verge of doing something he would regret but instead would walk off.

Kurt wouldn’t be seen on Smackdown for the remainder of Smackdown’s build up towards SummerSlam, but the WWE commentary would make the comment, that was seemingly backed up by a fan’s poster in the ring that had a simple to read message ‘SHANE IS AN ASUKA FAN’. Irrespective of who you were routing for, it was clear that SummerSlam was going to play host to an awesome women’s title match if it managed to live up to the hype surrounding it.


Emma (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Natalya vs. Asuka


At Judgement Day, Drew McIntyre's Black Label group, consisting of himself Stevie Boy and Jack Jester defeated British Strong-Style made up of Tyler Bate, Pete Dunne and reigning WWE United Kingdom Champion Trent Seven. This would surely put McIntyre at the forefront of the contender's list, and while the UK brand hadn't landed its own show on the WWE Network just yet, it didn't count the budding brand from opening the SummerSlam pay-per-view with another match on the kick-off show. While some condemned the move, feeling that it didn't properly showcase the UK brand as it would on the main show, the fans were intrigued to see what the two men could put on in a rematch of the WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament that had initially crowned Seven. Unlike the main roster, the stars of the UK division were allowed the freedom to wrestle throughout the UK, which came in handy for the former "Chosen One" given that he was somewhat of a hot-shot of the independent circuit since his initial release from the company. McIntyre would defeat Grado at an Insane Championship Wrestling even in his home country Scotland, after which he would take the microphone and trash Seven as a champion. The footage was uploaded onto WWE.com

"When you look up the word ''champion' in the dictionary - if any of you actually own one - you'd know that the meaning is a person who has surpassed all rivals in competition, which is why I can stand over Grado in front of all of you and call myself a 'champion'. These past few years, I truly have changed the face of the British wrestling scene, I have redefined it and it didn't take the three letters of the WWE to do it. I did not rely on team mates or a gimmick, I did it because I am better. I am better than everyone in this locker room here in ICW, I'm better than everyone in the locker room in Stanford, Connecticut and I am damn sight better than anyone in British Strong-Style. I don't know if anyone of you paid your $9.99 a month to watch me at Judgement Day but if you did....you may have noticed that I not only beat Trent Seven and his merry band of nobodies but I EMBARASSED him! I could have pinned any one of them in that match but I didn't, I pinned the champion and you know what that makes me? That makes me the rightful champion of the United Kingdom Championship - because I've beaten everyone there is to beat here, I've done the rounds and it's time for Black Label to move forward and reach the glory that it should've gotten years ago. Now, I don't know who I have to contact to negotiate my title opportunity; Vince, Hunter, Stephanie....but if you know what's best for business as you constantly remind us you do, then you'll know that the United Kingdom brand can't weigh on the shoulders of the runt of British Strong Style - the third in command! Not even the Mario or the Luigi, you quite literally have the back-up holding your so-called 'presitigious' belt but....but...but...I am a fair man, I am open to negotiation and I am willing to give you a second chance in righting these wrongs. So I'll wait patiently for you to recognise the errors of your ways and in the meantime, I'll keep coming out here...to each and every company here in this great country and I'll remind you all why I am your uncrowned champion."

Trent Seven would later be interviewed by Cathy Kelley, in which she quizzed him over the statements made by McIntyre. Seven admitted that while Black Label had gotten the better of himself, Bate and Dunne at Judgement Day, he also remembers a little further back when he defeated McIntyre one-one-one at the United Kingdom Championship tournament finals - but he didn't. Seven says that McIntyre can call him the third-in-command but right now he was the first champion of WWE United Kingdom and there would only ever be one first, but remarks that at least McIntyre would get to feature in the clips of Seven making history. Seven said he'd save the McMahon's the phone call because he was a fighting champion and he would see McIntyre at SummerSlam.

The response interview would later be repeated on NXT television, this time Pete Dunne would approach his friend and ask if he was sure about what he was doing. Seven appeared to be confused that his friend and stablemate would question his ability to act as a fighting champion. Dunne made out that the pressure of being champion of a rising brand could be too much for him but Seven quickly reminds him that he's a veteran of the game and pre-dates both Bate and Dunne and while they may be friends, he's not going to let anyone try and play mind games with him. Dunne tried to plead his case but the United Kingdom Champion was having none of it and stormed off. Seven would go on to defeat veteran of the scene and SmackDown Superstar - Doug Williams - in a non-title match. Following the match, Williams and Seven would shake hands a celebrate only for footage to air of Jack Jester and Stevie Boy attacking Tyler Bate backstage. Dunne would fend the duo off, however this appeared to revoke the new found confidence in the champion.

At an NXT Houseshow, the two stables were due to go to war once more but this time Tyler Bate was deemed unable to compete after a double-team move by Jester and Stevie Boy, this would turn the match from a six-man outing to standard rules. McIntyre decided to preserve his energy and take the part of manager at ringside. Dunne and Seven seemed to have a new-found aggression as Dunne hit the Bitter End on Stevie Boy only for Seven to steal the tag and hit a flying elbow for the three count. Following the match, Seven and Dunne shook hands but there would appear to be some underline tension. McIntyre didn't need to plan an attack, he grinned as he watch the isolation of Trent Seven. This scenario was played out a number of times in the NXT Houseshows with the ending the same each time.

WWE.com posted a video of one of the events, with Seven checking on Tyler Bate backstage. Bate apologises that he couldn't do more to finish the match but Seven says that they got the win for all of British Strong-Style. Bate brings up the tension between the champion and Pete Dunne, he reminds Seven that McIntyre is the man he should be focusing on and not to let the belt break the bond of British Strong-Style. Seven argues that Dunne is the one who is letting his jealousy take over him, resenting him because he never got into the WWE UK Championship tournament.

Pete Dunne would take part in a PROGRESS Wrestling event, defeating WWE UK Championship tournament alumni Mark Haskins. Afterwards Dunne laid his claim to the championship, stating that he may be young but he knows that he's the future of British Wrestling and friend or foe, he will be champion one day. Following this, Seven would make his way to the ring - suited and booted- holding his hand out as Dunne would eventually accept it. On NXT TV, Moustache Mountain would team up to seek vegeance on Jack Jester and Stevie Boy, with Pete Dunne nowhere to be seen. Seven would get the victory with a Seven Stars Lariat on Jester but post-match, McIntyre would attack the previously-injured Bate and then set his sights on the champion. CLAYMORE onto SEVEN! As the Scot regrouped with Black Label and held the WWE United Kingdom Championship above him. Turning around they would see Pete Dunne stood at the top of the ramp, watching on.

WWE.com would show Trent Seven later accuse Pete Dunne of trying to sabotage him, wanting McIntyre as champion because he wouldn't date square up to him for the belt. Dunne repeated that he didn't care who was holding the belt as Tyler Bate intervened and told the two to keep it civil. Black Label would later catch up with Pete Dunne, applauding his thirst for success, Dunne immediately retorts that he has no interest in joining them but McIntyre says he can do one better - if he can help him win at SummerSlam then he'll be the first challenger. Dunne asks McIntyre what makes him think that he'll turn against Trent so easily, McIntyre scoffs that as long as Seven is champion, there'll be a glass ceiling above his head.

McIntyre would pick-up one last victory ahead of SummerSlam against Tian Bing on NXT, this time Trent Seven would make his way out and hold his title above him from the ramp as Dunne was shown backstage watching the action. Tyler Bate would approach his friend and ask if he was seriously considering breaking up British Strong-Style for a deal with a snake like McIntyre. Dunne said he hadn't made a decision but Drew was right about one thing - he couldn't advance any further if he was seen in Seven's shadow. Bate asks what this means for them but Dunne tells him to start looking out for number one and focusing on his own career.


Trent Seven (c) vs. Drew McIntyre


The rivalry between Eva and Nikki Bella has been going on for months, so with the added factor of the RAW Women’s Championship now being part of their match at SummerSlam really meant that the heat was being turned up in this rivalry. Following her victory at Extreme Rules, Eva Marie would cut a promo from the ring on the following episode of RAW IS WAR (24th July) where she would go on record and state that Charlotte was without a doubt the most challenging woman she had ever faced in the squared circle, and so actually beating her had made he victory on Sunday all that more sweeter. Eva would then hold the RAW Women’s Championship above her head and raise a point that in the last twelve months she was the only member of the roster to hold both the RAW and Smackdown Women’s championship and that by definition that made her the most successful woman on the roster period. It wasn’t at all surprised that this comment would ruffle a few feather, as Bayley and Sasha Banks would make their way out from the back and challenge what Eva was saying. Eva would make it clear that she wasn’t going to fall for any mind games or distractions, especially from those women that had fallen short and weren’t holding the prize when it matter. Nikki Bella wouldn’t make an appearance during the evening, but an advert during RAW IS WAR would announce that Nikki Bella would be in attendance in two weeks time.

On the following episode of RAW IS WAR
(31st July) Stephanie McMahon would book a tag team match with a team of Bayley & Sasha Banks facing Charlotte Flair and Mickie James - but to really spice it up Eva Marie would be the special referee in the contest. Eva seemed to be playing to the rules for most of the match, although it was must be noted at times she did seemed to be counting slower for Bayley than anyone else. Eventually though Sasha Banks would claim victory for herself and Bayley, after the contest Eva Marie would just look disgusted and refuse to the raise the hands of both winning ladies. In a post-match interview Sasha Banks would raise the point that every single woman on the RAW IS WAR roster was praying that Nikki Bella beat Eva at SummerSlam so some pride and prestige could be injected back into the RAW Women’s Championship.

Nikki's appearance on RAW IS WAR
(7th August)would gauge the attention of the fans at home and fill seats in the arena and Nikki would make it clear that she was looking to finally silencing Eva Marie once and for all and ending their feud once and for all. Nikki would make a point that she and John (Cena) were growing tired to having to put up with Eva and Dolph and so tonight they were going to compete in replay of their match at Vengeance: in a Tornado Tag Team Match. The match was a hard fought contest and one of the better matches of the evening, which would end with Cena nailing Ziggler with the Attitude Adjustment. At ringside Eva and Nikki would continue to battle with each other relentless and have to be separated by security for their own safety and everyone else’s. This would result in Stephanie McMahon appearing on the titantron and make it clear that in order to preserve some sort of control, that both women would be given one week of paid leave in order to prevent them hurting each other going into such an important pay per view match. Stephanie would then add a final nail into the proverbial coffin, by stating that this would be the last time ever that Eva and Nikki would be eligible to compete against each other whilst contracted to the WWE.


Eva Marie (c) vs. Nikki Bella


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August 20th 2017 - New York City, New York


Trent Seven (c) vs. Drew McIntyre


5-Man Triple Threat Tag Team Match for WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Bullet Club: Lince Dorado, Hideo Itami, Jack Gallagher, Tye Dillinger & Enzo Amore
nWo: King Ricochet, Neville (c) , Yujiro, Adam Cole & Dolph Ziggler
Team War Is War: Zack Sabre, Jr., Noam Dar , T.J. Perkins, Evan Bourne & Akira Tozawa


Jeri-KO (Kevin Owens & Chris Jericho) (c) vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)


Randy Orton (c) vs. Mil Muertes vs. vs. Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin vs. Kane


Goldust & Sting (c) vs. Anderson & Gallows


Emma (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Natalya vs. Asuka


| Losing Team Suspended for 60 days |
Bullet Club: Sheamus (Captain), Cesaro, Mark Henry, Big Show, Camacho & Tama
nWo: Strowman (Captain), Epico, Primo, Big E. Langston, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods


Tag Team Match
The Hype Bros Version 2.0 (Tino Sabbatelli & Rob Gronkowski) vs. Shaquille O’Neal & Zack Ryder


Christian (c) vs. Seth Rollins


Eva Marie (c) vs. Nikki Bella


AJ Styles (c) vs. Sami Zayn vs. Brock Lesnar


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August 20th 2017 - New York City, New York


Trent Seven (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

As the 16,000+ members of the WWE Universe continue to pour into the arena for the 'biggest party of the summer', we see ring announcer Greg Hamilton stood in the centre of the ring, ready to set the standard with the first match of the kick-off show. The commentary booth is manned by SmackDown's Maura Ranallo and Tom Phillips to call the pre-show action, they welcome us to ringside where tonight we will see not one, not even two but three championships defended in this first hour alone!

Ranallo and Phillips run a tale of the tape for the first bout, the 8 year veteran, Trent Seven, the inagural champion from Wolverhampton, England. Standing at 5'11" and weighing 216lbs, a man known for his success in Chikara and Progress wrestling, a close associate of Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate, whose relationship had hit a rocky spot with the former. His opponent, representing Black Label, outweighing the champion at 258 lbs, staggering over him at 6'5 from Ayr, Scotland. A man who has had a decorated history with the company, having already won the Tag Team and Intercontinental Championships in his career - Drew McIntyre - seemed to be the one to beat but as the WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament had proven, past accomplishments and star quality meant very little.

Mauro points out the bad blood between the two UK Superstars, how McIntyre has tried his best to taint the name of the UK Champion and even go as far as trying to negotiate a deal with Pete Dunne in order to secure the title. While the Bruiserweight never solidified any arrangement, Trent Seven would have to wonder whether his fellow British Strong-Style stablemate would make a deal with the devil himself.

"Gallantry" (Defining Moment Remix) blares out across the P.A. system as "The Sinister Scotsman" makes his way to the stage, accompanied by Black Label - Jack Jester and Stevie Boy - the duo pose with McIntyre before departing but making their presence felt as Seven would now know that McIntyre's friends could be the difference-maker in this match. The response was mixed for McIntyre, while he was the obvious heel in the match, some of the fans were pleased to see a familar face (especially as the UK division had not had its own platform to springboard off and the build had been reliant on WWE.com, social media and NXT). McIntyre flicks his hair back as he looks across the NYC crowd and descends down the entrance ramp, pausing at the bottom and nodding to himself in a reassured manner - but not once smiling, despite the fact he seemed to have an obvious advantage, or so he thought. McIntyre takes off his robe and throws his head back once again as he waits on the arrival of his opponent.

The crowd gives a respectful, but not overwhelming pop for the champion. However, it is clear to see that Seven brings a whole different type of energy to his opponent as the fans begin to warm to him as he throws his rally towel behind his neck and looks down upon his championship. Interestingly, not one of his British Strong-Style bandmates join him as he makes the lone journey down the ramp (at a much faster pace compared to McIntyre). Seven climbs to the second turnbuckle and looks out the crowd and he shows off the moustache much to the dismissal of the "Chosen One". Seven hops back down and makes eyes with his opponent for the first time as referee Jason Ayers gestures for the two to go their corner. Greg Hamilton steps forward and utters the immortal words: "THE FOLLOWING CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE-FALL!" (cue audience clapback) as he puts over that it is for the United Kingdom Championship, an unfamiliar theme blares across the announce system....

British wrestling legend, Nigel McGuinness, familar to some as his time in the company thou shalt not name, once thought as one of the future prospects of WWE some years ago. He had wrestled champions such as Daniel Bryan and Kurt Angle to name but a few. Finally, McGuinness was here but for what? Both Seven and McIntyre look puzzled as McGuinness (suited and booted) makes his way to the ring and takes the microphone from Hamilton. Nigel apologizes for his rude interruption but states that he was sent by none other than Triple H himself. McGuinness tells the gentlemen that they don't have to worry, they aren't reporting to him but he does bring a message from the boss given the recent circumstances. McGuinness states that any interference from any member of Black Label or British Strong-Style be it physical or otherwise will result in an immediate disqualication -should that happen to Seven, McIntyre will become the new WWE United Kingdom Champion. Seven doesn't look panicked, while McIntyre nods, having felt that his back-up plan had been scuppered. McGuinness states he wants a good, clean fight and to make sure he gets it, he's going to be hanging around on commentary! Ranallo and Phillips sound delighted as the highlight of the British indie scene makes his way over. The referee calls for the bell as Seven whips off his 'Moustache Mountain' tee and throws it into the crowd.

The two men circle each other before meeting in the centre of the ring with a collar and elbow tie-up, the two men try to play for strength, the champion holding his own against the much larger McIntyre. They break the hold and begin to circle each other again, looking for another way to get the upper-hand. The two men tie up again, this time McIntyre wins the battle as he throws Seven round and clubs him in the back of the head before turning him back to face him and delivering a stiff European uppercut. Seven stumbles back into the turnbuckle as the cameras pan to the smirk now spreading across McIntyre's face but rather than going on the attack, "The Scottish Psychopath" allows the champion time to breathe. The crowd begin to get on side of "The Don" as the referee checks that he's okay to continue, McIntyre looks impressed with himself, having been able to win the pscyhological warfare so early on.

Seven excuses the official and ties up again with McIntyre, who meets him and this time the challenger is able to manipulate Seven's arm to wrap around his own neck as a headlock is shortly applied. McIntyre quickly breaks it to go for a short-arm shoulder tackle but Seven does not go down, instead he recoils off the ropes and tries to hit his own, which appears to do very little to the challenger. McIntyre tries to out-do his opponent by coming off the ropes with another shoulderblock, it looks like the two really are competing in every sense of the word, and while Seven appears to be taking the brunt of the damage he still attempts to take McIntyre down with his own but McIntyre hits a SUPERKICK! The champion is own....has McIntyre stolen it? Cover....




McIntyre argues with the referee, allowing time for Seven to return to his feet and turn the Scotsman into a stiff chop to the chest, McIntyre returns the favor and the two then battle in a chop exchange. Seven takes the attack but willingly encourages McIntyre as the brings one flying back, showing that he will not roll over and submit to his opponent. McIntyre tries for the forearm and misses allowing "The Don" to hit a and belly-to-back suplex! McIntyre rolls out of the ring as Seven hits the ropes, looking to fly to the outside.....ANOTHER EUROPEAN UPPERCUT FROM MCINTYRE! Before Seven could fly anywhere, he's sent hanging over the second rope....RUNNING BIG BOOT FROM MCINTYRE! Seven comes crashing out of the ring and he does not look to be in a good way as he crawls towards the ring post. McIntyre stalks his prey and pushes the champion against the ring post.....another chop! The fans give the usual Flair theatrics as it echoes throughout the arena, he goes again but this time Seven bends down to avoid it.....McIntyre stops what he's doing and instead chops Seven across the back and pushes him against the ring post for a final chop......Seven dodges it as McIntyre's fingers slam into the post. Seven rolls back into the ring and quickly follows up with a diving plancha (breaking the ring-count) and forcing McIntyre into the guard rail!

The crowd are in awe now as both men struggle to get back to their feet, Seven drags McIntyre up and throws him into the ring. The referee continues the count but rather than striking while the iron is hot, the champion takes him time, using to the count of five before climbing back in. Commentary speculate as to whether this will cost him dearly as he walks straight back into a forearm from McIntyre. Following up, he collides with the champion with a Celtic Kiss (headbutt) that sends Seven stumbling into the turnbuckle. The challenger takes a run up, Seven manages to move out of the way as he follows up with a running chop to the chest (clearly not letting the earlier contest go). McIntyre, giddy now, comes out of the turnbuckle and into a knee facebreaker from the champion. Cover by Seven for the first time in the match ....1....




It wasn't meant to be, Seven looks rushed now, the sense of urgency is mounting. Seven looks to try for a piledriver......but McIntyre uses his strength (and gravity) to get back to his feet but it doesn't look good for Seven as McIntyre reverses the move into a suplex toss....slamming "The Don" onto the mat now. Seven, using his ring awareness tries to crawl to the ropes but McIntyre is still on him, using the ropes to get to his feet McIntyre now sets up for a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Seven goes rolling across the ring after landing hard on his neck. McIntyre looks to the crowd...."No!" Seven can be heard yelling as he dodges a foream and slaps the challenger round the face before hitting a GERMAN SUPLEX OF HIS OWN! McIntyre is bellowing in rage at this point as he gets to his feet and misses with the big boot, Seven goes for another shoulder block and he hits it, he follows up with another....but McIntyre telegraphs it and throws him over the ropes onto the apron.

Drew McIntyre firmly in control as he ensures Seven doesn't move anyway as he stands on his fingers until the referee makes the count to five, stopping just short of the full-count. The Chosen One scoops up his opponent and hits a devastating sidewalk slam onto the apron. Urgently, he rolls Seven back into the ring.....






Seven gets the shoulder up! McIntyre cannot quite believe it, the damage having been done to the neck of the champion. He backs into the corner calling for the Claymore Kick, Seven takes his time to get up.........

HE MISSES! McIntyre turns right into a headbutt from Seven, SEVEN STAR LARIAT! The champion hits it.....1.....2......

But No!
McIntyre kicks out, Seven cannot quite believe it as he looks to the referee and then back to McIntyre who is on his knees. SLAP FROM MCINTYRE! Seven returns the favour, both men get back to their feet with this exchange.....SPINNING BACKFIST from Seven! McIntyre blocks it and has him up for a SPINNING SPINEBUSTER! Looking down at his opponent, it's clear by now that he doesn't just want to beat the champion or to merely become champion, Drew McIntyre wants to destroy Trent Seven and end his career. With bad intentions in mind, McIntyre picks up Trent Seven into a over the shoulder back to belly piledriver, clearly looking to hit the Celtic Cross......but he's moving toward the turnbuckle......

Commentary are concerned for the welfare of Trent Seven now as McIntyre looks to his an avalanche version of the Celtic Cross.....Seven wriggles free into the turnbuckle, he ducks out and scroops McIntyre off the ropes.........BURNING HAMMER! Has he done it!?




He has! Seven has retain his championship! And no one can quite believe it! Just like he did at the United Kingdom Championship tournament final, Trent Seven had beaten Drew McIntyre. Greg Hamilton announces the decision as McIntyre comes to, clearly angered by the result. Jason Ayers rewards Seven with his championship as Stevie Boy and Jack Jester hit the ring but instead of double-teaming the champion, McIntyre beckons them to help him out of the arena instead but before they could go.....

Pete Dunne! The crowd pops as the Bruiserweight makes his way out, he stops upon the entrance ramp and stares down Drew McIntyre before Black Label leave. Seven is still recovering in the ring with his championship as Dunne hits the ring and marches towards the champion, it looks like he's going to attack his friend when...

He extends the hand......

Dunne extends the hand before pointing to himself and then to Seven and finally the championship. The crowd pop again at his suggestion.......SEVEN ACCEPTS! The crowd celebrate, it looks like Dunne is about to turn when instead....he raises his friend's arm in victory. Seven's music hits the system as 2/3 of British Strong-Style stand tall and a future UK title match is agreed upon.

WINNER: Trent Seven - still WWE United Kingdom Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


5-Man Triple Threat Team Team Match for WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Bullet Club: Lince Dorado, Hideo Itami, Jack Gallagher, Tye Dillinger & Enzo Amore
nWo: King Ricochet, Neville (c) , Yujiro, Adam Cole & Dolph Ziggler
Team War Is War: Zack Sabre, Jr., . Noam Dar , T.J. Perkins, Evan Bourne & Akira Tozawa

[With all fifteen men standing in the middle of the ring very much waiting for the contest to begin, there fans in the arena would let out massive shouts and cheers of excitement as none other than Gregory Helms would emerge from back dressed in a suit and a pair of green shades - very clearly a reference to his days as ‘The Hurricane’. Gregory would address the men in the ring and announce that the Cruiserweight Championship match was cancelled and make it clear that Paul Heyman had no authority to book this match and therefore it was not an official contest. Helms would then reveal that he had been hired to be the Commissioner of the Cruiserweight Division and that his sole focus was to create a working environment in which the title was the only thing that was on the minds of all of the men involved in the division. On this note he made it clear that all of the Cruiserweight had a choice - be part of the nWo or the Bullet Club and never get an opportunity for a Cruiserweight Championship ever again (whilst he held the position of Commissioner) or remove themselves from something that they had nothing to do with.

This would result in a majority of men in the ring ‘allied’ with either the New World Order or the Bullet Club to exit it the ring and seemingly turn their backs on their respective factions. For the Bullet Club only Tye Dillinger and Enzo Amore would remain, whilst Neville, Adam Cole and Dolph Ziggler would remain for the New World Order. Helms would proceed to inform Enzo, Cole and Ziggler that they weren’t actually part of the 205 Live and therefore he had no idea who they had fooled into making themselves part of this fraudulent contest anyway. This left just Tye Dillinger and Neville standing in the middle of the ring.

Dillinger would ask for a microphone and make it clear that he was the ‘Perfect 10’ and he didn’t need the Cruiserweight Championship to define him and that he was already set for bigger and better things. He would then raise his middle finger up in the air and make it very clear just exactly what he felt about Gregory and his ultimatum and would proceed to exit the ring and proceed to do the ‘Kliq’ hand gesture with a number of fans at ringside, leaving just Neville alone in the ring. The Briton would hold his title in the air and just look at Helms with a look of annoyance on his face.

Neville would make it clear that he had worked tirelessly for months to get an opportunity at the belt and to become the Cruiserweight Champion. However, Neville would make it clear that he had no intention of being treated as a child or working under an authority figure that felt a need to control the entire landscape in order to assert their dominance. Neville would then make it clear that being part of the New World Order was just a choice, but it was a way of life and that therefore he would have no choice but to vacate the title. Rather than drop it on the floor or hand it over to Helms (who had no made his way down to the ring), Neville would actually toss the belt away as if it was a piece of rubbish and it would clatter onto the concrete floor below. Neville would give Helms a death stare and say something that the microphones weren’t able to pick up, but it was clear it wasn’t anything complimentary as Neville would climb down from the ring and head towards the back.]

RESULT: No Contest

+ + + + + + + + + +


Jeri-KO (Kevin Owens & Chris Jericho) (c) vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)

[The match was nothing more than a warm-up for the the main show, but that didn’t stop both teams putting on an entertaining contest. The expected arrogance of Jeri-KO resulted in both Jericho and Owens very much using the match as a platform to showcase their ‘talent’ and remind the WWE Universe not only that they were ‘best-friends’ but that why they were the tag-team champions. In early attempts the champion would try to finish the match off with a combination that would see Owens nail Benjamin with a package powerbomb before Jericho would knock Haas off the apron only to springboard off the ropes and land on top of Shelton with a Lionsault! Jericho would then allow Owens to cover Shelton as the legal man, but despite everything Shelton would manage to lift his shoulder up at the last possible moment.

Shelton would look worse for wear though, which would in Jeri-KO controlling the match with a number of quick tags that would allow them to keep Shelton in their corner of the ring - and not allowing Haas to get involved in the contest. This would result in a number of heavy hitting moves, but it was clear that the control was very much in the hands of the champions that would go on to retain their belts, within seconds of Jericho placing Shelton into the WALLS OF JERICHO! It was clear that WGTT would look disappointed by their shortcomings, whilst Owens and Jericho would celebrate in a fashion as if they had won the most difficult and challenging contest of their entire careers. The fans seemed to enjoy the contest as well, and it certainly wetted their appetites leading into the main portion of SummerSlam.]

WINNER: Jeri-KO - still WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions


MAIN SHOW (Part One)
August 20th 2017 - New York City, New York


Randy Orton (c) vs. Mil Muertes vs. vs. Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin vs. Kane

[Prior to the contest beginning the referee would be given a microphone and remind everyone that in order to climb the ladder and claim the title - a competitor must first earned a pinfall or submission. The referee would then make the point if anyone was pinned or submitted three times, then that person would be eliminated from the contest immediately. One thing was clear though more than anything else, and that was that Randy seemed unable to stop staring at Kane (clearly filled with hatred for Rubicon’s action in taking out the rest of the Wyatt Family). This would result in Kane and Randy clashing heads as soon as the bell was rung and spilling over into nothing short of a brawl as they would exit the ring and seem more focused on beating the crap out of each other, than actually leaving with the title. Finn and Baron seemed to exchange a look and then nod, before the pair would seem to form an on the field alliance with is clear that they were working together to take out Mil. And it was clear that as much of a powerhouse as Muertes is, the numbers game was really causing him some real problems as everytime he managed to fend one of the aggressors off, the second would immediately start up again. This two-on-one assault would result in Corbin charging forward and connecting with a Big Boot, whilst at the same time Balor would show his athleticism and connect with a Pele Kick! Corbin though would break the bond though, because as soon as Balor was starting to get up Balor would smash him down with the END OF DAYS and then hoist Balor’s legs over to earn the first pinfall over the match.

*Baron Corbin now eligible to ascend the ladder*

Corbin though would force Balor up onto his feet and then charge forward and throw him out of the ring and then exit the ring and proceed to slide a ladder into the ring. Before Corbin could climb back into the ring though he would be taken out with a steel pipe from Randy who must of been aware of Corbin’s recent advantage and was in no mood to allow it continue anymore. Orton would proceed to force Corbin back into the ring, and then stalk Corbin ushering for him to stand up only for Mil to charge forward and drive through Orton with the REAPER’S TRIDENT, and then with pure focus Mil would roll-up Orton and secure his right to climb via pinfall.

*Mil Muertes now eligible to ascend the ladder*

Muertes would take hold of the ladder and turn in horizontally placing it between the second and third rope, so that it just rested their waiting for whatever evil intentions Mil had in store. On the outside of the ring, Kane was setting up a table before taking hold of Balor by the throat and choking the life out of the former Universal Champion, before picking up the Irishman and sending Balor through the table and splintering the wood in the process with a CHOKESLAM FROM HELL! Kane would then make his way back into the ring as he would come face to face with Mil Muertes, as the two masked monsters would stare at each other with a look of clear anger in their eyes. Both men would throw shots after shot at each other, almost as if they were trying to prove who was the most powerful - and it was much to everyone’s surprise when Kane dropped to one knee. It was more surprising when Orton would appear out of nowhere and wipe out Mil with the RKO! Only for Randy to swivel his shoulders and proceed to layout Kane with another RKO! Randy would not look finished though, and would kick Muertes in the stomach clearly with the intention of getting him out of the way before backpedalling and making a taunting gesture at Kane before running forward and kicking Kane straight in the face with a RUNNING PUNT! Orton would then cover Kane for the pinfall, but rather than smiling he would look more unstable and less focused.

*Randy Orton now eligible to ascend the ladder*

Orton would take hold of Kane and lift him up into the air only to drop him face first onto the ladder, and again, and then a third time each impact of steel looking as if it was causing more damage than the last. Orton would then rise a high knee directly into Kane’s groin only to hit Rubicon’s leader with another RKO! Orton would then drop down on top of Kane and secure a second pinfall - meaning that if Kane was pinned or submitted once more he would immediately be removed from the contest. And just liked that Balor would launch himself off the ring ropes with a springboard with both his feet stomping down on Kane’s chest with the COUP DE GRACE only for Balor to drop down on top of Kane and eliminate him from the contest.

*Finn Balor now eligible to ascend the ladder/Kane has been eliminated*

Kane would clearly be angered by his elimination, but wouldn’t seem to contest it and would make his way backstage. As it stood, everyone still in the match had now earnt the right to climb the ladder, but from the way in which Kane had been eliminated it was clear that the match was being approached with strategy. Orton however, seemed incredibly angry with Balor and it was clear that he had been interested in inflicting as much pain and misery on Kane as possible. Orton would charge forward, only for Finn to leap up into the air, but Orton was in real form and would proceed to catch Finn in mid-air and connect with yet another RKO and would actually send Balor down into the already horizontal ladder, with the steel bending and buckling from the impact. Balor was left looking in a real mess and it was apparent from a camera closeup that his head was bleeding, and it was clear that it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.

On the other-side of the ring Corbin had been on the savage end of a beating from Mil who had been laying waste to the former champion and seemed intent on maiming Corbin. In the chaos of the match he had created a bridge, with one side of the ladder resting on the ring apron and the other resting on the ringside barricade. Corbin was lying on his back, with Mil standing on the turnbuckle looking down at Corbin only to leap off and crash down on top of him with the MESIAS SPLASH! Corbin and Muertes would remain still on ladder with neither man showing any signs of movement.

Randy would bring a second ladder into the ring and open it up, and slowly make his way up it only to look at the mess of bodies around him and smile to himself before reaching up and unhooking the championship belt and thus retaining the title. Randy would end the moment with a massive grin on his face with the title belt in his arms for all to see.

WINNER: Randy Orton - still WWE Intercontinental Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


Goldust & Sting (c) vs. Anderson & Gallows

[The unlikely pairing of Sting and Goldust started their first major title defence in an impressive fashion, with both men keen to show that age was just a number and that they had plenty more to give before their final ring bell was rung. The early spell of control involved both men utilising quick-tag and doing their best to keep Anderson in their area of the ring as much as they could, this tactic of cutting offer Karl from Luke was clearly enough of a catalyst to frustrate Gallows who on a number of occasions would try to enter the ring illegally. It was during these opportunities the referees would reprimand Gallows that would allow the champions to perform a number of well executed double-teams manoeuvres that would only ramp up their momentum. The match would also almost end when Goldust would nail Anderson with the CURTAIN CALL, but Gallows would finally manage to bolt from his side of the ring and drag Anderson out of the action and arguably saving him from certain death.

This pivotal moment would lead to the match becoming more balanced and Gallows having a more active involvement in the contest, although it was clear that Anderson was looking a little worse for wear. That however didn’t prevent him from putting on his very best and really started to build up some traction and he would really hit home with some well placed knife edge chops to Sting. The match would come to a conclusion at about the ten minutes mark (with clearly some protection of the two elder statesmen) that would see Sting nail Anderson with the SCORPION DEATH DROP, as Goldust would knock Gallows off the ring apron only to then climb up onto the turnbuckle and connect with a well placedBIONIC ELBOW to win the match and retain the belts.

One point that must be brought up is that moments before Goldust hit with the move made famous by his father, Sting had to dodge out of the way as he looked ready to lock in the Deathlock, only to for Goldust to seemingly ‘steal the spotlight’ for himself. Sting didn’t look at all pleased at the end of the match, but seemed to hold his tongue whilst Goldust celebrate the victory in an over the top and very charismatic manner. He would then go a step further and grab a microphone and challenge Smackdown Live to put on a better contest for their ‘version’ of the tag team belts, and for the second time in the night Sting looked equally annoyed by his partner’s behaviour and antics.]

WINNERS: Goldust & Sting - still WWE RAW Tag Team Champions

+ + + + + + + + + +


Emma (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Natalya vs. Asuka

[For Natalya and Asuka this match was an opportunity for them to finally get their hands on the Smackdown Women’s Championship and cement their place in the history books, for Becky this was all about reclaiming what was once her, whilst Emma was just focused on keeping hold of the title for as long as possible. It wasn’t at all surprising when Emma would find herself on the en of a three-on-one assault as soon as the match begun, with it commonly being a solid tactic of taking out the reigning champion as soon as possible when multiple challengers are part of the contest. Emma would exit the ring by way of Natalya charging forward and sending them both tumbling out of the ring by way of a lariat. This would setup the beginning of the contest in which Becky and Asuka would go blow for blow in the early stages, with both women having large followings in the audience. Asuka seemed to be taking an advantage in the contest, only for Natalya to take out Asuka from behind and upset the balance before the Japanese wrestler was able to gain anymore momentum.

The middle portion of the match saw the four women seem to swap partners in a strange dance, in which they were focused on causing each other as much pain and punishment The standout exchanges would see Asuka run along the apron and in a variant of her spin kick actually leap off the apron and take Emma with this unique aerial kick. Around the same time Natalya would come very close to forcing Becky to tap after locking in theSHARPSHOOTER with Lynch only escaping the Canadian’s clutches because Asuka would reenter the ring and break the submission by slamming into Natalya and immediately causing her to release Lynch from the maneuver. Lynch would get her highlight reel moment though, as she would battle with Asuka on the turnbuckle and in truly impressive style throw the former NXT Women’s Champion from a great height by connecting with theBEXSPLODER SUPLEX! Throughout this entire portion there was numerous pin attempts, but the numbers game very much meant that there was never enough of a pause to allow for anyway to gain the necessary advantage to secure a three-count.

The closing of the contest was incredibly exciting and only supported the recent rise in quality of women’s wrestling in the WWE Universe. Natalya would trigger the chain of events the moment she flawed Emma with her version of the Discus Clothesline, only for Asuka to rebound off the ropes and ram into Natalya with a Running Hip Attack but as he momentum carried her forward she would be smashed in the jaw with a FLYING FIRE-ARM!Asuka though wouldn’t topple over but instead find herself in the sights of and receive a SPOTLIGHT KICK in the back of her head that would cause Asuka to drop to the mat like a crushed ant. Becky though would still be charging forward and lock her arms around Emma’s waist and proceed to toss the champion into the turnbuckle with BEXSPLODER SUPLEX in a package-form that would cause Emma to be left in a total mess in the corner. Natalya would be very smart and take hold of Becky and force her through the ropes and push her out of the ring. Then she would attempt to cover Asuka, but fail to gain a three count, and look extremely frustrated but rather than over-react she turned to Emma and grabbing her by the legs would drag her into the centre of the ring and lock in the SHARPSHOOTER!It wasn’t surprising that it didn’t take very long until Emma started tapping out considering the sheer amount of pain that she had already endured. Natalya would have a massive smile on her face as she took hold of the title and placed it over her shoulder, looking at the destruction surrounding her, and seeming to give all three of her opponents a look of contempt before exiting the ring and heading backstage to celebrate the important victory.

Natalya - new WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


Hellacious Hell in a Cell (Lethal Lockdown)
| Losing Team Suspended for 60 days |

Bullet Club: Sheamus (Captain), Cesaro, Mark Henry, Big Show, Camacho & Tama
nWo: Strowman (Captain), Epico, Primo, Big E. Langston, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods

[As was explained in the build-up to the match, two men would begin inside the Hell in a Cell structure with a member of each team entering at one minute intervals. When the final man entered the ring, the roof of the cell would then be lowered and only then would a team be able to win the match by pinfall or submission. The first person to enter the ring would be Big E. Langston who would wear a fluorescent neon pink t-shirt emblazoned with the nWo motiff upon it. He would also be accompanied by the rest of the New Day, although the referee would intervene and send both the pair backstage until it was their time to come out from the back. The first member of the Bullet Club though was arguably a very blood move, as it was none other than their captain Sheamus who would walked out to the iconic theme tune of the stable with a sense of purpose to him. He would carry a massive flag out with him and plant it on top of the RAW commentary table before entering the ring and just staring at Langston with a manic like grin across his face. As the bell rung, Big E would raise his hands in the air in response to a chant to the fans only to have the spit knocked from his mouth as Sheamus would charge forward and like a shark attacking its prey would hit him with a real impact as he connected with the BROGUE KICK! Sheamus would then mount Big E and start punching him repeatedly in the side of the head, and with no referee present in the cage at this moment in time there was no one to intervene in the brutal assault. As the timer counted down though Sheamus would stand up and look towards the back, knowing that very soon he would become outnumbered two-to-one.


Xavier would emerge from the back with a black trumpet in his hands and charge forward at Sheamus, only for the crowd to cheer in absolute delight as Sheamus would once again charge forward and for the second successive time in a row he would connect with the BROGUE KICK and this time send Xavier to the floor. Instead of following up on the Woods though, Sheamus would snatch up the trumpet and pretend to play it, before slide out of the ring and repeatedly smashing it against the side of the cage with only one intention. Breaking it. As Langston would stir he would see this take placing and spring off the ropes and dive through them taking out Sheamus with a suicide dive that would cause both men to bounce of the cage and drop onto the floor looking in a large degree of discomfort. As Xavier would push himself up he would slide out of the ring, but rather than aid Big E, he would cradle his trumpet as if it was his own child and be so focused on the instrument’s wellbeing that he would be oblivious to the of the new entrant making their way out from the back.


Henry would enter the ring with a pair of chains and padlocks in his hand, and proceed to start locking the door to the cell. One of the referee would try to intervene, but to no avail as Mark would flick him away like a fly. Once Mark was finished sealing the cage and locking it with a padlock he would proceed to take the key and throw it into the audience where it would be caught by a member of the audience wearing a Bullet Club t-shirt. Much to everyone shock, the fan would seem to place the key into his mouth and swallow it. The commentary team would make a comment about hygiene and remind viewers not to try anything they saw at home. Mark would then proceed to charge forward and knock Xavier to the floor, before reclaiming the trumpet for the Bullet Club and in one sharp movement break it in half of his knee. This action would be like an injection of pure adrenaline for Xavier who would spring up onto his feet and in a very unique and agile leap onto the ring apron and connect directly with Henry head with an unorthodox SHINING WIZARD only for Henry to be absolutely pulverised with the E-TRAIN!


Kofi would emerge from the back and complete The New Day lineup and upon seeing the closed cage would actually laugh as he would look up the side of the cage clearly with the intention of climbing up it and would interact with the crowd with a ‘pump up the volume’ gesture before climb up on top of the cell, then with absolute finesses would proceed to launch himself off the top the cage and landing on top of a scrum pile of everyone else in the ring, taking friend and foe alike out and off their feet. Everyone in the arena would look on in complete and utter disbelief at the high intensity of the move. One replays it would actually look at though Kofi had looked really awkwardly on his left leg leg and Michael Cole would assess from his perspective that the leg had to be broken, and that he heavily doubted Kofi would be able to continue. However, with the cell door sealed there was no way for any medical staff to enter and check on his condition.


The Big Show would be announced as the next entrant into the match, but he would not make his way towards the ring and the action in the ring would continue with with Sheamus and Mark Henry battled with Big E and Xaviers, however Kingston would remain on the concrete and continue to be holding his left leg and look in a massive amount of pain and distress. Big Show would eventually be found by a camera crew backstage, where he was holding a steel pipe and could be seen attack both Epico and Primo without any regard for their well-being and would strike them repeatedly with shot, after shot, after shot until he would drag both men by their throats into the parking lot and proceed toDOUBLE CHOKESLAM both men down onto the bonnet of the one of the parked cars. This brutal cheap tactic would result in various members of the nWo not scheduled to compete tonight (King Fale, Neville and Dolph Ziggler) running out to come to their stablemates aid, which would result in Big Show hightailing it by clambering into a pickup truck and proceeding to drive out of the arena. It would take a miracle for him to somehow find his way safely back into the arena without being taken out, but it looked as if both Epico and Primo would not be finding their way to the ring. This ‘illegal’ attack though would result in Strowman making his way from the back as potentially the nWo final entrant.


Strowman would come from the back with a look of real focus on his face, but unlike Kofi Kingston on arrived at the ring he would try to tug at the chains of the cell but it was clear that alone he was not going to be able to simply rip open the door by himself. He looked unequally happy about the thought of climbing up the cage, upon see this Sheamus would approach Braun from the other side and proceed to taught him with a ‘SUCK IT’ gesture that clearly annoyed Strowman beyond all belief. Langston and Woods were however able to focus their attention of Mark Henry and eventually Big E would use all his strength to lift Henry up as the pair would connect with MIDNIGHT HOUR!Strowman however, had still not attempted to climb out of the cage and looked like the cogs in his brain were trying to try and find a different means of getting into the cell. Only to look furious as he saw not one, but two members of The Bullet Club making their way out from the back.


Tama would be announced as the legal man and that next man that would be entering the ring, but the way the Guerillas approached Braun it was clear that they had no intention of inserting themselves into the ring anytime soon. The pair would slowly walk down the entrance ramp with the clear intention of flanking Strowman only for everyone to look on in complete disbelief as Adam Cole and Yujiro who were set to compete later tonight would emerge from the back holding kendo sticks and strike Tama and Camacho over the back of the head, the surprise attack was all Braun needed to charge forward like a bulldozer and send both men onto their backs. He would then proceed to take the sticks from Cole and Yujiro, before clearly shouting for both men to return back to the back. The pair would look quite surprised by this, but Strowman was adamant and both men were wise enough not to want to aggravate Braun. Turning on the fallen men, Braun would begin to hit Camacho a number of times leaving large red marks on his opponents back with a focus like a rabid dog. Meanwhile Sheamus, had slid back into the ring and the contest with the surviving members The New Day alongside Mark Henry was proving to be highly entertaining even if all four men were starting to show signs of fatigue. The time keeper would skip over Epico’s entrance and instead announce Camacho as a legal man at almost the exact same time that he would be sent crashing through the Spanish announcer’s table by way of a POWERSLAM from Strowman. However, Strowman would then proceed to start making his way up the cage being pursued by Tama.

Both men would battle it out on the top, with a ring having being set up in the middle of the ring by Sheamus with a clear intention of trying to get Mark Henry to hit Woods with the World’s Strongest Slam, but Xavier had been spared the punishment and blisters from his close friend at the last moment. Strowman and Tama would push and pull at each other on the top of the cell, only for everyone to look on his shock as Big Show would appear within his pickup truck at the top of the entrance ramp and proceed to drive straight for the cell. The vibration would be that was needed to send Braun to drop from the top of the cell and crash right into the wooden table in the middle of the ring. Tama however would fall the other way and proceed to land on top of Camacho on the already broken Spanish commentary table. The camera would then focus in on Big Show, who looked as if he had been knocked out cold as the airbag had deployed potentially sparing him from certain death. The dent left by the pickup truck had created a gap in the cell, which allowed a group of EMTS to climb through the gap and check on Kingston’s status. It was at this point that last man able to actually to walk would enter the arena as the last entrant.


The ‘Swiss Superman’ would enter the ring by pushing through the gap in the fence. Whilst this was going on Big Show had been removed from the car and was being rushed backstage on a stretcher with a neck brace on. Cesaro would enter the man with real intent and proceed to connect with multiple Bicycle Kicks sending down Woods and Big E in quick succession, only to look absolutely shocked as Strowman despite everything was standing back up onto his feet once more. Sheamus however would come to his long-time tag team partner’s aid and club Strowman over the back of the head. Henry would then proceed to take hold of of Strowman and drop him back down onto the fragments of the broken table with a truly brutal WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! Woods and Big E though would both springboard off the ring ropes and with flying forearms connect with Sheamus and Cesaro with the four of them falling through the ropes on the other side of the ring and proceeding to smack ten types of shit out of each other in-between the ring apron and the side of the cage.

Mark Henry would have a massive smile on his face as he would look at his surrounding, before patting on the Bullet Club insignia on his singlet clearly with the intention of finishing the match, here and now. Henry would whip himself off the ropes and proceed to leap up into the air launching himself prostrate into the WORLD’S STRONGEST SPLASH-OMG! By some miracle Kingston had crawled into the ring and pushed up on his feet and mid-air managed to use Henry’s momentum against him and nailed the WSM with the CODEBREAKER! Henry remained down, whilst Kingston could be heard screaming out in clear pain looking like he had well and truly destroyed his leg for good. Strowman meanwhile would somehow use his last ounce of strength and lift his arm up and cover it over Henry. The referee would start counting and by the miraculous intervention from Kofi the New World Order had somehow managed to claim the victory.

The commentary team would be quick to remind everyone that this now meant that Sheamus, Cesaro, Mark Henry, The Big Show and The Guerrillas of the Destiny would be suspended for the next 60 days, although from the shape the last three were in it didn’t look like that they would be stepping into a RAW IS WAR ring anytime soon. As the dust settled, Kingston would be given oxygen and be given specialist attention from the medical staff as Strowman, Woods and Langston would push up to their feet and pat each other on the back clearly massively relieved with such an important victory especially considering the stakes and what the victory now meant - in terms of numbers and its tactical ramifications. At this point the lights in the arena would suddenly start to flash before completely turning off. As they came on again, standing in the right behind the New World Order were three mask wearing individuals (with their identities completely hidden) holding black metal baseball bats.


The mysterious trio would then proceed to merciless attack all three remaining members the New World Order with particular focus seeming to be given to Strowman who eventually would be held in place by two of the men before being dropped to the canvass with one truly devastating JUMPING CUTTER!The light would then turn off, only to come back on again about thirty seconds later with the mysterious men nowhere to be seen but some black spray paint visible on Strowman naked chest. The message would read ‘WE HAVE ARRIVED!’ with the camera zooming in on this message before the camera would cut to a commercial break.]

WINNERS: The New World Order


MAIN SHOW (Part Two)
August 20th 2017 - New York City, New York


Tag Team Match
The Hype Bros Version 2.0 (Tino Sabbatelli & Rob Gronkowski) vs. Shaquille O’Neal & Zack Ryder

[With all matches that involve celebrities there is a certain expectation that the wrestlers are going to be involved for the purpose of furthering a storyline, rather than actually being heavily involved in the physicalness of the match itself. It seemed that Tino hadn’t received the memo, where everyone meant business because the match almost ended in the first minute of the match when he found himself being hoisted by the throat and slammed down onto the mat with bone shatte his face ring CHOKESLAM from Shaquille O’Neal, but luckily ‘The Gronk’ would come to his partner’s aid and smash into O’Neal before the cover could be initiated. Gronk and Shaquille would both have their moment underneath the spotlight, with some basic exchanges and simple grapples before the ‘celebrity chaos’ would come to an end when Gronkowski in typical fashion that would be expected from a supreme athlete would charge forward and with a running tackle drop the basketball legend to the floor.

Both men though did seem to realise that they might be better suited leaving it to the professionals, as at their next opportunity would to tag in their respective partners. The truth was that Ryder was no match for Tino, with his years of experience giving him in the edge both attack and defence. Tino would offer the best he could, but Ryder would really seem to do some serious damage as he would connect with the Broski Kick, however it wouldn't have the theatrics that it normally came with. Ryder though would smile and tag in Shaquille by slapping him on the chest, before charging forward and taking The Gronk out and off the apron with a Diving Crossbody! Meanwhile, Shaq would step over the ropes and proceed to take hold of TIno and raise him up onto his shoulder in quite a clumsy fashion, that would allow Tino to actually use the forward momentum to his own advantage and cause Shaq to be sent face first down onto the mat with a DDT! Tino would then go to cover O’Neal, and prop his feet on the middle rope to gain extra leverage totally unknown to the referee which would be enough to get the three count.

Tino would be smart though and be quick to exit the ring, and would have an incredibly sly look on his face as he would reunite with Gronkowski as the Hype Bros Version 2.0 would proceed to ‘get hyped’ as they would make their way along the entrance ramp, interacting with all those fans that were willing to get involved in the shenanigans (of being hyped). On arriving at the top of the stage Tino and Gronk would both put on yellow t-shirts that were emblazoned with the text: WE DID IT FOR MOJO!

The Hype Bros Version 2.0

+ + + + + + + + + +


Christian (c) vs. Seth Rollins

[There was really excitement in the air - with everyone in the audience knowing that this would be Christian’s final match as part of the WWE Universe. The match would begin with both Christian and Seth shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries before the match would very much get underway. Christian would go from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds as he would surge forward and seem to catch Rollins totally off guard, as he would knock him down onto the canvas with a shoulder barge and proceed to rebound off the ropes and bump Rollins with another heavy hitting shoulder. Rollins would clearly be surprised, because as soon as he got back up onto his feet he would be caught with a stiff shot to the jaw, before being sent towards the turnbuckle. Christian would charge forward and smash into Rollins with both knees that would seem to wrench all of the breath out of Seth, and pull him onto the mat before mounting the turnbuckle. Christian would do his signature chest pat and looks around the arena for ‘his peeps’ before launching off and landing on top of Rollins with a FROG SPLASH! Christian would come very close to a quick finish, but Rollins would manage to brush the bottom rope with his left leg at the last possible moment.

Rollins would seem to recover from Christian’s early surge of aggression, and would start to approach the match with a more strategic approach. Rather than engage in direct combat for long bursts, Rollins would strike blows or the occasional grapple but actually seem more interested in tiring out Christian - with the clear intention of getting him to chase after him. On one of these occasions, Rollins would exit the ring and Christian would pursue him only for Rollins to jump off the commentary table and jump backwards knocking Christian onto his knees before really wiping out the champion with the AVADA KEDAVRA! However, as the referee would begin his count Rollins realised that he would actually need to stir Christian and get him back into the ring, if he had any hope of leaving with the title in his possession. Rollins would attempt a cover after this mammoth task, but enough time had passed that meant that Christian was still breathing and able to break the referee’s count.

As the match passed the ten minute mark it was clear that Christian was starting to fade and it was clear that Rollins was aware of this factor and after countering a grapple would create another space between himself and Christian to remove the spit out of his mouth with a well placed Super Kick only to take hold of the champion and pummel him down onto the mat with a perfectly executed PEDIGREE! Rollins would roll Christian over, but looked absolutely stunned as Christian would manage to lift up his shoulders at the last possible moment. Rollins though would seem focused and would grab hold of Christian by the back of the knee, but without the referee seeing it Christian in desperation would rake Rollins eyes and then in almost perfectly symmetry lining up with the stars would roll his shoulders and nail Rollins with the KILLSWITCH! Christian would look to gain the pinfall, but Rollins would also show signs of life and kick out. Christian would look frustrated, but move towards the corner and seem to be ushering Rollins to stand back up only to charge forward and cut Rollins in half with a SPEAR! And just like that, the referee would begin his count one, two, three and then the bell would be rung and the match would come to an end.

Christian would be handed his championship belt and drop to his knees looking absolutely exhausted. Everyone in the arena would stand up and applaud Christian as he would enjoy his final moment in the spotlight. Christian would help Rollins back up onto his feet though, and both men would shake hands with the final moment being Rollins holding up Christian’s arm in the air and signalling him as the rightful winner of the contest.

WINNER: Christian - still WWE Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


Eva Marie (c) vs. Nikki Bella

[There is absolutely no love lost between these two women, but there are also portions of the WWE Universe that have questioned why on earth Eva Marie and Nikki Bella are being given the platform to represent women’s wrestling on Monday Nights. No matter what anyone has to say on the matter however, there can be no denying that neither Eva nor Nikki are going to hold anything back - with the championship belt being just an added bonus for the victor. The match itself was more of a brawl than an actual wrestling match however, with a lot of fans watching on not really impressed with the product that they were being given. Despite Nikki very much being the face, both women were met with boos from the crowd. The fans would seem to perk up though when Nikki would pull at Eva’s hair only to slam her down onto the mat with the Bella Buster! Eva though would showed her fighting spirit and why she was the champion by breaking the count, but also being tactically aware as she would roll underneath the ropes to escape the conflict and recompose herself.

The match would continue in much the same way with both women doing their best, but really not seeming to have what it took to put on a five star contest. Eva though would really seem to step up the pressure and seem to focus her attention on Bella’s back and would hit Nikki with multiple Running Senton and being sure to lash out with further kicks and low knees to the lower back area. Nikki would fight back and drive Eva towards the ring ropes, only for Eva to remind everyone of what an incredible roll she had been on lately as she would run up the turnbuckle and send Nikki toppling of with the SLICED RED #2! Then in her ever devious fashion, Eva would roll up Nikki but place her feet on the ropes for extra leverage with the referee oblivious of this fact, and thus retaining the Raw Women’s Championship.

Eva would be handed her title and be joined by her on-screen boyfriend Dolph Ziggler with the pair celebrating a few public display of affection, before Ziggler would take hold of the best and tie it around Eva’s wait before raising her arm in the air and really allowing her to savour the moment. Eva meanwhile would look at Nikki Bella lain out on the floor for a solid thirty seconds before breaking her focus and to continue to celebrate her all important title defence.]

WINNER:Eva Marie - still WWE RAW Women’s Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


AJ Styles (c) vs. Sami Zayn vs. Brock Lesnar

[ This contest was always going to be a head turner. Styles leads the New World Order not just as their leader, and not just as the Universal Champion but as the man that managed to force Finn Balor to leave RAW IS WAR at Extremes Rules. Meanwhile Sami Zayn stands as the representative of the Bullet Club who have already taking massive losses this evening, but with a chance of ending the night with two titles to his name and arguably cementing himself as the top name on the roster and thus keeping the Bullet Club in the fight. Brock however had one job - bring the title out from the debris and back into the hands of stability and control. The match started with Lesnar asserting his authority as early as possible as he would toss Sami Zayn over the ropes and out onto the concrete with an impressive release german suplex that looked like it had really knocked the life out of Zayn. This would allow for Lesnar and Styes to fight it out amongst themselves in the early stages. Brock would refuse to engage Styles in anything that allowed his opponent to use the ring as his own personal jungle gym and instead would only follow-up if he knew he would maintain control of the flow. This would result in Brock taking Styles to Suplex City for a number of occasions, whilst Zayn would remain at ringside still struggling to compose himself. During one of these impressive suplex tosses - the referee would be caught out by a shin from Styles that was completely accidental that would result in the referee dropping to the canvass out cold .

This window of opportunity would result in various members of the Bullet Club running out form the back including Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Big Cass and Enzo Amore. Amore would go and check on the status of Zayn, whilst the other three would immediately go for Lesnar in what would become a 3-on-1 handicap style situation with Anderson and Gallows hitting Brock with the MAGIC KILLERonly for the pair to force Brock up onto his feet and pummels him a few times with hard shots before Big Cass would charge forward driving his foot into Lesnar’s mouth with aBIG BOOTthat would cause him to fall through the ropes and down onto the concrete. As the trio would turn their attention to Styles, the referee would look like he was regaining his compose - so in typical ‘dirty tactics’ Enzo would pull the referee out from the ring and cause him to drop down onto the floor. This action would result in Adam Cole, King Fale, Yujiro, Dolph Ziggler and Roman Reigns all rushing out from the back (clearly to come to aid of their nWo leader AJ Styles). This would result in a massive brawl taking place in the ring with the numbers advantage clearly working in the New World Order’s favour that would allow them to manage to clear the ring and chase after the Bullet Club through the crowd. With the ring finally cleared, Lesnar would actually be visibly bleeding as he sat with his face against the barrier whilst Zayn would roll back into the ring and stare Styles down with both men relishing the opportunity to seize the moment especially with Lesnar temporarily out of the fight.

Zayn and Styles would put on a great five minutes of action with both men proving any of their critics that they both had what it takes to be the best in this business. Styles would connect with a number of transitional Pele Kicks before using the ring ropes to his advantage and almost achieving a pin-fall victory after connecting with a PHENOMENAL FOREARM!Zayn would also come very close to claiming the victory by following up a well placed HELLUVA KICKwith an awesome 450 Splash that Styles would only manage to escape by getting his leg to brush against the bottom rope. One thing was for certain, and that was this match was really starting to get interesting. Zayn confidence certainly seemed to have grown as he would attempt another assault from the turnbuckles onto be caught in mid-air by Styles who would show his technical skill by moving Zayn into a critical position that would allow for him to nail him with the STYLES CLASH!Before Styles would finish though the lights in the arena would be shut off completely…


...only to come on again with the same ‘Skeleton Helmet’ wearing men to be standing in the ring and one of them to just charge forward and take out Styles with a truly brutal SPEAR! The other two men would then pull out a pair of nightsticks and proceed to smash them down brutally into Styles showing no sign of stopping anytime soon. The man that had connected with the Spear would turn his attention to Zayn and seem to help him up to his feet only to flip him off and lay him out on the mat with a SPINNING BULLDOG! The commentary team would be going wild, doing their best to try and ‘guess’ who they unknown men were and why they were doing this. Lesnar meanwhile would be seen climbing back into the ring with blood visibly pouring out from the cut on the top of his forehead which would result in the light be turned off once again.

The lights back on would result in the mysterious men nowhere to be seen, but with everyone including Brock Lesnar laid out on the canvass and out for the count as the referee would pull himself up to his feet and look on clueless seeing all three men lying out out cold and would proceed to starting counting them out and would reach seven before by some divine intervention AJ Styles would manage to get back up onto his feet and clamber up onto the turnbuckle where he would look at Zayn and make the ‘SUCK IT’ gesture only to be caught off-guard as Lesnar would somehow get onto his feet and knock Styes off his perch allowing for Brock to catch him on his shoulders and in truly impressive fashion scoop up Styles and nail him with the F-5! Lesnar would immediately drape his arm over Styles to initiate the cover, but look on in complete shock as Styles would manage to raise up his shoulders at the last possible moment. Lesnar would look up at the referee with a look of total disbelief only to pummelled in the face by Zayn with a Punt Kick! Lesnar would just drop to the mat, as Zayn would forcefully drag Styles up onto his feet and drive him down onto the canvas with the BLUE THUNDER BOMB! And just like that the crowd would lose their mind as Zayn was announced as the NEEEEEEEEEW Universal Champion!

Zayn would look physically exhausted as he would be handed both the United States and Universal Championship belts, but would have a massive smile on his face as he would raise them both up in the air only to finish the scene by making a gun gesture and proceeding to shoot Styles with it.]

WINNER: Sami Zayn - new WWE Universal Champion
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Mar 30, 2020
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Tino Sabbatelli should have been in a great mood following his victory with The Gronk at SummerSlam, but instead Tino spent the following show(22nd August)doing his best to gain an audience with Shane McMahon (who was currently not just Smackdown’s Commissioner, but also the interim General manager in Angle’s absence) the problem that Tino was having was that Zack Ryder, Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens seemed intent on stopping Tino from meeting up with Shane and throughout the evening would either block his path or physically chase after him. On the various segments Tino would always manage to get away, although it was clear that his luck was going to run out, as each encounter the trio were coming closer and closer to catching their prey. Finally, Owens and Jericho caught up with Tino or rather thought they had caught up with him as they would look immensely irritated when the man they were chasing would actually end up being Tyler Breeze in disguise. The mistaken identity had clearly been a planned ruse, but it was clear that Owens and Jericho were incensed and both men would proceed to be the crap out of Breeze only to lift him up and two-man powerbomb him through a table.

The distraction, had served his purpose though as Tino managed to slip past Zack Ryder and enter Shane’s office.Tino would plead Mojo’s case and insist that any drug tests that the WWE had taken had been done under false pretence and that Mojo had never injected himself with steroids in his life. Tino would make the point that, it would be impossible for the traces to be removed from Mojo’s system and asked Shane to hire a doctor of his own choosing and test Mojo once again. Tino would make the point that not only would they prove that Rawley was clean, but also that a conspiracy was taking place with WWE staff colluding against certain members of the Smackdown Live roster. Shane would make the point, that if Mojo failed then his suspension would instead become an instant contract termination. Tino didn’t seem at all bothered by this outcome, and made it clear that he was happy with Shan’s deal. Shane would inform Tino that he would hire a doctor and proceed to test Mojo as soon as they possibly could once the show ended.
The following week
(29th August) Shane McMahon would stand in the middle of the ring, where he would be joined by Mojo Rawley, Tino Sabbatelli and Rob Gronkowski who would all be wearing grey three piece suits and standing on Shane’s left. Shane would make it clear that after an investigation he was able to confirm that Mojo Rawley was in fact drug free, and that his suspension had been overturned. Shane would then announce that the doctor who had administered the original test had been a fraud and wasn’t even a practising doctor but was none other than Jericho’s Fozzy bandmate Paul Di Leo who had been disguised as a doctor. Shane would make it clear that he was less than impressed with Jeri-KO for orchestrating a move that could of resulted in Mojo’s entire career being completely and utterly destroyed.Shane though would make the point that Jericho had been very clever, because as it stood he was powerless and was unable to actually punish Jericho or Owens for their part in matter because he wasn’t actually able to prove their involvement even if their actions would suggest otherwise.

Shane would instead announce that at No Mercy The Hype Bros Version 2.0 would be given a shot at the Smackdown Tag Team Championships as compensation for Mojo’s suspension. This immediately got a reaction from Mojo that Shane hadn’t been expecting - as he would make himself very clear that the Hype Bros didn’t want sympathy and would make it clear that if they were to challenge for the titles then they wanted to earn it. Rather than just be given a gift as a form of charity. Mojo would make the point that when the day came when they became the tag team champions, they wanted to be able to know in their hearts they they had earned it. Before anything else could be said, Konnor and Viktor of Rubicon would make their entrance and stand on the ramp. Konnor would make the point that if The Hype Bros wanted to earn a shot - then they were more than happy to stand up to plate and offer themselves as appropriate opponents to face the Hype Bros and would enjoy not only beating them senseless, but also leaving with a shot for the titles at the same time. As it looked as if Shane was about the say something, the titantron would light up and Rusev, Lana and Elias Samson would appear on the screen and be standing in the locker-room area backstage. Elias would make the point that if opportunities were just being handed out willy nilly then himself and Rusev would also like to put their hats into the fold. Shane would eventually put his hands in the air, and say that he would make a decision regarding the title belts later on in the show.

Shane’s decision would come from his office, and the amount of paperwork on his desk it was clear that the work that came with doing both jobs at the same time was a lot to handle. Shane would announce that the Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jeri-KO would defend their titles against Team America at No Mercy, but that this time round the champions would face American Alpha. Shane would then make it clear that at No Mercy a number one contenders match for the tag team titles would take place, and that if any other teams were interested in taking part then they had a week to contact him before he made a decision.

With American Alpha and Jeri-KO now scheduled to face each other in less than two week’s time, the two duo would face each other in singles match
(5th September) with Chad Gable gaining a victory over Jericho, and Owens beating Jason Jordan. On the conclusion of the Owens/Jordan match, Jericho and Owens would make the point that they had already proven that Team America was no match for the only real best-friends in the WWE Universe, who happened to be Canadian which is of course the greatest country in the world. This point led to Jericho suggesting that not only would the winners leave with the tag team titles, but also the winning team would earn the right to burn the national flag of the losing team. The segment would end with Owens and Jericho singing the Canadian national anthem must to the annoyance of every American in attendance.

Shane would later on the night confirm that at No Mercy six tag-team would compete inside the Elimination Chamber - with the winners becoming the number one contenders for the Smackdown Tag Team Championships. The Hype Bros Version 2.0, Rubicon (Konnor & Viktor) and Elias & Rusev were already confirmed as being involved in the contest, but Shane would also announce the involvement of The Revival, The Usos and The Bollywood Boyz. Shane would make it clear that the winning team would be given a shot for the titles at a time of his own choosing - but would hint that the match would take place at Survivor Series.

In the last days building up to the No Mercy
(12th September), it was clear that the fans were very much look forward to the Elimination Chamber being involved in creating a new number one contender, although Mauro Ranallo would make the point that for the second time in as many pay per view that Smackdown Tag Team Titles would be playing second fiddle, although Renee Young would argue the point this was just the injection the tag-team division had needed to be brought back to life.


Jeri-KO (c) vs. American Alpha


Hype Bros V2.0 vs. Rubicon vs. Elias & Rusev vs. The Revival vs. The Uso vs. Bollywood Boyz


Following Alberto Del Rio’s loss to Shinsuke Nakamura (22nd August) it was clear that Alberto was less than pleased with the result, mostly because it meant that he had once again fallen short and wouldn’t be involved in the WWE Title picture once again. Following the match, Alberto and his partner Paige would speak backstage with Dasha Fuentes. Paige would speak and make it clear that Alberto was the most talented and qualified member of the Smackdown roster and that man that should be the face of the brand, but in recent months he had just been unlucky. Paige would make it clear that Alberto was still the best that Smackdown had to offer. The couple would then share a passionate kiss in front of the camera with Dasha clearly cringing, before the pair would walk off camera.

In another backstage encounter the following week
(29th August) Paige would find her path blocked by the right hand of Mil Muertes - Maxine. Maxine would be shrouded in darkness, but in her hands she would be holding a leash with it being connected to the Maryse and Miz with the pair in their docile states, lifeless and with red pupils. Maxine would edge herself closer towards Paige, so that their faces were only a few inches apart before whispering to Paige in Spanish (subtitles were offered, but it was presumed from the manner in which Paige was nodding her head that she understood everything that was being said). Maxine would tell Paige that, her master, the dark lord, Mil Muertes was willing to offer Alberto a seat at the table - to become a member of his court of darkness. When Paige would question what exactly this would entail, Maxine would just smile and the light bulbs would all explode in the hallway with glass shattering everywhere. In the darkness Maxine would say that Mil would require an answer tonight.

Later in the evening Alberto and Paige would stand in the ring with Alberto making it clear that he wasn’t anyone’s puppet, nor did he dance to the tune of anyone’s fiddle. Each word that was spoken Alberto would grow more and more angry and then just like that the lights in the arena would turn off. When they turned on again, Mil Muertes was standing in the ring standing face to face with Alberto. At ringside Maxine would be holding a microphone and make it clear that Alberto had two choices, bend the knee and swear fealty to his new master or chose the more difficult option. Paige would interject and make it clear that Alberto wouldn’t knee for anyone, and that Mil had another thing coming if he thought her boyfriend was going to bend the knee. With it being clear that Alberto was not going to comply, Muertes in one motion would take hold of Alberto and nail him with a Chokeslam! The lights would turn out, and only Paige and the fallen Alberto would remain in the ring.

The following week
(5th September) Maxine would cut a promo backstage and make it clear that irrespective of what Alberto wanted, her master had decided that he wanted Alberto to join his court and if he wasn’t going to come willingly then he was going to join him by force. Maxine would make it clear that Alberto clearly didn't realise the gravity of his situation and if he wasn’t able to make a decision then Paige was going to have to be used as a bargaining chip.

Later in the night, Alberto and Paige would be attacked by The Miz, with Miz serving enough of a distraction for Mil Muertes to grab hold of Paige and drag her by her hair and pull her into a room. Once Alberto had managed to fight off The Miz, he would open the door only to be shocked as the door would lead to nowhere with literally the whole doorway concreted up.

With a few days to go until No Mercy
(12th September) Maxine would appear on the titantron whilst Alberto was scheduled to compete, and Maxine would appear with Paige clearly being held captive. Maxine would inform Alberto, that at No Mercy Alberto had one chance and one chance only to earn his girlfriend’s freedom - by facing Mil Muertes in a Casket Match. Del Rio would accept the challenge, with it being extremely clear from his reaction that he was worried about the safety of Paige more than anything else.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Mil Muertes w/ Maxine, The Miz & Maryse


Christian winning the WWE Championship at SummerSlam in his last ever match with the company of course meant that the belt was going to be vacated (22nd August) and Christian would do so with Shane McMahon in the ring. Christian would thank the fans for supporting him throughout his career, but would make it clear that he could no longer put his body on the line anymore with the injuries he had sustained during his career and that it brought him great sadness, but he had had a great run and ending his career at the top of mountain with the WWE Championship in possession was something he would always remember fondly. Christian would then hand over the title belt to Shane and exit the ring where he would be met with a heavy applause from the fans as he would make his last ever journey from the ring towards the back. Shane though would be holding the WWE Title in his hands and it was clear that he still had something on his mind, most likely to do with the now vacant title.

Shane would reveal that in a month’s time at No Mercy - the WWE Championship would be contested for within the confines of the Elimination Chamber (an announcement that would certainly wet the appetites of everyone in attendance - although Shane wouldn’t make it clear if any other match would be take place inside the merciless chamber of death. Shane would then request that Randy Orton join him in the ring, however Orton’s music would play but the reigning Intercontinental Champion would appear on the titantron. Orton wouldn’t even allow Shane to speak, but would make it clear that he was the real face of Smackdown Live and how no intention of involving himself in competing for a less title belt. Holding his title to the camera, Orton would make it clear that the Intercontinental Championship was the real main-event title on Smackdown Live and that even using the Elimination Chamber as a tool wasn’t going to fix the irreparable damage in prestige that the WWE Championship had suffered whilst Kurt Angle had been General Manager. Orton would make it clear that Shane needed to fix his sh*t if Smackdown Live was ever going to given the same amount of respect that RAW was given, before the titantron screen would cut its transmission.

Shane would look far from pleased, but actually agree with Randy in that Kurt Angle had done a terrible job of ensuring that Smackdown Live was just as successful and popular as Monday Night RAW. Shane would make it clear that no one was just be given a championship shot, but rather everyone involved was going to earn it. The first qualifying match would see Shinsuke Nakamura take on Alberto Del Rio in what would prove to be a highly entertaining contest, with Nakamura winning the contest and being the first man to qualify for the Elimination Chamber. The second man to qualify would be Dean Ambrose, although he would earn his shot by very different means - as his scheduled opponent Kane would never reach the ring and instead would be jumped on the entrance ramp by Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt and himself himself ruled out of the running by failing to reach the ring. The third qualifier would see Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas pitted against each other, with both men clearly not happy with the prospect but remaining professional and putting on match that was competitive and good watch. The match would pass the fifteen mark with a number of interesting spots, with Charlie Haas forcing his long-term friend and tag team partner Shelton Benjamin to tap once he was held in the Haas of Pain!

The next three qualifiers would take place on the following episode
(29th August)with Seth Rollins facing Baron Corbin in a match that Rollins was on another level and would make light work of Corbin and achieve a victory in less than three minutes, which would make him look like a supreme athlete with No Mercy around the corner and another attempt at becoming the WWE Champion calling him forward. Finn Balor would earn his place in the chamber by defeating Apollo Crews whilst the final place would be contested for by Joe Hendry, Zack Ryder, Rey Mysterio and Tyler Breeze in a Fatal Four Way Match with Mysterio winning the contest.

The next fortnight would involve a lot of buildup with the WWE Championship match get a lot of hype and video packages to make sure everyone knew just how important the match was going to be. For Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Finn Balor and Rey Mysterio the match was another title reign to add to their accolades, whilst Haas and Nakamura had the opportunity to become a world champion for the first time in their WWE careers.


Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Charlie Haas vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio


After Randy Orton refused to be involved in the WWE Championship picture (22nd August) he would cut a promo backstage and make it clear that despite everything that was being said and all the hype that the Elimination Chamber was created - when it came down to it the Intercontinental Championship was far more sought after and far more prestigious than the WWE Championship in its current form. Randy would make the point that when he was growing up the NWA World Heavyweight Championship used to be one of the most revered and sought after titles in all of professional wrestling, but nowadays it had no value whatsoever. Randy would end by saying that his main concern at the moment was Kane - and made it clear that he was more than willing to use his title as the bait on the line to reel the Big Red Machine in, in order to give him the beating that he deserved after everything he had put the Wyatt Family through.

Kane would offer a response the following week
(29th August)and make it clear that if Randy really wanted to truly experience the meaning of suffering then he was more than happy to oblige - but that in order to prove his worth Randy would have to beat one his most loyal and accomplished disciple Rankour first. Kane would make the point that if Rankour beat Randy, then it was just prove that everything that Randy said each and every week was nothing but a lie - and that he had therefore been justified in sending his children forward to destroy the Wyatt Family. Kane would then continue the insults and make it clear that sooner or later it would be Randy who would find his neck on the end of a rope, hanging from the rafters.

The following week in their scheduled contest
(5th September) Randy would comprehensively defeat Rankour and there was absolutely no point in the match that this hadn’t looked like the outcome. Randy would add insult to injury though and proceed to charge forward and connect with a PUNT KICK to the side of Rankour’s head after the match before taking to the microphone. Randy would demand that Kane come from the back, but instead Kane would appear on the titantron screen flanked by Konnor and Viktor. Kane would make it clear that he was very much looking forward to facing Randy and said that he couldn’t think of a better place to finally come face to face then at No Mercy. Kane would then inform Randy that on next week’s show a sacrifice would take place as a tribute to him by his disciples to give him good luck ahead of him becoming the new Intercontinental Champion.

With less than a week until No Mercy
(12th September) Kane and his fellow Rubicon disciples were all in blacks cloaks and surrounded by lit torches in what looked like the parking lot. Rankour would be speaking, whilst Viktor and Konnor sounded like their were chanting in latin, with Rankour stating that a sacrifice was being offered and that this would thus warrant Kane the victory at No Mercy. The camera would then pan over to a gallows with a rope, and man with a sack over his face standing next to it. Kane would move the man towards the rope and tie it around his neck, only to to reveal it as none other than Randy Orton’s father Bob Orton. Rankour would start listing out Orton’s crime (but it was clear an attempt to just get a response from Randy) who would eventually appear on the scene with a baseball bat in his hands and proceed to chase Rubicon away, but not before Kane would release Bob Orton who would hang for about five second before Randy would cut his father down. The look of anger in Randy’s eyes as he tended to his father, really painted a picture of how ready he was for Kane on Sunday night.


Randy Orton (c) vs. Kane


Following Natalya’s monumental victory at SummerSlam, the new Smackdown Women’s Champion would really get the ball rolling on the following episode of Smackdown Live (22nd August) by cementing her position as the face of women’s wrestling - and would do so with Carmella and Dana Brooke joined her in the ring. Natalya would make it clear that she was Niedhart and that everything he did collectively became part of the same history that the Harts and Niedharts and Smiths had built in the wrestling industry. Natalya would make it clear that she had for years been the hardest worker on the roster - and that with the title in her possession everyone in the back would be forced to take notice of her. Natalya would then point out Carmella and Dana Brooke and make it clear that both women were highly skilled professionals and for too long they had been overlooked but that was going to stop now that she was the champion. Natalya would make it clear that Carmella and Dana were not here to be her friends or her proteges, but rather they were here to be challenger to her belt - worthy challengers. Natalya would make it clear that she would assess both women over the next few weeks before deciding which of them she would face with her title on the line.

Former champion Emma would appear on the titantron and seem to find this whole charade amusing, bring up the fact that she had pulverized Dana at Judgement Day not that long ago - and that Carmella had done nothing in her insignificant career to warrant a title shot. Natalya wouldn’t look at all interested, but would demand that the titantron screen’s feed be cut - as it was interrupting her time. Surprisingly, the screen did actually get turned off with Emma mid sentence. Natalya would send the segment by stating that both Carmella and Dana would be competing in matches tonight and that she would be assessing their performances by watching at ringside. Carmella would achieve a victory in her match that evening in a very even contest with Naomi, whilst Dana Brooke would also win by beating Leah Owens.

Natalya would make her announcement from Shane O’Mac’s office
(29th August)and it was clear that her decision very much had his approval. Natalya would make it clear that although Dana had shown some promise - the highlighted loss at Judgement Day was really not the start that Natalya wanted to have in her first title defence and so on that basis she would be facing Carmella at No Mercy for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. This decision would however be interrupted by Becky Lynch who would push through the door and ask Shane why these second-rate women were jumping the queue. Shane though would make it that Becky had been given a chance at SummerSlam and that now it was time for others to get a shot at the gold. Becky would make it clear that the decision was bullsh*t and that Shane was going to find himself in real danger if this sort of nonsense continued. Shane though would make it clear that everyone has a chance of achieving glory on Smackdown Live - and that this isn’t the Becky Lynch show. Lynch just scowled before walking out, whilst Natalya was clearly smiling.

A little bit later in the night Carmella and Natalya would meet in the ring with both women shaking hands and very much confirming the match for No Mercy - during this segment the camera would cut backstage to a shot of Becky Lynch lying sprawled out at the bottom of a staircase, with the question being asked ‘Who pushed Becky?’ one thing was for certain and that was that Becky was in a lot of pain and was being tended to by EMTs.

On the next episode of Smackdown Live
(5th September) Shane O’Mac would make an announcement that Becky had broken her arm and would be out for at least six weeks - and that an investigation was underway to discover who was responsible for the attack. Shane would turn his attention back to the match between Natalya and Carmella and announce that the match would a Submission Match and thus the only means of earning the victory was to make your opponent tap out. Shane would make it clear that both Carmella and Natalya had agreed to these terms - and that it was nice to see that both competitors were in good spirits and were showing large amount of mutual respect for each other. Shane would also announce that at No Mercy Emma would face Asuka with the winner of that match not guaranteed a shot at the title - but a win very much helping them in their pursuit for further championship glory.

The rest of the build up would see Carmella and Natalya teaming up
(12th September) and defeating a tag-team of Lana and Naomi with both women very much looking the furthest thing from enemies leading into No Mercy. On the other side of the equation, Emma would go on record once again this time in an interview making it clear that she would do everything in her power to overcome Asuka and rectify the situation in which she had lost her title belt without being given her rematch for her belt.


Asuka vs. Emma


Natalya (c) vs. Carmella


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September 17th 2017


Asuka vs. Emma


Hype Bros V2.0 vs. Rubicon vs. Elias & Rusev vs. The Revival vs. The Uso vs. Bollywood Boyz


Natalya (c) vs. Carmella


Alberto Del Rio vs. Mil Muertes w/ Maxine, The Miz & Maryse


Jeri-KO (c) vs. American Alpha


Randy Orton (c) vs. Kane


Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Charlie Haas vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio


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September 17th 2017 - Alberque, New Mexico


Asuka vs. Emma

[The match might have been the opening contest of the night, but it certainly gripped the attention of everyone in New Orleans. One thing was for certain though, and that there was a correlation between those wearing NXT merchandise and those cheering for Asuka. The opening stages of the match would see Emma lead with a surge of aggression, that would result in her attempting a number of pin attempts in quick succession. There was an air of desperation about these attempts, but at the same time it kept the pressure on Asuka who hadn’t been given the opportunity to build up any momentum. A change in the water would take place at about the six minute mark when Emma would leap off the turnbuckle with an attempt at a jumping rolling elbow only for Asuka to take Emma out in mid-air with a perfectly timed Superkick! Asuka would attempt to cover Emma, but the Australian would remain tactically aware and roll underneath the bottom rope and take a breather. Asuka would bluff an attack of chasing after Emma, but instead would just pull back and smile and soak up an ‘ASUKA’ chant as she would circle the ring during the brief pause in the contest.

The middle portion of the match was fairly even with both Asuka and Emma showing off their potential and both making cases for themselves as why they were deserving of a future shot at the Smackdown Women’s Championship. The match would reach its conclusion as the match entered it’s fourteenth minute. Asuka would have Emma up against the rope and try to break Emma with a number of stiff kicks to the midsection, followed by a Reverse Roundhouse and then finally get her counterpart to drop to her knees only for Asuka to force Emma down to the mat with an original sitout facebuster. Asuka would wait for Emma to get back up to feet only to springboard off the ropes and slam into Asuka with a BILLIKEN!Asuka would drop down onto Emma for the cover, only to look on in shock as Emma would manage to kick out with milliseconds to spare. Asuka though wouldn’t break her focus as she lock Emma in KANAGON - a grounded dragon sleeper that Emma would resist at first, but as Asuka’s grip got tighter Emma had no choice but to tap out granting Asuka the victory.

Asuka would celebrate her victory in the middle of the ring only for Emma to pull herself back up to her feet. To everyone’s shock Emma would tap Asuka but rather than attack her opponent she offered the ultimate respect by offering her hand. Asuka would shake her hand with both women then embracing in the middle of the ring - with it looked as if Emma might have moved from being a heel to more a tweener.]


+ + + + + + + + + +


Hype Bros V2.0 vs. Rubicon vs. Elias & Rusev vs. The Revival vs. The Usos vs. Bollywood Boyz

[The first elimination chamber match of the night would begin with the Bollywood Boyz and The Revival in the ring with the other four teams locked in the pods in their pairings. The Bollywood Boyz around Wrestlemania season had almost become the RAW Tag Team Champions, falling short against the Establishment whilst The Revival had only been recently drafted from NXT and this was their first major involvement in the Smackdown Title scene. Dawson and Wilder were showing everyone exactly why they’d been drafted from NXT, and it clear that they outskilled Samir and Sunil not just physically but also mentally with their tactical approach. The Revival would nail Samir with the SHATTER MACHINE to eliminate the Bollywood Boyz before the next text team had entered the match.

*Bollywood Boyz Eliminated*

Dawson and Wilder would showboat in the middle of the ring, instead of taking a moment to catch their breaths. As the countdown would begin and the spotlight would flicker between the pods The Uso being the third team to enter the fold. As Jimmy and Jey would start leaving their pod the Revival would charge forward and actually be battling with the Uso seemingly trying to keep the Samoan pair in their pod. Eventually, The Usos would manage to push out from their pod that would allow the match to gain some traction, with the Usos offering much more of a challenge for The Revival that allowed for the match to garner a lot more interest from the fans. It would take the introduction of another team though, to really create the chaos and destruction that everyone was hoping for - with Rubicon members Konnor and Viktor being the fourth team to enter the contest. Rubicon and The Revival seemed to come to an agreement fairly early on - with it being clear that The Usos were very much ‘next’ on the hit list - which would result in Rubicon focusing on Jey and Revival focusing on Jimmy. Jimmy would offer a bit more resistance, but The Revival would take Jey to the outside and for the second time connect with the SHATTER MACHINE although this time Jey would crash onto the metal grid feeling the full force of the impact. The pair would then proceed to roll Jey back into the ring, and with Jimmy being dealt with by the Rubicon Jey was eliminated by pinfall fairly comprehensively.

* The Usos Eliminated *

It seemed as though Rubicon were still focused on Jimmy - that they would be caught totally off guard as Dawson and Wilder in perfect synchronicity would come from behind Viktor and Konnor and nail them with dual low blows. However, it was during this exchange that the lights had started flickering and the duo of Rusev and Elias had joined the match. Rusev would come behind Dawson and toss him over his shoulder with the BULPLEX! Elias meanwhile would spin Wilder on his axis and floor him with a discus clothesline - as Rusev would manipulate Dawson and singe in THE ACCOLADE that would have Scott Dawson tapping out.

* The Revival Eliminated *

The Revival had shown signs of being the team to beat, but with their elimination everything was up in the air once more especially with Rusev and Samson entering the contest and making a strong first impression in their first match as a tag-team. The Hype Bros V2.0 would also enter the match, with all six teams now having officially entered into the field of play. As Mojo would enter the ring, the chamber doors would still be open as The Revival would be exiting the structure - only for everyone to look on in shock as Kevin Owens would emerge from the crowd and proceed to slide into the ring only to take hold of Mojo and by total surprise throw him up into the air and connect with thePOP-UP POWERBOMB before giving Tino the middle finger, seconds before Tino was hit by Elias with the ENCORE! Seeing the opportunity present itself Konnor would drop on top of Rawley and hook over his legs and achieve the pinfall.

* The Hype Bros V2.0 Eliminated *

Rusev and Elias would stand on one side of the ring with The Rubicon stand on the other. Only for everyone to look on in shock as Elias would take hold of Rusev and pull him close to him and seem to whisper something before dropping him to the canvass with the DRIFT AWAY! Elias would then remove his t-shirt to reveal a second black t-shirt with the Rubicon motif on it - the three on one assault was only ever going to lead to one result with Viktor bringing an end to contest by hitting Rusev with the PSYCHO CUTTER!

* Rusev & Elias Samson Eliminated *

Konnor, Viktor and Elias would stand in the middle of the ring with a look of complete focus, and it must be noted that none of the three men were smiling and the commentary team would make the point the trio probably weren’t even allowed to smile unless Kane told they could do so.]

WINNERS: Rubicon (Konnor & Viktor)

+ + + + + + + + + +

Natalya (c) vs. Carmella

[Going into the contest both Carmella and Natalya were aware of the outcome between Asuka/Emma - although this result didn’t guarantee that Asuka would be the next woman to get a shot at the Smackdown Women’s Championship. For Carmella this was her big break and a chance for her to finally prove that she was so much more than just the former valet for Enzo & Big Cass. Natalya meanwhile was just desperate to solidify her position and cement her legacy in the manner that so many member of her extended family had done previously in the industry. Natalya would seem to almost treat the match as a training session and it was clear that she was taking it easy, which very clearly frustrated Carmella and would seem to be exactly the response that Natalya had been looking for as Carmella would be reckless into her approach, being rash and making mistakes because of her clear lack of focus. Natalya would remain in second gear though and it was clear that she was toying with Carmella. Carmella was suffering majorly from this - whilst Natalya was looking incredibly strong as the champion.

After about ten minutes or so it was clear that Natalya had grown bored of Carmella, who was already showing signs of fatigue. Natalya would bring an end to proceeding by nailing Carmella with NATTIE BY NATURE before taking hold of Carmella and locking her into the SHARPSHOOTERwhich would bizarrely be the first time that a submission would be attempted in the match - but it would also be the last. Carmella would claw and fight and do her best to resist, but eventually her physical frame just couldn’t take anymore of the force and she would tap-out. Natalya wouldn’t show any interest in celebrating the title, but instead would just take the title belt and proceed to march backstage showing no interest in anything else.]

WINNER: Natalya - still WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


Alberto Del Rio vs. Mil Muertes w/ Maxine, The Miz & Maryse

[With Alberto in the ring prior to the match, Mil Muertes would make his entrance by being led out from the back with Maxine dressed in a long red dressed (which she would remove to reveal more suitable wrestling gear) with The Miz and Maryse being held on their leashes - whilst Mil would wearing a robe fitting of a king as he would make his way down to the ring. Paige (was nowhere to be seen - with the assumption in storyline of her being still held captive by Muertes and Maxine). Mil would spend the early portions of the match absolutely pulversing Del Rio throwing him around the ring like a ragdoll - but with a sinister intent of causing his opponent as much damage as possible - without the match actually ending. An example of this was when Del Rio was locked in LA PATRIOTA (Mil’s version of a sharpshooter) and just when it looked like Del Rio might tap out Muertes would release the hold. Although tapping out would have no impact on the conclusion of the contest..

Alberto though would manage to get some momentum and it was clear that in terms of stamina and endurance the longer a match lasted, the more of an advantage he was going to have and it was clear that Maxine recognised his. The nature of match meant there was no disqualifications - with Maxine instructing Miz to enter into the match. Miz would catch Alberto unawares and spin him on his axis and connect with the SKULL-CRUSHING FINALE! Mil and Miz would try to roll Alberto into the casket and manage to get him inside, but Alberto would manage to fight out of the casket and in the process appear to break The Miz’s nose - but the commentary team would also notice that Miz seemed to have a different look in eyes (almost as if he was no longer under Maxine’s witchcraft). This would lead to The Miz rolling out of the ring and trying to ‘shake’ Maryse out of her ‘zombie like state’ but this would not be successful. Maxine would proceed to pull out some dust from her bag and blow it into The Miz’s face - that would lead him to return into his ‘trance-like state’.

Mil was starting to show signs of fatigue which would result in Alberto ramping up in his attack and use a number of crossbody variations - with the increased length in time it took for Mil to get up to his feet, Alberto was presented with a window of opportunity with Mil get up from his knee only to be nailed in the face with a SUPERKICKthat would send Mil falling through the ring ropes and lying on the edge of the apron right next to the open casket. Alberto would then spring off the ropes and leaps through the ropes, only for Mil to have pushed himself back up and caught Alberto mid-flight nail him with a DDT head first into the casket, before slamming it shut and ending the contest.Mil would end the segment by wheeling Alberto away in a casket with Maxine, Maryse and Miz in procession.]

WINNER: Mil Muertes

+ + + + + + + + + +


Jeri-KO (c) vs. American Alpha

[With the knowledge that Rubicon members Konnor and Viktor were waiting for the winners of this contest - Jeri-KO would begin the match by taking to the microphone and stating that they were very much looking forward to facing the Rubicon at Survivor Series and they hoped that cleaning up American Alpha and sending them home didn’t take too long, because they both had more interesting things to be doing with their time. Owens would end the point by saying that he was going to relish the taste of defeating all four members of Team America in the space of two pay per views. The match was a very even contest for most part, with both teams looking strong and showing their worth and improving their stock in the tag-team division. Moments for the highlight reel included: American Alpha working in partnership with a Belly-to-back pop-up by Jordan into a bridging high-angle belly-to-back suplex by Gable - GRAND AMPLITUDE that result in a near fall with Owens jumping into the ring and breaking up the pin at the last possible moment. Jeri-KO as always despite their strong friendship, memorable moments was more based on their individuality with Jericho almost getting a cover of Gable after hitting the CODEBREAKER after spring-boarding off the ring ropes.

A miscommunication between Owens and Jericho, which arose when Owens tagged himself in by slapping Jericho on the back which led to pair have a verbal disagreement. This would allow for Gable and Jordan to charge forward with Jericho dropping to mat, whilst Owens (as the legal man) sent spilling off the ring apron and dropping down onto the concrete below. Jordan and Gable would focus on Jericho - but the referee would continue to wave at them shouting at them that Jericho was not the legal man. Nonetheless American Alpha would focus their assault on Jericho and proceed to lay him out with TECH FALL! Outside the ring - Mojo Rawley had managed to appear at ringside - and with the referee distracted - would take hold of Owens and dump him down onto the concrete with a Powerslam before forcing Owens back up onto his feet and rolling him back into the ring (only to duck down - so the referee wouldn’t know of his involvement). Gable would force Jericho out of the ring, as Jordan would force Owens up onto his feet only to sent him straight back down onto the mat with the HOOSIER DADDY only to roll his shoulders and hold down Owens for the three count.

Owens and Jericho would remain down, fellow Team America members Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin would emerge from the back holding two large American flags and proceed to celebrate the fact that Jason and Chad were now the new Smackdown Tag Team Champions.]

WINNERS: American Alpha - new WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions

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Randy Orton (c) vs. Kane

[The commentary team would raise a point that when Randy Orton won the Intercontinental Championship at Judgement - the WWE Title Match had been between Christian and Curt Hawkins, with neither men no longer working for the company with JBL making the point that maybe Randy Orton was right and he was the true representative of Smackdown Live! One thing was clear though, and that was Randy Orton had fury in his eyes which wasn’t surprising considering Kane (and Rubicon) had been responsible for taking out the Wyatt Family in recent months - so it made perfect sense for Randy to want to do as much physical damage as possible to Kane. Randy would go after Kane straight from the off and proceed to chop the Big Red Machine with a number of heavyset european uppercuts, and then connect with a standing drop kick causing Kane to bounce back off the ropes only for Randy to swoop up Kane and launch him over with an Exploder Suplex! Just over ninety seconds had passed, but Kane already looked as if he had found himself in an extremely dangerous situation - and as soon as Kane started pushing himself backup to his feet he was nailed immediately with an RKO! And much to everyone shock, the referee would bring his hand down once, twice, thrice and in under two minutes. However, as the referee went to hand Randy the title he didn’t look at all interested in it.

Instead, he would grab hold of a chair from ringside and wrap it around Kane head like a necktie only to charge forward and kick Kane squared in the reading with a PUNT KICK!Randy didn’t look as though he was finished though and he would step back only to spring again and connect with another PUNT KICK!At this point a mass of security, referees and EMTS would enter the ring pulling Randy away, with a clear concern that Randy was putting Kane’s life in real danger.

Randy was smiling like a sadist and would take hold of his title belt and on the entrance ramp, as Kane would be tended to by medical staff in the ring.]

WINNER:Randy Orton - still WWE Intercontinental Champion

+ + + + + + + + + +


Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Charlie Haas vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio

[The men that would find themselves locked in their individual pods in the second chamber match of the evening would be Rey Mysterio, Charlie Haas, Shinsuke Nakamura and Dean Ambrose meaning that Finn Balor and Seth Rollins would start on opposite side of the ring, as two of three previous NXT Champions who would be involved in the contest. The match would start fairly slowly with both men scouting each other, and both having the awareness of knowing there is no benefit of overexerting yourself to early on. Rollins and Balor would tangle up in a number of strength contests - in a similar fashion to two rutting stags but would clearly be holding back. It was clear that the fans were less than pleased with this approach from both men, but their excitement would kick in as they would countdown from ten the next entrant - and there would be a rapture of chants as arguably the biggest underdog in the contest Charlie Haas would make his way out from his pod and enter the fold.

With Haas in the ring - the sense of calm between Seth and Finn would seem to completely disappear and both men seemed to be trying to convince Haas to join them for some sort of temporary alliance. Haas seemed to nods his head and approach Balor offering his hand, which was taken as both men shook hands although Haas would kept hold of Finn and proceed to knock him other with a stationery clothesline knocking the former Universal Champion to the mat - which was met with another loud cheer from the fans. Haas and Rollins would proceed to battle it out, and once Balor was back one his feet the match would very much resemble a triple threat match - with the extra man acting as a constant preventative of any one individual building up momentum to gain a clear advantage over the others. A highlight though would see Haas connect with a Lifting Inverted DDT on Balor, with Rollins second later leaping off the turnbuckle and following up with a 450 Splash although as Rollins would attempt to cover Balor, Haas would look less than impressed and kick Rollins thus ending the pin count much to everyone’s surprise.

The countdown had also finished - resulting in Shinsuke Nakamura entering as the fourth man in the contest.
Nakamura would exit his pod and throw himself over the ropes with real intent and determination, only to be caught in mid-air with a square kick to the face with a Pele Kick out of nowhere from Balor. Everyone looked on in shock and Nakamura would push himself up to his knee only to be kicked square in the jaw by Rollins with AVADA KEDAVRA! Haas would then drop down to the mat and lock Nakamura in a crossface - a move that JBL would reveal was known as the RUSSELL LOCK! Nakamura would seem to have been totally caught out and everyone would look on in complete shock as in under a minute of entering the contest Shinsuke was already tapping out and had become the first man to fall in the contest.

* Shinsuke Nakamura Eliminated *

As all three men would get back to their feet, watching as Shinsuke was forced to leave the ring as the first casualty of war it was clear that they were all very much aware of how much danger they posed to each other. The toing and froing between the three of them would continue for a good portion, but once again the entrance of the next man - this time Dean Ambrose would change the whole dynamic of the match once more. Ambrose and Rollins would exchange looks and then charge at Balor and Haas respectively - a temporary reunion of two members of ‘The Shield’ working together once again. This offensive would see a real change in the tide with Ambrose and Balor battling in the ring, whilst Rollins would send Haas over the ropes and onto the steel covers which a mighty thud. Haas would eat a metal sandwich after being on a the receiving end of DIRTY DEEDS, whilst Balor would find himself surviving a nearfall after taking a PEDIGREE from Rollins! Rollins would look furious the Balor had survived, but rather than follow up would exit the ring and join Ambrose in a two-on-one assault on Haas with both men would him up and smash him into the side of elimination chamber with a Two-Man Throwing Crucifix Powerbomb!

Haas’ body would look broken as his body would lay against the side of the chamber. Balor would have pushed himself up onto his feet at his point, whilst the fans had been counting one final time as Rey Mysterio would enter the chamber as the final entrant. Balor would run towards Ambrose and Rollins leaping over the ropes and taking both men out at the same time with a Diving Crossbody! Balor though would straight away turn his attention to Charlie Haas and force him up onto his feet and toss him back into the ring, only to clamer up onto the turnbuckle with a massive smile across his face before leaping off and landing on top of Haas’ chest with the COUP DE GRACE that he would follow up with a quick cover and Haas’ permanent removal from the contest. At the same time Mysterio had climbed on top of one of the pods and was looking down at both Ambrose and Rollins on the steel below.

* Charlie Haas Eliminated *

Ambrose would be the first of ‘The Shield’ pairing to get back onto his feet and would lock eyes with Balor as he would enter back into the ring. Ambrose and Balor would begin an impromptu chopping contest, with both men slapping the crap out of each other’s chest with slaps that would reverberate around the arena and be heard all the way to the cheap seats. It would Ambrose who would feel the full force of one of Balor’s chop and back pedal, but Balor would not hold back and hit with a second and then a third unanswered chop before spinning Ambrose around and wiping him out with a REVERSE BLOODY SUNDAY!In another area of the ring, as Rollins was getting back up to his feet Mysterio would launch himself off the pod and land on top of him with a FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE POD! Although it was clear from the sheer impact of the move, but both men were seriously hurting from the full impact of the aerial maneuver. Cutting back to Balor and Ambrose - Balor seemed to be scouting Ambrose slowly waiting for him to get back onto his feet and as soon as Ambrose shakily got back onto his feet Finn charged forward sending Ambrose back down onto the mat with the Sling Blade although this time would hook over Ambrose’s leg and claim the pin-fall.

* Dean Ambrose Eliminated *

Balor would look on at the carnage on the steel left by Mysterio high impact move, but with no intention of holding anything back and land on top of Ambrose with a Suicide Somersault Senton! Balor would then look at Mysterio and hoist him up before charging Mysterio head first into one of the chambers pods causing it to crash open, with the camera focusing in on Mysterio’s face with blood clearly present soaking through the fabric of Rey’s mask. Mysterio looked like he was in a real mess, but Balor would show no care and just kick his adversary square in the jaw and seemingly leave him for dead before turning his attention back to Rollins and proceed to haul him through the ring ropes only to show his athletic prowess by nailing him with the IRISH DESTROYER (a flip-piledriver) and then rolling Rollins over to earn the elimination.

* Seth Rollins Eliminated *

Balor would look absolutely delighted and would make a hand gesture of a title belt, only to look stunned at a bloody faced Mysterio would springboard off the ring ropes and connect with a hurricanrana to would lead Balor to find his head draped over the second rope which result in a massive pop from the fans with Mysterio zipped across the ring and connecting with his signature finishing move THE 619 that would result in Balor taking a heavy kick to the face that would send Balor reeling backwards. Rey would springboard off the ropes and go for a SEATED SENTON-NO! Balor would catch Mysterio in mid-air and defuse the aerial attack only to take hold of Rey and have an evil grin on his face before ending the match with a truly devastating 1916!

* Rey Mysterio Eliminated *

The Elimination Chamber would start slowly lifting up, and medical staff would immediately enter the ring and start attending to Mysterio who was clearly extremely hurt, despite his resilience and enduring determination. Balor however, would drop to his knees and it was clear that he was completely exhausted from it all. Balor though would have a massive smile on his face as the referee would lean down and hand him the WWE Champion before helping Finn up to his feet and raising his hand in the air. Balor would clamber up onto the turnbuckle and raise the WWE Championship over his head as the No Mercy Pay Per View would come a close.]

WINNER: Finn Balor - new WWE Champion


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