WWE getting so unpredictable...Spoiler Wise

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Jul 22, 2007
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Los Angeles
just because you didnt know about Cena's & The Big Show's return doesnt mean WWE is getting unpredictable

both Elimination Chamber matches, Rey Mysterio vs Edge and Ric Flair vs Mr. Kennedy
You think all those matches were unpredictable?


Yes lol all of No way out was. Only thing i wasnt sure of was big shows return and the way cena lost.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
The entire No Mercy Card was predictable. Every single match was very predictable from start to finish.

Though I did love No Mercy, I bought it for the Edge vs Rey match because i knew this was going to be the only time Edge was going to get a clean win coming off looking like a titan but an injured MYsterio prevented that.
Gotta give all my props to Rey though, working through an injury is very honorable. But if i find out ltaer that the Injury was a work i'll be furious that I got robbed of what would of been sleeper of the night with Rey and Edge.

Oh and I guess i'll try and find something to bitch about. Which is the fact that the WWE always seems to play it safe. Played it safe with Kennedy vs Flair, no controversy at all. What ever happened to the days of a knocked out ref? Imagine If flair was tapping to Kennedy but the ref was knocked out. Woulda made that match sooooooooo much more.

SD elimination chamber was done very very well. But they played it safe on how everyone got eliminated. The deadman basically took out everyone except for one person by Batista. Which is playing it safe. Why not have MVP pin someone for the reaction alone? I know the formula works that Giants can only be pinned by super heavyweights, but MVP could of easily stole a pin from Taker.

Raw EC is the definition of playing it safe. In order to not make anyone look weak, they eliminated everybody right after they finished their spot in a suprising/shocking moment. Basically making everyone and their finishers look strong but creating controversial endings that can put a question mark on everything.

Randy Orton vs Cena. VERY SAFE ENDING, after making Orton look like a fool. Couldn't even let Orton have his fame after bitch slapping the ref either. They couldn't just make him yell at cena "Who's going to Wrestlemania now Cena" raise his title and walk away with a stunned Cena contemplating everything.

no they had to have Cena F-U him then tap him out.


No way out it was called my friend not no mercy. And yeah orton had to keep title until wm24 until cena takes it off him and hhh chases cena and orton chases hhh.

JC Punk

Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
I'm actually glad because i dont wannna know whats going to happen a year before it happens

CT Styles

Basically STeph has covered the whole spoilers thing but there isa difference between spoilers and WWE being so predictable, I mean HHH is obviously loved by all the writers, he has had the title 11 times now!! Let someone else have the spotlight. Give Kennedy or Morrison a push. The two Main Events for WM are WWE title - Triple H (11 times, done it all before) vs John Cena (superman, fan favorite) vs Randy Orton (Good heel but 3 out of 4 rivalries have ended in DQ. HBK - DQ, Y2J - DQ, Cena - DQ) World Title - Taker (Too Old, won it last year) vs Edge (hope he loses by DQ so Taker doesn't win the title but still keeps the streak, he is just too old) WWE are turning into WCW I think. They are just pushing the older guys who have done it all before and leaving the younger guys to have pointless feuds.


Alright, I did mess up with the title; it should be "Less spoilers in WWE" someone change it.

I'm actually glad because i dont wannna know whats going to happen a year before it happens

LOL, you're right! Even I don't want to know that John Cena will win the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 24 :shifty: