I'm sure they will for Fox but I won't give them much credit unless it lasts for longer than a few months without any wildcard shit. I do think the only effort for a split needs to be separate rosters though, and the presentation stuff you love so much is just extra...I mean I'd prefer it too but I wouldn't say it's not a real split just bc they use the same stage. I can't see them every going back to the '02 "real competition" between brands thing, but I could see Bischoff and Heyman treating it as a competition between each other while Vince is just laughing in the background bc they're still making him money
Either way I don't really have much of an opinion on this, I'm not really excited or disinterested either way so I'm gonna hold off on any expectations until we see what happens on screen towards the end of the year.
WWE used to have A tours and B tours with different rotating rosters. But both tours were WWE tours. Having one guy work this show and that guy work that show doesn't make them separate brands. It's how the shows are operate, look and feel that make them different.
In 1998, you could have completely swapped WCW and WWF rosters, but WWF would still be WWF and WCW would be WCW because they'd still run, look and feel like their respective brands. One of the biggest complaints people had about TNA in the later years was it started copying WWE too much. It was WWE lite. You watch competition to see them do something the other one isn't doing.
I don't think I'm alone in this considering WWE's original split lasted 6 years with no bumps in the road, but as soon they dropped the PPV, it wasn't long before they started merging the belts, dropping unique divisions, and within 3 years it was gone altogether. The time table for this most recent one seemed to be about the same. When did they drop the exclusive PPV 2017? So less than 2 years for the wild card rule.
But, that's besides the point. What I meant was I don't think WWE cares too much to keep it going considering they always come to the same conclusion after not too long that having full access to your rosters is better for your writing and the ratings you want to maintain.