WWE Forums End of Year Awards 2019 RESULTS

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Jan 5, 2018
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"I think Seth is a standout guy. Everytime we collide we come together, if we don't we always fall apart. He is so funny and cool and I look forward to every post he makes. I constantly check my notification bell just in case he posts. Now this is going to sound weird but...I love him. Even though I've never met him hahaha. I love you but I need another year alone."

Who wrote this lol


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Well, I called the awards wrong as well as the fact I got two awards and three tributes is a bit surprising, and that last one man...it got me.

P.E. When do I get my Iron Man and Widowmaker POP figure? Also, disappointed Reag and Jeff didn't do the "I'm already Tracer meme"
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Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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Also, disappointed Reag and Jeff didn't do the "I'm already Tracer meme"
Pretty sure I did mention doing "that shitty Tik Tok thing" in the video, but couldn't remember how it went and Reag seemed to have no idea what I was talking about xD
  • Haha
Reactions: Vampire Quinn


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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And as promised, if I win, a promo.


Set up for the next award, the podium on stage has the Liberty or Death Wrestling logo on it and the hosts "Jeffry Fucking Mason" and The Reagmaster are about to present the award for the best in LDW. There is a small Pop Vinyl of the Statue of Liberty on the stand as the award. We see the video played before they announce the winner. However, without a chance to break the envelope open, they are interrupted by...

The tens of fans watching jeer as "Live Fast, Die Young," plays and after a few seconds, both BTG, Brian Toogood, and his girlfriend, Stacey Keys, make their way out, both dressed up rather fancy for the awards show which is honestly a giant meme and this won't even be counted in LDW cannon. Brian Toogood has a full Armani suit on with bandages on his forehead after his recent Garden of Eden match which is partially covered up by a fedora. Stacey has a black and sparkly mid-drift dress with a single shoulder strap, her blonde hair flowing down. They both have microphones in hand and they cut the music and they both interrupt the presenters.

"Alright, alright, let's actually have people present this that know what the fuck is going on in our company, not those losers who can't even pronounce TOOGOOD properly," Brian shouts as he looks at his girlfriend. "Right, babe?"

Stacey nods and kisses her man on the cheek. "Just, get out. Please, this trainwreck has gone on long enough, we don't want a Bloodfetish freak and someone with a greasy moustache presenting the award that is meant for, my man, to win. Get out, let the stars do the work."

Reluctantly, the two leave and both Stacey Keys and Brian Toogood get on the stand. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, since apparently not everyone keeps up with the best wrestling company on the planet and prefer to watch All Amature Wrestling, Word Wrestling Boredom, Dumb Japan Pro Wrestling, and whatever the hell has 100 R's in their show's name, here is a brief introduction to who I am. I am Big Money, the Golden Traveler, the Embodiment of American Exceptionalism, the BEST at Hashtags, the Slayer of Freaks and the Tamer of Geeks, The GREAT," He points as he says his initials, "B-T-G, Brian Toogood! As for this woman next to me, she is the Marvel of Manhattan, the Eleven of Professional Wrestling, the Beautiful love of my life, Stacey Keys."

Stacey flips back her hair and grins. "Thanks, honey. And we're here to be the TRUE presenters of the award called..." She takes a look at the title on the envelope. "LDW's best character? What does that mean?!"

Keeping kayfabe, Brian Toogood shakes his head and denies knowing what it actually means. "Character, we are WRESTLERS, entertainers... Which is kind of a bad term to describe some of the lame-o's on this roster, but whatever this award really means, I'm sure I'll win it.'

"Any award they could have listed, we would have won!" Stacey then begins to list off fake categories. "Let's see... Best looking..."

"We'd win that," Brian adds.

"Most entertaining..."


"Most marketable..."

"We're Big Money!"

"Best nicknames..."

"No competition."

"The biggest victims of a conspiracy to keep MY MAN away from his title?"

"I said before, I am the rightful world champion!"

"Like, this is a done deal. You should win, babe."

The couple kisses to jeers from everyone watching.

"But I guess we SHOULD read the nominees..."

"Do you want to do it, babe?"

Stacey giggles. "I'd love to, hehe."

Clearing her throat, Stacey reads off a list of nominees, and Brian Toogood adds his own little "commentary" for it.

"Mike Valander..."

"Redneck Geek."

"Alexandra Marie."

"Hollywood reject."

"Princess Nova Taylor."

"Disney reject."

"Al Blizzard."

"Incredibly disappointed he isn't a snowman."


"His whole presentation was acceptable in the 80's."

"Yeah, it was acceptable at the time. Anyways, next is Jay Washington."

"Who I am surprised doesn't share the same BS America schtick as Patriot considering his last name..."

"Slate Bass and Eden."

"You mean the two bosses who probably do the freakiest shit behind doors?"

"Yeah, I'm thankful we don't get a glimpse into that... then we have the first world champion, Darius Wright-"

"Who took MY TITLE from me first and has left for home to cry..."

"But most importantly, we have THE WINNER, B-T-G..."

And Stacey opens up the envelope... and her jaw instantly drops. "B-Babe... Uhh..."

Brian taps her shoulder. "What? Did they write my name down as 'Toegod' or something? Here, babe, I'll say it!"

"Honey, no, it isn't that it's-"

It is too late as Brian Toogood reads the unfortunate news... for him.

"And the winner is Br..." Realizing he has lost, Brian Toogood says, with disbelief and anger in his voice. "I-It's Princess Nova with half the votes?!"

The theme music of LDW's Torn Angel herself, the ReNovated Princess Nova, plays and slowly, she makes her way our wearing a long blue, sparkling dress, her violet and emerald hair having a tiara resting on her head, and of course, she is holding her new friend, her teddy bear Lulu with her Satin gloves. Brian Toogood is throwing a tantrum, jumping up and down as Princess Nova keeps her calm and pleasant demeanour as she curtsies and takes the microphone from the stand.

"Why thank you for the warm introduction Mr Goodman and Miss Keys, hehe." She grins. "I'll be glad to accept this award."

"No..." Brian Toogood says, trying not to yell. "This has to be a mistake. It can't be! This company is full of nothing but FREAKS and GEEKS, and I have been the one... THE ONE who stands above as exceptional. But no, apparently our fans are a bunch of sex-deprived horny fucks who see 'Oooh, Pretty lady' and vote for her! Or maybe... Slate Bass and Eden have brainwashed the fans too and they got them all to vote for yo-"

Princess Nova cuts off BTG and says softly, although with a hint of tension in her voice, "They did not brainwash me... I am my own person..."

"Bullshit," now Stacey shouts at Princess Nova. "We all know Brian should have won!"

"I did not ask to win or be nominated..." Princess Nova says politely to Stacey, trying to clarify. "But, it was the will of the people who put me in this position. After all, it is what the L in LDW stands for, Liberty." She bows her head slightly. "Now, could you kindly leave the stage so Lulu and I can do a small speech?"

Brian and Stacey look at each other... then look at the bear "Lulu," in Nova's arms. In anger, Brian swats the stuffed animal out of Nova's arms and shouts.

"You don't deserve shit!"

With her bear being harmed, a switch is turned on in Princess Nova as her kindness washes away and fury builds within her. She glares at Brian Toogood and, with her satin glove, puts her hand in his mouth for a Mandible Claw! The Queen's Hand! Brian Toogood is taken down as Princess Nova shouts. "Don't you ever hurt her again! Don't you ever hurt her again, get it!?"

Stacey Keys tries to pull Princess Nova off her boyfriend to no success as security comes to finally break the two up. Brian Toogood is rendered unconscious as the security helps him up and out. The Heir of Fantasy picks up her bear, hugging it, before placing it on the stand next to her award.

"I am so sorry you had to see that display. But it is all fine now, after all," she pats her stuffed friend on its head, "Lulu's okay now, hehe! But thank you, sincerely. It is quite an honour to be given this award which I believe is a validation, a validation of my journey, my ReNovation. However, I couldn't have done it alone, and I must give thanks to some of the special people who helped me along the way. The first of which I give is to my blood family. Yes, I have not forgotten about them. I love them and still do. While some, in particular, gave me heartache early on, that pain was needed for me. And one of which helped lay the groundworks for me as a wrestler. They may have been consumed by a vendetta, but I still remember them well. I am thankful for them. I also give thanks to my friends of old. They did their best to support me. However... Some have still refused to accept this new me..." Her head twitches a little before she breaks out in a grin. "But it will take time! And an extra special thanks to Reagan Cole. While we still can not agree completely, having my recent match against him, while brutal, was an honour and one of my best matches ever. You truly are underrated and I thank you, friend."

Deciding to hold her bear for a second, Princess Nova continues on. "I also have to give a thank you to the fans, my subjects who have supported me through my ReNovation. While not everyone has accepted it, seeing people embrace the new me has been reassuring." She smiles. "It brought me great joy, hehe!"

Nova looks towards the side of the stage and continues on.

"But... Princess Nova would not have been realized without the love and care of my mentors, my family of soul, Eden and Slate Bass." She grins as she thanks them. "Your methods were cruel at first, but they were needed. They helped me realize how much I needed you, how you did not hate me. You showed me how much pain I was living in, and helped me find out who I am truly meant to be, where my fate lies. But I also thank you... for giving me a new friend!"

She squeezes her bear tighter and "waves" its paw.

"This award, dedicated to the best of LDW is validation. Not just for the arrival of Princess Nova, but validation for the journey I have taken. When I was first made known in Europe, the persona I took was not as genuine as I wanted. It was my attempt to appear stronger than I actually was. It was a mask. There was a struggle to finally find my voice, and upon donning the colours of the rainbow in LDW, I was closer. I was closer, but... something was missing. But through becoming Princess Nova I have found that to become complete... You must become torn first. And through every aspect of my career... This... is the truest version of Nova, the most complete...I found my voice..."

Her voice trails off and then her voice becomes monotonous, cold as she says finally...

"And nobody will ever change that..."

She smiles and giggles before grabbing her award and giving a curtsy to everyone.

"Thank you..."

(And now you see why I may have won, and it says once again that Beavie is the best girl) :emoji_wink:
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Kairi HoHo

Devilishly handsome
May 14, 2013
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I appreciate the Award as voted on by the people of WWEF. I loved the Award show plenty of comedy and chaos throughout.

Kairi HoHo

Devilishly handsome
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:yes:Bruh don't worry I'm not leaving here.

I wonder if this Award can get me a VIP Pass to a Strip Joint or money to use on a Joshi Streaming Service hmm.