Depends on booking. They've booked Corbin great and I think he'll be the biggest new star of 2017. Braun was obviously being built for Roman(same way they built Rusev for Cena a couple years ago) it depends on what they do with him after his first lossCorbin's doing great now so Braun will too.
No not at allIs it just a coincidence that Ric is from Charlotte North Carolina and they made his daughters name Charlotte?
These face commentators play a bigger role in why face wrestlers aren't considered cool by the general audience. It's like that South park episode where the boys picked up smoking because Mr Mackey said he's cool because he didn't smoke.
EverythingYou talking about how excited Byron gets for the wacky waveable inflatable arm Bayley buddies
Just looked at the time and Goldberg really beating KO in 6 minutes
Not a coincidence at all.Is it just a coincidence that Ric is from Charlotte North Carolina and they made his daughters name Charlotte?