DT-bomb123 said:
Yeah but face it man your views most of them are because a thumbnail and not your actual ability.
Least i don't censor or disable like/dislike on vids.
Just being honest.
I tried messaging you about this question and well you didn't reply just like the other people.
But yeah i'm just pissed man as i saw an account with only 5k views and under 100 subs that got a deal from machinima
Yeah most of views are that, but I don't mind it. I have to pay rent and utilities every month now so I pretty much have to. You don't really know my situation so for you to attack me like that was pretty ridiculous.
I only disable like/dislike on PPV videos because regardless of if I put WWE 12 in the title, they will still dislike it because its not what they were looking for.
Once you become a director, you'll do it also... money is a really big factor in what most people post. You might think now that you won't want to do it, but once you can, you'll probably consider it.
Also, there is no "ability" to doing this. As long as you have a HD capture card, a good mic, and know anything about wrestling... you can succeed.
Also, for future reference...
Machinima doesn't care how many subs or views you get/got, as long as you post consistent good quality content. That's all they look for... it really isn't too difficult to become a director. Have you even messaged Rishi or any of the affiliate recruiters before?