I can list about 50 things, but the biggest complaint is that the creative team can only focus on 4 people at a time. There's so much talent in the mid-card, and it as a whole just feels so damned irrelevant.
Draine said:I can list about 50 things, but the biggest complaint I have is that the creative team can only focus on 4 people at a time. There's so much talent in the mid-card, and it as a whole just feels so damned irrelevant.
Saylor said:I heard that they're going to feud Big Show and Christian. I personally like him as a heel, he's great and get's the fans going. The ONE MORE MATCH gimmick is a pretty neat and basic gimmick in my eyes which I like. WWE is missing faces, especially on SmackDown. They should turn Del Rio as a face and keep him on SmackDown.
Leo C said:Oh yeah, it's true. I remember the Show vs Christian reports... Well, who knows? Maybe Show will drop the IC Title to Christian. He would probably do a good job with it, but he's world title caliber.
A face Del Rio could work. He's boring and not really over as a heel, even though he's good in the ring. I'd like to see a face run of his.
Justin17 said:If Show and Christian feud it should no longer than a month or something, I just think it would push Christian further away from the world title reign he needs, if anything a face Big Show should feud with a heel Zeek or Drew or even his himself just as long he don't have a long boring feud with Christian
Justin17 said:I know right at least Drew has something to do other than jobb
Saylor said:Yeah, atleast he was on the winning team and got to be on WrestleMania, though. You could feud many people with Drew, people like Ted Di, etc.
KevinLockard23 said:The fact that titles don't really mean much anymore, except for the world titles (and sometimes, they don't mean a whole lot either.). I remember there was a time when IC Title feuds would seem almost as important as World Title feus and winning the IC Title actually meant something. Nowadays, only winning the world title is meant to feel special, and not even always then. I always think the first time a wrestler wins the world title should especially be special, and I hate it when it's not. Like Dolph Ziggler being given a ten minute world title reign last year. Why?
I also hate there being two world titles, but I guess with the brand extension, it only makes sense to have two of them. But the brand extension doesn't even exist on Raw anymore, only on the B-show Smackdown.
I hate that the tag team division is almost non-existent compared to how special it used to be back in the day. Thinking of my favorite year, 2000, the tag team divison was large and had good teams that were all interesting in their individual ways - APA, New Age Outlaws, Dudleyz, Edge and Christian, Hardyz, Too Cool, T&A, etc. There was also a large variety of tag teams back in the 80's/90's. I actually legitimately fear that if nothing is done to revive tag team wrestling somehow soon enough, it might be dead for good. As it is now, I almost get the feeling that the reason WWE hasn't already gotten rid of the tag titles (much like the Cruiserweight title) is because tag team wrestling and the tag team titles have always been around. Lance Storm wrote an interesting article on his website once about why tag team wrestling is/has been dying and made some interesting points.
For the most part, that's about it.