WWE Championship situiation.

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Now this is crap. They announced the match and MVP isn't even involved. What the hell?!?!

^^^To be fair, he's just dropped his title to a guy who is far more over then his character's current incarnation, has never beat any of the current crop of ME-ers and in kayfaybe still has a terrible won lost record.

I don't see how he has a legit claim to a world title shot.

(I'm not considering Mr Porter, the performer here, just the fucked-up no-man's land his character's been in since his so-called face 'turn'... Effectively using him to further get Kofi over has only made matters worse.)
Apr 25, 2009
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^^^To be fair, he's just dropped his title to a guy who is far more over then his character's current incarnation, has never beat any of the current crop of ME-ers and in kayfaybe still has a terrible won lost record.

I don't see how he has a legit claim to a world title shot.

(I'm not considering Mr Porter, the performer here, just the fucked-up no-man's land his character's been in since his so-called face 'turn'... Effectively using him to further get Kofi over has only made matters worse.)

Yeah I dont think MVP should win the WWE title yet but he deserves to be in contention for it... MVP has beaten credbile superstars such as Kane, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit.... he beat Benoit for the US title in a best 2/3 falls match and is the longest reigning us champ in history.....I see what you are saying but you need to also take those accomplishments into consideration

Im hoping that Randy Orton wins the title back and puts Triple H away for good. WHenever Triple H and Orton feud, Triple H always wins the feud and makes Orton looks weak everytime. Triple H does not need to win the title again this year. I would like to see Triple H in a feud away from the title for a while but I know that probably wont happen


Yeah I dont think MVP should win the WWE title yet but he deserves to be in contention for it...

Contention for a title shot maybe; not necessarily in contention for the title itself.

MVP has beaten credbile superstars such as Kane, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit.... he beat Benoit for the US title in a best 2/3 falls match and is the longest reigning us champ in history.....I see what you are saying but you need to also take those accomplishments into consideration

All those accolades are 2 or so years ago.

You did catch the whole losing streak storyline didn't you?

I think the loss to Kofi has damaged the momemtum he'd regained that was the key to him fully & succesfully bouncing back from said losing streak.... Plus, it's put Kofi over way more than MVP is atm.

Give him a fued, a storyline, something.... We need a reason to care about MVP now he's a face.


Contention for a title shot maybe; not necessarily in contention for the title itself.

All those accolades are 2 or so years ago.

You did catch the whole losing streak storyline didn't you?

I think the loss to Kofi has damaged the momemtum he'd regained that was the key to him fully & succesfully bouncing back from said losing streak.... Plus, it's put Kofi over way more than MVP is atm.

Give him a fued, a storyline, something.... We need a reason to care about MVP now he's a face.

MVP's whole character was based on cockiness and self-absorbness. Now that he is a face he has no 'substance' anymore for lack of a better term. He needs to win some more singles matches before he can move in the ranks


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Then again, why would he be? He lost to Kofi last Raw, lost at the PPV, didn't exactly defeat Randy Orton, and just because he says he wants the belt and beats Matt Hardy (who isn't exactly top talent by now) he should get a title match? Would it be nice? yes. Logical? No.

Well, logically, Big Show shouldn't be in the match either. He's lost 2 ppv's straight "when the odds were in his favor" against Cena, yet he's in the 4-way match.
Apr 25, 2009
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MVP losing to Kofi did not damaga him at all. Kofi needed the win more than MVP did and there have been many superstars in the past who have put someone over in a match and then go feud for the world title....Bret Hart put over Davey Boy Smith before he beat flair, Randy orton put over edge right before Orton won the world title from benoit, The Rock put Triple H over in 98 before he won the title at SS etc.... but in all three of those situations, Davey Boy Smith, Edge, and Triple H needed those wins more than Bret Hart, Randy orton and the Rock did and those losses didnt hurt their momentum it only elevated it and also made the other guy look great in the process..... Same situation with MVP and Kofi


^^^Kinda letting let your knowledge of the past override your observatory skills there.....

The main difference is what has gone on with the MVP character over the last 12 months... I think WWE figured that he'd be ok (much like the examples you've mentioned), but what's really transpired is that Kofi has got significantly more over than him as a result of the exposure they gave him to build him to the US title win(*).

(*Why should the fans get behind a guy - MVP - with a hit & miss success rate and a heel-like move-set that has spent the majority of his career claiming to be 'above' them? Not like WWE ever gave us a reason apart from his inadvertantly playing a part in getting HHH a title shot against Edge. Kofi on the other hand is a vibrant, high-octane babyface highfyler who's been booked pretty damn strongly of late and if world title shots were decided purely on a 'pop-o-meter' I think it's fair to say that Kofi's character would certainly be ahead of MVP in the reckoning)...

Random thought....You know what WOULD build MVP back up and get the fans rallied behind him.... A convincing win over Orton (while he has no title to drop). That way if he ever did go one on one with Orton for the title the crowd would genuinely expect that he could win and WWE would then have them in the palm of their hands for whatever outcome they DID have planned.

Wrestling Station

Random thought....You know what WOULD build MVP back up and get the fans rallied behind him.... A convincing win over Orton (while he has no title to drop). That way if he ever did go one on one with Orton for the title the crowd would genuinely expect that he could win and WWE would then have them in the palm of their hands for whatever outcome they DID have planned.

Good point, but I dont think a win over Orton would be the right deal. But a win over HHH would be the right choice for any superstar to get over.

As MVP is face now, then let him face Edge just a match out of nowhere. Right now I dont see MVP as a maineventer whatsoever.


Good point, but I dont think a win over Orton would be the right deal. But a win over HHH would be the right choice for any superstar to get over.

I don't simply mean a big win. (If that was the case then, hell, go to 'Taker... It worked for Lesnar.)

He needs to boulster his face-ness by getting the better of someone with heel heat... Who better (on Raw) than Orton?