WWE: Beyond WrestleMania 25

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Feb 18, 2009
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Monday Night Raw - Houston, Texas – 06/04/2009 review
that was nice but weird. The Undertaker taped out of the stfu. But still nice :)


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Small thing, maybe just to push a main storyline each week with a decent sized promo, next to 2-3 little interviews before or after matches.

The first week is kinda I dunno, straight forward I suppose. There are other story lines coming, but they mostly start occurring in the second week after I've eliminated half the tournament that will be interesting. Hopefully. :)

I thought this week that the right men won their respective matches, but the main event was a squash, which I was not too happy about. And you jobbed out your ECW Champion, not really he best thing.

Yeah, I know it was a bad idea but it was also meant as a bit of satire on the furor of Christian being redebuted on ECW. Now I have to do something to re-establish Swagger, which is kinda fun.

I hope an underdog wins this tournament, not Cena or Orton. Someone like Matt Hardy. That would OWN.

I do love a good underdog story, but imo the best ones are the one's that break your heart at the end. :shifty:


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
SmackDown! – 10/04/09

*William Regal and Layla are in ring. Regal with his wrestling gear on and a microphone in hand*

Regal: As the 2008 King of the Ring I would just like to say that it will be an honour to win this tournament and represent the WWE Universe in front of the entire world as Undisputed Champion. Not to mention returning to my home country as a true noble Englishman…

*Christian’s music harkens his entrance into the arena as Regal’s opening round match.*

William Regal w/Layla vs. Christian

Regal, furious at being interrupted, drops the gentlemanly act and savagely attacks Christian before the bell with a flurry of strikes. The referee calls for the bell as Regal continues his savagery. Mid-match Christian is able to catch a lucky break as Regal disputes a slow count on the part of the referee. Provided a moment to catch his breath, Christian leaps into action by rolling up Regal from behind though the referee only gets a two count out. Regal, having been surprised is slow to regain his bearings allowing Christian to slip behind him and connect with a german suplex swinging the match in Christian’s favour. Christian controls Regal handily until Layla distracts the referee allowing Regal to surreptitiously pull a set of brass knuckles from his trunks and place them on his hands lying in wait for Christian, who is currently tied up with Layla and the referee. Christian turns around and Regal swings wildly at him, missing as Christian ducks at the last possible moment. Christian, sensing opportunity uses Regal’s momentum to catch him in the Killswitch for the pinfall victory.


*Randy Orton is shown backstage with Legacy at his side.*

Orton: Okay, so Ted you’re into the next round. Cody, you’re out and my match is next so we need to focus on making sure that Legacy continues to advance in this tournament unabated. Ted, you stay back here and stay ready for Mike Knox next week. Cody, since you’ve got nothing better going on you can come to the ring with me. Stay focused. Cody your job from now until the end of the tournament is to support Ted and I. Keep your mind on the game.

*Orton’s music blares and he makes his way from the locker room are to the ring for his opening round match.*

*Shelton Benjamin’s entrance music sounds and the 2009 Money in the Bank winner is on his way to the ring.*

Randy Orton w/Cody Rhodes vs. Shelton Benjamin

The match starts off slowly with each person trying to get a feel for the other. They lock up and Randy Orton proves that he has the experience edge was he comes up with the dirty tactics faster than his equally opportunistic opponent. The match is methodically paced with a great deal of ground work by both men trying to wear each other down into exhaustion. In the closing moments, Shelton, frustrated with his lack of success with the ground game mounts a series of high flying aerial attacks against Orton sending him reeling. Shelton moves in for the kill, setting Orton up for his finisher but Orton is able to spin Benjamin in mid air, reversing the move and connecting with an RKO for the hard fought three count.


*The Miz and John Morrison are shown standing in ring waiting for Miz’s first round opponent as Vladimir Kozlov’s music plays and the mad Russian makes his way to the ring.*

The Miz w/John Morrison vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The bell rings and John Morrison hops up on the ring apron heckling Kozlov. Kozlov turns his attention to Morrison and moves towards him. Miz attempting to seize the day charges Kozlov from behind but the Russian presciently steps out of the way as Miz chits hard in a head to head collision with his tag team partner. As Miz recoils from the blow Kozlov launches himself from behind at Miz scoring with a rocket like headbutt to the back of Miz’s skull. Kozlov, with Morrison out on the floor, makes the easy cover for the three counrt victory.


*Legacy is shown backstage winding down from the evenings work as Edge approaches them in their locker room with a proposal.*

Edge: Randy, Cody, Ted. I have a proposal for you three. See you want to win the Undisputed title and so do I, that’s clear. What I see that you don’t is that you and I could have the best Undisputed title match out of anybody in this tournament and nobody deserves it more than the former tag team champions Rated RKO, right?

Orton: You make a good case Edge, so we watch your back and you watch ours until we meet up in the finals? It’s not a bad idea. Let me talk to Cody and Ted here and we’ll send someone down to ringside with you.

*Orton and Edge shake hands as Edge exits the room*

Orton: Alright, so this is what we’re going to do…

*Edge’s music plays and his pyro explodes into the air as Edge defiantly makes his way to the ring calling for his opponent to come out*

*MVP answers the call as he confidently strides to the ring to face the former WWE champion*

Edge vs. MVP

MVP comes out strong against Edge at the bell, but Edge’s veteran savvy allows him to bail outside and regroup while MVP paces on the inside. Edge goads MVP into exiting the ring, which MVP obliges by doing so immediately, in pursuit of Edge. Edge slides in the ring and takes control of the match with a hard elbow to the back of the head. Edge controls while the fans begin to rally more and more behind MVP. Edge shoots MVP into the turnbuckle but is reversed hitting the corner hard himself. MVP charges in looking for a Yakuza kick but Edge is able to pull the referee into the path of the kick knocking him out. As MVP checks on the referee Edge calls to the back for Legacy’s aid. Cody Rhodes answers by sprinting to the ring with steel chair in hand. Rhodes reaches to the ring, as Edge is calling for the chair. Unbeknownst to Edge MVP has noticed the commotion and is patiently waiting for Edge to turn around. Cody surprises Edge by sliding the chair into the ring far too forcefully sending it into MVP’s hands who uses it to wallop Edge across the skull sending him hard to the canvas. He slides the chair back out of the ring as Cody beats a hasty retreat to the back. MVP helps the woozy Edge to his feet before unkindly sending him back down with a Playmaker in the middle of the ring. MVP, noticing the referee stirring drags him to the middle of the ring and covers Edge for the slow, dramatic three count.

*Jeff Hardy is shown backstage pacing in his locker room muttering about his destiny under his breath.*


*Jeff Hardy’s music plays as he energetically makes his way to the ring to the delight of the fans*

*The air grows still as the anticipation builds amongst the crowd. HBK’s music plays and the crowd erupts as Shawn Michaels dances his way to the ring.*

Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels

Hardy and HBK circle each other and shake hands to start the match. Hardy surprisingly plays the aggressor using his speed to confound HBK who is usually the one playing the speed game. Hardy catches an early Whisper in the Wind on Michaels and goes for the Twist of Fate afterwards but HBK slips out and attempts to go for the Sweet Chin Music which Hardy narrowly avoids by bailing to the outside.

HBK pressing, goes to the outside on Jeff with a sling shot body press taking both men down. Michaels is to his feet first, and throws Hardy back in the ring as he himself slowly makes his way back in behind Hardy. HBK steps through the ropes and grabs Jeff by the hair to bring him to his feet but Jeff is able to catch HBK in a quick small package for a near three count. HBK, once again taken off his guard, is left hapless to Jeff hardy’s superior speed and risk taking style as Hardy takes control of the match once more.

Agressively staying on Michaels, Hardy begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hardy whips HBK into the buckle and charges in. Michaels counters with a hard elbow sending Jeff down and begins the climb to the top rope. HBK standing tall on the top hesitates just a moment too long as Jeff crotches him on the top. Jeff grabs HBK’s head and dumps him hard down to the mat. He drags Michaels up by his hair, with his back to the turnbuckle and sets up for another Twist of Fate. HBK shoves him off again and backs into the corner. Jeff charges back in and leaps over Michaels’ head as he ducks out of the way. Hardy springs off with a Whisper in the Wind, which Michaels barely avoids. Hardy in a feat of raw athleticism lands on his feet, and turns around to meet a waiting Shawn Michaels and Sweet Chin Music which thunderously connects with Jeff’s jaw sending him to the mat and leaving him prey for the easy pinfall victory.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
End of Round 1 Brackets



The opening thing with Regal is nice, just insert some of these pre match mini-promos and it helps build the show. Christian going over is the best decision. I sense something going down amongst Legacy, maybe Rhodes turning on the two. Wait no, that would probably suck. Orton over Benjamin is the right choice but eliminating the MITB winner in the first round is bad booking imo. Miz jobbing is lulz, and Edge I predict will get fooled by Legacy and they will cost him his match. Well, I was close, the costing wasn't intentional but it was a little unrealistic and would be hard to play out. MVP winning I am happy about, and I see something to start here, maybe Edge vs Orton eventaully. Nice main event, not a squash this time, hehe. HBK going over Hardy wasn't expected tbh, and usually you'd see him put over the young guy, but this time it almost seemed he taught Hardy a lesson. Good show, but still, more promos/segments plz.

HHH v Chavo- Squash match barring interference.

DiBiase v Knox- As much as I hate Legacy, they could use this push.

Bourne v Big Show- Heartbroken underdogs ftw.

Kozlov v Orton- Interference here I think, no clean win for Randy.

Morrison v Punk- He went over JBL, you might have something for him.

Cena v M.Hardy- Former champ ain't leaving so soon, sadly.

Batista v Christian- Aw hell, why not?

MVP v HBK- HBK can't go this long without putting someone over.

Nice matches for the 2nd round and as I have said before, very innovative idea with the tournament.

Wrestling Station

lol @ MS using Mozilla! traitor! :mad:
Batista v Christian
Christian winning this? in your FUCKING dreams!

HHH v Chavo

DiBiase v Knox

Bourne v Big Show

Kozlov v Orton

Morrison v Punk

Cena v M.Hardy

Batista v Christian


I didnt know that MS actually graduated in 1958 :shifty:


Actually WS, Mozzila is teh software. Firefox is the web browser. St00pid.

Only just saw this MS. Looking good. Read the first promo everyone, awesome, tbh.

Good luck friend.