WWE: Beyond WrestleMania 25

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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Catchy title, eh?

Yeah, I'm actually going to write this. I had the idea when I was doing that joke BtB before. It never ended up getting finished because I jacked the idea and flipped it around to this instead.

This is a BtB short story. More or less a segment of a year. It will run from the Raw after Wrestlemania until the June 09 PPV. Any backstory beyond that is pretty purposeless as I'd rather have it revealed in the first show as opposed to setting it up here.

The rosters are the same, the only changes being made are from the winners of the previous night's WM and they are:

(winners in bold)

HHH vs Randy Orton
Edge vs John Cena vs the Big Show
JBL vs Rey Mysterio
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
Miz & Morrison vs The Colons
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker
MVP vs Mark Henry vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs Finlay vs CM Punk vs Christian
Chris Jericho vs Legends

Any further significant updates will can be found in this post. Also the first show will be posted tonight. I guarantee it.


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Holy Sh*t, i call this one failing in two weeks, lol, but nothing looks great, but nothing looks bad...good luck.


Weren't you the same guy who used to tell other people that you're wasting time typing stuff over the internet that nobody reads?

Anyways, good luck. :y:


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Wait, will you be doing the draft?


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Weren't you the same guy who used to tell other people that you're wasting time typing stuff over the internet that nobody reads?

I don't think I ever said they were wasting their time, just that no one read it. If you're referring to what I said to Kassidy, I was more giving an opinion based on the fact that he's a student.

As to whether nobody reads this or not, meh. No big deal. This is more about me saying I could write a better story than anything the current product is delivering, which I still hold to be true, and proving it instead of just saying it.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Wait, will you be doing the draft?

Uhhh no. No draft this year but I'm not saying much else aside from I have one idea in mind for a story and a few sub plots that fell out from the main idea that I've more or less managed to encompass within a two and a half month story line. I say more or less because I'm not going to give finality to all of the feuds involved, and some will just start as the story comes to a close but I like it that way because it allows me to leave the door open if I ever happen to come up with another idea.

I also wanted to say in relation to the writing of the actual matches, I'm not really going to be doing very much of that. Not more than a brief recap of what happened. Ideally it'll work out, but maybe not. The idea is that I give you the bare-bones description of a match and y'know, since you're wrestling fans you'll already be picturing the scenes in your mind because you've either seen them or similar ones a thousand times. I'm focusing more on the story movement of the metaplot and subplots.

I'll probably have it up in about an hour or so. Probably. I get distracted easily so that could mean 3 hours from now. :D


Feb 18, 2009
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HHH vs Randy Orton
Edge vs John Cena vs the Big Show
JBL vs Rey Mysterio
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
Miz & Morrison vs The Colons
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker
MVP vs Mark Henry vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs Finlay vs CM Punk vs Christian
Chris Jericho vs Legends

Christian will cash in the money in the bank Vs. edge at the end of the triple threat. That what I think.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
[FONT=&quot]Monday Night Raw - Houston, Texas – 06/04/2009[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*The usual Raw pyro goes off to open the show post-WrestleMania.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Michael Cole: Welcome everyone to a historic Monday Night Raw…[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Vince McMahon’s music plays, and the Chairman makes his way to the ring amidst cheers*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Vince: First of all I’d like to take a moment to thank the WWE Universe for making WrestleMania 25 such a rousing success last night. We crowned two new world champions in John Cena and Randy Orton and no doubt it was tremendously exciting. But it’s been twenty-five years since the first WrestleMania and I think it’s time to shake things up again. Now, Randy, John, I don’t mean to diminish what you accomplished last night but tonight, we’ve got something special.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Vince motions to the time keeper who hands him a medium sized bag.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Vince: What I have here is the new era of the WWE and something I assume that the two of you will consider a worthwhile venture…[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Pulls out a familiar looking championship belt*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Vince: The Undisputed Championship! As of tonight I am vacating both world titles as and will begin a 32 man random seed tournament that will run from now until the returned King of the Ring Pay-Per-View in June…[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Randy Orton’s music plays through out the arena as he slowly stalks his way to the ring microphone in hand.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Orton: Vince there is no way I am going to let you strip me of my title after I took so much enjoyment in dismantling your son in law last night before cementing my legendary status by winning the world title at WrestleMania. You do not want to upset me Vince. You know what happens when you upset me Vince. I can’t be held responsible for my actions and you know that…[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*John Cena’s music rings out and he makes his way to the top of the ramp way to address both Vince and Orton.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cena: I’m fired up about this and you should be too Randy. We’re the world champions Randy and not for the first time either. What do we have left to prove? This Undisputed title is our next level. The best of the best. Personally, I’m fired up for this but the question is, are you up to the challenge Randy?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Orton: Up to the challenge? UP TO THE CHALLENGE? You’re damn right I am up to the challenge. Any night of the week, from anybody who dares. They all fall to the RKO eventually. Cena, I’m prepared to step up to your challenge., I will win this tournament and go on to become the WWE Undisputed champion.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Randy Orton’s music plays as the show goes to commercial.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Jerry Lawler: Can you believe it Cole? Tonight we’re going to have six of the first round matches of the Undisputed title tournament with the first one right now![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cole: Who could be the first two competitors, King?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*HHH’s music plays to a thunderous ovation as he makes his way down to the ring. As HHH poses in the ring Rey Mysterio’s music plays and Rey makes his way to the ring to face HHH in the opening match*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]HHH vs Rey Mysterio[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]HHH takes early control of the match using his size and power advantage to overcome Mysterio and cut off his speed early. Mysterio is eventually able to capitalize on a HHH mistake and catch him with a low drop kick. Using is superior agility Rey works over HHH’s repaired legs in order to damage much of his power game. Mysterio goes for a moonsault off the top onto HHH but misses after Hunter rolls out of the way. HHH regains control of the match briefly until Rey goes back to his speed game and catches HHH off balance, frustrating him. Late match HHH charges at Rey who counters with a drop toe hold into the 619 position. Rey connects with the 619 and slowly and tiredly makes his way over to the ring apron for the springboard splash. Rey goes for the splash but HHH gets up just as Rey goes to the ropes, steps back out of the way, catches Rey with a boot when he lands and follows it up with a pedigree for the three count.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*A bell clangs and a limo pulls into the arena announcing JBL’s arrival. Bradshaw steps out of the limo carrying the Intercontinental title and makes his way to the ring. Afterwards John Morrison’s music hits and he and the Miz make their way to the ring for Morrison’s match*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]JBL vs John Morrison[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]As the bell rings to open the match the Miz distracts JBL allowing Morrison to jump Bradshaw from behind and take early control of the match. Morrison presses hard early even going for the Moonlight Drive but JBL’s fortitude and veteran’s savvy allows him to counter Morrison’s offense and do some damage of his own. Morrison finds himself unable to find an answer to anything Bradshaw does and takes a hard fall from a middle rope fall away slam. After the slam Bradshaw sets up for the Clothesline from Hell but as he hits the ropes Miz grabs hold of JBL’s ankle attempting to prevent the clothesline. JBL turns to Miz along with the referee who admonishes Miz from the outside. Meanwhile Morrison crawls behind JBL, hits him with a low blow and rolls him up for a quick three count.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*Todd Grisham is backstage with an angry JBL*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]JBL: Miz! Morrison! [/FONT][FONT=&quot]This is my destiny and you got in my way. Now I won’t be able to become Undisputed champion. This is an outrage! The two of you are going to suffer for this. I guarantee you that.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Lawler: I wouldn’t want to be Miz and Morrison Cole. JBL is a very powerful man. Who knows what he’s going to do to them Cole.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Chavo Guererro is shown standing in ring as R-Truth’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring through the crowd*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Chavo Guererro vs R-Truth[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]R-Truth comes out strong against Chavo at the bell and Chavo bails to the outside. Truth follows and Chavo runs away around the ring and slides back in to wait for Truth. Truth slides in through the ropes and Chavo gets the drop on him to no effect on R-Truth. Chavo tries to whip Truth into the ropes but gets reversed. Truth telegraphs for a back drop but Chavo leaps over him with a sunset flip. Chavo adds in a handful of tights to get a surprise, quick three count victory.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*Backstage Chavo is mouthing off to some random about beating HHH next week in the next round of the tournament not knowing HHH is standing behind him. Chavo turns to leave, bumps into Hunter, squeaks and runs away while HHH grins*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Tribal sounds fill the arena as Umaga makes his way to the ring for the next match. CM Punk’s music plays as he makes his way to the ring under the eye of a resilient Umaga.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Umaga vs CM Punk[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Punk begins the match circling with Umaga, Punk charges in, sliding between Umaga’s legs and coming up behind him. Punk unloads with a flurry of kicks to seemingly no effect on Umaga. Punk hits the ropes and charges at Umaga with a knee only to be thrown into the air and caught into a samoan drop by a now aggressive Umaga. Umaga continues to control Punk and the match with a series of brutal offense, weakening the clear underdog, Umaga send Punk hard into the corner, setting up for his Bulldozer maneuver. Umaga charges in fiercely but Punk is able to evade at the last moment sending Umaga hard into the turnbuckles. As Umaga turns around Punk is there to catch him with an enziguri finally sending the big man down to one knee. Punk opens up again with a barrage of strikes sending Umaga down to the mat. Punk signals for the GTS, picks Umaga up on his shoulders, but Umaga is able to elbow his way free from Punk’s grasp. A stiff headbutt sends Punk down to the canvas and Umaga moves to ascend to the top turnbuckle. As he’s climbing his footing slips allowing Punk a chance to punce up the hapless Umaga bring him down from the turnbuckle on his shoulders and finish off with a Go To Sleep for the three count.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*Cody Rhodes is standing in ring waiting for his opponent. Priceless’ theme plays once again to signal Ted DiBiase’s entrance to the ring.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]This is an even match from the get go with each man getting the one up on each other several times. Finish comes when Rhodes, while arguing with the referee over a disputed three count is surprised from behind by Ted with his Dream Street finishing move for the three. Post match Randy Orton meets Ted halfway down the ramp and speaks to him encouragingly as Cody lingers behind in the ring.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*As the show comes back from break an outside shot of an ambulance is seen as CM Punk is loaded into the back*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cole: King, I can’t believe what we just witnessed during the break. The Miz and John Morrison savagely attacked CM Punk as he was leaving the arena for the night.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Lawler: Well, you can’t blame Punk for not putting up much of a fight after that grueling match with Umaga.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cole: True enough King. Let’s just hope that Punk is ready for their quarterfinal match next week.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*John Cena’s music plays and Cena makes his way to the ring*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cole: And with that it’s main event time! What’s a Raw main event without John Cena, King?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Lawler: Well, to steal a quote; it’d be a lot like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Cena’s music fades and he stands patiently waiting his opponent. The moments pass, the lights darken and the bell tolls heralding the arrival of The Undertaker*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]John Cena vs. The Undertaker[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The bell rings and Cena and the Undertaker stare each other down on opposite sides of the ring. They move forward, lock up and Undertaker forces Cena back to the corner. Referee calls for a clean break and gets one as both men stare each other down again and return to the center of the ring and the lock up. This time Cena is able to overpower the Undertaker and force him back to the opposite corner. Ref calls for a break again and Cena backs off but feints and lands a punch to Undertaker’s stomach. Cena takes control of the match, dominating Undertaker until the Five Knuckle Shuffle is interrupted by an Undertaker goozle. Undertaker rises, lifts Cena for the chokeslam but Cena reverses and drags Undertaker down into the stfu. Undertaker grimaces but still has too much fight in him to tap out as he rolls over onto his back breaking the hold. Cena breaks but is immediately on Undertaker lifting him up for and connecting with a fu. Cena goes for the cover but Undertaker kicks out just before three. Cena is showing great frustration at this juncture. Cena goes to drag Undertaker up again but he is able to find his second wind and counter with a blow to the stomach that dazes Cena. Undertaker back on his feet again, fights back against Cena, now seemingly unstoppable. ‘Taker hits snake eyes on Cena and lifts him for the Tombstone but Cena is able to wriggle free, slip through Undertaker’s legs and counter into another stfu. The Undertaker growls in obvious pain as he fights to get out of the hold. His movements begin to slow and he appears to not move. The referee checks for signs of consciousness and lifts the Undertaker’s arm as it falls to the mat once, twice, but not three times. Undertaker comes to life and begins to struggle anew. He fights and is eventually able to claw his way to the ropes and force the break. John Cena appears now to be completely and utterly pissed off with being unable to put the Undertaker away. He strikes after Undertaker, violently dragging him to his feet and whipping him hard into the turnbuckle. Cena charges in after, but is avoided by the Undertaker. Cena, woozy, turns into Undertaker who opens up with a flurry of rights and lefts in the corner, followed up by an Old School for good measure. Undertaker scowls, and dragging his thumb across his throat, calls for the finish. He picks an exhausted Cena up and sets him up for the Last Ride. Undertaker gets him to the apex but cena uses his momentum to slip out and land behind the Undertaker. Undertaker, too quick for Cena, turns around and catches him in a goozle. ‘Taker goes for the chokeslam, but it is once again reversed into the third stfu of the match, this time dead in the center of the ring. Undertaker struggles vainly but eventually is overcome by the pain and is forced to tap out. After the match both men are down and out on the canvas, breathing heavily. Cena makes it to his feet first as his music blares and he celebrates as Raw goes off the air.[/FONT]


This is a pretty sweet idea you got going here MS. I think most people are imagining an Undisputed title after Mania given the Unified tag titles. What is this called? The 32 Man Random Seed Tournament? Sounds like Eric Bischoff's Gold Rush tourney, but this will kick it's ass considering it's like a company wide tourney. I was surprised to see Chavo get the win over Truth, most times in a BTB Chavo usually eats shit. Then you are pushing Chavo to face HHH next week, that's pretty cool, let's hope he doesn't grab the Game's tights and gets the win. Morrison beating JBL was another surprise. Another roll up like Chavo getting the cheap win. Maybe if you are going to have some cheap wins like that, don't put them one right after another, that's the only problem I saw. However, I could see maybe a tag team set up between the Miz/Morrison vs. JBL and a random partner. I got a few names in mind here. Thank you jesus that Umaga didn't win. If Umaga and Chavo advanced over Punk and Truth, I would begin to question your booking lol. Great main event though. I see Cena breezing through this tourney all the way to the final. So one BTB=One Entire Tourney. This is a BTB milestone idea right here.


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Ottawa, ON
[FONT=&quot]ECW – 07/04/2009[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Mark Henry’s music plays to start the show as he and Tony Atlas with microphone in hand, make their way to the ring.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Henry: My name is Mark Henry and I am the World’s Strongest Man. Tonight I’m going to start my quest to win the Undisputed title one broken, wrecked body at a time. Now bring out my first victim![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Mike Knox’s entrance music starts as Knox makes his way to the ring for the next opening round match up.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Mark Henry vs. Mike Knox[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Mike Knox comes out aggressive controlling the match early on. Mid match Henry is able to gain momentum when Atlas trips up Knox at the ropes allowing Henry to level him from behind. Henry bears down on Knox with heavy offense wearing Knox down to the mat. Henry signals for the end with the World’s Strongest Splash and hits the ropes but misses as Mike Knox rolls out of the way. Knox and Henry are slow to get to their feet as they exchange punches. Henry blocks a Knox right hand and takes control reigning blows on Knox’s skull. Henry whips Knox into the turnbuckle, and charges in for an avalanche. Knox evades at the last second as Henry hits hard, chest first into the turnbuckle. Slowly Henry turns around into a stunning big boot from Mike Knox, followed up with Knox’s spinning reverse STO for the three count.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*Matt Hardy’s music sounds the entrance of the next competitor in the Undisputed title tournament.*[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*As Matt’s waits in ring as Kane’s music plays through the arena and the Big Red Machine stalks his way down to the ring.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kane vs. Matt Hardy[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Matt Hardy makes hesitant moves towards Kane, as Kane smiles on at Matt urging him to come closer. Matt dives for Kane’s legs but get’s nowhere with the giant. Kane hammers down upon Matt’s back and follows up with a hard irish whip into the turnbuckle and a running clothesline. Kane throws Matt to the outside and works Matt over on the ramp and guardrail only stopping to slide into the ring and break the referee’s ten count. Kane eventually tosses Matt back into the ring, but as he’s getting up on the apron Matt surprises Kane with a quick guillotine on the top rope sending Kane down to his knees on the apron. Matt then charges in with a vicious knee to Kane’s head sending him hard to the floor below. The referee, concerned hops out of the ring to check on the felled Kane. Matt Hardy seizes the opportunity, and removes one of the turnbuckle pads, exposing the steel beneath. Matt takes to the outside and throws Kane head first back into the ring himself following close behind. Inside the ring Matt drills boots into Kane’s skull, stopping only to drag Kane to his feet and irish whip Kane into the exposed turnbuckle. Kane uses his strength to reverse the whip and send Hardy back first into the steel. Kane charges in looking for another clothesline but Hardy is too wily and ducks out of the way of the charging Kane and pulls him headfirst into the exposed steel. Hardy follows up with a quick Twist of Fate and scores the three count to move on to the second round.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*Backstage Matt Hardy is shown talking to Josh Matthew’s*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Josh: Matt, next week on Raw you’re going to face John Cena in your second round match up next week on Raw. Let’s be honest, what do you think your chances are?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Matt: Shut up, Josh. Cena, next week on Raw I will show you why I am the better, stronger, more dominant Hardy when I beat you in the middle of the ring with a Twist of Fate and move one step close to the Undisputed championship. Sleep well John, I’ll see you Monday.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]*THE Brian Kendrick is shown waiting in ring with Ezekiel waiting Kendrick’s opening round opponent. Evan Bourne’s music pumps through the arena as he makes his way to the ring amidst cheers.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Evan Bourne vs. THE Brian Kendrick[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The two men lock up to begin the match. Kendrick knees Bourne in the abdomen, winding him and allowing Kendrick to dominate early. Kendrick does everything he can to wear Bourne down and take away his flying abilities, using long submission holds and strikes to the legs. Kendrick tires of Bourne and calls for the end of the match. He picks him up by the head and brings him to the corner for The Kendrick. Bourne shoves Kendrick into the corner countering the move and scores with a quick enziguri to Kendrick’s temple knocking him out. Bourne drags Kendrick to the middle of the ring, ascends to the top rope, nails his Shooting Star Press and garners the three.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]*ECW champion Jack Swagger confidently strides to the ring for tonight’s main event. Swagger parades around ringside with his title and enters the ring awaiting his opponent. The crowd erupts as Batista’s music plays over the loudspeaker and the Animal makes his awaited return to the WWE.*[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Jack Swagger vs. Batista[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Swagger walks up to Batista mouthing off. Batista laughs at Swagger, and Jack responds by slapping Batista across the face. Batista furiously boots Swagger in the stomach, doubling him over. Batista sets up for a Batista Bomb and scores with it. He makes the pin fall for the easy three count and a successful return as his music plays and he celebrates as the show goes off air.[/FONT]


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Of course feedback etc. is welcome, also if someone could locate me a bracket maker it would be handy. One that I can have 16 one one side and 16 on the other with the final two meeting in the middle.



Innovative idea, I almost wanna try a huge tournament in my BTB now.

Small thing, maybe just to push a main storyline each week with a decent sized promo, next to 2-3 little interviews before or after matches. I thought this week that the right men won their respective matches, but the main event was a squash, which I was not too happy about. And you jobbed out your ECW Champion, not really he best thing. I hope an underdog wins this tournament, not Cena or Orton. Someone like Matt Hardy. That would OWN.