WWE: Beyond The Bash

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
WWE RAW August 4th


Michael Cole:
Hello everyone and welcome to the first edition of Monday Night RAW after the Great American Bash! This is Michael Cole alongside my broadcast colleague Jerry “The King†Lawler, and I have to say, what an exciting night it was last night at the Bash, King!

Jerry Lawler:
You got that right Cole! A lot of things went down last night, including the return of the Mask of Kane! Accompanied by Paul Bearer, he interrupted the Main Event between CM Punk and Batista by chokeslamming the World Heavyweight Champion!

Michael Cole:
There will be hell to pay for that one, as Kane will team up with Snitsky to face the two opponents from the Bash, and the question there King, is can the two challengers coexist long enough to gain vengeance on The Big Red Machine?

Jerry Lawler:
Not to mention Michael, last night saw a brutal parking lot brawl between JBL and John Cena, with Cena picking up a hard fought victory over JBL! But the match was so violent, neither man has been cleared to compete tonight!

Michael Cole:
Which leads us to John Cenas posse of Cryme Tyme, taking on JBL’s protégés of Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr, and the tag team titles WILL be on the line! Absolutely huge! Beyond that, we all know what happened between Jericho and HBK last night.

Jerry Lawler:
Oh yeah, with a little assist from Lance Cade last night, Jericho was able to capitalize and pick up a victory over the Showstopper. Now Jericho is so high on himself, he says Michaels has to go through Lance Cade in order to even receive another crack at Y2J!

Michael Cole:
Filling out this simply stacked show for you tonight fans, an eight man intercontinental contendership battle royale between obviously, eight men who have been hand picked by Kofi Kingston as fair game for his title!

Jerry Lawler:
The special twist to this one Cole, the last four men standing in the middle of the that ring will EACH get a title shot! One after the other by order of elimination, week after week, until the winner of the Battle Royale gets to face WHOEVER is the champion, at Summer Slam!

Michael Cole:
But right now, we are going to open up some RAW with some great singles competition! The seasoned veteran, Hardcore Holly, taking on “Lightning†Mike Quackenbush, in his first ever WWE Match!

Match #1: Mike Quackenbush Vs. Hardcore Holly

Ding Ding Ding!

Mike Quackenbush circles the ring, preparing to try his best to find a hole in the defense of Bob Holly. The grizzled veteran follows suit, until both men lock up in the center of the ring, and jockey for positions before Hardcore Holly is able to back up his opponent in the corner, and delivers a HARD open handed chop across the chest that echoes across the arena. The fans let us know that Ric Flair is still alive and well with a “Wooh†following the chop, and Hardcore Holly now delivers a knife hand chop as well! Mike Quackenbush really doubling over in pain, holding his chest from the assault. Hardcore now grabs the arm of Quack, and irish whips him to the other side of the ring, running after him, but Quackenbush grabs onto the ropes and launches himself into the air, having Holly slip under his legs, and he spins over into a sunset flip position and pins Holly, one, two, kickout by the veteran! Mike now gets up alongside him and hits a short ranged palm thrust that knocks Hardcore Holly loopy into the corner, while Quackenbush backs away slightly just to shoot right back at his opponent with several charged up forearm shots, yelling aggressively as the fans chant counting the number of forearms accordingly, reaching a count of eight before Quack snaps him down with a mare, and kicks his opponent in the back before ascending the top rope, and leaping at Hardcore Holly with a double ax handle, only to get a gut punch straight from Bob Holly! Quack ends up falling to his knees in pain on that one, as Holly picks him up and delivers a snake eyes onto the ropes, and holds onto his legs, connecting with a vicious kick to the sternum! The Quack falls to the ground, as Holly now going for a pinfall, one, two, kickout by Mike Quackenbush! Holly doesn’t like that resilience one bit, as he grabs Mike by the head and lifts him up once again, this time rearing back and going for a real hard front end chop to the chest, but Quack ducks it, coming quick off the ropes and nailing a jumping tornado DDT onto Hardcore Holly! Bob Holly rises up woozily to his feet, as Mike Quackenbush now ducks under a clothesline, and floats over the move, grabbing Hardcore by the leg, and hits the Quackendriver III! Pinning combination comes naturally there, one, two, thre-and a last second kick out by Hardcore Holly! Quackenbush can’t believe what he is seeing here, thinking that was going to be it for sure. Mike then gets up, and prowls into the corner, perhaps preparing for maybe some sort of running boot or flying grapple, and Hardcore Holly eventually does make it to his feet near the ropes to the left of the ring. Mike Quackebush makes a run for it, leaping into the air only for whatever he was planning on doing being crushed by the weight of a Bob Holly Lariat! The Quack crumples to the mat, as Hardcore compresses his legs against his chest and leans in against him opponent for a pinfall, and while the referee begins to count Hardcore Holly puts his feet on the ropes! One, Two, Three!!!

Ding Ding Ding!

Lilian Garcia:
Winner via Pinfall, Hardcore Holly!

Jerry Lawler:
Did you see that Michael? Hardcore Holly just beat Mike Quackenbush in his debut match!

Michael Cole:
I saw what he did, he put his feet on the ropes, and screwed Quackenbush from the victory! I’d say this isn’t over yet, not by a longshot.

As the match ends and the superstars are removed from the ring, CM Punk’s theme music plays as the World Heavyweight Champion comes out to the ring, belt across the shoulder, wearing one of his “Straight Edge†T-Shirts, and he has a rather focused look on his face, glimpsing around the arena as he grabs a microphone from Lilian Garcia, and he begins to speak.

CM Punk:
You know last night, was going to be my first true challenge as your champion at The Great American Bash. I was scheduled to face The Animal. Batista, one on one, in fair competition. These are the kind of things I live for, the rush of adrenaline you get from knowing you’re the underdog. People were claiming that CM Punk was just a transitional champion. They said that I couldn’t hack it in the Main Event scene on RAW, and they predicted a quick and easy victory for Batista. But that didn’t happen. As much as I wanted to prove to the world that I was a worthy champion, someone else had other plans.

Jerry Lawler:
I think he’s referring to Kane, Michael!

Michael Cole:
Oh, really?

CM Punk:
You see somebody came into our match with a chip on his shoulder, and that somebody, was Kane. He decided to bring in Paul Bearer, and put his mask back on, and proceed to chokeslam your’s truly straight to hell. Well you know, its not so much that you Chokeslammed me Kane, and its not so much that you left me down on the mat, hurting. No. What irks me the most, is the fact that you did all these things, during my time to shine. So I don’t want to wait until later tonight to get my revenge, with no official head on RAW to stop us, I want you to come out right here, right now, and show that face you thought was so ugly you felt the need to put a mask back on to feel better about yourself!

Jerry Lawler:
He’s calling out Kane! This can’t be good!


Kane’s classical theme music plays over the PA System as the Big Red Monster himself, as well as Paul Bearer, come out from behind the back, and stand at the entrance ramp staring down CM Punk. Paul Bearer with a microphone in hand, slowly begins to walk down the aisle with his son, as he eerily speaks into the heart of the World’s Champion.

Paul Bearer:
CM Punk! You dare to challenge my son on this evening? At this very moment, your heart is trembling with the fear, fear knowing that you may not walk away from that ring alive….oooohhh yes! We can sense your fear champion, and it feeds us, yes it does! Which is why Punk, we wish to relish in your fear. We cherish it, we live for it, and it makes us stronger. You who profane the light, you will not be burned at this very moment! Noooo, your time has not yet come child. Instead, we will leave you with a warning, a simple message from my son, to sustain your f ear! To help it grow and fester like an infection! Until later on tonight, you will feel the burning rage inside my monster! Kane, won’t you show our champion what we mean?

And with that, The Big Red Machine lifts up his sleeved arms from the traditional wrestling tights he once wore, and brings them down in a violent fury, causing lightning to arc through the arena and connects with all four ring posts, and explodes in a thunderous and violent flame that extinguishes itself in smoke, leaving CM Punk looking wildly around him to see if any more attacks may be placed his way. Until Paul Bearer throws down a smoke bomb as he and his son disappear in a cloud of smoke. CM Punk is left staring at the spot where his tormentors were, unsure of what to do beyond leaving the ring.

Michael Cole:
Well ladies and gentlemen, obviously some strange things happening here tonight, and CM Punk certainly looking forward to finally being able to face Kane tonight alongside Batista!

Jerry Lawler:
Are you kidding me Cole? CM Punk is scared out of his wits! Haha! If I were CM Punk, I would hightail it outta here before something bad happens!

Michael Cole:
Regardless of that, we will be right back after this commercial break, and when we come back, we’ve got an eight man battle royale coming right up!

Commercial Break.

When we come back from commercial, all eight participating men in the upcoming Battle Royale are standing in the ring, measuring each other with considerable distance, as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler hype up the contest.

Match #2: Eight Man Battle Royale
Participants: Deuce, Charlie Haas, Paul London, Santino Marella, Rey Mysterio, Jamie Noble, Matt Striker, Val Venis.

Ding Ding Ding!

And we are off with a huge middle of the ring pier six, or should we say pier eight brawl, Deuce and Haas are double teaming Mysterio, Jamie Noble trading blows with Santino Marella, and Val Venis going to work on Paul London while Matt Striker comes from behind and clobbers Val over the back of the head with a double ax handle. Jamie Noble is able to DDT Santino down to the mat, and goes over and occupies Charlie Haas, freeing Mysterio to deliver some stiff kicks to Deuce, before running against the ropes, and sprinboarding off into a hurricanrana, which flips Deuce over and forces him against the ropes on the other side of the ring, allowing Rey Mysterio to capitalize and clothesline That 50’s Guy over the top rope!

Deuce Has Been Eliminated.

Rey Mysterio tries to rest on the ropes, but Santino comes back and begins to trade blows with his opponent. Charlie Haas has taken down Noble and has him in a rather painful fujiawara armbar, while Matt Striker rakes Val Venis in the eyes, and give him a low blow before slamming him down to the mat, only to be kicked in the gut and hit upside the head with a spinning backfist from Paul London. Matt Striker falls backwards, allowing Val Venis to connect with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Charlie Haas however comes over and grabs Paul London by the hair, and tosses him to the outside, but London is holding on to the ropes! Charlie Haas backs up to finish the job, only for Jamie Noble to take out his legs with a knee clip. But London’s fortunes still fail him as Santino gets irish whipped to the ropes by Mysterio, knocking Paul London from the apron to the floor!

Paul London Has Been Eliminated.

Santino stops abruptly, noticing he just inadvertently eliminated Paul London, and he starts a premature celebration before Jamie Noble scoops him up from behind and disposes of Santino Marella as well!

Santino Marella Has Been Eliminated.

And so we were down to Mysterio, Noble, Val, Striker, and Charlie Haas. Val Venis continues his attack on Matt Striker on the ground, while Charlie Haas ducks a clothesline from Jamie Noble and counters with a T-Bone Suplex. Rey Mysterio kicks Charlie Haas in the back of the legs, and runs towards the ropes looking for momentum before Haas desperately takes him out with a back heel kick to the face. Charlie then goes over to where Val and Striker are and hits a rolling neckbreaker onto Val Venis, allowing Striker to get back up, and both men begin to double team Val Venis, before Jamie Noble runs towards the attackers only for them to turn around and double back body drop the king of the trailer park to the outside!

Jamie Noble Has Been Eliminated.

We are now down to the final four, each of these men will receive title shots against Kofi Kingston throughout the next month. Val Venis, Matt Striker, Charlie Haas and Rey Mysterio. Rey Rey comes in to save his fellow good guy Val Venis, and begins trading lefts and rights and forearms and kicks towards the two heel wrestlers. Charlie Haas rears up for a discus punch, but Mysterio ducks and he ends up smacking Matt Striker and the teacher goes down like a ton of bricks. Val Venis helps out Mysterio with a double supelx on Charlie Haas, before Matt Striker comes right back into things with a driving knee to the face of Val Venis, which causes him to sloppily throw himself over the top rope, and to the floor below.

Val Venis Has Been Eliminated.

So the first one to face Kingston will indeed be Val Venis, next week. But now Rey Mysterio is all alone against Haas and Striker, which Striker is able to lock in a rear chin lock on Mysterio to give Haas time to recover. Charlie starts taking the boots to Mysterio once he gets up, and both men take their time dissecting Rey Rey. Both men now push their opponent against the ropes, trying to force Rey to the floor below, but he is able to hang onto the ropes, and locks his legs onto the neck of Charlie Haas, and throws him over to the top rope!

Charlie Haas has been Eliminated.

Rey Mysterio however is still in a precarious position on the mat, as Matt Striker now desperately trying to be the last contender to Kofi Kingstons title with forearm shots to Rey Mysterio. And he rears back preparing for the final blow, but Mysterio is able to battle out with a swinging motion that forces Stirker onto the middle ropes and Rey is back into the ring, and he runs to the ropes and connects with a 610 but wait! Striker holds onto his feet, and tries to twirl him around but Rey Rey lands on his feet again, and ducks under a haymaker from Striker and lifts him up and over the top rope!

Ding Ding Ding!

Lilian Garcia:
Here is your winner, Rey Mysterio!

Michael Cole:
What a contest that was King! Rey Mysterio is going to Summer Slam for the Intercontinental Title, as well as three other men getting title shots before that time!

Jerry Lawler:
Val Venis, Charlie Haas, and Matt Striker, all with championship goals Michael. But if Kofi Kingston somehow survives all three challengers, Mysterio has one hell of an advantage going into the Pay Per View!

Michael Cole:
Let’s take you now backstage, where JBL is with his protégés in Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes. Let’s hear what they have to say about the upcoming title defense!

We go backstage and yes indeed, Simply Priceless, the tag team champions, flank the bruised and bandaged and yet still shit eating grin and figure of John Bradshaw Layfield. He is wringing his hands in almost mocking satisfaction, as if the battle has already been won before it even begins.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you here, simply, the most priceless tag team on the planet today. You see I, JBL, the Wrestling God! I have made a living out of innovating excellence in all its forms. I have mastered the stock market, I am a self made man, and I consider myself to be the pinnacle of what it is to be successful. So naturally, I have a very good eye for others who I see as successful. Which is why I have decided to take Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes here, second and third generation superstars who on their own, have already struck gold here in this business. So with me guiding these young lions in the WWE, you can guaran damn tee that these belts are going anywhere. Not tonight, not in at Summers Slam, and not anywhere in the near future! Especially not against a group of filthy, bottom feeding thugs like Cryme Tyme or John Cena. You see tonight, my pupils will destroy JTG and Shad. And at Summer Slam, John Cena, I am not finished with you. Not by a LONG shot! So John Cena, I will prove in one months time, that I am what I say I am, and that is better than you! You name the stipulation Cena, because I am more than prepared to kick your ass back to the gutters, back where you belong!

Cody Rhodes:
Cryme Tyme? We don’t care who you think you are, as far as I am concerned, you haven’t done a damn thing beyond hanging on the coat tails of John Cena, to earn yourselves a Tag Team Title Shot. Ted Dibiase and I, we don’t appreciate unplanned, and spontaneous undeserving challengers. Dibiase and I, we plotted our course weeks in advance, and became champions in our first match. You two? You’ve been teaming for how long? And you still haven’t touched this gold. Well that’s not about to change. You’ve been trying to pay your dues for months now, when in reality, when your as talented as we are…you don’t pay dues.

Ted Dibiase Jr:
You see, JTG, Shad, that’s what you don’t seem to get. Cody and I, we are on a totally different level than you. You’ve been wrestling for a while, and all those comedy skits, stealing other peoples goods, what has it gotten you? Nothing. You can’t be taken seriously. And it doesn’t matter how good you are at committing petty theft and talking jive, because what you will be facing in that ring in just a few moments, and the very beatdown that we about to administer to you, is going to be….Simply, Priceless.

Match #3: Cryme Tyme w/John Cena Vs. Simply Priceless w/JBL

Ding Ding Ding!

We start things off with JBL trash talking from his corner, and Cena threatening to slap the taste of his mouth. The referee warns them both that no funny business is to be going on or both teams with be disqualified. We start off with Ted Dibiase Jr going up against JTG of Cryme Tyme, and they lock up in the center of the ring. JTG wraps around with a waist lock, to which Dibiase answers with a wrap around of his own, he tries to lift him up into a german suplex but JTG counters yet another time and goes to the back, and lifts up Ted by the leg and just face plants Dibiase into the mat embarrassingly before dancing in the middle of the ring with a premature celebration. Ted Dibiase gets back up and taps JTG on the shoulder, before he turns around he charges up a discus punch, to which Ted ducks under the switches the momentum by slamming the back of JTG’s neck across his knee. JTG rolls away but Dibiase connects with some well placed stomps, and drags him back into his corner, tagging into Cody Rhodes, who comes in and elbow drops JTG across the chest, and tries to go for a pinfall that’s an obvious two count. Cody now wraps on a rear chin lock, and wrenches away at the neck of JTG, who tries to hop his way on the mat to his corner, but Rhodes violently slams his head against the mat and connects with a precision knee drop across the face, and tags back out to Ted Dibiase Jr. and they both pick up JTG and hit a double knee breaker on opposite sides! Shad tries to get inside the ring, but the referee becomes distracted, allowing Ted Dibiase to choke out JTG. By the time the referee comes back around, Dibiase is finished, and he continues to work over his opponent with strikes and slaps across the face. He slapped JTG one times too many however, as it only angers the gangster rapper who kips up off of Ted Dibiase’s chest, and then connects with a Dropsault! JTG now crawling to his corner in desperation, Dibiase tries to stop him, but the hot tag is made to Big Shad! He comes in like a bat out of hell in a freight train named Sally as he hits a dangerously impacted bicycle kick to the face of Ted Dibiase. Cody Rhodes tries to come into the ring and gets a shoulder tackle for his efforts. Ted Dibiase comes in again and gets a big lariat across the chest, and Cody tries to come from behind but also gets a Chokeslam from Shad. JBL pops up on the apron, arguing with the referee about the injustice of Shad’s adrenaline induced rage, which forces John Cena to come up behind him and pull him down off the mat, further distracting the referee with their brawling. As Ted Dibiase grabs one of the tag team belts and smashes it across the back of the head of Shad, forcing him to one knee, as Cody Rhodes snaps him down with his spike DDT, and Ted Dibiase makes the cover just in time for the referee to make the count, one, two, three!

Ding Ding Ding!

Jillian Garcia:
Here are your winners, and STILL World Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase, Simply Priceless!

Michael Cole:
Damnit JBL does it again! He’s screwed these fans out of rightful tag team champions, and now Simply Priceless retain the titles.

Jerry Lawler:
We may not like it Cole, but the Cryme Tyme Connection has been outsmarted again by JBL. But wait, look at this! John Cena has grabbed a microphone.

After JBL and Simply Priceless hightail themselves out of dodge, John Cena climbs into the ring, indeed with microphone in hand, and he begins to talk towards JBL’s direction, with an extremely angered expression on his face.

John Cena:
You wanna come out here JBL and run your mouth about how much better you are than us? You wanna come out here and pretend that because we are for real, and we are from the streets, that we can’t hack it? You want to try and run me down two weeks ago on RAW? Then you wanna try and end my career at the Great American Bash? Hella nah man. Point is JBL, you’re running scared, because you know you can’t beat me. We’ve fought in falls count anywhere, first blood matches, and parking lot brawls, and you STILL want a piece of me? Aight aight, if you’re looking for another ass kicking, I will make sure you aren’t able to put your foot on the freakin steering wheel anymore, because I’m going to cripple your ass once and for all! You want it, you got it. John Bradsahw Layfield Vs. John Cena, Summer Slam, One on One, in a Steel Cage Match!

Jerry Lawler:
Whoa! Did yo hear that Michael?! We’re gonna get JBL and John Cena in a steel cage at Summer Slam! That’s huge!

Michael Cole:
We’ve had them wrestling all over parking lots and arenas, but now their rage will be confined to a steel structure, where only one man will be left standing and able to escape the cage! We will be right back after this commercial break!

Commercial Break.

Match #4: Shawn Michaels Vs. Lance Cade

Before the match begins we have Chris Jericho on commentary, already smarting off at the mouth, proclaiming that Shawn Michaels is so old, he won’t even be able to touch Lance Cade, let alone get a piece of Y2J tonight, or on any other night.

Ding Ding Ding!

Lance Cade immediately tries to bully Shawn Michaels in the corner, but HBK is able to slip under him and delivers a surprise knife edge chop across the chest, already reeling his opponent! He goes for another, and yet another, until its Lance Cade who is in the corner, but that doesn’t last long as Cade grabs Michaels by the hair and throws him into the corner turnbuckle and starts shooting off right hand blows to the face causing HBK to ricochet back and forth between impact from the turnbuckle and Cades fist. Shawn Michaels eventually stumbles out from the corner, only for Lance Cade to cut off any overselling theatrics, he double steps right up to HBK and drills him to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. Cade goes for a pinfall, but only gets a two count on the Showstopper. Lance Cade grabs him by the hair once again, and pulls him up and back down again with a pin point body slam on the middle of the ring. Lance Cade now jumps up and delivers a nice leg drop across the throat of his opponent, and goes for another pinfall, still only a two count for Cade. Chris Jericho is heard on commentary making snide remarks about how dominant Lance Cade has been since he chose to ally himself with The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla, as Lance Cade now locks in a rear chin lock. Shawn Michaels begins fading fast, as Lance Cade is really putting pressure under the chin and across the throat of his opponent. The referee lifts his hands, and the hand falls to the mat with a one count. He lifts up the arm once again, and again limply it falls to a two count. The referee puts the limp limb into the air once more, and drops the arm but Shawn Michaels gets his arm up in the air, still fighting! The fans rally behind the Icon cheering him on, as he rises to his feet, he now elbows his way out of the predicament, landing several hard shots to the ribs of Lance Cade, whirling out of the chin hold, and blindsiding Lance Cade with an inverted atomic drop! He then clobbers Cade with an overhand punch knocking him down, and another, and a third! Lance Cade comes up to his feet, only to also be on the receiving end of a body slam! Shawn Michaels his shaking his fists in anger and adrenaline, as he goes up to the top rope, and connects with a flying elbow drop from the top! Immediately does Shawn Michaels rise to his feet, as he begins to tune up the band! Chris Jericho can be heard as being absolutely livid over the sudden turning of the tide, as Lance Cade is completely helpless to stop any of this offense, he wobbles back up to his feet, and as he turns around BAM! Sweet Chin Music to Lance Cade! We have a pinfall, one, two, three!

Ding Ding Ding!

Lilian Garcia:
Here is your winner, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn-

Lilian Garcia is cut off however, as Chris Jericho runs in from the commentators booth, and begins laying in vicious strikes on the forehead of his rival. Jericho rises and begins to stomp the living crap out of HBK, before snapping him down to the mat with a Code Breaker! Lance Cade finally rises to his feet, as Jericho feeds him to his student, who destroys Shawn Michaels with a one handed sit out powerbomb! Chris Jericho grabs Lilians microphone, and makes a simple statement.

Chris Jericho:
You are never getting anther match with me Shawn, do you hear me? Never!

Jericho now throws the mike down in frustration, as his music begins to play, followed in toe by Lance Cade.

Michael Cole:
What an absolutely despicable human being, is Chris Jericho. Lance Cade and him, being sore losers, attacking Shawn Michaels after the match, it’s completely unwarranted.

Jerry Lawler:
Like him or hate him Cole, he definitely sends a powerful message to his enemies! Coming up next, the Main Event of the Evening, CM Punk and Batista taking on Kane and Snitsky!

Commercial Break.

Main Event: CM Punk & Batista Vs. Kane & Snistky

Michael Cole:
Well ladies and gentlemen we saw earlier tonight, as CM Punk called out the Big Red Machine, and wanted to face him right then and there, but Paul Bearer would have none of it, as he instead said that CM Punk fears Kane! Now we’re going to see how true that is, as the Great American Bash Main Event gets a shot at revenge against two big bruisers in Kane and Snitsky.

Jerry Lawler:
You got the bruiser part right Cole! If facing Kane in his new sadistic state of mind wasn’t already bad enough for our World’s Champion, he has to face the big ugly giant that is Snitsky as well! Luckily for him he’s got 300lbs of back up, in the form of Batista!

Ding Ding Ding!

Things start out with Batista going toe to toe with Snitsky. The two monstrous beasts staring each other down and flexing their muscles in impressive fashion. Snitsky throws the first titanic blow across the jaw of Batista, who snaps right back with stirkes of his own! Harder and faster he goes, out connecting his offense against Snitsky who is too slow to respond intelligibly. Batista backs him up against the ropes and goes already for his patented spinebuster but Snitsky with a long, tree like boot that’s twice as stiff just snaps off into the face of Batista and Snitsky levels him with a powerful lariat! Batista holds his nose in pain, but Snitsky doesn’t allow him much time to recuperate, lifting him up by the head, but Batista once again desperately firing back with devastating blows to the face of Snitsky, driving him back to his own corner, and transitions to high impact shoulder blocks to the mid section of Snitsky, but Kane makes a blind tag, and smashes a forearm across the lower back of Batista. Snitsky slinks back into his own corner, as Kane now really begins to go to town on the Animal, several more blows to the back, and when Batista tries to fight back, Kane takes him out with a rising throat chop. Batista falls against the ropes, only to come right back attempting a spear, but he becomes derailed by a big boot to the temple by Kane! The Big Red Machine now, methodically moving around the ring, scouting his next move, as he finally decides to just grab the throat of Batista, and with one hand and an impressive show of strength, Kane lifts him back up to a standing position! Kane tries to lift him up for that deadly chokeslam from hell, but Batista brings himself back down to earth, and spins himself around with Kane and connects with a beal toss! Batista now stumbles to his corner, and makes the tag to CM Punk! The World Heavyweight Champion slingshots over the top rope, and uses his fresh momentum to hit a busaiku knee kick to the masked face of Kane! This causes the Big Red Machine to fall in between the ropes and to the outside, as Snitsky comes into the ring trying to take Punk’s head off with a lariat, but CM Punk ducks under and grabs Snitsky for a Pepsi Twist! Snitsky rolls off to the side and against the corner, which is right where CM Punk wanted him with a shining wizard kick into the corner, followed by a brilliant running bulldog from the corner! Unfortunately for CM Punk, Kane comes right back into the ring and drills him for a SECOND time in the past two days with a Chokeslam from Hell! But now here comes The Animal Batista, as he devastates Kane with a running spear! Kane rolls to the outside of the ring, and starts making his way up the ramp with Paul Bearer, obviously having enough of this match, but Batista gives chase, and the two illegal men begin to brawl all the way up to the backstage area! Meanwhile, Snitsky tries to go for a running big boot on the groggy champion, but CM Punk ducks under and lifts himself up with Snitsky using his own momentum against him and throws him right back off his shoulders with a GTS! CM Punk slumps over Snitsky, and the referee makes the pinfall. One, Two, Three!!!

Ding Ding Ding!

Lilian Garcia:
And here are your winners, Batista and CM Punk!

Michael Cole:
Batista and Kane just left brawling up the rampway, and CM Punk picks up a major win for his one time tag team partner and himself against the Monster, Snitsky! We know we are getting JBLVs. John Cena, and I have a hunch we’re getting Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho no matter what Y2J says, but the question remains, who will face CM Punk? Batista? Kane?

Jerry Lawler:
Or maybe, just maybe, we could be seeing somebody different in the title scene in the coming weeks! You never know what’s going to happen Michael, especially with nobody taking care of things backstage! Its’ total anarchy, and I love it!

Michael Cole:
Well ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us tonight on RAW, until next week, this is Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler, good night everybody!​


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Even though it had Snitsky in it, I liked the main event tag team match, although I think you should have given Kane a better partner instead of the talentless Snitsky.

WM: Although it wasn't bad, the Battle Royal was a bit short for a Battle Royal, and I would have liked it to have gone for as I like these kind of matches.

BP: The best promo was John Cena's promo where he announced the Steel Cage match for Summerslam, as it was in character. The JBL promo was also good.

WP: All of your promos were good and in character.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Official ECW Preview

-Don't miss out Tonight! Tommy Dreamer takes on Colin Delaney, who screwed him out of his ECW World Title Shot at The Great American Bash! Triple Threat Number 1 Contenders Match as The Miz vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy to determine who faces Mark Henry for the ECW World Title at Summer Slam! All of this, plus more... don't miss out!

... In other News

-The Brian Kendrick is expected to make his ECW Debut sometime soon. The general thought is that he is better off in ECW, than Smackdown.

- Rick Ortiz has been released from the WWE. We wish We wish Oriz all the best in all future endeavors.

-There have been talks about giving ECW 2 hours instead of 1. With a more bigger Roster, with new talent coming in, showcasing alot more would equal more ratings. More on this later.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
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Dylan wrote this but has had problems posting it.

*Ecw intro*


Tazz: Welcome to Tuesday Night ECW!

Mike Adamle: What a night we're going to have here! The main Event Consists of Finaly vs. The Miz vs. Matt Hardy to determine who will face the ECW World Champion Mark Henry, at Summer Slam.

Tazz: Sounds huge Mike, I can't wait!

*Armando Estrada Walks in The ring*

Armando: Everybody listen up.. and everybody listen up good!.. As a member of the ECW roster.. I call the shots around here! Today marks the day of my Undefeated Streak, and it's going to go on for a very, very long time! haha.. so lets see who we have here today.. Ah, here we go, an ECW Original! Super Crazy.. get your A** out here right now esa! It's time to lose to the "Real Deal" Armando Estrada.. haha

Super Crazy vs. Armando Estrada

Crazy drop kicks Armando as the bell rings. Armando gets up to get locked in a headlock. Armando pushes off of Crazy as Crazy comes flying back with a cross body. 1...2 .. kick out! Armando gets up as Crazy jumps on the second rope, flying back with a moonsault. Armando rolls out of the way as Crazy comes crashing down. Armando than rolls over with a cover... 1....2 ... kick out! Armando than picks up Crazy and scoop slams him as the falls back on the ropes, and comes back with a elbow to the face. Armando makes the quick cover... 1 ...2 ... kick out! Armando than drives his knee into Crazy, as the ref. Screams to get off of him. Armando eventually gets off as Crazy pulls himself up on the second rope.. Armando than does the big boot as Super Crazy turns around. Armando than makes the cover... 1 ...2 ... Crazy pulls the shoulder up before the 3 count. Armando stands up, Taunts the crowd with his arms up in the air.. and goes after Crazy. Crazy kicks Armando in the stomach, as he attempts to pull him up. Armando falls back as Crazy hops up. Armando gets up on 1 knee as Crazy drop kicks him in the face. Crazy than goes to the top ropes... Armando gets up as Crazy jumps with the knee drop.. Armando slides out of the way as Crazy lands on the mat, hard. Armando than picks up Crazy for the Double arm DDT. He nails the move, as he licks his lips.. and smacks his hands up and down. 1...2 ...3

Winner: Armando Estrada

*Commercial Break*

*Backstage With Miz And John Morrison*

John Morrison: How did you get an ECW Contenders match and I didn't!? I'm a former ECW World Champion Myself!

The Miz: Look John.. I have no clue how this happened.. I've been chasing that title ever since Punk got it! And not once have I held it. I guess Teddy Long thinks that im.. well..

John Morrison: You're what!

The Miz: A better Contender?

John Morrison:....

The Miz: Well.. I mean look at it from his perspective.. Either pick the Chick Magnet... or The Shaman of Sexy... Chick Magnet... or..

John Morrison: I get it! Alright.. First, we lost our WWE Tag team titles, and now this! We all know that im the better man! How many times have I beaten you... once..twice... thre.

The Miz: Hey! Did you just say you're better than me!

John Morrison: Do I need to repeat myslef..?

Miz: Oh.. we will see whos the better man.. next week on ECW.. me vs you.. loser leave ECW!

*Miz leaves*

*Behind the ECW Curtain with Tommy Dreamer*

Tommy Dreamer: Last Sunday at The Great American Bash.. I was screwed out of my ECW World Title shot! With near seconds of having Henry pinned, Colin Delaney turned on me, his mentor.. and cost me my Title Shot. Well that was that, and tonight is tonight... tonight I get my revenge on you Colin! Colin, you'd better be ready! Because when I get my hands on you, there isn't stopping me from releasing all my angry out on you!

*End Of Scene*

Mike Adamle: Tommy Dreamer vs. Colin Delaney.. later tonight

*Commercial Break*

"ooooooh Chavo"

*Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely joins Mike Adamle, and Tazz at ringside*
Extreme Rules
Mike Knox vs. Stevie Richards

Knox does a big boot across Stevie's face, as he enters the ring. He than picks him up, and throws him out of the ring. Richards pulls himself up, as Knox pulls out some trash cans, lids, chairs, glass pipe, steel pipe, and throws them into the ring. Knox gets the steel pipe, rolls in the ring, and walks towards Richards. Richards punches Knox in the stomach, as Knox attempts to pull him up. Richards than gets up and kicks Knox right across the face, as he quickly locks in a back body drop. Richards than picks up the steel pipe that Mike Knox dropped.

Chavo Guerrero: See that! That's what i'm talking about, we just came out here to enjoy this match and Stevie gives us a dirty look!

Tazz: Well, come on Chavo.. you would do the same thing if you were in his position!

Mike Adamle: Richards now with the night stick

Tazz: Steel pipe Mike... Steel Pipe..

Richards chokes out Knox as the ref. ask if he wants to tap out. Mike refuses, as Richards let's go and goes to get a trash can. Knox gets up as Richards smashes the can on Knox's face. Knox falls back onto the ropes, as Richards throws the can in his face, and drop kicks him. Knox is down as Richards makes the quick cover... 1...2 ... kick out. Richards than goes to the top ropes. Knox gets up as Richards does a leg drop right over his neck. Knox falls down as Richards rolls out of the ring. Richards pulls out a table from under the ring and sets it up. He goes back into the ring to get Mike Knox, and attempts to pull him out so he can set him up on the table. Knox pokes him in the eyes as he does this. Knox than kicks Richards in the stomach, as he picks up a chair. He than whacks Richards as hard as he can ontop of his head as Richards falls out of the ring, just less than 1 foot away from the announcers table. Richards pulls himself up, as Knox leaves the ring and walks over him to him.

Chavo Guerrero: Look at him! Who the hell does he think he is trying to bring his fight over to me, leave it in the ring Stevie!

Knox runs over to Richards, Richards pulls himself up and does a back body drop as Knox reaches him. Knox goes flying over Richard's and onto the announcers table. Knox falls onto Chavo, sending him flying out of his seat. Bam Neely, sees this and attempts a close line on Richards. Richards ducks, and does a huge kick across his face, knocking him out. He than pulls Knox by his hair, and rolls him into the ring. Richards picks up a trash can lid.. Knox pulls himself up to get smashed across the face with the lid. Knox falls down to the ground as Richards makes the cover... 1 ....2 ...kick out! Richards than pulls Knox to the outside of the ring.. he locks in a powerbomb right next to the table that was set up earlier. He tries to pick up Knox, Bam Neely gets him from behind. Knox is set down, as both men attack him. Neely holds Richards by the arms, as Knox sets up a bicycle kick. Richards elbows Neely in the stomach, as Knox lands his finisher on Neely. Richards than kicks Knox in the face and sets up a Stevie DDT, and lands it.

Richards gets up... Chavo Guerrero pulls him by his shoulders and punches him in the face. Chavo than rolls Richards in the ring. Richards gets up, Guerrero goes for a close line but Richards ducks it. Richards attempts his own Close line.. Chavo Ducks that aswell as he picks up the glass pipe and nails Richards in the face. Glass goes flying everywhere as Stevie falls down to the ground. Bam Neely than rolls in the ring and pulls Stevie out onto the table set up on the outside. Chavo than slaps his chest.. and goes to the top ropes. He than points up to the sky, and does a frog splash onto Richards on the outside. Bam Neely than picks up Richards and rolls him into the ring.. Knox follows him and makes the cover... 1 ....2 ....3!

Here is your winner: Mike Knox!

*Chavo Guerrero gets in Richard's face*

Chavo: Don't ever mess with a Guerrero! Don't ever mess with us! Next week Richards... Next week!

*Commercial Break*

*The camera is backstage.. it appears John Morrison is knocked out cold*

Mike Adamle: My god.. Chavo's Moonsault is an effective move!

Tazz: It's called a frogsplash, but good try!

Mike Adamle: What's happened to Morrison! There can only be one person...

*Backstage with Matt Hardy*

Hardy: Tonight is my chance to redeam myself. Last sunday at The Great American Bash, I lost my United States Championship. But I, unlike some people.. think that there is a reason for everything that happens in life. It's time to pick up from where I last left off. Tonight is my chance to become a Contender for a World Championship. A chance that i've been waiting for since day one, and I will come out on top!

*End Of Scene*

*Evan Bourne Package.. Evan Bourne in action.. next week!*

Tommy Dreamer vs. Colin Delaney

Dreamer chases Colin as he enters the ring. Colin runs outside of the ring as fast as he can. Dreamer catches up to him, and grabs him by his hair. He throws him into the steel post, as Colin goes flying to the ground. Dreamer than picks him up, and rolls him into the ring. Dreamer follows up as Colin attempts to get up. Dreamer grabs Colin and does a scoop slam. Colin falls down hard, as Dreamer falls back onto the ropes, and comes back with a huge elbow to the face. Dreamer makes the quick cover... 1 ...2 ...shoulder up. Colin rolls over to the bottom rope, and pulls himself up as Dreamer goes to him. Colin elbows him in the face, Dreamer follows up with a right punch, Colin ducks that and pokes him in the eyes. He than locks in a neck breaker, and Crashes Dreamer to the ground. He than hammers Dreamer in the face with tons of knees. Dreamer gets up on one knee.. as Colin does a huge boot across his face.

Dreamer crashes down again, as Colin makes the cover... 1 ....2 ...kick out! Colin goes to the top ropes.. he attempts a shooting star press.. Dreamer rolls out of the way as Colin crashes on his stomach. Dreamer than pulls himself up, and picks up Colin. He puts him legs first over the top turnbuckle.. and goes to the other side of the ring.. He screams " E....C... Dub'" and comes back crashing with a leg drop on his face. Colin takes it hard and gets up as Dreamer locks in the Dreamer DDT. He nails it in the middle of the ring.. and makes the cover... 1....2 .....3!

Here is your winner: Tommy Dreamer!

*Tommy Than Grabs a Mic*

Tommy: I want to make one thing clear.. I got screwed out of my ECW World Title match last Sunday! I would've won it fair and square.. which is why im making the open challenge.. Me vs. Mark Henry before Summer Slam for the ECW World Title.. Extreme Rules! To see who really is the ECW Champion!

*Dreamer drops the Mic.. as he leaves the ring*

*Backstage with Finlay*

Finlay: Tonight is my night.. my night to become the number 1 contender for the ECW world Title. Something that i've dreamed about ever since i've came to ECW.. something i've craved. Henry, I know you call yourself the "Worlds Strongest Champion" but what are you going to do.. when you go agaisnt the "Worlds Strongest Fighting Irish man" Because whether its Miz, or It's Hardy.. im taking the win tonight.. and your title at Summer Slam!

*End Of Scene*

*Commercial Break*

*We're Joined by Mark Henry at Ring Side*

Main Event
#1 Contenders match for the ECW World Title
The Miz vs. Matt Hardy vs. Finlay

Miz leaves the ring as Hardy and Finlay lock up. Finlay throws Hardy to the ropes, as Hardy comes back with a close line crashing agaisnt him from Finlay. Finlay than drives his elbow in Hardys face trying to wear him down. Hardy is let go of the hold, after the ref. yells at Finlay to stop. Finlay makes his way over to Hardy, Hardy hits Finlay in the stomach and drop kicks hims. Finlay falls down and rolls out of the ring and runs over to The Miz. Miz is taunting the crowd, and turns around to get a huge close line from Finlay. Miz falls down hard as Hardy sets up the two. Hardy goes to the other side of the ring.. and runs back to jump over the rope with a huge suicide dive into both men.

*Commercial Break*

We come back to see Miz kick Finlay across the face. He makes the cover..1 ...2 ..Hardy breaks it up. Hardy picks up Miz and does the side effect. Finlay gets up, and gets the side effect from Hardy as well. Hardy jumps to the top rope.. Miz gets up as Hardy hops with a huge elbow across the back of the neck of The Miz. Finlay gets up and gets a close line out of the ring from Hardy. Hardy turns around to see Miz staggering up.. Hardy kicks Miz in the stomach... and attempts a Twist Of Fate... But Miz counters it.. kicks Hardy in the stomach... slaps his Knee, and runs over to the ropes and comes back with a huge knee across the face, but as he does this.. Finlay catches his leg from the outside. Finlay gets back into the ring.. Hardy (Who is still felling the effect from The Miz's Kick in the stomach) gets locked into a celtic cross from Finlay. Hardy elbows Finlay in the face multiple times, as Finlay lets go of the hold.. Hardy kicks Finlay in the stomach.. and attempts a Twist of fate on him as well.. but this is quickly countered with a DDT. Finlay makes the cover.. but Miz breaks it up fast. Miz gashes Finlay in the face.. and Pulls Hardy by his hair... The Miz than throws Hardy on the Ropes and come flying with a huge flying close line and nails it. As Hardy falls down to the ground.. Finlay (Unable to see) runs into the Miz.

The Miz does The Reality Check.. and nails it. He goes for the cover on Hardy... 1....2 ... kick out! He than goes for the cover on Finlay, who he did his finisher on.. 1.... 2.... Hardy breaks up the count. Hardy grabs Miz by the head, and does a neck breaker. Finlay staggers up and punches the hell out of Hardy. Hardy falls back as Finlay tosses The Miz out of the ring. Finlay than grabs Hardy with a spine buster and nails it. He than makes the cover... 1....2 .... kick out. Finlay Than waits for Hardy to get up.. he does and Finaly sets up the Celtic Cross.. The Miz quickly runs into the ring, but Finlay drops Hardy and meets The Miz with a vicious Close line across the chest. Finaly than stomps the hell out of The Miz's chest. Hardy regains a little strength... and hits Finlay on the back.. He than throws Finlay to the other side of the ring, and follows up with a back body drop. The Miz gets up and Matt sets up a Twist of Fate... he nails it! Finlay hits Matt Hardy in the back of his head with his Shellaleah (Fighting stick) and throws him out of the ring as he makes the cover on The Miz....1 ....2 ....3!

Here is your winner and the number 1 contender for the ECW World Title at Summer Slam: Finlay!

*Mark Henry holds his title up in the air and yells at Finlay, as Finlay taunts him to get into the ring*

*His music plays, as we cut the scene*

*End of Show*

Dont miss next weeks ECW! Mark Henry and Finlay Summer Slam Signing! Evan Bourne in Action, The Brian Kendrick makes his debut, and much, much more!

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
I Do! apologize.
Five days after the bash Edge is going to be in the middle of the ring. He has been telling people backstage that he will be apologizing to Vickie for his actions with Alicia Fox.

Golden Standard realized.
Shelton Benjamin won the United States championship from Matt Hardy but his celebrations will be cut short as Benjamin has been put in a match with Matt’s brother Jeff. Benjamin will also have to watch his back after Mr Kennedy revealed that he plans to have the United States title around his waist as soon as possible.

Looking to make an Impact!
Two debuts will be made on Friday Night Smackdown as Carlito and Braden Walker make their debuts. Carlito will make his first apperance since the draft and Braden Walker will be looking to make a winning start after Vickie Guerrero snapped him up when Teddy Long delayed on offering him a contract. More faces are said to be on the way as Vickie looks to freshing up the Smackdown landscape.

Known Card.

Non-Title Match.
Jeff Hardy v Shelton Benjamin(c)

Braden Walker V Jimmy Wang Yang

Carlito V Domino

WWE News.

Scott D'Amore has signed a contract to replace Michael Hayes as the head booker of the smackdown brand.

D'Amore jumped straight to action and told the company which TNA talents contracts are up and are working on weekly contracts.

New signings
Shawn Hernandez
Alex Shelley
chris Sabin
Melissa Anderson(Cheerleader Melissa/Raisha Saeed)
Claudio Castagnoli(Development contract and has been giving permission to do a Farewell tour with ROH and other Indy promotions)

D'Amore is also working with WWE to try and convince Aj Styles, christopher Daniel, Team 3D, Christian Cage and Samoa Joe(D'Amore revealed he had not signed a new contract like previous reports said)

Ron Killings apparent call up to the Smakdown has been cancelled after the replacment of Hayes. Board members thought it would look good to have both working together after Hayes recent problems but with him gone Killings is now left in the dark on where his future lies.

Nick Nemeth's call up has also took a backseat too. Nemeth was set for a push on smackdown after attacking Shelton Benjamin at the great american bash.

Michelel McCool will be out of action after suffering a leg injury at the hands of Natalya.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin

Braden Walker vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

Carlito vs. Domino

Should be a good show. Nice to see Scott D'amore running things on Smackdown side and the Motor/Murder City Machine Guns sign contracts.

Moonlight Drive

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin

Braden Walker vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

Carlito vs. Domino

Looks like a good show. Check out World Wrestling Entertainment: The Second Coming, Smackdown! has been posted

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin

Braden Walker vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

Carlito vs. Domino

D'Amore running things on Smackdown :g:... Intresting.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Xtreme is throwing up and having to take some time to write Smackdown. So stay tuned, hopefully we can get it within the next couple of days.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Dark Match: Kenta beat Funaki with a GTS!

Smackdown opening video plays and the camera zooms round the audience as they cheer before going quiet.

Edges music plays whilst he is stood with a mic in the middle off the ring.

Edge: As many of you saw this past Sunday night my wife Victoria helped cost me the WWE championship match against Triple H. Now don't get me wrong, I am upset that I am not stood here now as your WWE Champion.

Fans Boo Edge

Edge: Yes I know it is a shame but right now i have more important things to worry about and that is sorting out my marriage with the love of my life Victoria so please Vickie please could you come out to the ring so I can show you how much you mean to me.

All fans turn to face entrance as Vickie doesn't appear

Edge: Please Vickie i am begging you.

Vickie then appears being wheeled out by Zak Ryder who is followed by Curt Hawkins

Edge: Thank You

Edge walks over to the ropes and tries to help Vickie up onto the ring but she pulls away and gets in herself. Vickie then waits as Ryder sets up her chair before sitting back in it.

Vickie: Well Edge I came to the ring now before you say anything to me I would also like to bring somebody to the ring. You may recognise her but then again you did have her attached to your face last time you were up close with her.

Vickie looks at the entrance as Alicia Fox make her way out slowly walking down the ramp as Edge turns away holding his head. Alicia climbs into the ring and stands in the corner.

Vickie: What's wrong Alicia you realize how much of a slut you are? Or is it the fact that you can't look me in the face? No matter what it is I just want you to know that all i called you out here for was to sign this to prove that i paid you for all your hard work, and you did work hard didn’t you?

Alicia slowly walks over and takes the folded piece of paper and pen before leaning on Hawkins back to sign it. Alicia hands the paper back to Vickie and goes to leave the ring.

Vickie: Hold it right there! Did you honestly believe that i would let you get away with what you did the night before my wedding with my fiance. You must have been dreaming! You see if I was to attack you I would be arrested. But by making you a diva on the Smackdown roster i can place you in a match and you can't do anything about it.

Edge: But she is not a diva and does not have a contract with Smackdown.
Vickie: That is were you are wrong baby. She has just signed a contract in front of millions of people and there is nothing she can do.

Vickie unfolds paper to reveal a contract as Alicia darts towards the ropes only to be stopped by Hawkins and Ryder.

Edge: Guys let her go.

Vickie: Don't you dare! There is nothing you can do she is a diva now and I am in charge of her, in fact she will make her debut in the opening match of the night.

Edge: What is wrong with you.

Edge walks over to Alicia and strokes her hair as she smiles.

Edge: I did come out here to apologize again and beg you to take me back but you have gone to far. The truth is, the truth is i never loved you, I used your power to help me get what i want.

Vickie looks heartbroken and nearly in tears.

Vickie: That's not true. Why would you marry me?

Edge: I felt that i was losing my control over you and i couldn't let that happen. Remember the day of our wedding when Chavo told you he couldn't find me.

Vickie: Yes you told me you were buying a late wedding present.

Edge: Yea that was a lie. I was up all night with Alicia, I won't go in to details but i think you can guess what happened.

Edge walks over to Alicia and gets Hawkins and Ryder to let go of her.

Vickie: No! That is not true! Why would you want to be with her?

Edge: Think about it Vickie, Alicia was late also. And as for why i would be with her that is easy because she is 10 times the women you are, or should i say you are 10 times the size of her.

Vickie starts to cry as Hawkins and Ryder try to comfort her but she just screams and they back off. Ryder and Hawkins help Vickie out of the ring as Natalya's music plays and she storms to the ring with the divas title around her waist. She kneels next to Vickie and comforts her before climbing into the ring and removing her belt.

JR: Welcome to this edition of Friday night Smackdown, and as you can see we are already seeing the fall out of The great American Bash.

Foley: As well as what went down the weeks leading up.

JR: But as you can see we are already going to get into the action as the Divas champion takes on Smackdown's newest diva Alicia Fox who before being tricked to sign a contract wad a job as a wedding planner.

Foley: Alicia is in trouble here she has had no wrestling training or experience in her life and she faces a young women who has been raised around wrestling since her birth.

Natalya Vs Alicia Fox - non-title match

Alica backs into the corner Natalya slowly approaches, Natalya charges at Alicia who ducks and turns round slapping Natalya across the face, Natalya holds her face before kicking Alicia in the stomach with force. Natalya clubs the back of Alicia's back knocking her to her knees, Natalya guides her back to her feet and clubs her back again as she drops to her knees again, Natalya steps back before kicking Alicia in the head. Natalya makes the pin 1...2.., Vickie shouts Natalya over and Natalya breaks the pin, Vickie instructs Natalya what to do. Natalya walks up to Alicia and picks her up before pulling her to the corner and repeatedly chopping her chest, Alicia drops to a seated position in the corner and Natalya places her foot on the throat of Alicia and starts to choke the breath out of Alicia as Vickie looks on with a huge grin on her face. Natalya picks Alicia up and kicks her in the stomach before picking her up for a powerbomb, Alicia flails around on Natalya's shoulders before slapping her , Natalya drops Alicia to her feet and Alicia goes behind and hits a backslide for the pin 1...2. kickout. Natalya gets back to her feet and hits Alicia with a snap suplex before locking in the sharpshooter, Alicia taps out immediately but Natalya keeps it locked in.
Winner: Natalya

Foley: Natalya was in control for the entire match with Alicia getting little offense.

The ref walks over to Natalya and tells her to break the hold but she just laughs as Alicia screams in pain. The ref walks over and leans through the ropes and talks to Justin Roberts.

Roberts: Due to Natalya refusing to break the submission he has reversed the decision and the new winner is Alicia Fox.

JR: Alicia Fox picks up her first win but to what cost.

Edge slides into the ring and pulls Natalya back making her break the hold, Natalya snaps and slaps Edge but as Edge raises his fist Natalya quickly exits the ring as Edge turns his attention to Alicia.

Foley: Alica looks hurt JR that sharpshooter was locked in a long time.

JR: All the weight of Natalya placed on the lower back of Alicia.
Vickie picks up her mic from her lap.

Vickie: Edge i forgot to mention there is one more piece of business i was out here to take care of and that is.....

Vickie gets a huge grin on her face

Vickie: ..... YOUR SUSPENDED! Without pay until i see fit.
Edge starts to pull on his hair as Vickie is wheeled to the back laughing all the way.

JR: Oh my, Edge cant be liking that.

Foley: Are you kidding me JR, Edge has been suspended and I got to believe that as long as Vickie is general manager he will never return.


Triple H is walking down a corridor when he comes to a tall guy stood at a drinks machine.

HHH: It's Shawn isn't it?..... Shawn Hernandez.

Guy: Yeah, it is.

HHH shakes his hand

HHH: It's nice to meet you, Shawn said you had signed to the Smackdown brand.

Hernandez: It is great to meet you, Shawn always talked about the days on the road with you back when you first started DX.

HHH: Well good luck kid.

Hernandez: Thanks hopefully one day I will be facing you for that title on your shoulder.

HHH walks off with a grin on his face before the camera cuts to Vickie with Braden Walker.

Walker: Thanks Mrs.....

Vickie: don't call me Mrs it is Ms.

Walker: Sorry, anyways I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity and let me just say i will not let you down. Everyone will see what this Wildcat has to show.

Vickie: Good because you have a match later tonight and if you don't impress i may have to rethink this arrangement.

JR: Two new stars signed to a Smackdown contract and you have to believe Vickie is serious about this new look she is trying to bring to Smackdown.

Foley: Indeed it does, but it also looks like she is ignoring the fact she is now married to Edge.

Jimmy Wang Yang's music plays and he comes running from the back before doing a little dance down to the ring with the crowd cheering him on.

Braden Walkers music plays and he comes out to a mixed reaction. He walks to the ring slapping a few fans hands.

JR: Braden walker looking to take advantage of the chance he has been given.

Braden Walker Vs Jimmy Wang Yang

Walker stands in the corner beating his chest as yang walks to the center, soon to be joined by Walker. Both men shake hands and start to circle the ring, both men lock up in the middle as Walker forces back to the corner before breaking the hold and walking backwards with his arms in the air, yang comes out of the corner with a arm in the air looking for the gecko roman knuckle lock but as Walker puts his arm out Yang ducks under and grabs the waist of Walker and tries to take him down with a belly to back suplex but can’t get him over, Walker swings his elbow back and connects with the side of Yang's head making him break the hold, Walker runs forward and bounces of the ropes coming back at Yang looking for a clothesline which Yang ducks, Storm continues and bounces of the ropes again and comes back clotheslining Yang in the back of the head. Walker picks Yang up and hoists him up for a suplex and holds him in the air, Walker stumbles back toward the ropes and Yang drops down the back landing on the apron, Walker turns round and yang hits the shoulder block through the ropes, Walker leans over and Yang slingshots into the ring and hits a ddt on his way down, pinfall 1... kickout. Yang climbs onto the second rope in the corner as Walker gets to his feet, Walker turns round to face Yang who leaps over him and hits a neckbreaker, Yang straight back to his feet and lines himself up before going for a standing moonsault only for walker to put his knees up, yang walks round the ring holding his ribs as Walker slowly gets to his feet, Yang charges at walker who leaps forward hitting a thesz press.

JR: He calls that the Cat Attack, taking the name from from the nickname he gave himself.

Foley: he calls himself the Wildcat because he can be as unpredictable as a wildcat.

Walker gets to his feet whilst pulling Yang up at the same time, Walker whips yang into the corner and charges before hitting a jumping clothesline, Yang falls forward and walker climbs the turnbuckle before leaping off hitting a leg drop, pinfall 1...2. kickout. Walker scoops Yang up and spins him around looking for the side slam but yang continues round and hooks Walkers arm before throwing himself back putting walkers shoulder on the mat for the pin 1...2.. kickout. Walker and yang both get to their feet and Walker goes for a clothesline but Yang ducks before running and bouncing off the ropes and comes back hitting a spinning leg lariat on Walker who stumbles back into the ropes and comes back with a lariat. Walker picks Yang up and hoists him above his head and drops him down for the snake eyes on the turnbuckle yang stumbles to the middle off the ring as Walker bounces off the ropes and meets Yang in the middle of the ring with a bulldog, pinfall 1...2...3.

Winner: ‘Wildcat’ Braden Walker

Foley: walker has done it and he must now believe that his contract is safely in the bag.

Vickie Guerrero is in the back with Ryder and Hawkins. Vickie is on the phone.

Vickie: What do you mean Shane? I am general manager and can suspend him if i want to!

Vickie's face turns angry by what she hears.

Vickie: Fine if that's what the board says then I will not suspend him.
Hawkins looks at Ryder.

Hawkins: Vickie me and Ryder needs to go do a ......................

Ryder: Interview yea their interviewing us on being youngest tag champs ever.

Hawkins and Ryder quickly walk away, as MVP approaches Vickie.

MVP: Vickie just the person i wanted to see.

Vickie: I haven’t got time for this now.

MVP: No you listen to me, I am the highest paid superstar in Smackdown history. I should be out there wrestling for championship gold. But instead you have some Asian redneck taking on a nobody.

Vickie slowly gets up from her wheelchair and looks at MVP.

Vickie: Now listen to me i said i didn't have time for you , but you ignore me and go on to talk about how i run this show. Well here is a bit of news for you, your big earning contract is enough to be used for several new signings.

MVP smiles and nods along.

Vickie: you think that is good

MVP: yes i do Vickie.

Vickie : I’m glad because you no longer have it.

MVP: You cant do this Vickie i signed a contract

Vickie: Yes you did but your super agent must have forgot to mention the general manager can re-negotiate the wages as long as you do not have gold around that waist of yours.

MVP: You realize who you are talking to, I am Montel Vontavious Porter. You do know Teddy Long would pay me whatever I want to appear on ECW.

Vickie: Well MVP the face of Smackdown is changing and it is up to you if you wish to be a part of it. But you will take a pay cut if you stay here.

Vickie slowly walks away as MVP kicks a cable trolley.

JR: MVP is not happy.

Foley:Vickie Guerrero can’t risk losing MVP.

JR: But right now we have the third debut of the night.

Carlito's music plays as he walks to the ring ignoring the fans.

Domino music plays as he comes out shouting at the fans.

Carlito Vs Domino

Both men lock eyes as the ref rings the bell. They both lock up shoulders, Carlito gets Domino in a head lock, Domino throws Carlito to the ropes as Carlito comes back with a shoulder take down. Carlito runs back to the ropes, Domino hops up as Carlito comes back with another shoulder take down, but Domino drop kicks him across the face. Carlito goes crashing as both men get back up. Domino yells "Welcome to Smackdown! My show!" at Carlito.

Foley: Domino sending a message to Carlito right their.

Carlito and Domino lock up again. Carlito gets behind Domino with a back body drop. Domino goes crashing on his back, as Carlito makes the cover... 1....2 ... kick out! Domino pulls himself up, as Carlito runs to the ropes, and comes back with a drop kick to the face. Domino is hurt, badly as Carlito makes the cover...1 ....2 ...kick out! Carlito than picks up Domino and starts to throw lefts to his face. Domino falls back on the ropes, as Carlito slaps him across the face. The crowd goes "wooo" as Carlito does this multiple times. Domino pokes Carlito in the eyes and starts to punch him on his back. Carlito quickly counters this with a close line. Domino falls down hard as Carlito quickly runs to the ropes, jumps on the second rope, and comes flying back with a moonsault Elbow to the face. Domino gets nailed as Carlito makes the cover, for the third time... 1....2 ...kick out! Domino pulls himself up on the ropes as Carlito jumps on him, on the turnbuckle. He than starts to pound his face with his fists..1 ....2 ....3 ....4 ....5 ....6 ...7 ...8 ...9 ...10! Domino falls back as Carlito does a neckbreaker. Domino falls down, and rolls out of the ring. Carlito quickly follows him up, and gets out of the ring. Domino sees him coming, and starts to run around the ring. Carlito runs, and eventually catches up to only get thrown into the steel steps by Domino. Carlito crashes hard as Domino rolls him into the ring. Domino makes the cover... 1...2 .. Carlito brings the shoulder up just in time. Domino, frustrated, gets up and starts to stomp on Carlito's stomach. Carlito takes the blows, As Domino stops and taunts the crowd. The crowd boos, as Domino picks up Carlito, and does a pump handle slam. The crowd is fascinated by this move, as Domino locks for the cover... 1....2 ...kick out! Domino yells at the ref, and tells him to count faster. He makes the cover again...1 ...2 ...kick out! Domino than locks in the boston crab. Carlito yells out of pain, as Domino applies more pressure. Carlito makes his way to the ropes.. and eventually gets them. Domino goes to pick up Carlito, but he pokes him in the eyes. Carlito than does a back breaker to Domino, in the middle of the ring. Domino crashes down hard, as he makes the cover...1 ....2 ....3

Here is your winner: Carlito

JR: Carlito picks up a impressive victory.

Foley: Carlito will be looking to get up the ladder and challenging for some gold.

Hawkins and Ryder run into the picture and see Edge with Alicia Fox.

Hawkins: Edge!

Ryder: Edge!

Edge turns around as Alicia climbs into the passengers seat of a car.

Edge: What do you to want? Has Vickie sent you to give me a message.

Ryder: Vickie has no idea we are here she thinks we are doing a interview.

Hawkins: Yea Zack's right, we have news for you though.

Ryder: You have to be here next week, Vickie is having a over the top battle royal to determine who faces Triple H at Summerslam.

Edge: Guys if you haven’t forgot i was suspended earlier.

Hawkins: Zack you should have kept that until you told him the other news.

Ryder: yeah i forgot about that, earlier on Shane McMahon phoned Vickie and the board of directors have gone against her on suspending you.

Hawkins: From what we could hear she has no right suspending you for none wrestling issues.

Edge: Is that right? Well if you don’t mind i have to get Alicia back to her hotel room, doctors said she needs to rest.

Edge gets into drivers seat and speeds away with Hawkins and Ryder smiling.
Camera cuts to Eve stood in front of a monitor.

Eve Torres: Right now I am joined by Jeff Hardy. Jeff you are moment away from facing the United States champion Shelton Benjamin, how are you feeling.

Jeff Hardy: How am I feeling, I am feeling great. Tonight I face Shelton Benjamin and gain a little revenge for my brother's loss on Sunday. I will prove to Benjamin that he may be able to beat one Hardy but it does not mean he can beat all Hardy's. Then next week I will compete in the over the top battle royal, and when I win that I go on to Summerslam were I will fulfill my dream and become WWE Champion.

Eve Torres: Wow you sound confident.

Jeff Hardy: When you have lived the life I have lived the only thing to be is confident. Now if you don't mind I hear my Music playing.

Jeff Music plays as he comes dancing out and his pyros go off. Hardy makes his way to the ring and slides in before posing on all the turnbuckles as he jumps down....

Shelton Benjamin's music plays and he comes out and stands at the top of the stage holds the belt up high as his pyro goes off and walks to the ring holding his title tightly.

Mr Kennedy's music plays as both men look on as he comes out and sets up a chair on the stage and points at Benjamin and signals he wants his belt.

Jeff Hardy Vs Shelton Benjamin - non-title match

Both men lock up as the ref rings the bell. Hardy gets Benjamin in a basic side head lock, as Benjamin gets taken down to the ground. His shoulders are down as the ref. makes the quick count, 1.. shoulder up. Benjamin squirms out of Hardy's hold, and gets him in a head scissors, but Hardy quickly kicks out as both men hop to there feet. They lock hands this time, Hardy takes down Benjamin. Benjamin kicks Hardy in the stomach, and tosses him down. Hardy gets up, but Benjamin locks in a suplex and nails it. He makes the cover...1 ....2 ... kick out! Benjamin gets Hardy in a head lock. Hardy is down as the crowd cheers him on to get back up... Hardy gets up after a few seconds of being locked in the hold, and elbows Benjamin in the stomach. Benjamin falls back, as Hardy runs to the ropes, and smashes Benjamin down to the ground. Benjamin falls down, and jumps back to to get another close line push type move from Hardy. Hardy than stalks Benjamin.. Benjamin gets up and Hardy close lines Benjamin. He than sets him up sitting down next to the turn buckle. Hardy kicks him a few times, than runs to the other side of the ring. He runs back over to Benjamin, grabs the top turnbuckle, throws himself up in the air, and comes crashing back with both legs smashing Benjamin against Benjamin's chest. Benjamin takes the pain, and yells in pain as Hardy makes the cover... 1 ...2 ... kick out! Benjamin pulls himself up, as Hardy does the same. Benjamin throws a right, but Hardy ducks it with a back slide....1 ....2 ... kick out! Benjamin rolls out of the ring as the crowd boos him heavily. Benjamin rolls in the ring, as the crowd furiously cheers for Hardy. Hardy goes after Benjamin, Benjamin pokes Hardy in the face, he than locks in a samoan drop, and nails it. He makes the cover.... 1....2 Hardy gets the shoulder up! Benjamin yells at the ref. and tells him to make the last cover a 3. The ref says no, as Benjamin taunts the crowd. Hardy quickly hops up, and does the roll up...1 ...2 ... kick out! Benjamin hops up, as Hardy jumps after him, but gets countered with a neck breaker. Hardy gets nailed hard, as Benjamin picks up him by his hair. He throws a few punches, and sets him up on the top turnbuckle. He hops up with Hardy.. Hardy punches him in the stomach, but Benjamin has the advantage, as he starts to punch him in the back. He than locks in a superplex... Hardy punches Benjamin in the stomach a few more times... the throws him on his face... Hardy than stands up on the top rope... he yells "Ohhh!" and attempts a Swanton Bomb! Benjamin rolls out of the way... and Hardy falls right on his back! Benjamin runs over and makes the cover on Hardy...1 ...2 ...three.. shoulder up! Benjamin smacks his legs out of anger, and picks up Hardy. He than locks in a power bomb, and throws Hardy on the Middle Turnbuckle. Hardy goes crashing as Benjamin taunts the crowd.

Benjamin pulls Hardy by his hair.. and makes the cover...1 ...2 ...kick out! Benjamin s anger builds, as he starts to cross face him. Benjamin than picks up Hardy, and throw him to the turnbuckle. He walks across the ring.. and runs back with a huge splash across his chest., but Hardy jumps out of the way. Benjamin hits his stomach as Hardy goes for the roll up..1 ...2 .. kick out! The crowd goes crazy as Hardy almost got the pin fall over Benjamin. Benjamin gets up and does a Irish whip to Hardy.. Hardy hits the turn buckle.. and comes flying back with the whisper of the wind! He nails it and makes the cover...1 ....2 ... shoulder up! Hardy gets up and waits for Benjamin to get up... Hardy locks in the twist of fate, but Benjamin pulls him by his hair into a back breaker. Hardy goes crashing down.. as Benjamin waits for Hardy to get up.. Hardy gets up.. Hardy gets up.. and Benjamin runs and attempts his PayDirt finisher, but Hardy throws him as the jumps for the move. Hardy than picks up Benjamin and does the twist of fate, but Benjamin counters with a kick to the stomach, followed up by a vicious kick across the face. Hardy falls down as Benjamin goes to the top rope. Hardy gets up.. and Benjamin runs with a cross body... he nails it, but Hardy rolls over and makes the cover...1 ....2 ... kick out! Hardy was less than 1 second from winning the match! Both men get up.. Benjamin throws a right.. Hardy throws a right.... Benjamin throws a right.... Hardy throws a right.... Benjamin throws a right, but it's quickly countered with a twist of fate, as Hardy nails it. He than runs over to the top ropes. Hardy takes off his shirt.. and throws it into the crowd as he says "ohhh" and puts his fingers near his mouth (his taunt) as he does the swanton bomb! He nails it, as he makes the cover on the United States champion...1 ....2 ...3 !

Here is your winner: Jeff Hardy!

JR: Jeff gets the victory he said he would

Foley: Benjamin cant be feeling good right now with Kennedy looking on and setting his sights on the US Title.

JR: Thanks for joining us folks and we hope you tune in next week.

The camera turns to Kennedy who has a smile on his face and makes his way to the back, as Hardy celebrate on the turnbuckles to see Smackdown out.

Dylan wrote Hardy/Benjamin and Carlito/Domino matches after i had computer problems.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Official Preview For RAW!
LIVE From the Alamodome in Houston, Texas!

NOTE: Please make sure to leave a review for XtremeHighFlyer's Smackdown show before trying to post a predictions reply for RAW. I don't want to interfere in him getting possible feedback by posting too close to him.

Last week on RAW saw some pretty exciting things go down! Including CM Punk and Batista getting their revenge on Kane, partnered with fellow Monster, Snitsky! Shawn Michaels picked up a win against Chris Jericho protege Lance Cade, and we saw the Tag Titles defended LIVE, as well as the debut of a new superstar to RAW!

Continuing the trend of a blockbuster week, an even bigger announcement has been made! This week on RAW, a newly appointed General Manager will reveal himself to restore order to the red brand! And he has already made several announcements and matches for the next three weeks leading up to Summer Slam!

First off, The Animal Batista is scheduled to face "Y2J" Chris Jericho in what has been declared as one of two Summer Slam quality matches of the night! With Kane lurking in the shadows, and Shawn Michaels looking for a crack at Jericho, how can we expect this to go down clean?

Easy! Because in the second Summer Slam quality match of the night, we will see The Heart Break Kid take on none other than the Big Red Machine himself! All four of these men must be careful in these contests, because they are also scheduled to face their feuding counterparts the week before Summer Slam!

Everyone is wondering who will challenge CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Title, but we know it isn't going to be either John Cena or John Bradshaw Layfield, who are scheduled to meet in a Steel Cage at the Summer extravaganza. But for this night, all three men will meet, as CM Punk once again teams up with a top face on RAW as it will be CM Punk & John Cena taking on John Bradshaw Layfield and.....Beth Phoenix?

And of course, as promised, The Intercontinental Title is going to be defended as Kofi Kingston takes on the fourth place finalist in the Battle Royale Invitational, Val Venis!

and FINALLY, in case all of this high impact action wasn't enough for you, Mike Quackenbush has called out Hardcore Holly for a rematch of their encounter from last week! Can the new blood somehow change the course of history, or is the grizzled veteran simply too much to handle?

See all of this and MORE this Monday Night, LIVE, on RAW!

Official Card Expected For RAW:

Main Event:
Batista Vs. Chris Jericho w/ Lance Cade

Upper Mid Card:
CM Punk & John Cena Vs. JBL & Beth Phoenix

Mid Card:
Shawn Michaels Vs. Kane w/ Paul Bearer

Lower Mid Card:
Intercontinental Title Match
(C) Kofi Kingston Vs. Val Venis

Opening Bout:
Mike Quackenbush Vs. Hardcore Holly

RAW News and Rumors:

There is extremely high tension and speculation regarding who exactly is going to be the new General Manager of RAW. Top choices that have been assumed are the return of Eric Bischoff, William Regal being brought back to run the show again, or even a surprise GM in the form of Stone Cold Steve Austin or Dusty Rhodes. Nobody knows for sure, but it is sure to bring in viewers who are curious to know who the new GM will be.

Just as Smackdown under the guise of Scott D'Amore has been trying to place deals with TNA superstars, RAW talent agents Arn Anderson and Ricky Steamboat have been trying to negotiate deals with other popular stars from the Independents and across the seas. Contracts have been offered to such talents as Eddie Kingston, Adam Pearce, Dos Caras Jr, and Shinsuke Nakamura. Rumors have been spreading that the WWE has been trying to get Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic or some other top name MMA Fighter to be a new Era Ken Shamrock to the WWE, but insiders doubt very much they can afford such a fighter.