WWE: Back To The Future

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Moonlight Drive

Praise the Lord, Matt 'Failure' Hardy has been released!

That was very interesting, although Cena vs Batista was predictable. I liked the way you managed to get rid of ECW and I knew eventually you'd cut it down to one brand, it was a great way to do it too. John Morrison vs John Cena, WWE Championship, Wrestlemania 25. Please. :eek:


This looks like it has been worked on alot of make it perfect, I like where this is going James, with you getting rid of the guys you either don't like or the guys that suck after mania to make one brand. Good results but Cena winning the Rumble again is just terrible, you should be killed tbh. Him Vs Batista and Mania25 by the looks of things and he could win, I really like how you have been making Umaga look like a total beast, I noticed you were doing this with him actually winning then having him beat people up and giving him the Rumble elimination record was good. Umaga for Champ! I am shocked that you gave Shelton a title shot, and I am curious to see who you fire later on down the road lol. Good stuff and I will try and check out more of this BTB...


This is getting better James, interested to see where Punk vs. Kingston will go, presuming they do feud. Good luck!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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This one is getting better and better and now I know why it is called Back to the Future, because it will be back as one brand, lol... Now, I am predicting Umaga will face Taker at Mania and then Batista will win against HHH at NWO and Cena will win the Undisputed title. I am looking forward to it BKB.

Evil Austin

Once again really good, I may be wrong but you seem to be either doing the whole BTB like this or picking up after wrestlemania which is a good time to start. Either way my thoughts on the Royal Rumble are: John Cena winning two years in the row is intersting not quite what I would have expected, Triple H goes over Benjamin is expected and Umaga over Undertaker. Again is interesting maybe your pushing Umaga to the top after a feud win over Taker? Or is this just another rebound feud for taker where he comes back in a gimmick match?

Ill be reading.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

.:The Lead Up To No Way Out:.


With Batista having to face Triple H in a Unification Match at No Way Out, he spent the weeks running up to No Way Out preparing. He said that he could defeat Triple H, and that he had beaten him every time they had met, which was true. While Batista was friends with triple H and respected him, he would do anything to win the belts. Triple H showed he would do the same, as he showed up on the very last RAW before No Way Out, and Pedigreed Batista.

At the Royal Rumble, John Cena won the Rumble, guaranteeing himself a shot at the Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania. Well, almost guaranteeing him. On RAW, the night after the Royal Rumble, Randy Orton came out and said that Batista beating him was a fluke. He wanted another shot at the belt, and he was going to get that by beating John Cena, and taking his shot at the belt for WrestleMania. He said if Cena had any guts, he would accept the challenge. Cena came out, and he did indeed accept the challenge from Orton for No Way Out. The two traded insults week after week, with Orton sneaking into the ring and going for the RKO on Cena whenever possible.

Chris Jericho was none too happy about Shawn Michaels eliminating both himself and him. Jericho came out on RAW, and asked Michaels what the hell his problem was. He said he was an honest man, and that he just wanted to be done with Michaels. Michaels came out and said he knew that Jericho was the one who had assaulted him back in December, and that if Jericho wasn’t going to forget the past, then neither would Michaels. Jericho said what was done was done, and started to talk about he had forgiven and forgotten, when he suddenly hit the Codebreaker on Michaels. With Michaels down, Jericho then spat on him and left. Jericho wouldn’t show up at RAW all of the way up to No Way Out, supposedly negotiating with movie producers to become a Hollywood star. Shane McMahon said he didn’t care, and that at No Way Out, it would be Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels.

Evan Bourne had just come to RAW, after ECW had disbanded, and he instantly had problems with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. The two made fun of Bourne for his small stature, and said he would never be anything like they were. Bourne argued back, saying he didn’t want to be rich pricks like DiBiase and Rhodes. Bourne was then jumped from behind, as Manu assaulted him. The three would then assault Bourne the next week on RAW, as he was walking down to the ring for a match with Rey Mysterio. Mysterio jumped into the fray, as he helped his friend Bourne out, fighting off DiBiase, Rhodes and Manu. Stephanie McMahon made the match for No Way Out for the World Tag Team Titles.

At the start of February, it was announced that Kelly Kelly would be the diva who would be modelling for Playboy this year. This instantly caught the attention of new Women’s Champion, Katie Lea Burchill, as she claimed that Kelly was merely looking for attention, and that she was only doing this because she couldn’t wrestle. She then challenged Kelly Kelly to a match at No Way Out, to prove her point. She even put the Women’s Championship on the line. Beth Phoenix and Melina both claimed they wanted a rematch, so for No Way Out, a Fatal Four Way was set, with the Women’s Championship on the line.


Triple H did much the same as Batista, trying to prepare for his match at No Way Out by facing the toughest possible opponents on the SmackDown! roster, such as The Brian Kendrick, Mr Kennedy and Edge. He wanted that Undisputed Championship. After attacking Batista on the last RAW before No Way Out, Triple H thought that he had gotten into the head of the ‘Animal’. But it seemed the other way around when Batista made an appearance on the last SmackDown! before No Way Out, when he ran through Triple H with a vicious spear. Batista now looked to have the upper hand, heading into No Way Out.

Carlito and Primo were fast becoming one of the most successful teams in the WWE. They had held the WWE Tag Team Championships for awhile, and had taken on all comers. They had seemingly beaten everyone there was to beat. Until two new teams emerged. After beating Jesse and Festus, Carlito and Primo were celebrating in the ring. Suddenly, they were jumped from behind by Kenny Dykstra and Jack Swagger. The two got on the microphone, and said they would now be referred to by their real names: Ken Doane and Jake Hager. They were sick of their lack of opportunities, so they were creating their own. They wanted the Champs at No Way Out. The next week, Doane and Hager assaulted them again. Only this time, someone came to make the save. Harry Smith, and the debuting nephew of Bret Hart, Teddy Hart. They ran in and stopped the assault from Hager and Doane, then fought them off. With that, Shane McMahon announced that at No Way Out, all three team would compete in a Triple Threat Match, with the WWE Tag Team Championships on the line.

After what had happened at Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble between Edge and Big Show, no one was surprised when Big Show came out and called out the ‘Rated R Superstar’. Edge proved that he had perhaps more guts than brains, as he came out and challenged Big Show to a match at No Way Out, telling him he would teach Big Show for being Vickie’s bodyguard when she never deserved protection. The two brawled over the next few weeks in the lead up to No Way Out, with their match promising to be an explosive one.

MVP was sick of losing, and when he saw Mr Kennedy lose to Triple H, he thought he had a chance for a win, as he challenged the loudmouth from Green Bay to a match on SmackDown! the next week. In that match, MVP hit Kennedy with everything he could, but he just couldn’t put him away. So MVP beat on Kennedy in the corner, with no remorse, resulting in a DQ win for Kennedy. MVP kept beating him down, until he eventually hit the Drive By, before challenging Kennedy to a match at No Way Out, and leaving the ring. After MVP knocked Kennedy out, Kennedy will be looking for revenge at No Way Out.

.:No Way Out:.

Undisputed Championship
Batista defeated Triple H

.:Batista was able to pin Triple H after hitting a second Batista Bomb. He had earlier kicked out of the Pedigree, proving that his drive to be Undisputed Champion could not be denied:.

WrestleMania Title Shot on The Line
John Cena defeated Randy Orton

.:Orton tried to get in Cena’s match throughout the match, but he couldn’t get the job done, as Cena caught Orton with a drop toe hold when Orton went for the RKO, then locked in the STFU, resulting in Orton tapping out:.

Big Show defeated Edge via Knockout

.:Big Show knocked Edge out with his deadly right hand, but not without controversy. After the referee went down, Show stripped the turnbuckle, then slammed Edge’s head into it repeatedly, causing him to be a bloody mess. This left Edge vulnerable, and later led to the knockout blow:.

World Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (c) defeated Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio

.:Bourne and Mysterio looked to have the match, with Manu banned from ringside, and them controlling it. A new superstar, who would later be revealed as Mr Perfect’s son, Joe Hennig, ran down the ramp though and distracted Bourne, so that DiBiase could roll him up and grab a handful of tights for the victory:.

Mr Kennedy defeated MVP

.:MVP’s luckless run continued, as he fell to Mr Kennedy after Kennedy hit the Mic Check. MVP dominated most of the match, but he was unable to put Kennedy away:.

Women’s Championship
Fatal Four Way
Katie Lea Burchill (c) drew with Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, and Melina

.:The match ended in a draw, after both Katie and Beth got a pin at the same time. Katie pinned Kelly, while the ‘Glamazon’ pinned Melina:.

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho via Count Out

.:This match barely lasted five minutes, as Jericho clearly didn’t want to be there. He walked out, after taking Michaels down for the first time in the match, leaving everyone wondering what was going through Chris Jericho’s head:.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Triple Threat Match
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Hart Foundation Version 2 and Ken Doane and Jake Hager

.:With all hell running loose, Carlito was able to get Doane from behind with the Backstabber, and pull out the victory:.

The Rated R CMStar

Undisputed Championship
Batista defeated Triple H

.:Batista was able to pin Triple H after hitting a second Batista Bomb. He had earlier kicked out of the Pedigree, proving that his drive to be Undisputed Champion could not be denied:.

Poor Triple H losing his belt. With Batista winning, we all knew who was winning the other main event

WrestleMania Title Shot on The Line
John Cena defeated Randy Orton

.:Orton tried to get in Cena’s match throughout the match, but he couldn’t get the job done, as Cena caught Orton with a drop toe hold when Orton went for the RKO, then locked in the STFU, resulting in Orton tapping out:.

Thank God. I feared you were going with Orton vs Tista at Mania, and I would have preferred to see what thankfully happened and will happen, Cena vs Batista.

Big Show defeated Edge via Knockout

.:Big Show knocked Edge out with his deadly right hand, but not without controversy. After the referee went down, Show stripped the turnbuckle, then slammed Edge’s head into it repeatedly, causing him to be a bloody mess. This left Edge vulnerable, and later led to the knockout blow:.

Some credibility for Show until Edge gets the big Mania win.

World Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (c) defeated Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio

.:Bourne and Mysterio looked to have the match, with Manu banned from ringside, and them controlling it. A new superstar, who would later be revealed as Mr Perfect’s son, Joe Hennig, ran down the ramp though and distracted Bourne, so that DiBiase could roll him up and grab a handful of tights for the victory:.

So we get another stable member? I love it. Altough it just makes Manu even more out of place in the stable. This group is looking more solid by the second

Mr Kennedy defeated MVP

.:MVP’s luckless run continued, as he fell to Mr Kennedy after Kennedy hit the Mic Check. MVP dominated most of the match, but he was unable to put Kennedy away:.

MVP, you should try something new this week. How about winning? I'm just saying.

Women’s Championship
Fatal Four Way
Katie Lea Burchill (c) drew with Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, and Melina

.:The match ended in a draw, after both Katie and Beth got a pin at the same time. Katie pinned Kelly, while the ‘Glamazon’ pinned Melina:.

Katie vs Beth at Mania

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho via Count Out

.:This match barely lasted five minutes, as Jericho clearly didn’t want to be there. He walked out, after taking Michaels down for the first time in the match, leaving everyone wondering what was going through Chris Jericho’s head:.

Where are the hell are you going with this? It's a lot interesting seeing this side of Y2J again (I believe we saw something similar in 2005)

WWE Tag Team Championships
Triple Threat Match
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Hart Foundation Version 2 and Ken Doane and Jake Hager

.:With all hell running loose, Carlito was able to get Doane from behind with the Backstabber, and pull out the victory:.

Evil Austin

.:No Way Out:.

Undisputed Championship
Batista defeated Triple H
Read Below.

WrestleMania Title Shot on The Line
John Cena defeated Randy Orton
Typical Cena superman win - you're just setting up Cena v Batista II at Mania I can see it happening.

Big Show defeated Edge via Knockout
This is interesting, not much to say about it besides the fact that they are sure to meet again at Wrestlemania in a slober knocker of a match that will be a gimmick match of some sorts where knockout blows are aloud and there will be no referee happenings in the middle.

World Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (c) defeated Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio
Team Priceless are getting alot of heat now as they beat two main raw faces in one team in one match, but I see the next time they meet they will lose their gold as a 'miss comunication' happens somehow and thus making Rhodes and Dibiase single competitors....one can hope :)

Mr Kennedy defeated MVP
MVP is one number closer to beating Gilbergs Losing steak of 0-199 :laugh:

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho via Count Out
This was basically an easy way for them to set up a big gimmick match at the biggest stage of them all at wrestlemania I see them being in an either I quit match after all of what they have been through or a Cage match because Michaels can then say "In this match there will be no running away from me this time" etc.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Triple Threat Match
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Hart Foundation Version 2 and Ken Doane and Jake Hager
Not much I can say about this, other then Carlito and Primo are getting abit of credibility here and are not transitional champions.

Once again great job with this and the building up to Wrestlemania is aweosome, you are probably going to continue after wrestlemania with weekly shows I think makes sense since you also announced that Steph is making WWE into one brand which is a good shake up idea and will make it easier for you to write instead of three shows a week. oh and yea, if you got nothing else to do my BTB is a great way to pass the time ... :shifty:


Great stuff James, yet again. Looking forward to Cena vs. Tista, and DX, rofl, "I think it will be Cena vs. Tista II!" You think? Jokes.

Good James, expect me to review like a mad man like last time.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Undisputed Championship
Batista defeated Triple H
- Wow! Batista just won but sadly, I am looking forward to see him get his ass whipped by Cena at the Mania :(

WrestleMania Title Shot on The Line
John Cena defeated Randy Orton
- ^ Cena will beat Batista at WM! lol...

Big Show defeated Edge via Knockout
- I am a but curious about as what will happen to them next, I now this isn't over.

World Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (c) defeated Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio
- Now I am wondering what will happen next especially that there will only be a one brand now, looks like Priceless and the Colons will face off for a unification match at Mania and I have a feeling that you're going to pull out some twists on it. Oh yeah and Joe Hennig will add something to the twist! :p

Mr Kennedy defeated MVP
- Poor MVP, looks like it will be MVP vs. Kung Fu Naki at Mania! :shifty:

Women’s Championship
Fatal Four Way
Katie Lea Burchill (c) drew with Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, and Melina
- idk, maybe another Playboy Lumberjill Match between Phoenix/Katie and Melina/Kelly2 here???

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho via Count Out
- I just wish this is over but looks like it is not...

WWE Tag Team Championships
Triple Threat Match
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Hart Foundation Version 2 and Ken Doane and Jake Hager
- just like what I commented in the World Tag Team Match.

Looks good and now I wanna asked where's Umaga and Taker?? lol... Now, I can't wait for Wrestlemania 25, wheter you write in full or not it will be an awesome PPV. I wonder who will be Taker's opponent at Mania and will Umaga continue his path of destruction. And also, who wil be HHH's opponent?

Moonlight Drive

Joe Hennig! Joe Hennig! *marks out*

Let me say Wrestlemania is shaping up to absolute pwnage, despite Batista not being fired yet.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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you're really outdoing yourself with this, what you have going is great, and you haven't even had a proper show yet. wrestlemania should be pretty crazy. Undisputed title sounds like a good move to make things easier. but the thing with this is that everything makes sense, it's not really out of the ordinary.

H4H gets his guns out to fire back at the BTB section.