WWE: Back To The Future

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps



.:The Lead Up To Survivor Series:.


At Cyber Sunday, Batista had regained his World Heavyweight Championship. Chris Jericho immediately wanted his rematch, and he got it on the 800th edition of RAW in a Steel Cage Match. Jericho controlled the match over Batista, but he was still unable to pull out the victory. Instead, Batista used his power, sending Jericho into the Cage with a powerbomb, before hitting a Batista Bomb to pick up the victory. Suddenly, Randy Orton climbed in through the door, and hit Batista with an RKO. Orton was on top of the world, after having Mike Adamle fired earlier that night. He now wanted his belt back, so that the Age of Orton could resume. Orton and Jericho both assaulted Batista in coming weeks, hoping for a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship. Unfortunately for them, it wouldn’t come.

Meanwhile, Kofi Kingston and CM Punk had just won the World Tag Team Championships off the team of Ted DiBiase Jr, and Cody Rhodes. This wasn’t good enough for Rhodes and DiBiase, who along with their accomplice in Manu, assaulted Kofi and Punk at the 800th episode of RAW. Paul London ran in to try to make the save, but it was all too late. Shane McMahon then made the decision that in a Survivor Series Elimination Match, it would be Batista, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston and Paul London taking on Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Manu.

The night after Cyber Sunday, Randy Orton gave an ultimatum to the McMahons. Either he was going, or Adamle was. Orton was sick and tired of Adamle’s incompetence, and branded him a failure. The next week, Shane and Stephanie McMahons said they agreed. They agreed that in fact all of the GM’s were failures. So they were all fired. The McMahons would now be running things.

Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix continued their respective Intercontinental and Women’s Championship runs. ‘Glamarella’ were on a high. That is until the brother and sister combination of Paul and Katie Lea Burchill made the challenge for their respective belts. They challenged the two to face them in the same way that ‘Glamarella’ won the belts: a Mixed Tag Team Match, with both belts on the line. Shane McMahon was reluctant to make the match, until both Paul and Katie Lea got wins over their respective rivals on RAW, convincing Shane to add the match to Survivor Series.

JBL and Shawn Michaels had just began an intense rivalry, when suddenly, a match was made between the two at Survivor Series. The weird thing was that the stipulation dictated that the loser must retire. This came out of nowhere. That is, until word spread of JBL’s serious injury problems, and Shane wanting to get him back behind the commentary booth. This result was as clear as day.

Kane and Rey Mysterio’s rivalry was still raging on. On the 800th edition of RAW, the two were booked to face off in an Inferno Match, in the ultimate blow off. The battle raged throughout the building, with the brawl going everywhere. Kane decided to set more stuff on fire. He set a dumpster on fire, below the stage. He then climbed up and grabbed Rey, setting him up for a powerbomb. Rey countered, sending Kane down into the fire with a hurrancanrana. He had finally fended Kane off for good.

Videos played on every RAW throughout the run between Cyber Sunday and Survivor Series, promoting the return of John Cena, at Survivor Series.


Matt Hardy was riding high as ECW Champion, after defeating Evan Bourne at Cyber Sunday. Teddy Long decreed that the two would have a rematch at Survivor Series, showing what they could do once more. Only, it was not to be. When Long was fired along with the other GM’s, Stephanie McMahon decided that the match was to be a Fatal Four Way, with The Miz and John Morrison, joining the fray. The Miz and Morrison used their alliance to their advantage in the lead up to Survivor Series, after being booked to face Matt Hardy in a Handicap Match, then Evan Bourne in a Handicap Match on the ECW’s heading towards Survivor Series. Neither man looked like he could be beaten.


Triple H had retained the WWE Championship at Cyber Sunday, fending off Jeff Hardy, who was selected by the fans. The other option: Vladimir Kozlov would then lay claims to a shot at the belt over the next few weeks, claiming that he should have challenged Triple H at Cyber Sunday. Triple H said that may be so, but he was yet to prove it. He challenged Vladimir to find the best four superstars he could, and recruit them. Triple H would do the same. The two teams would then face off at Survivor Series. If Kozlov’s team was to win, then he would get a shot at the gold. If not: Kozlov would have to leave the WWE. Kozlov agreed to the stipulation, and both men went on the hunt for partners. Triple H came up with Jeff Hardy, Primo, Carlito and the returning Mr Kennedy. Meanwhile, Kozlov recruited The Brian Kendrick, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins and a mystery partner, who would be revealed on the night.

Shelton Benjamin and R-Truth had been feuding, with R-Truth getting the better of Shelton on numerous occasions. A match was made for the pre-show of Cyber Sunday, with the two facing off. Shelton was finally able to get the better of R-Truth in this one, with roll up while pulling the tights. The two weren’t done though, as on the next SmackDown!, Shelton Benjamin was pinned by R-Truth. A match was then set up between the two, with them to face the next week. Shelton won once again in the Title Match, which he said told him that R-Truth couldn’t handle pressure. The two were to face once more at Survivor Series, in R-Truth’s last chance at the belt.

Big Show and Undertaker had been feuding ever since Big Show became Vickie Guerrero’s personal bodyguard. Since then, Vickie and Big Show had manipulated Vickie’s power as GM to dominate Undertaker. With Vickie suddenly fired, Show had no more power. He couldn’t continue to avoid Undertaker. Shane McMahon then announced that the two would face off in a Casket Match at Survivor Series.

Maria became the Number One Contender to the Diva’s Championship, making her the challenger to her friend, Michelle McCool. McCool and Maria would tag together in the weeks heading up to Survivor Series, with Maria always tagging in and getting the win, much to the frustration of Maria. She felt she had done all of the hard work. The Friday, McCool snapped, attacking Maria backstage, setting up one hell of a match for Survivor Series.

.:Survivor Series:.

Survivor Series Ten Man Elimination Match
Team Batista (Batista, Shawn Michaels, Paul London, CM Punk and Kofi Kingston) defeated Team Orton (Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Manu)

.:Shawn Michaels last eliminated Chris Jericho to win this match, after Randy Orton and Batista had both been counted out, as they brawled through the crowd. John Cena then came through the crowd, and joined the other two men in a three man arena wide brawl:.

Survivor Series Ten Man Elimination Match
If Team Kozlov Wins, Kozlov Gets A WWE Title Shot, If Team Triple H Wins, Kozlov is Fired
Team Kozlov (Vladimir Kozlov, The Brian Kendrick, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins and Umaga) defeat Team Triple H (Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Primo, Carlito and Mr Kennedy).

.:Umaga and Vladimir Kozlov were the survivors, as Umaga eliminated every man from Team Triple H in this match:.

ECW Championship
Fatal Four Way
Matt Hardy (c) defeated Evan Bourne, John Morrison and The Miz

.:Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy teamed up to take The Miz and John Morrison out, beating them at their own game, before Matt Hardy pinned Evan Bourne after landing the Twist of Fate:.

Intercontinental and Women’s Championships
Mixed Tag Team Match
Glamarella (c) defeat Paul and Katie Lea Burchill

.:Beth Phoenix pinned Paul Burchill after the Glam Slam, allowing the Champions to retain. After the match, Katie Lea Burchill called Paul a disgrace to the Burchill family for being pinned by a woman. Paul left the arena alone:.

Casket Match
Undertaker defeated Big Show

.:Undertaker was able to defeat Big Show after Edge made his return, hitting a Spear that sent Big Show down into the open casket, which Show was about to place the knocked out Undertaker in there, who he had hit with a right hand. Edge then closed the lid himself, and left the arena:.

United States Championship
R-Truth’s Last Chance
R-Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin (c) via DQ

.:Shelton Benjamin retained the belt, after hitting R-Truth with it, trying to make sure he would never come near Shelton again. Stephanie McMahon then came out and announced that as a result of Shelton’s ways, R-Truth would get a rematch at Armageddon:.

Diva’s Championship
Michelle McCool (c) defeated Maria

.:McCool dominated this match, forcing Maria to eventually submit to the Brazilian Heel Hook. She then picked Maria up, and the two embraced in the ring, McCool apologising for assaulting Maria:.

.:The Lead Up To Armageddon:.


With John Cena returning, and the brawl with Randy Orton and Batista at Survivor Series, Shane McMahon announced that on RAW, Cena and Orton would go one on one, with the winner to go on to challenge Batista at Armageddon. The end result was a double count out, as both men went through an arena wide brawl, with Batista joining in for the second night in a row. Shane announced that he had had enough the next week, and that at Armageddon, the three would compete in a Triple Threat Match. Throughout the next few weeks, Cena went one on one with Orton, as did Batista. Orton was able to pull out victory in both matches, after some cheap tactics. Would the same thing happen at Armageddon?

Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes continued their pursuit of what they said were ‘their’ World Tag Team Championships that CM Punk and Kofi Kingston ‘stole’ from them. They still hadn’t invoked their rematch clause, and they decided to do so, with the teams to face at Armageddon. In the lead up to Armageddon, DiBiase and Rhodes were constantly able to trump Punk and Kingston by using Manu. Stephanie McMahon saw this, and to ensure a fair contest at Armageddon, she banned Manu from ringside.

With Paul gone, Katie Lea Burchill challenged Beth Phoenix for the Women’s Title again. Stephanie McMahon told her she would have to simply wait in line though, because there were other divas who wanted to face Beth. Melina then came out, making her return from injury to challenge the ‘Glamazon’ for her belt at Armageddon. Stephanie McMahon said that with the history the two had, it was a must see match. It was then booked for Armageddon. The next week, Phoenix scoffed at the claims that Melina was healthy. Melina said she would prove herself, and that she did at the next RAW, easily beating Jillian Hall, while a worried Phoenix looked on.

Shawn Michaels came out on the RAW after Survivor Series, and said he was glad he was able to prove himself the previous night. Michaels was worried that he had lost ‘it’, but when he pinned Chris Jericho, he knew that he could still go. Someone didn’t take to these words too kindly, as Shawn Michaels was assaulted backstage later that night. Chris Jericho claimed innocence, but was he a man that could be trusted?


After a successful defence at Survivor Series, Matt Hardy was still on top of the world. He came out on ECW, and thanked the fans for believing in him. It was a feel good moment, that unfortunately, someone had to interrupt. Or more precisely, some people. John Morrison and The Miz came out, and claimed they deserved a rematch. When Hardy refused to budge, they assaulted him. In came Evan Bourne, who saved Matt. It was then revealed that as opposed to the Fatal Four Way that happened at Survivor Series, the four would face off in a Tag Team Match.


With Kozlov earning a shot at the WWE Championship at Armageddon by defeating Triple H’s team at Survivor Series, the match was already set up. But Triple H decided that he wanted to keep the concept from Survivor Series in play. Since Kozlov was undefeated, if he was to lose at Armageddon, he would be fired. Kozlov agreed saying that not even Triple H was competition for him. He seemed right in the lead up to Armageddon, as he pinned Triple H in multiple Tag Team Matches. Vladimir was looking unstoppable.

Umaga made his return at Survivor Series, destroying everyone in Team Kozlov vs Team Triple H. His path of destruction wasn’t done there though, as he attacked Undertaker, who had only just survived Survivor Series, thanks to Edge. Umaga made Undertaker bleed, before finishing him off with the Samoan Spike, leaving him down and out. The next few weeks, Umaga just destroyed his opponents, including Mr Kennedy. He then went on to face Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a Tag Team Match, teaming with Vladimir Kozlov. After Umaga had laid out Jeff on the outside, the lights went out, and Undertaker made his return, hammering away at Umaga with rights, sending him all of the way backstage. Their match for Armageddon was then made official on wwe.com.

Carlito and Primo finally ended their ongoing feud with Ryder and Hawkins, as they beat them on the SmackDown! right after Survivor Series. MVP then assaulted them, by himself. The next week, he said he was done with losing, and that he would prove at Armageddon, by defeating the brothers for the WWE Tag Team Championship with a partner. Carlito and Primo came out and said there’s no one that likes MVP, and no one would team with him anyway. The Brian Kendrick then hit the ring, and assaulted the Puerto Ricans from behind, laying them out. The following week, Kendrick defeated Primo, with Carlito beating MVP the next, continuing his losing streak.

With Shelton Benjamin to defend his US Title at Armageddon against R-Truth already announced, Shelton went out every week on SmackDown!, hoping to hurt R-Truth with his words. Every week he was the one left annoyed though, as R-Truth would come out and rap, annoying Shelton. Shelton finally vowed that he would leave R-Truth bloodied and beaten at Armageddon, if it was the last thing he did.


World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Batista (c) defeated Randy Orton and John Cena

.:Batista was able to pin Cena after a Batista Bomb, following Cena hitting Orton with the FU:.

WWE Championship
If Kozlov Loses, He’s Fired
Triple H (c) defeated Vladimir Kozlov

.:Kozlov was on top for most of the match, until he tried to finish Triple H with the Battering Ram. Triple H moved at the last second, leaving Kozlov to hit the referee. He then hit Kozlov with a Double A Spinebuster, before going outside and grabbing the sledgehammer. Kozlov went for the Battering Ram as soon as Triple H got into the ring, but Triple H struck with the sledgehammer, setting up the win:.

Umaga defeated Undertaker

.:In a back and forth match, Umaga was able to pin Undertaker after hitting the Samoan Spike:.

World Tag Team Championships
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase defeated CM Punk and Kofi Kingston (c)

.:The Champions looked set to retain when Kingston hit the Trouble In Paradise on Rhodes. Punk then entered the ring and hit the Go To Sleep on Kingston, before walking out and leaving his partner to be pinned:.

Women’s Championship
Beth Phoenix (c) defeated Melina

.:perhaps for the first time ever, Beth Phoenix resorted to cheating to win, as she pulled the tights of Melina to hold her in a roll up for the pin:.

Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne defeated The Miz and John Morrison

.:Matt Hardy was able to hit the Twist of Fate on The Miz, then pin him, while John Morrison was hitting the Moonlight Drive on Evan Bourne:.

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) defeated R-Truth

.:Shelton Benjamin hit the Pay Dirt, and beat R-Truth in what seemed like a fair contest. Afterwards was a different matter though, as Umaga raged out and beat R-Truth down to a bloody pulp, while Shelton smiled:.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Brian Kendrick and MVP

.:MVP’s losing ways continued, as he was pinned by Carlito after the Backstabber.

.:The Lead Up To Royal Rumble:.


After John Cena was pinned by Batista at Armageddon, Randy Orton came out and demanded that he got a shot at the belt, because he was never pinned. Shane McMahon told Orton he would get a shot if he could beat Batista in the Main Event live on RAW. When the time came, Orton did just that, pinning Batista after a low blow that the referee didn’t see, then an RKO. Orton then tried to Punt Batista, after the match was over, but Batista was saved by John Cena. Orton ran for it, but he wasn’t done. The next week, John Cena wrestled Chris Jericho, and picked up the win in a big match. Orton then came in the ring with a chair, and hit Cena square in the back with it. Orton followed up with an RKO, before setting up for the Punt once again, this time looking for it on Cena. This time Batista made the save, as he ran down the ramp, slid into the ring, and hit a spear on Orton, stopping him right in his tracks. Over the next few weeks, Orton continued to try to get the edge over Cena and Batista, but he couldn’t do it. Was he ready for Batista at the Rumble?

After Beth Phoenix had to cheat to retain her belt at Armageddon, Melina came out and requested a rematch. Katie Lea then came out and said she was sick of waiting for her chance, and that she should be the one to face the ‘Glamazon’ at Royal Rumble. Shane McMahon came out, and said that Melina would face Phoenix at the Royal Rumble, but Katie could get in on it too if she could beat Melina next week on RAW. With Beth at ringside, Katie did just that, after Melina got distracted, Katie hit her with the Twisted Sister, then got the win. On the next RAW, Beth Phoenix faced Mickie James. The match ended in a DQ finish, when both Melina and Katie ran down and double teamed Phoenix. Could this alliance last?

With the Royal Rumble fast approaching, everyone was trying to prove themself as someone who could win the Rumble. Heading into the Rumble we saw an Over The Top Rope Battle Royal on the last RAW before the Royal Rumble. It came down to Chris Jericho and John Cena, with Jericho getting the win after throwing Cena over the top rope and to the floor, off an Orton distraction. Jericho stood in the ring celebrating, when Shawn Michaels’ music began to play. Michaels was to return from the brutal assault from nearly two months ago at the Rumble, and he was headed for Jericho, despite Jericho protesting his innocence.

With CM Punk turning on Kofi Kingston at Armageddon, the two were now looking for each other’s blood. On the first RAW after Armageddon, Kofi Kingston attacked CM Punk backstage, with the two brawling all over the place. Shane McMahon had security pull them apart, trying to stop the two from wrecking the night. He then declared that the two could not touch each other until the Royal Rumble, where they were to go one on one, with a spot in the Royal Rumble on the line. Until then, Shane was not having them destroy RAW.

Stephanie McMahon came out and said she had a major announcement relating to the entire WWE, six days after ECW had closed. It would change the entire WWE, but you would have to wait until the Royal Rumble to find out what it was.


The night after Armageddon, ECW was in a shambles. While RAW was on, photos were released that would harm ECW for good. They showed the ECW Champion, Matt Hardy sniffing lines of cocaine. The backlash was immediate, and the McMahons fired Hardy as soon as he got wind of this. Hardy had brought ECW into disrepute, and there was no way that McMahon was standing for it. The next night, Stephanie McMahon came out and said that despite his ECW Champion being released, ECW would live. It would not die, to use a certain former Champions saying. Stephanie announced that at the Royal Rumble, the belt would be on the line in an open challenge. However, when the rating for ECW came through the next day, the McMahons changed their minds. ECW had got a 0.44, showing that the fans didn’t want to watch something with drugs heavily involved behind the scenes. ECW was instantly cancelled, with their superstars not to make another appearance until the Royal Rumble. From there, some would find new homes, some wouldn’t.


After Triple H defeated Vladimir Kozlov, and had him fired, he seemingly had no one left to challenge him. Until the United States Champion, Shelton Benjamin stood up. He wanted a shot at the belt, and he was going to get it, with Triple H instantly accepting the challenge. For the next few weeks, Triple H would have matches, while Shelton would get the night off. After every Triple H match, Shelton would slide into the ring behind him, then nail him with the Pay Dirt, keeping himself looking dominant on the run through to the Royal Rumble. Shelton was looking right on top, with his opportunity to hold two belts just around the corner.

Umaga had just defeated Undertaker at Armageddon, but that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted more. On SmackDown!, he ran riot, destroying absolutely everyone after their matches. He was about to attack the diva’s, after their match, when the lights went out. The lights came back on, and Undertaker sent Umaga down with a Chokeslam. Umaga rolled out of the ring in pain, then got back to his feet and yelled at Undertaker in Samoan. They were about to go again. The next week, Umaga came out after Undertaker had defeated Curt Hawkins, and brutalised him. The two did this to each other for the next few weeks, with Shane McMahon announcing their match at the Royal Rumble.

In the run up to the Rumble, Edge looked dominant on SmackDown! He won his qualifying match, then won his next two matches in the next two weeks. The last week before the Royal Rumble, SmackDown! had a Ten Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal, just as RAW had had. In that match, Edge proved his dominance again, as he last eliminated The Brian Kendrick, proving he should be the man to beat in the Royal Rumble.

.:Royal Rumble:.

Royal Rumble Match
John Cena defeated Edge, Umaga, Undertaker, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Paul London, Ted DiBiase, Evan Bourne, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Finlay, Mark Henry, Santino Marella, Carlito, Mike Knox, Cody Rhodes, Curt Hawkins, Shad, Manu, JTG, Zack Ryder, MVP, The Brian Kendrick, Ken Doane, Jake Hager and Mr Kennedy

.:Cena last eliminated Edge, winning the Royal Rumble. Edge had earlier eliminated Big Show, who made his comeback from Edge shutting him in the casket. Shawn Michaels eliminated Chris Jericho and himself when he clothesline Jericho out to the floor, and fell over the top rope himself. Umaga eliminated Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Santino Marella, Mike Knox, Curt Hawkins, Shad, Manu and Ken Doane, giving him the record for most ever eliminations in the Royal Rumble, with twelve:.

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista (c) defeated Randy Orton

.:Batista beat Orton after a Batista Bomb. Orton thought he had the match won when he hit an RKO earlier in the match, but Batista managed to somehow kick out:.

WWE Championship
Triple H (c) defeated Shelton Benjamin

.:Benjamin went for the Pay Dirt, but Triple H pushed him off, then hit the Pedigree to retain his belt:.

Women’s Championship
Triple Threat Match
Katie Lea Burchill defeated Beth Phoenix (c) and Melina

.:After Melina was hit with the Glam Slam, Katie Lea slid into the ring and threw the ‘Glamazon’ out, before picking up the crumbs by pinning Melina and becoming the new Women’s Champion:.

Umaga defeated Undertaker

.:Umaga defeated Undertaker yet again, after two Samoan wrecking balls, and a Samoan Spike:.

Royal Rumble Qualifier
Kofi Kingston defeated CM Punk via DQ

.:Kofi won after CM Punk smashed him over the head with a chair. Punk continued after the match, bashing Kofi’s head in. The doctors later declared that Kofi was unfit to compete in the Rumble, so Punk took his place:.

Special Announcement

.:Stephanie McMahon’s announcement was indeed one that would change the face of WWE. She said that the constant string of departures from WWE were no coincidence, and that the roster was being cut down, because after WrestleMania, WWE would revert back to one brand. This mean that a lot of Titles would have to be unified. The first two to be unified would be the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships, at No Way Out:.

.:The Lead Up To No Way Out:.


With Batista having to face Triple H in a Unification Match at No Way Out, he spent the weeks running up to No Way Out preparing. He said that he could defeat Triple H, and that he had beaten him every time they had met, which was true. While Batista was friends with triple H and respected him, he would do anything to win the belts. Triple H showed he would do the same, as he showed up on the very last RAW before No Way Out, and Pedigreed Batista.

At the Royal Rumble, John Cena won the Rumble, guaranteeing himself a shot at the Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania. Well, almost guaranteeing him. On RAW, the night after the Royal Rumble, Randy Orton came out and said that Batista beating him was a fluke. He wanted another shot at the belt, and he was going to get that by beating John Cena, and taking his shot at the belt for WrestleMania. He said if Cena had any guts, he would accept the challenge. Cena came out, and he did indeed accept the challenge from Orton for No Way Out. The two traded insults week after week, with Orton sneaking into the ring and going for the RKO on Cena whenever possible.

Chris Jericho was none too happy about Shawn Michaels eliminating both himself and him. Jericho came out on RAW, and asked Michaels what the hell his problem was. He said he was an honest man, and that he just wanted to be done with Michaels. Michaels came out and said he knew that Jericho was the one who had assaulted him back in December, and that if Jericho wasn’t going to forget the past, then neither would Michaels. Jericho said what was done was done, and started to talk about he had forgiven and forgotten, when he suddenly hit the Codebreaker on Michaels. With Michaels down, Jericho then spat on him and left. Jericho wouldn’t show up at RAW all of the way up to No Way Out, supposedly negotiating with movie producers to become a Hollywood star. Shane McMahon said he didn’t care, and that at No Way Out, it would be Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels.

Evan Bourne had just come to RAW, after ECW had disbanded, and he instantly had problems with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. The two made fun of Bourne for his small stature, and said he would never be anything like they were. Bourne argued back, saying he didn’t want to be rich pricks like DiBiase and Rhodes. Bourne was then jumped from behind, as Manu assaulted him. The three would then assault Bourne the next week on RAW, as he was walking down to the ring for a match with Rey Mysterio. Mysterio jumped into the fray, as he helped his friend Bourne out, fighting off DiBiase, Rhodes and Manu. Stephanie McMahon made the match for No Way Out for the World Tag Team Titles.

At the start of February, it was announced that Kelly Kelly would be the diva who would be modelling for Playboy this year. This instantly caught the attention of new Women’s Champion, Katie Lea Burchill, as she claimed that Kelly was merely looking for attention, and that she was only doing this because she couldn’t wrestle. She then challenged Kelly Kelly to a match at No Way Out, to prove her point. She even put the Women’s Championship on the line. Beth Phoenix and Melina both claimed they wanted a rematch, so for No Way Out, a Fatal Four Way was set, with the Women’s Championship on the line.


Triple H did much the same as Batista, trying to prepare for his match at No Way Out by facing the toughest possible opponents on the SmackDown! roster, such as The Brian Kendrick, Mr Kennedy and Edge. He wanted that Undisputed Championship. After attacking Batista on the last RAW before No Way Out, Triple H thought that he had gotten into the head of the ‘Animal’. But it seemed the other way around when Batista made an appearance on the last SmackDown! before No Way Out, when he ran through Triple H with a vicious spear. Batista now looked to have the upper hand, heading into No Way Out.

Carlito and Primo were fast becoming one of the most successful teams in the WWE. They had held the WWE Tag Team Championships for awhile, and had taken on all comers. They had seemingly beaten everyone there was to beat. Until two new teams emerged. After beating Jesse and Festus, Carlito and Primo were celebrating in the ring. Suddenly, they were jumped from behind by Kenny Dykstra and Jack Swagger. The two got on the microphone, and said they would now be referred to by their real names: Ken Doane and Jake Hager. They were sick of their lack of opportunities, so they were creating their own. They wanted the Champs at No Way Out. The next week, Doane and Hager assaulted them again. Only this time, someone came to make the save. Harry Smith, and the debuting nephew of Bret Hart, Teddy Hart. They ran in and stopped the assault from Hager and Doane, then fought them off. With that, Shane McMahon announced that at No Way Out, all three team would compete in a Triple Threat Match, with the WWE Tag Team Championships on the line.

After what had happened at Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble between Edge and Big Show, no one was surprised when Big Show came out and called out the ‘Rated R Superstar’. Edge proved that he had perhaps more guts than brains, as he came out and challenged Big Show to a match at No Way Out, telling him he would teach Big Show for being Vickie’s bodyguard when she never deserved protection. The two brawled over the next few weeks in the lead up to No Way Out, with their match promising to be an explosive one.

MVP was sick of losing, and when he saw Mr Kennedy lose to Triple H, he thought he had a chance for a win, as he challenged the loudmouth from Green Bay to a match on SmackDown! the next week. In that match, MVP hit Kennedy with everything he could, but he just couldn’t put him away. So MVP beat on Kennedy in the corner, with no remorse, resulting in a DQ win for Kennedy. MVP kept beating him down, until he eventually hit the Drive By, before challenging Kennedy to a match at No Way Out, and leaving the ring. After MVP knocked Kennedy out, Kennedy will be looking for revenge at No Way Out.

.:No Way Out:.

Undisputed Championship
Batista defeated Triple H

.:Batista was able to pin Triple H after hitting a second Batista Bomb. He had earlier kicked out of the Pedigree, proving that his drive to be Undisputed Champion could not be denied:.

WrestleMania Title Shot on The Line
John Cena defeated Randy Orton

.:Orton tried to get in Cena’s match throughout the match, but he couldn’t get the job done, as Cena caught Orton with a drop toe hold when Orton went for the RKO, then locked in the STFU, resulting in Orton tapping out:.

Big Show defeated Edge via Knockout

.:Big Show knocked Edge out with his deadly right hand, but not without controversy. After the referee went down, Show stripped the turnbuckle, then slammed Edge’s head into it repeatedly, causing him to be a bloody mess. This left Edge vulnerable, and later led to the knockout blow:.

World Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (c) defeated Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio

.:Bourne and Mysterio looked to have the match, with Manu banned from ringside, and them controlling it. A new superstar, who would later be revealed as Mr Perfect’s son, Joe Hennig, ran down the ramp though and distracted Bourne, so that DiBiase could roll him up and grab a handful of tights for the victory:.

Mr Kennedy defeated MVP

.:MVP’s luckless run continued, as he fell to Mr Kennedy after Kennedy hit the Mic Check. MVP dominated most of the match, but he was unable to put Kennedy away:.

Women’s Championship
Fatal Four Way
Katie Lea Burchill (c) drew with Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, and Melina

.:The match ended in a draw, after both Katie and Beth got a pin at the same time. Katie pinned Kelly, while the ‘Glamazon’ pinned Melina:.

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho via Count Out

.:This match barely lasted five minutes, as Jericho clearly didn’t want to be there. He walked out, after taking Michaels down for the first time in the match, leaving everyone wondering what was going through Chris Jericho’s head:.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Triple Threat Match
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Hart Foundation Version 2 and Ken Doane and Jake Hager

.:With all hell running loose, Carlito was able to get Doane from behind with the Backstabber, and pull out the victory:.​

Evil Austin

Looks good, really set up nicely and nothing too complicated because it is set around now with Cyber Sunday just with your 'twists and turns' I must say it looks great and knowing you it will be great. Good luck. Ill be reading. Looks like you are pushing Kozlov and or Umaga...and are you doing all three brands yourself?


:smh No new BTB until the end of the year eh? My ballsack :p

Anyhoo, glad to have you back Jamesy <3


Sep 7, 2007
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Nice to see you back James. I know you will do fantastic if you keep at it. Best of luck.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
This looks pretty nice. The back story seems thought-out with your own twists and turns added. I’ll be checking out your first show.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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it's set up great. I don't know how the hell you're going to pull off three shows, but I'll give you a chance. Survivor Series made sense, but ouch. Kozlov is getting a title shot. I guess that'll do while you set everything up for the future.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Good luck James and looks very plannned our and knowing you, you will have done a fair bit on this so good luck and I know you can do your best with this.

Moonlight Drive

Looking good Jamesy, I lol'd initially when I saw the name, those movies pwn.

Good luck, even if it is a rip-off of my old BTB :D

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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I thought you're going for a Rewind BTB as well after reading the title but I was wrong. The things that happened in Survivor Series are interesting especially seeing Umaga being the monster again and Paul London's boost! I really want to see the aftermath of Survivor Series BKB! I am checking it out!

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

.:The Lead Up To Armageddon:.


With John Cena returning, and the brawl with Randy Orton and Batista at Survivor Series, Shane McMahon announced that on RAW, Cena and Orton would go one on one, with the winner to go on to challenge Batista at Armageddon. The end result was a double count out, as both men went through an arena wide brawl, with Batista joining in for the second night in a row. Shane announced that he had had enough the next week, and that at Armageddon, the three would compete in a Triple Threat Match. Throughout the next few weeks, Cena went one on one with Orton, as did Batista. Orton was able to pull out victory in both matches, after some cheap tactics. Would the same thing happen at Armageddon?

Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes continued their pursuit of what they said were ‘their’ World Tag Team Championships that CM Punk and Kofi Kingston ‘stole’ from them. They still hadn’t invoked their rematch clause, and they decided to do so, with the teams to face at Armageddon. In the lead up to Armageddon, DiBiase and Rhodes were constantly able to trump Punk and Kingston by using Manu. Stephanie McMahon saw this, and to ensure a fair contest at Armageddon, she banned Manu from ringside.

With Paul gone, Katie Lea Burchill challenged Beth Phoenix for the Women’s Title again. Stephanie McMahon told her she would have to simply wait in line though, because there were other divas who wanted to face Beth. Melina then came out, making her return from injury to challenge the ‘Glamazon’ for her belt at Armageddon. Stephanie McMahon said that with the history the two had, it was a must see match. It was then booked for Armageddon. The next week, Phoenix scoffed at the claims that Melina was healthy. Melina said she would prove herself, and that she did at the next RAW, easily beating Jillian Hall, while a worried Phoenix looked on.

Shawn Michaels came out on the RAW after Survivor Series, and said he was glad he was able to prove himself the previous night. Michaels was worried that he had lost ‘it’, but when he pinned Chris Jericho, he knew that he could still go. Someone didn’t take to these words too kindly, as Shawn Michaels was assaulted backstage later that night. Chris Jericho claimed innocence, but was he a man that could be trusted?


After a successful defence at Survivor Series, Matt Hardy was still on top of the world. He came out on ECW, and thanked the fans for believing in him. It was a feel good moment, that unfortunately, someone had to interrupt. Or more precisely, some people. John Morrison and The Miz came out, and claimed they deserved a rematch. When Hardy refused to budge, they assaulted him. In came Evan Bourne, who saved Matt. It was then revealed that as opposed to the Fatal Four Way that happened at Survivor Series, the four would face off in a Tag Team Match.


With Kozlov earning a shot at the WWE Championship at Armageddon by defeating Triple H’s team at Survivor Series, the match was already set up. But Triple H decided that he wanted to keep the concept from Survivor Series in play. Since Kozlov was undefeated, if he was to lose at Armageddon, he would be fired. Kozlov agreed saying that not even Triple H was competition for him. He seemed right in the lead up to Armageddon, as he pinned Triple H in multiple Tag Team Matches. Vladimir was looking unstoppable.

Umaga made his return at Survivor Series, destroying everyone in Team Kozlov vs Team Triple H. His path of destruction wasn’t done there though, as he attacked Undertaker, who had only just survived Survivor Series, thanks to Edge. Umaga made Undertaker bleed, before finishing him off with the Samoan Spike, leaving him down and out. The next few weeks, Umaga just destroyed his opponents, including Mr Kennedy. He then went on to face Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a Tag Team Match, teaming with Vladimir Kozlov. After Umaga had laid out Jeff on the outside, the lights went out, and Undertaker made his return, hammering away at Umaga with rights, sending him all of the way backstage. Their match for Armageddon was then made official on wwe.com.

Carlito and Primo finally ended their ongoing feud with Ryder and Hawkins, as they beat them on the SmackDown! right after Survivor Series. MVP then assaulted them, by himself. The next week, he said he was done with losing, and that he would prove at Armageddon, by defeating the brothers for the WWE Tag Team Championship with a partner. Carlito and Primo came out and said there’s no one that likes MVP, and no one would team with him anyway. The Brian Kendrick then hit the ring, and assaulted the Puerto Ricans from behind, laying them out. The following week, Kendrick defeated Primo, with Carlito beating MVP the next, continuing his losing streak.

With Shelton Benjamin to defend his US Title at Armageddon against R-Truth already announced, Shelton went out every week on SmackDown!, hoping to hurt R-Truth with his words. Every week he was the one left annoyed though, as R-Truth would come out and rap, annoying Shelton. Shelton finally vowed that he would leave R-Truth bloodied and beaten at Armageddon, if it was the last thing he did.


World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Batista (c) defeated Randy Orton and John Cena

.:Batista was able to pin Cena after a Batista Bomb, following Cena hitting Orton with the FU:.

WWE Championship
If Kozlov Loses, He’s Fired
Triple H (c) defeated Vladimir Kozlov

.:Kozlov was on top for most of the match, until he tried to finish Triple H with the Battering Ram. Triple H moved at the last second, leaving Kozlov to hit the referee. He then hit Kozlov with a Double A Spinebuster, before going outside and grabbing the sledgehammer. Kozlov went for the Battering Ram as soon as Triple H got into the ring, but Triple H struck with the sledgehammer, setting up the win:.

Umaga defeated Undertaker

.:In a back and forth match, Umaga was able to pin Undertaker after hitting the Samoan Spike:.

World Tag Team Championships
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase defeated CM Punk and Kofi Kingston (c)

.:The Champions looked set to retain when Kingston hit the Trouble In Paradise on Rhodes. Punk then entered the ring and hit the Go To Sleep on Kingston, before walking out and leaving his partner to be pinned:.

Women’s Championship
Beth Phoenix (c) defeated Melina

.:perhaps for the first time ever, Beth Phoenix resorted to cheating to win, as she pulled the tights of Melina to hold her in a roll up for the pin:.

Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne defeated The Miz and John Morrison

.:Matt Hardy was able to hit the Twist of Fate on The Miz, then pin him, while John Morrison was hitting the Moonlight Drive on Evan Bourne:.

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) defeated R-Truth

.:Shelton Benjamin hit the Pay Dirt, and beat R-Truth in what seemed like a fair contest. Afterwards was a different matter though, as Umaga raged out and beat R-Truth down to a bloody pulp, while Shelton smiled:.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Brian Kendrick and MVP

.:MVP’s losing ways continued, as he was pinned by Carlito after the Backstabber.​


Looks good again James, I will give it a proper red later, but yer, well thought out, just one question, when will you pick this BTB up?

Moonlight Drive

This BTB has lost all credibility! You had John Morrison lose! Nobody beats the Shaman!

But looking pretty good in all honesty, I won't be satisfied though until Morrison and Umaga are holding gold :D

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
You got a great Armageddon card BKB! It really helped out towards Rumble and I have a feeling who will be your Royal Rumble winner! :shifty:

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Batista (c) defeated Randy Orton and John Cena
- Yay! He won! :D

WWE Championship
If Kozlov Loses, He’s Fired
Triple H (c) defeated Vladimir Kozlov
- You do hate Kozlov! hehe... I wonder what will you do to Kozlov after this, is he going to Raw/ECW, will he really get fired from WWE or will he go back to FCW?

Umaga defeated Undertaker
- Wow! Umaga is a real monster here, now I have a feeling that he will be the next contender for HHH at the Rumble, then Taker will help HHH to retain the title and Umaga and Taker will face off at Wrestlemania.

World Tag Team Championships
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase defeated CM Punk and Kofi Kingston (c)
- I didn't see Punk turns his partner here, but good to see it as I am thinking you're giving Kofi a push.

Women’s Championship
Beth Phoenix (c) defeated Melina
- Not interested tbh, but I am seeing Katie Lea will face Beth at the Rumble.

Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne defeated The Miz and John Morrison
- Evan Bourne vs. Matt Hardy at the Rumble?

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) defeated R-Truth
- Good to see Shelton retained the title, I just wish this feud is going to end and have Shelton a new contender, hmm.... how 'bout Kung Fu Naki? :shifty:

WWE Tag Team Championships
Carlito and Primo (c) defeated The Brian Kendrick and MVP
- I am seeing MVP will get a big win at Mania here and it will even his long losing streak.

Evil Austin

Wow that was good, I am suprised about Kozlov being fired maybe you are putting him on another brand? or just getting rid of him to push someone else. nonetheless Ill be reading.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

.:The Lead Up To Royal Rumble:.


After John Cena was pinned by Batista at Armageddon, Randy Orton came out and demanded that he got a shot at the belt, because he was never pinned. Shane McMahon told Orton he would get a shot if he could beat Batista in the Main Event live on RAW. When the time came, Orton did just that, pinning Batista after a low blow that the referee didn’t see, then an RKO. Orton then tried to Punt Batista, after the match was over, but Batista was saved by John Cena. Orton ran for it, but he wasn’t done. The next week, John Cena wrestled Chris Jericho, and picked up the win in a big match. Orton then came in the ring with a chair, and hit Cena square in the back with it. Orton followed up with an RKO, before setting up for the Punt once again, this time looking for it on Cena. This time Batista made the save, as he ran down the ramp, slid into the ring, and hit a spear on Orton, stopping him right in his tracks. Over the next few weeks, Orton continued to try to get the edge over Cena and Batista, but he couldn’t do it. Was he ready for Batista at the Rumble?

After Beth Phoenix had to cheat to retain her belt at Armageddon, Melina came out and requested a rematch. Katie Lea then came out and said she was sick of waiting for her chance, and that she should be the one to face the ‘Glamazon’ at Royal Rumble. Shane McMahon came out, and said that Melina would face Phoenix at the Royal Rumble, but Katie could get in on it too if she could beat Melina next week on RAW. With Beth at ringside, Katie did just that, after Melina got distracted, Katie hit her with the Twisted Sister, then got the win. On the next RAW, Beth Phoenix faced Mickie James. The match ended in a DQ finish, when both Melina and Katie ran down and double teamed Phoenix. Could this alliance last?

With the Royal Rumble fast approaching, everyone was trying to prove themself as someone who could win the Rumble. Heading into the Rumble we saw an Over The Top Rope Battle Royal on the last RAW before the Royal Rumble. It came down to Chris Jericho and John Cena, with Jericho getting the win after throwing Cena over the top rope and to the floor, off an Orton distraction. Jericho stood in the ring celebrating, when Shawn Michaels’ music began to play. Michaels was to return from the brutal assault from nearly two months ago at the Rumble, and he was headed for Jericho, despite Jericho protesting his innocence.

With CM Punk turning on Kofi Kingston at Armageddon, the two were now looking for each other’s blood. On the first RAW after Armageddon, Kofi Kingston attacked CM Punk backstage, with the two brawling all over the place. Shane McMahon had security pull them apart, trying to stop the two from wrecking the night. He then declared that the two could not touch each other until the Royal Rumble, where they were to go one on one, with a spot in the Royal Rumble on the line. Until then, Shane was not having them destroy RAW.

Stephanie McMahon came out and said she had a major announcement relating to the entire WWE, six days after ECW had closed. It would change the entire WWE, but you would have to wait until the Royal Rumble to find out what it was.


The night after Armageddon, ECW was in a shambles. While RAW was on, photos were released that would harm ECW for good. They showed the ECW Champion, Matt Hardy sniffing lines of cocaine. The backlash was immediate, and the McMahons fired Hardy as soon as he got wind of this. Hardy had brought ECW into disrepute, and there was no way that McMahon was standing for it. The next night, Stephanie McMahon came out and said that despite his ECW Champion being released, ECW would live. It would not die, to use a certain former Champions saying. Stephanie announced that at the Royal Rumble, the belt would be on the line in an open challenge. However, when the rating for ECW came through the next day, the McMahons changed their minds. ECW had got a 0.44, showing that the fans didn’t want to watch something with drugs heavily involved behind the scenes. ECW was instantly cancelled, with their superstars not to make another appearance until the Royal Rumble. From there, some would find new homes, some wouldn’t.


After Triple H defeated Vladimir Kozlov, and had him fired, he seemingly had no one left to challenge him. Until the United States Champion, Shelton Benjamin stood up. He wanted a shot at the belt, and he was going to get it, with Triple H instantly accepting the challenge. For the next few weeks, Triple H would have matches, while Shelton would get the night off. After every Triple H match, Shelton would slide into the ring behind him, then nail him with the Pay Dirt, keeping himself looking dominant on the run through to the Royal Rumble. Shelton was looking right on top, with his opportunity to hold two belts just around the corner.

Umaga had just defeated Undertaker at Armageddon, but that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted more. On SmackDown!, he ran riot, destroying absolutely everyone after their matches. He was about to attack the diva’s, after their match, when the lights went out. The lights came back on, and Undertaker sent Umaga down with a Chokeslam. Umaga rolled out of the ring in pain, then got back to his feet and yelled at Undertaker in Samoan. They were about to go again. The next week, Umaga came out after Undertaker had defeated Curt Hawkins, and brutalised him. The two did this to each other for the next few weeks, with Shane McMahon announcing their match at the Royal Rumble.

In the run up to the Rumble, Edge looked dominant on SmackDown! He won his qualifying match, then won his next two matches in the next two weeks. The last week before the Royal Rumble, SmackDown! had a Ten Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal, just as RAW had had. In that match, Edge proved his dominance again, as he last eliminated The Brian Kendrick, proving he should be the man to beat in the Royal Rumble.

.:Royal Rumble:.

Royal Rumble Match
John Cena defeated Edge, Umaga, Undertaker, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Paul London, Ted DiBiase, Evan Bourne, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Finlay, Mark Henry, Santino Marella, Carlito, Mike Knox, Cody Rhodes, Curt Hawkins, Shad, Manu, JTG, Zack Ryder, MVP, The Brian Kendrick, Ken Doane, Jake Hager and Mr Kennedy

.:Cena last eliminated Edge, winning the Royal Rumble. Edge had earlier eliminated Big Show, who made his comeback from Edge shutting him in the casket. Shawn Michaels eliminated Chris Jericho and himself when he clothesline Jericho out to the floor, and fell over the top rope himself. Umaga eliminated Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Santino Marella, Mike Knox, Curt Hawkins, Shad, Manu and Ken Doane, giving him the record for most ever eliminations in the Royal Rumble, with twelve:.

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista (c) defeated Randy Orton

.:Batista beat Orton after a Batista Bomb. Orton thought he had the match won when he hit an RKO earlier in the match, but Batista managed to somehow kick out:.

WWE Championship
Triple H (c) defeated Shelton Benjamin

.:Benjamin went for the Pay Dirt, but Triple H pushed him off, then hit the Pedigree to retain his belt:.

Women’s Championship
Triple Threat Match
Katie Lea Burchill defeated Beth Phoenix (c) and Melina

.:After Melina was hit with the Glam Slam, Katie Lea slid into the ring and threw the ‘Glamazon’ out, before picking up the crumbs by pinning Melina and becoming the new Women’s Champion:.

Umaga defeated Undertaker

.:Umaga defeated Undertaker yet again, after two Samoan wrecking balls, and a Samoan Spike:.

Royal Rumble Qualifier
Kofi Kingston defeated CM Punk via DQ

.:Kofi won after CM Punk smashed him over the head with a chair. Punk continued after the match, bashing Kofi’s head in. The doctors later declared that Kofi was unfit to compete in the Rumble, so Punk took his place:.

Special Announcement

.:Stephanie McMahon’s announcement was indeed one that would change the face of WWE. She said that the constant string of departures from WWE were no coincidence, and that the roster was being cut down, because after WrestleMania, WWE would revert back to one brand. This mean that a lot of Titles would have to be unified. The first two to be unified would be the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships, at No Way Out:.